Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on their second anniversary

Jennifer Lopez has filed for divorce from Ben Affleck. She filed on their second wedding anniversary of their second wedding. In the summer of 2022, J.Lo and Ben first “eloped” in Las Vegas in July, then they had a second wedding at Ben’s estate in Georgia on August 20, 2022. Two years later, Jennifer pulled the plug after waiting until Ben and Jennifer Garner moved Violet into her freshman dorm at Yale, which happened last weekend.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are calling it quits — again. On Tuesday, Aug. 20, Lopez, 55, filed for divorce from Affleck, 52, more than two years after the couple married in July 2022, multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE. TMZ first reported the news.

Lopez filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court and listed April 26, 2024 as the date of separation. She filed for divorce herself without using a lawyer and is technically self-represented. Although they married in Las Vegas on July 17, 2022, Aug. 20 marked the second anniversary of the traditional wedding ceremony in Georgia.

The singer did not say if there was a prenuptial agreement, and sources told TMZ there is none.

“She tried really hard to make things work, and is heartbroken,” a source tells PEOPLE of Lopez. “The kids are a top priority, as they always have been.”

[From People]

Yeah, TMZ’s reporting says there’s no prenup and J.Lo filed pro per (without a lawyer). She listed the date of separation as April 26, 2024. Which checks out – in February, Jennifer did the big rollout for her album (This Is Me… Now), plus the musical film and documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told. Ben supported her through that promotional blitz but you could tell that he was checked out of the marriage, especially given that the documentary revealed that J.Lo shared all of Ben’s love letters to her friends, music producers and songwriters. By May of this year, that’s when In Touch Weekly was the first to report that Jennifer and Ben had separated. Looks like that report was right on the money. Sigh… I wish this had turned out differently. I’m sad about this.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid, OnTheJLo newsletter and Instagram.

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147 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on their second anniversary”

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  1. Wagiman says:

    I know it wasn’t likely but I really wanted them to work. I’d hoped they’d done work. But here we are.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      They? He never even tried to make it work with his children’s mom. I’m afraid he doesn’t seem to like the work, regardless of who he’s married with.

      • Megan says:

        JLo likes to be married and Ben doesn’t. It was never going to work.

      • yupyup says:

        @AlpineWitc wasn’t J. Lo married 3 times before Ben including her own baby daddy Marc Anthony? Wasn’t Ben only married once? All this re-writing on the truth. She effed it up and he did was he does check out. I think he tried but when the tour got announced .. the thought of months of this would make anyone drink.

      • SarahLee says:

        Come on. Ben is far from perfect, but I think when she shared personal correspondence from him without his permission for her stupid vanity project, it was over. And this shouldn’t be a shock to her. They are each just as vapid as the other one.

    • Lens says:

      I’m sorry I don’t agree with you as far as his first marriage. They separated and got back together several times and were seen by a marriage counselor at least in 2014, 2015. If anything they tried for too long. Maybe that’s why Ben didn’t want to do all that again seeing as how it didn’t work. I think their real estate agents might have some insights into their dynamic

      • kirk says:

        That is crazy. So the house in the NY Post story would have been the 5th house they spent $hundreds of thousands on in inspection fees before checking out yet another house they won’t be able to agree on. (The house they did eventually close on is too far from his kids according to him, and too big according to her.) The whole thing sounds like “The Greatest Love Story Never Told,” J-Lo’s film based on Ben’s compiled emails and love letters to her that he bound into a book. “I did really find the beauty and the poetry and the irony in the fact that it’s the greatest love story never told. If you’re making a record about it, that seems kind of like telling it.” Which she is determined to do.

    • Tina says:

      Jennifer has a pattern. She needs therapy, and must not have a relationship, until she can have a positive relationship with herself. This was her relationship pattern with Marc Anthony too. Jennifer, heal yourself. Fall in love with yourself, be forgiving of yourself. You have a family who loves you. Ben could never have been committed in the marriage 100%.

    • Polly says:

      It cannot be because she shared his love letters. If that’s the case, his love isn’t worth the paper he wrote them on. He supported the inclusion of that in the documentary.

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    I had no hopes for them, but I am sad today for Jen. She really wanted this to work. Life must go on.

    Again, keep rodriguez and casper away from her!!

    • Denise says:

      You can just tell that Alex is sliding into her DMs as we speak.
      I hope she won’t go back to any of them but this is JLo, she doesn’t learn from last relationships

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Drake is probably trying to change the narrative about himself with 55 year old Jlo. Im not buying it. Zero. Nada.

    • KC says:

      Agreed @STILLDOUCHESOFCAMBRIDGE. I’m honestly, not a fan of hers and I was not pleased about their reunion, partly because I didn’t see it lasting and partly because I figured she’d be all “look at me! Look at me!” 24-7. That said, I DO feel for her.

