Duchess Meghan isn’t writing a memoir nor does she ‘harbor any negative feelings’

Wow, Us Weekly Photoshopped the crap out of this photo of the Duchess of Sussex. Like… Meghan’s beauty regularly takes my breath away, so it’s odd that anyone would try to completely change her makeup and skin this drastically. Anyway, I hope this Us Weekly cover story is part of a larger strategy to hype Meghan’s new projects, including her Netflix cooking/entertaining show. We still don’t have a release date on that, nor have we been able to buy one single item from American Riviera Orchard. Still, I enjoy any kind of positive energy towards Meghan from the tabloids. Some highlights from Us Weekly’s cover story:

Meghan is back: In recent months, Meghan’s been back in the game full throttle. She’s set to launch her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, and her new Netflix series, centered around cooking, entertaining and gardening, has finished filming. In July, she joined a slew of Hollywood heavyweights, including Reese Witherspoon and Gwyneth Paltrow, at the Hamptons home of power broker Amy Griffin for a one-day business summit. “Meghan was there to network,” says an insider. “She was very kind and humble and eager to learn.”

Meghan’s chapter of joy: “Meghan has transitioned from actress to royal to entrepreneur,” says a second insider. “She’s worn many hats, but she believes age and experience have [prepared her] for a bigger purpose in life. She’s very happy with the role she’s carved out.”

She’s ready to look forward. “After Spare, [Harry and Meghan] realized, ‘OK, we’re ready to move on. We want to focus on our future,’” the family friend tells Us. “‘We can have meaning and importance separate from the lives we had previously.’” Adds the family friend: “Meghan doesn’t harbor any negative feelings. She just wants peace, and knows you can’t find peace if you harbor resentments.”

She’s not interested in that family: The family friend says they are otherwise moving on from royal headlines. “Meghan’s team gets asked daily to comment on stuff that has nothing to do with their lives now. They have left it behind.”

Meghan’s friend group: A source close to the Sussexes says Meghan “has a great group of friends who are all successful in their own ways who she really trusts.” In addition to famous pals like Serena Williams and Ellen DeGeneres, she has a group of local moms she sees regularly. The first insider says the duchess has become “very close” with neighbor and Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd, and a second source says she’s tight with entrepreneur Jamie Kern Lima, cofounder of IT Cosmetics.

Harry’s friend group: Harry, meanwhile, “has a small [group] of close friends,” says the second source, noting that he keeps his inner circle tight for “understandable reasons.” Moving from the U.K. has been an adjustment for Harry, though he’s come to love his situation in the States. “He’ll always be fond of his home country, but the way he views it, his wife and kids are his priority. If that means making sure they’re safe and happy in Montecito, then he supports that.”

The Sussexes do the school run too: The family friend says Meghan and Harry are hands-on parents to Archie and Lilibet and want them to have normal childhoods: “They take the kids to school, they pick them up, and they are very active and present with them throughout the day.” The friend says that the Sussexes keep Archie and Lilibet out of the spotlight for their own safety. “I think every parent wants to share their kid with the world, but they just can’t,” explains the friend, referencing Harry’s battle for enhanced security in the U.K. “William’s kids, for example, have way more safety, even though they’re recognizable. And the same doesn’t apply to Meghan and Harry’s children. They know the world wants to see [them but] I would expect them to live smaller lives until that gets sorted, if it ever does.”

How Meghan feels about Thomas Markle: Says the first insider: “Meghan still has no contact with her dad. She does not plan on having a relationship with him, and he has not met his grandkids. That ship has sailed.”

Launching ARO: She couldn’t be more excited about ARO, which sources tell Us is likely to launch around her Netflix series, which reportedly will be released early next year. “[ARO] will likely be very much in line with who Meghan is as a person,” says the second source. “She loves hosting events, and she’s very thoughtful about how she treats her guests whenever they come over.” Her Netflix series “is going to be a take on her and the joy of living,” reveals the third source, adding that the show will include “little things she’s learned in terms of being a modern-day hostess.” There are rumors of cameos from Harry, and the source promises fans can expect to see familiar faces from pop culture to culinary to beauty.

She’s not writing a memoir: Not currently on the duchess’ radar: running for office, returning to acting or writing a memoir. Adds the third source: “Meghan’s in the middle of her story right now.”

