Kamala Harris: Donald Trump is an ‘unserious man’ who wants to be autocrat

We’ll probably get the final numbers today or over the weekend, but it definitely looks and feels like the Democratic National Convention blew the RNC’s ratings out of the water. People have been tuning in all week and the DNC organizers did an amazing job with speakers, performances and vibes. Even old-fart conservatives like Chris Wallace said that the DNC “clobbered” the RNC. It also would not surprise me at all if people tuned in just for the fourth night, to see Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech. There was curiosity even among true-blue Democrats about what kind of tone she would set and whether her speech would be more biographical or whether she would talk policy. She did it all, wrapping her biography into policy. But really, the main thrust of her speech was the Prosecution of Donald Trump. The stakes, the “prosecutor versus felon” narrative, the fact that we cannot let that f–king fascist anywhere near the White House ever again.

Even the optics felt notable – many expected VP Harris to wear “suffragette white,” but instead she wore a dark navy pantsuit from Chloe with a pussybow blouse. She looked presidential and she acted presidential – the optics were “I’m ready for this and I’m dressing like I already have the job.” The speech, as I said, was full of policy and substance. The speakers leading up to Harris’s speech were doing that too, with a focus on foreign policy, the military, reproductive rights and gun control. While Harris is wildly effective on all of that, she is (in my opinion) the most effective when she’s dissecting Trump:

Harris tagged Trump as “an unserious man,” but argued that the consequences of putting him back in the White House “are extremely serious.” Part of that involved recapping his attempt to steal the 2020 election (“he tried to throw away your votes”) and his criminal conviction (“for an entirely different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud”).

But Harris argued that next time could well be worse because of the Supreme Court ruling last month giving presidents broad immunity from prosecution for acts they commit as president. “Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails,” Harris said. “How he would use the immense powers of the presidency of the United States. Not to improve your life. Not to strengthen our national security. But to serve the only client he has ever had: himself.”

This is an important recognition that the democracy issue is bigger than just repeating that Trump is a convicted felon or that January 6 was bad. Indeed, Harris treated Trump’s conviction as a small part of a larger argument that he is a fundamentally corrupt person, unfit for the presidency, and out for himself rather than everyday Americans.

Later on, while discussing foreign policy, she was even more blunt. “Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable,” she said, “because he wants to be an autocrat.”

[From Vox]

She was brilliant last night. I’ve been a fan of Harris for years, but even I will admit that, in the past, she hasn’t always been able to explain and articulate her vision and her perspective in a concise, understandable way. That’s shifted and it’s shifted very quickly. It goes back to some reporting in recent weeks, when President Biden endorsed her and she locked down the nomination within 24 hours – she’s no longer second-guessing herself and she’s no longer simply acting as Biden’s loyal soldier. That’s freed her and now she’s running, unburdened by what has been.

Screencaps from YouTube.

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64 Responses to “Kamala Harris: Donald Trump is an ‘unserious man’ who wants to be autocrat”

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  1. Lolo86lf says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that Kamala Harris will become our next president of the USA. The orange clown baboon (may baboons all over forgive me for comparing them to Trump) does not stand much of a chance on November 5. The “prosecutor vs. the felon” analogy is quite accurate and I hope Kamala once president makes sure Trump is fully processed for his crimes.

    • Snideysense says:

      I hope you are right, but the anxiety-ridden side of me can’t stop thinking about how the Repubs are telegraphing all the ratf*ckery they plan to use to steal this no matter what. I keep thinking about how perfect everything seemed in 2016 until about 2 days before the election with all the Comey stuff.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I’m terrified of all the ways the MAGA facists have put into place to steal this election. Harris/Walz needs to not only win Georgia but by a huge margin to prevent the election from being stolen by MAGA criminals put on election panels and given new authority by recent law changes refusing to certify the vote. Trump just wants an excuse to declare civil war and unleash his violent MAGA cultists on the rest of us. I have no doubt, if he doesn’t win, he will do everything possible to burn it all down for his own ego.

      • Jais says:

        I get anxious too and I’ll stay that way until this is all done. But while they absolutely have rat- fuckery, imo they’re still acting scared. They’re scared for a reason. Bc they know it might not work.

