DNC Day 2: Michelle & Barack Obama hype Kamala Harris & blast Donald Trump

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Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention was a busy day. After some early speakers, they did an amazing roll call (I’ll do a separate post for that) and then the big speakers of the night were: Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama. A few days ago, I tweeted my concern that Michelle would try to pull some “when they go low, we go high” bullsh-t yet again. She did not, thankfully. Her speech was partly about her connection to Kamala Harris as a Black woman in America, and then Michelle really got going about Donald Trump:

This was some of the best framing of any DNC speaker:

“Kamala has shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open for others. She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth. If we bankrupt a business, or choke in a crisis, we don’t get a second, third, or fourth chance. If things don’t go our way, we don’t have the luxury of whining or cheating others to get further ahead, we don’t get to change the rules so we always win. If we see a mountain in front of us, we don’t expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top.”

“For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. His limited and narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who also happened to be Black. Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those “Black jobs”? It’s his same old con: doubling down on ugly, misogynistic, racist lies as a substitute for real ideas and solutions that will actually make people’s lives better.”


Michelle really said: this orange motherf–ker. Good for her. I read the transcript of her speech and she only said Trump’s name one time? Which is remarkable. After that, Michelle introduced her husband:

As always, Barry was an excellent orator and he was successfully doing several things all at once: praising Joe Biden, hyping Kamala Harris and blasting Donald Trump. Arguably, the best part was the crowd size reference!!

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79 Responses to “DNC Day 2: Michelle & Barack Obama hype Kamala Harris & blast Donald Trump”

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  1. Dee(2) says:

    Michelle knocked it out of the park last night. She heard all that slick shit people have been saying and said let me hit you with that 73rd st lol. Which is what I have been saying for years regarding when they go low we go high. She meant just because I don’t, doesn’t mean I won’t. She was reading all sort of people last night. Purity ponies, loyalty arbiters, and slick talkers got called out. I especially enjoyed the part about the people who will inevitably be mad about something and want to complain and center themselves rather than focusing on the larger goal. What really resonated with me though was in Baracks speech when he spoke about how the obsession with likes on social media has isolated people and made them less willing to interact with others even though you can have “friends” all over the planet. Way too many people have built their entire lives and in some cases careers around that dopamine hit of likes, and think being petty and the first to “clapback” is the way discourse should be.

    • J. Wms says:

      You summed it up well. 🌹

    • Lenneke says:

      That part really stood out for me as well. So much of this divide is caused by lack of real human interaction. Not to mention the erosion of the truth. Social media is causing so so much damage to our world.

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, and it was sooo amazing to see the power generated by people all crowded together in TWO stadiums, interacting face to face as opposed to via “screentime.”

    • Cheshire Sass says:

      Michelle was on FIRE! – She lit the place up! She is so inspiring.

    • nutella toast says:

      I’m from the south, and I decided that Michelle’s had that holy fury simmering steadily on low in the crock pot for 16 years and it finished cooking just in time for last night. And it was tasty.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I’m not even American but her speech gave me goosebumps. She was on fire!!

    • Becks1 says:

      I loved her speech! and I like your point about her saying “we go high” doesn’t mean she’s not willing to throw some verbal punches when she wants to. I thought her speech in 2016 was also amazing.

      This line – “She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.”

      I LOVE that she used the term “affirmative action” in this context, because that’s exactly what AA is intended to help counteract – generational wealth, the people who can get into college because their family builds a new library, people whose fathers play golf with the university president, etc. And “the grace of failing forward” is a great line.

    • Traveller says:

      @Dee(2), I loved your entire comment.

    • acha says:

      I’m going to be shallow for a moment and express that for a 60 year old woman, Michelle Obama’s arms are _unsurpassed_.

  2. Agnes says:

    Michelle Obama is one hell of a public speaker. I’m glad she decided to breathe fire.

