Princess Diana’s death will be explored in a new docuseries, ‘Who Killed Diana?’

One of my pet peeves is when people act as if no one has ever told Princess Diana’s story, or as if people don’t really know about her. While many young people are newly fascinated with Diana, people who were alive in the 1980s and ‘90s remember a lot about Diana. As the years pass, and I’ll just speak for myself here, the more I think that there are still a lot of unanswered questions about Diana’s death and everything that happened that night in Paris. Well, Deadline reports that a docuseries is being made called Who Killed Diana? Provocative title.

Ahead of the anniversary of the tragedy in Paris, a new docuseries about Princess Diana is in the works. EverWonder Studio, the company founded by former Time Studios President Ian Orefice and backed by Jeff Zucker’s RedBird IMI, is teaming with Emma Cooper’s Empress Films, the company behind Netflix docs Depp vs. Heard and The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe, on a three-part series.

Who Killed Diana? will explore the circumstances surrounding the death of the Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997. It will feature rare and, in some cases, the first ever interviews with several key sources connected to the accident that caused Diana’s death. It will cast new light on the case that has captured the world’s attention for decades.

It is the first of a broader franchise between EverWonder and Empress, which was also behind Netflix’s Who Killed Jill Dando?. The strand will look at the shocking deaths of iconic figures, hoping to uncover new information about the circumstances that led to the notable deaths, while examining the human stories and historical context at the center of these cases.

[From Deadline]

There were several series and documentaries done around the 25th anniversary of her death in 2022. Discovery+ did a docuseries called The Diana Investigations, which leaned heavily into the British investigation into Diana’s death, conducted by Lord Stevens. He gave interviews back in 2022 and I’m still struck by how selective he was with who he believes and what really happened. Also in 2022: several of the former al-Fayed bodyguards gave interviews, and two of them swore up and down that British intelligence was heavily monitoring Diana that whole summer. That’s partially shown in The Crown as well – Charles and the family openly discuss Diana’s activities and whereabouts constantly. All of which to say… yeah, I’ll probably watch this. I hope they really talk about some of the “conspiracies” too. Like the “blinding flash” story. And the messiness about Henri Paul’s alcohol level.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.

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121 Responses to “Princess Diana’s death will be explored in a new docuseries, ‘Who Killed Diana?’”

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  1. Interested Gawker says:

    And that the vehicle was immediately scrapped which prevented the automaker from doing their own examination and troubleshooting of the car afterwards.

    • And that the docuseries should focus on the known lies and disinformation campaign that the BM and RF not only created and paid for, but that that they continue to this day.

      We can start with “Diana did not want security, we offered it to her” lie

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Absolutely that.

        They can reference Harry’s fight with RAVEC in the courts, and ask if this is the first or the second time that the BRF has pulled a stunt like this? What if Diana had sued RAVEC in the 90s?

      • Ella says:

        They were the primary beneficiaries of her death. Ask any crime detective since the first question they ask is who benefited from this death.

        The royal family clearly can not be trusted with the vast hidden power they have.

        And it needs to be acknowledged that the queen, Prince Phillip and Charles knew about Camilla and did not inform 19 yo Diana what was expected of her.

        They did not protect Diana from the beginning to the end.

        And the queen, and Prince Phillip and Charles have not protected Harry all his life thus far. They used their power against him instead of getting a family therapist which they can easily afford.

        Bystanders are criminals too in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of religion. They used to make royal elite including kings confess their crimes to a priest and send any assassins hired by the king away on years of pilgrimages to the holy land for forgiveness of their crimes/sins since they could not be arrested.
        But that was then.

        Today Charles releases to the press that he talks to priest about possibly repairing his relationship with Harry but it’s all for show when the real reason is that the political social tides are no longer in Charles favor after the Tory 10 yr rule was ended by the British public. Two weeks ago he suddenly made a ‘pretend’ decision that he stopped funding his brothers security coincidentally after it was revealed Harry & Meghan paid their own way on their South American tour.

        Even piers Morgan knows the Tory pro royals audience has shrunken and now regularly mentions to his guests “you know I’m not a conservative” or “I’m a moderate like bill Maher.”
        Yeah right.

