JD Vance is ‘disoriented & disturbed’ when teachers do not have children

My mother is a retired public school teacher. I grew up around teachers and educators. So many young adults, fresh out of college, immediately begin teaching in public schools. Many men and women dedicate so much of their lives to teaching. But according to JD Vance, those teachers are “brainwashing” children with their hedonistic, childless lifestyles. Yes, Vance’s disgust for “the childless” extends to educators and teachers.

Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, the Republican vice presidential nominee, attacked teachers who don’t have children in remarks in 2021 that resurfaced Tuesday. In his public comments, he reserved specific criticism for Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers.

“You know, so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids, trying to brainwash the minds of our children. That really disorients me and that really disturbs me,” Vance said at a Center for Christian Virtue leadership forum moderated by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt and the group’s president, Aaron Baer, in October 2021. Vance was joined by other Republican candidates in Ohio’s Senate race for 2022.

When the candidates were asked about handling problems with schools and making them more responsive to parents, Vance took aim at Weingarten, who has described herself as “a mother by marriage,” by saying she “doesn’t have a single child.”

“If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone,” he said in a 30-second clip the liberal news site Heartland Signal resurfaced Tuesday. Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign later amplified the clip.

[From NBC News]

There’s truly nothing even rational behind this sentiment – why in the world would teachers need to be parents as a qualification for teaching? Why would it matter at all? It only matters to JD Vance because he’s constantly in women’s business and he thinks it’s his right, as a white man, to dictate everyone’s reproductive choices. Anyway, it’s all happening in this short clip – Vance’s personal attack on Randi Weingarten, his attack on childless teachers and the disgusting attack on teachers as “brainwashing and destroying the minds of children.” Dude, they’re just teaching kids math and English. “Woke math and childless literature,” JD cries.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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144 Responses to “JD Vance is ‘disoriented & disturbed’ when teachers do not have children”

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  1. MrsCope says:

    Usha, your man is the living worst.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Right? He needs to shut the fuck up and go home and put all this excess energy he seems to have into parenting his own children.

      You know he’s not up during the nights, he’s not changing diapers and he’s not doing a lick of laundry.

      • DK says:

        This man is almost a comic book villain in just how absurd his evil thinking is.

        And yet, if DT wins the election, given how old, unhealthy and senile DT already is, this terrifying Christofascist muppet WILL step into the presidency within the next 4 years.

        We have got to keep working hard to stop that!

      • Megan says:

        I’m beginning to think Vance is some kind of left wing plant. No can actually be this stupid, can they?

      • Debbie says:

        Your sentiment is correct but I’m thankful that Vance is so in love with the sound of his own voice, that’s the only way we all know so much about him. I don’t know who he beat out in Ohio to become a Senator but, my goodness did they mess up.

        Lastly, to the people who sometimes lament the fact that Republicans appear to have done little to no vetting before nominating Vance as a Vice-Presidential nominee, I don’t know about that. That opinion implies that if Republicans had known that Vance was so obsessed with the female reproductive system, they would not have nominated him. From what I’ve seen, Republicans tend to be incompetent in certain areas but, in this instance, JD Vance’s sentiments are perfectly aligned with Republican policies of trying to control and oppress women through their biological functions. After all, aren’t states like Missouri trying to pass laws preventing women from filing for divorce while they are pregnant? (I believe some states already have such laws). Also, didn’t they try to pass a bill stating that married women who wanted an abortion first had to get authorization from their husbands? How is that different from JD Vance’s sentiments?

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Debbie, it’s not Vladimer Futon’s views that show the GOP lack of vetting (of course he is in lockstep with them), it’s his inability to shut up about it and pretend that he’s not obsessed with controlling women and their bodies. They like his views but they also want to be less open about it (hence the attempt to distance themselves from Project 2025). Now they look dumb for picking someone so blatantly open about their extreme agenda and thank goodness for their ineptitude in this instance.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Does anyone else get the vibe the JD spends a lot of his life “disturbed and disoriented” for a plethora of reasons?

  2. equality says:

    Something has certainly “disturbed” him. Let’s not blame the childless though.

  3. Mariana says:

    And yet, I’m sure he also gets mad when his children’s teachers who do have children need to take off work to care for their own children, be it child illness, appointments, or maternity leave…

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t as a woman in Vance world.

