Brad Pitt & George Clooney’s ‘Wolfs’ will no longer get a full theatrical release

Wolfs is the Jon Watts film starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. It will soon premiere at the Venice Film Festival and Clooney and Pitt will go all-out at the Venice premiere. Pitt might even walk his first red carpet with Inez de Ramon. All eyes will be on Venice because not only will Wolfs premiere there, but Angelina Jolie’s Oscar-bait film Maria is also scheduled to premiere, and Angelina will likely show up too. So, that was supposed to be the buzz/controversy. The problem? Wolfs was produced by AppleTV+ and the initial plan was to give Wolfs a full theatrical release before putting it on streaming. That plan changed this month, and now Wolfs is only getting a limited theatrical release for just ONE WEEK before it’s put on steaming. LMAO. I mean, I was going to skip it too (mute challenge both Clooney and Pitt) but this is too rich.

Three years ago, Hollywood started buzzing about an untitled movie project getting shopped around town, written and directed by Jon Watts and set to star George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Every studio in town was reportedly bidding on the film, and eventually, when Apple secured the distribution rights, a priority in the plan was made clear: a “robust theatrical release,” as Deadline put it. That was woven into the deal between the filmmakers and the studio, with Sony Pictures later attached to handle theatrical distribution. Just last year, Clooney said, “Brad and I made the deal to do that movie where we gave money back to make sure that we had a theatrical release.” And when the film, later titled Wolfs, was announced to make its world premiere at this year’s Venice Film Festival, everything seemed to have fallen into place along those lines.

Plans, however, can change fast in Hollywood. Earlier this month, Apple announced that Wolfs’ wide theatrical release had been canceled, with plans instead to put it out on a handful of big screens for just a week before streaming it on Apple TV+ starting September 27. Across the Atlantic, plans for theater runs were scrapped entirely. This wasn’t for lack of faith in the movie, exactly, as the studio confirmed plans to make a sequel in the same breath.

Speaking with Vanity Fair in the aftermath of the pivot, Watts says in no uncertain terms that he made this movie for the big screen—and that’s evident in the final product. Watts is careful with his words as to his own feelings around the current release situation, but confirms he found out about the change only days before the rest of the world did. He also makes clear where his priorities are. “What it really takes is for the people that pay for the movies to back theatrical distribution,” he says. “It’s not up to the filmmakers. Filmmakers have been making great movies.”

“When we initially made the deal, when I was pitching it to everyone, that was before the last Spider-Man came out. So that was when the entire existential future of theatrical movie going was still up in the air. From that point on, the theatrical experience has really made an impression on me, of how valuable this thing is and how important it is. I always thought of this as a theatrical movie. We made it to be seen in theaters, and I think that’s the best way to see it. It’s funny. It’s filled with twists and turns. I tried to do some interesting things visually and I still think that the best way to see it is in theaters.”

[From Vanity Fair]

Granted, a lot of films, actors and filmmakers are getting screwed over by last-minute decisions to bury a film or not give a film a theatrical release. This is not some outlier situation these days in Hollywood. But it’s still brutal and it’s still funny. Brad and George thought they were promoting a buddy-comedy/action movie which would give them both a much-needed hit. Instead, their big reunion project has been shuffled off to streaming at the last minute. George is too old, he should step down from Hollywood, he doesn’t have the juice anymore. Brad’s been juiceless since he terrorized and abused his family in 2016.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, cover courtesy of GQ.

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58 Responses to “Brad Pitt & George Clooney’s ‘Wolfs’ will no longer get a full theatrical release”

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  1. PunkyMomma says:

    Karma coming for these two and I am here for it.

    • ariel says:

      “i keep my side of the street clean, you wouldn’t know what i mean”.

      I too believe/enjoy this karma at work.
      I know Brad’s pr team works really hard- but it is nice to know that as we as a society, a little more each year, reject internalized misogyny and who automatic blame the woman for being “crazy” and having nefarious ulterior motives.

      I loved seeing the immediate pushback when joe jonas started lies about the Queen of the North after she left him, and i like FINALLY seeing brad’s abusive chickens come home to roost.

      And f*** clooney for supporting him and thinking he has the political gravitas of his well respected wife.

      • Oakley says:

        More and more, I get the feeling that Clooney and Amal’s marriage might have been a PR arrangement all along. The long bachelor years. The sudden blind date arrangement. The speed of marriage after a barely decent duration of courtship. There have always been murmurs on the internet that he swung the other way. And I just cannot fathom Amal would have been okay with her husband being chummy with a domestic abuser (even if it is “allegedly”), if their marriage is real. It goes everything against what she stands for as a human rights advocate.

      • mblates says:

        i don’t know, in my mind it all reads worse for amal if this is some pr marriage. i mean, love is blind, but business isn’t. i don’t know if you read the GQ article, but she’s right there with her kids, hanging out with brad at his estate.

