Bennifer’s split covers People Mag, it’s almost entirely Jennifer Lopez’s narrative

No surprises here: the Bennifer split is the cover of this week’s People Magazine. People would have chosen the split as their cover no matter what, but they’ve also gotten a sh-tload of exclusives from Jennifer’s team in the past week. I believe Ben’s side is talking to the gossip media too, and they have been talking for months, but this past week has been almost entirely about Jennifer’s narrative and her side of things. And I’m glad! I’m glad she’s putting this sh-t out there because a lot of people have been attacking her and putting all of the blame on her. She loved Ben and fought to make the marriage work – he passive-aggressively tapped out of the marriage and started banging Kick Kennedy. Team JLo Forever for me. There’s a lot in the cover story which we’ve covered in recent days, but here are some highlights:

Different people: “They are very different people,” says a source who knows both stars. “She’s super public and is more social, and he’s more of an introvert and is happy to hang out at home.”

Ben’s moods: Another source says Affleck was prone to “mood swings,” with “big highs and big lows. Who he said he was and who he turned out to be were two different people.” It was a cloud that hung over the relationship, adds an Affleck source: “He doesn’t understand how his bad mood affects people around him.”

Their separation through the spring & summer: Lopez, says the source, was still hoping to navigate a path forward with her husband during that time. “She tried really hard to make things work,” says the fifth insider. But Affleck — who bought a $20 million L.A. mansion in July when Lopez was staying on the East Coast at her house in the Hamptons — wasn’t as invested.

The Kick Kennedy rumor: Two sources say he has been quietly spending time with actress Kick Kennedy, 36, the daughter of former U.S. presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr., since June, though an Affleck insider calls romance speculation “garbage. There’s definitely nothing going on. I don’t think they even know each other.”

J.Lo is going stand up for J.Lo: Still, Affleck wasn’t giving his wife “any signs that he wants to continue their marriage,” says a Lopez insider. “It got to the point that she just needs to look out for herself.”

Ben was torturing her: “It’s been incredibly difficult for her that Ben chose to pull away from their marriage and move on with his life, leaving her behind,” says the source. “She didn’t want a divorce. She wanted to figure things out. They love each other. Jennifer is not the type to just give up. It’s been almost torture for her to wait around.” And “after filing for divorce, she seems relieved,” the source adds. “Her family and friends agree that it was the right decision.She’s surrounded by a lot of love and support. She’ll be fine. She’s strong and always comes out on top.”

[From People Magazine]

“Who he said he was and who he turned out to be were two different people.” Yikes. I mean, I would assume the same, that Ben’s celebrity image is much different than the man at home on a daily basis. That’s true of most celebrities, but all of this talk about “his bad mood” and “mood swings” and “his darkness” indicate a much wider disparity between the public and the private Ben. “It’s been almost torture for her to wait around.” I wonder what was said between them in the spring, when clearly something happened and they separated. Jennifer seemingly spent the summer waiting for Ben to come running back to her, or at least she hoped for Ben to say something about how he wanted to save their marriage.

Cover courtesy of People, additional photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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33 Responses to “Bennifer’s split covers People Mag, it’s almost entirely Jennifer Lopez’s narrative”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    At least Ben’s handlers realize admitting he was fooling around while married while his wife was desperately trying to make it work is a bad look. I think Ben is off the wagon and does not GAF about his reputation right now, and is doing whatever while his team is frantically trying to cover up his blatant affair and perhaps substance abuse. Supposedly, Ben is working right now and I wonder if there will be leaks from the set. TMZ has some pretty deep connections, even if they always take the man’s side.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    He’s been trying to put the blame on her for weeks. I have no problem with her standing up to him being a bully.

  3. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    This guy has been married to two incredible women, who were clearly doing all the heavy lifting in terms of the relationship and taking care of his ego. Yet he couldn’t make it work with either of them. I hate to agree with her on anything, but Goop was right. Ben always defaults to self-sabotage.

  4. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Agreed. She needs another ARod, but without the wandering eye.

  5. Kansasgal says:

    I was quietly wondering if BA had stepped out on JLo. That seems to be her red line in relationships. All of this talk about his mood swings makes me wonder if he has undiagnosed bipolar disorder.

    • Nicole says:

      This. At the very least, I think his substance abuse is tied to self medicating. My dad is undiagnosed depression order and OCD. He could stand to be on medication but he chooses alcohol and weed. Affleck has an absent father with a history of alcohol abuse. I strongly suspect that he has unprocessed trauma and drinks when stuff bubbles up. Until he can truly focus on himself, his trauma, and not anesthetizing his feelings with relationships and substances it will be lather, rinse, repeat.

    • Meredith says:

      Plenty of people are moody without diagnosable disorders. His moodiness is not surprising— he’s looked like a black cloud since they married.

  6. Flamingo says:

    Honestly, finally filing for divorce was the best thing Jennifer ever did. Now no one is talking how mean she was to a server or salesperson in a store on Tik Tok.

    And it’s giving context to how she was at the Met Gala she was reeling from newly separating from Ben and had to push through with her commitments. Of course, she wasn’t going to be bubbly and happy.

    Her career took a hit, and she is going to bounce right back. I just hope she does not keep repeating her behavior of needed a man to complete herself. Take a couple years off from dating and date yourself. There is always some tech zillionaire that would love nothing more to date her down the road.