    • LRB says:

      And the messiness about why she didn’t go to the nearest hospital … she was alive at the scene. She always wore a seatbelt, the seatbelts were faulty… why? I really feel for Harry though, because he too must believe there are things that are being hidden. And as well as the pain of loosing his mother there are the further potential implications for his wife and children.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      To me, the fact they lied that she didn’t want security is the biggest problem. She should have had total security. Being forced to enter que car quickly to escape the paparazzi, and the driver speeding to the point she hadn’t even adjusted her seatbelt.

  2. Carty says:

    I’m a firm believer that the RF was behind her death. Never changing my mind on that. In fact, everything that they’ve done to Harry and Meghan has cemented that in my mind.

    • Sam says:

      Absolutely. I mean she wrote a note that she is afraid that Charles wants to kill her in a car crash. Exactly how it happened later. There are no conspiracy theories. This is not a coincidence. It couldn’t be clearer.

      • Sam says:

        …I’m already getting annoyed that there won’t be a word about this in this new documentary, because you just can’t criticize the BRF in public. Otherwise you’re the devil and have hundreds of lawyers paid for by taxpayers to deal with…

      • Jais says:

        Here’s hoping the doc won’t mind criticizing the BRF. It doesn’t seem to be made by the BM so there’s some hope.

      • nunya says:

        she PREDICTED it based on intel.
        She knew. Now WE know

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I am with you in believing that also..100%

    • Nlopez says:


    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      Finally. I want more of this… investigating her death.

    • Megan says:

      Diana was so exploited by the press while she alive. I wish they would just let her rest in peace.

    • JanetDR says:

      @Carty, it was my first thought when it happened.

      • CatMum says:

        mine also. I immediately thought, OMG, they actually bumped her off.

        people laughed at me for years for thinking so, but whatever.

        there are many loose ends: the driver’s blood test results. missing vehicles. video recording “failure.” scrapping the car so quickly. there’s so much. let’s hope they actually look into it and don’t just rehash all the old vague explanations.

        then there’s the NYC car chase, where they were using the same playbook to try to get Harry, Meghan, and Doria.

      • CherryBerry says:

        I recall that being my first thought as well. I compare it to Epsteins death, everyone instantly knew it was murder.

    • Kat says:


      There’s literally nothing on Earth that will convince me otherwise. Those bastards (RF) didn’t want even the slightest hint of a possibility that Diana would marry Dodi and even moreso did not want ANY possibility of her kids with Charles having Egyptian step-siblings.

      When the RF were total bastards to M & H once they were married, and there was such nastiness over their children being black/”too black”, it just confirmed my original thoughts about Diana/Dodi and their deaths.

      • I remember the headline and the comments in the fail in the days before. It was all about how the royal family would not put up with Diana possibly getting maried to a man with brown skin,

        Y am saying it nicely, they were not

      • I remember the headline and the comments in the fail in the days before. It was all about how the royal family would not put up with Diana possibly getting married to a man with brown skin.

        I am saying it nicely, they were not

        The comments in the mail were all about how do we solve the “Diana Problem” and perish the though that Wills and Harry would have a brown step dad

    • Marjorie Austin says:

      Amen sister

    • maisie says:

      I absolutely 100% believe that her death was orchestrated, likely between MI5 and the palace. By the time of her death she had become an “inconvenient woman”. they got rid of her.

      • Mayp says:

        For a long time I believed that it was just a tragic series of events that led to Diana’s death. Bad security, bad driver, drinkichased by the paparazzi, mysterious flashing light… I never really bought into the conspiracy theories UNTIL Harry and Meghan were chased by the paps in New York City. What if the palace was the instigation for the paparazzi chase in Paris which set all of it in motion? In other words, what if the Palace said to the press, all bets are off, chase her as you will. Chances are if the paps are sicced on someone and literally chase them down, something bad could happen. And, what if they said the same thing about Harry and Meghan in New York city? What if the paps knew that the Palace wanted them chased and their life put in danger?

    • Sid says:

      Yes. The Oprah interview with the Sussexes put many things in perspective and was the final bit that firmly put me in the camp of the BRF had a hand in Diana’s death, whether directly or indirectly.

      Back when she died I remember thinking it was odd that Chuck was the one to go and get her body from France to bring back. She had 3 whole grown siblings and plenty of friends. Why was he the one to do it when he never cared two bits about her or her welfare? I now think it was so that no one who cared about her would be on scene in Paris to ask any questions during the process.

      • Thank you Sid!

        With the default deference the UK has to the monarchy, yeah I can see where even her own family let KFC bring her back

        First thing anyone who did not have a reptile heart was in complete shock.

