Prince William ‘will not be foolish enough to exclude’ Harry from his coronation?

It’s really revolting to watch Roya Nikkhah’s big Sunday Times exclusive play out across the week. Nikkhah’s story was supposedly about Prince Harry’s upcoming 40th birthday. But the piece was so clearly engineered and sourced by Prince William and his unhinged cronies. I mean, who would have thought that the biggest headlines from a “Harry’s turning 40” article would be: “William won’t invite his brother to his coronation” and “William is still incandescent with rage at Harry” and “why isn’t Harry falling out of pubs anymore” and “Harry is angry because he lives in a huge mansion in California with a beautiful wife and two healthy children.” William is nowhere near as slick as he imagines himself to be. Anyway, the thing about William not inviting Harry to his coronation has been a discussion point for bored royal reporters throughout the week. Christopher Andersen chimed in with his thoughts:

Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” told Fox News Digital he remains hopeful that William won’t shut Harry out on his big day.

“Despite all the bad blood between the brothers, I’m convinced that, when the time does come, William will not be foolish enough to exclude his only sibling, now fifth in line to the throne, from his coronation,” said Andersen.

“Things probably have never been worse between the brothers than they are now,” Andersen explained. “William and Charles have pretty much made the joint decision to effectively cut Harry out of their lives, at least for the time being. There is no sign of a reconciliation on the horizon, and everyone involved seems to have pretty much come to terms with that.”

“I really don’t think Harry and Meghan would be making what looks like royal tours to Nigeria and Colombia if they thought a thaw in the relationship was possible,” Andersen shared. “Everyone knows how angry the king and Prince William get every time the Sussexes behave as if they are still working members of the royal family.”

“That being said, we have to remember that William is carrying a very heavy psychological burden at the moment,” Andersen continued. “He is deeply upset that his wife and his father are battling cancer at the same time. He must keep a brave face not only for his three young children but also for the sake of the monarchy.”

[From AOL]

“William will not be foolish enough to exclude his only sibling…” Wanna bet? William is exactly that foolish. These same people have spent the past six years trying to gently convince William to stop acting like an angry, violent brat and he keeps screaming “NOOOooOO I’ll do what I want, I will be king!” Besides, this whole thing is so typical of the Windsors – they believe that their plans and schemes are the only factors in any situation. William is clearly plotting some new “punishments” for Harry once their father dies. Little does Huevo know that Harry does not give a f–k. Harry barely cared enough to go to Charles’s coronation, you think he gives a sh-t about his deranged brother’s coronation?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Cover Images.

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123 Responses to “Prince William ‘will not be foolish enough to exclude’ Harry from his coronation?”

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  1. Tulipworthy says:

    Why do they think Harry even wants to go to the coronation?

    • Chloe says:

      My thoughts exactly

      • Libra says:

        Charles isn’t dead yet. Willy should not be counting on anything, including drawing up a guest list.Life can and does throw major curve balls.

    • Anita says:

      I have the impression that Harry – despite everything they have put him through – has a deep respect for the institution and the country, and if he were to attend it would be out of respect for that.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I suspect you are right.

      • Kingston says:

        I hv the impression tht many folks are under the thrall of the british royal institution and as a result, shroud everyone else in that delusion.

        Prince Harry & his wife by their actions show tht they lost all respect for that institution. M said in the O interview tht she regrets ever trusting them. H couldn’t wait for Anderson to complete the question before saying “hell no” to: “do you see yourself ever going back to being a working member…”

        H has said numerous times “I want a family, NOT an institution.”

        Yet there are still folks saying he respects tht institution.

        A writer from Britain made the point tht the problem is, the windsors are not a family, but a group of people who might share blood but whose way of relating to each other is dictated by the institution.

        Bittomline: can an institution be respected if the folks who run it are not respected.

        Don’t confuse H’s stated support for the system of monarchy with respect for the BRF.

      • Kittenmom says:


      • MsIam says:

        Harry was asked during an interview if he was going to his father’s coronation and he said “It’s complicated”. He didn’t jump up like a good royalist and say “Of course, without question!” I think his loyalty was to his grandmother. I wouldn’t count on him supporting William, not after everything Williams has done to hurt Meghan.

