Simone Biles: a club in Paris tried to get me to buy $26,000 champagne

Simone Biles is back from the Olympics and now she’s telling stories about some of her crazy experiences in Paris. Simone likes to do “get ready with me” segments on her TikTok, where she chats with fans as she puts on makeup. She does them pretty regularly including during the Olympics. Earlier this week, Simone made one of these videos while getting ready to go to a Chicago Bears preseason game. In the video, she tells this bonkers story about how she went to a Paris club after the Olympics closing ceremonies. While she was there, the unnamed club tried to charge her $26,000 for a bottle of champagne. $26,000!

“We had closing ceremonies at the Olympics. I went and after that we went out. You guys, this club tried to charge me $26,000 for a bottle of champagne. Like, are you insane?” Biles said while doing her makeup ahead of the preseason contest on Aug. 17.

“Obviously, I didn’t buy it. But why would you even try to play me like that? Like, that’s wild. And I don’t know, sometimes the attention, I’d rather not have it. I’d rather just be as normal as possible… I don’t know.”

Biles did not reveal the name of the club.

[From NY Post]

Dang, that is crazy! I know that there are some really expensive champagnes out there, but I doubt Simone would actually order one of those. I was curious and looked it up, and there is a bottle of champs that costs 1.838 million euros. Good lawd. Anyway, I have no doubt that the staff at that club recognized her and thought they could get away with charging her $26,000 for the bottle. That’s so gross. I feel for her in this situation, especially knowing that she wants to be as normal as possible when she goes out. Hopefully, now that she’s back in the States, she’ll be able to gain back some normalcy.

Also, side note, but is anyone planning on going to the Gold Over America Tour? It’ll star Simone, Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey, and other world medalists and international gymnasts. It sounds awesome, and my younger son LOVED all of the gymnastics at the Olympics. I would much rather take my kids to see that than Disney On Ice.


yappin away about nothing ….. next time I’m playing music lmao – football season has started 🤎BEAR DOWN🤎

♬ original sound – Simone Biles

Photos via Instagram/Simone Biles and courtesy Netflix: Simone Biles Rising – Production Still Images

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11 Responses to “Simone Biles: a club in Paris tried to get me to buy $26,000 champagne”

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  1. Neeve says:

    These bottle services are absolutely insane.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I thought about taking my kids to the tour (we’re from Houston) but the tickets were so expensive.

  3. Nanea says:

    Yeah, no.

    When we are in Paris we do like to drink champagne, especially brands that are not readily available here, and they may be on the pricier side of what we usually spend, and we really don’t drink much. But those are restaurant prices, not club prices. But $ 26,000, or ~ € 23,500? Sounds like a rip-off wrapped in a fleece to me, and I know exclusive clubs can be *expensive*.

    That said, we’d watch that show in a heartbeat, if it ever came to Europe.

    • maisie says:

      there are some well known Champagnes with a $3000-5000 price point, certain Don Perignon vintages to name one. but most of them are not known to the average diner. I saw a Krug Clos d’Ambonnay on the menu at a Michelin 2 for 3500 euros ($4000). didn’t order it but was tempted to ask the sommelier how many bottles they had.

      but that kind of price is the “celebrity markup.”

  4. Amy says:

    I went to the tour a few years ago and it was great! I had such a fun time, and all the gymnasts put on a great show.

  5. Wagiman says:

    I’ve drunk some of the best champagne in the world. That’s obviously deliberately ripping off Simone. That’s absurd. I’m glad she said, nope!

  6. DancingCorgi says:

    That’s an old scam in some parts of Europe. My friend went into a hole-in-wall bar in Greece and ordered a beer. They waited until he took a sip and told him it was twenty dollars. In true University-age problem solving mode, he ran out of the bar and kept going all the way back to the hostel. Seems odd that a high class Parisian restaurant would try this.

  7. HandforthParish says:

    I remember a while ago reading a whole thing about how Europeam clubs and bars in exclusive places have ultra expensive booze that they dish out for the VIPs. Apparently Russian oligarchs were notorious for systematically ordering the most expensive bottle everywhere they went.
    Just because they could.
    I guess they tried their luck there…

  8. lucy2 says:

    I think a lot of clubs and such try this nonsense on celebrities, and I bet many have their entourage handle it and have no idea what they’re paying. That’s part of how famous celebrity millionaires go broke.
    I can’t believe they tried it with Simone, and I’m glad she was like hell no.
    Her video is really funny, she does social media so well. I’d like to go see that tour, but the tickets are pricey! $145 was the cheapest near me.

  9. Bad Janet says:

    I looked up the place she was supposedly at. Online reviews for that place are enlightening. Lots of complaints from Americans about being treated unfairly, theft, and even drugging. Lots of Black Americans who said the club also tried to overcharge them.

  10. Katie says:

    I’m going to the tour! But it is the very last stop so here’s hoping everyone is healthy!