    • Mimi says:

      She did what was needed–real talk. MAGAts are acting like trump got where he is on merit, when he clearly rode in on “the affirmative action of generational wealth” and has “failed up” many times due to his race, gender and money.

    • Matilda says:

      Yes, she was the mother of Dragons last night. She was on fire, she was the fire.

    • Carmen says:

      Michelle Obama 2016: “When they go low, we go high.”
      Michelle Obama 2024: “F*ck that sh*t.”
      I am so here for it.

  3. Wagiman says:

    Not American but I watched much of the Dnc because it does affect all of us.. I loved B and M and Michelle’s ‘black jobs’ was priceless. They were great.. I watched some of the roll call. There was a lot of excitement.

    I watched Hillary who slayed. No question. I watched amazing Joe. AOC.

    The number one message, Americans, don’t get complacent. We can see that’s their fear

    • tealily says:

      I’m glad both the Obamas really drove that point home. “Do something!!!”

    • Beech says:

      Yes don’t get complacent! There’s still months of campaigning, there’s the House and Senate to think of, get out the voters, voter suppression, state legislatures, gubernatorial elections, years of gerrymandering to contend with, mayoral races, county races, school boards . . . Complacency is the enemy.

  4. Amy says:

    The speeches were great. That doesn’t mean they didn’t also screw over Joe Biden just a few weeks ago.

    • Dana says:

      And thank god they did, now the Democrats actually have a fighting chance of winning.

      • Sarah says:


      • Amy says:

        So what happens if Harris goes down in the polls? Or the next person? We’ve now established that anyone — even a sitting president — can be forced out and replaced by someone who has never won a single presidential primary.

        And if they were the great friends and brothers Obama portrayed them as last night, he wouldn’t have publicly destroyed him. (And I say this as someone who has known Barack 25 years and has met Michelle many times, maxed out to all of his campaigns for Senate/presidency, and made a big donation to the library. I don’t make this criticism lightly.) Obama sc—-wed Biden over in 2016, and again in 2024.

      • Gabby says:

        When you vote for an 81 year old man in the primary, you kind of acknowledge that you are also voting for the VP.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Still wonder what it is we’re sure Obama did? And I mean proven facts, not speculation, so no “it must have been him who…” or “he probably…”.

      One fact: Obama did speak up supporting Biden after his debate.

      Anyway, am happy to see them all backing Harris.
      Let’s focus on going forward.

      I actually think it’s a miracle there was no battle royale for the nomination and the pressure on Biden was not 100x stronger since his campaign had not been going well for a long time.
      The transition was way smoother than it would have been in many other cases. It seems like the Democrats finally have their act together and learned how to campaign.
      Go Harris/Walz!

    • Dee(2) says:

      @Amy when you vote in the primary you vote for the ticket, this would be more of an argument if anyone else was accepting the nomination tomorrow night. Joe was down in the polls, the donations had dried up, and they were having trouble getting volunteers. Kamala has raised a literal half a billion dollars in 30 days and had 50000 volunteers sign up. Joe has every right to be upset and frustrated but it’s clear he was not going to get this enthusiasm. Could he have won, maybe. Was it likely after the debate no? That’s not even an argument being made for Kamala at all right now. Being friends doesn’t mean that you just blindly support anything and never have hard conversations, including saying yeah I agree with others you are struggling . This is bigger than the feelings and ego of one person and it’s weird to me so many people are more concerned about hurt feelings than actual democracy.

      • Ameerah M says:

        THIS – 1000%

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Totally not his fault, but Joe was struggling to articulate basic things like what he has done and what he will do. A candidate who cannot communicate those facts is a drag on his own chances and everyone else’s. Literally, the only purpose of a political party is to win.

    • OriginalLeigh says:

      Who is “they?” How did Michelle Obama screw Joe over? All she did was show up and step up for her party and her country (as she always has) even while grieving the recent loss of her mother. I’m also sad for Joe but he’s not more important than our democracy and luckily for us he knows that.