    • girl_ninja says:

      This sounds like a case of ‘do as I do, not as I wish I’d done.’ It reeks of unhappiness now trying to enforce their choices onto others. Like a form of misery-loves-company syndrome.

      I also think that he’s in denial about his sexuality.

      • Anne says:

        100% on all of this.

      • Angie says:

        I have a different take. Not to put down someone’s physical appearance but if you look at old photos of him, I think it is more a case of him being rejected by women – a lot. He’s bitter.

    • abritdebbie says:

      @ Mariana that wouldn’t happen in their “perfect” world order because according to these extremists as soon as women have kids they need to stay at home at home and look after them.

      • Mightymolly says:

        But if all women teachers leave the workforce, who’s gonna actually teach? Make it make sense.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Mightymolly, the children will be taught at home by their mothers obviously. Until they’re 11 or 12…old enough to work on a farm or in a factory. They don’t want public schools or a well-educated populace, because a cult like MAGA thrives on the stupidity of its followers.

      • Luna says:

        Yes, he gives strong incel vibes

      • mightymolly says:

        @TigerMcQueen – You nailed it. We’ll be living in a combination of the Handmaid’s Tale meets a Dickens novel.

      • Deering24 says:

        Mightymolly—no problemo. The right-wing is determined to kill public schools once and for all so every mom will have to homeschool.

    • Barbara says:

      “And yet, I’m sure he also gets mad when his children’s teachers who do have children need to take off work to care for their own children, be it child illness, appointments, or maternity leave…”

      That’s what having a rich mother-in-law is for, isn’t it? Don’t all mothers have mothers who can take a year off to raise their grandchildren? This guy is something else…

    • Lauren says:

      He also doesn’t want to help provide childcare because the decision for both parents to work is a personal choice. So, who watches the teachers’ kids when they are teaching?

      • Snideysense says:

        That’s where the post-menopausal ladies come in. Didn’t he say something recently about grandmothers’ real value being their ability to come help their kids by raising their grandkids?

      • Megan says:

        Maybe if teachers weren’t burdened by student debt and paid poverty wages more of them could afford to have kids. Vance is the type of Republican who believes life begins at conception and ends at birth.

  4. Inge says:

    He’s the one brainwashing kids.

    Also Tim Walz the teacher got kids via IVF, which the republicans are trying to ban

    • TwiceShyNan says:

      I am of the generation to enjoy being taught by the last of the “spinster” teachers who began their careers when married women weren’t allowed to teach in public schools. And it wasnt that long ago that pregnancy was a bar to teaching as well. Generational gaslighting—damned if they do; damned if they don’t. Aren’t the “Vance” kids home schooled anyway?

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        Dang, way to alienate the Catholic school contingent taught by nuns. There were lay teachers and some had kids but the senior teachers and administrators in my catholic school were all nuns, doing their darndest to indoctrinate me in the Catholic Church (which did not work, sorry Sister Bridget). Dude is a moron, and so weird.

      • Livia says:

        Came here for this comment. My grandmother had to hide her marriage in order to continue teaching – the act of marriage implying other acts, and therefore rendering her not fit to be around children. She finally left of her own accord when she became pregnant and started to show – and the loss of her salary meant decades of poverty and struggling for my mother’s family. I remember being in grade school and one of my favorite teachers weeping in front of us kids as she said her goodbyes because she was pregnant and had to “retire.” That was in the late 70s. In conclusion, Vance needs a therapist, and shouldn’t be forcing his own weird, warped, and frankly dangerous views on an entire damn nation. We’ve got enough problems without this crap on top.

      • Inge says:

        Not the whole catholic church was bad. I wasn’t taught by nuns but was an altar girl and in the choir and both were fun, the nun looking after us was lovely and I fondly remember end of year meetings.

        Btw I’m now an atheist.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        @Pinkosaurus: I had the same experience going to Catholic schools. And my aunt was a nun who taught in parochial schools for years before getting her master’s and switching to social work. She certainly never had children. RFK jr. has a brain worm; JD Vance has an earworm obsessing over women who don’t have kids. I wonder if his concerns extend to male teachers without kids. 🤔

      • Mightymolly says:

        I completely forgot about that. I only had one teacher like that in 5th grade and she was truly bitter. She wasn’t a nun, but she was a traditional Catholic spinster who cared for her elderly mother and taught. She clearly didn’t even like children. I’m still a little traumatized from that classroom where she teetered on the line of corporal punishment, such as hitting the back of our chairs with yard stick instead of our backs, but at least she wasn’t indoctrinating us in leftist ideals.

