Lady Gaga has adopted a new French Bulldog puppy, what’s their name?

Lady Gaga has welcomed a new addition to the family! In a TikTok post earlier this week, Mother Monster combined the adoption announcement with promotional duties, as she showed off the new puppy, her fourth French Bulldog (America’s favorite breed!), in a video while her new song with Bruno Mars played in the background. We don’t yet know the little pipsqueak’s name, or how s/he is getting along with older siblings Miss Asia, Koji, and Gustav. It was also hard to gauge from the eight-second clip how much the floof liked the song, or being filmed, for that matter. The only thing we can verify at this time, is that the pup is frickin’ adorable.

If the world was ending, Lady Gaga would want to be next to her adorable new puppy.

The 38-year-old debuted the precious French Bulldog Puppy on TikTok Aug. 21, cupping the tiny dog in her hands as she lip synced to her new collaboration with Bruno Mars, “Die With A Smile.”

The tri-color Frenchie has a dark gray body with a light brown snout and eyebrow-shaped spots over his eyes. Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, didn’t reveal the little cutie’s name, but she did caption the video with a simple snowflake emoji.

The Joker: Folie à Deux actress also showcased her newly made over look in the clip, rocking her black hair, bold blue eyeshadow, and bright red lipstick, giving her a very Harley Quinn-esque look.

In the comments section, Dylan Mulvaney wrote, “Need to meet them immediately,” to which Gaga replied, “Our new Queen.”

Gaga has a long history with French Bulldogs. She’s also the owner of an all-black Frenchie named Miss Asia, a fawn-colored cutie named Koji, and a white pup with black spots named Gustav.

Though the Grammy winner used to feature her pets regularly on social media, that all changed in 2021 when her friend and dog walker, Ryan Fischer, was shot when robbers stole two of the singer’s beloved dogs, Koji and Gustav.

[From E! Online]

Yeah, Gaga’s makeup in the video does err on the side of “clown,” so that combined with her playing “Die With A Smile” reinforces my belief that the song is for Joker: Folie à Deux. Why they wouldn’t say that from the beginning, I cannot say. But enough about that, we’re here for the floof! The little piglet whose ears are bigger than their paws! Maybe the name is Dumbo!! I guess Gaga figured getting ready to premiere a big movie, release her next studio album, and plan a wedding was the perfect time to train a new puppy. (JK, JK, I know she has the staff to help out!) After Miss Asia, Koji, and Gustav endured that horrific ordeal with the dognapping three years ago, I’m glad the family has settled enough to expand their brood. May Dumbo (until corrected by the Lady herself, that’s what I’m calling this floof) never have to go through what the older pups did.

Now if I may, an update: I’ve spoken here frequently about My Girl, the Chihuahua-Dachshund rescue who I adopted 11 years ago when she was estimated to be a year-and-a-half old. When we met, we were each on our last legs; she physically, me emotionally. Watching her realize that she was no longer fending for herself, that she had someone taking care of her, and then seeing how that allowed her to relax and blossom into her own person, well that has been the privilege of my life. So it absolutely broke my heart two weeks ago when it suddenly became time for My Girl to cross the rainbow bridge. She was the greatest companion, a girl with presence and personality. I know there will be more pups in my life, perhaps sooner than I realize, but for now, My Girl is quite a lot to get over losing. But the tears are worth it, for all the years of love we shared.

So please give a hug and good scritch to your people for me and My Girl, and that includes you too, Gaga & Dumbo!

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18 Responses to “Lady Gaga has adopted a new French Bulldog puppy, what’s their name?”

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  1. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. We never have enough time with them but I’m so glad you two were able to find each other.

  2. WaterDragon says:

    Kismet, so sorry for your loss of My Girl. The good thing is that you will have your memories forever. In my family, we still talk about our beloved fur babies, Daisy and Cosmo. Daisy would pre-wash our dinner plates. We always say that it was a wonder the pattern wasn’t licked off the plates, she was so thorough.

  3. Mc says:

    Is this the breed that has a lot of health problems from their breeding?

    • TrixieTrue says:

      Yes, they absolutely can. I have a Frenchie who is seven days away from turning 12. Good breeders take care to notice certain health issues Frenchies have and don’t breed their dogs with those issues. Unfortunately, Lady Gaga’s new pup (who is adorable, as all puppies are) probably came from a ‘designer’ breeder. The colors tan and gray are not allowed in show dogs. Same with merle colored Frenchies. People who breed them say they’re rare or unique, when they’re simply not the breed standard.

