Ben Affleck’s rep claims Ben isn’t dating Kick Kennedy, but no one believes it

Something interesting is happening right now. Over the weekend, Page Six got the ball rolling with multiple exclusives about Ben Affleck and Kick Kennedy, the 36-year-old actress/socialite and daughter of Robert Kennedy Jr. Page Six’s sources had Ben and Kick hanging out at the Polo Lounge and elsewhere. DeuxMoi had some gossip too, that Ben and Kick were spending time together “since June” and they’ve been spending the night together too. Then People Magazine jumped on the bandwagon and they have their own sources who confirmed the rumors. The pile-on happened very quickly and Ben was getting branded with the “degenerate cheater” tag. So his rep finally went on the record:

Ben Affleck and Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy are not dating, the actor’s rep says.

“There is no truth to any of it. I don’t know if they even know each other,” says Jen Allen, Affleck’s spokesperson, in a statement obtained by PEOPLE on Tuesday, Aug. 27.

Multiple sources recently told PEOPLE that Affleck, 52, and Kick, 36, have been “spending time together,” with one source saying they’d been linked since late spring.

[From People]

What’s funny is that People Mag already ran Jen Allen’s quote as something from an unnamed source, so Jen Allen must have called them back and said “I guess I have to deny it on the record.” Well, even an on-the-record denial isn’t stopping the gossip. No one buys it, not after independent verification from People Mag. Meanwhile, Page Six claims that Ben and Kick were seeing each other back in 2019-2020, before he met Ana de Armas.

Kick Kennedy and Ben Affleck started hanging out even before the Oscar winner began dating “Blonde” star Ana de Armas in March 2020, sources tell Page Six. Affleck and Kennedy have been spotted together at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel over the past few months, as Page Six revealed. However, it appears they have been pals for longer than initially thought.

“Their friendship has been going on for a while, even before Ana,” one Hollywood insider told Page Six. “When Ben started seeing Ana in 2020 and chose to quarantine with her during Covid, Kick was less than thrilled.”

After things got rocky with wife Jennifer Lopez earlier this year, Affleck got back in touch with Kick, we’re told, and they struck up their friendship again.

Despite multiple sources confirming to People magazine that Affleck, 52, and Kennedy, 36, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have been “spending time together,” a spokesperson for Affleck denied they were dating, telling the outlet Tuesday, “There’s no truth to any of it. I don’t know if they even know each other.”

A Hollywood source who has worked with Affleck, told us, “Affleck would love nothing more than to be part of the Kennedy clan. It’s a dream for any Boston guy … I think he would rather have that than a billion-dollar, red-carpet glam life with J. Lo.”

[From Page Six]

I understand the chokehold the Kennedys have on people in Massachusetts (the Kennedys are a tragic-yet-glam dynasty) but why choose a Kennedy from one of the most rotten branches of the Kennedy tree? Robert Kennedy Jr is trash and you would think people would be wary of even being associated with his children. Anyway, I find it interesting… Ben didn’t want this to come out right now, in the way it did. Ben doesn’t want people to know that he’s been dealing with Kick Kennedy for years.

Photos courtesy of Kick’s IG, Avalon Red, Cover Images and Backgrid.

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96 Responses to “Ben Affleck’s rep claims Ben isn’t dating Kick Kennedy, but no one believes it”

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  1. Beana says:

    I can believe that Ben Affleck isn’t *dating* her.

    • Mario says:

      My thoughts exactly.

    • Oakley says:

      It’s very interesting from the PR point of view.
      The original story was reported by a Hollywood source in Pagesix that wasn’t related to JLo’s source, but they were included in one story article from JLo’s camp on August 24th.
      The Hollywood sources also went to Daily Mail for a more detailed exclusive where now the Kennedy girl’s source was quoted. In both of these two articles, there was no Affleck’s voice from his source.
      Then Affleck’s PR directly went to both TMZ and People to deny the link. Only for the Kennedy girl to elaborate more in a new Pagesix article where new information was shared: they had hooked up before Ana De Armas.
      What is even more interesting is the sudden dialing down from JLo’s PR campaign almost overnight when the Kennedy girl’s story got leaked. Her sources almost went cricket compared with last week’s wall to wall narrative campaign .
      And now one can’t stop thinking and asking oneself are the Kennedy family somehow connected to JLo in some capacity in this PR campaign? And why?

