Zara & Mike Tindall are being asked to help ‘relieve Prince William & Kate’

For the past month, there’s been a lot of talk about what will happen in Balmoral as the left-behind royals gather at the Scottish castle for their annual summer holiday. Prince William and Kate apparently arrived at Balmoral late last week, and they were seen driving to church on Sunday. King Charles, Queen Camilla and Prince Andrew are also in Balmoral right now, and other royals are probably there this week too. So, it’s the perfect moment for a “summit.” A summit about the future of the monarchy, a summit which will reportedly be about “what do we do about the Sussexes?” Five-plus years later, they still believe that Prince Harry will come crawling back to them and/or that Harry’s titles should be removed. So what else is on the agenda of this family summit? Apparently, they’re going to decide that Zara and Mike Tindall need to step in and help out Prince William and Kate.

Zara and Mike Tindall are facing urgent calls to help “relieve Prince William and Princess Kate”, according to inside sources. King Charles, 75, and Queen Camilla, 77, held a summit at Balmoral Castle earlier this week to discuss the future of the Royal Family.

In 2020, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry both stepped back as senior royals which severely disrupted the set-in-stone plans for King Charles’s future vision of the monarchy. Coupled with Prince Andrew’s departure and this year’s health crises that have rocked three senior members of the Royal Family, the King and Queen are likely holding crunch talks to secure the stability of the monarchy.

Sources have revealed that one of the main focuses of the summit was the next generation of royals, signalling a strategic shift in focus away from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. An insider told The Express: “The strategy now is to move away from focusing on what the Sussexes are doing and place an emphasis on the next generation of royals.”

This indicates a renewed effort to ensure the monarchy’s legacy is secured by the younger members of the Royal Family. While much attention has been on Prince William, Princess Kate, and their children, the discussions at Balmoral also explored roles for other royal family members, including Zara and Mike Tindall’s children. The royal couple share three children, Mia, 10, Lena, 6, and Lucas, 3. Although not in direct line to the throne, their involvement could be significant for the monarchy’s image and presence, according to the insider.

They added: “The future of the Royal Family doesn’t just hinge on the Wales family, but also on other members of the Royal Family that hold a visible profile in this country and around the world. It’s all about building a brand and the family recognises that.”

[From GB News]

“It’s all about building a brand and the family recognises that.” In just a few short years, we’ve gone from courtiers insisting that the Windsors are the “gold-standard brand” to courtiers publicly begging the Tindalls to step up and help out the lazy heir and his wife. The truth is, the Windsors ARE a brand and during QEII’s reign, the brand was good and solid for decades. The Sussexit damaged the brand in ways which are still being felt today for the Windsors. It’s a fundamental thing: the way Harry and Meghan were mistreated, disregarded and punished did more to hurt Brand Windsor on a global scale than any republican movement. What we’ve also seen for years is that the Windsors are incapable of reverse-engineering the Sussexit or throwing fresh meat at the problem. That’s why there’s this constant talk of “the York princesses should step up” or “Louise needs to be a working royal” or, now, “the Tindalls should help out.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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118 Responses to “Zara & Mike Tindall are being asked to help ‘relieve Prince William & Kate’”

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  1. Mimi says:

    Relieve them of what? Are they going to breathe for them? Because the Lazies ain’t doing shite right now.

    • Steph says:

      Ha! Same thoughts. And everyone in Twitter too!

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I think there’s something very seriously wrong with William that has been covered up with these stories of being a Zoom king and doing things differently with big impact/infrequent efforts. It’s not just laziness. It couldn’t be hidden when he wouldn’t go to his Godfathers service down the road earlier this year.

        Either he’s on frequent benders or has some poorly controlled mental health issues that the family all realize make him incapable or regular day to day public events. I wonder what the real story is.

      • Agnes says:

        Pinkosaurus, I believe this, too. There’s really no other explanation for his complete inability to “step up” to the easiest “job” in the world other than that he should be actually be institutionalized.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Pinkosaurus it could also be a combination of things. He wouldn’t be the first person in the world to try to self-medicate depression or anxiety with alcohol and/or drugs (prescription or otherwise.)

