Prince William ‘will see Harry one more time in his life – at their father’s funeral’

Last November, Prince William and his associates were incandescent with rage, as always. William’s people simply don’t care that they always portray William as someone permanently and violently enraged over Prince Harry. I suspect they don’t care because it’s the truth about William: he is often solely focused on what his brother is doing or saying, and William is in a near-constant fury over all things Sussex. Part of it is jealousy, but part of it is… something else. Something broken deep inside William. Anyway, last November, William’s “friends” told the Daily Beast that the next time he would speak to his brother would be at their father’s funeral. It seemed pretty macabre at the time, even more so given Charles’s current cancer and sickly pallor. Well, over the weekend, Roya Nikkhah revealed that William was unlikely to invite Harry to his coronation too. It seems that William has been consumed with hatred for seven years and he’s making plans for all of the ways he will snub and punish Harry, right? Well, now William’s friends tell the Daily Beast that William only wants to see Harry one last time, at Charles’s funeral. You guys, Charles is not dead.

Friends of Prince William have told The Daily Beast that reports that William will not invite Prince Harry to his coronation are accurate, adding that as things stand they next expect William to see his brother in the flesh again at King Charles’ funeral.

The friend told The Daily Beast: “Things are totally frozen between the two of them. It is hard to overstate how utterly William feels betrayed and hurt on a very personal level. The two brothers were so close growing up that they would finish each other’s sentences. Amid all the trauma of their mum dying and their dad being quite distant, it was an amazing thing to witness.”

“Reading Harry’s book, I was really struck by how honest he was about the depth and the importance of his relationship with William when they were younger. It makes his decision to basically sell out his entire family, but particularly William, for a bumper payday even more inexplicable.”

When The Daily Beast pointed out that Harry said in his book that he wrote it in order to explain why he had to leave the family, the source said, “I’m afraid I don’t believe that the primary motivation was that noble.”

Asked about the reports that Harry would not be invited to William’s coronation, the source said: “I believe it 100 percent. Why would William and Kate want all the distraction and circus that his presence would bring? I suspect that William will see Harry one more time in his life in the flesh—at their father’s funeral.”

A former Buckingham Palace staffer told The Daily Beast: “Planning for William’s coronation is well underway, and as I understand it there are no plans to invite Harry. It’s hardly surprising when you look at how poisoned the well has become.”

[From The Daily Beast]

How many times does William have to thrash around, screaming and wailing at full volume for you to get it? He hates his brother. He doesn’t want Harry to contact him. He doesn’t want Harry at his coronation. He doesn’t want Harry to pay attention to him. Pay attention, Harry! William is mad at you! Harry, are you listening?? Harry, I’m angry! Harry, look at me, I’m going to be king, aren’t you jealous?? Harry, I don’t want to see you until our father is dead and I WILL BE KING! Harry, Harry, Harry, are you looking? Harry, you can’t come back! You can’t come back until I order it!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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87 Responses to “Prince William ‘will see Harry one more time in his life – at their father’s funeral’”

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  1. Julia says:

    If William and Harry were so clever growing up why did William completely ignore Harry at Eton? A loving brother would have accepted his brother’s choice of wife and made an effort to welcome her. These people are so weird, bleating on about a coronation when your father is still alive.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I suspect that William was always jealous of Harry because Harry could have his freedom and William would have to be King. People say that Harry is jealous of William because William will be king, but I have heard that none of the royals actually want the job.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        They can all nope out of it in a heartbeat with one abdication and an Act of Parliament declaring Britain a Republic. The aristocracy would have a coronary, of course.

      • Bean says:

        William is deeply, tragically jealous of his brother who is every single thing that he is not. The only thing William has is the future crown of a tiny island and it kills William that Harry just doesn’t care. Harry is loved and respected by millions around the globe and William is just…meh, who cares about William or his crown or his tiny island?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      It’s always about waiting for the monarch’s death in this family. I don’t even think it’s any indication of KC’s health status. What I find fascinating is William telling on himself about how he is shitting his pants about actually becoming king and Harry not being around to prop him up. He sounds scared shitless about it.

      • Chrissy says:

        To me it shows that he knows he’s not prepared for the role, being too lazy, too stupid and too corrupt to do what’s expected because he’s avoided taking the prep seriously for years. He used and abused the one person who could have been his biggest ally but his lifelong abuse of Harry, and later the sanctioned racial abuse of Meghan and Archie sealed his fate. Too bad, sooo sad. He was did this to himself!

