Page Six: Ben Affleck ‘has a darkness to him that no other person can fix’

Before Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce, there was some talk that she would wait until after the Toronto Film Festival, mostly because she and Ben Affleck would likely have promotional duties together for the film Unstoppable. Ben produced Unstoppable through Artists Equity and J.Lo has a supporting role in it. According to People Mag, the new plan is that Jennifer will attend the film festival and Ben is going to skip it. Matt Damon will be there though. That should be interesting – will Matt and J.Lo pose together?

Additionally, TMZ and other outlets report that J.Lo has already filed to change her legal name back to Jennifer Lynn Lopez. She really did become Mrs. Jennifer Affleck after their wedding, although no one called her that. Not only did she change her name, she didn’t sign a prenup and neither did he. They really went into it thinking it would be forever. Even after Ben lost interest, Jennifer still hoped he would come around or come back to her. But, according to Page Six’s sources, Jennifer now understands that Ben has a “darkness” inside of him. Page Six also introduces another party into the equation – Kick Kennedy??

No one in the Western hemisphere was shocked when Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck this week, after months of torrid speculation. But it’s not for a lack of J. Lo trying to make the marriage work. Friends had long told Page Six that the singer and actress harbored dreams she could salvage the relationship, even though the couple had been living apart for months.

“She loves him, she will always love him, that’s the problem,” one pal told us. Friends desperately hoped that Affleck would join Lopez in the Hamptons for her 55th birthday last month, which she celebrated with friends and family at a “Bridgerton”-themed bash, but the Oscar winner never showed.

Instead, over the past few months, we’re told that the Affleck has been spotted at Hollywood haunts including the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where sources told us he was seen hanging out with friend Kick Kennedy, the 36-year-old daughter of failed presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“She truly believed this was the greatest love story she’d ever known and she was finally getting her chance at the fairy tale,” said one Hollywood source who knows the couple. “She just really didn’t stop to consider who the actual man was [in] the fairy tale.”

The source added that the kind of “big love Jennifer believes in” is “not in [Ben’s] DNA” — adding, “Ben has a darkness to him that no other person can fix. [His actress ex-wife] Jen Garner couldn’t fix it, all the success in the world couldn’t fix it. [Lopez] gave this everything she had; her whole heart. She would have done anything to make this work. She opened herself up to criticism, ridicule and countless naysayers who told her this was a bad idea, that it was doomed, that there was a reason it didn’t work the first time,” the source said. “But she didn’t want to believe it— she truly believed love would conquer all.”

[From Page Six]

This bummed me out. I know it’s coming from J.Lo’s side and that’s fine, but there’s so much truth to it, right? “Ben has a darkness to him that no other person can fix.” I believe Ben is extremely charismatic when he wants to be, and that he can convince a woman of anything. Then I think he gets bored or complacent or he just loses interest. The stuff about Kick Kennedy is definitely interesting too. This is the first mention, that I’ve seen, of a third party’s name.

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119 Responses to “Page Six: Ben Affleck ‘has a darkness to him that no other person can fix’”

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  1. D says:

    She is definitely fighting back on the narrative that it was all her fault and he was roped into a second time but realized her lifestyle wouldn’t work for him. People Mag had a similar story yesterday about how Ben has big mood swings and can go very dark very quickly and she couldn’t fix that. Good for her to push back on all those stories last week (and really, the last few months) painting her as a fame whore who dragged him to the altar. I just hope they settle down the press hits and divorce quickly, quietly and move on. The kids are all reading this stuff and if they truly care about them they will stop having “friends” run to the press every day.

    • Matilda says:

      Her team is fighting hard to change the narrative as the story today in People Magazine is that it was his idea to do the documentary, she was never into it and not only did he had creative control, he took it over from the director to show himself as someone who didn’t want to be apart of it. This I doubt but he did let himself get filmed for the documentary. In the end he is a problematic, alcoholic cheater and she is a not so nice narcissist, so like attracts like. I’m not staying up at night worrying about these two, just amused at how it all fell apart.

      • Nic919 says:

        He is a producer not just some rando off the street.

      • AngryJayne says:

        Same @Matilda

      • SunsetLight says:

        He made sure his voice of dissent was heard multiple times in the first ten minutes as well so everyone knew he was above it. Then the rest of the doco shows him being supportive and warm towards JLo – the two sides of Ben Affleck

    • Flamingo says:

      @Nic919 I watched the music movie, documentary from top to bottom. He is not listed as a producer. I checked IMDB he is not listed as a producer on either production. Let’s dispel of this myth please.

      But he was not in it for 30 seconds. He is a willing and full participant in the music movie and documentary and looked like he worked on the music movie as part of the film crew (don’t call it a movie video).

      Jennifer had final edit of what was shown and what Ben said. And good for her for it.