      • Becks1 says:

        Harry was also very clear in his interview with Strahan that he still considers himself a monarchist and he thinks the monarchy has an important role to play if it modernizes. So that’s why people think he still respects the institution. He doesn’t respect his family, but he respects “the monarchy.” Maybe that respect will fade as the monarchy becomes more separate from the idea of his grandmother.

      • equality says:

        PH still has ties to other monarchies, so he isn’t going to say something disrespectful of monarchies in general.

      • Nerd says:

        Becks1 I think the most important part of Harry’s statement was the part where he refers to a more modern monarchy that uses its platform to genuinely help others and not self. We know that neither Charles of William will ever put country above self, so his support of the monarchy basically died with the Queen. I think too often people forget or exclude the most important part of his statement which gives an entirely different meaning to what people think he believes. The reality is that if Harry’s support was for the monarchy as it stands today, he would have never included the final portion of that statement. Part of the reason the left is because of how the institution is run.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, I think since QEII died, Harry and Meghan are no longer supportive of the British monarchy, much like the entire world. They’ve got some loyalists, but they are dying off. They aren’t going to get any new “fans” with the way things are going, and who is up next in line.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      He IS a fool. Articles like these show how susceptible bald prince william is (like his wife with her “baby brain”) about being smart. That’s why they needed to make Harry the dumb one. Now william will be in a dilemma, these reports fck up his thoughts. It just takes a word.

    • I seriously doubt that Harry would even go. I also seriously doubt that Peg will invite his only sibling. Peg is a very cruel and evil putz just like his father.

    • Wagiman says:

      Right? Why would he.. But also this seems like some kind of make up after ‘willy won’t want Harry’ at his father’s funeral or his coronation. These people are psychos. Harry doesn’t think about your clown hat, willy. Guess what, he doesn’t care?

    • Agnes says:

      Yep, Harry has MOVED ON. Bill’s incapable of any growth but mold on his face.

    • Sycamore says:

      I think this is what they are worried about — that Harry will send his regrets, because really, what’s the upside for him to attending? I think it’s more that William WANTS Harry there to witness his “winning” and to rub his nose in it, and is furious at the thought that he can’t force Harry to attend, so they are spinning it as “I didn’t want him there anyway.” It’s preemptive damage control. It’s also bizarre and unnecessary, since in a more normal world, someone could send a polite “no thank you” to an invitation without triggering a meltdown.

      • Hninzi says:

        Harry’s not coming

      • Christine says:

        I think you are exactly right, Sycamore.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        A narcissist, fearing rejection, rejects the other person premptively. The earlier article was likely sourced from William. This offering is probably some less-idiotic courtier trying to walk that back. (Spoiler alert: that rage filled genie was let out of that bottle a looong time ago)

        Anyone William cannot compel to obey him is automatically his enemy, based on what his tabloid sycophants are spouting.

        The fact that any of the rota thinks that William’s continued unhinged behaviour towards the Sussexes is in any way a “good look” and not fundamentally detrimental to the image and branding of himself and the BRF globally, says volumes more about them than it does about the Sussexes.

    • Hninzi says:

      Exactly. Harry won’t come

    • mimi says:

      i think he would love to go. He misses his friends and famlly inspite of the rotten things he has said about them. That event could change the whole volaitile, bad situation.

      • Pink tutu says:

        @mimi how do you know, did Harry say that? He doesn’t have anything to do with his brother, they were never close (Harry’s own descriptions in Spare). Stop repeating garbage the tabloids say. Harry doesn’t miss them at all, and he sees his friends, his real friends.

      • GTWiecz says:

        You mean the rotten things THEY said about him and particularly his wife?

    • Convict says:

      @Libra: 100% agreed. Besides which, there may not even be a monarchy by then. Charles could easily live until his 90s. We can safely assume he’s had the best medical screening and treatment available. I also think there are many other factors at play which the Windsors are trying to hide.

      As for William, I think this is jealousy. Harry and Meghan are thriving (to use her word). Meghan looks happy, energetic, stunning and glowing everywhere she goes. The Sussexes are working and doing good deeds (in the face of continued attacks). This state of play must cause sustained agitation for William and Kate. They take the British taxpayers for mugs as they enjoy doing absolutely nothing on British pound sterling as they navigate their separate living arrangements to fool the gullible monarchists.