      • Mil says:

        I am scared of foreign interference. That’s it.

      • Truthiness says:

        +1 from someone who is watching ratf**king updates closely. How T got 3 new trumpers placed on the Georgia election board at this late stage is beyond me. Every day it’s a new goddamn legal battlefield in a swing state, AZ had a win yesterday but we know exactly what our scotus is capable of. Plus the caliber of the Republican lawyers has improved, they learned from their mistakes.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        If you’re feeling anxious, get out there and take action. Action is the cure for anxiousness.

        One thing we can all do, is reach out to our friends and family and help them find ways to check their voter registration. Especially if you have loved ones that are in a swing state or state that might be close, research the websites where they can look up the status of their voter registration and help them do it in a safe and secure way (on the correct site). Many times this is done through the secretary of state website for each state.

        Now is the time to focus on voter disenfranchisement, because so much can be done ahead of time.

    • StellainNH says:

      You may have faith that Kamala will be elected but I am terrified of what another Felon election would look like, especially with Project 2025. It gives me such anxiety.

      • Valarie Wade says:

        I’m glad it’s not just me paranoid as hell what Trump will do when he loses. And he will lose!!!!

      • kirk says:

        When I watched Allan Lichtman’s youtube a week ago, he mentioned something about ABA setting up an elections task force. (So, it’s not just Marc Elias and Democracy Docket on the case, yay.) The ABA Task force is bipartisan, co-chaired by former Homeland Secretary Jeh Johhnson and former federal judge J Michael Luttig. They’ve put together pretty good voter education webinar series (important if you live in a state with voter ID laws), how voting machines work plus links for being a poll worker and election litigation. Here’s ABA Standing Committee on Election Law website: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_interest/election_law/

  2. sunny says:

    She was excellent. The speech was smart, effective, did exactly what it needed to do. And oh, how she delivered it!

    @Kaiser, I’ve been following her and rooting for her since the first time she run, and the way she’s come into her own under the most pressure??? Amazing.

    Also I loooved the way she talked about her mother. I teared up. I’m not even an American and I was rooting for her and your country so hard.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Gotdamn! She was fantastic and articulate and engaging years ago and she just gets better and better and better. What an epic barnburner of a speech! LFG!!!!

      • It really was a fantastic speech. She was very clear. I can’t wait to vote for her in November!!

      • Kitten says:

        I hate to do “the day they became president” thing but she was just so GOOD last night and yes, so freaking presidential. She absolutely sold me on her vision for our country.

        And on a very superficial note: she looked GORGEOUS. Honestly we spend so much time talking about how smart and effective she is and what a great campaign she’s running that sometimes we forget that she’s smokin hot lol.

      • Flowerlake says:

        He is sooooooooo mad about her speech. I just read even Fox news hung up on him because he was ranting.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        She did a fantastic job. She was loving and tough and smart all at the same time. I love how she tied in her work as a prosecutor to major concerns that we have today, such as consumer, protections and trafficking. I love how she noted that she has always worked for the people, or Trump has only worked for himself.

  3. Roo says:

    She was warm, funny, and loving, and she also unleashed her inner prosecutor and fired on all cylinders. It was beautiful to watch. She silenced critics who complained she wasn’t ready or didn’t know foreign policy. I was proud, hopeful, and teary. LFG!

    • orangeowl18 says:

      It really was something to behold. I haven’t felt like this since the night Obama won and walked out onto the stage with his family in Chicago, which I can remember like it was yesterday.

      I know there’s so much work still to be done but it’s a relief to feel like we have a real chance. Onward to phone banking to swing states next week!

      • Flowerlake says:

        Good for you getting the word out to vote and register to vote.

        They’re gonna try to steal the election so no time for complacency

  4. Kimmy says:

    I mean, she was incredible.

    After watching last night, I was just dumbfounded. Like how can we not choose THIS?! Having this type of a candidate vs the other guy? Being filled with this much HOPE vs the other guy?

    We have to win. That’s it. We have to f**king win.

    • Becks1 says:

      I completely agree with you; what makes me nervous is I remember feeling the same way in 2016- like the DNC convention was so full of hope and promise and joy and the RNC convention felt dark and hate-filled. Who could choose the latter? well a lot of people as it turned out.

