Prince William’s office confirms that he will not travel to New York next month

Prince Harry’s office announced on Tuesday that Harry will travel solo to New York in September for UN Climate Week. He has a busy agenda with multiple patronages, charities and foundations. It’s not going to be like his brother’s trip to New York last year, which was Prince William’s attempt to copykeen Harry’s previous trips to the city. William’s “reason” for being in New York last year was that he made Michael Bloomberg throw together an Earthshot event in which they sat in a hotel conference room for a photo-op. Then William tried to barge his way into the United Nations (he only got a cattle-call photo-op). Many wondered if William would pull the same thing this year, and whether the brothers would be in New York at the same time. There is mixed reporting. First, the Daily Mail leaves it dangling:

Prince Harry is set to embark on a packed solo trip to New York City next month – at the same time that his brother, Prince William, will likely host a summit in Manhattan. The Duke of Sussex, 39, will ‘be in town to advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives,’ a spokesperson confirmed to

The trip is set to take place during UN General Assembly High-level Week and Climate Week, the latter of which runs from September 22 until September 29.

His older brother Prince William, 42, may also be in the city at that time for the third annual Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit, which will be held at The Plaza Hotel on September 24. It’s unknown if the Prince of Wales will attend for sure, but he was present last year at the same event.

[From The Daily Mail]

I actually wondered if William and his office would keep the speculation going and keep everyone in limbo about whether he would show up. I mean, wouldn’t a global statesman show up to his own Keenshot environmental event? Wouldn’t a global statesman try to barge his way into the UN for the second year in a row? Wouldn’t the heir want to remind the spare who the big dog is? Unfortunately, William is no big dog, nor is he a global statesman. After the Mail left it in limbo, it looks like William’s office quietly confirmed to a few people that the global statesman will skip New York this year.

Sadly, for those hoping for a New York-based episode of the world’s longest-running soap opera, an official source has now confirmed to The Daily Beast that William, who has avoided all foreign travel (except a brief football-watching jaunt to Germany over the summer) since his wife was diagnosed with cancer, will not be attending the Earthshot Summit. Harry’s team declined to comment beyond the statement issued Tuesday.

[From The Daily Beast]

“Except a brief football-watching jaunt to Germany over the summer.” William went to Germany several times and made an ass out of himself every time. He also went to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day commemorations. If William wanted to go to New York for his busywork, he would have. He’s either bored with Earthshot already or he’s simply too lazy.

A few more things – Harry will be doing an in-person event with the Diana Award in New York. The Diana Award is one of the only things left in which William and Harry are both still involved. Harry has had to skip some in-person Diana Award events in the UK (he made remote appearances) so I wonder what they have planned for New York. And I wonder if a certain Other Brother will be jelly.

Last thing – the Mail’s royal editor Rebecca English claims that she was told back in July that William wouldn’t go to New York this year. I’m sure this is not a convenient lie to cover up the fact that William is terrified of being in the same American city as Harry. “Prince William went last year, but not the year before” – he was actually scheduled to go to New York in 2022 but then QEII died and it would have looked crass for him to fly to New York so soon after her death.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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76 Responses to “Prince William’s office confirms that he will not travel to New York next month”

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  1. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Yes of course, it depends on his diary. When there’s nothing on it or when it’s his own event (easthsht) he doesnt go. That makes sense.

    the top dog gives vibes that he’s scared of being in the same state as his little bro outside the uk? 🐓 💩

    • the Robinsons says:

      Because he is lazy, not use to demanding working and or travel. He was never going to be able to keep up with his kid brother.

    • His big problem was and is nobody wants him in NYC. Harry was invited Peg was not. Yes he is lazy but if you want him to do something all you had to do was say Harry will be doing something and Peg would suddenly be seen. I still think his yes men are trying to put something together.

      • Kingston says:

        He hee heeeeeee …..Bully’s skeeered. LMFAO I luv it!!!

        But I agree with you, @Susan Collins, I do believe that as we speak, his yes men are trying to put something together for him to get a photo-op in NY in the vicinity of the UN, if only to take shame from his eyes/save face.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Yes, unfortunately and much to my disgust, I believe there’s a likelihood they may be throwing something together for William to show his weasely face here in NY. But it’s just not going to go over well with Harry’s presence here at the same time. Not with his lackluster persona, unless there are drinks, sports, and celebrities involved. And he needs to be staying home helping out his father with his duties as heir rather than running off to another country not even in the CW just to compete with his brother.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    I can just hear the very patient but patronizing tone of H&M’s British spokesperson talking to the Fail as they melt down demanding full access to all the details of Harry’s plans as he confirms H will “‘be in town to advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives”.