      I’m surprised that Charles has a planned state visit to Australia whilst recovering from cancer. The “golden couple” were supposed to be visiting …

  2. The Duchess says:

    Willy is a foolish man-child who can never see past his own nose, or his own d*ck for that matter. Good King Harry consumes his mind 24/7 and it will forever be disturbing to me. His coronation will be even more of a flop than his father’s and that says a lot.

    • curious says:

      Has the perfect peacemaker been feeding William’s insecurities for years. Someone keeps his focus on Harry and Meghan aside from the BM. All the irrational stories and hate are relentless. He married his stalker, who has always demanded to be the centre of attention, she says very little publicly but has always made sure every camera lens and royal event is about her. She would have zero tolerance for Harry and Meghan getting publicity and being admired worldwide. Partners usually encourage each other, as do Harry and Meghan, but not in this case. William’s temper has been documented, but he married a narcissistic nightmare and her attention seeking grifter family.

      • Convict says:

        Those a great points, curious. Kate feeds W’s insecurities because she had to acquiesce to all his demands to coerce him to marry her. She would never have made the cut to get the coveted ring had she ever spoken up about his behaviour – toward her or anyone else.

  3. Neners says:

    Whether Harry is invited or no, 1) I’m not sure he will go regardless and 2) he’ll be the only thing about the coronation anyone is interested in either way. The royal reporters are clearly itching for him to be there. William’s petulance is, once again, costing them money. I love that for them.

    • Chrissy says:

      I agree. If Harry is not invited, that will be the topic of day, not the coronation of his brother. But, if he is invited, Harry may be willing to attend (with adequate security), if only to honour his grandmother’s memory. Either way, William will be livid because he knows he can’t win.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        William will spend the rest of his life in his little brother’s shadow – and it is what he deserves.

      • Becks1 says:

        Either way, Harry will be the focus. I think if he attends, unless something significantly changes with his relationship with his brother (doubtful at this stage), it will be like his father’s – flying in and flying out within 24 hours.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        That “adequate security” is the rub, isn’t it?

        ‘Oh yeah, you can come, but you will have absolutely no security.’

        ‘Then I’m sending my regrets for not being able to come.’


      • Debbie says:

        @Harpervalleypta: I don’t even think Harry would send his respects if he didn’t go to William’s coronation. I think he’d just send the hanger. They’d get the message.

      • Jais says:

        Y’all make really good points about the security. Harry still has the appeal with the RAVEC case, but at this point, as soon as Charles is gone, William is in control of the security. How much of a headache is William going to make the security for the funeral? He’s going to be playing games from the moment he is in charge. But I’m guessing Harry knows this.

    • Carmen says:

      William has two options: his coronation will be overshadowed by Harry’s presence, or it will be overshadowed by Harry’s absence.

      What a choice.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Same as his father, and like Charles, he is ill equipped to cope with the situation or its aftermath… and he’ll have no one to blame but himself. His deals cut with the media have damned him.

        Harry will be fine, though.

  4. equality says:

    Some of the monarchists are probably drooling over the thought of PH attending a PW con because they want to see PH bow down to PW. Same types who salivate at the thought of Meghan curtsying to Kate. Hope neither ever happens. If PH attends, hopefully, it would be like with Charles. Sit in the audience and observe then leave immediately.

    • seaflower says:

      I can almost guarantee Meghan won’t be setting foot in the UK for WanK’s fancy hat party.

      • Tessa says:

        Meghan does not have to curtsey to the keens

      • Convict says:

        I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I never thought Kate would make it to Queen Consort. I’ve never resiled. Regardless of health matters, William was never in love with her.

    • Jais says:

      See yeah, this what I think. William will decide to invite Harry just so he put him in his lace with seating and excluding him in small ways for everyone to see.

      • Jais says:

        Holy moly. So many errors in my post. New puppy plus typing on the phone does not equal anything that makes sense. Apparently, William wants to put Harry in his lace🙄

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais I thought it was a reference to one of their silly outfits LOL.

      • Jais says:

        I mean if only my errors were that mindful😂

    • Wagiman says:

      Yeah, exactly.. And if they had decent relationships, H might have. But now? Dream on.

