Queen Camilla is ‘deeply unhappy’ that Charles left Balmoral to work this week

Have you noticed that King Charles and Queen Camilla have barely been together in recent months? He’s been going solo at most of his public events, including his trip to Southport this week. You would have thought that Camilla would want to join him to meet with the families of those murdered children. But Camilla did not join him. She stayed in Scotland, I guess? I’m not sure she was with him at Castle Mey in recent weeks either. I bring this up because the Daily Beast has yet another piece about how Camilla worries that Charles is doing too much. This reads like Camilla soft-launching the idea that she has no interest in traveling to Australia and Samoa this fall and she wants Charles to cancel too.

Charles was in Southport and London this week: First Charles went to Southport, then the king then travelled to London the next day, Wednesday, for a private meeting with the bereaved families of the three children. No details have been released of the meeting save that it occurred at the king’s London home, Clarence House. He is thought to have then received cancer treatment in London and helicoptered back to Balmoral on Thursday.

Courtiers want Charles to do less: While the overall mood at Buckingham Palace is highly supportive of the course of action which is being driven by “the Boss,” dissenting voices and those urging the king to be more careful so as not to impede his recovery are notable.

Camilla wants Charles to slow down: A friend of Camilla’s told the Daily Beast: “Camilla would have been deeply unhappy that having only begun his holiday on Monday, he broke it off on Tuesday to do an incredibly intense engagement. Of course, she understands it was very important and there is no way she would try to tell Charles what to do, but it seems to be extraordinary timing. She wants him to slow down, she is afraid he is working too hard, and that’s before you even get to the Australia tour.”

Charles is frail: Another source said: “I think there has been a lot of positive spin about the king doing well, getting back to work and so on. But, you know, he has cancer. He is not well. He looked frail in Southport on Tuesday in my opinion. You only have to look at photographs from now compared to a year ago and it’s obvious; he has lost a lot of weight and aged considerably. Camilla has been telling him to take a break but he is a workaholic, he won’t listen.”

Charles did what he had to do though: A friend of the king’s however defended the monarch’s decision to head south for the engagements this week, saying, “There is not really much point being king if you’re not going to act like a king. I think the reference point here was the Grenfell fire [when a London housing block caught fire with many deaths]. Queen Elizabeth’s visit was an important gesture to the community. Charles is and always has been a workaholic. This is his destiny. If he put his feet up at Balmoral and sat around feeling sorry for himself his morale would crumble and that’s what really matters. Whatever time remains to him will be spent doing the job to the best of his ability.”

[From The Daily Beast]

There was also a cautious reference to the fact that some critics believed Charles was too slow to show his face in Southport and meet with the families. I agree – he was too slow, and the optics were terrible, as Charles enjoyed the Highland Games while white nationalists attacked people of color. It was terrible that it took Charles three weeks to meet with the Southport families too. I get that he’s very sick and Camilla is concerned, but guess what? Camilla should have gone to Southport too. Anyway, there’s a reason why there are all of these stories about A) Camilla wanting Charles to slow down and B) William gleefully awaiting Charles’s funeral. It’s all connected.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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38 Responses to “Queen Camilla is ‘deeply unhappy’ that Charles left Balmoral to work this week”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Camilla was seen with her children and grandchildren (some photos appeared) about a week ago. She probably had plans way in advance for her time with them.

    • SarahLee says:

      You know who also probably had plans with their kids? The Southport families. Camilla lives on the public dole.

      • Tessa says:

        Exactly right!

      • Tamara says:

        I am not a fan of Camilla.. I don’t understand why she doesn’t get the fact that she hurt the princes mother for many years and how long ago it was their heart still hurts for her.. The issue that she is trying to keep prince Harry away from his father so they can fix their relationship is just an evil act.. No wonder prince Harry has ill feelings toward her.. As far as her duties she knew what she was getting herself into.. I dont remember hearing the queen slowing down while in her posion.. Wanting the king to slow down while requesting the princess of Wales to get back to work because she wanted a break says a lot about her character.. My thought if she was not in the Royal family things would get worked out and the Royal family would work things out.. I don’t see her as a positive influence..