  2. Cass says:

    Did she really think she could fix him? What a sweet ignorant summer child

    • Smile says:


    • paintybox says:

      She wants to come off as innocent but they seem to have deserved each other. They were both making a flex out of it instead of worrying about their real psychological issues, individually and as a couple.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Oh please, now they’re making Ben way more dramatic and interesting than he is – like this was some kind of tragic vampire romance with JLo cast as the innocent, young ingenue, “Sure he sleeps in a coffin and drinks the blood from rats, but my love will change him!”

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, he’s just not a one woman man. Or a one poker game man. Or a one drink man. He’s an addict who always needs a new buzz. In other words, Mr. Wrong. They’re a dime a dozen.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Totally. Ben is not interesting. He was a successful pretty It boy in the 90’s and that was a cool era to be a sex symbol and idolized everywhere. But Ben stayed boy immature, an eternal player. He doesnt know his own limits, work hard play hard till u drop. I didnt believe and never thought for a second their relationship could last, but I do believe Jen came into it with a pure loving heart even she has her own issues with affection dependencies, and I do believe Ben always had feelings for her even if he doesnt known how to love anybody well. You can be sure that if JGa was involved as reported, it’s only because there were probably drugs, alcohol, gambling etc involved and not about how to fix their relationship

      • FYI says:

        Well, to be fair, he has had hit movies and accomplishments since the 90s. I mean, he’s a mess, don’t get me wrong, but he has maintained a career beyond the 90s. JLo hadn’t had an album in 10 years before this failed venture, if I am not mistaken. Hustlers did well though, so 🤷🏽‍♀️.

      • Lens says:

        IF jen garner was involved? She was never involved one bit. The jlovers were chomping at the bit to blame her because misogyny. A man can’t just leave a woman without it being the fault of a second woman right? Now kick Kennedy is gonna get it from them and it’s starting with people calling her a druggie party girl etc because of the same thing. These are two extremely immature people who are ugly attacking each other in public and forget the kids now. But I admit the thought of jlo really thinking Ben was gonna show up in his short pants and tail coat to a Bridgerstone party gave me a laugh.

      • Dilettante says:

        An example of someone who is stuck psychologically at the age when he became famous.

    • Purplehazeforever says:

      Exactly…he’s not dramatic or interesting at all ..he’s an addict…who has a father who is now in recovery but wasn’t when he was a kid & left when he was a kid. Abandonment issues with a parent who’s an alcoholic plus depression makes for a screwed up person. J Lo knew this about him and still went back for round two…to prove what? I feel bad for her but leaking this to the press is just as ridiculous as the nonsense as J Lo likes too much attention…like really, Ben? You already knew that …These two are arguing over stuff they knew about each other. My guess is something happened, other than their personalities clashing.

    • Flamingo says:

      @Eurydice he is 100% an emotional vampire. And Kick Kennedy if true is just his next supply. And yes, every woman does seem to think their ‘love’ will heal them. And since Jennifer Lopez called him the love of her life in the documentary. I think she thought they were going to make it this time. With her love, healthy lifestyle and she does not drink. They also seemed to blend their families well enough. They really did have it all for a short time. Until Ben once again takes his sunshine away. And Jennifer’s need for attention which he also mentioned in the documentary. It all just fell apart so quickly.

      But once he sucked the life out of her, he moved out and on to the next victim, err new girlfriend. Jennifer Garner and Goop absolutely have clocked him for who he is.

  4. BayTampaBay says:

    “The stuff about Kick Kennedy is definitely interesting too. This is the first mention, that I’ve seen, of a third party’s name.”

    They could just be friends or business acquaintances.

    Kick Kennedy does NOT need Ben Affleck in any shape or form.

    • Alla says:

      If the rumours are true, they were seen several times leaving an apartment owned by another a list star, a friend of ben. He left early in the mornings with a bag which assumes he spend the night there. Kick is known to love partying and substance abuse. Will be interesting what will come out next.

      • Mil says:

        Reportedly NYC spot owned by Matty boy. She dated an older guy who OD’d. Wants to be an actor. I said it months ago-he cheated. And this was not her leak. This is too humiliating and also, do not mess with a Kennedy.

      • Rhea says:

        Looking at laineygossip’s timeline, something went down in April. If this rumor is true, I wonder if this goes back that far? Was she on Accountant 2 and something started?

    • orangeowl18 says:

      I just went down a rabbit hole of RFK’s kids and while Kick may not need Ben, I think Ben also doesn’t need an entanglement with a Kennedy. Eek.

