“Jeremy Allen White’s latest Calvin Klein ads are very hot” links

Jeremy Allen White’s Calvin Klein ads are hot. [OMG Blog]
What’s going on with Meryl Streep & Martin Short? [LaineyGossip]
Is Armie Hammer trying to get sympathy? Because IDGAF. [Just Jared]
I don’t know how people can watch a show like Chimp Crazy. [Pajiba]
I adore Winona Ryder’s earrings in these old photos. [Go Fug Yourself]
The return of Lucas Hedges. [Socialite Life]
Taylor Russell wore a great vintage Galliano suit. [RCFA]
Here’s the buzzy teaser for the new season of 9-1-1. [Seriously OMG]
Adam Sandler looks out for his bros but not his ladies. [Buzzfeed]
A Big Tips Texas star killed her husband?? [Starcasm]
Netflix’s show about the Menendez brothers actually looks interesting. [Hollywood Life]

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38 Responses to ““Jeremy Allen White’s latest Calvin Klein ads are very hot” links”

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  1. JEM says:

    Hot, like sweaty and unshowered, right? You don’t actually mean hot hot?

    • Isabella says:

      Many people would disagree. I am among them. I thought he was hot when he was just a cast member on a long-running TV show.

      • mightymolly says:

        I think he’s hot on both shows because in both cases he plays a genius with a bad boy edge. I don’t find him underwear ad sexy, though. It’s his personality that’s hot.

      • a mascarada says:

        Yeah… I didn’t pay much attention to the announcement of his CK underwear campaign, but I was at a busy European airport this weekend and I happened to see his previous ad in full size… oh my. I happen to enjoy the shows he’s taken part in, he’s a very good actor, but I was not prepared for it. Also, it didn’t help that the model for the ad next door was Rupert Friend for MontBlanc.

        JAW oozes charisma.

    • mblates says:

      i’ve never seen him in anything, so maybe that has something to do with it? he’s one that i just don’t get.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Just heard this morning that he’s going to play Springsteen in a biopic. He’s Hollywood hot right now,

    • Josephine says:

      lol, I’m in your court and don’t understand the appeal. but to each their own!

    • Yup, Me says:

      That header pic looks like he fell over on the carpet and is looking delightfully rumpled (and befuddled) while getting up. How did he fall? Was his shirt already unbuttoned? Did he trip over something? Was it something his child left on the floor? Are his counters as questionably clean as his hair? These are the mysteries of sexiness and we cannot unravel them.

  2. Flamingo says:

    I do not believe for one second Armie Hammer was cut out of his father’s will. I think he inherited a boatload of money. And he is trying to rehab his image as an ‘everyday man’. It’s just another character he invented in his head. To try and weasel his way back into Hollywood’s good graces. The same as Kevin Spacey has been trying to do. With his home in Baltimore being auctioned off. Woah is me I am a poor man who just likes to abuse people sexually. Never you mind that and hire me back!

    Also, Jeremy Allen is dirty hot.

    • Mil says:

      I gotta ask. AH really thinks he will make a comeback? Cos I can’t see that.

      • Flamingo says:

        Ask Mel Gibson…

      • manda says:

        He never had the success or popularity or backing that mel gibson had. I think that AH was a forgettable actor and only call me by your name was ever any good (and I only say that bc I know it was well-received, I never saw it, and I’m not sure how much of that was bc of timothee chalomet or the guy that played the dad)

  3. likethedirection says:

    He looks like a short swole turtle I’m sorry 😭 though I have friends who think he’s hot so maybe it’s just me!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      😂😂😂 I know the kids were trying to make “hot rat man” a thing but JAW definitely has turtle face! 🐢

      • BeanieBean says:

        I’ve been watching the third season of The Bear (kinda boring this year) and there was one exceptionally long scene in which we had his face, in profile, up close while he was concentrating on something in the kitchen. All I could think of was he had a Homer Simpson mouth from that angle.

      • Polly says:

        Turtle face and good plastic surgery!

  4. ravensdaughter says:

    I’m a 60 year-old mum with two young adult sons-22 and 24-so even I though I did take a look at the underwear pictures I felt uncomfortable about it. Obviously JAW (interesting initails!) doesn’t care if I ogle him, but I do.

    It’s interesting, because I personally know several men-including an ex-BF-who have no issues whatsoever with salivating over women the same age as their own daughters. The norm, basically. Plus the Al Pacinos and Mick Jaggers of the world.

    I try to keep the chip off my shoulder about men because of my sons, but it’s not easy.

    • Normades says:

      I hear what you’re saying but JAW is a divorced father of 33. I think there’s a big difference between 23 and 33 and JAW still meets my half + 7 so I freely ogle him.

      • Normades says:

        That said Dominic Sessa is only 21 and I think he’s super hot. I wouldn’t hook up with anyone under 35 irl but I can still appreciate their hotness as actors and not feel guilty about it.

