Eden: King Charles should stop bullying Prince Andrew & start bullying the Sussexes

Buckingham Palace has been trying to deflect from a variety of bad news, from the Sussexes going on yet another successful tour, to whatever the hell is going on with Prince William and Kate, to King Charles’s tone-deaf approach to the Southport stabbings and the subsequent white nationalist riots in England. All of that is why the palace pushed yet another story, last weekend, about how Charles is “cutting off” Prince Andrew’s private security. The palace hoped that this would be a popular move with the media. Instead, the mood is more like “why is Charles so damn petty, why does he treat his family members this way?” The Daily Mail even published a piece from Richard Eden about how Charles should stop bullying Andrew and take all of that mean, petty energy and put it on Prince Harry and Meghan (naturally).

Trouble in Balmoral: Now, King Charles and Queen Camilla are at Balmoral for their summer holiday, with Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York among their first guests. But there is, I hear, trouble in ‘paradise’. The latest move by the monarch, which was disclosed by a newspaper last weekend, is to lay off Royal Lodge’s ten-strong security team. King Charles is said to have told the detail they will no longer be needed from the autumn. The King has been paying for private guards at the 31-room mansion, which was the Queen Mother’s home until her death, since Andrew’s £3million-a-year armed protection officers were removed in 2022.

Andrew & Fergie’s reaction: This week, friends of the Duke and Duchess of York declined to discuss the row, no doubt fearful of increasing tensions while they are spending time with the King and Queen. I understand, however, that they have been left bemused by the attempts to evict them from what they always assumed would be their ‘forever home’ – one they could pass on to their daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, if they so wished.

Charles’s money: They don’t believe the King can be motivated by saving money. After all, not only did he receive £86.3million via the Sovereign Grant to fund the working royals last year, but he was also handed more than £27million from the Monarch’s Duchy of Lancaster estate, to spend as he sees fit. And that’s before he dips into his private fortune.

Why does Charles want the Yorks out of Royal Lodge? Intriguingly, more than one friend of the Yorks has suggested the same theory to me as to why this eviction ‘campaign’ has begun: could it be that the King sees Royal Lodge as a potential future home for Queen Camilla, were she to outlive him?

Charles should spend more time on the Sussexes: Whatever the motivation, it seems bizarre to me that the King is stepping up pressure on his brother when he should be concentrating his attention on another former working royal: his younger son, Prince Harry. For all his failings, Andrew can never be accused of disloyalty. Despite the myriad indignities he has suffered, neither the Duke nor the Duchess of York has ever whispered so much as a word of criticism against the Royal Family. That stands in stark contrast to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who have made a career out of disloyalty. Surely, the King doesn’t want to risk his brother and Fergie following the example of Harry and Meghan and seeking to make a fortune out of criticising the monarchy?

Andrew’s “worst sin”: Andrew’s worst sin has arguably been his poor judgment when it comes to friends and associates, such as Epstein. He has denied being a co-conspirator with Epstein and denied his accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s claims he sexually abused her when she was 17 – although he did reach a settlement with her thought to be worth £12million.

Eden’s advice: My advice to His Majesty is: stump up the security bill for Royal Lodge without complaint and let Andrew stay. Rather than get bogged down in this particular dispute, the King ought to turn his sights on Harry and Meghan before they set off on yet another trouble-making faux-royal tour. That doesn’t mean Andrew should go unpunished. Along with Harry, he should be stripped of his role as a Counsellor of State. He and Harry should also both be removed from the line of succession. The prospect of either of them anywhere near the throne is enough to turn this ardent monarchist into a republican.

[From The Daily Mail]

The crux of so many royal problems: “the King ought to turn his sights on Harry and Meghan before they set off on yet another trouble-making faux-royal tour.” First of all, the palace is already issuing talking points to the media and trying to impose themselves on the Sussexes. But what, exactly, does Eden think Charles is supposed to do about two adults (one of them an American) traveling to various countries and highlighting charities and issues? Is Charles supposed to “order” them to stop? LMAO. As for the stuff about Andrew and why Charles is so focused on getting Andrew out of Royal Lodge… is it because of Camilla? No. I doubt it. If Camilla becomes a widowed queen consort, she’s going to be drinking gin straight from the bottle in her own country home, Ray Mill.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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67 Responses to “Eden: King Charles should stop bullying Prince Andrew & start bullying the Sussexes”

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  1. The Robinsons says:

    The British Monarchy, is-on-its-way-out.