      • Sass says:

        Came here to say this. Historically, many women teachers were unmarried and/or childless. I even spoke with an older woman in my early twenties who remarked that I was so good at teaching that I likely would never have any kids myself (and she said it to my then boyfriend at the time as well). This was in 2007. So Vance is just showing his ignorance daily I suppose.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Ah, yes, the spinster schoolmarm, I’d forgotten but y’all are right. Geez Louise, vance & his ilk will twist themselves into pretzels trying to control women.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Over the past 5 years I’ve read about the passing of 3 of my 5 favorite grade school teachers. All childless for a number of reasons. 4 out of the 5 tried. (learned this later on when I revisited my grade school for an event-hadn’t seen these wondrous teachers for almost 45 years)

        Was completely floored when the ones still living recognized me. I’m like, how? Then I was schooled, again. You recognized us, after all these years, why wouldn’t we RECOGNIZE you?

        These amazing “childless” women recognized their students. We were their children. The most recent one to pass away was such a maverick/trail blazer. She made history fun and as a side note, she could have been a model with her looks. She was smart, witty, fun and wanted to be a teacher. Ultimately, she knew how to bring out your strengths and work through your weaknesses. She was that teacher you couldn’t bs your way through a reading assignment because anything you read, she did too.

        Yeah, J.Dunce Vance doesn’t want women teachers. Period. (btw-the childless women teachers were also the ones who had sanitary products in their desks available for girls in case something happened during the day) To be fair, maybe?, there were only 2 women that were married with children that were much older.

        J.Dunce Vance can go f*ck a couch. Whoops, he’s already done that.

  5. seaflower says:

    I see he’s trying for the “young nazi about town: bowl cut to match his weird a@@ views and guyliner.

  6. Truthiness says:

    He’s Catholic. What about nuns teaching in Catholic schools?

    • Dee(2) says:

      From what I understand is mainly lay people that teach at Catholic schools now. It is weird though given that he is Catholic that he has this hate boner for people without children, seeing as a major component of his religion is to have two sets of people who have dedicated their lives and have a lot of authority for molding and directing, who specifically are banned from having children. So if teachers who don’t have children shouldn’t be allowed to mold minds, then why are priests allowed to give absolution through confession and mold minds through homily?

      • Tessa says:

        The nuns still teach but there are fewer Catholic schools.

      • AMB says:

        There are probably fewer nuns. Even as a child I couldn’t see why any woman would want to volunteer for a life of servitude to, first, foremost, and every day, parish priests; and then to the institution above them, all of which sent the strong signal every day that women were so very, very, lesser-than.

        Also an atheist now, or as some like to call it (in MN, the land of the 12-step), “recovering Catholic”.

    • Agnes says:

      He only converted to Catholicism because Peter Thiel told him to. It’s recent, so he was never taught by nuns. WHAT IS GOING ON with these freaking weirdos, seriously. Trump, Vance, RatFK Jr, Tulsi, all spouting support for Putin talking points and undermining democratic principles none of us realized we were taking so much for granted until these jerks started flapping their gums about Project 2025.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Tulsi Gabbard was absolutely never a Democrat. She just played one on tv. It looks like she was a Republican plant for years. Her relationship with the Russians is unknown but seems pretty 😍.

      • DeeSea says:

        Don’t forget Jill Stein!

      • Debbie says:

        At this point, I’m convinced that Jill Stein is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin. They fund her campaigns all the time.

      • FYI says:

        Fun fact: Tulsi Gabbard’s chief of staff (when she was in Congress) rented an apartment from me here in DC. He skipped out on the rent.

      • Amanda says:

        That says a lot actually. I assumed that he was born and baptized Catholic

      • bisynaptic says:

        Cornell West…

  7. Sunshine says:

    He’s an absolute weirdo.
    If I were running Harris campaign I’d be investigating and focusing on him because something is really wrong there.

    • Mc says:

      He is SUCH a weirdo. Why is he so obsessed with people having kids?

    • deering24 says:

      Honest to God, Harris’ opposition team (and SNL writers) have the easiest jobs in the world this year. 🤣 Vance just keeps on screwing up. I’d give a million for a psych eval on this dude….

