JD Vance can’t even order donuts in Georgia without being an awkward weirdo

If you ask me, Democrats have not been hitting JD Vance enough in recent weeks. While there were plenty of Vance references during the DNC and Democrats feel perfectly comfortable mocking Vance as a weird creep, I want more. Really turn Vance into a Sarah Palin-esque referendum on Donald Trump’s bad judgment. Keep pointing out that no one f–king vetted this couch-f–king grifter. Vance is historically unpopular too – what little is known about him, people don’t like. In public polling, 43.2% of the population has unfavorable opinions of Vance. Only 33.2% of the population has a favorable view.

Vance isn’t doing much to disrupt public opinion either. First he was stalking Kamala Harris around the country, then he tried to hard-launch “I have a dog, please like me” and no one bought it. Every week, there’s some terrible old interview released where Vance said some creepy Gilead sh-t. There are literally tens of people coming to his poorly organized rallies. In person, he has the charisma of a damp, muffled fart. Speaking of, Vance tried to do an impromptu visit to a donut shop and it could not have gone worse for him:

“I’m JD Vance, I’m running for vice president.” “Okay.” Those two employees were so over him and his eyeliner. Is this literally the first time in his life that he’s ever tried to make small talk with service employees? I love that the woman wanted so little to do with him that she was immediately like: I do not want to be on camera. Good for you, unknown lady.

Meanwhile, Vance was watching the DNC and his big takeaway was that Democrats are all gloom and doom. For real? Donald Trump is Mr. Apocalypse, selling a vision of America that is a crime-ridden hellhole. Vance said this week: “What so many of the speakers did, including Tim Walz, is basically say that if you want a better life for your children, if you want to vote for Donald Trump to change the direction of this country, you’re a bad person.… I thought it was actually a very dark and ominous tone where they attacked Donald Trump, and they attacked the people who voted for him rather than offer a compelling vision for the future.” LMAO. This guy is such a dumbass.

And finally:

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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93 Responses to “JD Vance can’t even order donuts in Georgia without being an awkward weirdo”

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  1. Seems they didn’t want to engage with the lover of couches. One of them refused to be on camera. He doesn’t know how to engage with people he is also a useless waste of skin.

    • Kitten says:

      In the vid I watched last night, he didn’t bother to block her out. Really shitty.

    • Minnieder says:

      Riveting conversational skills: how long have you worked here (while pointing to the person)? Okay, good. How long have you worked here? Okay, good. FFS man, you weird ass cyborg, practice more on communicating with humans!!!

      • AMB says:

        He sounded like he was preparing a dossier on them. “How long have you worked here? OK.” “How long has this place been open? Huh. OK.”

        I feel for those people, they just wanted to come to work and do their jobs and they get all this ish.

        AND they kept filming that woman. Double-plus-uncool, autocrat-wannabe-man.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        That’s what struck me. He wasn’t making polite conversation as I guess (🤷) he was trying to do. He sounded like he was interrogating them as criminal suspects. I couldn’t watch the whole thing it made me so uncomfortable for the two people just doing their jobs in a donut shop.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I contrasted that with the convo I had with the grocery checker the other day–how’s your day going, great, thanks! how’s yours, almost break time, oh, good, I hear ya! Thank you! Has this guy ever, ever, walked into a store before? Or is that women’s work?

      • Jensies says:

        I felt like he sounded like a really bad secret shopper, one who is definitely going to make notes to the manager.

        What a charisma vacuum.

      • Becks1 says:

        Like how did he get elected to the senate? there’s no ability here to gladhand, to engage, to make any kind of meaningful small talk.

        What would Joe Biden say in this situation? Well for sure he’d ask their favorite ice cream flavor or favorite thing on the menu. He’d ask if they grew up in that town, did they go to the local high school, did they want to stay in the town, what did they want from their politicians, etc.

        Kamala would probably ask those questions too along with questions about ice cream recipes.

        Walz would bring some dad/coach energy to the setting.

        And they would all ask very gentle policy questions as part of it.

        Instead they got…..JD Vance.