[From Us Weekly]

Meghan has been forward-looking for a while now. I think she was probably more retrospective back in 2022, when she and Harry still believed that they could travel to the UK and visit with his family and when they still maintained their home at Frogmore Cottage. But Meghan’s been done with the UK since QEII died. She’s been done since Charles’s first act as king was to ban her from Balmoral. Anyway, I believe that she’s very happy right now and I can’t wait for all of her projects to launch.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images. Cover courtesy of Us Weekly.

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19 Responses to “Duchess Meghan isn’t writing a memoir nor does she ‘harbor any negative feelings’”

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  1. equality says:

    Why do all outlets want to reduce her to just an actress before PH? She didn’t become an entrepreneur after leaving the RF. She was already one. She gave up a lot when she married into the RF. I would like to see PH on her show helping cook. I bet W&K would have to put out some sort of cooking video afterward.

    • ariel says:

      I didn’t know anything about her website- the tig- but she stated in the netflix doc it was a pretty successful business.
      And her friend/co-worker abigail noted- i don’t think you’re an actress at heart, more a producer.
      Meghan has been a business woman for awhile.
      It showed in the way she handled her royal patronages- see- the capsule fashion collection for the charity that helps homeless women get back on their feet, and get jobs.

      This is all who she is-
      and i know she likes things fully developed- so i am excited for ARO’s launch.
      I am not in her price bracket, but i’m sure there will be a few things i can afford. She understands business.

      But damn, i do wish she would write a memoir and read them all for filth.
      Its not like they could treat her any worse than they already do.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I want a memoir from Meghan. I respect that she doesn’t plan on sharing in this way yet, but I’m holding onto hope. I loved Spare, the writer who worked with Harry is very talented and I thought he wove a great story

    I loved Becoming by Lady Obama and the Audacity of Hope by PBO, I have re-read both. I just finished the Shortest Way Home by Pete Buttigieg and I Have Something to Tell you by Chasten Buttigieg.

    I love hearing what brought these leaders to us and how and what formed them.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I think a turning point for Meghan (and Harry) was the Queen dying. As they’ve said since Spare came out they’re finished looking back and that stage of their lives and have moved on. This year has really felt that they’ve found their stride and are thriving. It’s really the British press and Royal Family who have been unable to move on.

    • s808 says:

      Yeah she was done with all of it, that family, her father, the UK, once the Queen died. I’m sure she mourned for a time but she’s obviously moved on with her life.

    • Jaded says:

      The way TQ’s death was handled was a complete sh*t show from banning Meghan from Balmoral to not letting Harry fly in with the rest of his family. It was a bad omen that led to an even worse reign by a totally inept, cruel and ineffective monarch and his useless knob of a son and DIL.

      • one of the marys says:

        There was no coming back from the eviction that followed the funeral.

      • I watched that in real time and while I was shocked, I was also in awe of Meghan.

        Because KFC’s first official act as KFC was to “ban” her from being at her husbands side at the place his granny had just died in.

        I mean, this guy, he been bitching about he been treated badly by his mean parents and his charismatic wife for over 20 years.

        He finally gets the top job – and what is his first official ruling?

        Yeah, making an official statement to the press that you are “shunning” your son’s wife.

        UNREAL, the icon of country you were born in, YOUR mother, has just passed and that the most important thing in your mind is that “relatives need to be shunned”

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t know how much inside scoop Us weekly actually has, but what they’re reporting does seem to reflect how she is approaching life. Which is great. There’s a lot of frustration from the BM that she’s paying them dust, so I’m sure this will just incense them. Especially the part about how they get asked to comment about stuff daily that has nothing to do with them. The American soft press seems to be getting more access, so hopefully they will stop just regurgitating BM talking points and realize these “experts” never actually break news about them. How can you know that Meghan is frustrated, embarrassed, or that Harry is incensed or lonely, but not know that he was coming to the UK for a funeral?

  5. Becks1 says:

    I think its clear that she has found peace and is really happy and content with her life right now. When we see her, she just looks…..lighter, in a way (figuratively) – like she has less emotional stress weighing her down. I think its really clear when you look back at pictures of her in the UK from her time as a working royal and even from visits for the queen’s Jubbly etc. There was a tension around her eyes and in her posture that isn’t there anymore. She looks like the weight of a thousand year old institution has been lifted off her back.