      I was reflecting to myself two nights ago about her, how sad must your life be that you can’t stand/stomach being alone, you ALWAYS have to be bood up, you ALWAYS need to “be in love”? It appears to me she doesn’t like herself enough to spend time alone getting to know herself so she can pick the right guys for her-just whomever gives her attention/makes her feel good because she doesn’t have a healthy means of self-soothing. She is not selective or discerning at all!☹️ She doesn’t know what she’s missing out on being single. These men have made her life harder when she could be #softlifeeragoals. There’s something off if she has such a serious aversion to being single and enjoying it.😞

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Seriously KC, if I was Jlo, I would not waste my time on trying to absolutely get a man to love me and try to get him to put me first and above all. For what? She has kids, family, money, career, house, beauty, intelligence, talent, why base your happiness on someone else? Next marriage will be her fifth? Wow. How many times do you say I do before it loses all meaning for you and for the person proposing?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I remember when they got back together mentioning limerence. The idea of someone is greater than the truth. In a simplistic way. BA pursued her after his breakup with whoever while she was in in a relationship with Arod(another d*ck).

        This isn’t all on her. BA love bombed her. It’s how he is. Unfortunately, JL bought into it again because of her love of being in love.

        Being in love is awesome. Being loved for who you are (and also in love) is greater.

        I would love to see JL not in any romantic relashionship for 2 years. Don’t care about Ben Affleck.

  3. Lisa says:

    Well played Ma’am

  4. AlpineWitch says:

    Not a surprise, it was going to happen at some point.

    What I’m mostly surprised is that she filed without a lawyer and they didn’t have a prenup.

    • Oakley says:

      Based on her rumoured temper, I bet she filed it in an impalse, probably see the pictures of Affleck, Garner, and their children together in New Haven, seemingly presenting a happy family image.

      • Selene says:

        I thought so too. This seems like a rash decision, especially if there were no lawyers involved. She has never divorced like this.

        Even if she marries a million men, when it comes to this relationship, I’ll always blame Ben. She’s always been devoted to this man, and she let us know through many interviews in the past.

      • FYI says:

        I don’t know of course, but I do think there is fault on both sides. So “always blame Ben” — not sure. I mean, do you think you could ever trust someone who put your most private, intimate love letters on blast? She KNEW he how he felt about privacy, KNEW what it did to their first engagement — but did it anyway! Why? Why would you invite the paps to your honeymoon?

        No fan of Ben at all, but her thirst is really epically self-destructive.

      • Kirsten says:

        @Selene — I don’t think she’s devoted to him so much as to the idea of a relationship with him. She spent a good amount of their two year marriage working on a public vanity project about their relationship. That’s different than being invested in him as a person.

      • Oakley says:

        @Kirsten, yes, as I said elsewhere, love to her is like the “greenlight” to Gatsby.

    • Becks1 says:

      I am really surprised at the lack of a prenup. I know they’re both insanely successful so maybe they just figured a divorce would be painless because neither would fight for anything, but these kinds of things can get ugly quickly. I’m not saying that’s going to happen here, but I just can’t believe neither side insisted on a prenup.

      • Lucy2 says:

        I am SHOCKED there was no prenup. They both are loaded, bought property together, and both have been through divorces before. I can’t see either going after the others money, but still, it seems so foolish to not protect yourself, especially when there are sizable assets.

      • Becks1 says:

        I wonder if she thought a prenup would be a sign of weakness? Like admitting she didn’t think the marriage would last? (or if he thought that?) Maybe the Vegas marriage happened too quickly to get one? IDK, but it just seems crazy to me.

      • Alla says:

        Interesting, but what about ben? He also didn’t wanted a prenup. What did he think doing that? Lainey wrote a very good article about that.

      • Gabby says:

        There HAS to be a prenup. They can’t both be that dumb.

        When JLo filed, she may not have been required to disclose it on the initial filing. The filing almost seems like a placeholder for future action. Could be a local LA County rule.

        Just because an unnamed “source” willing to talk to TMZ said there is no prenup doesn’t make it so.

      • Oakley says:

        The lack of prenup actually nicely validates a major theory that the Las Vegas one was a shortgun wedding. I had read the tabloids after they got engaged but before the wedding that they were negotiating a prenup and also Affleck really got cold feet. If she used the Las Vegas to put him on the spot to wed her there before they both signed the prenup, then the time for prenup agreement has lost. A prenup only works before the wedding, and not after it. The Georgia wedding was what she really wanted, but in order to get that, she needed to tie him down, ergo the Las Vegas trip.

      • Gem says:

        Ben is loaded. JLo isn’t seeking spousal support. Why would he challange her for her money. They only have that one house they bought together, no kids. It’ll be pretty clean divorce. They both know that.

  5. ML says:

    Out of curiosity, is there any relationship that Ben Affleck has actively ended? He always seems to passive aggressively check out and his wife or girlfriend is the one who publicly breaks up with him. I’m glad JLo waited until the kids were more settled and respect for filing on her Georgia wedding anniversary. I hope that the two of them can continue to divorce in as clean and painless way possible from here.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Good question, as it seems Ana de Armas was also the one to end things. I have no idea about Gwyneth Paltrow, too far back in time to remember…

    • Eleonor says:

      I had the same question.
      He looks like one of those men who stretch things until the other side can’t anymore and pulls the plug. Because they don’t want to take responsibility 🙄

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I’m sorry this didn’t work out.