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Camilla can’t possibly meet with nonwhite people! How dare you suggest it! If she went, she’d have to stay in the car, or rush by them to get into the building ASAP without looking at or acknowledging them. They might touch her or she might be expected to touch them! Camilla’s behavior is consistently so racist and disrespectful.

  3. Mego says:

    Maybe the heir could…
    Oh never mind, vacancies!

    • LRB says:

      Well I was just thinking.. isn’t this sort of thing the stuff the Prince of Wales could pick up? If his father is as ill as it seems, an he is planning his coronation, he has once nasty shock coming. Does he not appreciate that most parents work throughout most of their kids school holidays, and his privilege should not mean he sits around having fun while real work is needed. They all disgust me.

  4. Eurydice says:

    Well, Camilla wanted to be Queen Consort – she could have gone to Southport on her own a lot earlier. And last time I heard, William doesn’t have cancer – he could have bestirred himself, too. There’s not much point in being Future King if you’re not going to act like Future King.

    But ouch, Charles – “Whatever time remains to him…” They’re really preparing his grave, aren’t they?

    • Tessa says:

      I always thought Charles gave William his “promotion” a little too fast. He needed to be Duke of Cambridge for another year or two and earn the title of Prince of Wales by actually working.

      • Cerys says:

        I agree. The PoW title isn’t automatically given to the heir so I think William should have to earn it by stepping up his royal duties considerably.

      • Eurydice says:

        That would have made sense for William’s development. I wonder if Charles conferred the title so as to offload William & Co from his budget. With William “earning” his own income, Charles didn’t have to pay for him anymore.

      • Rnot says:

        Eurydice, the money comes from the Duchy of Cornwall. That transferred to William – and he became financially independent – the instant Elizabeth died. The PoW title doesn’t have any money tied to it. Strangely enough, Charles lost almost all the control he’d had over William as soon as he became king.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Rnot – I don’t understand. The Duchy of Cornwall funds the Prince of Wales. If William was not PoW, but still Duke of Cambridge, how would he be funded by the Duchy of Cornwall?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Exactly – charles forced to act like a king and see his colores subjects, bald prince william doenst have cancer and does nothing.

      there’s a reason why there are all of these stories about A) Camilla wanting Charles to slow down and B) William gleefully awaiting Charles’s funeral. It’s all connected. C) William’s last time to see Harry will be at the funeral D) Harry not being invited to Baldy’s coronation

      William is too busy, he’s preparing his coronation.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I get the distinct impression from this coverage that Camilla is freaking the f-ck out about very soon not being Queen Bee of the Britons. She knows her life is going to change drastically.

        I hope all her vile behavior over the decades finally comes back to bite her. I hope the press abandon her, I hope all her work to push Charles away from his sons and the sons apart from each other results in RAVEC doing to her what she and Charles did to H&M.

        She’s been whispering in Charles’ jug ears for YEARS about how his 1st wife and then his sons were against him. Yes he’s a jerkwalter in his own right, but she has egged on his worst traits until it led to this.

        May her FA, finally FO.

  5. Lau says:

    You should have put quotation marks around “work” in the title. Visiting greaving families of murdered children three weeks after it happened is not work.

  6. Nikki (Toronto) says:

    She needs Charles to live for a few more years. Camilla knows the moment he passes it’s all over for her. Both Harry and William will come for her. Especially if Harry doesn’t reconcile with his dad.

    • sunnyside up says:

      William will get rid of her as quickly as he can, unless she goes first, I don’t think Harry will bother, it’s not as if he has to live with her, come for the funeral and just go home to his own family.

    • Rnot says:

      Only one of Charles’ sons is obsessed with revenge. Harry wants justice. There’s no justice to be obtained from Camilla, so he won’t bother. William will revel in turfing her out and telling the world about it.