  8. Blithe says:

    Well, he’s definitely disoriented and disturbed….

  9. Courtney says:

    This comment makes my head explode for several reasons. The obsession with women reproducing. The fact that for generations teaching was THE profession unmarried, childless women who needed to support themselves. The existence of Catholic schools run by nuns and priests (in many of the dumb things he says, he is so obviously a convert rather than a cradle Catholic). His contempt for people who aren’t like him. God, he sucks.

    • Blithe says:

      Teaching was also one of the very few professions available to Black Americans throughout generations of legal racial segregation. “Normal schools” and colleges focused on education also accounted for a good chunk of the post secondary educational opportunities available to many, especially prior to the Civil Rights movements in the 1960’s / 1970’s, and helped to build solid middle class families and communities.

      Let’s see, Vance has pissed off teachers, single women, cat owners, people from Appalachia…and those of us who love them. Gosh! He sure is a credit to his Party! I’m thinking that back-to-school night and those early teacher conferences will be coming up soon for the Vance household. Should be…interesting.

      • Courtney says:

        Excellent point re teaching and racial segregation. This guy’s willful ignorance of social history is maddening.

      • Mimi says:

        I think his kids are home schooled. Another must for “conservatives” these days.

    • Sass says:

      Thank you for pointing this out. I am no longer Catholic but I was a cradle Catholic as you put it and I have seen the difference in converts my age and they are pretty consistently ignorant and militant. And mostly men who want to control their young pretty wives

      • Amanda says:

        Yes. Those types like JD Vance & Harrison Butker do seem more extreme than those that I knew growing up who were born into it. Heck, many of the families I knew did use birth control, and most of the women worked outside the home

  10. Josephine says:

    It seems that just about any woman disturbs and threatens this guy. It’s weird that all of these super weak, super fragile men flock to the republicant party. They are always whining about what triggers them and how they can’t handle women. What a self-own my man.

    He’s not fit for office, he’s barely fit to get through the day.

    • Blithe says:

      “…get through the day?” Dude can’t even manage to buy doughnuts without being offensive.

  11. Mireille says:

    More validation about those couch rumors. Vance is clearly an incel and his wife was brainwashed into marrying and conceiving with him. That’s what I get from him and I’m sticking to it.

    • Miranda says:

      Usha Vance attended Yale and Cambridge, clerked for Kavanaugh and John Roberts. By his own account, she’s extremely intelligent and has greatly influenced him. She knows exactly who and what he is, and has defended him, dismissing his constant misogyny as “quips”. She’s as bad as he is.

      • Eating Popcorn says:

        Yes, it is NO coincidence that she clerked for Kavanaugh & Roberts and that he was tapped for VP. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but this guy’s obsession with women’s reproduction is beyond normal. I am pushing 60 yo and I don’t think I have ever met anyone more obsessed with women’s reproduction and that includes my girlfriends who are ObGyns!

      • Debbie says:

        I’m with you on Usha Vance, she’s no hapless victim here. She knows who he is and supports him.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        She’s his handler.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @TigerMcQueen, lol. And, maybe, his beard.

  12. Melissa says:

    Having kids is too expensive for teachers. With limited and expensive childcare options, cost of living, and cost of housing, how does he expect them – or anyone for that matter- to afford kids these days?!

    • Chrisssy says:

      I guess he figures that any post-menopausal women in their sphere would be dying to give up their own careers or retirement to help raise their children. It’s their only role in life, according to him.

  13. Jais says:

    He said this recently? He’s really doubling down in offending the childless. Guess he figured he’s already lost that demo so what’s left to lose. Might as well keep showing his true and creepy thoughts.
    Edit-scrolled up and saw he said this is 2021. Sorry, going to get coffee now😂. Either way, love that these clips are emerging to show what a creep this guy is. Signed, a former long-time nyc public school teacher. Randi used to be our nyc union leader.

  14. Roo says:

    He needs to get a skilled therapist to work out his mommy issues and stop annoying those of us with common sense and critical thinking abilities. As Madam VP would say, he is a deeply unserious man.

    • Mireille says:

      I am beginning to suspect that he is a seriously disturbed man. His hateful barrage of comments directed towards women may indicate some underlying deviant behavior. It’s more than just being kooky and weird. There is something dangerously off with him. Keep all women and children away from him.