      • Nic says:

        I think K Kennedy – (aside – I just can’t bring myself to call her Kick. Her great aunt was a brave, tragic Kennedy rebel who died too young, whereas her grand niece appears to be a try-hard who has appropriated her dead ancestor’s identity while living an entirely predictable instagram, nepo trajectory) is deliberately inserting herself into the narrative and the refracted spotlight of Ben and Jennifer’s very public marriage collapse, to call attention to herself. She’s been trying for cultural relevancy for a while but anyone who appropriates another’s identity will never be truly interesting or compelling. So all this to say, it totally tracks.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        Nic, Yes, I ascertained that from her IG. She seems pretty vapid and possibly supportive of her dad. Pretty major red flags that I think Ben doesn’t need at the moment. Or ever.

      • K-Peace says:

        Nic— I agree; i’ve always found it really distasteful, weird, and kind of disrespectful to go by her great-aunt’s rather unique specific nickname. Just, WHY??

      • Gubbinal says:

        She may be trying to recreate the relationship with her father. A puzzling, punitive older man may be a substitute for another. People often need to find substitutes for good as well as bad primal relationships.

        If I have learned anything in life, addicts and alcoholics can pass down these genes to children and grandchildren. Her father abuses women.
        I hope his (Affleck’s and Kennedy’s children are being guided away from drink and drugs. )

      • SIde Eye says:

        Ben has always been really ambitious and I am old enough to remember when he was circling Mitt Romney’s daughters. He must be thrilled to be Kennedy adjacent. Tonight at dad’s house: Ben parsing through a shit ton of word salads about brain eating worms, dead bears at Central Park, and other Barney Rubble gooseberry pie type platitudes. And then there will be Thanksgiving dinners with the worst Chris ever. Ben and Arnold can bond over banging the people who work in their households. I know Kick (geez that sounds like a Sarah Palin grandchild – I know it’s just a nickname) can’t control who her dad endorses, but I would RUN from the stench of Trump right now – RFK Jr.’s hypocrisy is disgusting. I would not even be able to fix my face at any of those dinners looking at that melting wax figure sitting across from me.

        I’ll admit – I’m not a huge JLO person (but I find her stunning and I love her red carpet fashion) and despite a few clueless moments I actually really like Jen Gardner (I also find her just as stunning) but both Jens deserve way better.

        He put Jennifer Gardner through pure hell. His Oscar speech makes me cringe just thinking about it – the nerve of him to publicly disrespect Jen Gardner like that while he was banging the nanny (or maybe he did that afterwards I’m too lazy to google it either way he was a garbage husband. To both Jens). And it seems like he just lured JLO back to humiliate her all over again. This whole time I was thinking it was the sharing of his love letters and the TMI of the vanity project. Turns out he’s (probably) been cheating.

        I think some men have this thing where they need to take beautiful women down a peg by cheating on them and putting them through the hell. It’s pathological. Ben is making it really hard to like him. We already know Jen Gardner has been hellah done since she handed this tool his Jack in the Box with that I can’t even look at you right now look of pure exasperation, but I hope JLO is done for good now, and the next time this dude sends a poem or a 2 page email professing his love for her (cause it’s a game just to see if he can get her back) he discovers his ass has finally been blocked.

        Kick, girl run.

  5. Aerie says:

    So now Jennifer’s pr team is pushing the Ben Is Villain storyline. Let’s all agree that this marriage was not meant to last and move on. Love us not a fairytale.

    • Alla says:

      Who can blame her after months of hate she got online and all the blame for the end of the marriage? She was quiet for months and I think it was about time to fight the misogyny and racism back. It’s the same what happened 20 years ago. He, the tall white boston guy is just too good for a latina. Woman will Not be quiet anymore !

      • Laruren says:

        When was JLo quiet for months? They have both been running to the media blaming each other. The only difference is she was nicer about it in the beginning.

      • Alla says:

        I disagree. She was quite. She had paparazzi shots here and there and some mild information but did you see the hate and blame for everything she got? Its massive and for that she was absolutely quiet! She risked her career and business because of him. She is not just an artist, she is a world wide brand. It was about time that she finally fight back.

      • Lauren says:

        @ Alla

        There were tons of photos of JLo in the past 4 months, and JLo has never been one to hide from bad press, unlike Ben. I’m not sure how she risked her business for him because the movie, album, and tour flopping are not on Ben. Everybody said it was a bad idea.

        It is not surprising that JLo gets the blame for the relationship ending. It happens to every woman Ben is in a relationship with, Sandy. JLo’s career was never going hurt because of the fallout with Ben and people blaming her.

      • Alla says:

        Lauren, yes exactly what I also said, there were many pictures but only mild information. She risked her career/businesses because she endured all this hate (that does harm any business) and didn’t said much because she hoped he would come back. Thats what i meant with „risking“ her career. IWhen we talk about her pictures, she is still a working woman shelling her products/brand. I couldn’t if i were her but cudos to her for staying upright.

