Jennifer Lopez ‘tried really hard to make things work and is heartbroken’

Well, Jennifer Lopez’s fourth marriage is done. People give her a lot of grief about her marriages and divorces, but she’s 55 years old? It’s not like she’s been married back-to-back four times and she’s only 30 years old or something. At least she’s spread them out. The biggest break between marriages was post-Marc Anthony. She needed to heal, she needed to get right and get her career back. She dated that backup dancer for years, then she was engaged to Alex Rodriquez, and then Ben stole her away from A-Rod. Who is next? I have no idea, but I suspect that there will be another one. Maybe not a husband, but definitely a boyfriend. Still, right now, Jennifer is mourning. Sources close to Jennifer previously told People Mag that “she’s very disappointed and sad, but Ben hasn’t given her any signs that he wants to continue their marriage. He hasn’t shown any commitment and interest in making their marriage work. It’s gotten to the point that she just needs to look out for herself.” Here’s a follow-up:

Jennifer Lopez is taking control. Hours after the singer, 55, filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on Tuesday, Aug. 20, a source tells PEOPLE exclusively that Lopez “was done waiting.”

“She tried really hard to make things work and is heartbroken,” adds the source. “The kids are a top priority, as they always have been.”

Multiple sources previously confirmed that Lopez, who’s mom to 16-year-old twins Emme and Max, filed at the Los Angeles County Superior Court and listed their date of separation as April 26, 2024.

Lopez and Affleck — who is dad to Violet, 18, Seraphina, 15, and Samuel, 12 (with ex-wife Jennifer Garner) — have spent much of their summer apart. Another insider close to Lopez tells PEOPLE that the star is ready to “move on” from Affleck, 52.

[From People]

I think she is heartbroken, completely. Watching her stupid This Is Me… Now musical and The Greatest Love Story Never Told documentary, you could see that she genuinely believed that this was it, that this was her last marriage, that Ben was The One. In her mind, she was celebrating the idea that their love was real and they found their way back to each other. Everything fell apart as she was making those projects, I absolutely believe that.

People Mag also confirms that Jennifer began looking for her own separate house in LA in April. She listed April 26th as their separation date, so there was some kind of falling out or fight or something that month.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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81 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez ‘tried really hard to make things work and is heartbroken’”

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  1. Mimi says:

    I still say that if her projects had been wildly successful, he’d still be there. It was the embarrassment of being the subject of a project that was derided that made him decide to leave her. So much for “in better or worse”.

    • KMAC says:

      I 💯 believe this too!! Had they been successful, he would be riding them coattails!! As a matter of fact, my guess is that he would have taken much of the credit because they were HIS letters and HE was the one who returned to JLO. Don’t get me wrong, she is insufferable 😣 that doc/album/concert, all were just downright bad and the absolute wrong moves. Because it all bombed, he was out. This is a repeat of the movie they did together “Gigli” (got it! 🤣 the spelling), which also bombed.

    • Neeve says:

      Do you really think if they were successful he would have stuck around. That seems so simple to me,why would it matter? Its not like he is new to flops,I just think he is a restless dude with demons and cant make his mind up.

      • Mimi says:

        Yes, I do. It’s easier to walk away when everything sucks. Some people are just fair-weather people.

      • Aurora says:

        I think if the projects had been successful he would’ve stayed longer. Maybe the marriage would’ve lasted a few more years. But eventually, he would’ve left.

        He’s bailed on every single longterm relationship he’s had. He just zones out until the women pull the plug,

        The projects being a flop just sped up the process.

    • Lenneke says:

      This! he seems like the guy who desperately wants to be respected in Hollywood. He oozes insecurity to me.

      • Mel says:

        Newsflash: whatever you think of him, he is respected in Hollywood, he has TWO Oscars.

      • Becks1 says:

        honestly, I don’t think he’s that great an actor, but I think he’s a really good director. and like MEl said, he has two oscars, hollywood respects him.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      When I think of BA, I have always thought he was extremely shallow and selfish it is how he has always come across.. I think he handled all of this like a pouting child and I keep thinking this all has come across as very emotionally cruel to jlo. I don’t think this man loves anyone beyond himself.

    • Mel says:

      This is such an oversimplification and sort of childish view of that marriage. The desire to make everything his fault here, is ridiculous. He has had many flops, the projects failing had nothing to do with their marriage failing. Their marriage failed because two people who know that they are way too different decided that they would get married and somehow it would all magically work out without doing any real work prior to getting married. This really has nothing to do with a failed project. Wow

      • Oakley says:

        Yeah, that Mimi kind has a massive chip on their shoulder.

