Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ will be released in paperback on October 22

For months, the British media has been trying out storylines about a potential paperback edition of Prince Harry’s Spare. The Daily Mail has been especially focused on it, wondering aloud why Spare has not been released in paperback, and suggesting that Harry’s publisher is unhappy about something. On the other side, the Sussex Squad has repeatedly claimed that there were no plans for a paperback. It just shows that the Sussexes are doing their own thing, irrespective of the gossip on both sides. So… Spare is coming out in paperback in October. Penguin Random House just announced it:

The link provided is to preorder the paperback edition. So far, Random House isn’t saying anything about new chapters or anything like that. So… I don’t know. The book, as is, stands up without any kind of updates, but I genuinely hope Harry has added a new chapter at the end with some new gossip.

Currently, the British media has gone back to the storyline of “Harry is desperate to reconcile with his family.” That storyline will be blown up by this news. “How dare Harry allow the paperback to go through, now Charles and William will never forgive him!”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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38 Responses to “Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ will be released in paperback on October 22”

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  1. MrsCope says:

    I’ll buy a copy and put it in the free copy outside my house!

    • Pajala says:

      I bought the paperback from (I admit it) Walmart online last spring. Why do I have a paperback copy of Spare when it’s not supposed to be in paperback?!?!?

  2. Scooby Gang says:

    My husband came home with Spare recently as a gift for me, and I cannot wait to jump in!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      What a great husband! Mine is a terrible gift giver so I bought my own copy (Instill love him though).

  3. I hope he put a few of the 400 pages he left out of the hardcover.

  4. Henny Penny says:

    I am so glad Princess Meghan and Harry escaped from that horror show of a family.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Right? With a family like that, who needs enemies? Good Lord! With all the whinging, snivelling, vomiting and running to tabloids every five minutes, what remains of the “royal” family is just pathetic. Meanwhile, in Santa Barbara, H&M and the kiddos are living their best lives.

  5. Pebbles says:

    I most love the fact that Rebecca English was calling them about it last month and they lied to her trifling ass. They know you and your gossip paper are trash.

    • Julia says:

      I doubt the publisher lied. Rebecca English probably got no response from them so made something up, now she has egg on her face. Serves her right!

      • Jais says:

        Love it when a RR like English has egg on their face. If there’s extra chapters, I can see it focused on his lawsuits. And English is named in the lawsuit with the daily mail for hiring a PI to illegally spy on Harry. So I’d love to see that detail included. Wonder if she’s now losing sleep? If she’s not, she should be.

  6. Gabby says:

    As Susan Collins said above, if a genie grants me a wish, it’s that the 400 pages be added to the paperback edition.

    • Moniquep says:

      Noooo! We need a whole new book so H&M can make some more real bank on the tears of that sewer drenched island. Go for it Harry!!!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I’m ok with not reading 400pgs about Peggy McRageohol… he’s a snore and a one note tuba. but I’d very much like to see included, what really went down when Hazza went to Clarence House in early February of this year.

      How petty was Cluck, how b-tchy was Cloppy, and was she really excluded from the room? Did Cluck Dingus III demand Harry abandon the still active lawsuits?

      Absolutely buying a copy of this and putting it my Little Free Library for the whole neighbourhood to read. Take that, Fred & Gladys!

  7. girl_ninja says:

    Excellent. I will be purchasing.

  8. Vixxo says:

    Let them stew wondering what is added. They went feral last time.
    Here’s to unexpected extra chapters

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Somebody on twitter posted a quote saying that the contents of the book are unchanged. I can’t find that quote but it’s probably true. It’s clear that the paperback didn’t come when people thought it would because the hardback was still making a lot of money.

  10. Agnes says:

    I hope he has a new chapter called “My Left-Behind Family Members Are Absolute C*nts and I Hate Their Guts.” 😂

  11. Jay says:

    Oh, after more than a year of “Why hasn’t Spare been published in paperback?” the British media is going to furiously pivot to “How could Harry possibly allow his memoirs to be published in paperback?”.

    I’m sure the rota will be relieved to have a new story to write about- Harry must be desperate for money, the paperback won’t succeed, or wailing that this time Harry has really crossed the line selling out his family and they were just this close to welcoming him back but now they really truly don’t want him to return!

    I could also see the Windsors panicking and trying to get advance copies as they did with the Netflix series, just in case Harry reveals anything else, or “preemptively” telling in themselves, like they did before Oprah. Either way, the rota can breathe a bit easy knowing they’ll have a whole new storyline to pursue.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Richard Eden just tweeted if there’s going to be more whining? So I think that’s going to be the new narrative even though the DM was the paper saying that the paperback wasn’t going to come out.

  12. Maxine Branch says:

    I will buy the paperback and save the hardback cover for my library.

  13. Anonymous says:


    At this point, I think anything extra should be an epilogue about how great his life is now and with zero mention of the RF. After all, they say that Harry should move forward.

  14. Becks1 says:

    I’m buying it lol. Take my money Prince Harry!

  15. s808 says:

    I have the hardback but will be purchasing the paperback. I always prefer the paperback versions of books.

  16. Tina E says:

    In Endgame, Scobie said there are no plans to add additional info/gossip/chapters, so we’ll see if he was right.

    • Amy Bee says:

      It would seem that Omid was right. The website bookseller is saying that there will be no changes to the contents of the book.

  17. Proud Mary says:

    Okay, I haven’t read the post yet, but the headline made me burst out laughing. So, wasn’t there a recent British tabloid headline that said there was not going to be a paperback? I keep saying, they have zero inside info on H&M . The door is shut tight. When will they stop lying? They know nothing more than the rest of us do. They learn, when we learn.

  18. Moniquep says:

    So much for the ” Harry regrets writing the book ” narrative! 🤣

  19. Lau says:

    Are we talking about just the UK and the US ? I don’t get it because in France it’s already available in paperback (I saw in at the library last weekend).

  20. therese says:

    Also, so much for Harry running to Pa for money.

  21. Kelsey says:

    Ahhhhhh can’t wait to finally buy my copy.