    • Mia4s says:

      I remember it coming out after the fact that GOOP ended it, but they stayed on OK terms. So as far as I recall, no he hasn’t.

      He was brutally checked out of his marriage to Garner long before she filed. I still find that kind of sad.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, that was really hard to watch. Jennifer Garner tried so hard! They were pap’d outside their therapist’s office more than once, and Ben was obviously completely checked out.

      • Oakley says:

        To be honest, I don’ think they are now friendly to each other. Ever since 2015, she has been publicly shading him for quite several times in interviews.

      • Lens says:

        She famously said ‘he wasn’t ready to be a good boyfriend’. Goop is very perceptive, both Jennifer’s were more rose colored glasses.

  7. Emb says:

    Oh that’s really sad.

  8. s808 says:

    Sad but not surprised. They could’ve been together without getting married but I guess they felt they needed to “close the loop” or whatever. Not having a prenup seems foolish but hopefully since they weren’t together long and both are pretty financially established there won’t be any fighting over assets.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      They could’ve been together without being married, but that wouldn’t have the same bragging rights.

      Normally, when people split up, I don’t see it as a failing. Sometimes people just aren’t compatible, there’s not always someone who is in the wrong or someone who is the “bad” person.

      I am embarrassed for this couple in this situation, though. They involved the public so much in this relationship, right from the beginning when they got back together: the social media post, the wedding pictures in bed from the night after, the movie based on private letters that he clearly didn’t want her to make public. Calling it “The Greatest Love Story Never told”😬 It seems like the marriage wasn’t for the people in it, it was to save face in the public eye because she was ashamed of what happened years ago.

      I just hope this is the end of it so we don’t have to hear about it. It’s embarrassing to witness. The greatest love story can’t even make it two years.

  9. Just trying says:

    I actually feel very sad for her. What a public embarrassment. And you know she’s in pain cause she hasn’t even trotted out a new distraction man.

    • Mimi says:

      I feel like this is her last-ditch effort at getting him to come back to the relationship table, so to speak. Otherwise, she would’ve had the most expensive attorney serve him.

  10. Harla says:

    Pete Davidson would like a word.

  11. Aerie says:

    A speedy divorce with zero legal entanglements is best for all involved. Ben has a good relationship with his children and a solid support system of co-parenting with Jennifer Garner. JLo doesn’t appear to have anything to do with Marc Anthony but hopefully she’s in a good place with her two kids.

    • Renee says:

      That’s because Marc Anthony doesn’t want to be a dad to his twins with JLo. He has 7 kids and has relationship only with the little one from his current marriage. Marc is an absentee, dead beat dad to JLo’s kids. He admitted that himself in an interview saying he regrets it. But that regret wasn’t strong enough for him to work on his relationship with Emme and Max.

  12. JMoney says:

    “Two years later, Jennifer pulled the plug after waiting until Ben and Jennifer Garner moved Violet into her freshman dorm at Yale, which happened last weekend.”

    So demure, so mindful

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, Josh Johnson did a stand-up on demure and mindful. So much more wholesome than whacking grandma across the back of the head.

  13. MsIam says:

    I feel sorry for JLo, but I’m not sorry she divorced that toxic a-hole if that makes any sense.

  14. Tarte Au Citron says:

    look, we all know he is going to move into Matt Damon’s when he gets older. 🙂

  15. Erica says:

    I don’t feel bad/sorry for Ben or2` JLO. They chose to jump into a relationship without thinking about their kids at the very least.

    Say what you will about Ben loves bumming, but at the end of the day, JLo had two kids to think about. She was just in a 4 – or 5-year relationship and was engaged and living with and blending a family with Arod. Her daughter was devastated by the split going by the video Jlo posted of her daughter crying. She gave her kids no time to adjust nor mourn the family that could have been before she jumped into another relationship and marriage.

    Ben knows how he gets cold feet and checks out the moment things get too serious and is no longer fun and easy. It has been said that J Lo pressured him into the marriage ( which I can see going by the Vegas wedding because she did not trust him to get cold feet for their August wedding ) Ben should’ve put on his big boy pants and either said wanted to slow thing down or break things off, but instead, he dragged his kids alone blinding families only to repeat the same behavior of checking out.

    • Tessa says:

      They both imo idealized their prior relationship. But the rushing into the marriage was a big mistake. J lo had just come out of a serious relationship with a rod when she took up with Ben again.

    • Kokiri says:

      Whew, Erica!

      All that internalized misogyny that’s creeping out in your post, you might just want to tuck that back in.

      Ben has kids. He’s just as responsible for his kids in any relationship he pursues, same as Jen. He might not have been in a relationship like Jen, but he’s treated JenG terribly. The mother of his kids.

      • Erica says:

        @ Kokiri

        What in the world are you talking about “ internalized misogyny ” Did you even read my comment? Because I held Ben accountable for his actions of dragging his kids into this situation and his part in this mess.

        I mentioned nothing about Jen G, so why are you bringing her up when she has nothing to Ben and JLo’s relationship?