    Suck it Rota, you are not invited.

    I bet the press turnout from the salty islands to any Diana Award events is intense because that may be the only info they have in specific dates and times.

  3. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    What commitments? We all know that his diary is full of blank pages with a few sporting events scribbled in and events that he definitely can’t get out of like Trooping.

    • First comment says:

      Give him a break! He has a cancer stricken wife and he has to do the school run!!

    • sunnyside up says:

      Had a look at the Royal diary, William is going to an art gallery 3rd September
      “Joint Patron, The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, will visit the exhibition “Homelessness:Reframed”, Saatchi Gallery, London, SW3″
      Nothing else for them for September. It’s all Anne and the Gloucesters with a sprinkling of the Edinburghs.

      • Becks1 says:

        I imagine the kids go back to school around then so it will be all SCHOOL RUN SCHOOL RUN SCHOOL RUN for the next few months lol.

      • Barb Mill says:

        I looked also and that is the only thing on the Royal Diary for the rest of the year. haha

    • Jais says:

      Ha! I wonder what else his top notch team finds for him to do that week. One gallery appearance ain’t gonna cut it. Unless he does a photo-op of the all hallowed school run.

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    This reads to me that Harry got all the good gigs/access and Pegs will told ‘sorry too busy’ so he’s not going to save face.

    Everyone who matters wants to be seen with Harry – Peggy knows that. Who’s the real global statesman now – Chuck could’ve had a couple that worked and made him look good but ….

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I think William’s team was caught completely flat footed and are probably frantically making plans to shove the kids out to compete with Harry’s coverage. For whatever reason, William has to be very closely managed to make any sort of public appearances, and after the mockery/disregard of his big boy statesman trip last time, I’m sure he’s refusing to go again. He went and no one gave him a cookie and told him he was so much better than Harry! He won’t go to the Caribbean again and now I think he won’t go to New York again. Such a workshy tantrum throwing toddler.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Yeah, I’m kinda starting to buy into the theory that he’s being closely managed by people working for the King and thats why he’s doing less as a way of pushing back.

        When he has been seen in public he hasn’t look good, hungover most of the time or he’s behaving aggressively (like at the Euro games where he was jumping up and down bearing his teeth).

        There is def something big going on with both Wails – it feels like they are both being pushed in the background (thou her more than him). Its possible he’s being made to get treatment for whatever hence why he’s being managed closely. Whatever it is am not sure its going well.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree that it seems like there is something going on. Wasn’t the climate week in 2022 during the mourning period for QEII, or very shortly thereafter? So of course it makes sense that he didn’t go.

        What I can’t tell though is – does William want to make appearances at events like this in NY and he’s being told no, or does he not want to work at all and when we see him he’s being pushed out against his will?

        We should give him credit though – he’s had a busy summer. Taylor Swift, the Euros……poor poodle, its been a long few months.

      • Scooby Gang says:


        “… probably frantically making plans to shove the kids out to compete with Harry’s coverage.”

        Are you implying that Peg is going to try to… (shocked gasp!)… steal H’s thunder?!


      • Eurydice says:

        @Becks1 – I think he’s being pushed out against his will. If you have masses of wealth and you’re truly interested and committed to something, you’ll figure out how to be involved somehow. Harry managed to keep up with Invictus even while fleeing 2 different countries. I think William’s staff keep coming up with ideas for him to be relevant and he just isn’t interested enough to follow through. What ever happened to that high-powered diplomat fellow who was going to turn William into a global statesman?

        Still, William as PoW isn’t obliged to have any commitments outside of the RF, but he is obliged to help out Charles – he swore to it in the fancy hat ceremony – and we’ve seen precious little of that. This is what puzzles me. Why are we hearing stories about Charles begging Harry for help, when William is loafing nearby?

    • Steph says:

      William really is a complete failure in this front. He has no idea how to reach out to people. I think it’s a mix of how he was raised and his personality but he expects everything and everyone to just come to him. It’s why everything he does is lack luster.

