Prince Harry will visit New York in September for UN Climate Week

A month ago, Earthshot announced that they were planning another Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit in New York. Last year’s “summit” was a sad affair, designed specifically so Prince William could wander around New York, pretending to be a global statesman. He made “announcements” at a hotel, he got a photo-op with the UN Secretary-General, and he “took a meeting at the UN,” if you mean across from the UN building. Last year’s trip was specifically designed as William’s “version” of Prince Harry’s multiple trips to New York, including Harry being invited to speak on Mandela Day. This year’s Earthshot summit is scheduled for September 24, and as of yet, old Huevo has not confirmed whether or not he will attend. Well, something hilarious has happened. Prince Harry has confirmed that HE is going to be in New York for UN Climate Week. Oh my god.

Prince Harry’s next official trip has been revealed. On Aug. 27, a spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex announced that Harry is set to visit New York City during UN General Assembly High-level Week and Climate Week. Climate Week kicks off on Sept. 22 and runs until Sept. 29, while High-level Week runs from Sept. 23 to Sept. 27.

Prince Harry, 39, will be in N.Y.C. to “advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives,” the spokesperson said. “He will participate in engagements with African Parks, The HALO Trust, The Diana Award, and Travalyst.”

Harry will also “be furthering the work of The Archewell Foundation, the nonprofit organization he co-founded with his wife Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex,” the spokesperson added.

The September timing coincides with another event happening in New York City around Prince William’s Earthshot Prize. On Sept. 24, the Prince of Wales’ global environmental contest and Bloomberg Philanthropies will co-host the third annual Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit at the iconic Plaza Hotel.

It remains unclear whether Prince William will attend the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit like he did last year. The late September date falls after his kids Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis go back to school following the summer holidays.

No expectations have been set for William’s wife Kate Middleton’s return to public work as she continues to undergo treatment for cancer.

[From People]

I’ve thought all along that William would try to make a trip to New York into an annual thing every September. That being said, the man is extremely lazy and he also gets terribly bored of things pretty quickly. So maybe it wasn’t his intention to come this year. Now that Harry plans to be in New York? Well, I imagine dishes and pillows are being thrown. I imagine Michael Bloomberg is getting a ragey transatlantic phone call. I imagine William is absolutely going to try to go to New York now. I would love it if Meghan joined Harry, but the Archewell people are pretty clearly saying that this is a business trip just for Harry. I feel like he’ll be able to move around undetected with more ease if Meghan isn’t around too. I will absolutely love it if Harry actually takes more meetings at the actual UN.

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52 Responses to “Prince Harry will visit New York in September for UN Climate Week”

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  1. Eurydice says:


    Harry’s all “Dude, you’ll be on my turf now.”

    And I love that William might not attend his own summit because he has to do the school run in September.

    • UnstrungPearl says:

      The school run excuse is always so weird to me. Is it meant to make them sound relatable? Because most parents have to juggle kids/school/work/household without the benefit of staff or millions in the bank. The pretence is just insulting.

      • Eurydice says:

        I think it started out as just a throwaway bit, that Will was helping out with the kids – but it morphed into this whole blanket reasoning for why Will can’t do this, that or the other.

      • Wagiman says:

        The thing to me is, as per everything, they don’t understand how tone deaf it is and how offensive it is to everyone else. But the Britshit media keep perpetrating it like it makes billion pound willy an every day man? It’s so offensive..

    • Uh oh Harry is invited to the UN and Peg was only adjacent and tried to be photographed at the UN. Yes a very big tantrum is being thrown as we speak and his yes men are trying to line something anything up right now lol.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        This article had me CACKLING.
        This is going to be comedy gold.
        Laying odds on Huevo rage stroking out before he can even get on the plane?

        Fingers crossed Harry has another trip in him that will cross up Cluck and Cloppy’s media coverage in October when they jet to the CHOGM in Samoa. I would LOVE that for them. Better yet, let that be the week of the ARO launch! 🤭🤣 Richard Eden will be in full meltdown because he’s still salty that Meghan didn’t mail him a jar of jam.