      • ELX says:

        Old habits die hard, but Kick Kennedy is an actress wannabe so she is just looking for PR for herself.

      • Oakley says:

        I fail to see what’s the benefit in it for her. It doesn’t look good for her from the PR perspective. And if she wants more PR, she practically can date anyone in the industry, with her surname.

      • Freddy says:

        I think J-Lo’s team has decided to remain silent—and watch gleefully as Ben dangles in the wind….

      • Okaley says:

        But he isn’t dangled in the wind though. On the contrary, the Kennedy girl’s news broke the cycle and pacing of JLo’s wall-to-wall negative campaign last week. This week’s hit pieces from her just aren’t landing any more.

    • Arizona says:

      honestly at this point I’m feeling convinced that this is coming entirely from her camp because she knows no one will believe him if he denies it lol.

      it doesn’t have to be good news to get people to start paying attention to you: look at how well dating Kanye for a month worked for Julia Fox.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Wow, this is a pretty brutal burn on Kick. **insert “I don’t know her” gif**

    There’s been consistent reporting that they were hooking up/hanging out before Ben and Anna de Armas got together. There’s other reports that “friends” calling her a “partier” actually mean that she’s a casual drug dealer. Who knows but clearly not a relationship as far as Ben is concerned, which doesn’t bode well for her lifelong #1 crush. I guess she’s this year’s version of the nanny, without getting to try on Tim Brady’s Super Bowl rings. She’ll just have to hope she get a Mercedes out of it too.

    • Mil says:

      I mean, this publicist could ask his client if he knows someone. She is a Kennedy.
      She closed comments on IG days ago, and her publicists are not saying anything. Weird, but it is BA.

    • Kebbie says:

      Mercedes? I will not stand for this “drop-top Lexi” erasure!

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Watch the careful wordings: the rep said “ I don’t know if he even knows her.” Very different from “he doesnt even know her” which is what he wants us to understand to kill the story.

  3. Mia4s says:

    OOF. Kick…may I call you Kick? Kick it’s one thing for a celebrity to deny dating you to keep things private, but when he won’t even let his publicist acknowledge he knows you? Yikes. If you have any self-respect…run.

  4. Lili says:

    😂🤣 he probably needed an ego boost , What with the habit of going back to past relationships, if I was Kick I would question why he left me for JLO, but I wouldn’t trust him, now she is linked like JenG with his divorce. So messy he should have chilled for a bit ,

  5. Lady Digby says:

    I know Kathleen was named after her great aunt but where did the Kick nickname originate? Are Kathleens nick named Kick in America?

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      I’ve never known a Kathleen to be nicknamed Kick. Honestly, every time I see the name I cringe a little. It’s not her fault the family gave her that nickname, but I find it odd on a grown as adult, and if I met a “Kick” IRL I’d giggle internally every time I said it.

    • Tessa says:

      The great aunt wanted that as her nickname apparently

    • Chaine says:

      Wikipedia says of the deceased auntie that “She was nicknamed “Kick” because of her “irrepressible nature”.

    • SunsetLight says:

      Apparently the great aunt was very lively and energetic as a child so was nicknamed Kick

    • Nikkik says:

      It was a nickname given to Kathleen Kennedy the first because she was a rambunctious dare devil who went against the grain. But it’s also an old money type nickname like Babe, Trip, etc.

      She was named after her deceased great aunt and the nickname came with it. It’s cute if you ask me.

      I was shocked the other day that so many people were upset about her nickname because let’s be real the original holder of the name was simply famous for being a Kennedy who defied her parents and died young; she wasn’t some great accomplished woman.

      • Arizona says:

        I knew a guy who went by Skip. his family owned a yacht.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I hadn’t heard of her before this, so is Kathleen what’s on her birth certificate?

        I agree with the “old money type nickname”. The deceased Beau Biden had Joseph Robinette Biden III on his government paperwork. A lot of “III”s are Tripp or Trey.

    • tealily says:

      I was going to say, rich people nickname. It’s considered tacky and unhireable when someone without money names their kid nontraditionally, but if a rich guy calls his son Bunny, that man will grow up to be a senator.

  6. Beech says:

    It’s times like this I think to myself, “Self, is Ben Affleck from Stupidville?” Smh.