      • Joy says:

        @Becks, Thiel bought his seat for him. If you can find it, or care to read it, there’s a Vanity Fair article by James Pogue I read a couple of years ago. It was very illuminating and creepy. I can’t find a link or I’d share it.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        These people are not their jobs. They are people. People who are currently living in Georgia.

        Maybe ask them what they love about Georgia summers? Or Georgia winters! Or if there are any festivals or community celebrations that are a must?

        “I haven’t spent a ton of time in Georgia. What are the things that you think a person should experience in Georgia? Are there any locally owned businesses or restaurants that are a must to visit? How long have y’all lived here? What makes this place feel like home to you?”

        That’s just off the top of my head.

        I’m interested in people and in different people’s experiences. So. I think that might be one of the issues that is separating my convo type from Vance’s.

    • Kelly says:

      She asked not to be filmed, he kept asking her questions and filming her.

  2. kgeo says:

    That woman knows exactly who he is and wants nothing to do with it.

  3. Kitten says:

    Dude is such a liar. She BARELY talked about Trump and when she did it was very much within the context of “Here’s a brief list of the worst things he’s done. What do you think four more years of that will look like?”
    She brought it back to the important choice that we, as Americans, have to make RIGHT NOW for the future that we want for this country. He’s arguing over a speech that wasn’t made. He WANTED her to say Trump voters are evil a la the “deplorables” comment by HRC (she was RIGHT ofc) but instead Kamala said (paraphrasing) “I know there are people of different political persuasions tuning in right now and I want you to know I’ll be a practical and thoughtful president”. She very purposefully reached out to them and it was a BRILLIANT part of her speech because she immediately robbed the Right of what they wanted which is perpetual victimhood. She hit just the right note of unity and patriotism–we are all Americans and she will work for all of us. Just brilliant, inspiring stuff.

    And the JD in donut shop video was so effin cringe. He really is an alien in a skinsuit. He’s also massively impolite–I am such a stickler for saying please and thank you to people in the service industry but he couldn’t be bothered.
    And you could tell those two kids hate his effin guts.

    • Emcee3 says:

      He tried to play the EveryMan picking up donuts for the staff, but came across like a clueless, no-manners VultureCapitalist w/ an unlimited expense account: “I mean, a lot of glazed here, some sprinkle stuff… some of these cinnamon rolls… just whatever makes sense.”
      @caslernoel clowning him on his new haircut: I still can’t get past JD Vance’s haircut. It looks like something they do to punish u in Medieval Times. Like the dudes who cleanup donkey dung all day are forced to wear these cuts, so everyone knows he’s a donkey boy📸
      Donkey Boy hasn’t tweeted in almost 24 hours. I think the donut shop broke Eeyore.

  4. Tursitops says:

    This freakshow can’t get people to appear *on camera* with him? IN AMERICA?! This is the country where people film themselves getting hit in the balls and then send it to a show to be roundly mocked.

    If people don’t want to be seen with him, then he needs to coldly examine everything about himself, from his menscara down to his sad socks.

    He doesn’t need to be better, he needs to be someone else entirely.

  5. equality says:

    You have someone go in and ask if you can film in a location. I don’t think the lady meant she wanted her face blurred out, she likely meant don’t film me period. Once she said it he should have said turn the cameras off, not tell the cameramen to disguise her on film.

    • Kitten says:

      Oh ITA but if they’re going to insist on circulating this video on social media–a video in which she CLEARLY says she doesn’t want to be filmed– at the VERY LEAST, blur her out. But yeah he should have stopped filming immediately.

      Honestly the whole thing is so awkward and weird, I’m surprised they thought it would be a good idea to share it…

      • Kitten says:

        I tried to delete this because apparently, she is blurred now? But on the vid I watched yesterday she wasn’t. Not cool.

      • Josephine says:

        Must be the best thing they could manage with the weirdo.

