Bradley Whitford mocks Cheryl Hines for ‘staying silent’ as her husband endorses Trump

Last Friday, Robert Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the presidential race after his Republican handlers and MAGA donors made it clear that he was hurting Donald Trump more than Kamala Harris. Kennedy quickly endorsed Trump at a rally in Arizona the same day. His wife was not with him for the Trump event. Cheryl Hines supported her husband’s candidacy and even helped him seek donors and support from Hollywood, much to the chagrin of most of Hollywood. Cheryl always claimed that she was merely supporting her husband, that she and her husband were not trying to ratf–k the election. She lied. Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump gave away the whole game. Cheryl still hasn’t said anything about Trump, but Bradley Whitford (a longtime Democrat) had some thoughts:

“The West Wing” and “Get Out” actor Bradley Whitford recently took to social media to call out Cheryl Hines for her silence regarding her husband, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., endorsing Donald Trump for president in the upcoming election. RFK Jr. had mounted his own presidential campaign but officially dropped out of the race on Aug. 23 and threw his weight behind Trump.

“Hey Cheryl Hines, way to stay silent while your lunatic husband throws his support behind the adjudicated rapist who brags about stripping women of their fundamental rights,” Whitford wrote on X. “Gutsy. Great example for the kids. Profile in courage.” Whitford has been an enthusiastic activist for the Kamala Harris campaign.

Hines took to social media herself after RFK Jr. dropped out of the race to praise his campaign team, writing “they have accomplished feats that were said to be impossible. They have gathered over a million signatures, more than any candidate in history, and have achieved ballot access across the country despite the roadblocks and lawsuits that have been brought against them for the sole purpose of keeping Bobby off of the ballots so no one would even have the opportunity to vote for him.”

[From Variety]

I haven’t f–ked with Cheryl Hines since her husband started his “campaign” at the behest of Republican operatives, but I also didn’t blame her for her husband’s lunacy. Yes, she whitewashed Kennedy and worked hard to make him palatable, but I also sort of felt bad for her because I’m not sure she had any idea that Kennedy would turn into this absolute nutburger. But yeah – Bradley Whitford is right. Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump makes Cheryl’s position untenable. If Cheryl isn’t going to speak out against Trump or make a stand in any way, she’s just as bad as Kennedy and Trump.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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64 Responses to “Bradley Whitford mocks Cheryl Hines for ‘staying silent’ as her husband endorses Trump”

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  1. Smile says:

    He is dead correct!

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I heard that it was only when his brain worm was polling ahead of him that he decided to throw in the towel.

      The “more than any candidate in history” seems like either a maga is writing for her or that’s just who she is. Which- even if that wasn’t who she was- being married to that level of unhinged and dangerous can break anyone. I’ve seen it first hand.

      And ever since Kennedy’s ex wife’s very suspicious death…. I don’t f with either of them. I always wondered if she stayed after that because she was terrified.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      He is!

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge in says:

    There is no other option for herself than to endorse Kamala.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    There were plenty of clues that he was a nutburger when she married Kennedy. But, even if she had no idea where he was headed, once he became a full fledged lunatic and ratf***ed the 2024 election by running, Hines had a responsibility to distance herself from the campaign and her husband’s political views. I just assume that she agrees with him on pretty much everything. She may not care for Trump’s gauche behavior but I suspect she’s fine with his fascism.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      This. Not to mention she’s brought her daughter into life with this macadamia. I always say that birds of a feather flock together, no matter how different they may seem on the surface. Deep down, she was down for all the BS because she agreed, the lifestyle he provides is far too attractive or both. I’d like to leave room for her possibly being mistreated and sees no way out. But I’m not sure. All, none or a mixture could be true. Either way, hope she enjoyed her career while it lasted.

  4. Zapp Brannigan says:

    I’m not really familiar with Hines beyond seeing her in Curb, but why do people expect better from her? She was standing right by RK Jnr side when he had the remains of his last wife moved out of the family graveyard, she turned a blind eye when it was revealed he was cheating weeks before their wedding, maybe she is just in this thing for the brain worms?