    • Neeve says:

      Where is this incessant rumour other than here about her treating people badly?I know her as a diva as much the Mariahs and Nicki Minajs but never hesrd anywhere else that she treats people badly.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        Servers and staff have posted on TikTok and Twitter about her behavior. It is who she is. 🤷🏽‍♀️

      • Meredith says:

        I think one incident gets repeated over and over by people who think they have the inside scoop on her character. She was probably just caught dealing with incompetence while already in a bad mood.

      • Flamingo says:

        @Neeve it started as a Tik Tok trend for people to come forward with bad celebrity experiences. Jennifer was brought up as someone who treated people badly. Of course, other actors/singers were mentioned too. But Jennifer was brought up a lot in videos.

        It’s not a rumor or am I discounting their experiences. Jennifer’s team also struck TIk Tok blind item revealer favorite Kyle Marisa Roth and had her main account taken down. Before she passed away. And she was very vocal about it. Also, turning the tide against her. Then add her creative projects not panning out. It was a very bad, no-good year for Jennifer.

        I am just pointing out people are finally now looking at Ben and his behavior toward her. And people being able to put things into context how she been reported on since April.

        I hope she takes her experiences and puts into her art, and just burn it all down. in her art.

      • Keaton says:

        I think Ben treated her like sh** so I don’t have an issue with her striking back.
        But stories about her being mean to service workers go WAY back. It’s not a new thing that just started recently on TikTok.

      • Jaded says:

        Lots of history of her being rude to lesser mortals.

  7. Sunshile says:

    Ben is so terrible but Jlo was running after him months after he broke up with her and calling him their ‘hero’ in June on IG when she still had hopes for reconciliations.
    I’m sorry but she needs to take accountabilities too, this man cheated on her with strippers, called their wedding, spent years blaming her and still took him back when she could have let his emails unread.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      Yes! Say it louder! She knew what he did to her years ago & she still wanted him, wanted the fantasy. TeamStopRevisitingPastRelationships

    • Flamingo says:

      Agree with that, even Jessica Simpson left John Mayer on read. And he played games as much as if not worse than Ben Affleck has.

      Still glad Jennifer filed pro per. It was all the PR statement we needed.

  8. Sophie says:

    How does he go from ‘not going anywhere’ to emotionally checked out in just two years?

  9. Somebody Nobody says:

    It’s like he’s willing to burn himself to the ground in terms of his personal reputation but super protective of his professional reputation.

  10. Angie says:

    This “He doesn’t understand how his bad mood affects people around him.” is absolute garbage. He DOESN’T CARE would be more accurate. The man is 50. He knows how he affects people.

  11. MJ says:

    I remember Jennifer Garner saying about Ben Affleck when they divorced “when his sun shines on you, you feel it but when the sun is shining elsewhere it’s cold. He can cast quite the shadow.” A leopard never changes it’s spots!

  12. Melody says:

    There’s nothing new in this article, it’s just a compilation of the last leaks we already saw elsewhere. Unless there is more in the original People article of course.
    I don’t think there is anything scandalous about their breakup. It was a bad decision to get married so fast, but I understand the motivations at the time and they obviously were both genuine as the no prenup indicate. They do are 2 very different people and maybe it could have worked out if they have took it slow when they got back in touch.
    Ben pulled out and I’m sure he was done and sure about his decision when he moved out. She had hopes and it took her few months to meet reality. There’s nothing shameful about it and it is sad for both of them.
    I don’t think Ben felt off the wagon, because I don’t believe he would putt his kids or his relationship with them in danger. He learned that lesson at least and I would say that putting them above anything else is what keeps him dry.
    I also don’t believe that Damon would facilitate or encourage him in anyway to be intimate with “party” people. They are business partners now, so he needs Ben at his best.

    • Carolnr says:

      @ MELODY
      I don’t believe that Matt Damon encourages Ben to engage with” party people”, either; however, I don’t think Matt can stop Ben from jeopardizing his sobriety, either. ( no one can but Ben) Matt has alot of other celebrity friends ( Krasinski/ Blunt, The Hemsworth’s ( to name a few). And if you take notice, Ben is NOT INCLUDED in those other friendships..

  13. Isabella says:

    Ben looked completely out of it at the Tom Brady roast, They even had to pull his content. So I think he has slipped, Sadly, caring about your kids isn’t enough to cure an addict. He has always had this problem.

  14. Jilly says:

    I just remember all those pictures of them at dinners during their honeymoon where he looked like he was crying and even sometimes having a temper tantrum. He literally looked like a big baby. I was shocked even then that the media wasn’t making more comments about his moods.

  15. Jane Blake says:

    Didn’t Sir Lewis hit on JLo at this year’s Met Gala when Ben didn’t show? Lewis talked about it on a stage with George Russell!

  16. Pinkosaurus says:

    Can you imagine the gossip meltdown if JLo shows up at some F1 races with Lewis Hamilton? Supernova. I hope she chooses herself for once and takes a break and just hangs out with all the various kids for a bit, but if she doesn’t, Sit Lewis is an excellent jump off now that she’s legally separated 🥵

  17. Polly says:

    This dude has definitely left JLo messages like “I miss you/us/our family” and then is like “why would you think I want to get back together? I can’t tell you how I’m feeling?”