    • Nanea says:


      JD needs therapy — not a public office.

      His mindset is a threat to large parts of a functioning society.

      Same goes for his puppet masters and the guys who support him (financially), like Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Elon Musk. They are all sociopaths.

      • deering24 says:

        Seriously, if he ever was VP and had to take control, he’s the kind of touchy repressed hating guy who would wipe out half the population if he was slighted in any way. He’s bad news no matter how you slice it.

    • Deering24 says:

      The New Yorker piece on him explained his pathology right well. Although his grandparents had a violent relationship, all Vance cares about is that they stayed married—and raised him. That’s why they are “real Americans,” dontcha know?


  15. TeamAwesome says:

    Some of us spend so much time, money, and energy making up for the shortfalls of asshats like him that we realize there would be nothing left for our own kids if we could have them.

  16. Mia4s says:

    This waste of oxygen doesn’t consider stepchildren or adopted children to be “real” children. And frankly I’m convinced now he is incapable of loving his own children. He speaks of children as an obligation and requirement…never as a joy. What a pathetic weirdo.

  17. Tessa says:

    Dual career couples may want to wait to start a family.

  18. Shoegirl77 says:

    Kaiser, you could have left the headline at him being disturbed and disoriented and it wouldn’t have changed anything in the story!

  19. HeatherC says:

    Not surprisingly, he doesn’t know social history. There was a time, and it was not too long ago actually, that only single women were in the workplace. Nurses, teachers, etc were expected to leave once they found a husband.

    Not to mention many professions being taken by nuns like teachers and nurses.

    His ongoing obsession with women’s bodies and reproductive status is frightening.

  20. Vixxo says:

    You can hear the Nazi ideology being screamed here. “Breed and make sure you produce blue eyed blonds”

  21. Amy Bee says:

    He’s crazy.

  22. girl_ninja says:

    This sounds like a case of ‘do as I do, not as I wish I’d done.’ It reeks of unhappiness now trying to enforce their choices onto others. Like a form of misery-loves-company syndrome.

    I also think that he’s in denial about his sexuality.

    • Debbie says:

      In my opinion, any post about JD Vance and his “woman-splaining” should be accompanied by a picture of him in eyeliner and women’s clothes because I get an envious Buffalo Bill vibe from him, like the character in Silence of the Lambs fame.

  23. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    You know, his person reminds me of some skit I saw somewhere, and for the life of me I can’t remember.

    But imagine him and his big head basically naked but in a diaper, sucking a big ass pacifier and wearing a little bonnet.

  24. Wagiman says:

    I don’t have skin in this game other than being an actual human, but has anyone actually asked JD Bowman /Hamel /Vance or whatever his fake names are whether he has birthed children? Surely it’s giving birth, right? He only talks about childless women. So fake name asshat, who did you give birth to?

  25. BW says:

    I’m so old that I remember when teachers HAD to be childless and unmarried. If they married or pregnant, they were fired.

    • Wagiman says:

      I absolutely remember that too. Any woman who worked HAD to be childless and unmarried. All nurses HAD to be unmarried (clearly the childless). I remember that within my family from the early 1900s onwards. My great-aunt died as a childless nurse who saved lives and died in 1918. Guess why, asshat fake names.

    • Tennyson says:

      Vance would love the French system. Mothers of 3 children are exempt from taking the entrance exam into Teachers College. They still must have a BA to attend the 2-year Teachers College.

  26. CLOVE says:

    I knew he was crazy when he made the cat lady statement and tried to ambush VP Harris’ plane to see ” what my plane looks like on the inside.”
    We need to make sure he is never our VP because this isn’t one-off behavior. He’s not well.

  27. Lady Keller says:

    I work in a non profit that deals with at risk children. Please stop pushing the agenda that everyone needs to have kids

    So many parents should never have had children. And it’s across income levels , generations, cultures, political affiliations, ethnicities, etc. Please leave the child bearing for people who are actually willing to put in the effort.

    And by the way, some of the most amazing people I have met are child free. They give everything they have to help others people’s children and have nothing left at the end of the day to take home to any children that they may have had. They are true heroes.