        All the people with reptile hearts including the BRF and BM had a front page that very morning saying that she was a danger to humanity with her deviant woman sex behavior

        Please don’t ask, it happened, look up the articles

    • Gtwiecz says:

      I agree. They had so much to gain. Charles, the RF. Imagine the mother of the future king married to a brown muslim man. Imagine marrying Camilla without the ex getting all the attention.

    • Lily says:

      Saw a few videos on tiktok about her death one of the creator went deep into the story, she said there was a white car in the tunel and that on Dianas car they found white paint to. She said Dodys father had detectives on the case they found the car and the owner in the midle of a field the car burned out totaly and the owner was in it with a bullet in his head. Interesting that after Dianas death ,was the law changed that a monarch can remary even if the ex is still alive, they did not dare to change before that and they had to do it after her death so people would not say she had to die so Charles can be a king. The thing is he is the head of the monarchy also the head of the church and if they did not change their law and Diana would still be alive he could never marry that horse. I never believed that it was a accident there was to much thing that was weird. All the cameras where out, they waited to long to take her to the hospital and the picked not even one that was close, paparazzies chased her yet not one photo of the car

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    The older I get, the more I am struck by just how very young Diana was when she died. She had been headline news for decades at that point, and it just feels like she should have been in her fifties at least given how much she accomplished and changed. She packed so much life into her years.

    • Chaine says:

      Right? And now both of her sons are older than she was when she died. 😭

    • Christine says:

      I am right there with you. Diana did amazing things with the tragically short amount of time she got here on Earth. I do not know how William gets up every day and looks at himself in the mirror without feeling like the absolute failure of a human being that he is.

      Conversely, Harry seems intent on packing so much work into his life that he makes up for his Mom not being able to do more. Those two could not be more different if they tried.

  4. I think we have an idea of who killed Diana. They are a king and side piece who helped orchestrate.

  5. Nicole says:

    I will go to my grave thinking the Crown had something to do with Diana’s death. That may be a conspiracy theory, but I refuse to believe that this is “just” a drunk driving/paparazzi event.

    • Tara says:

      Always told my friends, I hope I will live until its disclosed that it was a murder.

    • I have been through that tunnel, where they crashed was a gentle curve

      It was in no way a corner

      There were people on scooters buzzing in front of her car flashing ultra bright lights into the eyes of her driver and the car they gave her had just come back after having been renovated after a crash,

      The car did not have working seat belts in the back, and if the “reno” people did not check for that, what makes you think they checked that the brakes were working

  6. lanne says:

    I like this for the royal family. I don’t know what to think about Diana’s death, but it’s obvious that the royal family benefitted greatly from it. If they didn’t have an indirect hand, which is as much as I can imagine, they were certainly relieved to have such a problematic and threatening person out of the way.

    More than anything, I hope any re-discussion of Diana prevents the powers that be in the royal family thinking they can get away with another “unfortunate accident.” I think Cain is stupid enough to try it (and maybe he was behind that New York car chase–it was so clumsy that my immediate suspicion went to him).

    • Jais says:

      That’s a good way to think about it. That the re-discussion will prevent any other future “unfortunate accidents.” Keep the sussex family safe.

    • Nanea says:

      Harry’s brother isn’t the only person who wants him gone, Harry’s father does too.

      Charles hates Harry so much that he doesn’t care if he dies or is being attacked. That’s why he pulled the security and leaked their location in Canada.

      I once downloaded a screenshot with exerpts from a Standard article about Harry’s woes with RAVEC.

      Sadly it has no date, and I don’t remember on whose account I found it.

      But here’s the extracted text:
      ● King Charles justifies the government preventing his son from having security by arguing that a successful attack on Prince Harry would not significantly disturb the British public

      ● Sir James said it was “simply incorrect” to suggest that there was no evidence that the issue of impact was considered, adding that the death of Diana, Princess of Wales – Harry’s mother – was raised as part of the decision. He added: “Ravec gave greater weight to the impact on state functions being lessened as a result of the change, over likely significant public upset were a successful attack on (Harry) to take place.”

      Mr Justice Lane will give his judgment over the case at a later date.
      I have no idea who this “Sir James” is, and a quick Google doesn’t bring up anything, no time for an extensive dig right now.

      Just imagine knowing this is how little you mean to your father.