      It sounds like I’m a breed snob, but that’s not the case. As a Frenchie owner, I see them all the time and notice things, like their gait and coloring. I read about French Bulldogs for years before I was finally able to get one. People who truly love the breed will try to breed out defects to make their lines healthier. People who want money will breed any dog they have, to get certain colors or other physical characteristics, without doing the health testing.

    • Bumblebee says:

      They also have a very difficult time giving birth naturally. So they most often have cesareans. I think most bulldog breeds are like this. Health defects like this, that continue to be bred, make me so mad.

  4. Nanea says:

    Kismet, I am so sorry for your loss.

    I hope with all my heart that remembering the good times you had with Your Girl will help you heal eventually and put a smile in your heart.

    Please know that her comments that you shared with us always made me smile.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    So sorry for the loss of MyGirl.

  6. Bookie says:

    Sorry for your loss, Kismet. <3

  7. ML says:

    So sorry to hear that MyGirl had to cross the rainbow bridge. Hugs and strength, Kismet.

  8. Flamingo says:

    I am so sorry for your loss Kismet may your fur baby have endless treats on the Rainbow Bridge.

    Also, nobody adopts French Bull Dogs. You buy them. I am sure Gaga team bought from a reputable breeder. But it’s not an adoption. A rescue from a shelter is an adoption.

    Adopt, don’t shop.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      This. She did not adopt a puppy. She bought a puppy. There is a big difference. And when you’re talking about Frenchies, that difference becomes even more important because their popularity leads to overbreeding, which leads to puppies with health defects who can only hope to be lucky enough to end up with a rescue.

    • DeeSea says:

      Came here to echo both points. @Kismet, I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet girl. The loss of a beloved animal is one of the hardest things that a loving, caring human can go through. And the other important point about terminology: The act of buying an animal from a breeder, a store, a backyard mill, or any other for-profit channel is not “adoption.” This framing serves only to help shoppers fool themselves into thinking that they are adopters, and it ultimately benefits only the people who exploit animals for financial gain. #adoptdontshop

  9. Kitten says:

    Oh nooooo Kismet. I’m so sorry 🙁
    My bestie *also* put her beloved pupper down two weeks ago. She was her velcro dog and she had her for 13 years.

    As someone who has a senior cat (17 year old Scottish Fold) I know so well the bond that is forged when you have a pet for that long. I can cry just *thinking* about the day that we have to say goodbye to our little girl. 🙁

    Words never feel sufficient when comforting someone over the loss of a pet but I hope with time the grief is replaced with loving memories. And I hope during your darkest moments you’re reminded of the gift that you gave her of a long and loving life and the gift that she gave YOU: her whole heart. ♥

  10. KimmyChoo says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I have a Chi-Terrier mix that has been my emotional support burrito through the loss of my daughters, my dad and now my divorce. They are more than pets, they are family. I’m sure MyGirl is frolicking in Pet Heaven, hopefully with my sweet greyhound and spaniel up there. 🌈🌈🌈

  11. Chanteloup says:

    oh dearest Kismet, I am so sorry for your loss of My Girl. I hope the memories of all the unconditional love, support and joy you had together will comfort you. I am sending you so much love

  12. Togive says:

    I’m sorry for your loss Kismet. We lost our 14yo Malamute in april and then our 12yo cat in june. It’s been tough but luckily 2 rescue babies made it home now, a cat and a dog. Hang in there, your baby My Girl is surely watching out for you and will send the right furr baby your way in no time.

  13. kit says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am so glad you and My Girl had each other. There is no comparable hurt to the unique pain of loss of a companion like her. May her memories and the happiness she experienced in your care offer you solace and healing in your grief.

    A few months ago, we lost our 19 year old kitty who was a deeply social, affectionate boy and saved me when I was struggling with protracted grief syndrome after my brother’s death. His sister is still with me, but at 19, I am cherish every second, deeply aware of her long years (spent with me from the time I found them in a box on the street at barely a month old by the vet’s estimate – I am so, so lucky). Grieving is hard. You are in my thoughts.

  14. therese says:

    Dear Kismet, so very sorry. Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.