    • swaz says:

      I really want to know what is all this funeral talk about ??? Is Charles dying 😕😕

    • Advisor2U says:

      Prince Harry has convincingly debunked the decades-long rosy story told by the royal commentators, tabloids and royal stenographers, that he and William were “very close growing up”. He did so in Spare and in the several interviews he gave to promote his biography, but they all deliberately ignore his own account and experiences, and continue to push that narative for their own monitizing games, and to frustrate him.

      At this point we all should completely ignore the stories based on that manipulative lie.

  2. Glamarazzi says:

    You really nailed it with that last paragraph. They’re making him sound obsessive, like Captain Queeg.

    With friends like these, who needs enemies?

  3. Bad Janet says:

    This isn’t a flex, Huevo.

    • Lau says:

      The fact that he thinks that statements like this one make him look good is truly beyond insanity.

    • EllenOlenska says:

      He doesn’t need to invite Harry to a darn thing because he sees Harry every night in his dreams. Every single night, every single day…Harry beat him at everything, life, marriage, being a good person. And basically showed Huevo that it’s nothing more than a Burger King (or in “Catherine’s” case, cheap tin foil) crown. I’m sure his entire stomach lining is gone from the stomach acid alone.

  4. Again I’m sure Harry doesn’t care that it will be the last time he sees him. He has moved forward and knows what his firm/family is and I’m pretty sure he is okay and will have zero regrets.

    • Angied says:

      Now I get it. It really bothered him to see Harry and Meghan so happy last week. Hence the constant bleeping to his media buddies. Them laughing, dancing and having a wonderful week really got to him. Harry should be miserable and unhappy like him. I personally feel that Meghan has put those people in her rearview window and has moved on with her and her children lives. She won’t give them any of her precious time and attention. She trusted them once and It almost cost her life. Never again for her. Their success is eating him up and the jealousy factor is off the charts. That dude really needs a mental health intervention.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        It amazes me that not one of the royals were kind to her during the tabloid abuse period. Not even QE. Not one asked her how was she doing, or offered support. They are all horrible people, including the cousins.

  5. Jais says:

    At this point, the crying that Harry sold his family out for a paycheck is such a tired and overplayed refrain. Most people are aware that William was planting negative stories about Meghan and Harry to the point that they got out of the way real quick. William is unkind, unhinged and angry. It is for the best for the Sussexes to ignore him and limit exposure to him at all costs.

  6. Tessa says:

    Ghoulish talk about Charles dying again. I hope Charles lives to be close to 100. William is the betrayer and it is hypocritical of him to go in for self pity.

  7. Islandgirl says:

    “Something broken deep inside William”.
    This pretty much says it all, and it didn’t start with Harry leaving. Harry’s leaving exacerbated it, Harry being happy and successful further exacerbated it, but they can’t say that.
    They have to use the book and the interviews.
    I saw how they reacted when they heard of the interview and I will continue to say that Harry and Meghan have not revealed half of what they could have.
    So, yes they are upset about the book and the interviews but William was not broken by them. He was broken already and Harry leaving and being successful has shattered him.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I believe that if William didn’t love his little brother he wouldn’t be nearly so angry.

      • Tina says:

        This isn’t love it’s control and jealousy IMO. William was raised to believe he was better than Harry yet Harry has the better life (happy marriage, freedom from the gilded cage). William was also raised to believe he would have control over Harry (and his wife and children) and he doesn’t. Honestly these stories make him sound like he’s really spiralling.

      • wolfmamma says:

        Charles isn’t dead William. You know ~ the King ~ your father … the patriarch of your brutal family.
        This is not Game of Thrones

        Get a grip and stop airing your rage…. We are really really tired of all of it.

      • Becks1 says:

        I honestly don’t think William knows what love is. How can he, growing up in that toxic institution, being told again and again by everyone in his circle that he’s the best, that he’s the most special, that he’s the heir, etc.

        Loving someone involves compromise, it involves empathy, etc. Those are things that William doesnt have or understand.

      • Boo says:

        I kinda agree, that underneath the rage lies a love that goes pretty deep.
        a “just because I love you, doesn’t mean I like you” kind of thing. I hope there is love left between them.
        I also think that as much as people WANT Harry to now be happy and free and living his best life, he is probably quite sad and troubled by all of this. Because he’s soft hearted.
        Family rifts are horrible, and in the context of a family as F’d-up as the RF, even moreso. So I hope there can be a reconciliation.