      I’m hoping this time around because we know how high the stakes are the outcome is different.

      • Kitten says:

        Right. We all have PTSD from 2016 but I just want to remind folks that Clinton had a level of baggage that Kamala does not. I know we talk a lot about the unknown quantity or the “generic Democrat” but in a lot of ways Kamala is like Obama. Obama was relatively unknown when he ran and did an amazing job introducing himself to us and showing us his vision for America. I think Kamala is doing the same and while I take nothing for granted in a race this close, I believe that Harris has a promising advantage that Clinton did not.

      • Flowerlake says:

        I think one thing everyone should do more of is to talk about all the good things Biden/Harris have done. They have done lots of good things but media has mostly ignored it.

        Like cap the costs for medicine and insuline, the infrastructure bill (will fix infrastructure and is already creating new jobs) and getting rid of junk fees.



      • Kitten says:

        The infrastructure bill is why my town has all new sidewalks and roads and all the lead pipes removed. We have two signs in town that say “Brought to You By the Biden Administration” lol and it pisses off the conservative townies so much. But yes I do agree that Harris can take some credit for the good things Biden did and draw a contrast with the not-so-good things. That’s a pretty good position for her to be in.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Kitten, not only did Clinton have a lot of baggage, the orange fascist was a relatively unknown quantity at that point. How he’d govern isn’t unknown now, and people who aren’t in the MAGA cult remember what an unstable, unserious, unforgivably dangerous mess he was as president (including some who voted for him instead of Clinton because of all her baggage). So, yeah, I have PTSD, but I also have hope that people will choose better this time.

    • Kitten says:


      How could any American watch that speech and not want her to lead our country? It honestly makes me so depressed…

      • Snideysense says:

        We can never underestimate the power of racism and misogynoir. People will vote against their own interests if it means maintaining the illusion of their privilege.

    • lucy2 says:

      It blows my mind that it’s close at all, but I’m hoping the polls aren’t that accurate. I want it to be a blow out win for the Democrats up and down the ballot so we can actually get some shit done!
      Some good things to remember that are different than 2016
      – Kamala Harris is newer to the national scene, Hillary Clinton came with a lot of history and baggage, and the Bernie Bros faction
      – Trump is 8 years older, and looks it, after making the heart of his campaign that Biden was too old
      -Overturning Roe has turned out voters in unexpected states and energized a lot of people to fight back, let’s hope that carries through November
      – In 2016 trump’s leadership was an unknown. It is NOT anymore, we all saw how awful he was, and he’s promising more of the same, and worse
      -I think there are a lot of conservatives who can’t pull the lever for him again, and will either not vote or vote for Harris Walz
      -The person in power during this election is Biden, who has no fucks left to give
      -The only way the other side can win is to cheat, and we know they’re going to attempt it.

  5. Becks1 says:

    It kind of reminds me of the whole “Let Bartlet be Bartlet” storyline from West Wing. I think Kamala is finally showing us KAMALA, it’s finally “let Kamala be Kamala” without second guessing, without micromanaging everything she says, without worrying if some people may get offended because she or her VP candidate calls them “weird” etc. We are seeing an educated, smart, dynamic, and experienced woman really hit her full stride and I think something about that resonates with women in the US – women who have been told to smile more, to make sure you word your email “just so,” who have been told they come across as bitchy or rude or whatever because they know what they are doing better than the men.

    I just feel like Kamala has heard all those same things too even as a senator, even as a presidential candidate and a VP candidate, and she is finally casting it all off and just saying “watch me do this.”

    and its really been powerful and just plain FUN to watch.

  6. K says:

    It’s our time now. And by our I mean decent human beings. Harris/Walz must win. I was absolutely terrified a few ago. Now I have hope. She was amazing. Vote Blue.💙💙and LFG.