  7. Tessa says:

    Will there be a new couple name like beck or ken

  8. wolfmamma says:

    You know.. I just don’t care. Will be glad when this is and Ben and anything about JLo is off the radar.. it’s been a looooong story

  9. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    Didn’t Taylor Swift briefly date Connor Kennedy, RFK Jr’s son? What is it about his kids in particular? Is it because they were both trying to be actors?

    • Meredith says:

      Connor was still in prep school when he met Taylor and then he went to college, so he wasn’t with her for any fame boost as far as I can tell.

    • Mimi says:

      That was a “hide your kids” moment for Taylor. How cringe. As I recall, she would sign him out of school to go on trips with her. Yikes.

    • BQM says:

      That relationship is why Amy Poehler and Tina Fey made the joke about her staying away from Michael J Fox’s son during the Golden Globes(?) that she got so mad over.

    • K-Peace says:

      Yes. They announced they were in a relationship immediately when he turned 18 (like the day of or the day after his 18th birthday), which means they began dating when he was only 17. It began in the summer before he began his senior year of high school. (Although i’ve read that he was starting his junior year, so i’m not sure.) She used to sign him out of school to take off with her to go on dates. Taylor was a few months away from turning 23. Pretty disgusting & creepy, and she should’ve got a lot more flak for that than she did. She then went on to date barely-18-year-old Harry Styles when she was 23, so kind of seems like somewhat of a pattern.

      • Arizona says:

        I don’t think it classifies as a pattern. her two boyfriends before them were John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal, and the two after were Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston, I think. so her pattern is more people substantially older or the same age. 🤷

      • Valois says:

        No need to exaggerate. Dating that Kennedy kid was creepy, but it’s by no means a pattern for her. Taylor Swift was 22 and Harry Styles was not “barely 18!. They dated less than two months and broke up shortly before he turned 19.

    • SpankyB says:

      It’s also when she bought that gorgeous house near the Kennedy compound. I love that house.

  10. Tessa says:

    Kathy Lee Gifford was once step mother in law to a Kennedy. Frank Gifford s daughter married michael Kennedy. He died from a skiing accident

    • BQM says:

      After he was busted having a relationship with thei underage babysitter. I think he and Victoria may have been separated when he died. He was tossing a football around with family members when he skied into a tree with no helmet.

      Taylor got bad press when Victoria Gifford and Kathie Lee said she crashed her daughter’s wedding. Connor hadn’t rsvp’d and then they showed up at the reception and there was a scene.

  11. Roo says:

    Guess it’s hard to sell yourself as the good guy, the long-suffering husband who just wanted private family time, when it turns out that you’ve been dipping your wick in someone else’s wax while married. Sorry, Kick.

  12. Wendy says:

    Ben is a dirt bag.. so disappointed in this guy and breaking Jennifer’s heart once again. He’s always had aspirations to get into politics so maybe this is his connect or way in. Anyhoo for months he let page six and gossip make it seem like Jennifer is the one who is at fault but he knew how she was before he married her. what a jerk.

    • A Guest says:

      If Ben wants to get into politics, paling around with RFK Jr and his daughter ain’t gonna be the way to do it. He’s an anti-vax nut job with a very, very bad history.

      When he started his Presidental campaign, the rest of the family was like “aw, hell no”. Now that he’s endorsed Trump, they are even more angry.

      • Oakley says:

        Right. And it’s obvious that he got his own political connections in the Democrats via his own family. In addition, it looks like he is on bad terms with Boston political class. I remember reading an article this blog reported back in 2021 when Bennifer 2.0 just hooked up where Affleck “almost” directly called out on the Boston political class for conspiring to ruin him. “Almost” because he sugar coated the delivery in a self-deprecated way. With enough political acuteness, one can sense the shade was very obvious there.
        And it is obvious that the Kennedys are deeply connect to the Boston political class in specific and Massachusetts politcs in general.
        Very interesting indeed with the turn of event in regard to the Kick Kennedy story.

  13. Aud says:

    God. I’m not even a JLo fan but I feel really bad for her rn.

    • Christine says:

      Same. I follow all of this because I am a Jennifer Garner fan who is still waiting for karma to get Ben. I really feel for JLo, this is just brutal.

      • likethedirection says:

        Another commenter called Kick “Wal-Mart Jennifer Garner” and now I can’t unsee it 😝

    • Jay says:

      J.Lo doesn’t stay down for long, and I believe she will come out of this with Ben looking like the lowlife who wronged her.

