Doug Emhoff brought his delightful dorky dad energy to the DNC

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It’s remarkable to watch Vice President Kamala Harris run as any other Democratic candidate would. She’s not centering the historic nature of her candidacy or personally putting a huge emphasis on her race or gender. She’s just like: I’m running, let’s go. It’s the same with Doug Emhoff – there isn’t a huge conversation about “wow, we could have the first First Gentleman in the White House.” He’s just… Doug. He’s the supportive spouse. With all of this, it’s important to point out that Kamala and Doug have done a lot to normalize their whole deal in the past four years. Doug’s not coming into this blind – he’s been a known quantity as the Second Gentleman, and he’s spent years supporting VP Harris and representing the country and standing in at events for his wife and the president. Like, Doug was just at the Paris Olympics to represent the White House.

Well, Doug had his moment at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night. While Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were attending a huge, packed rally in Milwaukee, Doug was on stage in Chicago, being a mensch. It was an opportunity to reintroduce himself to a national audience.

Doug wasn’t there to be super-political and he understood the assignment. He was there to humanize himself and his wife and he did that. Between Doug and Tim Walz, the masculinity is not toxic – it’s healthy, supportive and dorky in a lovely way. The best part about this was the video package made by Cole Emhoff, Doug’s son. I could and will watch this a million times:

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Getty.

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41 Responses to “Doug Emhoff brought his delightful dorky dad energy to the DNC”

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  1. Persephone says:

    I love this so much.
    I’m not crying, you’re crying.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I AM crying.

      I hope the Americans will make the right choice, the whole world will be impacted.

    • NottheOne says:

      This gave me goosebumps. Wow. Just lovely.

    • seaflower says:

      Between this video and Doug’s speech… my allergies are acting up.

      • Jks says:

        So lovely! Wow, what a beautiful family and a beautiful story. Kamala and Tim’s families are just so darn likeable!

    • KateK says:

      I’m definitely crying! Definitely connects with a lot of people in a lot of ways.

    • Bean says:

      That’s a hell of a video.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Yes! An honest, heartfelt thought out video. Like, how true blended families behave and learn to love regardless. As an American, born, raised and living in Wisconsin, I want to grill out on the patio with the Harris-Walz family. We might have disagreements on brats, won’t have disagreements on love. My husband is not our daughter’s biological father. He is her Dad. She (daughter) didn’t have the experience of a blended family due to her bios jealousy and other things.

        The Harris-Walz ticket/family is awesome.

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    Very touching testimony for his dad

  3. Roo says:

    Did you see the cute video his kids made yesterday? They were talking to each other and then Doug comes into view and they gently tease him and talk about his speech. It’s a sweet and positive and sincere video. You can tell they love their dad and he loves them, and they love to tease him.

    Can you ever imagine Trump having that type of relationship with his kids or grandkids!

    And Doug’s parents also made a video. ☺️

    • Charlotte says:

      Cole produced that video with his mom, Doug’s ex, who runs a production company and specializes in short form.
      That their blended family isn’t just for show? Makes me love them even more.

  4. Meghan says:

    No one warned me to not watch the video from Cole 3 seconds after I’d done my mascara and eyeliner and was about to finish getting ready for work!!!! Let’s just say I am a hot mess right now 💕

  5. Kittenmom says:

    That was so wonderful.

    Young Doug was hot! 🥵

  6. I loved Doug telling his story of growing up and all the jobs he had to do in order to pay for college with his dad’s help. I loved he then told the story of how he met Kamala and how they blended the families including his ex-wife who he thanked for co-parenting the kids with himself and Kamala. I really enjoyed his son being the one to talk about their life and him introducing his father. It was really emotional.

    • Krista says:

      The bit about how his badly first voicemail to her went and how she kept it and plays it every anniversary was hilarious.

      • Debbie says:

        Well, it was worth saving because… “again, it’s Doug.” (I’d save that too, it’s cute.)

      • larkspurLM says:

        OMG it reminds me so much of the scene from the movie Swingers (aka: “Answering Machine Meltdown”) when Jon Favreau leaves that long message to the woman he just met. Love the GenX candidates!! LFG!!


  7. Miranda says:

    What an amazing family Kamala has around her. Speaking as a stepmom, “Momala” is definitely GOALS!

    Anyone else kinda wishing she would share Doug’s dorky voicemail with all of us on their anniversary this year? I totally respect them keeping the real meat of that tradition (relatively, since we already have that vague description) private, but it sounds so damn sweet, and Kamala using it to lovingly torment him is so relatable.

  8. Visa Diva says:

    Kristen, Doug’s ex, produced that video through her production company. That’s admirable

    • Nanea says:

      Quite often I can be very cynical if I want to, and I’ve heard that well-blended family argument more often than I could count, without it being true in the majority of cases.

      But I will wholeheartedly admit: I love how this family has overcome their problems, and emerged stronger together — and so publicly supportive, with Kerstin Emhoff posting on Twitter that she’s there, in person, in Chicago.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        It’s amazing how supportive Kerstin is of Kamala. A lot of women like her (maybe most?) would likely have some resentment. But, nope, not Kerstin. It’s also great how Kamala and Doug make an effort to include her in everything. And Ella calls her parents “the three-headed monster”. 😆

      • bananapanda says:

        They showed Kerstin on camera a couple times – tentatively, I think the camera person wasn’t sure it was her. She’s a quietly impressive person with a successful film documentaries company. I suspect Cole is probably going into film career too.

        I’m so impressed with Doug’s ability to roll with the punches – enjoying the ride while stepping back from his law practice. He’s learned how to campaign, taught at Georgetown, improved his public speaking, and seems game for any assignment without needing to pull focus.

      • Kittenmom says:

        They are definitely a role model for a healthy blended family. Of course, I’m sure it helps that Kamala is not the reason for their breakup. I’m sure that situation would be more difficult to navigate.

  9. Lucy2 says:

    That video was so lovely, and Doug’s speech was excellent. We would be so lucky to have him as First Gentleman. Come on voters!

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      As happens often as I read, I agree with you Lucy2. Grateful for the joy in my morning and a peek at families who love and journey together, celebrating one another. 💙 🥹

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m glad they got this in the last hour so it was televised by all the broadcast networks. The contrast between this family and the Trumps could not be starker. And Happy Anniversary to Kamala and her “Dougie”, as she calls him. 🥰😍

    • ChickieBaby says:

      I feel like we’re going to have a “Madame President…and Doug” thing happening. Between Doug and Coach Walz, there’s such a kicked-back, easy-going vibe. Completely capable men, both of them, but they do not come across as super-stressed-out people.

  11. Giddy says:

    OMG Im imagining the kind of Christmas decorations Doug would oversee as First Gentleman at the White House. It would probably be like a Norman Rockwell painting, all families and happy children. Contrast that with Malaria’s blood trees of doom. I’ll take the joy, hope, and love that Kamala and Doug will bring.

    • Ciotog says:

      Doug is Jewish. The Democratic White Houses have been inclusive since at least Clinton, but it will be really special to have White House Chanukahs and Passover Seders with a Jewish First Gentleman organizing them.

  12. wolfmamma says:

    How lucky we are to have good, kind, wonderful people running on the Democratic ticket. It is one big exhale for me.

  13. swaz says:

    This is so cool ❤

  14. AmyB says:

    That intro video done by his son Cole was so precious, made me tear up. What an amazing man to put aside his law career to support his wife!! I am so excited for a Harris/Walz presidency!!!

  15. Jennifer Smith says:

    All the goddamn tears.