Robert Kennedy & the worm dropped out of the race & endorsed Donald Trump

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Well, it happened. Robert Kennedy Jr. has suspended his “presidential campaign” and endorsed Donald Trump. Naturally. Kennedy truly was the Kanye West of this election cycle, and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible. At an early event on Friday, Kennedy suspended his campaign and dropped out of the race. Then Kennedy joined Trump in Phoenix, Arizona for a rally. I only watched about a minute of it before turning that sh-t off – Trump was very happy about this, so much so that he’s acting as if Kennedy is his new running mate. Baby Fists/Brain Worm ‘24. Poor JD Vance – outmaneuvered by a dude with a brain worm.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threw his support behind former President Donald J. Trump on Friday after suspending his troubled independent campaign for president, saying he was withdrawing his name from the ballot in battleground states and that Mr. Trump had “asked to enlist me” in his second administration. He announced his plans in a speech in Phoenix that also castigated the mainstream media and accused the Democratic Party of “abandoning democracy” and engaging in “legal warfare” against him and Mr. Trump.

Campaigning in Las Vegas, Mr. Trump expressed delight with Mr. Kennedy’s decision. “That’s big,” he said. “He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” On Friday evening, Mr. Kennedy spoke at a rally for Mr. Trump in Arizona.

In his remarks, Mr. Kennedy, 70, said he had pledged to leave the race if he “became a spoiler” — a candidate with no path to victory who could nonetheless alter the outcome of the election. “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory, in the face of this relentless, systematic censorship and media control,” he said.

“Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in battleground states, I would most likely hand the election to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on most existential issues,” he said.

Mr. Kennedy had been in behind-the-scenes talks with the Trump team for weeks about the possibility of suspending his campaign and endorsing the former president. Those talks were brokered in part by Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and Omeed Malik, a businessman who has supported both candidates, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Mr. Trump, taking questions from reporters at a restaurant in Las Vegas, declined to say whether he would offer Mr. Kennedy a role in his administration if he is elected in November. He called Kennedy “beloved.”

[From The NY Times]

“Those talks were brokered in part by Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and Omeed Malik, a businessman who has supported both candidates…” As I’ve said this whole time, Republican operatives were “running” Kennedy specifically to act as spoiler for the Democrats. Given Kennedy’s withdrawal, the internal numbers must have shown that Kennedy was actually taking votes away from Trump. As other reporters pointed out, Trump and Kennedy share another major donor in common: Timothy Mellon, who also encouraged Kennedy to drop out and endorse Trump.

In case you’re interested in the Kennedy family’s position on all of this ratf-cking, Jack Schlossberg tweeted out something great, as did Kerry Kennedy.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, Avalon Red.

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42 Responses to “Robert Kennedy & the worm dropped out of the race & endorsed Donald Trump”

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  1. Feebee says:

    Of all the 2024 election story lines this was probably the most predictable.

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    Someone on YouTube said that if he knew nothing else about Kamala Harris, her refusal to have anything to do with this brain-wormed, roadkill eating weirdo would make him love and admire her. Same here. Now Trump has two weird, extremely awkward running mates.

    • seraphina says:

      Twitter user posted something along the same lines – a video of him stating Kamala basically did not entertain his request to meet and caption read: And Kamala is already showing us her extraordinary decision making skills. I laughed out loud.

    • Under2303 says:

      3 with the worm

    • Christine says:

      I was never going to change my vote, no matter what, but Kamala completely blanking RFKjr has made it faaaar easier to connect the dots between Trump, and why RFKjr got in the race in the first place. I’m glad Trump has to claim him, publicly, it makes conversations about why people should vote Harris/Walz so much easier.

  3. Libra says:

    Could this be a deal? Put me on the ticket replacing JD and I’ll support you?

    • aquarius64 says:

      There is historic precedent to dump Vance. Each party has its own rules. In 1972 Democrat George McGovern picked Thomas Eagleton for his running mate but a reveal or mental illness on Eagleton he was on the ticket for 18 days. But it’s too late for Trump. He’s stuck with Vance.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        As Jack Schlossberg says, this guy is obviously for sale to the highest bidder. If Kamala had bribed him with a cushy position, he would have endorsed her. No principles were involved in the Trump endorsement. It was strictly transactional. The only question is what did Trump promise him? Just a reminder. This may be another Trump crime since bribery is a crime.