      • Oakley says:

        Worth noting though, Amal was also married late for her age, and I get that she was a career woman. It’s just it is very unusual for a muslim as well as immigrant background woman. We all thought Malala was going to be big in women’s rights advocacy and politics in general, only for her to succumb to her parents needs for an arranged marriage when she barely graduated from Oxford. And she was reading PPE.

      • Mia4s says:

        Why go looking for some wild PR fake relationship conspiracies when the simplest answer is likely the truth? She’s an extraordinary woman, but not a perfect one. Even those fighting for justice can have some pretty big blind spots personally (seriously…you have no idea). It’s likely as simple as that. I see no need to tie myself in conspiracy knots to give her an excuse. 🤷‍♀️

      • Oakley says:

        Not everything can simply be explained away by dissing it as conspiracy.

      • CLOVE says:

        @ariel Exactly to your entire statement!

      • Jaded says:

        @Oakley – Amal is not Muslim, she is a Lebanese Druze. The Druze religion incorporates many beliefs from Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and is also influenced by Greek philosophy and Hinduism.

    • I was going to say Karma is working her magic.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      These 2 entitled hollywood oldies thought they still had it all and that together they could still pull off anything. George don’t get into politics – you got it 1000% wrong and Brad, you suck. Looks like the bro’s have lost their luster.

  2. Lisa says:


  3. Jais says:

    Mute challenge accepted. And yes, GC should step down for being too old for HW.

  4. Agnes says:

    “Plans, however, can change fast in Hollywood,” yep especially after the final product was screened and everyone in the room groaned, cringed, or fell asleep. There should be a Wi-Fi free island washed up has-been “playas” like Clooney, Pitt, and Affleck can retire to so they don’t use up precious resources better spent on anything else other than stroking their Ego Dysfunction.
    PS Thank you for using Clooney’s words against Biden in this piece: “George is too old, he should step down from Hollywood, he doesn’t have the juice anymore.”

  5. Mireille says:

    I wonder how this movie went from hot bidding war to let’s just release it on streaming? Unless the studio execs previewed this movie and thought…what? not good enough for theatre release? Would love to more details behind this call.

    • Oakley says:

      And this news went out only after they finished the cover shooting/profile for GQ (it was an August issue, which means the cover story and shooting can only have been done in July or even June!). I think Clooney and PItt must have pissed off someone in Hollywood!

  6. Amy Bee says:

    My guess is the public reaction to this movie wasn’t what they expected and to spare Clooney and Pitt the embarrassment of the film bombing at the box office they’ve cutback the theatrical release. At this point these two should be doing supporting roles.

    • maisie says:

      Or age appropriate ones. Pitt could pull off the aging flunky/stunt man role in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood as he’s still in good shape, but the two of them thinking they could still do a riff on their nearly 25-year-old Ocean’s 11 personas is delusional. At this point both should be doing *character* roles (like Clooney’s role in The Descendants; he was great in that).

    • Ivy says:

      Yeah, there’s something off with it. It’s not supposed to be a divisive movie and should have been any easy box office win, unless the test reaction were bad.

  7. FYI says:

    Why the intentional misspelling? Wolfs? Is it because there is already a movie called Wolves? They couldn’t come up with a different title? An annoying title does not help your box office.

    • Elena says:

      Not to defend them but I think that’s the point? Like two independent wolves 😂 agree it’s dumb

  8. girl_ninja says:

    They should have cast Micheal B. Jordan and Glen Powell as the leads in this film. I do not care to see Brad in anything, and I sure don’t want to see George after that bullshit NYT opinion piece. Both can go away, and I would not miss either.

    • SarahCS says:

      That I’d watch. I’ve said a few times that based on the trailer the concept is solid but they both seemed there for the pay check and bored with the roles.

    • imara219 says:

      I don’t personally have issue with Clooney even though Pitt can get bent, but as soon as I saw that Pitt was going to be in it and the nature of the movie I did think them as a pair was just really not it. It’s giving 2006-8ish era and I do think younger actors would have been better.

    • Pork Belly says:

      Yeah, I think the world’s moved on. There was a time when a Clooney/Pitt
      film was an instant money spinner but this thing must suck big time.

  9. MrsCope says:

    I miss the old days when I liked them. They’re so….utterly disappointing. Anywho, can’t wait to buy tickets to Maria!

    • Sandra says:

      For real! Are there ANY men in the public eye (outside of Keanu Reeves) who haven’t wound up being a disappointment?

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        I don’t think David Tennant has had any scandals, unless you consider supporting trans kids a bad thing.

  10. Erin says:

    It’s funny to read Apple’s damage control about the pulled release. Obviously if they had faith in the movie it would be in theaters, full stop. They don’t have faith in it performing, so it’s going to streaming. I have a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks a sequel gets made at all, let alone gets a theatrical release, like Apple is trying to claim.