  5. equality says:

    It’s pretty pathetic when someone who has one job and is supposed to be an expert royal watcher can’t keep up with what the royals have done. Even before her diagnosis Kate wasn’t traveling to ES stuff with PW so what has that got to do with it? It’s not a big shock anyway. Does he have any patronage that he is consistent with?

    • Chrisssy says:

      Yeah, being President of the FA – but men’s football only naturally but then he moves heaven and earth to get there and acts like a boorish lout!

    • lanne says:

      Nope! Never has. He’s 42 years old with nothing substantial to show for his work life. The ratchets will need to sharpen up their creative writing skills, because covering Willnot and Cannot will be an exercise in fiction for the next few decades.

      The Wales’s life work? Jack shit, unless obsession with Harry and Meghan can be considered an occupation. It’s the only thing either has done with any consistency or gusto.

      The rota ratchet’s life work? I bullied a mixed race family with young children, ignored literal crimes, wrote a bunch of propanganda propping up a couple of the most lazy, shiftless morons who ever nepo-babied. Yay me.

  6. Wagiman says:

    Awww egg
    I feel so bad for egg.

    He’s got so much going on. His life is crazy! Poor, egg.

  7. First comment says:

    I expected this. After all, who would do the school run in his absence? On a serious note, I don’t believe he planned to go after last year’s big flop. Moreover, he would be far more exposed there to questions from the press than to his own country and I don’t think he could handle the scrutiny.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I think so too.

    • Christine says:

      I agree. Even the most delusional on Salt Island have to recognize by this point that William is in no way equipped to match Harry’s work ethic and passion to make the planet better for people. William does not have that in him, and he’s going to continue to look like a buffoon compared to his inspiring little brother.

      We don’t even have to bring up their wives for it to be clear that one brother has completely failed at his fundamental purpose in life, and that isn’t Harry.

  8. Cali says:

    I really think that William is having trouble holding things together.
    Is he even able to maintain his composure enough to travel and carry out a full schedule of engagements?
    There are many differences between Harry and William, but a big one is that Harry is energized by interacting with people and William seems to find it very draining.
    I don’t like William and he’s a shit brother but it really seems like his life is not a happy one.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Someone commented yesterday that William may have unaddressed mental health issues which he self medicates with alcohol. I have wondered this myself after all the strange happenings this year. Or, he could just be that lazy. 🤷

      • Nanea says:

        The mental health issues won’t surprise anyone who’s ever seen Harry’s brother constantly being described as incandescent with rage *and* who remembers his nickname from school, Billy the Basher.

        And who remembers seeing Bulliam constantly hitting his father while Harry’s dad was laying on the grass somewhere with Harry and the other son. Or TOB screaming “nonononono” when Diana said something like “alright, Harry will have all the fun then”.

        Plus Billy Idle unsteadily rocking back and forth like a willow in a storm, looking visibly out of it, either drunk or high, when he dropped that medal at an investiture earlier this year.

      • ShazBot says:

        I think many things can be true. I absolutely believe he has unaddressed mental health, and that he probably does not have healthy coping mechanisms, AND that he’s a raging malignant narcissist who does not want to work and hates that the world thinks he owes them anything.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Shazbot that’s pretty much what I think. He has unaddressed mental health issues – were those exacerbated by his sense of entitlement, by everyone catering to him, by never having been told “no” (at least it doesn’t seem he was told no as an adult)? Probably. i”m sure he lacks coping mechanisms because one of the reasons you learn to cope is by dealing with situations that require coping (disappointments, failures, falling down and getting back up, etc.)

        Consider then that he’s just plain lazy and hates that he’s expected to do more than attend football games and go on vacations and we have……William.

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    I guess this tool did not want to make another fool of himself since he was mocked relentlessly the last time he was in New York. Such a shame, we could all use another laugh at him.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    As somebody said on twitter, if Becky knew William wasn’t going to NY since July why did she let her colleagues write articles about the William and Harry possibly being in the city at the same time? Another thing why did she withhold that information about William but didn’t hesitate to report that the paperback version of Harry’s book wasn’t going to be released.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Managing the clicks.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that BeckyE did not actually know he wasn’t going in July as she says. Instead, she’s lying for William. As she does.

      • Nic919 says:

        Becky also made sure to say that kate did not have cancer when the surgery announcement came out.

        Becky English as head rota simply repeats what she is told to say by KP

  11. Cassie says:

    It’s been rather nice not seeing his ugly face for a while and I am glad he is not going to New York .

