The 2024 DNC Roll Call featured DJ Cassidy and a performance by Lil’ Jon

Between the Paris Olympics and the Democratic National Convention, it really has been the summer of American patriotism. I will always love how cheesy and extra we are as Americans. I love our flag-waving earnestness and our pride in our states and our country. I should mention, because people have short memories, that the 2020 DNC roll call was amazing. Because of the pandemic, the roll call was remote, meaning states submitted their videos where they gave their delegates to the Biden-Harris ticket. States really showed out, showcasing the local beauty of their parks and cities and highlighting local industries.

This year’s DNC roll call was a huge party, with DJ Cassidy playing significant songs for each state, and each state choosing to highlight different Democrats or activists. People wanted the full playlist, which was compiled by several outlets. Of course they played Prince for Minnesota. Of course they played Jay-Z & Alicia Keys’ “Empire State of Mind” for New York. Of course Tenneessee got Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5.” But Georgia absolutely had them all beat: Lil’ Jon showed up to perform “Turn Down for What” and changed the lyrics to “Get Low” to “From VP Harris to the Walz.”

I loved all of this! The roll call was so fantastic. Some people posted clips from the RNC’s dry-as-toast roll call and I could not believe how badly it went. If nothing else, Democrats know how to throw a party. Oh, and Minnesota and California waited until the final moments to give their delegates to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. For California, of course they played Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick’s “Alright” phased into “Not Like Us.” LMAO!!!

Youtube thumbnails courtesy of WaPo and PBS.

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57 Responses to “The 2024 DNC Roll Call featured DJ Cassidy and a performance by Lil’ Jon”

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  1. G says:

    We ain’t goin’ back!! Turn down for what?!

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Exactly! Roll call music was such a great idea, and Lil’ John always brings the party. Where are the official “We’re Not Going Back” t-shirts, Harris-Walz campaign? We also need Lil’ John versions. Also, I love that Minnesota got to play a Prince song.

      • BeanieBean says:

        They actually got to play two! First, when called alphabetically and they passed, it was ‘Kiss’; second time was ‘1999’.

        I felt like an idiot when we finally got to the end, because I couldn’t figure out why California & Minnesota would pass when they were called alphabetically! Finally, at the end, they had their opportunities to extoll the virtues of Tim Walz & Kamala Harris. Doh! 🤦‍♀️

    • Rnot says:

      I’m going to be crushed if he doesn’t release that version as a single.

  2. Agnes says:

    If all the positive fun energy generated by the Olympics and this incredible Harris-Walz show can’t break through the collective brain fog this country has been suffering since 2016, nothing can. Add “I Can See Clearly Now” to the playlist.

  3. It really was a tale of two different role calls. The DNC was upbeat and full of dancing and great music!! It was fun. The RNC roll call was… well I have been to funerals that were more upbeat.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      I’m sure SM will be full of racist meltdowns about the roll call (and songs selected) from the right today

  4. FancyPants says:

    The roll call was so fun! Once I figured out what the DJ was doing, I started trying to guess ahead which songs/artists he would use for each state (and actually got a few right, haha). Notice what we’re NOT hearing about today too: recording artists condemning the DNC/Harris-Walz campaign for using their music without permission. The DJ did all his homework!

    • Inge says:

      I noticed Taylor Swift was played? She hasn’t yet condemned Trump for the AI has she? When she does…omg the swifties

      I also read rumours about a Beyonce/Swift fundraiser, so the beyhive and the swifties, bye bye trump.

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    Georgia’s rollout was epic

  6. Nanea says:

    The DNC was the best MTV VMAs in years.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Apologize for missing your comment earlier. It was better than any awards show ever.imo

      Yes, the MTV VMA’s years were awesome. The DNC needs to put out this playlist. Great collection.

      The chills, speakers, energy and all the good things.

  7. Chill says:

    Kendrick said it well, “They not like us!”