      • Giddy says:

        I agree that she was pretty quiet. What I find really interesting is her relationship with his kids, because they have still seemed close. Maybe now with the divorce being filed that will change, which is sad.

      • Aerie says:

        However, Jennifer isn’t responding to the ‘hate and blame’ that was found online. She’s chosen to support the narrative that Ben is a troubled individual, that despite his battles being very public, she still married and gushed over how much she loved him. I don’t follow closely enough to know if it’s true but I haven’t come across any criticism of her as a Latina.

      • Gabby says:

        JLo was not quiet for months. At some point, you think this crisis PR team would tell her to just chill for a week or two and stop leaking this nonsense. I’m not saying Ben doesn’t have his demons. Those are well documented.

        But she did NOT do everything in her power to make this marriage work. She did not attempt to meet him halfway on his privacy wishes. She probably could have convinced him to join her for her birthday with a phone call proposing to spend some quiet time together rather than staging a huge public event. Please don’t interpret this as my ridiculing her choice of birthday celebration. Of course she is entitled to the birthday activity of her choice. But everything in this life is a trade-off, and at some point you have to decide what you want more.

        I think each one of these stories just makes him glad to be rid of her.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I dont think Jen is pushing out this story about kick. It’s definitely not ben and probably not kick either. This is probably political. Im sure the republicans are in need of public figures supporting their party, and look at that kennedy just endorsed trump. All normal public figures want to be dissociated with trump. I’m 1000% sure this is the last time we’ll hear this story. It will be shot down by Ben’s team pretty fast not to cause any damage to ben’s projects and career

      • Alla says:

        I think no team is pushing the story, maybe journalists doing their work? It’s not always a celeb team behind any story.

  6. Eowyn says:

    Kick Kennedy looks like she could be Jennifer Garner’s little sister.

    • Lemons says:

      Yeah, I noticed that too and find it creepy.

    • Aurora says:

      I thought I was the only one noticing it!
      I think that’s the rumour’s source.
      They were seen at the same vicinity a couple of times, her resemblance to Garner was noted and there’s the news they’re hooking up.

      • Lens says:

        Well if it’s not true we will hear from one or the other disavowing it. I happen to think it was a sighting deux moi or page six was sitting on until one or the other FINALLY filed. And now one filed the gloves are off? I was hoping it would END.

  7. Sasha says:

    I believe it. Ben often has a distant look to him, like nothing in his life ever lives up to his hopes and expectations. I don’t think he’s at peace. I don’t think anyone else can make him happy.

    • Robin Samuels says:

      Is it an attention deficit disorder? His stabilizers are drugs and alcohol. He needs therapy, but will he ever seek help? As the world turns.

      • Supersoft says:

        I think it might be something like ADD coupled with highly addictive personality. Ex of mine is very similar to Affleck and there is no maturing in any kind. He behaves like a moody teenager at times. Also covert narcissist.

      • Eurydice says:

        From what I’ve read, Ben’s been on anti-depressants for half his life and practically his whole family has a history of addiction and depression. I don’t like calling these conditions “darkness” and “demons” as if they were some kind of satanic curse, but they’re certainly serious and should be acknowledged by anyone who’s thinking about a relationship with him.

    • Nuks says:

      @Sasha the distant look, that’s it exactly. And it’s not just the “playing dead“ look for paparazzi. That thousand yard stare some guys have is just chilling. You don’t wanna know what’s on the other side of that stare.

    • Amando says:

      My alcoholic ex was like this too. Nothing was ever enough. He was always chasing the next high – whether it be booze, money or possessions. He will never be content until he loves himself.

  8. Roo says:

    I can’t figure out why any sane, healthy woman would be interested in him. He seems like a lot of work, and his MO seems to be love-bombing someone, followed by icy indifference when he changes his mind. No thank you.

    • Alla says:

      I think JLos Ego/Heart was deeply hurt when ben married just 2 years later Garner after their relationship ended so abruptly. Maybe she really loved him that much. She was in a vulnerable state when ben started lovebombing her. Alex cheating was very humiliating. We might think that with age we should know better but we are all humans with flaws and still make stupid mistakes. Nobody comes for guys like murdoch who married for the gazillions time at 92.

      • Lauren says:


        I agree the man has cheated on multiple women and refuses to end relationships he is in happy in.


        I don’t think so JLo was married to Marc in 2004 so why would she be upset that Ben got married a year later in 2005?

      • Alla says:

        @Lauren, i suspect that, because Ben met Garner at their movie set while he was with Jlo. Shortly after Jlo and Ben quit, he was officially with Garner (they hid it for many months, but there were some pap shots of Ben and Garner together). At that time, there were rumours about them hooking up while he was still with jlo and it fits from the time line. I always thought, Marc was a rebound. He was absolutely not the type of men she used to date. Just my assumptions. Im old enough to remember all of this 🙈

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        She was hurt for sure. He & JGa got married/ preggers or the other way around pretty fast after they broke up. that was around the beginning of the time when all the 90’s celebrities started having their kids.