  7. AuntRara says:

    I keep thinking about how important these vibes and optics are. Four years ago, the DNC was virtual because of the pandemic. And the Biden campaign wasn’t having ginormous rallies like Trump was because so many of us were avoiding large crowds. I think those two factors made it really easy for Trump to trick his followers into believing that Biden didn’t have any support because they were trying to do a side-by-side comparison without any nuance. (Which, by the way, is part of the reason he’s still obsessed with crowd sizes.) He could lie and say “See?? They stole this election from us! Anyone can see that we must have had more votes because our crowds were way bigger.” And they believed it. Now they can see that even though we weren’t all walking around in Biden hats with Biden flags on our cars and going to Biden boat parades, we were here all along.

  8. Miranda says:

    I am f–king amped and can’t wait until the debate now. And I say “debate”, singular, because after Kamala kicks Trump’s ass all over that stage, the coward will go pout and refuse to do another. We’ve got this, you guys. LFG.

    • CreoleTomato says:

      I’m with you @MIRANDA! It’s GO time! Let’s see this thing through! Harris -Walz for the win!!

    • Rapunzel says:

      Oh, I’m convinced Trump will come up with a reason not to do the debate. His campaign has to know, she’ll decimate him.

    • Go Green Go White says:

      Waiting for the debate when Trump does something stupid(and he will), and she gives him that look that says ” What we are not going to do today is…”

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    I expected a very good speech, but this speech was off the charts brilliant. I loved how she wove her biography into the fabric of the speech to explain not just who she is, but why she is who she is. And her wardrobe choice underlined who she is. She dressed for a courtroom not a convention arena. She is all about the business at hand. Kamala Harris does not come to play. Now, she’s given us our charge. Let’s go win this for her, for us, and most importantly, for America.

    • Kitten says:

      WAAAAAY better than expected and I too had high hopes. The speech was beautifully written but her delivery and tone were impeccable and speaks to a real strength she has as an orator. It was flawless, honestly.

    • Midnight@theOasis says:

      It was a fantastic speech delivered as a prosecutor “for the people”. She laid out her case credibly to the American people. She was clear, direct and sold her vision/policies for the future of America. I’m all in #LFG

  10. girl_ninja says:

    As soon as they showed her emerging onto the stage I started weeping, and weeping. It was a remarkable night, and she met the moment.

    Please ya’ll volunteer if you can. She’s going to win but we have to get her over the finish line.


  11. Mina_Esq says:

    I know this is completely beside the point, but since this is a gossip blog I’ll say it anyway – can we talk about how gorgeous VP Harris is? Yes, of course I want to hear about her policies but I secretly ALSO want to know about her skincare and makeup routine. It is what it is. I’ll see myself out.

    • pyritedigger says:

      I totally agree- she does not look 60 and looked absolutely stunning last night.

    • Becks1 says:

      I actually don’t think its besides the point. Physical appearance can go a long way in political campaigns. It’s not the only thing, of course, but it can certainly help. Part of the reason Trump is so terrified of her as an opponent is the visual contrast of her – glowing, vibrant, healthy, looking way younger than 60, with gorgeous skin and hair – next to……well, him. Sad hair, orange makeup, physically deteriorating, etc.

      She projects an image of vitality and health and I think that cannot be overrated. Its not the only thing like I said – someone can project that image and still be horrible – but its going to help.

      • Brassy Rebel says:


      • Ciotog says:

        I’ll bet she smells amazing, too.

      • Jais says:

        Hehehe, I feel like strait-up cackling at what you said @becks1. You know this orange puffer-fish is vain as hell and hates the visual comparisons of his orange Cheeto grossness to Kamala’s youth and attractiveness. I’m living for it. I hope it’s keeping him up at night. He looks a gross mess.

  12. Proud Mary says:

    She looked absolutely amazing. Please forgive my being seemingly sexist, but when a woman looks amazing, ain’t nothing wrong with saying so, even if she’s about to be ruler of the free world. And, yes, the speech was great — on substance and on delivery. It was the perfect close to an amazing convention. I thought not having a tv was gong to leave me out of the loop. But not so — thanks to the DNC for putting it on YouTube, and to Midas Touch, and Bryan Tyler Cohen, and Mary Trump, and I’ve Had It, etc.