      • lanne says:

        For a father to have this much disregard after his child lost his mother—wow. So it should be clear to all that Harry knows exactly who his father is, and has made peace with the fact that he will never be able to trust his family.

        It makes me recall a moment from Frank Herbert’s Dune, where Princess Irulan, daughter of the Corrino Emporer, writes that some of the attempts on her and her mother and sisters lives came from her father. She writes, Royal families operate differently than other families. Lots more is at stake beyond love and protection. Harry certainly knows this about his father, and harbors no illusions

        I wish that statement of Charles regarding Harry was made public, and talked about openly.

      • Jais says:

        I also remember reading this excerpt.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Nanea, It seems I’ve seen something about this in passing. What I find amazing is that the brf and UK government doesn’t care how the rest of the world will view them if something did happen to Harry or any of the Sussexes on UK soil (God forbid). Do they not get it at all? I don’t believe that the UK public wouldn’t be significantly disturbed, but maybe I’m wrong.

        King Snubby is such a little man.

      • eos says:

        @Nanea, I read that on Twitter and was blown away. Any tiny sympathy I may have harbored for KC bc of his “illness” was wiped out. To think a father would put the life of his son vs his own parasitic existence and decide to sacrifice his son… what a horrid disgusting man.

      • Lily says:

        He took everything from Harry his own son yet he had no probleme paying for Cowmillas family getting security years before their wedding, he even payd for her sons house and put up a trusfund for her children. This women has his balls in a jar beside her bed that’s for sure or simply he hates his son that is more likely since he was a ass after he was born and 4 hours after he took Diana and Harry home he run to horseface

    • Lanne, I know what to think about her death:

      The RF and BM lied about offering her protection that she “turned down” and they continue to lie to this day.

      Stop thinking about her death as if you were on a jury to convict a person of her death

      Start thinking about her death as in WHO HAS BEEN TEELING THE MOST LIES ABOUT HER DEATH

      And as we have all learned, those are the poeple we should be looking at

  7. Kane says:

    The more time that passes the more convoluted this gets. We need to see un redacted reports from that time period.
    it looks like the press got involved and muddy the water in order to make a story; real early.

    I would normally try to keep up with a project like this but the British media stop being fair ages ago. I don’t trust anything they put out. It’s a shame but their system is so corrupt. I see some foreign media is involved so we will see.

  8. Carrie says:

    Who was it most convenient for that Diana no longer be around? Gee. Now let me see… 🥹🙄

  9. Quincytoo says:

    It appears that we all think alike about this. I’ll be watching this, she was so beautiful.

  10. fwiw says:

    If something is ruining the Balmoral vacation, it is news of this documentary. Unlike Spare, they don’t know what truths are in it.

    • Moniquep says:

      This was my very first thought seeing the headline. Then as I was reading the excerpt, I kept looking for Netflix
      and bam!! there goes the Bm spin that Harry and Meghan are somehow involved with this, in order to ruin the Windsors restful down time and or steal their thunder, or just plain old stick to the clan. Cue the weeping and gnashing of teeth in 3.2.1…

    • The truth is they have been lying about it and still are

  11. Eurydice says:

    I hope Diana’s ghost haunts that miserable lot forever.

  12. Square2 says:

    Did the BRF wanted Diana be quiet & gone? Maybe. Did they cause this event that resulted in her death? No.

    I don’t believe in Monach & I despite the BRF; bit I also believe in logic. There were some choices that could’ve been made the whole night before they chose to leave The Ritz Paris & got into car chase w paparazzi. For example, al-Fayed’s father owned the hotel and they ate their dinner in the suite instead of the restaurant (@ Ritz), which was the original plan, because they knew the paparazzi found them. If Diana stayed at the hotel for the night… Also, Henri Paul was off duty so he indulged some wine. He was in no shape to operating a car, but al-Fayed insisted having Heri drove them.

    If Diana had the Royal Protection Officers with her during that time, will the car crash event be avoided? Maybe. I’m just glad Diana’s good hearted son Harry is now out of that soiled fish bowl called British Monach and lives happier life in California with his own lovely family.

    • Catlady says:

      Agreed. Circumstances aside, I’m pretty sure a drunk driver and the lack of a seat belt killed her. No one could have foreseen her not wearing one or forced her not to wear one. Usually the most obvious answer is the correct one.

      • lanne says:

        Except that Diana’s sister said Diana never failed to put on her seatbelt, and seatbelts were missing from that car. And I believe there are questions about Henry Paul and if he was indeed drunk or not.