    • Alla says:

      It has been said a lot of misogynic stuff about her and this one is one of them, that she pressed him to marry her. Forget that he lovebombed her like all addicts like to do when longing for another satisfaction puppet.

      • FYI says:

        I absolutely believe that the Vegas wedding was his idea. They had his and hers weddings, basically:
        His ideal — Vegas, secret, no fuss, gambling afterward, scruffy beard.
        Her ideal — mansion, pomp, luxury, lots of people, five dresses.

        Having two weddings was their compromise. It probably demonstrates that they shouldn’t have done anything if they couldn’t agree on that most basic thing.

      • Erica says:


        I think Vegas was JLo’s idea because that is where they were supposed to get married the first time, I can see JLo wanting to close that loop of the past. The second one was more of a symbol of starting a new one. Ben doesn’t seem too reminisce, and a City Hall wedding seems more Ben-style.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, this. I would have thought that, after 5 failed relationships and 4 failed marriages, JLo would have wanted to take things slow for once. I’ll bet we’ll start seeing quotes from her about how she wants to take time for herself and think about her needs. And he seems such a passive-aggressive schlub – he’ll keep slouching along.

      • Ameerah M says:

        I don’t think she wanted to take things slow at all. She hard launched their reunion and did a whole European pap vacation. I don’t think she knows how to take things slow tbh.

    • Eleonor says:

      The last time he run for the hills because he didn’t want to marry her, so he is perfectly capable of doing that.
      She didn’t pressure anything.
      And please stop with the logic about “women pressuring men”.

      • Lauren says:

        Actually, Ben didn’t run for the hills last time. He cheated on JLo days before the wedding and she ended things.

    • Gem says:

      I absolutely hate it when you guys attack JLo using her kids. Her kids are well adjusted. Leave them out of it. They were with their mom through it all, heck Ben’s kids were with her too. She is a lot of things but not a bad mother.

      • Lauren says:

        Who is attacking her by using her kids? 

        You are delusioning yourself if you think any child is ok from going from one relationship to another.  We call out men all the time for dragging their kids into their multiple relationships. Yet we can’t say the same about JLo?

      • Gem says:

        What about Ben then? He has been in multiple embarrassing relationships since JLo, Jen Garner….what about call him out for it too. We all saw the fiasco with Anna De Armas’s card board cut out, he has small kids too. So, why attack JLo. Contrary to popular belief, since having her twins, JLo has dated a few people and had a long relationship with ARod until he cheated. She left Arod because of cheating. But somehow people here are pretend Emme and Max has been dragged through all 4 of her marriages. Marc Anthony was her 3rd marriage. Those kids did not grow up badly because of JLo’s romantic relationships.

      • Erica says:

        Did you read my comment? I called out Ben for not thinking about his kids, “knowing that he gets cold feet and checks out when things get too serious and are no longer fun and easy. “ I also said that Ben should have focused on his kids.

        Ben did not have kids before Jen G., so his past relationships before kids do not count. By all accounts, the kids were not that involved in his relationship with Anna, which seems to be thanks to Jen G. Where did I say anything about her relationship that predated her kids? I specifically only talked about one relationship that had to do with her kids, nor did I blame her for the demise of that relationship.

    • Ameerah M says:

      @Erica – all of this. Both of them are incredibly emotionally immature. I think if they had just dated instead of rushing into marriage it might have worked or at the very least wouldn’t involve a legal entanglement. I think Ben was trying to do a redo just as much as she was but for different reasons – I think they both needed closure but I wouldn’t be surprised if Ben was holding guilt about how things ended between them and instead of manning up and just simply apologizing and acknowledging his past behavior he decided to “make it right”. And I think J.Lo still felt like he was the one that got away. I think they both ignored the issues that still existed between them. But I also think her insistence on making a product out of the relationship was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back.

      • Renee says:

        Why do you all always ignore the part where This is Me Now film starred Ben and he helped produce the documentary later. She didn’t do it alone. He fully supported her on that. He wasn’t blindsided. He was involved in it.

      • Oakley says:

        @Renee, I am going to post what I wrote on the Daily Mail’s comment section here. I think it tracks well to the situation:
        She likes mix business with personal. That really tracks. Remember she and A Rod tried to buy a sports team together? And she very much likes to scrub clean the shame from the first round. Exhibit the second wedding ceremony location. It was held at his holiday house in Georgia. They had planned to wed there back in 2003. But it was also there that they finally broke off the engagement and separated. JLo wanted to exorcise that from the memory and public consciousness. I read in the tabloids before they got married that she wanted to act with Affleck again in a new movie, obviously intending to scrub clean the memories of Gigli. But Affleck rejected the idea outright. I think that’s why she made sure her new films were signed to produce under his studio banner. Notice except for her, no one wanted to make that documentary. She had to take money out of her own pocket to make that travesty. I doubt Affleck wanted to make it if he didn’t finance it in the first place. But since she paid for it, she became the boss and had upper hand in the project, which means even if Affleck is the producer and his studio produced it, JLo had the ultimate creative control.