  7. Jais says:

    If Charles was well enough to go to the Highland games then he was well enough to go to Southport. He should’ve done so sooner. This article could’ve been about him overdoing too much by going to the highland games but no it’s about him doing too much by going to Southport. Sounds like Camilla didn’t want him to specifically travel to Southport. She said nothing about him overdoing bc it when he to the games. His travel is likely by private plane so the distance didn’t matter. I’m gonna guess she specifically didn’t want to go to Southport and didn’t want Charles to either.

    • Tessa says:

      Also, apparently she is agreeable to going to that tour of Canada and Australia. Will she express concern about Charles going there?

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Charles or his team felt he had to break his vacation to counter Harry and Meghan’s trip to Colombia so I get why Camilla was upset about it. But it also makes Camilla look bad because she seems to be more interested in her vacation rather than the people of Southport.

  9. Murphy says:

    Damn girl no one cares!

    Although what does this say that she’s aiming her press at him now, i guess he hasn’t been a good little boy lately.

  10. sunnyside up says:

    It was wrong that Camilla didn’t go with him. She should have been there.

  11. Heather says:

    Too Little Too Late Charlie.

    It’s a tiny little island—-it’s not like he doesn’t have two shiny new helicopters to use on these short little ‘work’ trips.

    They are just such an embarrassment.

  12. vs says:

    Why does the press or any subject even needs to know this? She can’t talk to him directly at home? This is so much nonsense and the fact that someone is paid to write this amount of BS is not only baffling but also weird; this just reflects how the existence of any rf in this century is absurd!

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    “There is not really much point being king if you’re not going to act like a king,” says a friend of Charles.

    Someone ought to tell William that.

  14. jazzbaby1 says:

    Someone in a FB group I’m in posted a close photo she took of him at Southport. If it’s not just a trick of the angle, he looks very thin and ill. It took him long enough to show up but at least he did.

  15. Gabby says:

    Tell us that the cancer is winning without telling us that the cancer is winning. May Charles be forever tortured with thoughts of all he wanted to accomplish but didn’t.

  16. Rnot says:

    He knows his time is very short and he wants to work instead of relax. I can somewhat sympathize, knowing how incompetent his successor is. But he has to realize how futile that is, considering how he tossed out so many of the things that mattered so much to his own mother. Camilla may see more clearly that it’s pointless and want to enjoy the last months of queenly privilege and leisure, since her access will be cut off immediately just like Angela Kelly.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      Since she’s not related to any of the Windsors, I don’t see her invited to any more family reunions. The lesser royals probably just tolerate her because they need Charles.

  17. Looseal says:

    Annabel Elliot, Queen Camilla’s sister gives honest opinion about her marriage to King Charles: ‘They’re polar opposites’.

    I was quite surprised by this comment. Sounds like marriage to the side piece isn’t going well. I have noticed they don’t perform many duties together. I recall that prior to marrying Charles, Camilla never worked and was described as lazy. No comments in the court circular about her visiting hospitals or nursing homes. She doesn’t seem to do very much.

    When William becomes king, Camilla will probably retire to her home Ray Mill House.

  18. jB says:

    “Charles did what he had to do though: A friend of the king’s however defended the monarch’s decision to head south for the engagements this week, saying, “There is not really much point being king if you’re not going to act like a king. I think the reference point here was the Grenfell fire [when a London housing block caught fire with many deaths]. Queen Elizabeth’s visit was an important gesture to the community. Charles is and always has been a workaholic. This is his destiny. If he put his feet up at Balmoral and sat around feeling sorry for himself his morale would crumble and that’s what really matters. Whatever time remains to him will be spent doing the job to the best of his ability.”

    So was this visit for the morale of the Southport parents, or for Charles’? It’s such odd phrasing – poor Charles, if he didn’t make this “gesture” he’d be all miserable sitting around feeling sorry for himself?

    As a parent suffering such a horrible loss, I would imagine it rankles to hear a commiseration visit from the king of your country is a “job”, and doing it helps him not feel the sads.