    I’m really excited for the cooking show. When her friends were “free” and allowed to defend her on social media, the one that stuck with me was from her friend Silver Tree, the director. She talks about how you visit Meghan’s house and oh look, all your favorite foods are there! You say you’re moving to a new city and the next day she has sent you a guidebook with things tabbed she thinks you would like. She made a playlist for her (Silver) for the morning of the Sussex wedding. etc.

    It showed a different side of her than the British press obviously but it was also all these little things that just made me think – lordy, Meghan must be the BEST hostess ever, lol. So all that to say I’m excited to see all of that come out in her show.

  6. Lau says:

    See, that’s how you make the school run appear believable, you don’t use it as an excuse to get out of things just because you are lazy. I love that Us Weekly just had to add this part about it ahah.

  7. lanne says:

    This is a smart move on her behalf. She experienced extreme trauma in the UK, and likely has PTSD. These people tried to destroy her life with no thought for her safety or even her humanity. She survived the royal family and gets to live her life and raise her family on her own terms. She’s rich, she has a beautiful home, beautiful kids, and an amazing husband with a spine of steel. Leaning into the positive is her best course of action right now–and that in itself makes the royals look even worse. She sees them as a blip in her radar, the royals who expect to be the center of all things. Her lack of concern toward them is the biggest FU she can give–all they can do is look crazed in response (I like the left behind royals as Alex in Fatal Attraction: I will not be IGNORED, Dan–um yes, royals, who are you again?). Meghan is no Wallis Simpson, begging to be acknowledged by the royals and whining over a lack of HRH.

    I think a memoir happens later in life, when her role as philanthropist and entrepreneur is firmly established. The longer she is silent about the royals, the more the mystique over her experience grows. The more the public sees her on her own terms, and see how her kindness and empathy and intelligence is in direct contrast with the royal slander she experienced,the more non royal watchers will ask, “what was their problem with her?” and “why are they still going on and on about her?”

    After all, unlike Diana, Meghan escaped from the royal clutches alive. She has a hell of a story to tell about being a biracial woman inside the most hallowed halls of white supremacy. The value of her story can only grow with her silence. And her magnanimous take makes the royals look even shittier, even more debased, and even more irrelevant.

    • Agnes says:

      That was very well said, Ianne. Personally, I would love to hear ALLLLLL the negativity, though. Most of us here vicariously felt her pain and I want revenge for what she suffered.

      • Caribbean says:

        The part about “Most of us here vicariously felt her pain and I want revenge for what she suffered” 💙💙

  8. MsIam says:

    I’m torn about this article. It’s really just a rehash and a bunch of supposition. At least the NYT did an actual phone interview. But at least its positive based on this excerpt. And its better than anything from People who can’t even get Meghan’s title correct half the time. I dont know if People has done a cover feature on just Meghan since she’s moved back to the US, even though they’ve done ad infinitum on “Princess Kate and her brave/modern/whatever new life as future queen!”

    • Jais says:

      It’s definitely a rehash. Whoever is sourcing this stuff is mostly guessing imo. But I appreciated that it was mostly hyping up Meghan and her future projects. Although, in the wider article, there’s a part that Kaiser didn’t include. In which they talked about the disagreement over bridesmaids dresses and made it sound like a both sides issue. And that made me angry. Bc it wasn’t. Meghan was clear in Oprah. She put her words to what happened. Whereas Kate’s story came out through “sources” and yet it’s given equal weight to Meghan’s own words. So the inclusion of that detail framed in such a way made this positive article a side-eye. Unfortunately bc I did appreciate the excitement for Meghan’s projects.

  9. Jais says:

    This was a mostly positive story all about Meghan. Which is nice. It’s kind of like the fluffy Kate stories but in this case, Meghan is actually doing things. There’s substance to back the fluff if that makes sense. She’s filmed a whole show which I can’t freaking wait to watch. I’ve said it before but Meghan is probably the only person who can get me to attempt some sort of cooking. And ARO is on the horizon. I will patiently wait and save. Just imagine, every single thing she wears on her show will be analyzed. And there’s a chance she could be wearing things from companies that she’s invested in already. I’m excited.

  10. Harla says:

    I am so ready for ARO to launch and for Meghan’s Netflix show to start!! I am ready to start buying and to start watching, hopefully both at the same time 🙂

  11. Libra says:

    I like the part where they are hands on parents. One of my daughter’s classmates years ago was a Nanny for a while between college and starting grad school. She said that the true sign of a hands on Mom is answering these questions , “who potty trained your children” and “how old were your children when they were completely trained with no night time accidents “.