    • tealily says:

      Joe’s on board with Kamala. Time to move forward.

    • Bean says:

      Time to look forward. Joe did what he had to do, he may have been strong armed out but the truth is, we wouldn’t be as joyful, passionate and energetic as we are now with him still being the nominee. As soon as he endorsed Kamala, the vibe of the whole election changed. Continuing to whine about it is doing us no favors.

    • bisynaptic says:


  5. G says:

    Still get a tiny bit of ick from the Obamas after we know what they did to Biden. Also, feel like Biden’s genuine grounded and straight talk just makes them feel a little put on and Ivy League. Interesting because I’m a long time fan and it’s amazing how the party is evolving and it took our oldest candidate to move us forward and back down to Earth.

    • Mimi says:

      Those uppity Black people, amirite? /s We even have this nonsense in our own party. They DID go to ivy league schools and have been extremely successful–they are not “put on”. And it’s called code-switching; they spoke in a way that communicates to everyone in attendance. Joe has been in government and in positions of privilege for much longer than the Obamas. It may actually be Joe who is “putting on” the everyman veneer. And it works for him. If the Obamas spoke the way they would speak to us who grew up in the inner cities, you would be here eviscerating them for it, too. SMH

      • Flowerlake says:

        I agree it was getting tiresome.

        A lot of it seemed to be based on the Obamas not endorsing on the very day that Biden pulled back.

        This was actually sound strategy as they kept the news cycle focused firmly on Harris and her campaign by doing it just a few days later, and not let it slip back to Donald again.

        I also don’t like trying to speculate about supposed animosity between the first black president and who will likely be the second black president.

        They are showing unity, so no need to talk about supposed disunity.

      • Sarah says:

        Thank you Mimi! Exactly what was said and meant. And how day they not worry about the country when they should be worried about the ego of a white man.

    • Mel says:

      @G- So all Black Folks gotta be basic to be real? Ugh, this statement is one of the Kings of micro aggression. Sorta like, “You’re so articulate” or my personal favorite ” You talk like a white person”.

    • Becks1 says:

      We can continue to relitigate what happened a month ago or we can move forward. I was upset about things as they were playing out too but now I’m 100% here in this moment and looking forward.

      That said – the Obamas have Ivy League educations, of course they are going to talk like it. They are highly educated as Michelle said last night, that shouldn’t threaten anyone.

      • Seraphina says:

        All of this. ALL OF THIS. Time to get over what happened. Time to look at the road ahead. Our own CBers who not American are saying all eyes are on us. Energy wasted looking backwards and lamenting is energy that could be used on moving ahead and winning.

    • Delphine says:

      You mean the way Obama chose Biden as his running mate? Because without that Biden wouldn’t have been President. Biden is 81 years old and still sharp enough to read the writing on the wall. He is a brilliant statesman who passed the torch while it was still lit. He has now cemented his legacy as a President who chose his country over his own ego, in stark contrast to Trump. And he’s old enough to retire whenever he wants. It shouldn’t be a shock that someone that old decided to step down. If his party pressured him, it’s the same party that pressured everyone else to fall in line and support him the first time he ran. He’s a team player.

      • lucy2 says:

        That’s a really good point, Delphine. In 2020, the core of the party got behind Biden and pushed for him to be the nominee, believing (correctly) that he was the one to beat trump. Most people I know (and most commentors here) weren’t terribly excited about it, but got behind him to support and win. And that’s what’s most important, and Biden knows it, which is why he agreed to step aside.
        Given the huge outpouring of support, enthusiasm, donations, etc for Kamala Harris, it was the right call.

  6. Tessa says:

    Great to see them.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    ” A few days ago, I tweeted my concern that Michelle would try to pull some “when they go low, we go high” bullsh-t yet again.