    • Fabiola says:

      Why do people think she is supposed to speak against her husband? That’s her husband. She’s gonna support him. Even if she doesn’t agree with him she is not going to publicly speak against him. Also, I hate when people especially men go after the wife. Keep your criticism for the husband. She’s not responsible for what her husband does. He’s a grownup.

      • Agnes says:

        Baloney. She tacitly agrees with Trumpism and definitely agrees with RatFucK Jr.’s platform by saying nothing. Why should wives be protected from making judgements about good vs evil? Newsflash: women are sentient beings with voices, no matter what relationship they are in.

      • DK says:

        @Fabiola, I think the difference here is that Hines is a celebrity in her own right, entirely independent from her spouse, with her own huge platform and following, and as such, her implicit approval of her husband’s stances influence others. [Especially since she DOES speak up publicly when she does NOT agree with his views. Her silence so far is telling.]

        (As opposed to, say, going after Usha Vance for JD’s weirdo creeper views: no one – outside of lawyer circles – knew who Usha was before Vance was made VP, so her now-national platform is entirely due to her spouse.)

        So when Hines, who supported her husband’s candidacy and worked the campaign trail on her husband’s behalf, is silent while he and his campaign endorse Trump, unless she explicitly says otherwise, she is using her massive platform to support Trump for president.

      • goofpuff says:

        She is also a grown up who knows how to use her words. She is aware enough to be able to campaign to get money for him. She is no stranger to how it all works. If she doesn’t speak any differently, then she agrees with him and his choices.

      • aang says:

        If my husband had a large platform and publicly supported trump I’d lock him in the basement until after the election and then file for divorce.

      • Jaded says:

        RFK Jr has shown that he doesn’t give a good morning crap about who he endorses, he groveled at Kamala’s feet for a position in her cabinet, but when turned down he immediately endorsed Trump. He is a soulless monster who promotes anti-vax conspiracy theories, has been blatantly unfaithful to his wives, has a long history of drug addiction, and appears to be batshit crazy. He’s supporting a presidential candidate who is a convicted felon, rapist, racist, who masterminded the fake elector schemes and an insurrection against American democracy resulting in the deaths of 8 people. Her tacit approval of him shows you the kind of person she really is — only in it for the clout and power being married to a Kennedy gives her. She’s truly an awful person and good for Bradley Whitford for publicly castigating her.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @Fabiola- That’s a toxic point of view. If I can’t speak when someone’s doing wrong simply because of my relationship with them, that’s not an equal relationship where I’m safe and valued. No one’s perfect and we all do stupid crap. I literally have told my loved ones I want them to straight up tell me when I’m going wrong. I may not, after thought and consideration, agree with them. But I’ll appreciate them caring enough to try keeping me accountable. Cheryl was a vocal cheerleader for RFK Jr’s campaign and even hit up her colleagues in the industry for support of all kinds. At best, she’s an enabler. That ain’t great either.

    • CL says:

      Exactly! It’s not like the worm ate his brain last month and he’s done a 180. This is who he is and who he has been. She married him knowing that.

    • BAYAREAGIRL2000 says:

      Thank you! For some reason, people try to give the wives ( Melania, JD Vance’s Wife, Hines, etc.) of horrible men a pass as if they don’t already publicly support their husbands and are just as horrible. It is beyond me! Not every woman is trapped by her husband, they usually share the same beliefs! I did not know of this lady before this but I’ll pass!

      • Oh come on. says:

        Exactly @BayAreaGirl2000! If a married person is politically active and their spouse supports that, dollars to donuts it’s because the spouse agrees with the candidate’s politics.

        I think liberals tend to look at pretty women (Ivanka, Melania, Usha, Cheryl) and wishfully believe their silence means dissent. When has that ever been shown to be the case?

    • Yonati says:

      Last ditch effort to save her marriage (the privileged version).