      Meanwhile pegs will zoom hos coronation. He gives no fcks

    • Ham&Cheese says:

      I hope H hits him with the old, “Sorry, can’t, the kids.”

  5. JMoney says:

    Despite them being no contact for years, Harry will be hurt if he’s not invited to his brother’s coronation.

    I think Harry has accepted he will not be invited but it will still hurt him bc he does want a relationship with his family but considering they won’t even meet him half way he’s accepted it won’t happen.

    • Tessa says:

      I think harry passed feeling hurt some time ago. William crossed the line. I do hope there will be a move for a republic before William gets his chance to be on the throne
      The writers leave out that peg is as lazy as all get out and will be called out on it by the public

    • Jaded says:

      No, that ship has fortunately sailed. Nothing William does hurts Harry anymore unless it involves smearing Meghan. He doesn’t want a relationship with his family because they were at the root of all his mental/emotional problems. He’s in a great place now by dint of therapy, work and a happy marriage to an amazing, strong woman. He’d never jeopardize that to extend an olive branch to that effing sick brother.

    • Convict says:

      Harry said he “wants a family, not an institution” or words to that effect. The Coronation falls into the highest level of the latter, so I don’t believe he would agree to go even if invited. That’s not what he wants.

  6. Chloe says:

    Who says Harry wants to come to the coronation? Let’s start there.

  7. s808 says:

    Your last 2 lines are my thoughts exactly. Harry felt some sort of obligation to go to Charlie’s coronation cause he still wants some sort of relationship with his father. He….doesn’t seem to have that sentiment regarding William. At all.

    • sunnyside up says:

      After his SIL was concerned about the colour of his baby’s skin it is hardly surprising that he isn’t interested in talking to his brother.

      • s808 says:

        Yeah, I hope someone will correct me if I’m wrong but H has not said explicitly that he still wants a relationship with W like he has with C. I believe at best he said he wants a “family, not an institution”

  8. Cassie says:

    Christ they are a miserable looking lot .

    They must live awful lives despite all the wealth and privileges.
    Discontentment oozes out of their pores .

    Harry looks the only who who actually looks content and happy in those photos ,

  9. Lady Esther says:

    I think the UK establishment will push back on William hard on this one. I remember all of Charles’ plans when he was PoW to be a different King, to be a champion for all his causes, to continue to meddle in political affairs etc etc….which resulted in heavy pushback for him to “remember his place,” to be “apolitical” (snort), to appear to be above it all, to be neutral, soften his voice on his cherished positions and so on.

    We’ll just have to see, but I’m betting that a lot of what William is seething and plotting about currently (eg denying Harry from Charles’ funeral and William’s coronation, removing the Sussex titles etc) will be damp squibs in the end, squashed by courtiers, conservative politicians, the press and the aristocracy (especially those in the House of Lords). Unlike the Windsor family which cowers in front of William and lets him do and say whatever he pleases, I think the rest of the establishment is more interested in keeping the monarchy going – for their own interests – than pleasing him. That’s what happened with Charles…

    • sunnyside up says:

      To exclude Harry from his father’s funeral would be the act of an idiot.

      • Chrissy says:

        Agree. William would pay a hefty price if he banned Harry from is Charles’s funeral. That institution is nothing without positive PR so Willnot won’t have any say in the matter IMO.

    • Kittenmom says:

      The media needs harry there for the headlines.

    • Rnot says:

      I think William will be less like Charles and more like Edward VIII. He’s too stupid and/or stubborn to respond to pressure before it reaches a crisis.

      • Nic919 says:

        Edward VIII like William was the product of being the heir to the heir of the monarch at birth. This creates massive entitlement from day one and so their poor character traits are not curtailed.

        William was poisoned by the Queen Mum from an early age because that woman was so massively insecure with her mediocre looks that she had to control her daughter and heirs for her own ego. Diana might have been able to temper it more had she lived, but alas the Queen mum managed to outlast many.

        From there the Middletons stepped in and manipulated his weaknesses for their own means.

        William is acting like Edward VIII and he doesn’t even have the crown.