        Obviously we have no idea what is actually going on, but there could be poorly controlled mental health issues* along with frequent benders etc.

        * It’s easy to think “well he was the heir and protected etc” but I tend to think that anyone raised in that toxic institution, heir or not, is probably going to have some significant issues. Factor in his mother’s death and who would be surprised? And to be honest I thought that was the point of their “mental health campaign” – to emphasize how there is no “blame” for mental health issues and everyone should be able to reach out and get help. But I guess not for William.

      • EasternViolet says:

        I heard some gossip on the twitter — grain of salt of course– that Charles is forcing William into Anger management. I think there is a lot more going on with the Heir than their in for Queen in Waiting. So agreeing with all of the above

      • Megan says:

        I think Charles knows he has precious little time left and the summit was to secure support for William and Kate when they take the throne.

      • Meredith says:

        Depression can be very resistant to treatment in some people. So if he is unwell, it isn’t necessarily because he hasn’t sought treatment. I know men who have needed electric shock therapy (which I didn’t even realize they did anymore) and other really intensive treatments, not just some lexapro and therapy.

    • s808 says:

      Probably need some sacrifices at the altar of the press.

      • Tennyson says:

        I agree with Pinkosaurus and all.
        As to what Becks said, it’s incorrect. Royals were initially encouraged to support Mental Health charities decades ago as an easy, apolitical, non-controversial topic!
        Queen Mum supported Menscap, a major MH charity here, back in the 40’s.

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s not incorrect, what? I didn’t’ say William was the first royal to mention mental health. I was specifically referring to William and Kate’s mental health campaign, especially Heads Together.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Becks1, Heads Together, The Endeavor Award and Invictus Games were all Prince Harry’s babies and projects. That’s why once he left, HT died a natural death, the Endeavor Award was folded into IG and of course Prince Harry took the IG with him. William and Kate in and as themselves have never created anything of substance. That’s why everything TPTB in that firm cook up for them and stamp their name on it just dies. Everything William and Kate touches, pretty much, turns to shit. That’s one of the reasons they hated Harry getting married to Meghan and the subsequent Sussexit. While the Sussexes were present, WanK would constantly hide behind them (most especially Harry) and take credit for all Harry’s work. Harry taking his family and checking out exposed WanK nakedness.

    • Kingston says:


    • Lau says:

      They probably need assisting to watch stuff on netflix and drink in William’s case.

    • goofpuff says:

      Yes! Wouldn’t they have to be actually doing work to relieve them of work?

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        Yes!! What in the world are they being relieved from? Unless someone in that family under the age of 70 is finally going to do some actual work for their country.

        Hilarious that it’s the people with their own commercial jobs!

    • LurkingWriter says:

      Exactly. Waity and Wilnot have been quiet quitting for a while now, so what do they need relief from (if not from each other)?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge in says:

      Exactly! They have been doing nothing!! That was before kate was even diagnosed! All these years of keening, watching, learning, doing it their way, going their own path and still, up to today, nothing to show for it.

    • Carmen says:

      C’mon now, being a royal is very, very hard work. Kate needed six months to recuperate from her facelift, and then she needed another six months to recover from her recovery. Give the poor woman a break.

  2. Tessa says:

    So They are called a royal couple now. Mike is so not a royal and z a r a has no royal title. Kate is ill but there is no reason why peg can’t. I guess he’s too busy with school runs

    • PC says:

      I bet in their talks there has been a discussion that if they can remove H&M as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex they can then turn around and give the titles to the Tindalls. I also think all the talks at this summit is about ways in which they can hurt H&M the most. The Windsors have learned nothing in these past eight years. They really think hurting H&M is a good look and a flex. The Windsors are fools.

      • Julia says:

        Titles such as dukedoms are passed down the male line so it would be impossible to give the title to the Tindall. Zara is the blood royal but can’t be given a title directly because she is a woman’.

      • MrsBanjo says:

        The King CANNOT remove the Sussex’s titles. Only an act of Parliament can do that and there’s no way in Hell that will happen because it will impact EVERY titled person in the UK.