  5. Mireille says:

    That’s her husband. She’s going to stand by him. She may even share his beliefs. What can one do? Kennedy is a sell-out joke, desperate to receive some political standing with any party willing to give him one. He sold himself to Donald Trump. Cheryl speaks out against her husband that may lead to friction, separation, and divorce. And in all cases right now, she’s not budging. I don’t expect any rebuttal from her on her husband’s endorsement and support. She’ll be quiet and submissive just like Melania.

    • TN Democrat says:

      Certain (white) women, especially ‘of a certain age’ are so grateful to be married (and therefore socially accepted in certain circles), they will gleefully go along with maga nonsense. Some of the most vitriolic and toxic magat supporters are white women showing off for their problematic husbands. Such has been my experience in a deep red state anyway. If she wants to stay married, she won’t speak out. Amazing anyone would view RFK, Jr. as a prize, but the idea of having to marry to be socially accepted is cringe to me.

      • Blithe says:

        Thank you for this post. This is truly a perspective that I have never envisioned. I don’t really get it, but at least I now understand that it’s out there.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        Yes to that post. So much yes.

        Also white women of a certain age and character have only known power or wielded power under the umbrella/ coverage of white men. They know if they were to step out from under that cover that they would be attacked and vilified and destroyed – like they in turn have done to so many others who strayed from the approval/ support of white men.

        It’s baked into the foundation of the patriarchy and white supremacy. Which is the foundation for most western cultures.

        That’s what people mean by systemic racism. Systemic sexism. Proximity to male and proximity to whiteness still guarantees degrees of power.

      • Treeeee says:

        @TN Democrat, 💯💯💯
        I was raised on the Kennedy (and Clinton) ‘mystique’ and as soon I was able to think critically and dig deeper into people, places and events, I realized that family was filled to the brim with abusive, powerful men with wives who stood by silently. There’s a special place in hell for these people.

    • Ambel says:

      So a wife is supposed to stand by her husband no matter what? What if he’s molesting the babysitter? She supposed to stand by him then too? BS. Cheryl Hines went to Samoa with RFK Jr. where he supported anti-vaxxers agitating against the measles vaccine. Vaccination rate plummeted and then 83 people – MOSTLY CHILDREN – died in a measles outbreak. She has said nothing. So f*** her along with him.

  6. Mimi says:

    She’s not saying or doing anything, and I can’t say I blame her. I am really tired of women/spouses being expected to fix their horrible husbands. Hillary was sunk partly because she stayed with Bill after all his shenanigans. Now we’re blaming Cheryl for her husband’s brain worm activities.

    • AMB says:

      Hines is being called out for her own hypocrisy, not for not fixing her husband.

      • Kitten says:

        She’s not responsible for “fixing” him. He’s a grown-ass man who has agency and should be held responsible for his own careless decisions.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        What’s her hypocrisy though?

        Has she been a strident proponent of women’s reproductive rights, a progressive democrat, pro vaccination and anti brain worm before all of this?

        I don’t know her previous stances on issues and she has been very quiet since marrying bug brain. So this seems to just be who she is now and maybe who she always was.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Hillary was sunk? She went on to become Secretary of State and the presidential candidate of a major party. Hillary did fine.

      And @Friendly Crow: yes, she was a vocal proponent of vaccines, especially during the pandemic.

      • Mimi says:

        Yes, Hillary was sunk. More white women voted for trump than her in the general election. Many white women in my bright red county (in NY, of all places) said that they “didn’t respect her” because she stayed with Bill after he embarrassed her by having an affair with Monica Lewinsky and multiple affairs before that. Let’s not play coy. Hillary was clearly a very intelligent and successful woman, but people linked her with Bill’s actions (being on Epstein’s plane is another thing) and she paid for it in the election.