    • Nic919 says:

      William desperately needs therapy for unresolved issues from his mother dying a tragic death. Harry said he tried therapy several times before it worked and nothing was given to them right after her death.

      No one can serious stiff upper lip a death like that, especially as a child. From that point on William has simply been provided cover for his bad decisions, including marrying an enabler like Kate and the Middletons, which has only made him more miserable.

      He’s jealous Harry is happy and he can’t understand why.

  8. Sunshine says:

    I noticed the interviewee called Kate “Kate.” Thought that wasn’t permitted? LOL

    • Jasper says:

      Good catch!

    • Blithe says:

      Yep. So the interviewee called her “Kate”. AND talked about William and Kate as though they are a solid couple— who will still be sharing their lives together whenever William’s coronation takes place.

      • Chrissy says:

        I guess the interviewer drank the Kool-Aid! (shrug)

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Huevo & Huesa’s coronation is going to have more in common with that of George IV and (locked out) Queen Caroline. It was a wild way to end the Regency. Can you imagine if they had TMZ back then? A few yrs from now we might not have to wonder.

        As for Huevo as king? I think he’ll last as long as his temperamental equal, Edward VIII.

  9. Em says:

    He’s so excited about it that he’s willing to finish off Charles to make that happen

  10. one of the marys says:

    All the stories ignore how betrayed Harry feels by his brother and father. No wonder Kate is ill William must create such a poisonous atmosphere wherever he goes.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      If he spent a week before the Oprah interview locked up and couldn’t even eat, you know he’s weak and must have been terrible to deal with. And he’s clearly unhappy all the time. Even though Kate participated in the abuse of Meghan, she must have had to deal with his anger all the time. At least living separately she doesn’t have to get it often.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Any “friend” that is still pushing the narrative that William and Harry were close is either deluded or a journalist.

  12. MSS says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if William is so awful that he would let Harry find out about their father’s death through the news.

    • Kelly says:

      I’m convinced at this point that not only will Harry find out about the death from the news but that William will bar him from the funeral.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        And no security for sure. I hope Harry is in and out but I’d love if he had a friend with him in a very hard day (it’s his dad after all). Like Nacho. Someone to give him strength and a certain protection, since Meghan rightfully show will never set foot on Viper’s island again. Or someone he can trust from the UK, maybe his uncle Charles.

  13. Ameerah M says:

    This dude is such a pill. He sounds like such an exhausting and boring person to be around. Being around someone who is this toxic and miserable and whiny sounds awful.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah all I really got from this is that William is a severely, deeply unhappy individual. No one that was happy would have spent the last 5 years on a weekly basis telling you just how much they hate someone. Also, if he was even a smidge happy or at peace he would be focusing on his wife that he “loves” or his father that he “loves” and their cancer battles and spending as much time with them and their family as possible. Not talking incessantly through the media about his brother who has seen sporadically over the past five years and who he is not even spoken to in the last two wouldn’t even be on his radar. I know that they lurk here so let me say this very clearly. This ain’t it. William looks and seems to be unhinged and pathetic.

      • Ameerah M says:

        I honestly don’t think he cares about anyone but himself and maybe his kids (It’s odd how we truly have no idea what he’s like as a parent other than he loves trotting his kids out to sporting events – but the boys ONLY).

      • sunnyside up says:

        It certainly seems odd that he is giving all this attention to Harry when his father and supposedly his wife are still dealing with cancer.

  14. Zapp Brannigan says:

    William grew up with access to the best of everything, he has access to resources the rest of us could only imagine in terms of money, education, support, the listening ear of just about anyone influential and this is what he spends his life doing? Would you not be embarrassed if this was your family member? He’s such an inadequate and needs to stop counting down the minutes until his father dies so he can access the big boy hat.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Willy=Trump in a tiara

    • Chrissy says:

      All these stories about Willnot obsessively hating on his brother and him never forgiving Harry is really a bad look! William is one of the most privileged people on earth with huge potential to do good for the people of Britain but all we hear about this overgrown toddler is how much he hates Harry. Why won’t someone over there take him in hand, make he realize HE’S the reason Harry left after the hateful racist abuse of Harry’s family and the lack of push back on the hateful press and family members. But, that ship has sailed and William can stew and face his future role by himself! So shortsighted and stupid really!