      • Alla says:

        @ Lauren, i believe that because ben and garner made a movie together while he was still with jlo. Shortly after the movie was made, jlo and ben split and not a long time later, ben and garner were officially together. Marc seemed to me like a rebound for jlo to sace face. She married Marc very quickly, what even at that time seemed very odd. Maybe that’s also why, she fell again for him quickly.

    • Amando says:

      Because these women are probably not healthy. They might think they can “fix” him or they are codependent or like in JLo’s case – chasing love.

  9. cabooklover says:

    “Ben has a darkness to him that no other person can fix.” Other people have talked about his “demons” and why he drinks. And id honestly like to know what the heck so bad happened to the man that he can’t go to therapy and overcome?!?! Him and Matt Damon have been friends since their teens and Matt’s doing just fine. What f*cked Ben up so badly?

    • AmyB says:

      It is an interesting dichotomy to see the two of them – Matt and Ben, who rose to success together at a young age after growing up as friends, handle their lives in such vastly different ways. What messed Ben up so much is a good question????

      Edited: Just briefly looked at his wiki and he grew up with an alcoholic father who left their family when he was 11. That explains some for sure.

    • FYI says:

      NOTHING effed him up so badly. Millions of men have trauma in childhood and do not turn into entitled man-babies as a result. He has access to every kind of therapy he could want. He could’ve said NO to a pap-filled honeymoon in Paris, of all places.

      He is making choices.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    JLo’s team didn’t even have to say anything. This was plain to see.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I agree. He prefers to have the lone wolf persona too. He loves his kids and a few others but he wants things on his terms. Jen didn’t stand a chance…no woman does.

  11. Tursitops says:

    Wait until he finds out the story of the original Kick Kennedy. Talk about dark.

    • aftershocks says:

      That was just epic Kennedy bad luck and karmic fate, more than darkness. The original Kick Kennedy had an effervescent, charming, confident personality. She was best friends with her brother, Jack (JFK). Her life story was buried for a long time due to her tragic death in an airplane crash in 1948 with her older married English aristocrat lover. She had lost her husband, Billy Cavendish (heir to the 10th Duke of Devonshire and the Chatsworth estate), to war. Plus, it had been a huge battle for them to marry at all because she was Catholic and he was Protestant. Her mother, Rose, never forgave her. 😳 Check out the bios: “Kick Kennedy…” by Barbara Leaming; and “Kick…” by Paula Byrne. The latter bio was supposed to be optioned for a film series.

      I have always thought an episodic film series should be made about the original Kick’s life, starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Billy Cavendish and Amy Adams as Kick Kennedy. But the older they become, the less likely they would be cast to portray a young couple. 🥺

  12. swaz says:

    Whatever the reason I knew this relationship was going to crash and burn 🔥 same action same result 🙃

  13. Mabs A'Mabbin says:


  14. ML says:

    First off, it might be time for JLo to look into therapy for her approach to romantic relationships. It’s not just her friends who noticed disaster was ready to strike.

    Next, she took a lot of public isht this year, and if this article is true, she did so because she was trying to save her marriage. Ben’s “darkness” has been described by previous girlfriends, and she kept that to herself, which is wise if your goal is to reconcile.

    “Instead, over the past few months, we’re told that the Affleck has been spotted at Hollywood haunts including the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where sources told us he was seen hanging out with friend Kick Kennedy,…”
    The past few months is doing some heavy lifting there.

    • Beana says:

      Okay, so I actually watched that Netflix movie/musical she put out – I intended to hate watch it but, to my surprise, actually appreciated it as a work of art. The theme was autobiographical – JLo as an adult chasing love as her “fuel,” an inner little girl who felt unloved that she learns to embrace (which is actually the “greatest love story” referenced), and references to breakups and abusive relationships mixed in. She portrays herself on the therapy couch and in a support group. It still felt like a work in progress but I did come away thinking, “Dang, JLo is really engaging in a therapeutic process.” Sadly, I don’t think Ben was able to meet her in that place. I hope the breakup propels her to go farther on her own journey. (And all of this comes from someone who barely follows her!)

  15. Jaygee says:

    All this is reminding me of when Ben cheated on Jen G with his kids nanny. He has been troubled for some time. I hope J Lo can move on from this, and take some time to understand why Ben wasn’t the right choice.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think it says a lot when Ben’s kids are still close with Jlo as the marriage ended. His kids are old enough they wouldn’t associate with her if they thought she was the issue. But it’s clear that Ben sabotaged himself once again, as he always tends to do every few years.