      • agirlandherdogs says:

        My husband (my husband!) actually asked me last night if I’d heard JLo filed for divorce… obviously, dude. And I told him the same thing. They’re just too different. They were never going to work. Affleck is a walking bag of issues. But I certainly don’t think it helps that JLo always seems to want a performative love story more than she wants a marriage.

      • Get Real says:

        All of this. People are so desperate to make this his fault and annoint her as the victim yet again, including Jlo herself. If she keeps running this narrative, she’s never going to grow up.
        They both had unrealistic expectations of one another that they willingly fed. And they are both addicts, one to substances and the other to relationships.

      • C says:

        It is disingenuous to pretend their careers aren’t a part of their relationship for a hundred reasons and this is what happened with Gigli, it bombed and he got embarrassed by her and checked out. It amazes me that there are multiple former partners of his saying that he does this and people are still ignoring it. The guy said his ex-wife made him an alcoholic. And absolutely nobody forced him to rekindle this. Nor did anyone force him into a marriage he didn’t want to work on. JLo is messy but not for this, frankly.

        And as a person with alcoholics in my family the insistence that she was a bad wife for her alcohol line is incredibly misogynist. Having a business line doesn’t mean you’re consuming that stuff at home and his sobriety is his job, nobody else’s; if you can’t handle simple PR for the mention of an alcohol line (which she never drinks anyway so the point is moot) you need more intensive help and probably shouldn’t be with anyone.

      • Oakley says:

        Who said that? I don’t remember Jennifer Garner/Gwyneth Paltrow ever said such a thing about him. And he never blamed their first round on Gigli. That’s just people speculation, and with time went on, a malaise has crept in when they mention it.

      • C says:

        There are tons of google results for what his exes have said about him. As for Gigli, both the director and Ben himself have emphasized how embarrassing it was for them and Affleck himself told outlets like Grazia and The Hollywood Reporter that the reception of the film made him feel embarrassed about his relationship and like a fool, and made him feel embarrassed about his career which is why he transitioned to directing, and that it hastened their split.

      • C says:

        (Pardon me – it wasn’t the Hollywood Reporter but Entertainment Weekly)

      • Oakley says:

        Can you at least point out the reference link about his exes said such thing? Because I have found none.
        And I did a google search on keyword “ben affleck, gigli, entertainment weekly”, and again I cannot find where he mentioned he was embarrassed with her. He said he was embarrassed with the movie. But that is correct reaction. Like aren’t people be embarrassed with their own work if they fail?
        I am beginning to suspect you are a stakeholder and are pushing a wicked narrative here.

      • C says:

        I have been commenting here for years. You, on the other hand, seem to have popped up , certainly never getting this bothered about Lopez before, and are literally telling people who disagree with you they “have a chip on their shoulder”. So as for someone sounding like they are being paid, you are protesting too much.
        You can read Jennifer Garner’s words about him in Vanity Fair, 2016. Paltrow, Howard Stern 2018. Next time feel free to do your own research.

    • Oakley says:

      There is no where he mentioned that he was embarrassed with her projects. And he wasn’t restrained with the words for the fall out: spending habits, housing, too much publicity even for him, sharing too much privacy stuff without his consent, the alcohol brand, etc.

  2. ariel says:

    I feel terrible for her. She really wanted to try.
    There’s nothing you can do to save a relationship when both people don’t want to be there.

    I mean, there’s a thing about on and off relationships… because its always good to go back to something you *know* doesn’t work.

    He wooed her back. They were caught up in love.
    As if neither learned anything in the intervening decades.

    But mostly i do feel badly for her. She is EXTRA- but he knew that. And maybe he overestimated his capacity to handle her EXTRA version of life.

    • Oakley says:

      It’s like she turned up a notch when she was with him. She was quieter when she was A Rod. And perhaps he thought he could handle that version of JLo and the publicity, since he must have gotten used to it when he was with Jennifer Garner. only JLo really turned on the tap. I think he was overwhelmed.

    • Becks1 says:

      I do feel badly for her because JLo is….well, she’s JLo, right? She’s extra. She loves pap attention. She loves red carpet premieres and the met gala and all of that. he does not (well for some reason he seems to like pap attention when he’s wandering with a DD coffee, but I digress). But she’s always been that way. Their relationship rekindled with a pap “stroll” on a yacht through the Mediterranean that lasted for weeks. It wasn’t like she promised she had changed.* The signs were there that it was going to be similar to the last time and he seemed okay with it, and proposed, so I do feel badly for her.