    • Lau says:

      I hope that Harry will start to goad his manchild of a brother like that more often.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    I would die if the paparazzi get pics of Harry jogging in Central Park, but I’m a petty betch. The incandescent rage must be epic in whatever hidey hole William is bunkered in. “Africa and New York are MINE, Harold!!!1!1!” 😠

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    I just love how the Sussexes just ignores the noise and get on with their work and philanthropic endeavors. Wishing Prince Harry a successful trip.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Same. Hope it goes very well.I’m glad it will shine a spotlight on the other charities he’s involved with and the work they do, because the UK press is now trying to say Harry only has Invictus and will that be enough, when he clearly has many more causes he cares about. What a great way to celebrate turning 40 by highlighting these organizations.

  4. Feeshalori says:

    New York has become a battleground state.😉

    • Vixxo says:


    • Amy Bee says:

      For William, not Harry.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Thank you. It’s a one-sided battle. Harry was visiting NY long before William did his stunt.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Either way, it looks like our state is becoming a contentious situation and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if William got off his butt to scurry here because of Harry. It aggravates me that he would consider that we’re a territory that he needs to appropriate and defend because of his unresolved issues with his brother. We left that behind over 200 years ago.

    • swaz says:

      It sure looks that way 🤣🤣🤣TEAM HARRY.

    • Gabby says:

      New York in September is MINE Harold! MINE! MINE! MINE!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Freeshalori, I’m glad I don’t live near there–the next thing you know Billy Idle will be giving speeches in the town square!

  5. UnstrungPearl says:

    Sounds like Harry has a good, productive trip planned. Focused and relevant, I’m sure he’ll get a lot done!

    Earthshot could actually be useful in the right hands, some very good projects have received money in the past. Unfortunately it’s used as busywork for PW, and he’s clearly bored of it already.

    • Eurydice says:

      At this point, it really looks like Michael Bloomberg has taken it over.

    • Dee(2) says:

      That’s the thing, most of their projects in the right hands could be very beneficial. I don’t think anyone’s opposed to climate solutions, or provide more support for young children, but it’s clear that’s not what they care about. It’s very clear that their initiatives start to directly compete, which means that actual success will never be a concern. I’m sure given the reporting on how the together cookbook has earned so much money, we’re going to get some new claymation video or something about the early years next month.

    • QwietStorm says:

      The only way Earthshot would get the prestige and recognition William desires is if Harry does a Netflix documentary about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, it could be a very useful in the right hands. We know there’s a lot of good climat projects that needs funding around the world. If Earthshit had focused on PR for the projects, instead of Willnot, more people would be aware of them, and more people might have invested. The fact they didn’t even invited the winners to recieve the prize at the show in the US, but chose to fly in Beckham from Dubai, speaks clearly about Earthshot being an egotrip for Willnot.

      • Eurydice says:

        That was changed last year when the awards were in Singapore. The winners (and maybe the finalists?) were invited and were able to network. But I think that was more Bloomberg’s doing than William’s.

  6. Duchess of hazard says:

    Good hunting. Its nice to see Harry and Meghan doing things separately as well as a unit.

  7. Jais says:

    Honestly, if William goes, he should send Harry a thank you note bc he will automatically get more attention than the last time he went. Barely anyone noticed. But this time, the BM and even some America media will breathlessly report about the two brothers being in the same city. It would be more of a publicity heat score than he usually gets. And it would all be due to Harry’s presence but yeah he can ride those coattails if his ego can take it.

  8. Tessa says:

    So who does the school runs if huevo gets sick.

  9. Vixxo says:

    I love it. More countries will use the opportunity to invite the Sussexes. Travelyst needs more attention to be honest. It’s such an amazing tool

    • kirk says:

      Agree on Travalyst. It’s totally changed the way flight information is presented across all platforms. I’d bet Travalyst impact on climate change far outweighs anything done by Earthspit regardless of how much money Bloomberg throws at it. Meanwhile in other news, France reclaimed its crown as the world’s most favorite international destination (even before the Olympics!), while visitors to UK attractions are still below pre-pandemic levels 😞

      • kirk says:

        Also thinking donation to Halo Trust for Ukraine is in order. Have been wondering about Ukraine mine clearing activities relative to Invictus since it doesn’t appear that people doing the mine clearing work are all military.