      • Convict says:

        That’s a good post. I won’t comment on the Queen Mother’s looks or whether it affected her judgment and decisions. But I believe she was extremely status-conscious of her unearned exalted public position and one who demanded deference from the masses to bow and scrape to the superiority of royalty. Having said that, it was a sign of the times and she was a strong lady.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Whether Elizabeth/Charles/William kicked H&M out of the RF or “allowed” them to go, they gave up the right to tell H&M what they can and cannot do.

    My question about this whole funeral/coronation thing is – does William have 100% control over the decision-making? As I understand it, there’s a committee for these events which includes members of government, the church, the RF and reps from the Commonwealth, and these events are paid for by the government. Would they agree that Harry shouldn’t be invited?

    • s808 says:

      Seeing as there has been immediate pushback already (tho from RRs, not courtiers), I would say no, they would not agree. I genuinely don’t know if H would go or not but it would not be a good look from the monarch to not at least extend an invitation.

      • Eurydice says:

        That’s my sense, too. It would be a bad way for William to start his reign and wouldn’t reflect well on the UK.

      • Lady Esther says:

        I mean, remember Charles’ coronation, heavy with all the religious wording and symbolism? Now, William “I can’t be arsed to be Head of the Church of England” may try to get away without it, but again, the establishment won’t allow it. If William and everyone are sitting there, Harry not invited, in the cathedral in front of a global audience, all the bits about love, forgiveness, unity etc would make them look even more ridiculous than they already are. I just don’t see it happening.

        I do see William following Charles’ playbook about trying to publicly snub Harry as much as he can get away with in terms of seating, what events around the coronation he can be disinvited from publicly etc…The usual BS.

      • sunnyside up says:

        William will have to be God’s anointed to be king but as he says he, doesn’t do God how can he be God’s anointed?

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Lady Esther, I agree with your last paragraph. Frankly, Harry was probably happy with where he was seated at King Snubby’s hat party. He got in and out and it was done. I can see Harry doing this again for Billy Idle’s hat party. I think Harry has a certain respect for the (idea of) the Monarchy. He does see other royals when he’s at the Invictus Games and he wouldn’t want them to think he was being deliberately disrespectful to the crown.

  11. Tessa says:

    William is concerned about himself
    He probably is not living under the same roof as Kate and he did not bother to do much royal work for his father when his father got sick. Harry and meghan and children left and i doubt they miss the dysfunction

  12. Em says:

    He is definitely going to invite Harry and Meghan just to see them curtsy to him and his ill stricken wife, Meghan will definitely turn it down but im not so sure about Harry.

    • sunnyside up says:

      They could simply not bow or curtsey, they won’t be thrown in the tower.

    • Tessa says:

      Meghan is an American citizen and does not have to curtsey to Kate

      • Emme says:

        Actually, no one has to bow or curtsey to any of that family, from Charlie downwards, Brits included.
        It’s entirely discretionary whether to or not. Personally I wouldn’t.

      • Convict says:

        No one does, I’m in a Realm and I’ve never bowed or curtsied and I never would. They are not my superiors, I’m not a subject. They are in the highest of public office owing to the hangover of an archaic system of government that needs to be abolished.

  13. blueberry says:

    “and everyone involved seems to have pretty much come to terms with that.”


  14. Tarte Au Citron says:

    Billy will have a globally televised fancy hat plonking ceremony in Westminster Abbey, packed with global statespeople, other royals, and prominent personalities. And it is still isn’t enough. HE MUST BIGLY SHOW THAT HAROLD IS BAD, GRRRR.

    What a pathetic hill to choose to die on. Harry doesn’t care about going anyway.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    William is going to do what the press tells him to do and if they say they want Harry at the coronation he will invite him. I’m just not sure Harry is interested in being there.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Harry can totally hijack that coronation just by an outing with his children and Meghan somewhere. Showing them having fun with friends or a new trip.

  16. Noor says:

    Will he, will he not. These speculations keeps the royal experts paychecks rolling.

  17. Izzy says:

    Bet! I think Billy is exactly that stupid.