  6. Mimi says:

    It’s the fact that he genuinely thought they be impressed. LOL

    • lucy2 says:

      I know! He thought he was going to be greeted enthusiastically or something, it was so weird. He is SO WEIRD.
      Applause to that lady being like NO.
      I don’t know if the Democrats need to go after him that much at the moment, social media just destroys him on a daily basis. And this was clearly an attempt to make a comparable video to the Harris Walz campaign stopping into Sheetz to buy Doritos.

    • nb says:

      People with huge egos like this honestly do think they’re going to get a hero’s welcome for just showing up. I worked with a MAGA Trump fan for a while and no one in our office could stand him – he treated everyone like crap, especially the women, but he thought we all loved him. After he left our company he showed up randomly 4 months later with his wife in tow wanting to say hi. He walked in and we all just stared at him, like, ‘what do you want?’. I could tell he was expecting us to all start cheering and asking how he’d been and saying we missed him so he could show off to his wife but we could barely hide our contempt and he awkwardly left. This video reminds me of that moment.

  7. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m torn on the strategy of hitting harder on Vance. I think the most depressing outcome for him is being completely ignored and getting no coverage of his pathetic underwhelming stops. Making fun of him gives him some attention and press.

    When is SNL coming back? I don’t think the ridicule of Palin really stuck until Tina Fey’s brilliant parody. I still think Sarah Palin’s voice sounds like, “I can see Russia from my house!” 😆

    • AmyB says:

      SNL is going to have a field day when they come back! Cannot wait to see who they get to play JD Vance 🤣

      • Tursitops says:

        If they don’t pay Taran K a fortune, then they are fools.

      • Shells_Bells says:

        I agree with Tursitops that Taran Killam would be the perfect choice. I think that Jason Sudeikis could also pull it off. I fear that it’ll be Colin Jost

    • Debbie says:

      I may be wrong, but I don’t think the writer is merely saying that Democrats should focus more time and attention on Vance just for the sake of hitting him with his weirdness and off-the-charts political beliefs. I think the writer is saying that Dems should pull all his foibles and policy positions together to make the salient point that, in one of his first important decisions, candidate Donold Trump nominated this incompetent person to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. What does that say about Trump’s decision-making process? So, in other words, don’t just beat up on Trump, and don’t just beat up on Vance individually, but use Vance as a cudgel to beat up on the candidate too — like Dems ultimately did with Palin and McCain. That’s the trifecta.

  8. CLOVE says:

    My favorite part was when he said that he was running for vice president, and she said, “OK.”

  9. Oh come on. says:

    I love that the donut store worker had the presence of mind to tell him not to film her, though I’m dismayed that he blurred her instead of stopping filming. Everyone who knows where she works will recognize her, wtf.

    Otoh why on Earth would he release video of him awkwardly interrogating donut store workers who just want to give him the damn donuts he asked for, and don’t want to talk.

    • Mimi says:

      I think he was trying to prove something. But nothing popped off. They were newly employed (jobs!), the donut shop was opened in the past 4 years (so can’t say Joe Biden’s America was horrible for small business owners). And what was truly funny to me was that he didn’t even know how to order donuts (I see glazing and sprinkles–just give me whatever). Dude…

      • Emcee3 says:

        Good catch on the donut shop taking root during Biden’s term.
        More “Dude…” Posted below, his earlier visit & failed attempt to connect w/ a local deli owner in Kenosha WI:
        “You have any food here you really don’t like? We’ll take some and feed it to the journalists on the plane.”

    • Blithe says:

      …Who don’t want to talk, and who don’t want to inadvertently become memes for the rest of their lives because this waste of space wants to pretend that he can relate to actual normal working people. He gets his commercial, they get unpaid attention that they never asked for.

    • lucy2 says:

      He and his campaign released that because they think it makes him look normal and relatable, because they don’t know what normal and relatable is! He thinks that interaction was totally fine. WEIRD.

    • Fabiola says:

      Why did he release this video? Everything he owes is weird and stupid. They need to hire a PR firm desperately or just dump him.