    • Lauren says:

      Yes, and even the wording “confirmed plans to make a sequel in the same BREATH.” Instead of saying they are doing a sequel. I think if they ever actually do a sequel it will be recast with a new storyline and a new name with no connection to this movie.

    • Ivy says:

      Even Watts doesn’t sound hopeful about that sequel lol. Apple has done poorly with their box office for several movies now, they neeed this win if it was an amazing movie.

  11. SarahCS says:


    The trailer did NOT look good. I will not miss having AppleTV when this comes out.

  12. TheOriginalMia says:

    Look at the consequences of their assholery coming to bite them in the asses. Oh well…guess, it’s time for both of them to step down, make way for your actors.

  13. Dorianne says:

    I don’t know what I was thinking and how I missed it. That GQ article promoting those 2 has-beens and their junk of a film came out on August 14th, Pitt’s wedding anniversary with Jolie. A coincidence? I think not. He brought his married fling, Nico Mary, to Miraval on his and Jolie’s anniversary. Pitiful Pitt, always looking for a way to dig at Jolie and the kids. Her film, Maria, is in competition at Venice so he makes sure his very average film is there too. Out of competition, of course. The sooner the courts extricate this obsessed creep from Jolie’s life, the better.

  14. Babs says:

    Brava as usual to Kaiser for this gem of a post (your writing gets cleverer and sharper every year – truly) and brava to all of these comments. Chef’s kiss.

  15. Aerie says:

    George is too old, he should step down from Hollywood.

    Would you ever say this about an actress?

    • StarWonderful says:

      Kaiser used Clooney’s own words against him since he had written an opinion piece telling President Biden to step down due to the president’s age.

      • Aerie says:

        Conflating the role of the President of the United States with that of an actor says everything about how people view celebrity.

    • lanne says:

      It’s what Hollywood says about actresses. If he doesn’t have it anymore, he needs to embrace character roles and pivot away from leading man status. Men like Clooney don’t get the assumption that they will be leading men until they drop dead anymore.

      Step down from Hollywood might have been overly harsh but give up on leading man status isn’t.

  16. BGB says:

    … breathes….



  17. Mia4s says:

    Everyone is forgetting Fly Me To the Moon…which is not surprising. Apple flopped hard with that in theaters, even with Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson leading. That’s where the cold feet hit. And if the first screenings of this were “meh”, those feet got even colder.

    • Jegede says:

      Excellent point.👏👏
      That just came and went like a fly-by-night, despite being fronted by Marvel and Disney faves, Scarlett & Channing.

      • lanne says:

        I cringed at the premise of that film. I know I don’t have the stomach for a movie about an alternative Moon landing story when we’re living in a misinformation minefield. I take that film’s flop as a failure to read the room. Terrible timing.

      • deering24 says:

        Even from the trailer, one could tell Scarlett and Channing had no chemistry. And, agreed, making the heroes the ones fooling the public wasn’t funny, clever, or cute.

    • imara219 says:

      I think the premise for the movie was interesting but honestly, it just got lost in the shuffle. I completely kept forgetting about it. I think it would have been better as a tv release or early Fall release. Now, in the middle of summer, was not wise.

  18. Robert says:

    I disagree about Clooney needing to step down, he needs to change the type of roles he takes. Being a supporting actor instead of a lead. There are plenty of great roles out there for a slightly older man.

    • Lauren says:

      Kaiser was being sarcastic, by using Clooney’s own words against him since he had written an opinion piece telling President Biden to step down due to the president’s age.

  19. CLOVE says:

    I will never forget what both of those two did, and I love this for them because they both deserve it!

  20. Northernlala says:

    I feel so bad for 2 rich white guys who have no clue. #TeamAngelina! 😎

  21. Roo says:

    Honestly, I’m shocked that Apple read the room correctly and saw that many people who might be the target audience were not going to have much enthusiasm for a buddy film with a wife/child abuser and a fundraiser turned traitor making very public demands of President Biden.

    I don’t think I can stomach a film with either now, though I will say thank you to the fates for the indirect consequence of having Madam VP running for the Madam President spot.

  22. East Villager says:

    The Maria Callas movie is going to be pure fire. Script by Steve McKnight (Locke, Eastern Promises!) and directed by Pablo Larrain (Spencer)? Come on! I hope this movie lets Angie’s talent triumph.

  23. Kate says:

    Oh no the bucket hat pap walks didn’t make a difference. But they show how hip and with it they are to the youngsters. These two fools really need to touch grass

  24. Kat says:

    I love this outcome for these two: BP ( unrepentant spousal/child abuser & blatant asshole) and GC (undercover asshole until he threw the tantrum @ President Biden over his wife)

  25. therese says:

    I think theater releases are hard nowadays, and if that goes toward greasing the wheels of the karma train, so be it. I was never a Pitt fan, but have watched a few of his movies in the past. Can’t and won’t now.