      *I’m not saying she needed to change, but if the “pap attention and red carpet premieres” etc were part of the issue and he wasn’t as into all of that as she was – she sent the message pretty early on that those things were still a big part of her persona. He had time to break it off before marrying her.

  3. Tilly says:

    She’s not heartbroken enough to stop
    Briefing the press sooooo…

    • Mil says:

      It is called having publicists. The dude humiliated her twice. I think they were ready…
      He treats women like toys. Toxic guy with too much power and some honest struggles.

      • Agnes says:

        Mil, totally. He is toxic af, I always thought he got back together with JLo to make people quit talking about that young dating site woman who made fun of him and released that video of him saying, “It’s ME!” as if she would automatically want to date an old sad sack because he was once very famous. He’s just as big a fame ho as JLo anyday. They are both right now showing the dark side of Leo energy to a huge degree.

  4. Tursitops says:

    The common denominator to the four marriages and multiple broken engagements is her. She had the right idea to take some time for herself, to learn what makes her truly fulfilled.

    Her priority needs to be her kids and her emotional health. Until she knows what makes her happy all on her own, she won’t be happy chasing romantic bliss with someone else.

    • Kitten says:

      I tend to agree. She’s in love with being in love, which is almost always a recipe for disaster because the underlying issue is codependence. And people love to talk about how vain and self-centered J Lo is but at the end of the day, I actually think she’s deeply insecure. Because secure people are ok with being alone and find deep satisfaction and fulfillment within themselves whereas insecure people depend on others to fulfill that need. Ultimately that’s a LOT to put on a partner, especially someone like Ben who has strong personal boundaries and a finite amount of love an attention to give.

      • Neeve says:

        @Kitten what does being in love with love even mean? This is just something people who constantly choose to be with someone because that makes them feel irresistible and a catch. If you literally cant be single even for a second there are some serious issues there,mostly driven by ego.

      • Kitten says:

        I explained it in my comment already but it means that you look to others to fulfill what is lacking within and that usually manifests as the incessant pursuit of romantic relationships, searching for a magic bullet that doesn’t exist.

        It’s not new…I think all of us have had at least one friend like this. I once had a friend in college tell me “I admire you so much for being comfortable being alone. I can never be alone because I’m not comfortable with the confrontation; I’m not comfortable with myself”. He was ALWAYS in a relationship–it was a compulsive need for him.
        J Lo’s incessant need to be in a relationship is her way of trying to satisfy that lack of self-fulfillment and self-acceptance.
        And it blows up in her face every time because no partner can do for her what she can only do for herself.

      • Jaded says:

        @Neeve — allow me to explain how I see it. Being in love with love means constantly being in the initial, euphoric stages of falling in love. It means putting your partner on a pedestal and worshiping at the feet of Eros. It means you put aside any little niggling irritations you may have with your love object and wrap yourself in the perfection of your new romance. It means shouting your love from the rooftops to everyone around you until you become insufferable. We’ve all known people like that. The trouble is that these people don’t take the time to *understand* and respect their partner, warts and all. Real love ain’t all exuberant infatuation and heart-racing excitement, it’s “you forgot to put the toilet seat down” or “please don’t burp at the dinner table” or “stop snoring”, whatever. What you must have in order to solidify the relationship is friendship, tolerance, respect and knowing when to let things go by instead of constantly harping on issues. Yes your partner forgets things or leaves dirty dishes in the sink or whatever, but at the core of the relationship is that you love all the good things about them and don’t get fussed with the other stuff, and if you do you talk it out calmly. Neither Ben nor JLO seem to have the capacity for getting beyond the initial rush of new love, that is what falling in love with love means.

      • Mel says:

        The feeling when you first fall for someone is intoxicating. I think she loves that feeling and when you aren’t life that anymore ( that’s very normal and natural), she doesn’t know what to do when it stops. Not for nothing but the common denominator in her failed marriages is her. Just saying. Frankly, she needs to take some time alone and learn how to live and enjoy life by herself, instead of always falling into relationships and having to get married. I think they might have survived if they didn’t get married and everyone kept their living arrangements separate. At this age, if I’m not married, I’m not living with another soul who I didn’t give birth to again. I’m set in ways, see you for dinners, vacations and we can be in each other’s space Thurs-Sun. Then someone is going home.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    That’s all she could have done. At least she can finally close that chapter of her life.