      The petty part of me hopes that she continues dragging him for filth through the tabloids and makes an entire diss album for next summer. I feel like the phrase “Not. Going. Anywhere” is just begging to be both mocked and then turned into a great Gloria Gaynor-esque anthem about how she’s not hiding away or taking the blame anymore. She won’t be “kicked” aside. Take your broken heart and make it into art, J.Lo!

  14. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Forgot about Anna. Maybe he’s finally found his family. Her dad and Ben deserve each other then he can campaign from a barstool.

  15. Flamingo says:

    When you look at Ben’s dating history he is never alone for long. He jumps from woman to woman to woman etc…

    I do believe the rumor he was hooking up with Kick pre-Jennifer Lopez reunion. Then reached out again when they separated in April. And Kick seeing the opportunity to raise her profile jumped at it.

    She’s a 36 year old party girl that goes from photo op to photo op trading on her legacy name. Landing Ben would be a huge upgrade for her.

    Also, on Tik Tok someone posted a recent pap video of Ben in the backseat of a car he and looked and acted completely wasted. I do think he fell off the wagon again.

    • Mil says:

      Jumping from one to another is sort of fine. But he’s cheating, and killing stories, has been for far too long.
      He does not know how to end a relationship. JLo is no saint, nor should she be, but this is just tacky. Like the nanny story, which he denied, of course.

  16. SIde Eye says:

    He has ruined any chance he has getting into politics being forever brain worm adjacent and animal cruelty sociopathic behavior adjacent. And now Trump adjacent at a time when democracy is this fragile and we are this close to a nazi dictatorship. Both Jen Gardner and JLO would have made perfect political wives that actually draw in votes. And he could have hobnobbed with Kennedys then – the few respectable ones left.

    I used to have a bit of a soft spot for Ben (not my crush not in that way but in the sense I would root for him to get better. I loved the Town and I think he’s a very good director) but this is having the Matt Damon Project Greenlight effect where I just can’t unsee the douche now. There’s not going back it’s just always gonna be an internal eye roll every time he speaks or does anything.

    I hope JLO is DONE with this ass clown. Cause trust me he will email in a year or two. He will wait until she is back on some sort of career high to email her a poem to try to take her down a peg again and tank her. He is literally her career Kryptonite. I don’t have a fraction of JLo money but if I did omg these dudes would NEVER hear from me – my entire day would be spent at the spa or with rescue dogs or traveling. No way I’d have some moody shlub around to ruin any day with his resting bitch face. It’s basically my attitude now imagine if I had JLO money no one could tell me sh** on bad days I’d just go to my closet and do a fashion show for my dogs. And your dumb ass I’m not going anywhere emails go back to sender. I hope she’s done. I’m a douche magnet too – I have the worst picker – why I have been done for 13 years now and they’ve been the best 13 of my life.

    • Mellyjh says:

      lol at SideEye I think we are the ame person. Nearly 5 years for me since I dropped my miserable French ex, who reminds me of Ben so much with the moodiness. I’m all about my dogs an chickens. The past five years have been bliss and at 53 I have no regrets!!!

      • SIde Eye says:

        Omg Mellyjh we are so the same person, only I am missing out on having chickens (I live in a condo). I love this bliss! No wonder miserable people like JD Vance are so threatened by it. If only I had discovered it in my 20s. Oh the wasted years.

        Last night I had cereal for dinner (my teen is visiting his father). I didn’t cook anything all day (I do love to cook, but don’t wan’t to HAVE to do it) The dog was on the bed with me and we watched the first episode of Season 4 of Only Murders in the Building twice! The place was toasty warm (the way I like it). I take up the whole bed when my dog gets down to go to his cooling mat. I go where I want when I want.

        One of my favorite things to do is get on Expedia or Celebitchy with a glass of wine after hours to plan a trip or read the comments. Some of the comments are so funny I laugh cry at them. If there’s a LeAnn Rhimes post or Tori Spelling it’s pure heaven.

        I’ve always been a bit of an introvert. Dealing with my ex (a huge extrovert life of the party person) his entourage and in-laws was just hell. I was miserable for 10 years. His cheating was my ticket to freedom. When I discovered the cheating, I pretty got paroled. I am loyal to a fault, and I would have never left. I would have lived my whole life on egg shells with a grump who is only “on” when there’s an audience. Also, because he’s one of those “it’s your family omg family is forever” people, I was forced to interact with my own toxic family. I now have the freedom to go NC with anyone and I use it.