  16. TheOriginalMia says:

    Ben is an addict. He’s always been an addict. His marriage ended with alcohol and rehab and an affair with his kids’ nanny. Jennifer knew all of this. Wouldn’t surprise me if Ben was contacting her during his downward spiral and Jen was there, thinking if he had been with her, this wouldn’t have happened. So miss me with this pushback. Jen needs to accept responsibility for the decisions she made to get back with Ben. He hasn’t changed. She thought she could change him and found out. All these leaks are ridiculous. Grow up. Sign the papers. Move tf on!

    • Nic919 says:

      She is moving on and has filed for the divorce herself. Why should she stay quiet about what Ben has done after a whole summer of the tabloids blaming her for being too needy and other nonsense? No one is fighting over homes or custody so it’s not like this is Brad holding on, but also Jlo doesn’t need to keep taking hits for the split all on her own. She’s been quiet for months until she filed and it’s the first time anything has come out confirming Ben had a role in this split too. Ben benefitted from the baseline misogyny of the media, so a little pushback is fair game.

      • Alla says:

        @ Nic919
        Absolutely agree 👍

      • Lens says:

        It’s called dignity, maturity and putting your kids first like both of them SAY they do but do they ever? Not now for sure. This petty leaking of blame to the tabloids that even daily mail has called out show they both are equally vindictive people.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        What has he done? Seriously, what has he done except check out. He seemed to be all in during the dating, the engagement and the initial stages of the marriage. It didn’t work out. They separated and he moved out and started working on his movie. Jen wanted it to work out and kept in touch with him and his kids. Where in there is one of them doing something wrong other than thinking they could revisit the past? Relationships end. Lust fades. Love withers and die. There doesn’t have to be a villain. Neither of these 50 year olds are new to the love thing. Hell, JLo isn’t new to the marriage thing. This is her 4th. Or 5th. I’ve lost count.

  17. Alla says:

    Did Jen found out about Kick Kennedy and that’s what kicked her to file for divorce? 5 days after she filed, rumours are swirling about ben and a new woman? Just a coincidence? She waited for him to come back only to find out he already has a new victim? If true, hes a typical narcissist and sadly im not surprised at all. And i don’t believe this is coming from her camp, because it’s too humiliating, again. He did it now twice to her. What a …..

    • Alla says:

      One more thought, Violet would not be hanging with her stepmom if she was the Problem.

      • Lens says:

        After all this will she still hang out with stepmom? Time will tell. And I think some outlets knew about the sightings but were waiting on someone filing before it leaked. I think it’s true what I read. That they had already come up with the papers to file but were waiting until violet was off to college and until the end of summer.

      • Gem says:

        Contrary to tiktok and social media pile on from strangers that have slandered JLo using source as Trust Me Bro, people that have worked with her, acquaintances on record has said nothing but good things about JLo. Even Natasha Ramos on tiktok said she has never had one bad interaction with her. She kept telling people JLo was sweet to her and she got credited in the songs for her hook or background vocal and that she is not JLo’s ghost singer…and people kept ignoring her and telling her JLo didn’t mean to be nice and some said facts don’t matter. That’s what people do when its JLo, they ignore every positive thing coming from people that go on record about her but every rumor coming from I heard from somebody’s mother’s friend’s cousin’s daughter’s grandkid is true. She is warm person. Its not entirely out if realms of possibility that Ben’s kids responded well to that. They might pick their dad’s side now but if JLo was the devil internet wants to paint her as, Ben’s grown kids and teenagers wouldn’t be so comfortable with her. You can’t fake that much with kids, they see right through it.

  18. JDLS says:

    I’ve said it before here, and I’ll say it again. Cue to being with a younger, more naive version of your previous partners in 3. . . 2. . . 1. This man is a horrible partner but there’s no way he’ll ever just do the work and be alone.

    JLo just really needs to lay low and do some work on herself. All of these super filtered thirst traps on IG make me sad. Brooding Batman ex hubby isn’t coming back. Find your joy and get some rest, girl!

    • Alla says:

      Exactly my thoughts, these extremely filtered IG Posts are not doing her any favours, just the opposite. These last pics on ig could also be related to the rumours about his new woman. Who knows

      • Gem says:

        Her life’s not going to stop because of Ben. She still has to earn her living. She still has brand deals that she needs to promote. She reposted one ig story from a fan which had a headshot of her. Everything else in her timeline is promoting something. Not sure why people are pretending its all for Ben. Ben’s moving on, she should too.
        If you can’t follow conversations, that’s on you.

    • Gem says:

      JLo’s brand has been sexy for as long as she has worked, all the way back from when she was a fly girl. She isn’t doing it for Ben. That’s her professional image, that’s how she has sold everything from lipstick, shoes, petfumes to body butters. Stop with this boomer esque advise to JLo that reeks of slut shaming. I am begging you all. You don’t have to like her but you all are writing anything.