  6. KASalvy says:

    I think for both of them they liked the chase and the idea of getting married versus the actual marriage itself. Eventually the honeymoon period wears off and reality sets it.

    Or as real as these two can get.

  7. lucy2 says:

    She is someone who DESPERATELY needs to be single for a while and figure herself out.
    I fully believe she wanted to make it work, and he was like…nah I’m good. Because he wanted the chase, not the relationship.

  8. Krista says:

    Divorce is sad – I hope she finally takes time to invest in herself, and seeks therapy.

  9. Inge says:

    Maybe she should have done less. Like not sharing his private love letters in her documentary.

    • Mil says:

      …. Which his team produced and he was right there. She never did this in 2019, for example. She had his approval, but it was a way out for him

      • Oakley says:

        No, he directly related to her about his uncomfort and was visibly mortified. But she actually taunted him later, saying contrarian things. There was no respect from her there. It’s like what JLo wants, JLo gets. No consideration.

    • OzRed says:

      I think he is very private and she is a fame wh*re. She took his private letters and shared them for all to see. The embarrassment of that .. the sharing of their private correspondence was too much for him and he suddenly realized just how little privacy he would have. She lost his respect.

      • Alyssa Macray says:

        This! I watched an interview with him where he talked about not wanting the celebrity aspect of his job. He was grateful but just wanted to work. He said that even doing the interview at the moment was uncomfortable for him. He is just a middle aged man who wants to work, be with his kids, enjoy his life and not constantly have flash bulbs going off in his face. I think his birthday is the perfect example. He didn’t leave his house. Jennifer is not like that. If she really wanted things to work she would have toned it down.

        I hope he is ok and at peace.

  10. Tiffany :) says:

    They focused so much on the public’s opinion of their relationship, it must feel especially humiliating during the breakup.

    The movie, the documentary about the movie, the recreation of the “Jenny from the block” butt grab, the social media posts with pictures from her bed the morning after the wedding. The energy they spent trying to convincing the public that they were the greatest love story ever probably should have been energy spent working on the relationship privately.

  11. Plums says:

    Everything I read about those docs she made that bombed were so cringe. I feel like she let the initial wave of general delight everyone felt when she and Ben first got back together get to her head and put this idea that there was a sustained popular interest in this love story that she could turn into a career resurgence, but it wasn’t actually there because the real initial delight was people feeling satisfied at a HEA after 20 years of separation. No one actually wanted to hear more about them or wanted to invest in their private lives as a middle aged married couple with a blended family full of older kids. They just wanted to wish them well and leave them alone.

  12. Flamingo says:

    She should be like Madonna; she keeps getting older, but all her boyfriend’s stay at 26. Have fun J.Lo!!

    • StarWonderful says:

      Flamingo, the topic is Jen and Ben. Why bring Madonna up? She doesn’t marry her boytoys.

  13. Seraphina says:

    While I am no JLo fan – I hate to see a beautiful woman who has love to give be heart broken when it’s not reciprocated. She can do so much better. Dry your eyes and move on. It wasn’t meant to be.

  14. Sandra says:

    I called this doomed from the start. J. Lo doesn’t make the best decisions in relationships (I’ll get to Ben in a second because he’s not getting off scot free). A-Rod was already notorious for being unfaithful and she got engaged to him anyway. If the problem with Ben the first time around was the enormous media/public scrutiny on them, then why make the re-do extremely public again with the documentaries and album? The common denominator with both of these scenarios was attention, attention, attention. A-Rod craves it as much as she does. The “THIS IS MEEEEEEE” stuff screams pay attention to ME as well. You are a 55 year old enormously accomplished woman. Please learn to love yourself enough that you don’t have to feel the need to get it from strangers all the time. Be in your relationship with your partner and be the best you: the public doesn’t have to give you their approval through documentary views and album sales.
    And Ben is not blameless here. He pursued her again and then when he got her back, he didn’t want the relationship anymore. Grow up. You knew exactly who you were getting back together with. You are a grown ass adult with children. I hope his kids can grow up to have healthy relationships. Same goes for J. Lo’s kids.

  15. Eurydice says:

    I just can’t with her anymore. I get that Ben is suboptimal in practically every way, but how is it that she’s the perpetual victim every single time? At this point, I have to wonder if she’s some kind of masochist, that she derives some kind of satisfaction in being heartbroken. Of course, a lot of this is PR spin, but that’s the picture I’m seeing.

  16. Kitten says:

    She’ll probably jump full-force into a new relationship. Sigh. Just get a cat, man.