        Also, Charles would actually have to give a shit about the Tindalls beyond needing them to cover for W&K and he doesn’t. He only cares about his own image. He ain’t about to give Mike Tindall a title and it’s not really a thing to give a woman a title in her own right, though it has happened in the past. Zara’s only actual realistic chance at a title is if she is married to someone titled. See above for that likelihood.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        Titles can be given directly to women. Also, if at the time the title is bestowed, it can be designated to be given to daughters. That’s what happened with Mountbatten’s Earl of Burma title. When he got it, a special remainder was added saying that it could go to his daughters (because at the time, he only had daughters who were already adults.)

        Royal dukes are automatically men, but Charles can bestow whatever title he wants on anyone.

      • MrsBanjo says:

        Yes, that’s why I said “though it has happened in the past.” It’s not something that is a matter of course, however, and therefore is unlikely to happen now. Just as it’s doubtful Charles would give Mike a title, he would unlikely give Zara one in her own right. There’s no realistic chance of the Tindalls receiving titles.

      • Tessa says:

        Elizabeth II gave Armstrong Jones the title of Lord Snowdon so his and Margaret’s children would have titles. Margaret was always going to be PRincess Margaret but also was Countess Snowdon.

      • Vik says:

        Non-HRHs cannot be given dukedoms any more, which is why pss Marg’s husband was made an earl. That’s the highest a non-HRH can get.

        Aside from the fact that an act of parliament is needed, even the Winds wouldn’t be daft enough to “take” someone’s title and “give” it to someone else.

        A title isn’t a toy.

    • Noor says:

      Worse still the Tindalls have commercial deals that they are profiting from.

      • Nanea says:

        … flogging CBD stuff, among other things, and outdoor clothes.

        How very… royal.

      • B says:

        Exactly Nanea! William and Kate need people that can make them look good. The more attractive hardworking Sussexes did not fit the bill but the Tindalls do. Zara and Mike will never outwork, out think or outshine William and Kate. In fact they are a bit crass so Willy and Kate even get to look a little elegant if they stand side by side. I can see why they want the Tindalls to “help out”.

        Lol I also find it amusing that in a year where Kate has not worked at all and has only been seen a handful of times and her husband took off as well “to be by her side” the press can say with a straight face that they need to be “relieved”. Sheer laziness will drive the left behinds into irrelevance and soon as that happens bye bye tax payer funding.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Excellent point Noor, the Tindalls have commercial deals coming out of their ears….. oafish Mike will want serious money from Charles to drop their deals.
        Zara could do it, yes, Tindall himself never.

        If things have reached this pass the RF is desperate. Makes me wonder what the true situation is with Anne, I’ve got a feeling of foreboding.

  3. equality says:

    So they are wanting to enlist Zara and Mike’s minor children and decide their future for them? Leave them alone. They aren’t even talking about Charlotte and Louis’s future roles, but are about 3 children who are 22, 23 and 24th in line? Mike and Zara will have to give up all their lucrative endorsements, of course, because part time or making money is unacceptable. (s)

    • Becks1 says:

      LOL, I said Mia was 16th in line and now I am realizing I forgot to include the children of Peter, Bea and Eugenie. So not even 16th haha but 22 like you said!

    • molly says:

      Zara is rich and horsey in a mansion in the Cotswolds. No WAY she gives that up to be bossed around by the palace or for her loose cannon husband to be tabloid fodder.

  4. Tessa says:

    So is peg giving Mike a royal title

    • twoz says:

      Is that what we’re calling it these days? 😉

    • Lily says:

      Well in his eyes he is still better than Meghan he is white who cares that he was openly cheating on his wife few weeks after their wedding, or that he is a giang douche with no maners. For the royals and the firm he is stil better because of his skintone than a hardworking biracial women

  5. Becks1 says:

    LOL, this isn’t just about Mike and Zara – its about their CHILDREN being working royals – “, the discussions at Balmoral also explored roles for other royal family members, including Zara and Mike Tindall’s children.”

    The future of the monarchy rests on the 10 year old Mia who is…..16th in line to the throne? 17th? I tried to count really fast but I probably missed someone lol.