  18. Miranda says:

    “…the Sussexes behave as if they are still working members of the royal family”

    Does anyone outside the RF and the RR really think that, though? The countries inviting them — Nigeria and Colombia, thus far — were certainly not under the impression that they were inviting two royals, per se. Colombia was never part of the Commonwealth to begin with. Nigeria invited Meghan and Harry because of M’s ancestry and to strengthen their ties to IG. Given how the BRF treated their first (and probably last) PoC member, it seems unlikely that most countries are going to be particularly enthusiastic about official royal visits anymore. As for regular people, I’m pretty sure that most simply see M&H as just another celebrity couple. Those of us who consider them “above” that do so because we admire their work ethic and dedication to service (and in H’s case, we respect that he actively chose to NOT embrace the cushier life his birth would’ve afforded him. Even republicans will usually get behind that, at least). So basically, this is yet another exercise in the BRF and RR severely overestimating their current station in the world.

    • Eurydice says:

      Well, they still are members of the royal family – those lines can’t be erased no matter how hard Charles and William try.

      But, they’re not behaving like working members of the RF because we see that the RF don’t do sh&t. Harry and Meghan are behaving like themselves. Harry has always been interested in causes and he’s had a lifetime of traveling and behaving diplomatically. Meghan has a degree international relations, for heaven’s sake – she’s also had a lifetime of interest in philanthropy and traveling and meeting people. Why anyone would think H&M wouldn’t continue in their lives as they started out just because they aren’t “working royals” is beyond me.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, all of the rota and the courtiers wish the “working royals” had the Sussex work ethic. None of them do, it’s just that simple.

    • blueberry says:

      Yeah they act like the BRF has a monopoly on tours. This is a thing that celebrities, advocates, and philanthropists do all the time. Nobody thinks they are associated with the UK government but these delulu reporters.

  19. Roo says:

    All the RR reporting shows that William has an unhealthy and hateful obession with his brother and brother’s family. Once Charles is gone, William will have more power and influence to do harm to Harry while he’s in England, and I can’t believe he would be safe attending the coronation.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana would have tried to get wiliam therapy. Charles won’t do it. If William shows anger issues and tries to get revenge there will be calls of getting him off the throne. Harry and Meghan and family left. William can’t do a thing

    • Eurydice says:

      If William’s behavior so far is anything to go by, my bet is that nothing will happen. He’ll be a lazy, detached, impotent king as he is now a PoW. There’ll be shouting and stamping and leaking to the press of his various threats, but nothing will come of them.

  20. Tessa says:

    If Charles gets better and lives as long as his parents. Peg will have a long wait

  21. Jay says:

    To be fair, it’s not like IF his time comes to put on his special big hat, William is going to be micromanaging the ceremony. But I do think he is petty enough to try and “snub” Harry, because he hasn’t learned a single thing over the years and still thinks that the things that are most important to him, William, are also most important to Harry. You know, accumulating money, power, and prestige for personal gain. He somehow still hasn’t learned a single thing about his brother.

    And while we’re at it, I wonder how Charles’ courtiers feel about how much William is thinking about his coronation and who is invited to it? Dude couldn’t even be bothered to arrive on time to his father’s big day. BP has been trying their best to put out hopeful stories about the king’s cancer recovery and how things are looking better now, and seemingly all that William’s people can think about is when it will be their turn!

  22. aquarius64 says:

    William is measuring the drapes at BP awfully quick isn’t he? Charles is still alive and his heir comes off as anticipating his death. The upside for William taking the throne he will be responsible for Andrew and deal with the dirt under the family’s nails.

  23. Kokiri says:

    All these articles, the media not here I mean, are ghoulish.

    Charles isn’t dead. Yes I know they have to plan but that shouldn’t include a potential guest list! For heavens sake.

    I think he will go. It’s the honourable thing to go, he is a still a prince of the RF & direct heir. He’ll do what his grandmother would expect.

    • Convict says:

      Great post Kokiri, but I don’t agree that Harry will go. By the time it comes, the monarchy will not be as closely associated with his grandmother. There is a bare thread as it is.

  24. catJ says:

    Hey willy, while you are waiting for your papa to kick it, you may want to have that fancy hat stretched, ’cause I don’t think it’s gonna fit your egg(head).

  25. Monika says:

    “… William will not be foolish enough to exclude his only sibling, ……, from his coronation”.

    This is all about how it would look, all a facade like the one when Willi invited H and M to the walk about to meet the people before the lat Queen E II funeral. All about how it looks like. I am pretty sure that Willi will invite H and M to his coronation and then put all obstacles in their way so that H and M cannot attend.