      • Josephine says:

        I personally would not be surprised if Vance was a sociopath. It’s not that uncommon and he does seem to truly lack any regard for other humans. But I also believe that there is something very seriously wrong with Kennedy. Does he have early-onset dementia? Some sort of psychosis?

      • Proud Mary says:

        Please stop blaming poor Dementia from this guy being a craven loony.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Kennedy’s campaign was funded by some of the big GOP-Trump donors. Some of his staff were busted making statements confirming that the purpose of Kennedy’s campaign was to siphon off Democratic voters to help ensure Trump wins in November. Nicole Shanahan also recently made a statement that very much implies the timing of this withdrawal was because it became apparent that they were drawing voters from Trump, not Biden/Harris, even after having PAC ads in battleground states that looked like they were pro-Trump ads against a super liberal Bobby Kennedy. I think the video of the discussion between Kennedy and Trump make it abundantly clear that there was collusion between their “campaigns” because, let’s be honest, the Kennedy campaign was a part of the Trump campaign

    • Matilda says:

      On Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is was revealed RFK Jr is seeking a cabinet position, to head Health. The audience let out a shock, imagine the worm in charge of our health in the US?

  4. Jan says:

    He wanted a meeting with Harris/Walz team, alas they failed to reply, and he took his worm eating brain to Trump.
    His family wasted no time in endorsing the Democrats.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It wasn’t just that they failed to reply. According to Kennedy himself, Kamala refused to meet with him. This woman should eventually be on Mt. Rushmore

      • Mil says:

        Yeah. He went to Kamala, she said no, then went to the orange clown. So much integrity. His family, apart from wife and kids, are embarrassed.

      • Jan says:

        I saw Mitt Rooney saying he reached out to Kamala in Congress and she refused to met him, wonder why?

  5. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Nothing surprising about this. Two rotten souls together. Wonder how long this bromance will last. Maybe Trump will dump JD for RFKJr?

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s what I’m thinking. He keeps whining about how ‘unfair’ it was of the Dems to replace Biden with Harris, I’m thinking he’ll do the same w/his VP pick & say something childish like, well, they did it!

  6. Eowyn says:

    There’s a new large animal corpse story with this guy. This time it’s not a bear, it’s a whale…

  7. aquarius64 says:

    The Kennedys are the closest the US has to royalty. With its notable accomplishments the family name is marred with scandals; and they don’t have the benefits of the US press cover up thier dirt like the BRF does with the UK press. RFK Jr. is the latest Kennedy scandal. Anti vaxxer, brain worms, leaving a dead bear cub in Central Park, trafficker of conspiracy theories. Now he is embracing Trump, the instigator of the January 6 insurrection on the US Capitol, hoping to get a cabinet position in exchange for an endorsement. The fact that he went to the Harris campaign first with the same deal (Cabinet post for an endorsement) shows what a weasel he is. (Harris didn’t bother to talk to him.) No wonder the Kennedys are mad; political violence has hit that family with JKF and RFK; and the same son and nephew wants to exploit those memories for personal gain.

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    Hmm, is this the roll out of Vance’s replacement?!?! You know something big was promised to him to make him do this – Vance is not helping Dump, RFKJr isn’t much better but I guess it depends on if the Kennedy name means something to the MAGA/GOP turnips.

  9. blue says:

    The worm ate whatever capacity for reason and good judgment Bob Jr. ever had. His treatment of his first wife, and by default their kids, shows this guy slipped off the rails long ago.

  10. ML says:

    Certainly not an average ticket:
    Agent Orange, the Couch Lover, and Worm Brain. Definitely weird.

  11. AmyB says:

    Baby Fists/Brain Worm ‘24

    Perfect Kaiser 🤣🤣

  12. orangeowl18 says:

    MAGA’s obsession with the Kennedys is a little…weird. Most Kennedy supporters don’t even really know anything about him. They remember some old relative loved JFK and RFK and automatically think the weirdo Kennedy is just as good. It’s pathetic. This whole sordid chapter, driven by Kennedy’s narcissism, is pathetic and infuriating.

    • Lucy says:

      Remember the Q conspiracy that JKF Jr wasn’t really dead, just in hiding? And a bunch of them came to Dallas and spent months here waiting for JFK JRs grand reveal, because he was supposed to return (like Jesus?) and team up with Trump to finally start the storm. I just remember seeing a notably nicer, new vehicle with Oklahoma plates and the most sensible looking older woman driving and a Q bumper sticker referencing JFK Jr. these people are beyond insane, beyond brain washing.