    • RMS says:

      So many times THIS! It’s why we need control over our bodies and our choices so that we can choose when and with whom we bring children into this life. And for those of us that don’t have any energy left at the end of the day; or found ourselves married to unfit partners during our child-bearing years; or just plain weren’t simply crazy about the idea of becoming a parent. Why are we being fed this one-size-fits-all narrative of the ‘right’ way to live our lives? And why is it always creepy half wits attempting to brainwash the masses?

  28. Giddy says:

    The Center for Christian Virtue leadership forum. That sounds like a group where an a$$hole like Vance would be right at home, doesn’t it? People who possess true Christian virtues don’t talk about it, they demonstrate it in their daily lives. Like when Coach Walz took on extra work to help pay for a student’s lunches. That’s a true Christian, and just a good man. Vance is an empty suit wearing guy-liner.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I’m disturbed that he has children.

  30. Ananabanana says:

    My mom was a teacher for the entirety of her career. While she was a great educator in public, she was my first and biggest bully. She was also emotionally neglectful with the excuse that she never had to worry about me and cut my feet from under me at every turn and opportunity. She’d expect me to have perfect grades while actively obstructing me from studying when she was on a rampage. So, no, JD Vance, having children doesn’t make you a good person, teacher or otherwise. I’m so over this man.

  31. beff says:

    The batshit crazy woman running for the top North Carolina Superintendent has never taught, volunteered, worked in admin, nor had any children enrolled in public schools. She also called for Obama to be executed in public. Bat-shit, weird and fucking creepy.

  32. aang says:

    The fact that someone who is so f’ing weird has come so close to becoming the vp makes me disoriented and disturbed.

  33. Traveller says:

    F**k you!
    Childfree, 24 year long college instructor

  34. Ameerah M says:

    What a weirdo.

  35. Proud Mary says:

    What’s sad about this guy’s inability to find nuance in this situation, is the fact that his parents were not childless, but he ended up being raised by his grandmother. So is he saying that people like his his parents, are per se better suited to be, teachers, presidents, etc, just because they had biological children?

  36. GrnieWnie says:

    Welp, the number one reason why people have elective abortions is out of economic concerns. They’re worried they can’t afford to raise a child! Given that, you’d expect Vance to be about paying teachers more. But no, better to create a fake problem and take offence.

  37. Ladiabla says:

    What the hell is wrong with this dude?! He’s insane.

  38. Mel says:

    Let his weird ass keep talking ,is tongue will dig his grave. The only thing he should be deeply disturbed by is that his is deeply , deeply disturbed.

  39. Jay says:

    The insult tour of America continues! Let’s see, that’s childfree people, cat owners, blended families, families that used IVF, and any woman over the age of 40? (Let me know if I missed any of these vast groups of people whose vote he would need to win!)

    I actually pity him – nobody organizes harder or better than teachers! J.D. is about to experience the most professional, colourful, and legibly-lettered protest signs he’s ever seen…

    • deering24 says:

      He hasn’t attacked Swift, Beyonce, or Sussex Squad folks yet. Guess he has some sense of self-preservation, because those folks would eviscerate him. 🤣

    • Minnieder says:

      Don’t forget POC (except his wife because she’s a good mother), LGBTQ, anyone who isn’t a christian, immigrants, and democrats.

  40. Nina says:

    His obsession with people who don’t have kids is creepy. He clearly hates fatherhood/his children and is projecting his anger onto childless people to compensate. He’s desperate to convince himself that those without kids are miserable, awful people to make himself feel better and try to prove to the Republican base that he actually loves being a dad.

  41. Mina_Esq says:

    At this point I have to assume that he was dumped by a woman that chose a single and childless life with a cat over a life with him. And he didn’t take it well.

    One needs to go to university to become a teacher. One needs to work to be able to afford to have kids. His scenario is only plausible in, like, the 1800’s when teaching qualifications were very different.

  42. TN Democrat says:

    Of all the terrible things the Republikkkans have done, the attacks on public education/educators/librarians may be the worst because long term destroying education destroys the country and traps so many people in deadend lives. Lort. This man is a creepy little weirdo. The democrats must start effectively combating the Q insanity that makes it okay to equate being single and/or LBGTQ with being a pedo@#$%&. Please vote blue…. The assumption that people in groups these nutters attack won’t vote for them anyway is false. The election is going to come down to a couple hundred thousands voters in a few swing states and we must stay focused.