      • Alla says:

        I basically agree with you, it’s just the timing. It does comes across a bit sad to me.

      • Jaded says:

        I’m really sick of this Boomer-shaming. It’s got nothing to do with that demographic and all to do with two people who had a fantasy relationship that didn’t live up to expectations. And nobody is slut-shaming JLo, in fact lots of commenters are standing up for her because Ben may be good at the initial, euphoric stage of love but can’t sustain it in the long run. He’s broken. He needs therapy. So does JLo because she naively fell into the romance trap again and trusted someone who’s dragging around a lot of untrustworthy history. I wouldn’t have touched him with a 10 foot pole.

      • Eurydice says:

        Just to be picky, JLo is Gen X. Which is kind of funny because Gen X is supposed to be the generation that’s been overlooked. Nobody’s overlooked JLo.

      • Nic919 says:

        How many people who predicted this wouldn’t last are now telling Jlo to hide in shame? Why is everyone acting like she is a wife beater or something? Yes they both made an impulsive decision but it seems like only one side is getting real pushback.

      • Renee says:

        Exactly this, why should she hide in shame? Her relationship ended, big deal. Can’t stop earning your coins for a man. And what provocative images is she posting for Ben? Her Instagram is 90% promoting her business, either her alcohol, or lingerie or beauty products or brand deals etc. JLo has always been a sexy woman that fully embraces that side of herself. Why should she change over some guy.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Ben always rebounds with ladies that are far too young for him. This isn’t surprising. So this Kick Kennedy has been present for some time in his life after the separation over the summer. They are both blaming each other. But I don’t for a second believe Ben left because the spotlight was too much. The man isn’t sober and he married JLo on a high. Left the relationship on a low and found a new girl on another high. Its true he is not going to change. But I hope JLo does. Just focus on yourself, don’t seek out another relationship fast and just take it slow Jenny from the block. You can do it. Professionally she is fine, will always be fine.

  20. Andrea says:

    Does everyone believe the rumors about Kick Kennedy and him? She is 36! Does anyone have any gossip about her?

    Men like Ben tend to only be suited for women younger that they can sadly gaslight and manipulate better. Just because he is sober doesn’t mean he is a better person if he hasn’t worked on himself.

    • pyritedigger says:

      I would not be shocked at all if Ben got with someone much, much younger than himself.

      • Dorianne says:

        Me neither. Affleck has been living in a mid-life crisis for the last 20 years. Not to mention the impulse control issues i.e., alcohol problems, gambling problems, skirt chasing. Both Ana de Armas and the nanny were much younger so Kick doesn’t surprise me. Someone just needs to tattoo a big, red flag in the middle of his forehead as a warning. Him and his brother.

  21. Rnot says:

    If JLo and Matt Damon are able to promote the movie without tension, then that’ll be another big hint. We already have 80% confirmation that Ben’s the problem, based on Jen G and the kids still being willing to spend time with her. I’d bet money that he’s in another self-destructive spiral.

    Don’t even get me started on a Kennedy who goes by “Kick.” That’s up there with calling yourself Ophelia. The choice to do so is a warning label in and of itself. I hope Ben can at least stave off his messy end until all the kids are adults.

    • Nic919 says:

      TIFF confirmed that JLo and Matt are going to be at the premiere in a few weeks. They wouldn’t be confirming this unless they were specifically told this.

    • Banana says:

      We don’t know that Garner was “spend(ing) time” with Lopez. A kid’s take on it is going to be different than an adult so Violet spending time with her isn’t signifying much.

      People can be adults in a situation. They also can split amicably. Matt Damon is a professional.

      They are both ‘at fault’ here – Lopez and Affleck – every relationship takes two.

  22. Jay says:

    No surprise here – we didn’t really need it spelled out that Ben is an “addictive personality” but maybe some people did – those who believed the hype that Ben suddenly realized that JLO is not only super famous but loves to show off her love! Imagine, wanting to be seen in public with the person you love and have them not be ashamed of you!

    If only there were some way he could have known ahead of time that that’s what it would be like…

    Do we think he will get another phoenix tattoo? After all, the cycle keeps repeating itself again and again.

  23. Kats of April says:

    BA’s Darkness likely is genetic and comes from poor parenting i.e., his early teen sexual experiences in Mexico (If What I read is true). BA Should see a psychiatrist, a good one. if he really is a chain smoker, he is self medicating. And there are much better ways to get the neurotransmitter fix he is after with each cigarette. They should’ve figured out all their shit before they got married. But, He tried to tell JLo he wanted their life to be more private. From Everything I have read, and it’s a lot, she didn’t listen and her manager, who doesn’t like Ben Affleck, seems to have been a third wheel in their marriage. If that’s true, that’s a prescription for disaster. It’s a shame these people, were clearly in love and had the goodwill of everyone and I feel bad they couldn’t make it work honestly.