    And many knew she wouldn’t go that route because she said that before the Orange wannabe dictator was elected. She thought that people had sense and would fight for their country. She didn’t think that the electorate would fail. She was amazing of course and though she is married to one of the greatest orators in our HISTORY, she bested him last night. I love them and miss them both so much. Forever my FLOTUS

    • Seraphina says:

      I heard these conventions are like the Olympics of speech writing. I stayed up the first night but could not last night. I CANNOT WAIT TO GET HOME AND listen to the Obamas. I will also get a drink and some popcorn.

    • Becks1 says:

      Honestly, I’ve always thought Michelle was a better public speaker than her husband. He’s great, but she just has always resonated more with me. Maybe because she’s a woman? IDK.

      • lucy2 says:

        I felt her speech more than his, but both were phenomenal.
        I was writing voting postcards, and every time Michelle said DO SOMETHING! I was like Yes Michelle, I am! and requested 5 more addresses LOL. I mailed a stack this morning.

      • Jan says:

        Michelle speaks 50% to your emotions and 50% practical conciseness to your Head. I also find her Parental, she keeps you grounded in reality – I remember in 2008 when Obama was running and he was being placed so so high on a pedestal, she was always reminding people that he was human , because she said (paraphrasing) when you place someone so high you are also placing them in a position to disappoint you. at the time people said she was being too negative, but she said she didn’t want that expectation to also come crashing down on him. In college we were having long discussions about it – :). fun times! The conversations were so nuanced!

        Barack speaks 70% to your Head and 30% to your emotions, he is also professorial in his delivery – he really wants you to get what he is saying and transform your action based on his words…By himself he is amazing, but coming so close after Michelle , as he said last night – no match up. But the DNC feels like the Olympics and gives you an America is winning feeling. 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🤞
        She is a sharp shooter – 100% on target and as she rarely gives speeches they land perfectly! The downside to her speeches is if what she is delivering is not what you want to hear, even if you know it’s true, it alienates an audience. This was what she faced in the early days of campaigning in 2008 – people claimed they didn’t want her truth but in hindsight even then what she was saying was the right for the moment , but we wanted to just be in fairytale hope – post 9/11 and the two wars that were happening as a consequence and all the changes coming out of 9/11.
        They must have lively debates at home..Love that he is comfortable with her strengths!

  8. They both knocked it out of the park with their speeches. They didn’t go high they called Trump out on his lies and cheating and him wanting to be a dictator and they weren’t having it with the big orange loser.

  9. seaflower says:

    Barrack and Michelle were both great. B the wonderful orator and organizer, M with the sass.

  10. Visa Diva says:

    Michelle has been waiting years to give that speech.

  11. MsIam says:

    Michelle nailed it for me, especially when she spoke about her mom. She made so many great points, and I hope people remember that when this high fades and the going gets tough: Do something! We won’t go back!

  12. Lucy2 says:

    Everyone who spoke last night was excellent, but my God, the Obamas were just something else. In different ways, they were both so clear and passionate about who we are, but we have to do, and what is at stake.

  13. ML says:

    I have huge dark circles under my eyes trying to keep up with everything from the DNC across the ocean. They are doing such an amazing job there and I love reading about and seeing videos of various speeches…the Obamas and Michelle especially hit it out of the park. It’s kid of like 2008’s DNC baby came out to play in 2024. The Obama are the glue.

  14. Chantal1 says:

    I loved both of their speeches! And despite still obviously grieving, Michelle absolutely killed it! A lot of her speech was talking about those within the democratic party. When the Republicans relentlessly attacked both of the Obamas (my favorite was Tan Suit gate…), most of the Congressional democrats and other leaders not only stayed silent during this abuse, they ran away from their own president. And when many people saw that, they still feel for Obama but they either voted for others or they stayed home. Re: “we go high”, Black Americans understood what she was saying bc the majority of Blacks have historically had to “go high” in the workplace just to keep jobs (and some still lost their jobs anyway). She was also saying, you don’t always have to fight dirty to win. Her “black jobs” comment was brilliant!!! Her speech reminded me why the Repubs still hate and fear them – esp Michelle!