  43. olliesmom says:

    I always knew that he was creepy but now it’s really coming out front. He has a real hate for women.

  44. Dandelion2 says:

    Does he also believe that oncologists need to have survived cancer?

    • Amanda says:

      That’s a good one. Or that a mechanic has to own a car, or that a hairdresser can’t be bald

  45. Renee' says:

    This man is more concerned about women having children than he is about having any common sense himself. His views on women are archaic but unsurprising. What a freak!

  46. Flamingo says:

    I was channel surfing, and he was stumping somewhere and Fox news (of course) was covering it. For the few minutes I watched he has the energy of a wet towel.

    And is clearly unhinged and obsessed with keeping women down and pregnant. So, men can stay in leadership.

    I felt like I was in the upside-down world for a moment. And jumped off that channel as fast as Max Mayfield ran to Kate Bush singing Running up that Hill…

    Vote Harris//Walz!!!

  47. nmb says:

    As a teacher who has infertility issues, I find this beyond offensive.

  48. Dorianne says:

    Vance and Trump truly are two peas in a pod. Their combined weirdness is so beyond the pale that one has to invent new words just to describe them.

  49. BeanieBean says:

    Ooh, FFS! Yes, parents, teach your children your personal values, but leave education to professional teachers! And stay the hell out of other people’s reproductive choices!

  50. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Sometimes I see someone and think that natural selection went awry.

  51. SueinOrleans says:

    Vance has achieved something I thought was impossible – he has outweirded Trump. Not by much and I’m sure Trump will be up to the challenge and will go for the gold but at least for today Vance is the biggest creep in the room.

    • Blithe says:

      Ummm, Trump, Vance, Kennedy (the brain worm one) I’m honestly not sure. The thought of all three of them together though overloads the weirdness meter.

    • Roslyn says:

      *gigglesnort* I know it’s not a laughing matter, because it is so damn serious. Trump is bad enough but Vance takes the weird to a whole new level, and the very thought of those two being President and Vice President of the USA at the same time is so very frightening I should not find it amusing, but I suppose it’s a bit like gallows humour.

  52. parkernin says:

    I hate to tell Senator Maybelline, but historically teachers were never allowed to have children. Nuns teach children all the time, so are they brainwashing the children? 🙄

  53. Melissa says:

    I am a speech language pathologist that works pediatrics and it is very, very common for parents to not care about anything you have to say regarding child speech and language development if they find out you don’t have kids. We are a majority female occupation as well.

    I have my niece/nephews pictures up in my treatment room and pass them off as mine.

  54. Roslyn says:

    I find myself very disoriented and disturbed every time I see a photograph of this man or read something he has said.

  55. martha says:

    The good old days when women public school teachers weren’t allowed to be married because they might get pregnant + wouldn’t that be disturbing for the children + wouldn’t their own kids take up too much of their time + wouldn’t we have to pay them more because low salaries were for unmarried ladies without family responsibilities + higher salaries were for married male administrators who have family responsibilities +

    What a douche canoe.

  56. Loryd75 says:

    So if teachers can only be invested if they have children, women can only be invested if they have children, then a man can’t make decisions about a woman’s body for the same logic.

  57. The real queen says:

    Up intell WW2 teachers were women and were not allowed to married and if they did they had to quit teaching because the schools were worried about a woman getting pregnant and having to stay home to raise them
    Jimmy Bowman should shut the hell up!

  58. Nic919 says:

    He was chosen because Theil promised money to the Trump campaign. But the reality is that if Trump does get elected, Putin will take care of him and Vance, the controllable theocrat will be the far bigger danger.

  59. Luna says:

    I hope outside links are allowed. CNN pieced together multiple different Vance rants against non-parents.

    I’ve heard him saying he’s being skewered for a “sarcastic comment I made” a long time ago.

    These videos demonstrate a pattern that show us who he is.


  60. Libra says:

    Thank you. There is a definite pattern here. But why? What is the underlying reason for the continued and repetitive attack on people without children.? Is it to shame some us for using birth control? Or those who have had to terminate a pregnancy? Or needing a D and C because of incomplete spontaneous miscarriage? (All things the Republican party supports as now or soon to be illegal.)99

  61. Andrea says:

    I am a childless teacher because I have massive fertility issues and do not have the money to afford massive IVF. Can he go away already???