        No more taking care of an adult toddler who needs looking after and is in competition with a frigging actual baby. Those days were hell. To quote VP Harris: we’re not going back! In my next life, I discover this freedom in my 20s! Cheers to you!

      • BeanieBean says:

        Aw, @SIde Eye, thank you so much for telling your story. @Mellyjh, too! @SIde Eye, I can just picture you with your dogs, your glass of wine, and your very own fashion show in your closet! That’s peace!

    • Eloise says:

      I love this and I agree, I truly have hope she realizes this after how horrible this relationship has ended. Go live your best single life! Travel, attend those fashion shows, enjoy your kids, live it up without the weight of a Dbag bringing you down.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Omg can you imagine having our mindset with her money? Oh how much fun we would have lol! I hope JLO realizes just how lucky she really is to be rid of the Diddys, the Caspers, the Arods and now the Bens. They’re a drain, a pain, they have self esteem issues, impulse control issues, integrity and character issues, and will always take her down a peg by cheating on her or making her feel less than. No one seems to be able to handle her success.

        She has worked so hard for so long – enjoy your life out of the spotlight. Your kids will be in the house just a while longer, why waste this time with some douche canoe who doesn’t know your worth? I can’t believe she isn’t there yet – maybe this public humiliation will once for all get her to this place. It’s glorious once you get here. I don’t hate on relationships – kudos to those people who found that right person and their bliss – it wasn’t in the cards for me but I have a TON of love in my life – love from my child, my dogs, my sister, my friends, love of travel, and new experiences, etc. This chapter of my life has been GLORIOUS.

      • Christine says:

        Well said, Side Eye! I am with you, I love my single mom era.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Christine it’s the best! Wait till my kid is an adult and moves out – the whole place to myself are you kidding me lol

      • Christine says:

        Mine started 9th grade on Monday, so I have 4 glorious years where he is actually fun to hang out with, minus the teenager-y bullshit that is happily infrequent with him, and he is a giant who can do all of the chores that I soldiered through, but were a massive hassle!

    • Walking the Walk says:

      All of this! That man gloms onto women at their peak and when stuff gets messy (as it does) is off to the next shiny thing.

      • SIde Eye says:

        You said a mouthful! I truly believe some people are brought into our lives to derail us in some way – either emotionally, spiritually, or financially. He is that person for her. For me, it was my ex husband. He even sabotaged a dream job I had lined up before we were dating (I found this out after I married him) he worked at the place and asked them not to hire me because he was interested in dating me. He derailed my whole career. I think he was always jealous like I had this light he felt compelled to go dim. But he doesn’t get to win! It worked for a while but not anymore. I am still financially recovering from his BS but once I get it all together, look out. A big part of getting back on track was just avoiding men. I did this for my health, my sanity, and to preserve my happiness and my spirit. The men of my generation are A LOT. I’m done dealing with them. And I made sure I raised my kid to be honest cause I’ll be damned if I unleash some douchebag on this next generation.

    • Sandy8 says:

      SIDE EYE I love you. 100% agree and would do the same!!

  17. Patty says:

    Affleck is a serious serial douche . Jlo was too big of a deal for him . He wants to be the big deal .

  18. Eloise says:

    The non-denial denial from his rep makes me laugh. You don’t know if Ben even knows her? Why don’t you ask him?

    If she is a known partier, i seriously wonder if Ben is off the wagon right now. The latest People with Jennifer Garner’s team backing up Jlo also has me wondering that. Ben, please get some help before you end up like Kick’s last 60 year old boyfriend (ODed).

    • Kebbie says:

      I’m wondering the same thing. Can she not get ahold of him? All this terrible publicity and he’s not returning her calls? Or was it intentional to sow doubt without definitively denying it on the record? So odd.

  19. Agnes says:

    “Robert Kennedy Jr is trash and you would think people would be wary of even being associated with his children.” My God, have seen RtFK’s son Conor??? The one Taylor dated, who fought as a volunteer soldier in Ukraine? That man is absolute candy, and he doesn’t seem like a douchebro either. Kids of assholes are sometimes so traumatized they end up less awful. Kick looks like Ben. Two Narcissists gazing at each other.

    • Christine says:

      That engagement video is CUTE!