  5. Milkshake says:

    no thanks. he looks like gene wilder (without the comedic genius).

  6. Ange says:

    Nope. That header photo looks like he’s trying to figure out who ripped a pungent fart.

    • Chaine says:

      It reminds me of that video from back in the day when David Hasselhoff’s daughter filmed him lying on the floor dog drunk trying unsuccessfully to eat a hamburger. All JAW is missing is the hamburger. NOT hot. At all.

  7. Eh — he’s just so TINY – his bio says 5’7″ which means he’s closer to 5’4″ — add the Gene Wilder effect and the unwashed vibe and I just can’t. Not even with the bulge in the foreground washboard abs angle…meh?

  8. Bev says:

    IMO, he is cute but not hot. I do like him in Shameless and The Bear. There is some talent there.

  9. mightymolly says:

    I just watched a 20 year old episode of SVU where they refer to someone as “committing a Winona.” It’s so unfair. I’m not even pointing out that male celebrities literally get away with rape and murder that doesn’t ruin their professional reputations, but these days an isolated shoplifting prank would seem so old fashioned it would barely rate an entire news cycle.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Allegedly it was because she was so widely hated as a human being, and had hurt and been sadistic to so many people. Obviously it’s impossible to tell what’s real and what’s rumour, but there are so many really, really nasty stories about her. Hollywood was just waiting for any opportunity to celebrate her downfall.

      Same with Weinstein – unfortunately there are lots of men in Hollywood who are predators, but they make a point of being nice to the people with power, so they are protected. Weinstein treated everyone badly, including powerful people, so they let him fall.

      All that really matters in Hollywood is how well-liked you are on a personal level. If you’re well-liked then people will protect you and look out for you even when your career is going badly. If you’re not liked, your career will only last as long as you’re making money.

      • mightymolly says:

        That’s crazy. I’ve literally never heard one bad thing about her. She’s not a great actress, although she was given great roles a as a teenager. The comparison to Weinstein seems pretty harsh. Can you share even one nasty story?

  10. SamuelWhiskers says:

    The Menendez brothers were so badly wronged. The went through years of the most extreme and horrific sexual abuse, physical torture, and sex trafficking (eg being forced to be in p*rn films from the age of 6) imaginable, from very early childhood – anyone would have snapped.

    It’s crazy to look at how Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been treated by the media for basically doing the exact same thing.

    • Josephine says:

      I’ve always been in that camp — I think they were abused and should not have been prosecuted but I remember opinion being very divided at the time. I think it’s very easy for people to believe that wealthy people and young, healthy male teens can’t possibly be abused.

    • Aerie says:

      The parents were not on trial so the allegations against them had little bearing on the jury’s verdict. That said, if the stories of abuse were true and the brothers acted out of fear, then the murders were premeditated. And since Eric and Lyle were on trial for first degree murder they were rightly convicted.

  11. mightymolly says:

    I didn’t know much about them before the Netflix movie, which was weird. The movie is pretty non committal. It does promote the idea that the brothers genuinely thought they were about to be murdered by their parents, but they obviously aren’t criminal geniuses. Their plot to cover up the murders was absurd. Gypsy Rose Blanchard never should have gone to prison, and I’m tempted to say the same about the Menendez bros. Is it true that the legal system as recently as the 1990s couldn’t conceive of boys/young men being raped and so they didn’t consider that as a factor?

    • Aurora says:

      Yes and no. If they’d accused a transient or a POC or an LGBTQ person of assaulting them, sure, that might have been believed. But to accuse a their wealthy, successful father of raping them (and insisting their mother knew and looked the other way)…that was a bridge too far for a lot of people. They just did not want to accept that that could happen.

      Then you add in the fact that they were boys, and they were imperfect victims (spending money, etc, after the killings) – very few people wanted to believe them.

      People also just did not want to believe parents molested their kids. And not just in cases involving boys/men.

      There was a case on Long Island not long before where a girl who was horrifically abused by her father went to jail for killing him with her boyfriend. She’d told multiple adults it was happening beforehand, asking them for help. No one wanted to hear about it. In the words of one person she told, “It was just too awful to contemplate.”

  12. Ally Dodson says:

    All I see is Gene Wilder, but without the sense of humor.

  13. Cait says:

    I cannot find this man attractive. Whether I squint or turn his picture upside down.
    He will always be sweaty self destructive Lip Gallagher to me.
    Him and Debbie were my least favorite

  14. Shelby says:

    He’s an attractive man but I don’t know if I’d call him hot. Hot is an energy, a sexual wattage. It’s separate from appearance. Harry Styles is handsome but IMO not hot. No sexual juice.

  15. one of the marys says:

    The vintage suit that Taylor is wearing is gorgeous. How does one source a vintage outfit? Is it through a stylist? I remember one of the Suits cast wore something vintage to the wedding.
    Also is this the original garment that’s been catalogued and stored for 40 years?