      • Lauren says:

        @ Renee

        Someone in the comment section said that Ben did not produce the “This is Me Now” movie and I googled to see if they were lying and they were right. Ben’s name is not anywhere on the production or production company. I’m not sure how that rumor started, but it seems untrue.

        Director: Dave Meyers
        Story by: Jennifer Lopez; Dave Meyers; Chris Shafer
        Music by: Lenny Wee
        Produced by: Nathan Scherrer
        Production companies: Nuyorican Productions; Amazon MGM Studios; Freenjoy

        Nuyorican Productions Is owed by JLo and Benny Medina.

      • Renee says:

        Read my comment.
        Ben Affleck starred in This is Me Now and The documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never told was produced by Artist Equity…that is Matt and Ben’s production company. JLo is also in another movie produced by Ben and Matt. The Ben doesn’t know jack shit and only said yes to JLo blindly narrative doesn’t work here. It might have been a misfire which he regretted but he was involved in it.

      • Lauren says:


        It’s odd that Google, Prime and IMDb don’t have Artist Equity as having anything to do with This is Me Now . I Googled Artist Equity and they seem to be the only ones to mention any connection between them in the movie.

        I wonder why ? Ether way there is two more movies coming out that connect them. .

      • Mil says:

        Production: (Documentary) A Prime Video release of an Amazon MGM Studios presentation of an Artists Equity production. Producers: Dani Bernfeld, Jason Bergh, Gillian Brown, Courtney Baxter, Lindsay Utz, Stephan Bielecki, Caitlin Alba-Rothstein, Eliza Comer. Crew: Director: Jason Bergh

        He knew everything and once it backfired, backtracked. Stop trying to make him a good guy. He is just a powerful, extremely powerful, man. He is like Clooney- barely talented but too well connected.

    • Oakley says:

      Yeah, there have been rumours in the tabloids that Affleck was really cold feet before the Las Vegas wedding, and I think the LV wedding wasn’t what she originally planned (in the tabloids, her sources at the time were planning the big wedding). But seeing his cold feet, she moved and tricked him there, because it was a weekend and we all know Affleck likes him some gambling. She put him there on the spot. And I think with the narrative on her side at the time, he felt he couldn’t say no again without ruining his already bad reputation and serious jeopardising his Hollywood career. Imagine the scandalous stink JLo’s PR would have stirred up if he said no there: leaving her at the altar again! He’d never have lived it down! That’s also why immediately after the wedding, there was wall to wall PR push from her side, boasting the victory lap.

      • Gem says:

        Ben married her on the highest peak of their relationship on impulse, that’s what it was. You all stripping agency away from a man pushing 60 isn’t cute.

      • Oakley says:

        No, I am not stripping his agency. On the contrary, I am describing his agency in it. He didn’t want to go through the wedding, but he took his career before what he really wanted and bit the bullet. I think JLo’s sources actually hinted it in the tabloids when he announced the divorce intention.

      • Gem says:

        Absolutely ridiculous to say Ben was tricked/trapped into the marriage. There’s no evidence of it beyond the tabloids blaming JLo for everything. He walked away fine the moment the thrill of the chase wore off and reality of their life together kicked in. This is his pattern. When its glorious, he is absolutely charming. When he is done, he checks out. He already did that to her once.

  16. HeatherC says:

    Finally. At this point in the Bennifer Saga, the divorce filing feels more like a mercy killing than anything else.

  17. Becks1 says:

    I am not surprised at all – I feel like this was the inevitable end from the first set of yacht pics. I’ve never gotten the Bennifer obsession though so maybe that gave me a slightly different perspective.

    I think they seemed like two people who both wondered “what if” and jumped back into a relationship together without changing anything that went wrong last time.

    • smcollins says:

      @becks1 100% agree. This was all doomed from the start. Maybe if they kept it more private and protected it more instead of putting it out there so much for public consumption (I think that whole movie/documentary was just a terrible idea and too OTT) they could have lasted, maybe not happily ever after, but a lot longer than a few years.

    • swaz says:

      That’s how I felt too, same action same results 😏😏😏I like them both actually but marriage is no fairy tale.

    • Sandra says:

      Yeah, the only thing that surprises me is that they lasted two years. Neither of them should be married IMHO…

  18. Mia4s says:

    ON the anniversary? Okay then, message received. 😬

    As I’ve said before the kids seem to have a nice relationship. Hopefully the two mothers are in good enough terms to facilitate that.

  19. Joey says:

    The fact that there was no prenup feels like she thought this marriage was end game. I feel bad for her. He pursed her when she was at a career high then dropped her when the JLo hate train started. The man has no loyalty or puts in the effort to work on a marriage

    • Seraphina says:

      I’m still a bit stunned there was no pre-nup. Regardless of end game thoughts here, I would have thought she was a savvy business woman. And when you have that kind of money you protect it.

      • Mimi says:

        Me, too. Thankfully, they both have more money than God and no children together. They’ll be fine.