      • Gtwiecz says:

        After what Willy did to Harry, his wife and children and still does (feed the royal rota with lies and abuse), there’s no coming back, ever. There’s no chance of reconciliation. He blew it. May the rest of his days be lived in rage.

  15. Mooshe1 says:

    William is ridiculous. He’s acting as if Harry cares about him. Harry said they were done when he first left and has only mentioned a relationship with Charles. Will seems desperate for Harry’s attention

    • ArtHistorian says:

      I think that what Harry and Meghan has revealed is just the tip of the iceberg of what the BRF and their minions put them through. I bet William especially did a lot of horrible shit, given how Harry seems to have written him off completely while he still has made attempts so see his shitty father, who IMO has done some absolutely unforgivable things by putting Harry’s family in danger.

      • Becks1 says:

        @ArtHistorian I agree. I think we’ve just heard the tip of the iceberg and whatever happened, its clear that William is the one that Harry (and Meghan) don’t want to deal with anymore. We can judge here from our couches all we want, but its clear that Harry does want some sort of relationship with his father – or that at least throughout Spare, he treated his father with grace. William did not get that same grace.

        I think part of the reason william is always ranting in the press about Harry is because Harry has 400 pages more to tell – and they would be mostly about William.

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree. Harry did not write about being close to William in Spare, so this friend doesn’t have any reading comprehension. William benefited from being the heir and it let him behave in ways that wouldn’t be acceptable in a normal family where birth order is irrelevant. Then add on the tragic death of their mother and William just spiralled into an angry miserable guy.

        My guess is that Harry only realized how poorly his brother was treating him once he met Meghan. So of course she is being blamed for Harry leaving, but Harry was already one foot out the door before he ever met her.

        The Windsors are dysfunctional in a way that has transcended generations because it is not healthy to raise some family members above others as they do. And this dysfunction will not end with William. It continues with his kids even though few want to admit it.
        It’s only one reason why monarchy needs to be dismantled

      • Becks1 says:

        @nic and I bet you that is one of the reasons William hates Meghan. If she pointed out to Harry that william’s treatment of him wasn’t normal and shouldn’t be tolerated – well of course William is going to hate her and blame her for him leaving. She wasn’t responsible but I believe she was the catalyst. Like you said he was one foot out the door and I don’t think she pushed him the rest of the way, but I think he realized he had to pull her out that door or else she wouldn’t survive.

        Or something. my metaphor is stretching thin, LOL.

  16. lanne says:

    The future king of England is, by admission of his own media, extremely disturbed. (I said King of England on purpose). How on earth do these continual reports make him look good? Who is authorizing this? If a celebrity went on and on about how much he hates a sibling who “wronged” him simply by leaving for seven years, that person would be called out openly.

    This is a crisis. If he’s this unhinged about an absent brother, how is he regulating his emotions around his wife or his children (or even his staff). He’s showing abusive tendencies–remove the names and post this on an advice site and no one would be calling this okay. I’m not wondering if he’s abusive–I’m wonder how abusive he is.

    • Jaded says:

      Unfortunately he’s not regulating his emotions around Kate and possibly his kids. That’s what the whole “Kate disappearing” nonsense is all about. Something William did broke her, emotionally and physically, and the ensuing coverup was all about circling the wagons around the heir, even though his family seems to be treating him like a pariah for the most part. It’s a sad, sick situation and I feel so sorry for those kids, no matter how much the BM try to normalize Bill, he’s a complete liability to the monarchy.

      • lanne says:

        I agree. I look at them and all I see is abject misery. William, Kate, the kids. I can only imagine what the kids are growing up hearing and seeing. The only happy person amonst the whole lot might be Camilla, when she’s in the sauce. I’m so glad that the royals showed their asses the way they did. As much as I hate what Meghan and Harry had to endure, I’m glad it was 18 months in that institution and not ten years.

        I think William hates them for being happy most of all. The thought of sitting around with all those miserable people in Balmoral is dreadful. That they are stuck with each other in the gloom of a drafty castle is fitting.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Are they already in Balmoral with the family? It’s almost the end of August. Is Kate there? I can’t imagine her having to spend days with him.

    • Christine says:

      Your last sentence is exactly it!

  17. L4Frimaire says:

    This guy sounds like he’s spiraling . This latest rage episode is because the Sussexes had a very good trip to Colombia and looked happy and beautiful. That’s it. The royals in England are consumed by pettiness and personal grudges. William doesn’t exactly seem interested in anything other than stalking and raging about his brother while Charles constantly sputters excuse after excuse for why he avoids Harry. What a loon show. This is not rational behavior.