  13. ML says:

    All week, I have been playing catch up on the DNC due to living in Europe. Today, this is the only full speech I’ve watched: VP Kamala Harris nailed it! She gives off a presidential vibe snd I will be honored and proud to vote for her. We might not be there yet, but honestly, anyone watching her (and comparing how she speaks vs the old orange guy) can’t help but see how much she’s fit for the job!🪷💙

  14. Lau says:

    That Trump post is killing me ! The guy really was in front of his tv filling his diaper for four evenings straight.

  15. butterflystella says:

    Last night was the only night I watched of the four and whew! She nailed it! I’m excited to vote for Harris/Walz in Nov!!! Just moved back to Vegas from Michigan. I voted for Whitmer while there & I loved her speech, too! LFG

  16. TRext says:

    This was the speech of her lifetime and will go down as one of the best in a generation.

  17. swaz says:

    She was brilliant, beautiful and so eager to start the job 😍 I CAN’T WAIT TO VOTE 😍 O, I almost forgot about Dougie, he is so proud😍

  18. Chantal1 says:

    Kamala gave a fantastic speech that will have Trump and the Repubs lying and whining for weeks! She is brilliant, ready and more than capable! Let’s elect Harris- Walz and give them a Democratic Congress to move America forward and undo some of the draconian laws the Repubs have passed! Vote Blue! I was going to do absentee voting but Texas has made it harder and now I don’t trust them with absentee ballots so I’ll do early voting instead. I never thought I’d think these thoughts about voting. We know the Repubs are ready to cheat in order to win this election so let’s make it harder for them to do so! Vote blue (early if you can)!

    I wonder if the MAGA Supreme Court justices are panicking that in their evilness and corruptness, they have actually given 2 Democratic Presidents (Biden and next Harris) presidential immunity?

  19. Aidee Kay says:

    Just watched Harris’ speech on YouTube and WHOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE she blew the roof off the barn!!!!!!! Let’s go!!!!! Madam President (finally!!!!!) 2024!!!!!!!

  20. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    I’m trying to stay calm, personally lol. Even Steven.

    But damn…. she’s gold.

  21. Barb from SoCal says:

    My (much) longer message was not posted so here is the Cliff’s Notes version (sort of):
    I am completely all for Kamala and I loved her speech last night, the way it flowed, the crescendo of intensity and power and the practised ease with which she delivered it. There were two points, though, that struck me as worrisome for engaging young people. I have two young adult children who confirmed my fears. When she stated, “As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world,” the feed cut to her family and I noted Ella was not clapping along with everyone else but was rather stony faced. My children told me that their friends and peers online are also concerned by this. They were VERY excited to have Kamala as the presidential nominee and LOVE Tim Walz’s folksy persona and down to earth demeanour. However, they want a President who prioritises the American people and is less involved in other countries around the world. My daughter has been very critical of Biden’s haphazard withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving women and children behind in terrible circumstances. I did try to explain that Kamala was trying to demonstrate she would be a strong Commander-in-Chief to swing voters who might worry about a ‘woman’ keeping America safe AND to foreign leaders that she will maintain America’s global role in defending our allies and democracy. They understood my points but felt young people won’t see the nuances. The same concern surrounds her comments on Israel and Gaza. Many young people are very frustrated with the Biden administration’s ongoing financial and material support of Netanyahu. Harris clearly wants to appease both sides. Again, I understand the complexities but young people are more black and white thinkers. If they don’t have enthusiasm for a candidate, they may not cast a vote.

    • Barb from SoCal says:

      In my abbreviated post, it sounds like young people don’t want America to aid other countries in need. That was not my intent. What they don’t want is military involvement in other countries where public money is diverted into military funding instead of social programs that benefit all Americans.

      • kit says:

        I appreciate you sharing this. Thoughtfully said. I agree she needs to do a clearer job addressing voters with these issues and elevating them in the public eye as a priority to her administration as well.

  22. Libra says:

    I truly believed that Hilary was going to win. Positive. I went to bed that night smug and happy that we finally have a female president. I couldn’t believe the shock of hearing a replay of her concession speech. I am not going to count on anything this time around.

  23. Dee says:

    She did a great job! It was easy to see the contrast between her and Trump. She made a case for why she would be an effective leader and she nailed it. How amazing would it be if a prosecutor was the one to once and for all rid us all of Trump and his nonsense. I’m excited to support her!