    • Oakley says:

      I don’t think he blamed the flop of her projects as the reason. That is just public speculation. Unless you find new source materials. He listed her money habits, the house she insisted in buying, her constant need for publicity, her disrespect for his need for privacy (the love letters), etc for divorce.

  20. Eleonor says:

    I hope they will not pull a Taylor-Burton…

  21. Neeve says:

    I hope the kids can maintain a good relationship should they wish. A Rods kids were soon forgotten the minute she got Ben,hope this time its different.

    • Alla says:

      How do we know that? We don’t know who are the friends of their children. Thankfully, the press is not following the kids. That’s why we have absolutely no clue. Maybe they weren’t even that close. At teenage age, you change friends a lot.

    • equality says:

      ARod’s children have two parents who might have preferred that the break be clean. Or the children themselves might have taken the side of their biological parent and preferred no contact. Might not have been Jen’s decision IF she isn’t in contact with them.

    • Gem says:

      Maybe Arod’s kids mother and maybe even ARod didn’t want JLo around now that she was done with him. Why blame her for it as if there aren’t a different set of parents involved in this.

      • Alla says:

        It’s funny how many think that it’s jlos fault, the poor kids blabla when arod cheated and so HE didn’t care for the children. No no must be the woman you don’t like.

  22. Supersoft says:

    I feel sorry for them. But more for her. Affleck seems to be one of these men that are only in for the good times.
    And a man-child.
    He’s going to be back with a younger actress and sucking all that energy out of her. Mark my words.

    • Aerie says:

      This is Jennifer’s fourth divorce. Add that to her three called-off engagements and it’s safe to say that she idealized love over reality in every situation. At 55, one can only hope that she’ll learn to live on her own.

  23. SH says:

    My thought has always been that he got embarrassed by being dumped by Ana. He looked pretty pathetic at that point. So with his bruised ego pursues Jennifer again. Then when being with Jennifer became embarrassing because of her work choices than this insecurity led to feeling embarrassed again and he checked out.

    • Supersoft says:

      I thought he ended the relationship with Ana? But your explanation makes sense.

    • Pajala says:

      @SH, this has always been my exact thought as well. A rebound from being dumped by Ana, then humiliation with JLo’s insane odes to her ‘muse’ Ben. And I too think he’ll end up with a much younger, thirsty B-list actress… and even have another child 😞

    • Oakley says:

      Ana never was what it looked. She played spy for someone with whom Affleck is on very bad terms in the industry. Affleck used Ana too, actually to seduce JLo, and sure enough, when JLo made the single In The Morning in September 2020, especially after the music video, Affleck knew the game was on.

  24. Cheshire Sass says:

    No pre nup – wow – That says to me they really thought this would work, when everyone else had the very logical vision that it would not. Sometimes there is that one person in your life from the past , you think what if…maybe it can be different this time. Always listen to the the other voice in your conscience that says NO NO NO back off girl! The past is the past for a reason! Keep it in the rear view. It’s how we romanticize a person after they’ve passed away. We tend to over emphasize the good qualities while down playing the worst. The lucky, lucky situation for both of them is that they have boat loads of cash to soften the blow of their sorrows any where in the world that brings them a little bit of joy.

    • Lau says:

      Serious question : is it normal, in this case, that they didn’t sign any prenup ? Because that sounds incredibly risky to me.

      • Turtledove says:

        I can’t imagine that it is even remotely common for 2 people with their level of assets to NOT have a prenup.

        They are 50. They have both been divorced before. They have kids (not together, but kids who one would think they want to protect assets for)

        It seems really crazy that they didn’t have a prenup. I am in the midst of a divorce. We didn’t have a prenup, but we had no assets going in and were young. We def didn’t expect to ever divorce, and if I ever remarried I would not do so “planning” to divorce again, but I would absolutely want a prenup. And I have very small potato assets in general, never mind compared to what these two have.

        That said, maybe since they are both so wealthy they weren’t worried about fighting over money? Neither of them need to fight. They both are worth hundreds of millions.

  25. Mightymolly says:

    Ben slept with his kid’s nanny. He’s a tedious man child. Why would any woman give him a chance? JLo must feel 170 pounds lighter today.

  26. Proud Mary says:

    Dear Jen, Please give the V-Jay a rest. Dear Ben, Please grow up. Dear Ben and Jen, please give your children your undivided attention. Best, Proud Mary.

    • CityGirl says:

      Proud Mary – I hear you and your sound advice but I take the other option – go out and enjoy yourself JL. Do you, have a great time being fabulous, be kind to yourself and others, and just remember, no one says you gotta marry/settle in with everyone you are intimate with.

      • ElleE says:

        &CityGirl Totally agree.

        Telling a 55-yr old woman not to date or get married again?

        What makes someone type this “advice”? Ladies stand up please.

        With her $, body & lifestyle, she can go on living her best life, post-Ben.

      • Proud Mary says:

        It’s tongue in cheek ElleE. But, she’s just so serially monogamous in a way that seems unhealthy.

  27. Chaine says:

    I’m sure she is hurting so bad right now but when she looks back on this in a few years she will realize it’s good riddance. He is probably already back pursuing 27 year old insta models on Raya.