    I’m interpreting this as – Kate is never coming back to work as a “full time” royal, what we are currently seeing is what we will continue to get over the next several years (Christmas, trooping, Wimbledon, Remembrance presumably). And william isnt going to step up. So they are hoping Zara and Mike fill in – that seems like a winning strategy.

    The bonus for the Waleses though? If Mike and Zara are working royals in ANY capacity, and they are already putting out there that their children may be working royals – it makes the children somewhat public figures and the press can focus on them to deflect from the Wales children. It seems W&K found the “spares” for their children after all.

    • Anna says:

      Poor Mia is going to have a function of a spare? I am super Zara and Mike clearly realize that this means having her visible and to serve as a distraction to Waleses kids? Like Harry was a distraction to Will? Jeez, hope they hide her from BRF and tabloids…

      • Becks1 says:

        Yup, precisely my point. Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but why else are they talking about a 10 year old child, 20th something in line (My guess at 16 was way off lol), as being a working royal?

  6. aquarius64 says:

    Zara, 21th in line to the throne, and her grabby lout of a husband, relieve the heir and his wife who uses her cancer claim as a sick note. Okay.

  7. Maxine Branch says:

    The Tindall’s are busy earning a living through sponsorships. Also,I thought that monster Mike Tindall was planning on moving his family to Australia

  8. BW says:

    So everyone must “step up” and help because Chuck slimmed down the monarchy? You can’t have it both ways.

  9. Tessa says:

    Peter Phillips is higher in succession than z a r a and so are his children.

  10. Maybe they should have insisted at this summit that Peg and Can’t do their jobs then nobody will have to “ fill in” for them. Also their brand sucks.

  11. Krista says:

    “The strategy now is to move away from focusing on what the Sussexes are doing and place an emphasis on the next generation of royals.”

    Took them long enough.

  12. Steph says:

    I don’t think the Tindalls, Yorks, or Wessexes will actually be asked to step in. Of that generation, the only ones less accomplished than the Wales are Lady Louise and her brother. They are kids. The comparisons would kill Peg and Bone

  13. Proud Mary says:

    Oh puhleez! It’s another secret weapon story, dressed up as something new coming out of the so-called summit. Like, we haven’t seen this one before? Have we already forgotten Jabbo’s column about dirty Mike and tongue ring Zara replacing the Sussexes? Wash, rinse, repeat. This is not about helping the Wales. William and Kate did not go fulltime until the Susssexes came on the scene and started grabbing the spotlight. There’s nothing new here about William and Kate’s work habit. This is about “how can we fill in the void left by the Sussexes?” The Sussexes are irreplaceable. Move on.

  14. s808 says:

    If Zara and Mike’s shared braincell is online, they’ll reject this. There’s no real incentive to offer themselves or their kids up as fresh meat.

    • Jais says:

      This exactly. Zara and Mike support themselves through merching and being hired to do royal-adjacent things. Sports adjacent also. Is William going to compensate them enough for them to give all that up? Doubtful. Maybe they’ll be allowed to do half-in/half-out? But it’s still not worth it for exposing their kids.

    • Unblinkered says:

      If the money was enough I’d say Tindall would be there. This is the man, remember, who was advertising his shooting services for £20,000 a day

  15. Eurydice says:

    Yes, Mike Tindall is what’s needed to add glamour and charisma to the Royal Family. People will be queuing up to see his pie face up close.

  16. Dee(2) says:

    Between this article and the Charles religious realization article yesterday sounds like they are getting nervous, and realizing what’s left for them to work with. It was always silly to the bank on Anne and Charles living as long as their parents, but especially when you have raised an incredibly lazy child. Who then went on to marry an incredibly lazy woman, and chased away the hardworking pair. If they have any sense though they will be looking at other options like Louise apparently is, and just keep it cordial like Beatrice and Eugenie because I can’t rationalize anyone thinking that William is a sound and trustworthy person to put your literal livelihoods in the hands of.

    • sunny says:

      This part! The fact that it has taken them years to realize this shows how insular, dim-witted, and coddled they and their teams are.

      No one in the family should be willing to take that deal because it would require you to sacrifice economic opportunities and rely on William to finance your lifestyle(probably sooner rather than later). A man who betrays his wife, his father, his mother’s memory, and his brother regularly.