      • salmonpuff says:

        I’m baffled that they released this. Unless someone is trying to sabotage him, why wouldn’t this just stay in the vault?!? I’m sure even personable politicians have off days or video interactions with the public that don’t quite work, and their team does the very sensible thing of NOT RELEASING THOSE VIDEOS. I get that his team is incompetent, but this is PR malpractice!

  10. trillion says:

    watching this guy and his ilk try to act like regular people is just….weird.

  11. Miranda says:

    “I’m running for VP.”

    “And I’m running the f–k away from you, Couch Commando.”

  12. peafly says:

    As one who struggles with IBS, damp mulled farts oft times prove quite charismatic. JD Vance, none whatsoever.

  13. Agnes says:

    As Peter Theil was tweaking his Stepford VP Vance in the lab, he clearly forgot to add the component that any native American would know from birth, ie how to order donuts from a donut shop. When the couch potato said “whatever makes sense” about a DONUT I almost lost consciousness.

  14. Flamingo says:

    What’s so hilarious to me is these photo op’s don’t happen organically. They are planned well in advance, and everyone knows their job. The fact the Trump team didn’t even think to vet the workers to make sure they wanted to be a part of it. Just shows how unprepared and shambolic the campaign team is.

    And how pouty JD looked trying to salvage the situation. We know you just want your couch not a donut. But a donut does have a hole in the middle….

    Such clowns.

    • Jais says:

      This. His team is looking so incompetent for this. I mean I don’t want them to get better but it’s astonishing to watch. Put the prep work in to know who’s gonna be at the store and be cool being filmed and engaging. Find out what their donuts are before going in and prepare Vance for some sound bites or something.

      • deering24 says:

        Well, looks like the British media are gonna have some serious “can’t do the job for crap” competition…

    • Tursitops says:

      Dems should run commercials showing Humpty saying “I pick the best people, my people are the smartest people”, etc. then contrast it with some of these wingnuts and whackjobs like JD Vagina. Better yet, show him from his last two campaigns saying all the things that he was going to do, then question why he didn’t do ANY of it when he had the chance.

      The swamp ain’t drained, the wall ain’t built, people aren’t sick of winning and we damn sure don’t have the jobs that make money.

      • Flamingo says:

        God, I laugh my buttocks off when they do that. When they use their own words against them. Then you hear ‘I’m Kamala Harris and I approve this message’

        Some trolling is for the good of mankind.

      • tealily says:

        Lol please don’t dishonor the mighty vagina in this way!

  15. Amy Bee says:

    It’s like he’s never been to a donut shop before.

  16. girl_ninja says:

    Donut artist: What do you want?
    Weirdo: Just whatever makes sense

    I just don’t understand why he’s here. Just go away and leave us alone JD.

    • ML says:

      It’s really hard to say this through the laughter, but JD Vance is trying to order a snack after VP Harris and Coach Walz bought Doritos. This is the idiot who stalked them for a week throughout the swing states.

  17. Lau says:

    I feel like the eyeliner is getting out of hands, he’s getting closer to a full smokey-eye now.

    • Blithe says:

      I’ve actually gone with the assumption that he’s not wearing eyeliner, but I’m loving the idea that if he is wearing eyeliner but doesn’t want people to think that he’s wearing eyeliner, he will now have to wear eyeliner forever — to keep up the pretense. It would be a real shame if his favorite shade and brand got discontinued. lol. I’ve also been taking unseemly delight in those photos from the donut shop that suggest that he’s either wearing a not-very-well-chosen hairpiece or that Vance and his running mate have two of the worst haircuts ever.

    • Minnieder says:

      @Lau Dying at full-smokey eye 😂

    • Agnes says:

      A comedian on tiktok named Sam Wiles does a Vance impersonation and he just cakes on the eyeliner and the thing is — he’s still a dead ringer! It’s worth searching him out just to hear him say Appalachia in a flutey fruity voice. So much weirdness, so little time.

  18. Heather says:

    God forbid should this idiotic duo be elected, THIS GUY is what you want a heart beat from being President? Trump is old, fat, and senile…..this is WAY too close for comfort.