    • Aerie says:

      In a few years the only person Jennifer Lopez needs to look back on is herself. She’s the constant in her relationships and whether it’s incompatibility or infidelity, she needs to make better decisions when choosing her partners.

    • mightymolly says:

      Serious question: how do insta models get on Raya? Don’t you have to be referred by someone influential? Or is there a loophole for young hot women?

  28. Gig says:

    They’re pathetic

  29. Chinstrokingsceptic says:

    This gives me no joy, but do you think she is broke? That economy flight in Europe, self-filing for divorce? It suggests cash-flow issues no? Which would be salt on the wound.

    • Renee says:

      Jlo is broke….lmao…somebody watched too many tiktoks. Contrary to what has been spread online, JLo recovered entirety of her 20 million for her film/documentary by selling it to Amazon. She also was paid 5 to 6 million for her gig in UAE. She is far, far, far away from broke. Also, her film with Netflix did so well they gave her new fiction project a green light. She has two more films in production, one was produced by Ben and Matt. Other is Kiss of Spiderwoman. She is fine financially even if her personal life is less than well atm.

      • Robert says:

        The first movie is Unstoppable, and Ben also was a Producer on Kiss of the Spider Woman. That’s going to make for some awkward premiers. I’m not a fan of her acting, but I enjoyed The Cell mostly for the visuals, but I am looking forward to Kiss of the Spider Woman, it’s an adaptation of the actual Broadway musical.

      • Alla says:

        Don’t forget her perfume GLOW! It’s still popular and sells well for 2 decades now. Her music catalog is also making money for her. She is probably much richer than ben.

    • ElleE says:

      2022 InTouch magazine estimated her worth at 400 million and Ben’s at 150 million.

      Istg if Ben tries to get a dime out of this marriage, he will be cancelled. By me anyway!

      • mightymolly says:

        I don’t begin to understand what JLo was ever getting out of this relationship. The first time around, it was a publicity thing to give her more main stream, suburban appeal with a crowd who didn’t know In Living Color or Selena, but now? What was she even getting out of it?

    • Proud Mary says:

      Are you kidding me? If JLo is broke, than no one in Hollywood has money.

  30. Jaded says:

    If ever a couple was destined for failure it’s these two, and I think they got married for all the wrong reasons — JLo, obviously, is in love with love and cannot survive without trumpeting her big love to the world…again and again and again. You’d think she would have learned by now. Ben is a perennial teenager whose emotional IQ stopped maturing around the age of 15. He has the attention span of a fruit fly in relationships but plays the passive-aggressive card to abdicate any responsibility for trying to “fix” what’s wrong with him. At their age they both should have known better.

  31. Andrea says:

    We’ve been hearing the death knell for months, she just finally pulled the trigger. I cannot believe the no prenup! I stand to inherit from my parents (only child) and cannot imagine marrying anyone rich or poor without having them sign a prenup. With the amount of assets and the dream house they were barely in, this is a dumb move particularly at their ages and with divorces behind them. I never did think two Leos would work long term btw.

    • Robert says:

      In California an inheritance ( and anything purchased with those funds) is considered seperate property and is considered as only belonging to the individual who got it. It’s not up for grabs. Just keep it in a seperate bank account under only your name. But it could be different depending on where you live.

      • Andrea says:

        American living in Ontario, so it may be different up here (dual citizen). I am inheriting in NY. I need to talk to a cross border tax attorney and lawyer.

  32. Flamingo says:

    Under no circumstances do I see either of them going after each other’s wallets. The only big asset they bought together is that 60 million mega mansion. That is on the market. That allegedly they went in all cash 50/50. So, Jennifer is not broke. She works her buttocks off to make money.

    It was a short two-year marriage and for all we know they were at that office building last month to finalize details. Or sign a post-nup to get things in order for the divorce if it happened, I still think Jennifer was holding on for a bit to see if a reconciliation was possible. She is a romantic to the point of love addict. And Ben is Ben, he bounces when things get too hard and has his is own addiction issues.

    It’s the fact she went to the courthouse without a lawyer and started the process. No PR statement everyone kept saying was coming. Just get in there and get it done. It must have been deeply cathartic for her sent the final message to Ben they are done. And on the honorary wedding anniversary BOOM!

    God, if those crazy kids can’t make it, who can! /s

    • Oakley says:

      And in today’s Daily Mail, a source from her side commented in one of the articles about them and said that JLo deliberately filed on the 2-year anniversary to sting Affleck, but the source doubt if Affleck would be stung at all.

  33. Elle says:

    Reread this more carefully and she is “technically self represented.” So she is representing herself with a boatload of attorneys actually doing the paperwork. No shame in that whatsoever, but given who they are, and their wealth, and their properties etc – attorneys are involved. It is misleading to pretend like she didn’t consult attorneys on the best way to handle this, or how to file.

    • Flamingo says:

      She filed pro per meaning by herself and without an attorney. Pro Se is when you represent yourself legally. I don’t think anyone thinks Jennifer is going to finalize the divorce without attorneys.