    • wolfmamma says:

      Yep… and doing it all by themselves…. Imploding into their arrogance

      • sarah W says:

        can’t wait for Gen Z to end it all and send therm packing from BP and KP etc

      • Hninzi says:

        Charles can’t bully the Sussexes because they don’t give a crap. They’ve moved on
        Doesn’t matter if Andrew is an ass hole , he’s still a prince and his brother and their family structure is such that Charles has all the marbles and it’s his duty to take care of Andrew’s needs. That’s the right thing to do. This man is so missing in the top floor. Of course he also mistreated his younger son , but thankfully Harry has found his own way so he can’t hurt him anymore

    • swaz says:

      It is on it’s way out. I’m really convince now that THE MONARCHY CAN’T SURVIVE WITHOUT A SPARE 😕They have been disstabilized, incapabable of functioning and surviving 😕

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I don’t know if that was a typo or intentional, but “diss-stabilized” is a pretty apt descriptor for the situation!

        Cluck & Huevo’s neverending diss track towards the Sussexes, with the tabloids as backup singers, is what is really destabilizing the monarchy. The malicious endeavor to continue to attack a couple who have: NO UK taxpayer funding, NO Crown funding of any kind, NO home in the UK and NO “working royal role” and are content to go about their business w/o reference to the people who banished them is more than just a bad look for the monarchy. The energy and money spent attacking H&M, instead of the corrupt institutions and politicians who are actually making the lives of “the King’s subjects” a misery on their own turf, is what is actually destroying the monarchy. The people will eventually turn on the palaces like they did the first Charles if he keeps this up.

        If Cluck wants a better regard from people and a better legacy, he needs to start by getting some g-d therapy for his headf_ck ASAP, and start making better choices.

        They ignore issues AT HOME that need their attention, in favor of being jealous of people they threw out of the house four years ago.

        They keep insisting the Sussexes “need to be punished”. For what? For surviving? For calling out the f-cksh-ttery of Harry’s father, the courtiers, and the media? Punished how? They said Diana “had to be punished” after she quit her untenable marriage too. Is that the punishment they want for H&M?

    • Angie says:

      the monarchy is definitely dying but most importantly, it’s how cruel and horrid they are in the eyes of the rest of the world since Charles & William were ‘promoted’! their never-ending pettiness, setting attack dogs on their own blood through their close media contacts is how they are being judged and it’s a terrible look internationally!

  2. Snuffles says:

    Every day in every way these people confirm they believe Harry’s role was to be a human shield for these fuckers. And they can’t let that go.

  3. Nanea says:

    How about… Maureen stops bellyaching about the Sussexes and concentrates on flogging JMidy’s dog food?

    These people are disgusting. Why don’t they look into the RF’s shenanigans instead of wasting their column inches on private citizens an ocean and a continent away?

    Envy? Psychosis? Obsession? All of the above?

  4. MSS says:

    Eden’s an idiot. There would be no reason to revoke Harry’s place in the line of succession. Can you image removing someone from the line of succession out of spite, now that’s a good look right?🙄 You also can’t expect loyalty and not give it, if Charles wanted Meghan and Harry’s support, he should have supported them when they really needed it. It’s mind boggling how Harry is somehow seen as just as bad if not worse than Andrew. Protecting his wife and kids and calling out racism, and correctly pointing out his family never protected them from that ugliness is apparently worse than knowingly hanging out with sex criminals. Stupid

    • Jais says:

      I know there’s always talk about the titles being removed but how does one get removed from then line of succession?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I suspect a change of Law, which would take a lot of time and resources – and would need a bullet-proof reason other than “my son wrote a book that made me look bad” after you yourself gave an interview telling the world that your mother was cold and your father a bully.

      • Jais says:

        Sooo, basically Eden is just spouting off for clicks. Maybe I’m wrong but I can’t see that going over well.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        It requires an Act of Parliament. Parliament votes on that. I highly doubt the House of Lords would sanction it (and have probably quietly told Cluck as much to his face), in the absence of a High Crime/Treason, which we all know hasn’t been the case here, at least with Harry. Not sure if Andrew’s crimes qualify as High Crimes under British law.