  17. girl_ninja says:

    If they do in fact “step up” hopefully Tindall doesn’t sexually harass someone along the way.

  18. JanetDR says:

    Or, the speculation could stop and everyone could realize that the only royal job that actually needs doing is the monarch’s and that is just signing papers. The rest is just PR.

    • Julia says:

      Exactly, most countries in the world manage with just a head of state and a deputy. No need to constantly see extended members of the family or have them ‘working’. The only people who need this are the media!

      • Proud Mary says:

        No heads of state that I know of banks minimum 25 to 50 million pounds per year, in pay. And that doesn’t include the hundreds of millions devoted to keeping up the palaces and paying for gas guzzling copters and other travel expenses. By way of comparison, the US president makes 400 thousand dollars a year. How else will the British monarch justify the sovereign grant, and the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall?

      • Unblinkered says:

        When you look at it like that, the numbers are shocking.

        Maybe it’s time to open things up a little and press-gang – say – some of the UK’s sports stars to head up some of these, currently royal, organisations. People of proven character, charm and resilience !

    • ShazBot says:

      This is just the media realizing that they need more pictures and stories of royals because the actual job of the monarchy is boring.

    • Amy Bee says:

      So true.

    • Nic919 says:

      All the other countries where Charles is head of state, like Canada and Australia, manage to function without that family ever showing up. And the tourism argument doesn’t work there either.

      Billy and Cathy are really helping the anti monarchists by showing how little any country needs them.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Zara and Mike are not royal so how are going to be drafted in to do royal duties and are they going to give up their sponsorship and business deals? The press are so desperate for a new face that they’re contradicting the position they had when Harry and Meghan wanted to be part-time royals.

  20. KA says:

    Anne is the hardest “working” Royal- and has been for a long time. I understand why they might assume her children would offer them the most bang for their buck. (Not saying I would make that decision, but given their decision making prowess, its not surprising).

    • Smices says:

      I’m wondering if Anne is no longer able yo work after her injury. Someone would beed to step up and fill her slot to justify the security provided to the compound they all live on.

      • Rnot says:

        That was my exact read on the situation. The workhorse can’t put in the numbers anymore so now her daughter needs to step up and fill her role. Mike is a reputational landmine that hasn’t caused too much damage so far because he’s married to a non-working non-titled royal who’s all the way down at 21st in line for the throne. If he becomes more prominent, then his liabilities will be magnified. He’s a lout and – unlike Andrew – he’s not the monarch’s child, so there’ll be pointed questions if he’s chosen to represent the monarchy.

      • Unblinkered says:

        I’ve been wondering about Anne too, these last few weeks. Hope I’m wrong but something doesn’t feel good.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Just had a look at the royal diary, Anne seems to be doing about 4 engagements a week, she does them all on the same day, and it does seem to be regular. The other ones who are doing things was mainly the Duke of Gloucester and Sophie and Edward have at least a couple engagements over the next couple of weeks, and William has one, Kate and the King and Queen have none. It seems to be a toss up over whether it is the DO Gloucester or Princess Anne who are actually doing the most engagements.

      • Unblinkered says:

        I hadn’t checked so didn’t realise Anne has currently been carrying out engagements, can only hope that’s all going satisfactorily. Most recent photos of her I sense a real change, hopefully nothing more than perhaps a temporary knock to her confidence.
        Sincerely hope the autumn sees a return to full health for her.

  21. Hypocrisy says:

    Oh please do.. put the crass stupid commoner Mike front and center as the face British Monarchy. Let’s see the rota spin how Mike is the perfect Royal and how he and his family are so much better than having the Sussex’s there. I want to see this happen, please make Shrek and Fiona the new face of the Monarchy 🤣😂

  22. Wagiman says:

    Mt health and eye problems don’t allow me to read the stories so I think they’re crap. I wish I could read 9t all. But all I know, everyone sucks.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Aw, @Wagiman, I feel for you. Even without being able to read the articles, your comments have been spot on today!