    • Thanks for Clopping by!

    • sunnyside up says:

      I’m with you as well, too many variables for a conspiracy.

      • An ongoing plan to harm someone or facilitate their death doesn’t have to hinge on one event.

        There MAY have been variables: we don’t know who was privy to Diana’s plans, or how far ahead of time, or who any unproven actors may have been in contact with outside that small group of Dodi, Diana, their driver & security.

        Regardless, there may easily have been an ongoing plan. Payoffs, hacking, monitoring, mechanical problems created by paid agents — all or any of these possibilities and many more could have easily been part of an ongoing plan that came to fruition that night.

        If it hadn’t been that night, it could have been another occasion.

        What we know for sure is that the BRF and especially Charlie and the Side Chick deeply resented Diana and feared her influence both on public opinion and on her sons.

        I don’t have any idea whether they actually had her killed or caused issues that led to her death, or not.

        But I do know that there is absolutely no evidence that actually shows their innocence, let alone proves it.

        Those people have done horrible things to each other and outsiders and the public for generations, all in the name of The Firm. We know this. Why would we assume they’d draw the line at harming Diana?

    • Tessa says:

      Henri paul deftly tied his shoelaces when he was seen on video. Something a person who drank a lot could not do. Why did the security guard who has amnesia noe let Henri drive.

  13. Mina_Esq says:

    The BRF may not have directly been involved, but they certainly created the circumstances for her to be at high risk and insufficiently protected. They tried/are trying to do the exact same thing to Harry. Chuck may not have sent anyone to cause harm to Harry, but his act of removing Harry’s security in Canada and then preventing his security in the UK is making it a whole lot easier for some deranged person to do things. Then add fuel to that deranged fire with all those stories in the British press, et voila. Thank god Diana’s inheritance helped protect Harry and his family.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. AT BEST, the royal family is complicit in Diana’s death, and it certainly looks like they were much more actively involved than it appeared when she died and the palace spin doctors went to work.

      I don’t trust any of them, and I’m so glad Harry and Meghan got out.

  14. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    I’m old enough to remember exactly where I was when I learned Diana had been in a crash, and then that she had died. The sense of disbelief was massive.
    Over the years I’ve come to believe that
    the BRF certainly contributed to putting her in the situation she was in – hounded by the paparazzi, monitored and without proper security. But at the end of the day I’m still of the view she died as a result of a drunk driver and not wearing her seatbelt…

    • Catlady says:

      Agreed, just said the same above!

    • Christine says:

      I was watching “Turbulence” with my father and then-husband and when the movie ended, the TV was on CNN with the breaking news. Turbulence is a TERRIBLE movie, no one should watch it, and I cannot forget it. I remember it better than I remember Deadpool and Wolverine, which I saw just three weeks ago. It is really strange how the human brain processes shocking news.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mtl.ex.pat, you have named two of the issues that need to be looked at. Diana’s sister said that she ALWAYS buckled up. She didn’t because there were no seatbelts (or working seatbelts). No one was able to inspect the car because before the manufactured could get to it it was destroyed.

      The ‘drunk driver’ issue is very far from clear. It seems he likely wasn’t drunk. That’s just the beginning. I am well aware that there are any number of people who don’t believe these are issues that require logical responses. Unfortunately, I think there was too much covering up and we may never know what the truth is.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Why would the car manufacturer want to get rid of the car, they would have to be part of a conspiracy, That would mean even more people involved. Mind you it does seem strange that it wasn’t kept as part of the forensic investigation.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The manufacturer didn’t get rid of it. They requested the right to examine the car’s remains after it happened so their own engineers could go over the wreckage, to figure out what happened and improve upon any weaknesses of design for subsequent models but they were told it had been scrapped already. “They” denied outside access or independent review of that car.

    • Jc says:

      I agree, being hounded, the need to just get away, the chaos, not having enough time before the car sped off, may all have led to her neglecting the seatbelt. Sometimes you just want some peace. I cannot imagine the daily horrors she went through. With their enormous power, the BRF should have stepped in and told the papers to give her some breathing room and provided the proper security. Hateful lot.

      • Tessa says:

        The guard should have checked that all were buckled up. If the seat belts did not work another car should be used. The guard saw the numbers of people on motorbikes and taken precautions. Diana would have buckled up had the seat belts functioned

      • So we all agree that her “accident” might not have happened if she had been given proper security

        The kind of security anyone who is made Daily Heil target of hate might expect?