    I was hoping she would introduced him as Barack HUSSEIN Obama just to eff with the Repubs… Obama’s speech was, as usual, poignant and uplifting. It was lovely how he talked about his and Biden’s friendship after he picked him as vp. They are obviously still close friends. While the “crowd size” remark was funny and great, my favorite was his comment about how we’ve seen that movie and the sequels are usually worse! I really miss the Obamas’ brilliance, empathy, and humor.

  15. alexc says:

    I thought Michelle’s speech was amazing, especially the parts about how most people don’t get endless chances to fail let alone real opportunity to begin with. The affirmative action of generational wealth – brilliant. She speaks so clearly without phony rhetoric or tired cliches. She really took it to the moron. Also she looked amazing, so elegant and powerful.

  16. Linney says:

    I, too, was blown away. Even my husband had tears in his eyes! Amazing words and delivered with passion. I’m so glad people have come out swinging. Unfortunately, in this current climate, “nice” guys finish last, and the “go high/low” piece is gone. The Democrats finally seem to get this. Let’s hope they keep the fire going!

    • Proud Mary says:

      I agree, we have to fight back, because that’s how we win. But I have to admit that both Obamas taught us in their speeches about how to go low without getting dirty. It’s a subtle art, which lazy, dumb Trump will never get.

  17. Gabby says:

    She came, she saw, and she kicked some ass. The AFFIRMATIVE ACTION of generational wealth! How overdue is that analogy? The escalator up the mountain! The black job! Her mom, and my mom and your mom! Now let’s take her words and get this thing over the finish line.

  18. Flamingo says:

    I am so humbled right now. I was hooting and hollering last night how Michelle did not come to play and slayed that speech. This was the tone I was hoping for. We can’t be nice and graceful with Trump and JD just waiting to get their claws back into the White House.

    Obama was as smooth as always. I loved when he said ‘Yes she can’ it felt like he was passing the torch to her as the next President.

    I still wish Michelle was interested in a political career. She really would make a wonderful she wants, and I would love that.

    Fire, just fire last night.

  19. Giddy says:

    No one can bring it home like Obama, but Michelle came close. I was mesmerized by both of their speeches and absolutely loved watching them. Also, the love and mutual respect between the Obamas is something we can all hope for in a partner. Also also, the courage shown by Stephanie Grisham was incredible. I hope the Republicans listen up; that’s your guy she was talking about, the one who laughs at you credulous fools.

  20. maisie says:

    I love that Michelle has locs and isn’t gonna give ’em up.

  21. Proud Mary says:

    I know it all makes us feel good. I for one, can’t get enough of: “Who’s gonna tell him that the job he’s currently seeking, might just be one of dem black people jobs.” Nor can I get enough of Barack’s perfect pitch regarding crowd size. But, need I tell us, it’s not enough to feel good. “DO SOMETHIN’!”

  22. Leigh_S says:

    It feels SO DAMN GOOD to see Barry and especially Michelle not hold back any longer.


  23. jugebair says:

    I know she doesn’t want it but damn, Michelle would be the best POTUS. I would truly quit my job and drop everything to volunteer for her. She is straight FIRE

  24. Lau says:

    The first numbers for the DNC are bigger than the ones for the RNC so big things incoming in Mr Trump’s diaper in the coming days.

  25. Teddy says:

    NY gov Kathy Hochul laid waste to Trump too. Just roasted him. It was on the first night, but so good. Apparently he’s still melting down about it.

  26. tealily says:

    What I loved most was that both speeches were a call to action. Barack, as usual, was eloquent and inspiring, but Michelle was like a one-two punch! That was such a memorable and special speech, I feel like we’ll be talking about it for years to come.

  27. CLOVE says:

    I loved them all, but Michelle had been waiting for YEARS to give that speech! Kamala and Tim had two standing-room-only arenas, and that was nuts!
    Can we give it up for the roll call? It was fabulous! Can we give it up for Lil John?!
    The Congressional Black Caucus is meeting right now, and John Legend is giving a brilliant speech. He said that he’s speaking tonight too.