  24. K says:

    I will never forget what David Fincher said about him in Gone Girl. He saw Ben and he called it 100 per cent. JLO has her issues but I honestly hope she finds a good man. He ain’t it

    • Dilettante says:

      What did he say?

      • Deering24 says:

        IIRC, he said Affleck was perfect for the philandering/possibly murderous husband because in rl you never quite know what Affleck is truly thinking. There’s an untrustworthiness there that gives one pause…

      • Keaton says:

        Damn Deering24
        That’s spot on
        He’s kind of shifty
        He doesn’t give me a bad vibe so much as a shifty, uneasy, untrustworthy (as Fincher said) vibe.
        It’s not that he’ll callously hurt you so much as he’ll let you down because he can’t be counted on. That’s what he projects to me.

      • Lens says:

        Fincher actually said Ben was duplicitous. I remember because the quote came up during his first divorce and everyone said fincher’s right!

      • deering24 says:

        Heh. I’m not a hard-core Fincher fan, but he was dead-on here. It’s a shame more industry folks don’t get into profiling, because to make movies, you have to be near-genius at it. 😈

    • G says:

      I just watched the Netflix documentery about Laci Peterson and could not get Ben Affleck out of my head. He would play a perfect Scott Peterson, the facial expressions, distant presence in his eyes and monotone voice are uncanny.

  25. Wls198 says:

    I believe nothing that the gossip rags are saying about Ben A. Last week he was coming back with his family from taking his daughter to school. To me that triggered LLo to go file those papers. She was quiet when the family went to Japan but she was humiliated. He could not come to New York for any of her shenanigans, she had had enough. No one ignores JLo. I was done with her when she went to Italy and took that selfie of her behind. For me you can’t get any lower than that. Whoever put the racism in there just stop.

  26. therese says:

    I wish them both well: hope they don’t get too far into mud-slinging.

  27. Thinking says:

    I don’t blame her for fighting back. He’s always blaming the woman in his life for his problems or why the media perceives him a certain way. He cares as much what people think as the women he complains about. Apparently it’s wrong that the women want to control how they’re perceived but not wrong if he wants the same level of control over his image. I expect he’ll be whining a lot on his next media tour. Good luck to the woman he dates next.

  28. Keaton says:

    I will never understand why the two Jens seemed so in love with this guy. I wonder if he’d be more appealing in person? I know he’s tall (especially by Hollywood standards) so that might make an impression. But in photos he looks very ordinary and his track record with women is abominable.

    I’ve been pretty critical of JLo (mainly her history of treating service workers poorly. That’s why I could never be a real fan) but I feel bad for her here. She’s clearly been crazy about him for years, he went out of his way to court her, swept her off her feet, married her and for whatever reason abandoned her.
    That sucks. Yes she’s a grown ass woman who should know better but (based on what we know publicly) he looks like a real jackass here.
    Maybe it’s all about maintaining his sobriety. I don’t know. I’m not saying he should stay married if the choice is between his health & the marriage.
    But good lord, be smarter in the future Ben. You may end up hurting people.
    The main person I feel for is Emme. I hope they stay close to Fin (not to mention A-Rod’s daughters). It would be one thing if Marc was being a solid father to Emme but apparently he’s not. Kids need stability.

    • Andrea says:

      I figure he must be killer in bed and they become hypnotized by it all to reveal he is a real jerk outside of the bedroom. He honestly looks like my worst nightmare scenario to deal with at age 43 for me.

      • Keaton says:

        That might be it @Andrea
        If I recall correctly Gwyneth implied he was and she never gushed about him the way the Jens did (the guy Gwyneth can’t seem to let go is Brad Pitt)

      • Nigela says:

        I doubt that he’s “killer in bed”. If he’s on antidepressants, he most likely has symptoms of sexual dysfunction like ED.

  29. Beech says:

    Nothing learned on either side.

  30. martha says:

    His kids seem to like her and that’s definitely in her favor.

  31. Ameerah M says:

    I feel like as adults we should know that we cannot fix other people. So yes if Ben has a darkness in him then no – no one else can fix it. He has to fix it himself. This should be obvious when you’re 55 and four marriages deep. But I guess not.

  32. Marcia says:

    ” the kind of “big love Jennifer believes in” is “not in [Ben’s] DNA””
    Is it in any man’s? 🙂

  33. Carolnr says:

    JG was quoted in the infamous Vanity Fair article about Ben. “He is still the only person who really knows the truth about things.” ” And I’m still the only person that knows some of his truths.”
    I bet JG does know Ben better than anyone & she probably knew his marriage to JL was never going to last, but not because of JL. I think JG knew Ben would sabotage his marriage to JL after so long…