      • Nic919 says:

        Changing the line of succession also involves multiple other countries to change their own laws. All countries with QEII as head of state had to pass new laws to enact the change from male primogeniture to primogeniture. There is no way in hell other countries are going to change their laws again to remove Harry simply because the Windsors are bitter about his popularity.

        Eden needs to shut up forever on this issue because it only shows how ignorant he is about things outside of little England.

      • kirk says:

        @Nic919 – Thanks for the social studies lesson!! I’ve always just 🙄 whenever hearing “off with their titles!” after learning it would require parliamentary procedure from this site. Never thought about what “off with his heritage!” would require. Never thought about all those countries having to enact something to accommodate the primogeniture change. But, yup, the interwebs (Smithsonian) tell me there was a 2011 agreement among 16 leaders of the Commonwealth to make the change, followed by 2013 Succession to the Crown Act. Hilarious to think this ignorant, parochial American knows more about his country’s legal underpinning than Maureen.

      • Angie says:

        Imagine the worldwide headlines?
        Petty King Charles strips his son Prince Harry, his wife and 2 little children of all titles because of jealousy! how would that go down!!!! we could make hundreds of headlines just from that one action which would be so damaging to the leftover royal family members!

  5. Lady Digby says:

    Wrong again Maureen! King Chuckles should be ordering his lazy heir to get his act together at 42 ; show up for work regularly, on time, smartly dressed, prepared by studying the brief, be interested and polite to everyone he meets and be sober.

  6. KS says:

    These people are sick. He may have sexually abused minors, but at least he was never “disloyal”? What kind of logic is that??

    • ArtHistorian says:

      A cultist logic.

    • Giddy says:

      Right, sexually abuse minors, but for God’s sake don’t write a book!

    • JennyH says:

      Exactly! “Andrew’s worst sin has arguably been his poor judgment when it comes to friends and associates, such as Epstein.” WHATTTTTTTTTTT???????? Andrew is a pedophile!!! Eden has just admitted that he’s okay with sexually abusing minors but not okay with disloyalty. Reminds me of a certain BBC presenter recently charged with three counts of making indecent images of children.

    • Angie says:

      so you don’t think Prince Charles was DISLOYAL to his parents whining all the way through the Dimbleby autobiography about his cold mother and bullying father? what an ungrateful little brat we say being born into privilege and spoilt rotten yet the press seem to forget that polls at the time wanted Charles stripped of his title and word on the street was nobody wanted him to become King. Even his father dreaded that day………

  7. equality says:

    So Charles is receiving over 113 mil a year to pay for 7 “working” royals, none of whom come near to “working” a full time schedule in the real world. This is the part of the entire article that UK citizens should find the most polarizing instead of hate for two people they no longer fund.

    • HeatherC says:

      Part of that 113 million is spent on the “royal tours.” While I know the host countries do absorb a lot of the cost, there’s clothing, fuel/travel to get there, gifts, etc that fall on the UK/BRF.

      Sophie went to Colombia and no one noticed. No one would have brought it up were it not for the BM frothing at the mouth about danger, etc. There was no ROI.

      The Sussexes are spotted buying Colombian coffee at their local shop, never mind actually GOING there and everyone loses their minds over there in Salty Island. The Sussexes get a huge ROI in name recognition and additions to local economies wherever they go.

      I’d be ticked too, lol. Instead as a mere observer I am tickled pink to watch all the braying and pearl clutching.

      • Nic919 says:

        If the country being visited has Charles as head of state it is not the UK government that pays for travel. It is the host nation. And they are sketchy as to who pays for the new clothing. Canada and Australia send their own planes and cover all the accommodations and local security.

    • Eurydice says:

      And William gets more than $30 million from the Duchy of Cornwall.

  8. Eurydice says:

    Oh man, they’re furiously scratching in that litterbox, aren’t they? This isn’t about H&M or about Andrew or Camilla, it’s about William and Kate/Catherine. If they can’t get a divorce right now and they can’t stand living together, then a 31-room house can give them some distance.

    • Jais says:

      You know what? I wonder if there will be a slow realization at some point that even 31 rooms will not be enough space.

      • HeatherC says:

        It’s not like they don’t have eleventy million houses to choose from for more distance. We’ll see that once all the kids are boarded at school.