    • Mina_Esq says:

      The roll call was amazing! That poor guy from Wisconsin will probably never live down how much he messed up, but no one really cares and it just added charm.

  28. Sue says:

    I love them. I was living in D.C. during the Orange Dictator’s Installment (inauguration) and watched the Obamas fly over my apartment building in the helicopter as they exited D.C. I said, “Mom and Dad, PLEASE don’t leave us alone with the scary, old, shouty orange man!”

    • Flamingo says:

      oh my goodness, when Barrack gave his farewell speech in Chicago. I was bawling my eyes out for what was to come. That was a beautiful speech also. It’s just a shame he had to turn the country over to that orange clown and not Hillary Clinton as he should have.

  29. Mina_Esq says:

    Everyone knocked it out of the park last night. I really like that Trump is now being treated like the bully that he is. I enjoy people openly mocking him for how ridiculous he is. I love that both Michelle and Barack referenced escalators. Iconic.

  30. Walking the Walk says:

    Yeah Michelle Obama’s comments are to a lot of the Dem and media backstabbers. And it appears people still don’t get it. She talks about if the polls go down, if she doesn’t do exactly what you want her to do in the moment, you still vote and you still fight. Biden got forced out because a bunch of people got scared and lost their minds. And she’s warning us not to do it again. Kamala has 70 plus freaking days and people are still mumbling her polling should be stronger. This country is a hot freaking mess and I will still STILL loathe til I pass away that we let a bunch of donors do this. It wasn’t the people demanding this. Donors did this. I don’t want people with money deciding in 2028 that if Kamala is polling badly or makes one freaking verbal gaffe during a debate with DeSantis or Trump again (please no) that she gets shanked off her ticket.

    The open convention was a terrible idea and will never not be one. People demanding Biden step down DID NOT WANT HARRIS. It’s acting delulu at this point when everyone knows what happened and why. I will thank Biden to this day that he outmaneuvered Nancy Pelosi who keeps going around wanting credit for this mess. I hope she gets booed today. Biden is done with her and I doubt Harris is going to be talking to her anytime soon either. She got protested last night so I hope she’s interrupted again today.

  31. Walking the Walk says:

    Also, white people calling Barack and Michelle mom and dad is just….please stop and that’s all I am going to say.

  32. VilleRose says:

    I don’t know why I was a little surprised at how aggressively the Obamas went after Trump in both their speeches. They couldn’t say or do anything at the end of the Obama presidency in 2016. They had to maintain an aura of civility but you could read it all on Michelle’s face during the filmed “hand off” when she left the White House after Donald and Melania arrived at the White House. She was not happy about any of it in 2016 and she is not holding back now. I’m so glad that BS is over and they can pretty much say and do anything they want as former President and First Lady. Both of their speeches were scorched earth and we all love them for it.

  33. Ana says:

    Not an American but I watched the roll call and it was amazing, you guys surely know how to throw a party.

    The Obamas killed it as usual and I surely appreciated Michelle’s fire and passion for her country.

    Call me passive but I urge you all CB Americans to please leave what happened where it should, in the past, and just focus on the future, guys. No use beating a dead horse when everything is at stake, PLEASE PLEASE vote and spread the word.

    I refuse to believe hope is lost and with this DNC you have shown people around the world you can be afraid but that will not stop you from fighting TFG and his followers. People, the world is watching and trust me no one wants another 4 years of terror and misery with the Orange felon. Do it for you and everyone else!! Vote this november and break that glass ceiling!!

  34. bisynaptic says:

    I’m deeply ambivalent about Obama, even though I voted for him, both times he ran for POTUS. I deeply wish he’d turned out to be as populist a President as he was as a campaigner, rather than the corporatist POTUS he turned out to be.