  8. Proud Mary says:

    Someone please tell me that Lincoln Project video was just a joke. I mean, that was how she opened the RNC roll call?

  9. Lucy2 says:

    I saw a clip of the RNC roll-call by comparison, and all of the comments were “What year was this from?” because it seemed so dated and dry.
    Also ratings for the DNC have been much higher, so you know tiny hands is throwing ketchup.

  10. seaflower says:

    I loved that Alabama reclaimed Sweet Home Alabama. The whole convention and Kamala/Tim’s race has been reclaiming America.

    • trillion says:

      Absolutely – let’s cut away the cancer that is the modern Republican Party and get on with the healing.

  11. BQM says:

    It was so fun and lively. I think I still preferred the 2020 in many ways. Because they couldn’t gather like this each delegation cast their votes from their home state/territory. It was scenic, lovely, enlightening and joyous in its own way. But it’ll never be repeated. So I totally enjoyed the high energy present yesterday. Morning Joe did a side by side with the rnc roll call and it was hilarious.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I also thought the roll call for 2020 was wonderful, and this year was even better! I loved each state’s ‘first woman’ factoid–first to ratify the 19th amendment, etc.

  12. Jais says:

    Whoever filmed Lil Jon’s entrance did an amazing job. Going from the big Georgia in the screen to the dorky/cute white guy with glasses calling roll, to the dj to the top of the stairs and then the surprise of lil Jon turning up. Omg, it was epic.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I loved the dorky white guy! He had such a big smile the whole night & was really enjoying himself!

  13. MsIam says:

    It was lit, lol! And yeah I had forgotten about the 2020 roll call, that was unique. But hey there is nothing like a DNC party! Lets go!

  14. Inge says:

    It’s giving Eurovision voting but fun.

    What are the chances states also sending artists for the next DNC?(if Harris wins, fingers crossed)

  15. Giddy says:

    I didn’t expect to enjoy the roll call so much. It was incredible and the videos posted today contrasting the two roll calls have been incredible. The Dems made me want to stand up and cheer and dance!

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    Honestly, just based on conventions alone, why would anyone choose to be a Republican when they can be a Democrat?

  17. CuriousCole says:

    I watched roll call from Milwaukee’s Fiserv, and the energy we brought was bonkers!!! We packed the rally to the rafters, it was amazing to finally feel communal joy in conjunction with politics.

    • Giddy says:

      I love your phrase “communal joy”. You expressed it perfectly!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I couldn’t go to the Milwaukee rally because of scheduling conflicts and will have FOMO for life. So glad you could bring the energy and joy!

    • SA says:

      My now voting age Niece and I were in those rafters and what an absolute joy to be there!! I’m still buzzing this morning!

  18. Worktowander says:

    Roll call was LIT. What was fully shady (and I love it) was Kamala filling TWO convention halls – the DNC in Chicago and Trump’s own RNC convention venue – AT THE SAME TIME last night.

    Considering how sensitive TFG is said to be about crowd size and camparisons, I bet breakfast this morning at Mar a Lago was unpleasant.

    Genius programming work by the Harris/Walz campaign.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh that is brilliant!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Kamala: Hey, Donald! Watch me pack two arenas in two different cities. And one of the arenas was where you held your pathetic little convention with your pathetic little running mate. Who’s the loser now?

    • BQM says:

      Omg! I didn’t even make the connection that the Milwaukee arenas were the same! 😂 That is next level. Oh to be a ketchup dodging fly on the mar a lago walls. 😂

  19. Anonymous says:

    That was awesome! Look at all that energy, creativity, and positive spirit! That’s what we all need running our country. Not a bunch of olds taking naps and spouting word salads.

  20. Mrs. Smith says:

    It was so much fun!! Please treat yourself and watch that Lil Jon clip — it’s amazing! I wasn’t expecting it to be so entertaining!

  21. molly says:

    I hope the team that planned and executed the whole idea was able to bask in the applause and celebrate together.