  18. Maxine Branch says:

    William needs to seek help and peace. Harry has moved on.

  19. Over it says:

    I for one am extremely glad that wank advertises his hateful ignorant behind about his brother and his brother family to the world. Good , we can all just stop pretending that William is a gentleman or human . He as far as I am concerned is in need of intensive treatment. He is not right in the head. I think it’s great he lets his feelings be know because having this kind of hatred and anger around Meghan and Harry and their children would make me terrified for their wellbeing and safety . At least harry and Meghan know that they don’t want to be around that incandescent pod . Instead of waiting around foe his father to shove off . Maybe his people should try to get him the help he so desperately needs . Good lord this man is not well

  20. Anonymous says:

    William seems to think hating Harry counts as actual work. The only work he does these days.

  21. Digital Unicorn says:

    Whoever Pegs is authorising to run to the media saying stuff like this needs to tell him to STFU – this is NOT a good look for him on any level. Its painting a rather unhinged picture of the future King and Head of State – he’s on track to be another Trump.

    Am not convinced he will see the throne – its becoming clearer every day that there is something very very wrong with him. If Chuck wants to preserve the Monarchy after him he needs to do something about his heir – Peggy will burn the whole thing to the ground.

  22. Debbie says:

    Oh, my goodness, can this William guy give it a rest (or can people on his behalf) give it a rest about Harry not being his friend, his not talking to Harry anymore, or Harry not being invited to his birthday party? Someone should really tell William to grow up and move on.

  23. Henny Penny says:

    Diana and I were the same age when she died. Like everyone else alive at the time, I watched her tragic funeral, live as it unfolded. What I didn’t completely realize at that time was that I was also watching the unfolding of the men her two sons would become.

    First of all, I’m certain William’s grief wasn’t treated any better than Harry’s. Also, being older, he might have had a better grasp than Harry on how he was being used by QEII & Charles to protect them from the open accusations going in in the Press they’d at least passively killed his mother. And then, after being marched around behind that empty box like it was all just for show, he was made to go out to comfort the outpouring of grief felt by the crowds of hundreds of thousands of strangers while his own grief went ignored. I cannot imagine the fury I’d feel if I was forced to do something like that at 15 years old. How fair is it that millions of strangers who didn’t even know his mother were allowed to cry, but he was not?

    Harry, on the other hand, clearly was enraged. By way of being less practiced at hiding his true feelings, in this way Harry was actually afforded more space to feel his genuine emotions than William. But the real difference between the way these two boys turned out was what happened inside them when they were sent out to console the crowds.

    Harry found comfort and solace in sharing his grief with the people who’d come to honor his mother, whereas William—being a 15-year old future King and probably not well-acquainted with sharing or introspection—arrived somewhere else entirely, and now his face and his personality are frozen in a rictus of fury and contempt for his own Subjects.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Your last point is something I never really considered, his potential anger at the “subjects” who were able to co opt his grief and express it in a way he was not allowed. I’m right between William and Harry age wise and I remember thinking it was bizarre that they were supposed to shake hands and tell people thank you and sorry who were sobbing after their mother died. It really just seems like the environment he was raised in did everything they could to make him the most damaged, petulant, spoiled, arrogant and suppressed person they could. A lifetime of you’re always right, and never express how you feel.

      • Henny Penny says:

        I’ve spent way too much time thinking about Harry and William over the course of these long years, but in my own grief during that funeral over the loss of such a bright light in our world, and watching how they used those two children, I vowed to her memory I’d always remember that day and what they’d done. These are not nice people.

        Unfortunately, William became one of them, and maybe he really didn’t stand a chance. Harry never would have escaped if it hadn’t been for Meghan and her money and connections.

        Notice how they made damned sure to saddle William with a brainless bunch of hair and a passel of kids he wasn’t even 30-years old when they forced him to marry Kate.

        Don’t get me wrong. William is a grave disappointment. But he didn’t make himself that way all by him lonesome. I think he hates people, period. But especially his subjects who killed his mother with their curiosity. That’s how I see it, anyway.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Excellent points. One would expect such a boy to become ambivalent, at best, towards the monarchy he will grow to represent, as a man… and that’s what we see. But don’t forget: on top of every other handicap, William has a TBI, impairing his ability to deal with any of this.