    Willie just doesn’t do much of anything these days .

    Such a poor excuse for a Prince of Wales .
    Absolutely just dead set lazy .

  12. SussexWatcher says:

    The Other Brother just makes me so uncomfortable. His grimace of a smile – in that photo where he’s shaking hands with the guy in the black jacket/white cap – makes my skin crawl. It’s so contemptuous-feeling with those flared nostrils and whatever his dry, tight mouth is doing.

    And of course he’s not going to NY at the same time as Harry. He knows he can’t compete with someone doing actual work and who actually cares. He knows he’ll look worse when directly compared to Harry – someone engaging and hard working. And he knows he won’t have his rota rat minions to lie about crowd size compared to Harry, or to cover up how ineffectual and unprepared he is.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Harry and Meghan seemed to be genuinely engaged in charity work and they enjoyed doing it. In comparison William and Kate look so lackadaisical about doing anything.

      • Christine says:

        Harry and Meghan both seem energized by a shared purpose, they are always excited and happy to meet complete strangers. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan and the VP of Colombia end up being friends for the rest of their lives.

        The Wails aren’t energized by anything, and they don’t want to meet anyone. I can’t imagine how they are going to keep this farce of a royal family going for much longer.

    • Jks says:

      He can’t compete and he knows it!

    • Chrissy says:


  13. Dee says:

    Not even Eggshot? Say it isn’t so.

  14. Shoegirl77 says:

    To paraphrase Chrissy Teigen, what a p*ssy ass egg.

  15. s808 says:

    No way he was gonna go when H has a fully diary of legit events and meetings to go to. W’s events last time he went was busy work and a photo-op he had to chase down. The comparisons would’ve been harsh

  16. EasternViolet says:

    I wonder if Egg will do a remote zoom call for the Diana awards, and include that as a work event in his tally. I can see him not as well, because sour grapes and rage.

    • Christine says:

      I’m going to crack up if he Zooms in. Come on, Harry was on Zoom last year for the Diana awards, and EASILY showed up William, who had actually been in the room with the people.

      He’s Prince Freaking Harry, William, you aren’t going to best him. Give it up.

  17. Tessa says:

    Peg won’t be able to jog in central park

    • SarahCS says:

      Keeping the number of times he has jogged in central park at 0.

      He’s such an embarrassment!

  18. seaflower says:

    Willie is giving me Monty Python “run away, run away” from Holy Grail vibes. He’s *so* brave and global statesman like.

    For those who’ve never seen it, Arthur and the Knights fight a “killer rabbit”

    • BeanieBean says:

      Thanks for the link! I always like a good laugh in the morning! I’ll have to watch this again this weekend! Saw the movie in the theaters, saw Spamalot on Broadway. Always a riotous good time!

  19. Magdalena says:

    “…a spokesperson confirmed to” HA! They mean “we copied from a People Mag article”.

    They are so desperate to use Prince Harry to cloutchase in the US, to give themselves some sort of legitimacy after being outed as the trash they are. Unless they’re talking to that man who had to leave, possibly because he kept talking to the wrong people.

  20. Pork Belly says:

    Those chickens clucking away over Donald Trump’s reluctance to debate Kamala – who’s their agent? It looks like they’ve booked another gig.

  21. Trix says:

    I cannot believe they rolled out the cancer excuse. Wow. This “cancer” diagnosis is sure coming in handy. Is she still getting “preventative” chemo on non-existent cancer cells?

    • Jaded says:

      IKR? This continues to be the only pathetic excuse (or lie) the rota continue to cling to. I have full-on cancer and my chemo is only taking 2 months. I get the feeling these 2 have been permanently sidelined because Willbur is too fecking lazy, stupid and selfish to do anything but the simplest of appearances where he can be managed. Ditto Kate who bailed after the December *incident*. They clearly hate each other and are living separately.

  22. VilleRose says:

    If he hadn’t been planning on going, then why not announce it back in July when he already knew? It takes two seconds to issue that statement. He definitely wanted the “will he or won’t he attend” narrative to try to drum up interest in his boring plans. He only issued the clarifying statement once it was announced Harry was going and he realized the focus would no longer be on Earthshot but if Harry and William would be in NYC at the same time. Also using Kate as an excuse not to travel to the USA–that might have worked earlier in the year when the “Where is Kate” thing exploded but it is now nearly September and Kate has been well enough to attend two major events in the past few months. We know she is doing relatively okay from what we’ve been told. She won’t fall apart if he leaves for a few days to go to NYC.