    “Hip dj playing hit music to a room full of middle-aged, political people in suits” could have been the world’s worst corporate event. But it CRUSHED. What a thrill for that team to have pulled it off so successfully.

  22. BeanieBean says:

    Y’all should take the time to watch the PBS coverage, link provided by Kaiser. It’s so uplifting!

    • LarkspurLM says:

      PBS! This roll call is amazing! I’m laughing, crying and SO PROUD to be an American!!


    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @BeanieBean, it really is. Energizing, fun and hopeful. I want this playlist.

      Love that Colorado went with September for my own personal reasons & contrasts between competitors. It was picked for that reason. But, I’m imagining a physical obstactle course between Harris & the orange

      Love the music choices. Happy my state went with Jump Around. So many fun times at Badger Games. Some history.

      There are a number of songs that give me chills when I hear them. Sirius, Jump Around & Float On are 3 of them.

      The DNC roll call looked like the best time ever. Loving all the words/speeches.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Okay, I’ll backtrack. September probably was picked for that reason. Maybe more about Philip Bailey. Still an excellent choice.imo

    • Thelma says:

      Wow! Loved it. Glad I clicked on the PBS link.

  23. tealily says:

    I’m a huge nerd and I always love the roll call, but year the energy was just through the roof!! And I LOVED the addition of the DJ, plus they cleared every single one of those songs, unlike the Trumpers with their trail of cease and desists. Beautiful! It was so much fun!

  24. Jay says:

    I, too, was immediately reminded of the 2020 roll call! It really makes it exciting and engaging, wondering which song each state will choose, who will say what and how it will be done! I suspect this will continue because it’s good, fun TV.

    Also, I marvel at the amount of organizing that must have gone on behind the scenes – choosing, getting, and clearing all of the music that will play, the logistics of the lighting, camera movement and timing everything so that VP Harris can chime in LIVE from another rally in a completely different stadium? That’s a freaking masterpiece. It’s as well-choreographed as any awards ceremony opening number but much longer and with so many more moving pieces and potential to go poorly. Hats off to the behind the scenes people who made it happen!

  25. Kate says:

    Ignorant non-American here…why did some States pass during the roll call? Alabama passed but then a couple of states later they were back. Did they just not want to go first?

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Alabama wanted to let Delaware go ageadvin honor of Pres Biden, and then Minnesota and California passed so they could be last for Gov Walz and VP Harris. Loved it! I laughed at the pride of MN being the land of Vice Presidents!

    • Bean says:

      Traditionally the home states of the VP and Presidential nominees go last.

  26. Kate says:


  27. CLOVE says:

    It was lit! I enjoyed every minute of it! Notice that no one asked not to stop playing their music!

  28. ElleE says:

    I listened to the DNC Roll Call on a loop while gardening today.

    I have a laminated giant Rand McNally USA map hanging in my hall, alongside original oil paintings: to me the USA map is beautiful & I love every single state’s individuality & swagger.

    2024 feels like we are dusting ourselves off after a catastrophe, checking “you good?” & getting back to who we are as Americans: all in it together.

  29. Maria says:

    My home state Florida played Tom Petty’s Won’t Back Down! Loved it. My adopted state of New Jersey of course played The Boss!

  30. Localady says:

    I’m feeling this timeline

  31. Isabella says:

    Loved Washington’s – “Can’t Hold Us,” by Macklemore instead of that bluest skies you’ve ever abomination seen that doesn’t even capture our state. Somebody did their research.

  32. Luna says:

    I was loving the replay then realized I’m missing the live coverage so switched to that. I’ll go back to the roll call later! I got emotional just watching — joy, tears, and a desire to dance. Thank you for posting!

  33. AC says:

    I love the DNC this year. I was dancing with my husband last night during the roll call 😄
    And 2 arenas full on the same day – wow. I’m really happy they are incorporating music into the DNC – it’s universal and everyone can relate to music. It’s been so amazing.