Travis Kelce’s dad has been banned from Twitter: ‘I was pissed at Elon’s trolls’

Jason and Travis Kelce’s parents, Donna and Ed Kelce, are part of the whole Kelce family package deal. They’re in the Kelce documentary, they make appearances on the brothers’ New Heights podcast, and are fixtures at their football games. Kelce fans love them. Ed even got referenced in Taylor Swift’s song about Travis, “So High School.”

Over the weekend, Ed made a Facebook post that stated that he is actually “banned for life” from Twitter. That’s right, Elon Musk’s platform, which will literally let any old Nazi scumbag come play in the sandbox, kicked him off for an undisclosed “terms of service violation.” Ed’s pretty pissed about it, too, especially the part about being banned while Elno’s Blue Check Bro Army is roaming around, terrorizing vulnerable groups and selling weapons of war.

Ed Kelce recently claimed he is “banned for life” from X, formerly Twitter, due to an apparent “Terms of Service” violation. Ed Kelce shared an article on Facebook on Saturday that claimed arms dealers were using X to sell weapons while operating in Yemen.

“Arms dealers are free to peddle their wares on X, but I’m banned for life and they won’t say why, just a generic ‘Terms Of Service’ violation,” he wrote.

He later clarified on Facebook that he posted his previous message to point out the social media platform’s hypocrisy.

“I posted the thing about arms dealers active on X because frankly, I was pissed at Elon’s [Musk] trolls,” he wrote.

Ed Kelce said he rarely posted on X and that he “just followed sports reporters” and “was active on X/Twitter from September to February, reading others’ posts.”

He added: “Apparently the X Twits believe I posted something contrary to their rules in May or June 2023. Never happened. I’m guessing I was hacked, as the platform isn’t all that secure. My comments when I started this conversation were merely to highlight the hypocrisy of these social media turds.”

[From Newsweek]

Hahaha, omg. “Elon’s trolls,” “X Twits,” and “social media turds.” LMAO, go off, big Ed. If he’s this feisty against these types of losers IRL, then I can see where his sons get their sense of humor from. It does suck to get kicked off like that, though, especially when you take into account how many of the worst people were let back onto the platform for Elon’s amusement. Something similar to this happened to my father-in-law, actually. I can’t remember if it was before or after Space Karen sh-tposted his way into buying Twitter, but he would go on Sports Twitter during baseball and football games. While participating in a sports discussion thread, he Tweeted something to the effect of, “Fans would have killed him if that had happened.” It was clearly not a threat, but his account got permanently suspended, too. I’m sure now that the Kelce fans and Swifties are on it, Ed’ll find his account reinstated soon enough.

Oh, and that thing about Yemeni weapons dealers using X to sell weapons? It’s not just some Facebook post your Fox News-lovin’ grandpa or MAGA uncle shares to get mad and make people scared. I had to look it up because Ed’s source was, ugh, Newsmax. But, according to the BBC, it’s actually happening. Wild to be so brazen about it! Just when you thought you knew all of the ways in which Elon ruined Twitter, a new one pops up.

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5 Responses to “Travis Kelce’s dad has been banned from Twitter: ‘I was pissed at Elon’s trolls’”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Lol…good for him. Papa Kelce has more backbone than his boys it would seem.

  2. Bumblebee says:

    Yeah, he’s definitely a dad with those creative non-cuss words. And Elon better not change planes in France.

    • Lau says:

      Musk actually met with the French president several times and they always seem pretty friendly with each other so I don’t think there is any risk for Space Karen sadly.

  3. Jill says:

    ‘Social media turds’ lol dude sounds like my dad.

  4. BlueNailsBetty says:

    For some reason, Twitter is suddenly limiting my ability to “like” tweets. I noticed it yesterday and today there is a message saying I’m “not able to perform that function” and to “refresh the page” (which did not work).

    I just go there to see a few people and I don’t post there anymore so I don’t know what is going on or why my account has any restriction.