      But when in the history of ever has an A+++ list entertainer like Jennifer Lopez walked into a courthouse to file for a divorce by themselves. Imagine being on a line with Jennifer Lopez asking for a form. That is just bonkers to me.

      She took her power back.

      • Aerie says:

        When Ben’s house sale closed on Jennifer’s birthday (something he had no control over) people called him all kinds of names. When JLo files for divorce on their 2nd anniversary (a date she intentionally chose) people call her brave. The double standard is alive and kicking.

      • Flamingo says:

        I must have missed that meeting calling him names over closing a house. But the fact is he pursued her when she split from A-Rod. He love bombed her and wrote letters he wasn’t going anywhere this time. Then as it looks to me he bounced out on her.

        I can feel bad for Jennifer and side eye Ben based on behavior. Do I think she is kinda extreme in her career and need for attention. Sure, but she was born with a level of ambition I could never comprehend. As I am sitting here on my couch while working from home for a paycheck. Not doing a whole lot with my life lol. If she could bottle her ambition and drive over skincare. I would buy it in a second.

  34. ElleE says:

    This is starting to look like a Liz Taylor flex lol.

    As a married person, if I could:
    -get married at will

    -go all in in love with a new guy when i wanted to,

    -was guaranteed to end up living in a mansion with great clothes friends, and

    -my kids were provided for no matter what,

    -didn’t crave stability

    I would not be opposed to this dating-like approach to marriage.

  35. Serena says:

    It was so obvious this is how it would have turned out, honestly, they never grew up or did any self-reflection.

  36. L4Frimaire says:

    Unfortunately very few people expected this to work out. I feel bad for her because she seemed way more invested in this than he did. She’s veering into Liz Taylor territory now. I don’t know what they thought they were doing, but they wanted to live their lives in very different ways.

  37. Rnot says:

    They’re both worth millions. They both own businesses. They’ve both been through divorce before and broken up with EACH OTHER before. And they didn’t have a prenup?! I suppose that tracks perfectly with the poor judgement and immaturity that got them here in the first place.

  38. Estelle says:

    When I was a teenager my mom introduced me to the idea of being “in love with love”. These two are/were in love with love.

  39. Frenchie Girl says:

    I find the anti-Ben comments rather strange. Do you know how hard it is to be sober for someone with a drinking problem ? Yet she launched an alcohol brand…not very supportive. The revelation of the love letters without his consent was not respectful either. Why did she need to tell that to the world? So much insecurity, she needs therapy to love herself. She achieved a lot, why not step back just a little and enjoy the love of your life privately as he seemed to want ? When it comes to marriage, it’s not all black or white. Anyway the whole situation is sad.

  40. Amando says:

    I’m honestly surprised they even made it to two years. Her 4th failed marriage. Maybe, ya know, just be single for awhile and work on yourself?

    • kelleybelle says:

      I don’t blame all of this on Ben. I think J-Lo has an impossibly huge, gigantic ego. I mean who doesn’t allow people to look at them while working near her? You’re not allowed to look? Jesus Christ, come on now.

  41. Carolnr says:

    There is someone commenting on the DM that said the FBI raid on P Diddy’s home is what caused Ben & JL to break up. He/ She said that Ben never saw JL the same after that. He/ She said Ben did not want this for his children. He/She also said JL waited for Ben to come back but he never did. He/She seems to constantly correct other commentators & seems to know alot about Ben…
    It was reported that both Ben & JL were utilizing their business managers, rather than attorneys. Reports are saying JL filed wanting no financial support for Ben nor Ben receiving any financial support from her, as well. I don’t think Ben wants her $.(could be wrong, though) JL filing on what would have been their 2nd wedding anniversay isn’t going to faze Ben. He has been done. The public could even see that Ben was done. I think the $68 million dollar home is the last huge financial hiccup! Hopefully, it doesn’t take 5 years to sell like JL’s NY home!!!

    last financial hiccup.

  42. Kimberly says:

    Has anyone read the rumor that some authority showed Ben Affleck old taped footage of JLo confiscated from Puffy/Sean Combs’ mansion? That this changed Ben’s attitude?

    • Kiara says:


      That’s ridiculous. 🙄🙄🙄 If she “knew” something the FBI would have raided her house too. What if you had an ex from 25 years ago commit a crime. Even if it started when you were dating but you weren’t with him very long, weren’t involved, and didn’t know, or his crime spree occurred after you broke up…you both continue your lives apart, would you want people saying you know all about his life and crimes? That you were involved?

      That’s made up online because ppl are so mean and desperate for some kind of scandal, that they WANT it to be true, but it’s just not. She’s not arrested, the FBI hasn’t raided her home, isn’t investigating her. Jennifer dated Diddy, briefly, years and years ago.

      Don’t believe a made up story and spread it to make it “lore.” Again, imagine someone did that with an ex of yours?!

  43. Lady Luna says:

    So her and Leah stopped being friends for this? So sad.

  44. Gennessee says:

    I will forever side-eye the fact that a well-known “non-drinker,” married a man on his sobriety journey, and then promptly started an alcoholic spritzer company.

    Like, what?