        The kind of security the son of the king might expect?

    • CLOVE says:

      @Mtl.ex.pat same here! I remember it because it was a holiday weekend in the US, and it didn’t sit well with me. I remember her saying in an interview that her husband would have her killed in a car crash, and that’s what is what happened.
      I said that morning that he did it when it was announced to the world, and I still believe it! I don’t care what their investigation said because it proved nothing!

    • Tessa says:

      So many inconsistencies . Diana s sisters said publicly she always buckled up. And if Henri were drunk why did the security guard let him drive. The guard can’t say since he has amnesia.

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    I don’t think the royals had a direct hand in her death. But I believe that British Intelligence had her under surveillance, not just that weekend, but at all times. And I keep thinking of Henry II’s complaint within earshot of courtiers: “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” If the opportunity presented itself, there were people in place to make it happen.

    • lanne says:

      With the current royals, I believe they are stoking the hatred of the Sussexes precisely to get a crazy person to do the dirty work for them. Stochastic terrorism.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I tend to agree but I also think that her ‘relationship’ with Dodi was why she was being followed – his father was an extremely dodgy businessman with even dodgier links to the Saudi and Dubai RF.

      What happened that night was a series of bad decisions – moving around, changing the car (which was not fit for the road), changing drivers etc..

      If there was a plot – why do we think Diana was the target? Dodi had a target on his back because of who his father was.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “If there was a plot – why do we think Diana was the target?”

        We don’t have to think she was “the target” or he was “the target” either one of them could have been “collateral damage” for the other or they were both targets together. The fact of the matter is they were both killed, the circumstances around that night and the aftermath remain suspicious and Diana’s notoriety as a magnet for aggressive photographers was cover and the means to flood the public with the idea that the paps were to blame immediately after the crash was announced. Tom Cruise called CNN in America to complain about those motorcycle paps and imprinting that narrative to mass audiences and other reporting media outlets in the US when the idea Diana had only suffered a broken arm was floating about. The idea the crash was the photographer’s fault was prevalent in the public mind enough Madonna removed a scene paps chasing her car at night out of one of her videos in the11th hour before it was released. In Madonna’s case she behaved out of respect reading the mood of the public. In Cruise’s case he might have genuinely been moved to complain to a major American news outlet as a movie star who experienced this harassment and CNN happy to have content while they waited for an update but in retrospect that he jumped in first blaming the paps does seem odd.

        No photographers were arrested. Many aspects of that night do not make sense as they were explained by the official channels afterwards. Look how the pulled H&M’s security. Why was The Mirror ‘surprised’ H was in New York early in the night of the car chase? Who set the fire in their child’s room in SA? (and floated an offensive hashtag on SM to go viral in SA when M mentioned that occurring) They throw rocks and then hide their hands.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I just looked it up, Googling about says Madonna didn’t release the ‘Substitute For Love’ video in the US because of the pap/headlights in the dark scene being close to the events of Diana’s death. It did release Rest Of World. I had thought it was released recut with those scenes taken out in the States but I can’t find any articles stating that was the case and couple explaining it had been pulled altogether in the US.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Harry’s dad and the rest of the fam take dodgy suitcases of cash and other gifts from Saudi “businessmen” all the time. “How it looked” on that front wasn’t an issue for them.

        Cloppy can only wear a fraction of the Saudi jewelry bribes she’s received because it would spark questions.

        Meanwhile the Fayeds were from Egypt, not Saudi Arabia.

        Race was always the primary issue, and fears of her remarrying. Before Dodi there was the heart surgeon. Did he break it off because he was threatened by Cluck and his Royal Goon Squad? I’ve always wondered.

    • Liz -L says:

      They don’t need a direct hand Brassy Rebel. They have undercover forces to do their dirty work for them.

  16. Lili says:

    All i know i fell asleep on the floor of my appartment a freind call to tell me what had happened, i turned on the telly listened to the news caster say she was alright that she had gotten out of the car and asked passers by for help, i went back to bed in the knowledge she was okay only to way up the next morning to hear she had died on a 40min ambulance journey to the hospital. till this day i wonder what happened to the passers by. to me that explains her not wearing her seat belt when they came. i wonder what the news caster thought the next morning as well

    • Anonymous says:

      Harry wrote in his book that he saw the pictures taken of her at the time of the accident and she looked very “alert”. He was implying that other than a broken arm she seemed fine and nowhere near as dire as they made it seem to have passed away on the way to the hospital. I also remember being up late at night in the US and watching the news. The US reporter there stated that the ambulance had pulled over to the side of the road and just stood there for 40 minutes!