    They did this kind of stuff before with Edward and Wallis. The late Queen mother, mother of late Queen E I, never forgave Edward and Wallis for Edward’s abdication and putting her husband in the position to be King. Only Edward was allowed to attend his father’s King George VI funeral but even Edward was not invited to his niece’s Queen Elizabeth II coronation. That family is a vengeful bunch.

    And btw H and M trip to Colombia was not a royal tour. H and M were invited by the vice president of Columbia to promote their charity work in regards to online safety for children.

    H and M do not depend on their connection with the BRF. They are now independent and have cut out their own roles in the last four years.

    • Magdalena says:

      That’s the story that reporters put out there, but even they knew that the REAL reason the queen mother loathed Wallis was because SHE herself (Elizabeth) had fancied David (King Edward) for years and he never gave her a look-in, hence she settled for his shy stuttering brother while still carrying a torch for David. That sob story about hating the burden placed on her husband was rubbish; she LOVED being “Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth” and “wife of the king”. Whether Edward had abdicated or not she would have loathed anyone he married because she could not have him.

      • Tessa says:

        George VI was a heavy smoker. It was not the ‘pressure’ it was that he got cancer due to the smoking plus heart problems. I think Elizabeth talked George into not letting Wallis have the HRH which she was entitled to, and did this out of spite.

      • Convict says:

        Exactly; also George VI was supposed to have his leg amputated, that would have prolonged his life somewhat. He had serious vascular disease.

  26. Tursitops says:

    Press: He isn’t *that* dumb
    Egg: Hold my chalice, watch this

    That unrelenting insularity breeds stupidity – both figuratively and literally. In any event, invite or don’t invite, the RSVP from Montecito is likely to be the same: “Nah”.

  27. EasternViolet says:

    Is the British press that bored to continue to speculate about Charles dying? Is there something else going on that we don’t know about?

  28. Bad Janet says:

    This stuff is wild fanfic. “For the monarchy”…. Like real people actually give a FF about William showing a brave face. So many things are in peril in the UK right now, and the monarchy is the symptom, not the cure. If it falls because William seems stressed, how can they even pretend it is an entity worth keeping? This is just pompous self importance…. As usual.

  29. tamsin says:

    All this sounds make William sound like a six year old telling someone he’s not invited to his birthday party. And why are they talking about William’s coronation while Charles is still fluttering his eyelids? I wonder how it feels to spend your life considering and commenting on such earth-shattering things on the daily.

  30. Lau says:

    If she outlives Charles I’m not even convinced that William will invite Camilla if he can avoid it. He’ll have to for protocol reasons but I’m sure that he’ll throw a months-long trantum about it in order to bully her into not showing up. So yes, I do believe that William is stupid enough to exclude his only sibling and he’s also too stupid to realise that it will make him look terrible.

  31. Over it says:

    Imagine being a grown ass man and sitting around singing oh I just can’t wait to be king like you think this is a Disney movie. Wank is a sick f . I don’t know why he is in such a rush to see his father snuff it / it’s not like he will step up and man up and do any work . How ass Will continue to be incandescent and jealous that Harry is happy and all he has left s his titles . Oh how sad to be William
    He is the most pathetic person I. Know of .

    • GTWiecz says:

      William is shocked that there is a life outside the gilded monarchy, as Harry has proven. Without all the restrictions that the whole family has. That’s why the toxic British press talks about Harry and Meghan running out of money: they (and William) want to see them poor and forgotten, unable to have any luxury in life. And yes, they’re repeating the same pattern of revenge they did with Edward and Wallis. The institution can’t stand anyone who deflects it. Pity that Edward turned out to be a white supremacist nazi admirer, or I’d have had more sympathy for him. It all comes from the silliness of the institution in not allowing the main royals to marry whoever they want. Wallis couldn’t be Queen…but Camilla can?

  32. Dee says:

    At the rate it’s going, there may not be a coronation for Will. If there is, Kate may attend via hologram. George will have to attend, but I’m hoping Charlotte and Louis are busy living their lives elsewhere.