    • Renee' says:

      100% she will be papped with her new guy within a couple of months. She cannot be alone. She has proven that time and time again.

      Yes, getting a cat is the way to go! I love my cat!

      • Golly Gee says:

        Cat lover here. Cat >Guy everytime! I had a friend who at one time gave up her cat because her new boyfriend was allergic. They ended up breaking up and she always regretted that she chose the guy over the cart.

  17. Pisces Rising says:

    Jennifer L. came to my American city & treat people very badly! My female friend had to deal with that woman. J.L. would not allow women to make eye contact with her. Never said “ please” or “ thank you.” Did not want my friend to speak to her directly, had to speak to her entourage instead. Constantly found fault with everything my friend said & did! My friend would call me after work crying telling me what happened. Jennifer L would take tips from wait staff. My friend is not a liar. My friend told her boss never again with that woman!
    When my friend that to assist Ben Affleck when he came to my U. S. He was polite & kind did not scream at people. Ben treated everyone as his equal! I know some people on this website think Jen is wonderful & is a victim of Ben. That is not true! That woman is a “ witch. “

    • M&M says:

      I believe your friend.

    • Izzy says:

      That tracks completely with the one experience I had with her and her ridiculous entourage when I was working in retail.

    • Jaded says:

      Thanks for this @Pisces Rising — I knew a woman years ago who worked for Columbia Pictures as a “star handler” and had to work with JLo once. She said she was a total horror show.

  18. M&M says:

    I went down a rabbit hole on TicTok by former personal assistants in the entertainment industry and their stories on JLO are insane! This woman is not nice. There were lots of stories on just how mean and degrading she is to staff and how Ben Affleck is just the opposite. He may have his demons and may be a big man-child but how you treat people tells a lot about your character. I think the biggest thing for him was realizing she hasn’t changed. She’s still the same Jenny from the Block from all those years ago and hasn’t matured and is still stuck in her over-the-top diva antics.

    • Golly Gee says:

      Underlying all his problems, Ben Affleck has a kind and generous heart and doesn’t see himself as being above other people. I forget sometimes why I have a soft spot for him, but your comment reminded me of why. I remember Molly Bloom writing in her memoir that when she organized high stake Poker games, Ben Affleck — unlike many of her other clients— was always a gentleman and tipped generously,
      Meanwhile, JLo not only puts herself on a pedestal above others, but also treat them poorly.
      He for sure has commitment issues, but I’m sure it didn’t help once the euphoria of being in love wore off, to watch how she treated people and realize she had not grown into a kinder person.

  19. Carolnr says:

    I am sorry…do the Math. Ben had like 4 movies. Jen had 4 movies, I believe. They were only married for 2 years. When were they together living their marriage , instead of publicizing how great their marriage was?

    • Flamingo says:

      There was about a yearish of actors were not working due to the WGA and Actors strike. They had a good chunk of 1:1 time. It wasn’t being on different sets that drove them apart.

  20. Gorgonia says:

    The outcome of their marriage confirmed to me that if someone has let you down in the past, they will let you down again if they have the chance: if it was over once before, there was a reason.

  21. Newt says:

    I’m sad that JLo had to learn at 55 that there’s usually valid reasons NOT to reunite with an ex, but here we are. Now she can heal her heart & mind and plan her next steps. I’d never bet against JLo.

    I have a feeling BA is the type of guy that when he’s into you, he’s REALLY into you, but once he’s no longer into you, he’s COLD AS ICE and he just gives you the silent treatment. Yuck.

    JLo needs an Eric Johnson type – Jessica Simpson’s husband. Eric, by all accounts, seems to adore Jessica, he is not in the business and doesn’t have an ego, he lets Jessica shine in the spotlight and is there to support her and to carry her purse. And I don’t mean that last part in a demeaning way – it just shows one way he supports her 100%. JLo needs someone like Eric.

    • DaveW says:

      Didn’t she have that though, with Chris Judd? He seemed pretty low key, adored her, and wasn’t trying to compete.
      Other people have said JLo needs someone high powered, industry adjacent but not an actor, similar to Reese Witherspoon’s last husband. I do agree she should try being single for awhile.

  22. Marcia says:

    I didn’t realize he hadn’t been sober that long. I think he’s a recovering addict and he got caught up in the high of their reconciliation without realizing it. And then the high wore off, and he realized they were totally incompatible.

  23. GrnieWnie says:

    Idk, call me crazy, but would you guys file for divorce after 3-4 rough months? I’d call it a separation and give it half a year, at least, if I were really invested in making things work.