      • Scorpio says:

        It’s sad that I know this but Conor are Kick are half siblings. Kick is a product of RFKs first marriage and Conor is the product of his second marriage ( to the Mary Richardson who committed suicide right around the time Taylor Swift started dating Conor.) I really feel for all the four kids from that marriage, it sounds like it ( the situation) was a disaster for many years.

        Two massively unstable parents is a hell of a burden to bear.

  20. Janet says:

    “why choose a Kennedy from one of the most rotten branches of the Kennedy tree? Robert Kennedy Jr is trash”

    Birds of the same feather flock together.

    I-m not a an of either J or Ben. However he is SHIT!

  21. kelleybelle says:

    Off-topic but there was only one Kick Kennedy as far as I’m concerned. I doubt anyone would’ve heard of her had she not hijacked that nickname.

    • Nikkik says:

      Yeah because she was so accomplished. Please. She was famous for being a Kennedy, dying tragically young, and marrying people against her parent’s wishes.

      The Kennedys love recycling names and nicknames.

      • Tessa says:

        Rose was opposed to her marriage. Joe not so much. Kick would have been duchess of Devonshire had her husband lived.

      • kelleybelle says:

        I’m not talking about the original Kick’s fame, just saying the great-niece hijacked her nickname. Calm down.

  22. Donna says:

    Why release a statement that I don’t think he even knows her when there are pictures of them together? idiotic

    • Oakley says:

      But there is no picture out there at all. All we have right now is sources from Hollywood insider and then from her camp.

  23. Carolnr says:

    I think Ben got caught hooking up with Kick at the Beverly Hills Hotel. So they went from the Beverly Hills Hotel to using a friend’s apartment & someone apparently saw Kick carrying an overnight bag into this apartment now, lol! This gossip with Kick probably isn’t sitting well with Violet, his daughter. The gossip is everywhere & Ben’s publicist is saying that he isn’t sure if Ben even knows her,lol! Apparently, Ben fell for Ana (&

    must have been seeing Kick) while filming Deep Water. He started a relationship with Ana & ended up quarantining with Ana. Apparently, Kick wasn’t too happy. She thought they would be quarantining together, instead. Someone is squealing like a pig…this information did not just come of nowhere & Ben’s team is scrambling now , lol! This overgrown man is 52 years old…time to grow up! I think JG, JL, Ana & Kick should all Kick his ass…
    All these women deserve so much better!!!

  24. ravensdaughter says:

    Well, one side effect of this is the story about RFK, Jr. defiling a dead whale and taking his kids along for the deed came out in the news via Kick. Google if you want details. It’s outrageous and disgusting. It could be a violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act? Maybe he will be investigated.

    I feel sorry for her, since her father is a lunatic.

  25. chloeee says:

    Honestly, I’ve seen the remarks that she looks like Jen Garner and I think what icks me out is that to me, she literally looks like she could be their daughter. She bears a resemblance to Jen but that’s Ben’s freakin’ chin.

  26. Anonymous says:

    From not going anywhere to this in just 2 years. He is a classic NARCISSIST. Kathleen is his new supply.

  27. Kane says:

    The first jlo & Ben Affleck mole got revealed years ago. It was probably more than one mole but the biggest mole was an agent/management wife. I don’t want to write the name. This person also snitched on others. They traded news about clients to get their pictures in the tabloids.

    Now this person is still around but not like they once was. So what’s going on. Is it a combination of everyone is a mole. Ben Affleck seems to attract moles. Did he become a mole. I wouldn’t blame him but sheesh. After the paparazzi shock did he give his blessing to the moles. Ben whole life is online. I will always believe Jen garner calls the paparazzi on herself.

    • Marietta2381 says:

      You’re going to have elaborate more, what you wrote doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I had no idea BA & JLo had a “mole” to begin with. Soooo…

  28. Meh says:

    “I don’t know if they even know each other,” says Ben’s spokesperson.

    Gosh, Ben’s spokesperson, if only there was someone you could ask.

  29. Freddy says:

    Anyone who is described as “a party girl who likes to have a good time” is NOT someone a recovering addict should be associated with—even casually.

  30. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Watch the negative gossip coming for Jen next week but first, 100% pap stroll ben with his kids, so we see he’s a family man and a good father.

  31. Serena says:

    Ben is such a slimy guy, Idk how women still associate with him.