    • RRN says:

      @VilleRose: He obviously wanted the “Will he? Wont he?” coverage and also seemed to be testing the waters and keeping options open for an NY tour. Which is why there wasn’t a direct confirmation of his travel. Becky didn’t know shit whether he was gonna travel or not and is just parroting KP revised talking points. Of course William won’t travel when Harry is there in NY.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Oh no, however will New York City tourism cope without William making a visit?

  24. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The reason there’s such a difference whenever Harry visits as opposed to Billy Idle is because Harry plans ahead. I have no doubt you need to get things arrange well in advance of the UN Climate Change week. If he meets with any specific people who will be at the UN, I’m sure that’s been scheduled for months. I have no idea if the people who do with for Billy Idle would even think that there are others in the world who aren’t going to immediately make room in an already busy calendar to fit in some random visit by Billy Idle.

    I suspect that security is already tight for the UN during these events, which makes it a bit easier for Harry. Indeed, he may have heightened security, but there’s probably already heightened security. Works out for both NYC and Harry.

    • Becks1 says:

      Harry also doesn’t assume that people want to meet with him because he’s PRINCE HARRY. He schedules meetings on behalf of his organizations or causes and at this point, I’m sure people do want to meet with him to discuss initiatives, funding, etc.

      But he’s not putting out a press release saying “I’m going to NYC” and expecting the UN Sec-Gen to immediately schedule a meeting for him. There’s such a huge difference there in terms of….well, arrogance, I guess.

  25. tamsin says:

    I don’t know how they can refer to William’s “diary” with a straight face. It makes one wonder what he does with himself all day. I’m not sure what exactly happens during the EarthShot summit. Do they just announce the finalists and do a preview of their projects? Do they give an update on how past winners are doing? Some of the projects are quite interesting. It just seems to be a big splashy event where the environment is not really featured. I can see how celebrities help, but why aren’t activists who well known invited? Just curious.

    • Christine says:

      Word. He doesn’t even have enough engagements to fill a Post-It stuck to the fridge, much less have any need for a “diary”. The Celebitchy regulars can list all of his appearances this entire year off the top of our heads! It’s pathetic.

      • Convict says:

        Exactly; it is shameful since he lives off public money in the highest echelons of public office. He is hiding behind Kate’s diagnosis, accepted by the masses without question, and peddled by the BM.

        I do, however, think that something quite serious is happening behind the scenes. Just what that is, we can only speculate. Is it the King’s prognosis, is it Kate’s or is it something more banal like a divorce?

  26. Henny Penny says:

    I try to remember that William didn’t make himself this loathsome all by his lonesome. Many people, over many centuries, helped create this pitiful mess of a human being. Now that he’s trapped, and can’t even leave the Island without making an embarrassment of himself, I’m worried what he might be capable of the more isolated and humiliated he becomes.

    While it sounds all sweetness and light on the surface, I think there’s something rather chilling in Meghan calling this season of their lives her “Chapter of Joy.” Both of them know the next chapter they must weather is Charlie’s funeral and William’s accession to the thrown. It’s hard to see how that’s going to be much fun for anyone. I wonder what the title of that doozy will be?

  27. AC says:

    I think most NYers would rather see H anyways. And based on last years results, couldn’t care less of W or the left overs.

  28. Princessk says:

    It is not outside the realms of possibility that both brothers will show up at the Diana event.
    Although it is being played down the fact that BOTH Harry and William attended their Aunts husband’s funeral is significant. It was very much under the radar but it did not happen by chance… this space…..

  29. Lavendel says:

    One of the very nasty things is – these people in the palace send their good wishes to the competitors at the Paralympics in Paris, which is of course true. But they failed to send their regards to the British competitors in the Invictus Games. What ugly and unspeakable behavior from this couple.
    Do you remember that run in the park in New York? Where the photos were of a run with Harry and Kate years ago? That man lost a lot of international sympathy with all those fakes.

  30. originald says:

    Sorry SpareHair, you’ve been gray rocked into oblivion by Prince William & the rest of the BRF. I know it’s new to you, H., It’s called a “consequence.” Bet Mimi didn’t mention that during LoveBombing, obviously…