  23. SueinOrleans says:

    I had to look up Tindal because I thought from the pictures he had to be at least somewhere in the mid to late 50s. Come to find he is only 45. Rode hard and put away wet. Is this rough looking, thuggish type what the Windsors really want representing them?

    • kelleybelle says:

      He’s publically called Harry a bellend (a dick), and the snooty, mortified looks that Zara gave Bishop Currie at the Sussexes’ wedding were awful. Neither of them strike me as likeable in the least.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I amazed that Mike could even be considered. What a vulgar expression to use publicly.

  24. Saucy&Sassy says:

    ” this year’s health crises that have rocked three senior members of the Royal Family”

    What did I miss? I thought it was King Snubby and Bone Idle. Who else is in a health crisis?

    I hope that all (Peter, Zara, Beatrice & Eugenie) protect their children and not allow them to be used as scapegoats. I’ve always thought that’s why Anne decided against titles for her children.

    • Kingston says:

      @Saucy&Sassy says:

      ” this year’s health crises that have rocked three senior members of the Royal Family”
      What did I miss? I thought it was King Snubby and Bone Idle. Who else is in a health crisis?”

      Its how the shitmedia manage to snuck in the fact that bully is mentally incapable of handling his apparently imminent role of king…….so with chuckyTheTURD and kitty being able to use the cancer card, theyre slowly revealing more about bully’s incapacity.

    • SueinOrleans says:

      I assumed they meant the recent incident with Princess Anne. Who, however one defines royal “work” is one of the few royals actually “working” so her being off duty definitely shows.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s Charles, Kate and Anne.

  25. Mrs. Smith says:

    Giving the Tindalls a title isn’t a bad idea actually, if they want it. The Leftovers bench is pretty thin and what other options do the Windsors have? I agree that K is stepping back from public life until she’s QC. W has so far done zilch as heir or to help his ill father manage the family business.

    KC3 can create and bestow titles on anyone, so he can style M&Z as Earl and Countess of Hooten-Tooter, pay them well and start plugging them into the sparsely populated royal calendar. He might even do the same for Phillip. He may not force them to drag their kids into it, but maybe they would be on board for it later. He will leave the Sussexes alone since it’s much harder to remove a title (and it looks bad).

  26. SueinOrleans says:

    So the Windsors are, apparently, choosing Mike Tindall over Meghan Markle. How does that expression go – “when they show you who they are, believe them.”

  27. Henny Penny says:

    Relieved of what? He does not do any work.

    I think the questions about what is wrong with William are only going to get louder and more pressing as time goes by because it’s obvious that something is very seriously wrong with him.

    And having watched Diana’s funeral live as it unfolded, I think it’s obvious what happened to William, and why we’re now watching the well-deserved fall of the House of Windsor.

    In the days after her death, Charles and Betty were being openly accused of killing Diana (overtly or covertly, take your pick). To protect those responsible for their mother’s death, Phil, Betty, and Chuck mercilessly used a 15-year old kid and his little brother as human shields by forcing them to march tearlessly across London behind an empty box pretending their dead mother’s body was inside to distract the crowds from their rage.

    And then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, after being told to keep his tears inside, after being used in such a disgraceful manner by the adults who should have been taking care of and protecting him and his mother, William was forced to go out into the crowds to console their outpouring of grief for his dead mother while he, her own son, was forbidden from shedding even one tear.

    Whatever happened to William happened that day when Harry turned to the people for comfort while William’s unshed tears curdled into contempt for his own subjects.

    They tried to hide it by using his younger brother as a distraction. They tried to hide it by forcing him to marry a brainless sack of hair he didn’t love. They tried to hide it by sticking him with three children he didn’t want.

    They’ve tried to hide it a million ways, and now they are going to try to hide it behind Shrek and Fiona. Good luck with that!

    • Rnot says:

      Don’t forget at least one serious brain injury, probably more. He has all the hallmarks:impulsivity, severe irritability, affective instability, and apathy.