  24. equality says:

    If you don’t want someone to write a book revealing you as abusive, maybe behave better. How nice that PW is leaning on his right to be unforgiving and unapologetic up to and after the point that he is the leader of a Christian church.

    • sunnyside up says:

      William ‘doesn’t do God’ so he doesn’t have to be forgiving, wonder what he will do about being the head of the Church, perhaps he will ask parliament to disestablish the Church of England.

  25. Mina_Esq says:

    It’s weird that this seems to be a point of pride for him.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This horrible obsession of William bespeaks of a more deeper mental instability. More than any injury his brother could have inflicted. Something else happened to this little boy that Harry had NOTHING to do with. Methinks William is unable to lash out at “that” person or persons so uses his brother as a punching bag instead. This guy need serious mental & emotional help. He crying out for it.

    • Henny Penny says:

      That’s what I see. He’s starting to remind me of that Prince that was put in a metal body trap and fed through a hole. Instead of a visible trap, something else has trapped him as a petulant adolescent who’s never grown up.

      Harry called Camilla the villain of his story. Very likely she’s the villain of William’s story, too.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Or…he also blames his father for his mother’s death, or his grandparents, or heard things, as he was older (like a poster said above), but knows if he said anything he’d be in trouble in that hierarchy. So he feels trapped and angry,

  27. Nuks says:

    This display is not good for William and Kate’s children. They’re going to have to clean up this mess someday and it isolates them from their own family. It sets a horrible example for the public about how to handle family problems and encourages vengeful trolling and fanning flames of discord. This is not leadership, this is personal tyranny. Nothing about this has any value and it’s inconceivable that no one will put a stop to it.

    Best thing ever said about it: “First make peace with your brother.”

    No one on the world stage will ever respect William because he won’t stifle his personal feelings and act with purpose. Wtf is the purpose of all this?

    I can’t even start with the macabre funeral talk while his father is still alive. I swear this family wishes they could go back to chopping each other’s heads off.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      In earlier times William might’ve been beheaded for treason for talking up the death of the Sovereign.😐

  28. Honey says:

    Basically, the whole things boils down to William being able to hold a grudge across a lifetime & his inability to do some perspective taking. Totally without empathy or a willingness to forgive (real and/or perceived slights). Same thing for Charles.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Some of this feels like Pegs and Charles fighting behind the scenes – ‘I won’t invite Harry to my coronation!’ immediately followed by ‘Prince William won’t be foolish enough to yada yada,’ immediately followed by ‘I won’t see Harry again til Dad’s dead and then that’s that!’ Add to it the stuff with Andrew’s security being yanked and it feels like something pretty big is shifting behind the scenes.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    As I know from personal experience, sadly, when you’re estranged from a sibling for a number of years, at some point you just move on, accepting that nothing is going to change.

    Of course, I went through therapy to reach this acceptance and William would never. Harry, however, clearly has and so when he says his status with William is “space,” he means it — and is at peace with it.

  31. Beverley says:

    William is so badly broken that he doesn’t seem to understand that these repetitive expressions of hate and rage for his brother aren’t normal…at least nowhere but Salt Island.

    William, you look unhinged to the rest of the world. Pull yourself together, man.

    • Libra says:

      William hates and rages at his brother because everything Harry has said is true. William can’t even have the satisfaction of calling his brother a liar because too many people know just how violent William can be .I agree that the missing 400 pages are about William and Charles

  32. Carol says:

    I do note with interest, that this supposed close source refers to “Kate” after that recent article declaring that she prefers Catherine and how dare Harry and Meghan keep calling her Kate! And William is furious!
    It’s all such crap…

  33. bisynaptic says:

    “Something broken deep inside William.”
    — Not broken: unmade.

  34. Anonymous says:

    William has become a bitter, arrogant, small-minded little man, who has extreme anger management issues. He should apologize to Harry for physically attacking him. Harry didn’t draw his brother’s blood. William is not acting like Diana’s son anymore. Frankly, he’s a disgrace to her memory.

  35. Jennifer says:

    William is a horror now. His arrogance is hard to watch. Who drew blood in a fight with his own brother? Harry didn’t strike William. Harry asked for help and was denied it.

  36. JJ says:

    That’s sick af. What the hell is wrong with him? Therapy is a start but honestly… maybe he is a narcissist and there is no fix for that. What kind of person says that? And worse yet, what kind of person says that when their dad is currently fighting for his life with cancer? He is missing an empathy chip in his brain or something because that is beyond cold. It’s glacial.