    I know that takes two people to do but if I were looking at my fourth divorce and the breakup of a relationship I really really wanted to work out, I’d be a bit more hesitant to file.

    I get her reasoning, but I think rich celebrities are breathing rarified air…they meet so many people, they’ve got all the means…it’s so easy to file for divorce and move on with your life. It’s the rest of us who have to at least attempt to stick things out bc we have about a million more considerations.

    • Flamingo says:

      That’s what I feel Jennifer was trying to do. There were separated since April 26 according to her filing. Take a break from each other for the summer and try and make it work again. I feel when she went to his home for his birthday on August 15. He told her he wasn’t going to try and reconcile. And he was trying to be a ‘gentleman’ waiting for her to file. Since in Hollywood for some reason who files first is of great importance optics wise. I left you looks better than you left me. I remember the story about Pam Anderson and Kid Rocks lawyers literally racing up the stairs to the courthouse to be the first to file.

      That’s why she went pro per and filed for divorce. She was done trying. You can’t move a mountain. And a giant F U to him to file on their 2nd wedding anniversary (GA). Which I doubt he cared about sadly. But it was symbolic to her. Better than a PR statement.

  24. Tashiro says:

    I just think these are two people who thought they could make it work. But I keep coming back to this issue of why did he seek her out, why did he ask her to marry him? I have to assume because that’s what he wanted to do. You would think that if someone does that they are serious and want to make the commitment. He has seen what her life is like over a 20-year period, how could he be surprised? I’m not putting the blame on him alone, there were two ppl in that relationship. I think she really loved him and went into it like this is it. But when I’ve seen pics of him, he always seems so disengaged. Maybe that’s just him. As people have said maybe they should’ve just dated but some ppl feel the need to marry which is fine. I wasn’t invested in them to much, but I was hoping they would make it.

  25. Pisces Rising says:

    I am tired of J. L portraying herself as a victim! Like butter wood not melt in her mouth. I am not going to make excuses for her, because she a female. She is not weak and helpless! I am a female and i do not treat people the way she treated my friend! I know she is going to throw mudd on B.A & other people. Jen refuses to look at herself, because she is the problem! It makes me sick when some do not blame themselves.

  26. Northernlala says:

    I’d be so angry if I were her. Why did he write her in the first place? He started the whole thing! W I feel really bad for her. He needs to stay single.

    • Pisces Rising says:

      Dear Northernlala
      I respect your opinion. Please keep in mind this woman would treat you & i like fertilizer!

  27. Andrea says:

    Haven’t we all had a few exes come sniffing around every few years? Since I am not married, I have a few that come around every so often…none that I have met up with or entertained the possibility though especially since they sound like they are in worse places I left them at then before..I always chock it up to loneliness and nostalgia since i broke up with them. It is an ego boost, but it would be disastrous if I ever got back with 2 of em because those 2 have never married and seem to pedestal our relationship when it wasn’t that great period.

    2 others I would never go back to(my two early on long term relationships) because of current or past addictions; they are too unstable even when sober. Those two would match up with Ben and jlo’s timeline the first go around. They also sometimes message me I think just to feel out where I am in life even when theyve been married to other people (1 is now getting a divorce). I feel I am too much of a different person to ever go backwards.

  28. UpIn Toronto says:

    Ben Affleck is not a reliable man

  29. therese says:

    I meant on the other post to comment about how hard Jen Garner tried to make it work. She put her work in. Was not a fan of hers, and she had her own problems with fidelity, but when her had her kids, she became a lioness. I believe JLo would have put the work in. I recall seeing several photos/videos of Ben with his face in hers argumentatively. One: I don’t believe he has a full bucket of tools in his sobriety for dealing with everything, and two: I read an article by Lainey where she notes that he was still very enamored of Jen and affectionate after she took her twins to Japan for their birthday I think in February. Then there was a rupture which seemed very abrupt. One hypothesis by a YouTuber was that Ben found out something about Jen and Diddy. No, not putting that forward as Jen-blaming. Just wanted them to work and sorry/surprised it didn’t. Surprised by the evidence that was there and evident of his love for her.

  30. Mina_Esq says:

    This makes me sad. I loved this marriage for them and for us. It reminded me of simpler times.

    • Golly Gee says:

      I felt the same. Although now that I’m hearing about how horribly she treats people who she considers beneath her, I actually want something better for him despite all his problems. He has a kind and generous heart and doesn’t behave as though he’s above others.

  31. Pisces Rising says:

    Hi Jaded
    You are most welcome.