      • Becks1 says:

        @mimi and yet they voted for the serial adulterer 🤷‍♀️

      • MaisiesMom says:

        In response to Mimi’s post: haven’t White women have always leaned Republican? Maybe Bill Clinton got more votes from them than his Dem successors, but that was quite a long time ago. White women voted for George W. Bush over both Gore and Kerry. Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by a healthy margin. It was the EC that screwed her.

        Of course Trump is a level of awful high above W or his father or even Reagan. I just don’t know that the voting behavior of White women in 21st century elections is purely about the individual candidates. Part of it is just voting like your spouse, neighbors and friends do. Part of it is policy and vibes related. As a White woman who always votes Blue I don’t understand or relate to it. I just don’t know that it impacted Hilary Clinton worse than it did Gore or Kerry.

      • Mimi says:

        @Becks, yes they did! Make it make sense. A whole lot of cognitive dissonance going on there.

    • Jaded says:

      Sure, she’s not saying or doing anything because she aligns herself, via her monster of a husband, with a convicted felon, racist, rapist, Q-Anon spouting nutbar who hates women, minorities and military veterans, and who masterminded an insurrection that almost destroyed American democracy. She’s just as bad as her fuckwit of a husband.

  7. Ocho says:

    Kennedy said that Hines “would divorce” him if he backed Trump. Not sure if he was speaking facetiously or literally.

    • Mari in TN says:

      Tee ‘em zee has a story that Cheryl encouraged him to hear Trump out and that is why RK Jr met with Trump. He even said he got Trump’s number from Tucker Carlson. Cheryl is as complicit as her husband.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      That was no doubt hyperbole to keep the more progressive people on side. From the info that’s starting to trickle out, it seems she’s as bad as him.

  8. BlueSky says:

    Women like Hines are the reason Trump won in the first place. She’s complicit and wants her life to be comfortable and she’s willingly going making with all this. I’m not expecting her to “fix” him but she has agency too. She keeps making excuses for him and tries to do the whole “we don’t agree on a lot of things” bullshit. I don’t feel sorry for her and I wish people stopped infantilizing women like her.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree…..I was going back and forth here because I don’t think a woman has to answer for everything her husband does….but this situation is different. she’s publicly supporting her husband who now has endorsed Trump. I’m assuming her silence here means she’s okay with his endorsement. Like you said, she has agency too.

    • Kitten says:

      On one hand, it’s infuriating that she didn’t draw a line in the sand. On the other hand, there has to be some part of her that isn’t surprised by this. Presumably, she knows the man she’s been married to for over 30 years. So yeah, it’s easy for me to say that this would be a deal-breaker for me but my husband would NEVER and if he did, it would mean that I no longer know him.

      But maybe she DOES feel very betrayed? Maybe she IS thinking about divorce? At this point we don’t know if the divorced rumors are actually true or exaggerated or just providing cover for her.

      • Myself says:

        10 years. Hines & Kennedy married in Aug 2014.

      • Kitten says:

        Oh TY for the correction–I thought it was MUCH longer. So has he changed dramatically in the past decade? IDK I just have trouble believing that this came out of nowhere…

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @Myself- Has it been that long? It would be interesting if she was waiting for the Magic Decade to be and go before pulling the trigger. I’m probably giving her way too much credit. Especially since he showed her who he was for the past 30 odd years.

    • Worktowander says:

      Yes, she caught her Kennedy (and the accompanying society invitations). Her work is done.

    • Nanea says:

      Bullshit excuses is right.

      There’s a clip making the rouds on Twitter where RFKJr is talking to Tucker Carlson. While I couldn’t ever listen to either of them, I tead the transcription/subtitles — and *if* those are correct, it seems that CH accompanied Brainworm when he flew to… (forgot where, and not going back to check) to meet with the racist, misogynistic Felon, where they talked for 2 hours.

      So she can’t say anything other than she’s fully endorsing Brainworm Bearcub’s cooperation with the fascistic, lying Orange Menace.