  17. This should add interest to the Vacation Summit

  18. Dandelion2 says:

    I watch Who Killed Jill Dando and it was good. The conclusion was plausible. I’m curious how this will be done with Diana.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I *REALLY, REALLY* hope that they interview Concha Calleja! She wrote a book about it, and has studied the incident for years.

  19. Alla says:

    the driver was drunk! I’ve been to paris and saw the street where it happened. To drive this fast into a tunnel is just not responsible! She and Dody hadn’t had their seatbelts on. My aunt died also in a car crash because she was sitting in the back and had no seatbelt on. It’s very tragic but I don’t think it’s something strange. This happens every day but when it happens to beloved people, it must be something else.

    • Glad to see the paid commentors out here in force today!

      I have been though that tunnel as well, that was not a “corner” as much as a “slight bend”

      I could have driven through that in competent car at 100 mph

      • Jaded says:

        I’ve been there too — it’s not like it’s a hairpin turn, people drive fast through there all the time.

      • CatMum says:

        Harry talks about this in Spare. he says much the same.

        it was a hit job.

    • Tessa says:

      They were chased by paparazzi at high speed. It was not responsible of paparazzi to hunt them down. Not blaming the victims. Also why was the crash scene cleared out so fast.

    • Tessa says:

      It was much more complicated. The paparazzi surrounded the car and the medical care could not reach Diana. She was bleeding internally yet the ambulance driver bypassed the hospital 10 minutes away.

  20. Moniquep says:

    I ultimately hold Chuck and Camzilla responsible for Diana’s death for the following reasons:
    A) He took a naive, innocent young girl, lied to her and married her for the wrong reason.
    B) Treated her like shit during the marriage.
    C: Dumped and hung her out to dry with no security, once he got what he wanted from her.

    The only saving grace is if all that had not happened, we would not have our wonderful, loving, caring prince of hearts ♥️ ❤️ the beautiful Harry❤️❤️❤️
    As the saying goes, all things work together for good.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles even had the gall to say in a speech in 1983 he needed two wives. He said this in front of diana .He wanted to be with Camilla but he courted the teenager so she could have his heirs.

    • @Moniquep thank you !

      But you left out the suspicious “suicide attempt” of KFC’s ex Kanga, she is on recod saying she was pushed from that second story window.

  21. Jaded says:

    I highly recommend the documentary Diana: The Night She Died. It reveals some astounding things that infer a massive coverup of what really happened. It’s chilling.

  22. IF the BM reported anything truthful about the incidence surrounding her death, it was by accident

    And I got to love my fellow optimistic commentors here who witness on the daily how the BM would rather lie than ask for a glass of water, yet still in their hearts read what they print and give them benefit of the doubt

  23. LOLikes says:

    This is what I remember: 1) I knew Charles had removed Diana’s HRH which involved her NON-security. 2) When Diana started dating Dodi there were many news articles on the topic of william having a half-Moslem half-sibling and how that will look for a future king. I was so surprised by this stance (I was young and naive.) I pondered, were they concerned about the half-sibling’s skin color, noooooo???

    So when I heard that Diana had died, I knew C. had killed her! NO DOUBT!!!! And now fast forward to the present, the way in which they have basically tortured the Sussexes, NO DOUBT they murdered Diana and they’re following the same playbook. william is now a willing participant and the main architect in the elimination of the Sussexes.

    I may get some criticism for my next statement, but please hear me out on this: sometimes I think it might be in Harry’s best interest if Harry never receives the security to visit the UK and therefore I’m hoping the Sussexes never visit the UK again, EVER!!! My hope is that Harry (I think Meghan is already there) will come to the realization that he and his family are not welcome and safe in the UK. I’m afraid that even if he receives the security, are they to be trusted?? I’m afraid there will be some type of accident??

    For the Invictus Games in Birmingham, I hope and pray that the military or whoever is in charge of the security, will provide security for Harry (with only Harry attending) and that the Invictus Games will be Harry’s last and final trip to the UK.

    If Charles should meet his concrete bed before the IG, and IF william allows him to attend, only Harry should attend C’s funeral and hopefully Harry will safely escape??