  10. Tina says:

    Ok I laughed so hard when I saw this last night. Personally the fact that William hadn’t RSVPed yet for this event kinda made me feel like he wasn’t planning on it. He worked so hard last year….went into a river, did a fake run through Central Park, there was the awkward meeting with a president and the awkward photo op at the UN. Oh and the awkward thing with the firefighters where people asked where Kate was….I just don’t think the trip got any attention and the attention it did was kinda mocking. So if I was William I would be skipping this but now that Harry’s coming I wonder. Are his team being called back in from their two month vacation to plan some busywork in NY? Let’s get our popcorn ready.

    • MrsCope says:

      So I think he would use Harry’s presence as an excuse to not come. “Magnanimous Wills “wants the Earthshot Summit to be about the cause not the rift, so he’ll make a satellite appearance and his minions will tsk tsk in the tabs about how Harry hijacked Wills’plans and didn’t coordinate with the family because he’s so busy building his rival court.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    One of the events Harry will be attending involves the Diana awards, I think that means William will not be going to New York.

    • tamsin says:

      I thought William did a Diana event last year, so is this year Harry’s turn? They seem to be taking turns on “leading’ the event.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    And jealous Will-not starts a new wave of online/media abuse to be directed at Harry/Meghan in 3, 2, 1…. Lort. I really want pics of Harry jogging in central park. I also appreciate the more pro-active media strategy Harry/Meghan’s team is using. Wonder what is Willy’s version of ketchup on the walls? When will the media address the elephant in the room? Willy is a 42 year old man who clearly has something wrong with him that makes him unfit to be king. The media really needs to focus on the actual, tax payer funded problem and leave private citizens alone.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    Peggy is definitely not showing up now because he knows Prince Harry will be holding real meetings on site with the important people not manning what amounts to a science fair booth off site for people to look at. Peggy will be at home rage calling the rota as “a friend close to” or a “source close to” the Sussex’s for the next month .

  14. Proud Mary says:

    Funny to see the shunned Spare, doing more work than the 25-million-pound-per-year, future King. The stone the builders rejected, has become the corner stone.

  15. seaflower says:

    Willie will either immediately announce so many more events than Harry in NY (all UN adjacent), or will be caring for poor sick Kate. Take your pick.

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    CIII better watch his back and have a food taster. The last time there was meant to be a great deal of NYC/UN Sussex activity and international press visibility they pillowed… Um… I mean, QEII passed away.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Becky English is reporting that William is not going to be in NY this year. She’s pointing out that he didn’t go the year but she’s left that he was scheduled to be there but had to cancel because the Queen died.

    • S808 says:

      There’s no way he’d be going there when there’s a 90% chance H would dominate headlines. I doubt he’d want the direct comparison of work either.

      • MrsCope says:

        Good point. Especially since he was terrified he would get Harry questions last year. He can’t control the media over here the way he can over there.

  18. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Harry’s packing in a lot while he’s there. Travelist is a great entity and I hope it gets wide exposure. Since Archewell is doing a lot in different countries, it’s possible we’ll be hearing about more trips. The Diana Awards is such a great organization. I hope he gets donations to further everything it does.

    This seems like a great way to meet the people you need to meet and to bring exposure for the organizations Harry is involved with. Go Harry!

  19. tamsin says:

    Apparently William was never slated to attend as he has “other plans.” One would have thought that the EarthShot summit would be a priority in William’s calendar as he is founder and patron. I imagine they have enough time to make up “other plans” before UN week starts. William is really a pathetic, unreliable, and generally useless patron due mostly to his apparent laziness, causing a lack of sustained intellectual and emotional support and commitment for any cause or issue. Perhaps he will zoom- hasn’t he declared that he will be zoom king? Better yet, he could be the first AI king.

  20. QuiteContrary says:

    The American prince is leaving the British prince in the dust.

  21. bisynaptic says:

    I admire Harry, a great deal, but I despair that our climate conversation is being led by people with very high carbon footprints. That’s not how we’re going to get out of this mess.