  28. Tessa says:

    More likely the Tindall children will participate in equestrian sports like their mother and grandmother–maybe in a future Olympics

  29. Athena says:

    Why do they need to complicate everything. They could have asked QEII’s granddaughters, Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie to show up at some charities and ribbon cutting events (with undisclosed financial compensation) for a time while the rest of the family recovers from their illnesses. This would have been good P.R. Royalists would soak it up. It would have shown a family working together. So much better than the now year five attacks on two people who have left.

  30. BeanieBean says:

    I don’t understand. For years we’ve been hearing about Charles’ wish for a slimmed down monarchy. They got one. It’s boring & doesn’t give much to the tabloids to write about, but oh well, this is what they wanted. Makes zero sense to talk about beefing up appearances by the rest of the family, that’s just not what Charles wants.

  31. Rnot says:

    What a canny long-term planner Charles is! What superb managerial decision-making he demonstrates! His strategic foresight will secure the institution of the monarchy for generations! He’s done such an excellent job of preparing his successor!


  32. Flower says:

    This article has got the Tindall-Phillip’s mitts all over it.

    Zara has always wanted to be ‘closer to the centre’ and I suspect this is her campaign for Mike to get an Earldom now that Eddie and Soph have their reversible Dukedom.

    I do not see Charles giving Mike any sort of title but hey they can try. In fact I think this article will piss Charles off even more. William on the other hand might indulge them, but I seriously doubt that given the precedence of Zara;s own parents and Princess Margaret.

    • sunnyside up says:

      There can be no justification for an Earldom for Mike, they do nothing for the King as far as I can see, he has no class and no work ethic.

  33. Lavendel says:

    There is probably a lot of pressure to be exerted, because no one wants to be forced into a similarly hideous role as Harry and Meghan. They are looking for children for the palace, so that with the help of their press they can once again construct good/bad, beautiful/ugly, clever/stupid. There must be a new generation to play the old hideous, sick game of annihilation with.

  34. Kelsey says:

    LOLOLOL they have utterly lost the plot. Pack it up, time to go home.

  35. Mel says:

    You are scraping underneath the barrel if you want to send Mike Tindall out there as a representative. I hope they’re all prepared to be mortified on a minute by minute basis. He has no couth.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Oh jeez you’re right. He’s not just uncouth; he is a gaping void utterly barren of couth.

  36. therese says:

    Mike Tindall already thinks he’s royal. At least that’s what I have thought for a while, maybe started thinking that when he snubbed Prince Harry. I don’t like Zara’s bitch of a husband.

  37. Penelope Cowell Doe says:

    I suppose Tindall makes Keen and Pegs look classy.

  38. Fig says:

    If they really want to modernize the monarchy, look to Sweden. Victoria and her family post unpretentious photos, there was an adorable video of Oscar and Estelle learning to fold the Swedish flag properly. They are royal but come across as very authentic

  39. Visa Diva says:

    I want yo know about these Balmoral “summits” is there an agenda, are their briefing books sent in advance, are consultants brought in to facilitate breakout sessions. 😆😆😆

  40. Agreatreckoning says:

    Apolgize for not directly posting underneath the commenter who said ‘Shreck & Fiona’, love, love , love. They’re the BRF secret weapon now and again. The BM (if not for their awfulness is a great comedy show).

    Are the BM/BRF trying to appeal to younger ones with a Shreck & Fiona royal family?

    It’s a disservice to the real characters.

  41. sunnyside up says:

    Well if they were the royals opening a bridge, I wouldn’t bother to turn up for them.

  42. Newt says:

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa – breath – haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    That was my true reaction to this headline. This is what happens when you let a petulant hot head continue to get away with with being those things.

    Some people have wondered what Williams deal is; Harry told us in Spare. He’s a jealous, angry man who will go off for seemingly no good reason. The Tindal’s stepping in will probably put a pep in his step and force him to ‘work’ some because he won’t like someone else getting attention. This is probably a well honed tactic by Buckingham Palace to get William off his a**.

  43. Izzy says:

    Lol good luck with that. As soon as the Tindalls start doing even a half-decent job and/or doing more than the Waleses for an extended amount of time, the inevitable comparisons will start and then the snide backhanded comments about how the Waleses are lazy. THEN the firm will start throwing the Tindalls under the bus. “Rinse and Repeat” is the only thing this group seems capable of.