    • Yes, I read those articles as well, he fail was straight up inciting violence against Diana

      – they invented he crime of her possibly ‘inflicting’ mixed race siblings to Wills and Harry

      and then they convicted her of the crime they made up.

      Just go back in the week before her death and look at the way they were inciting hatred towards her because she was dating a man of color, they were not so kind as to put it that way.

      • Truth is that she had no UK police protection and the steady drumbeat of the daily Heil made her a target for every unhinged person in the country.

        Dodi was one of the few people with enough money to provide her security and safety from the Daily Unhinged.

        This will be studied as classic case of a person assassinated via stochastic terrorism

      • sunnyside up says:

        And now they are doing it to Harry and Meghan.

    • If I were you and we were Harry, no way we would even go to blighty.

      But blighty is his country and his home

      So that is his choice

      I get you though, if it was us, no way because it is not safe, his father has some influence there and al he does with that influance if put his sons life at further risk

  24. Belinda says:

    The best documentary in my opinion about this is Unlawful Killing by Keith Allen. Banned in Britain, but it’s available on YouTube. When you watch it, you see why the Powers That Be didn’t want us Brits to see it, but they couldn’t stop the rest of the world watching it.

    It’s meticulously researched, and very very interesting. A large segment of it deals with the inquest by Lord Stevens years after the crash, and how the media didn’t report the truth of the inquest, and how much was fudged by the inquest, and how much “disinformation” was spread about it all. The title of the documentary, Unlawful killing, was the ruling of the inquest.

    IMO, the powers that be, and the Royal family and establishment were terrified about Mohammed Fayed, the father, because what information would he have got, to then use for blackmail. This was a man who bribed MPs on the Cash For Questions in the Houses of Parliament. A man who had the Royal warrants removed when he bought Harrods. A man who was denied British citizenship til the day he died. He was a massive threat to the establishment, and if Diana had been bugged whilst in his properties, then it would have been explosive as to what he could reveal to the world about the royals. Or if he didn’t reveal it, he would have had all the establishment, Royals etc under his thumb for the rest of his life.

    Don’t get me wrong, the Royals are as rascist as they come, and disgusting. But Mohammed Fayed was a masive, massive threat to them. And they would rather have the world thinking that they didn’t want Diana to marry Dodi who was a rather gentle, not very bright man who wasn’t white, because the alternative, for them, that Mohammed Fayed would have total control over them, and possibly reveal deep, dark, terrible things about them was completely and frighteningly unacceptable.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      Good comment. I’ll check out the documentary.

    • Thank you!

      I will check that out as well. What I don’t get is that Mohammed Fayed – his son died that day as well.

      We know he spent years investigating the “accident”

      We know that there was no love lost between him and the racist BM

      We know he had more money than God and every resource to and every reason to investigate, and he did investigate for years.

      Something super fishy about how he never made any of the results of those investigations public.

      I mean they unalived his son, what else could they have done to him that was worse than that to shut him up?

  25. Deeanna says:

    They need to get some independent toxicologists to opine on the extremely high levels of alcohol and Carbon. Monoxide in what was supposedly Henri Paul’s blood samples.
    It was likely switched. With someone who suicided with car exhaust. Why??

  26. Angie says:

    it’s not rocket science to connect the dots….Charles didn’t want Diana, he wanted Camilla to be the ugly woman he would never be jealous of by his side like he was with Diana noticing how much the public lined up to see her and not HIM. The world adored Diana but Diana needed to be removed from the equation and PRESTO, suddenly Charles’ problem was gone which made way for that slithering snake to move into the position she always wanted…QUEEN in exchange to keeping her mouth shut with secrets which would destroy Charles’ reputation!
    but…considering Charles was fooling around on both Camilla & Diana with Janet Jenkins at the same time who produced a son who is the spitting image of William and born a little bit before William, you have to question what dirt does Camilla have on Charles for her to win the lottery?
    Diana’s death was no accident…the law of averages does not work that way when you look at how many people have ‘died’ of accidents associated with that horrible royal family who CAN get away with murder and never be held responsibile!
    Prince Philip was behind it all with Charles….

    • Tessa says:

      Yes Janet Jenkins would make visits to highgrove. Her son Jason is said to look like william.

  27. WaterisLife says:

    Of course the BRF had her killed. If you don’t believe that, just look at how they’re treating her son.