Channing Tatum bought new shirts for a year instead of doing laundry

In May, Jelly Roll revealed to the world that he only wears socks once and then throws them out. While I, too, am no great fan of doing laundry, I would not want to spend my riches (if I had Jelly Roll-dough) on SOCKS. Well, Channing Tatum is adding a wrinkle to the old what-men-will-spend-money-on-to-avoid-doing-laundry story. He’s doing press for Blink Twice, Zoe Kravitz’s directorial debut and where they met/fell in love, and he just shared with GQ in a 10 Essentials video that there was a year of his life where he continually bought new shirts instead of doing laundry. The twist? He says it was around 1999 to 2000, so well before his acting or even modeling careers had taken off. Dude didn’t yet have money to spare, and still he was like, “Not another load!” Here’s more on what Channing christened “The Year of the Fresh White Tee.”

Channing Tatum is airing out his dirty laundry.

The Blink Twice star shared a ridiculously pricey hack he once used to avoid doing the household chore for an entire year.

“I had one year that I called ‘The Year of the Fresh White Tee,’” Channing explained in a GQ video published Aug. 26. “I don’t think I did laundry all year that year, and I just wore white T-shirts that I just bought.”

But the 44-year-old clarified that he wasn’t throwing away the clothing items after only one use.

“I’d be like ‘I can get like two wears out of this a week,’” Channing continued. “This is gonna be good.”

Noting that he adopted this “Fresh White Tee” method circa 1999 or 2000, the Step Up alum recalled fondly, “It was a beautiful year.”

And as for why he was willing to pay a pretty penny to avoid doing laundry? As Channing put it, “I hate doing laundry. I hate it more than I can possibly say.”

Of course, not everything Channing owns is so easily replaceable. After all, the Magic Mike alum shared that there’s nothing more priceless to him than the photo of his and ex Jenna Dewan’s 11-year-old daughter Everly, which he always keeps in his wallet.

Plus, he’s held onto a yellow lighter from the 2021 set of his latest movie, Blink Twice, as that’s where his romance with the film’s director, Zoe Kravitz, began. Two years later, the couple confirmed their engagement.

[From E! Online]

Are you listening, Zoe? No, I kid. By Channing’s account this was 25 years ago. Now that he’s made it big, Channing has the means to spend money on fresh white t-shirts (his preferred brand is Hanes, per the GQ video), or for his laundry to be taken care of. Or both! Just a couple points I’d like to nitpick, though. For starters, the sad attempt at making it sound less wasteful by saying he’d wear a tee twice before tossing. That’s still 182 shirts bought in one year! And second, I’m still hung up on Channing doing this before he really had money (as far as we know). He was 19 or 20, so according to his Wiki bio, he was either still working as a stripper, or had just landed a gig as a dancer in Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” music video.

But really, I think the most important question regarding “The Year of the Fresh White Tee,” in which he forwent laundry, is: good lord, man, what happened with your underwear?

photos credit: Justin Ng/Avalon, IMAGO/Eventfoto54/Avalon and screenshots from YouTube/She’s The Man

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14 Responses to “Channing Tatum bought new shirts for a year instead of doing laundry”

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  1. Lynn says:

    Gross. Lazy. Wasteful. Entitled.

    • Emme says:

      My guess is he’s washing socks, underwear, jeans etc, things that don’t need ironing. But tee shirts to look smooth and crisp when he hates ironing, THAT’S what he’s bulk buying!

  2. Flamingo says:

    haha @Kismet my guess, he was free balling it.

  3. Adequate okay says:

    My ma was a personal assistant(of sorts) to a retired prima ballerina in the 70s. My ma, raised to take care of things and repurpose as much as possible, was horrified that her employer only wore underwear once then threw them away. My ma worked out a compromise with her to launder and take them to a shelter. Shout out to Ruth Rodriguez! She was the fanciest person I have ever met. I’m sure she is still picking up imaginary dropped roses in the greater beyond and making sure her toes are pointed and shoulders are back.

  4. Neeve says:

    He is an appalling actor….that’s all I got.

  5. orangeowl says:

    I get it. My 25 yo son recently came home with a mountain of laundry, saying the washers in his apartment building weren’t working. He had so many boxers and socks, apparently he kept buying more! I was shocked and appalled by the quantity. I told him he has got to start going to a laundromat or find a service, that it will be money well spent. Sigh.

  6. therese says:

    And socks, what about the socks? I knew a woman once who bought undies rather than going to her washing machine in the building in her back yard to do laundry. It never occurred to me at the time to wonder what happened to the old used undies. I think they stock-piled. Sorry for relaying a gross story.

  7. Cate says:

    I feel like a laundry service would be way cheaper than constantly buying new clothes! Probably easier too, if you just schedule a weekly pickup or drop off. I just looked at a place near me and they charge $2/lb…Channing probably could have gotten his laundry done for $10/week or less, especially if he was able to wear things a couple times.

  8. CHESHIRE SASS says:

    I find this comical! – I had a roommate when fresh out of college who was an accountant for a major firm. She worked long hours for this place and wanted her free time to be free. She would put her clothes in the trunk destined for laundromat and just never do it. She’d go out and buy new clothes instead. We were roommates until my clothes started disappearing, I knew she was wearing them and they were probably in the trunk of no return. Thankfully, we had a moment and she moved in with her boyfriend. No idea how that worked out.

  9. lisa says:

    every non movie star person I know like thes is either really dirty or a hoarder and sometimes both

  10. Lissen says:

    Eons ago, at university, there was a rich girl in my residence who hated to do hand laundry. (I understand that.) She owned a month’s worth of lovely delicate undies, hand wash only. So she’d wait until she was on her last pair and put the soiled ones to soak for hours, taking up the dozen or so sinks in the women’s washroom. Even though it was disgusting, most of us were wary of saying anything, since her parents were somebody important. However, someone took action!

    We woke up one morning to see all the trees in the quad decorated with her undies. The consensus was that the men’s residence were the culprits. Someone had let the guys into our residence in the evening! Heh heh heh.

    Of course, once you get the guys involved, there’s no limit to their sense of mischief. We discovered that they had also brought along black shoe polish and anointed all the black toilet seats! The only warning was the smell. UGH!!!