  19. SarahLee says:

    I remember Sarah Palin, and this fool is no Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin drew crowds – huge crowds. Sarah Palin raised money. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that it became clear she wasn’t up to the job. Her RNC convention acceptance speech was pure gold. She nailed it. Vance is just a bad candidate all around. This is what happens when you literally sell your VP pick to billionaires.

    • molly says:

      Yeah, Sarah Palin =/= JD Vance. That woman had charisma. That woman could draw a crowd and hold a room.

      She was just a couple decades too soon and not ready for the pressure of the lower 48, because on paper, she’s not that different than Gretchen Whitmer. And Big Gretch is crushing 2024.

    • tealily says:

      I saw someone refer to him as “the Dan Quayle of Sarah Palins” which seems more apt.

      • Agnes says:

        God, people are so clever. If our whole entire country weren’t at stake, I’d be really enjoying the clown show.

  20. Ana Maria says:

    …”he has the charisma of a damp, muffled fart”…🤣…….I have no dog in this fight, as I’m a Mexican citizen, living in Mexico, but ladies, please help me: I’ve been trying to remember the name of Mattel, I think? toys that were like people, with a round head and tubular body; I believe this dude is the live embodiment of those toys!

  21. Chaine says:

    That “goatee into beard” facial hairis straight out of the MAGA Starter Pack and I’ve realized what’s so weird about it is he is a young guy, way too young to have had a goatee to begin with because when they were popular he would have been just a child, so why does it look like he originally had one …. I know I’m just rambling here but that’s what he makes me think of…

    • Little Red says:

      I assume it’s all part of the attempt to create a jawline because otherwise he has none.

  22. pottymouth pup says:

    it wasn’t, exactly, an impromptu visit. He made some comments indicating it was a specific choice of his campaign to stop at a local business but not to even bother to learn about how long the business had been in the community. Then you get to his inability to ask questions beyond “how long have you worked here?” and, sheesh, I have to wonder if the only reason he’s married is because he constantly followed his wife (who seems to be an AH herself) around asking her what her major was until she just gave in

  23. olliesmom says:

    Ok that settles it. HE’S NOT HUMAN!

    He really has forgotten how to talk to the peasants.

    JD and the orange man are going to lose BIGLY in November.

  24. BeanieBean says:

    That was so uncomfortable to watch. Has he ever been in a donut shop before? Some of those, some of those, whatever. Does he intend to consume or even give these to staff, or is he going to chuck these in the trash as soon as they get the footage? And how long have you worked here is some pretty pathetic small talk! How about how are you? Having a good morning?

    You know the worst part? They actually posted this! This bit of film should never have seen the lift of day!

    • tealily says:

      Makes you wonder if they filmed other stop-ins elsewhere that didn’t go this well.

    • ArtFossil says:

      Political consultants I follow on Twitter speculate that Vance’s advance team hate him. (Lots of examples in Vance’s recent appearances.) I wonder if they’re just coked out all the time because how else could you work for him?

      • deering24 says:

        Can’t wait for the post-election book Vance’s advance people are gonna write. Ow.

  25. TurbanMa says:

    He is acting like he’s the district manager from corporate. Not a far stretch… maybe his next job.

  26. Oh come on. says:

    His human suit looks itchy, and it doesn’t fit.

  27. TN Democrat says:

    I really wonder about the 33% who view him favorably.

  28. Luna says:

    Yikes, his idea of conversation is interrogation. Does anybody actually like being around him, and if so, why?

  29. phlyfiremama says:

    That was one of the most awkwardly cringe moments I have ever had the misfortune to stumble upon. As an ND/Asperger’s/ADHD/Autistic person, I have been involved in or witness to PLENTY of such moments myself, believe you me. That woman is my new SHERO for not playing along, but of course since rethugs have ZERO idea of what “consent” looks like it didn’t actually MATTER to any of them to get it before CONTINUING to show her after her explicitly stated wish NOT to be filmed. They released this thinking it made Shady Vance look GOOD?! 🤣🤣 Harris & Walz can check out now, Chump & shady are losing this election all by themselves!! 🤣