  9. Madchester says:

    There’s been enough smoke around CH, their affair, the deleted pictures after Mary’s death. Cheryl Hines seems as bad as Kennedy. She wanted it, got it and now has to live the consequences
    His anti-vax, haulocaust denial and then the affairs, he allegedly cheated on CH for 2 years before they were married.

  10. Maria T. says:

    I used to be a huge fan of her podcast with Tig Notaro. She used to reference “Bobby” quite a bit at the beginning and then suddenly stopped mentioning him. When he made his Holocaust comment she made a sobbing statement on the pod about how upset it made her. She was also clear that she had taken the Covid vaccine and that she and Bobby didn’t agree on many things. However, the podcast ended immediately after he announced his candidacy and Tig moved on to a new one (Handsome) without her. I have lost any respect I may have had for Cheryl and am DYING to know what TIg thinks. They seemed to be very, very close. I can imagine that Cheryl knows that she’s DONE in Hollywood and either has plans to divorce Bobby or has decided she doesn’t care about her career or reputation.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Probably the latter. The Kennedy’s have never been anonymous schlubs without a bob to their name. That name, despite “Bobby’s” antics, probably still opens doors. She likely also still lives a lifestyle she could have only dreamed of before dating him. Those were stage tears.

  11. Ameerah M says:

    Just to add some context to Bradley’s tweet: the reason why Bradley called her out is because she famously said in an interview that she would divorce him if he ever endorsed Trump. She said that was her red line. Clearly that isn’t the case. So Bradley is essentially telling her “stand by your word”.

  12. Lau says:

    Given how Kennedy’s entire family has called him out recently I think it’s fair to assume that she shares at least some if not all of his beliefs.

  13. Megan says:

    This is so beside the point, but good lord Bradley Whitford is so attractive. I have such a crush.

  14. Wagiman says:

    I have many health problems and eye sight problems so I’m going with Brad. I can’t actually read the story, 8d like to, I can’t see. But Brad is everything so I hope that’s true still

  15. Treeeee says:

    @ Friendly Crow, it’s fairly easy to trace her (and most other celebrity voices) via the Internet. So you can inform yourself.

    And, yes, she doesn’t have to say or do anything, and in that we know: she abides by bigotry. It’s really that simple in 2024. There’s no way, at this time in history, in a country of our wealth and access, that one can play innocent. Trump, his cronies and the whole of project 2025 wants to strip humans of their rights. They are all hateful, harmful people.

  16. Chantale says:

    I will not mock anybody. My recollection people were mocking Trump when he was running the first and he won. So I will just let it go. The Bush environment is no longer there. My two cents. Democrats should stop gloating. Ebryone thought Hillary was going to win.

    • Jaded says:

      Hilary did win, it was the damnable electoral college that brought her down. Cheryl Hines deserves all the mocking and hate she gets, she’s complicit with MAGA.

    • Lady D says:

      I don’t think they are gloating. I think they are terrified of a republican win. jmo

  17. Karen says:

    Cheryl is as heinous as hubby. She went with him to Samoa in 2019 when there was a measles outbreak and he publicly denounced the measles vaccine, and as a result 83 people DIED and thousands more got sick, some with lasting side effects. They have blood on their hands for this unforgivable hubris. I hope readers share this info as Kennedy is so depraved he referred to this as “a mild measles outbreak.” How is it MILD when 83 people, mostly babies and children, DIED? He continues to lie about it too.

  18. Briamatia says:

    We can talk about what a ZADDY Bradley Whitford is. HOLY SMOKES!

  19. SciLies says:

    Look, she’s made a decision that she is better off with him than without him. She’s weighed her options and she likes the power and celebrtity she has by being attached to this person. She is publicly admitting that she supports a man who shares many qualities with Trump.

    Whitford is right in his attack, and everyone who encounters a MAGA should be begin the conversation with, “I don’t support rapists, but I see that you do.”

    (White women, please stop f*cking Republicans. We see you. We see the decisions you are making. We see that you like and want the power these men give you by being adjacent to them. We see you.)