  33. Joie says:

    All this continued gripe and hate pushing is so MAGA/Orban coded.
    The contrast of Sunday in Colombia and it being peak day of global interest in the visit vs this article – attacking Prince Harry and aiming to diminish his achievements and whatever conversation around that was life in poetry. It’s peak – God put a table before you in the presence of your non-supporters/non-friends.

    BUT I somehow don’t believe this story angle as in its coming from the family – it felt hastened up like to be counter programming for Colombia by the press. there wasn’t any new information, it was like they shifted through the usual regurgitation and picked up what they thought would stick again. It followed the usually pattern- One media outlet says it , then another picks it up and then they start quoting each other and then it does the rounds and become topic du jour.

    They do the same about The Sussexes, so I can believe they will do it with their family in the UK, because it feels like the British media wants to reside in the dark, small, petty and unhealthy place Michelle Obama referenced in her speech last night. There is such an over saturation of meanness, divisiveness, and tearing down of people that we all have negativity fatigue.

    Don’t they want to move forward into the light -OR just share the continued negativity in your Whastapp groups – and delete the public from the group chat

    To think The Times is suppose to be on the same level as The WSJ under News Corp Umbrella – the contrast is glaring. all this daily serializing soap opera colors the whole paper tabloid –
    surely there is diminishing marginal return on this continued storyline now – we’ve got to be long passed optimal level of interest, influence and impact on this “let’s-tear-down-PH-and-his-young-family and-whatever-he-and-wife-tries-to-build” storyline.

    Joy, Hope and Light is calling all of us, y’all – let’s step into it, soak it up and let it wash over us.

    • sunnyside up says:

      The Times was a proper newspaper until Murdoch got his hands on it, it is now an up market scandal mag.

  34. QuiteContrary says:

    “Everyone knows how angry the king and Prince William get every time the Sussexes behave as if they are still working members of the royal family.”

    I’m sure they do get angry at the images of H&M doing actual work and being greeted by excited crowds, when the left-behinds barely leave their palaces — and when they do, no one cares.

    • Christine says:

      This is the crux of it. William, Harry and Meghan DO THE WORK NECESSARY to be considered “beloved” by absolute strangers. You and your wife do not.

  35. Gabby says:

    As usual, the photo selection is hilarious and impeccable. I love William’s obvious discomfort and annoyance in those ridiculous costumes.

    When you start a sentence with “William will not be foolish enough to…[insert any activity here]” you’re really setting yourself up.

    I firmly believe that William does not even want to go to his own coronation. He may want to be the great and powerful king, I don’t think he wants what his father had. He just wants to hide away.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Lets see if William gets to his Coronation first.

  37. Monlette says:

    When has William not acted the fool?

  38. Kay says:

    Prince Harry and Duchess are popular the world over, with the exception of the UK.
    They don’t the royal family and we all can see that.
    When it comes time for Will to ascend the throne, he just may be the last king.
    Good King Harry has the world in his hands.

  39. Beverley says:

    William truly isn’t “right” or emotionally healthy. There’s something fundamentally wrong with him, but he’ll never get the help he needs.

  40. Athena says:

    Can we see Harry at the CNN desk as the royal commentator on the coronation of Huevo! CNN would pay millions, people would watch to hear what Harry has to say. CNN’s rating would go through the roof. Who should I send this suggestion to?

    Harry’s life would be in danger in the U.K. under a king William so I for one would be glad if he didn’t go/wasn’t invited to the coronation.

  41. Shoegirl77 says:
    Yeah, he’s foolish. He’s the poster boy for foolish

  42. GTWiecz says:

    So Charles decided to cut his son (who lost his mother at 12) out of his life forever?
    As a mother I just cannot imagine doing that.

    If this is true, and Harry’s last trip for the 10th anniversary of Invictus shows it might be, I hope Harry never talks to that awful man again. Give him a big FU and go on with your life.

    His funeral? Don’t go. Go to a nice vacation stop instead.

  43. sammi says:

    This is supposing there will be a William Coronation…………………….Supposing Harry and Meghan want to be invited or will accept ……………………………Supposing that Meghan will invite William to the White House!

  44. Serena says:

    Infact, I think it’s better this way. Imagine if he got invited just to be publicly smeared, punished and ignored, like it already happens but worse since it’s Willy. Yeah, no.