  13. Roo says:

    I can’t figure out how this would benefit Trump. The big draw of Vance was his connection to Peter Thiel money. Has Trump already gotten that money so now he feels free to dump Vance? Or is he so desperate for the 12 votes in three states that RFK Jr could bring that he will forego that money?

  14. Agnes says:

    Bobby Jr is a hosebag and always has been. There’s a great article in the Atlantic about him dealing cocaine at Harvard. He’s so similar to Trump: just a black hole slurping in attention, giving nothing back.

  15. JustMe says:

    Trump’s acceptance of Kennedy’s endorsement and saying he might have a position for him in his cabinet is not helping trump with undecided voters and independents. Kennedy’s popularity has dropped from 19% to 5%. The bear story and his anti vaccine stance is receiving more attention in the press. Trump is adding to the perception that he is totally weird to independents and undecided voters.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I’ve already seen a few news articles discussing the liklihood of an “October surprise,” wherein RFK Jr gets slotted to replace JD Vance as Trump’s VP (including contrasting Kennedy’s star treatment at the Trump rally to Vance being relegated to a donut shop). Either way, considering Kennedy has been polling anywhere from 5% to 9% in some key states, even if only some of his supporters move to support Trump, that would pull him above Harris’ current numbers and could be the difference in winning swing states that are make or break in terms of reaching the needed 270 electoral votes. (As Hillary will remind us, it won’t matter what the nationwide popular vote count is.) All this is to say, I’m fearful the high of the DNC may make some complacent, but we must press even harder now. Anyone who can needs to work to turn out votes for Harris/Walz if we want to save our democracy. (Ugh, too much for a Sunday morning! Is it too early to order Ben & Jerry’s delivery for antidepressant purposes??)

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I don’t think Vance gets replaced unless the brainworm brings lots of money. Trump sold that seat for venture capital bucks and won’t give it away for free.

      Brainworm picked his VP candidate based on who would fund the campaign and he’s dropped her. If he still had viable funding sources, he wouldn’t have ended his campaign.

    • ML says:

      Anonymous, You are absolutely right to be concerned. However! I don’t know if you’ll see this as hopeful, but a lot of people were voting RFK Jr in protest. Those people now are faced with a choice between Trump, Harris, 3rd party, write-in, and staying home. While I don’t see many of his voters leaving him for Harris, at this point, I don’t see all of them voting for Trump either. Trump and Harris are definitely close, but she has the momentum. I’m not sure RFK Jr joining Trump helps in the weirdness department, youth department, main stream ideas. Plus, like Trump, this is a man with weaknesses and like Trump, he’s a cheater. His own family is campaigning for Harris! There is definitely hope.

  17. trillion says:

    Trump’s (newfound) positive assessment of RFK shows his age. The Kennedy legacy is not part of the current political landscape and hasn’t been for a long ass time. I mean, “Beloved”? By whom? Even his own family is distancing themselves. Is he just leaning really really hard into the “weird” thing? If so…well, good choice, then. Bravo.

  18. K says:

    As the worm turns.

  19. Renae says:

    Too bad Trump is not forward thinking.
    If he has Kennedy out there acting as a surrogate, ANYTHING that weirdo says, Trump will have to wear it. Bobby there is so ooo crazy that this may backfire stupendously and I’m waiting for it.

  20. Lisbeth says:

    A new running mate?? Well, they seem to share the same make-up artist. And RK’s looking at Trump like he’s in love already. Ugh, it makes me wanna puke.

  21. Oh come on. says:

    This should put the “weird” argument to rest, once and for all 🤣🤣🤣

  22. Oh come on. says:

    Yesterday I was walking with a friend & her husband in a pretty Northeastern (US) town. My friend spots a “Kennedy 2024” sign in front of a prosperous-looking house. Points at it. Without a word, simultaneously, we both burst out laughing.

    If Trump thinks this will help him, he’s gonna be so disappointed 😭

  23. Grandma Susan says:

    Two of the most damaged “men” in America. What could go wrong?

  24. bisynaptic says:

    So, was the whole point of his campaign, just to—like a parasite—take the country hostage? He wants a cabinet position, is that it? What was in it for Shanahan to throw her money at him?

  25. Gabby says:

    Even the worm is embarassed and wants no association with these two.