      • Lady Digby says:

        Of the 31 rooms how many house Andrew’s teddy bears as in, gulp, does his bears have to share? Maybe King Chuckles should bribe brother with a vast palace so none of his teddy bears have to share?!

      • Eurydice says:

        @HeatherC – I think the problem is how to pretend they’re living together under the same roof without actually having to do it. Kate/Catherine with cancer isn’t the right time for divorce.

  9. Beverley says:

    What does Maureen suggest? That Charles has the Sussexes disappeared? This is getting ridiculous! Meghan is an American and is free to travel anywhere she’s given entrance.

    Are the Left-Behinds gonna cry, puke, and melt down every time H&M leave the house?

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    So the pedo nonce and the racist greedy King who have both lived off tax payers and have had lives with unimaginable privilege and wealth are fighting over one property.. I truly despise these people.

  11. Athena says:

    I do wonder if Maureen believes the stuff they write about. 86 million pounds for what 8 maybe 9 working royals (Anne, occasional her husband, Ed and Fiesta, four of QEII cousins, who is missing?). A little over 10M each. Why are they not writing about that! The huge amount of money this family gets a year to do next to nothing.

  12. Joanne says:

    Eden is so stupid to call for Andrew and Harry to be removed from the line of succession. If they can be removed, it is no longer a birth right monarchy. If the monarchy is not birth rite, anyone could be king. The royal rota will destroy the monarchy from within.

  13. Chrissie says:

    Worst advice ever. Eden must be high on something. Tinkering with the line of succession just raises the question of having a monarchy at all. It’s like a game of Jenga once you start pulling pieces out the whole thing collapses. Does that mean Andrew and Harry’s children move up or are they taken out as well. Remove the kids and you are punishing your biracial family members in a country which is multiracial not going to be tolerated by the people. Remove Harry and he is being punished for doing good work in the world while William the heir refuses to work. The whole thing is one big mess but I’m enjoying the show

  14. Amy Bee says:

    When people accused the press of being soft on Andrew and condoning his crimes, members of the Royal press vehemently denied it but here we have the press proving that they see nothing wrong with what Andrew has been accused of and that Harry and Meghan speaking about their experiences in the Royal Family was the real crime. Plus has Richard Eden forgotten that Fergie also wrote books about her experience in Royal Family?

    • Tessa says:

      Andrew is only accuses of being with bad company not being with an underage trafficked girl.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Sure….not. He was seems embracing a young Virginia Giuffre in London. With Ghislaine in the background.

    • Tessa says:

      Ferg ie wrote a tell all book and Charles authorized biography featured his complaining about his parents.

  15. B says:

    Christ what a ugly mean spirited family. Each one more miserable than the other and the only joy they have in life is inflicting petty punishments and small cruelties on one another.

    No wonder they can’t get over the Sussexes leaving. They have no way to hurt them and watching them be happy agitates their miserable spirit.

  16. Athena says:

    Maureen can rest assured that the Sussexes will not do another “tour” this year. It takes time and planning to do a successful tour, but they can get ready to sit back and enjoy Meghan’s cooking/lifestyle show in the Fall.

  17. Tessa says:

    Wow. Eden tries to give Andrew a free pass. If Andrew were innocent he’d have spoken to the f b i and not had his mother pay off the lawsuit. Eden seems to have some odd obsession for Charles to punish the sussexes.

  18. Anya says:

    I think it’s funny/sad how there’s no option for not bullying. They have to be bullys, the only question is where to direct the anger. Sigh, what a family.

  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    H&M went to Nigeria and Colombia on business trips. They have charities and issues that they support through the Archewell Foundation. Why does the bm keep calling them tours? They were working when they visited these two countries. Just because the brf want the reflected shine of the Sussexes and the bm will write whatever they want to try to make that happen, it doesn’t make what they do anything like the royals.

    They all need to get over themselves. Geeeeezzzzz.

  20. Tessa says:

    Harry and Meghan did not go on a quasi royal tour nor royal tour. Eden should just keep quiet

    • HeatherC says:

      This. The more the media refers to it as a “royal tour/quasi royal tour/ faux royal tour” the more people will think their visits are a royal tour and they will be compared to the “real” royal tours and the leftovers won’t fare well in comparison.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Only the British press call them royal.

  21. Jais says:

    Why does Charles want Andrew out of RL? We’ve assumed it’s for William and Kate. But honestly why is Charles pushing so hard to get William and Kate this home? Could it be so they can hide their marital issues? Sure. But I’m gonna laugh if he really does want it for Camilla. I feel like I remember reading an old article about her having disputes with neighbors and honestly it’s not as secluded as RL from what I can’t tell. Who knows. But the issue is that Charles does not seem to be pushing him out due to his dealings with Epstein. He doesn’t care about that, please. But he is pushing him out for some reason. And yeah, it’s not about the money. The house is for someone. William and Kate? Camilla? Charles with all the houses for himself does look bad for pushing out andrew. Bc it reminds everyone how he pushed out the sussex family. All while having sooo many houses and so much money. Pos.

  22. ShazBot says:

    Honestly, Camilla seems to be the only one smart enough to realize that once Charles dies, it’s going to get rough for everyone. She’s got Ray Mill and no doubt a nice bank account going for her and her kids and sister.
    The rest of them better wake up real quick if they think William is going to be supporting any of them in any substantial way.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Probably all the cousins will retire, they are well past retirement age and William will be on his own.

  23. Tessa says:

    Diana probably told only part of what she experienced in that miserable family. Charles was probably always mean spirited. If Charles is doing this so Kate and william move in he is very foolish. I think ultimately William will want out of the marriage.

  24. Anonymous says:

    It’s crazy how much they want to turn the focus on others when all they have to do is focus on themselves and what they’re doing. Worried about H&M going on another tour? Do a few tours yourself! Force William to do some work and go on a tour since it’s clear the BM doesn’t seem to care when Sophie or anyone else goes (and bring Kate if they can act like they stand each other for a week). They can do on a tour highlighting what the Royal Foundation does (step 1: determine what the Royal Foundation supports). Pick some organizations in the country that are targeting their interests – climate, homelessness, early years. They might need to take some acting classes so they can at least pretend to show interest and genuine concern for others and work on their facial expressions. But all of this can be done if they just put a tiny ounce of effort into their jobs instead of focusing only on “punishing” private individuals and siblings and threatening to take security and homes away.

  25. Dora says:

    Just how is Charles suppose to punish an American woman just because she is married to his son and isn’t white. Every time he attacks Harry he looks like a petty mean spirited bigot. It might please the old racist and his Rottweiler wife, and the UK tabloids among his advisers who like it but it makes him look petty and mean for no reason. Harry nor Meghan mentioned any of them for months why can’t they just leave them alone, since they think they’re irrelevant according to them.

  26. Lavendel says:

    Illiberality means acting without consideration and without conscience and thus damaging a community. To defend oneself against a deliberately damaging, destructive community is neither unscrupulous nor reckless, but a necessity for survival. What could be more damaging to a community than abusing minors or dependent and defenceless people? This is true illoylity and a brutal betrayal of what holds communities and families together. Love, sincerity, protection, clarity and mutual respect. Anyone who calls the Sussexes disloyal and treacherous is spreading right-wing “newspeak”
    No one seems to cure the disease because no one wants to see the symptoms. Until it’s too late.

  27. LRB says:

    Is he really saying the King should bully his son? What does that say about the role of monarchy?

  28. Lady Digby says:

    Exactly Charles is a father, FIL and has 5 grandchildren. He is also Head of CE : Christians are supposed to love thy neighbour not bully them! A long shot but I hoped visiting Southport and meeting the families of the three dead girls would have caused regret about missing precious time with Harry and Meg and Archie and Lili. I find it sad that even cancer hasn’t softened his heart towards his own son, still it is his loss!

  29. L Williams says:

    Royal Lodge is in Windsor Great Park which is open to the public 365 days of the Year. Andrew is a waste of a man, but given what happened to Charles late uncle Lord Mountbatten. Charles is being beyond petty. And by announcing it he has made his brother a sitting duck to whoever wishes him ill. Given that Frogmore Cottage is also part of Windsor Great Park, I am glad the Sussexes got out of there.

  30. Penelope Cowell Doe says:

    “for all his failings …”
    Give me strength!

  31. bisynaptic says:

    Maureen says what, now?

  32. Cathy says:

    Maureen is making up stuff again and thinking he can tell Charles what to do? The things you have to do for clicks? Dog biscuits won’t pay the mortgage will they?