Eden: Prince Harry won’t give any interviews to promote the paperback release

Prince Harry’s Spare was a global bestseller, selling millions of hardback copies and earning Harry millions of dollars. Apparently, Harry is not adding any new chapters to the paperback edition, which will be released in October. He’s also not making any edits or removing anything, a fact which the royalist media wants to ignore after they spent months claiming that Harry lied about this or that. The sudden announcement of a paperback edition apparently stole the Windsors’ thunder, but the royalist media is desperately trying to spin the news as some kind of win for them: Harry’s not adding chapters, that must mean he’s desperate to reconcile with his family! Now Richard Eden at the Mail claims that Harry will not do any interviews to promote the paperback.

Here’s a rare piece of welcome news for the Royal Family from Montecito. I hear that the Duke of Sussex is not planning to give any interviews to publicise the paperback edition of his tawdry memoirs, Spare. His publisher, Penguin Random House, announced on Monday that the cheaper edition of the explosive book would come out in October.

‘Harry doesn’t plan to give any interviews to promote the paperback edition,’ a friend of his tells me. ‘The paperback was a part of the book deal he signed, but he is not contractually obliged to promote this edition. The reason it has taken longer than usual for the paperback to be published is that the more expensive hardback was still selling well.’

My news will come as a relief to the Royal Family, who were subjected to a series of tell-all interviews with Prince Harry when he was promoting the publication of the hardback edition in January last year. He told Tom Bradby, for example, in an ITV News interview, that his family had ‘gone to bed with the devil’ by collaborating with the Press and suggested his father was ‘not ready’ for the responsibilities of parenthood.

The hardback edition of Spare broke records at bookshops. It was Britain’s best-selling book last year, with more than 700,000 copies sold. A spokesman for the Duke of Sussex declines to comment.

[From The Daily Mail]

Book tours and promotional tours usually happen only for the hardback release, but many authors will also do some interviews and appearances to promote the paperback release. Will Prince Harry do anything like that? Does Eden have the true insider dirt? I don’t know. I doubt Harry will appear on 60 Minutes again or anything, but I could absolutely see him chatting with the LA Times or something like that. Plus, Harry will be in New York next month. What are the chances that CNN or the New York Times want to interview him during his visit?

As an innocent reminder, here’s the full 60 Minutes interview!

Screencaps courtesy of CBS/60 Minutes.

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38 Responses to “Eden: Prince Harry won’t give any interviews to promote the paperback release”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Eden is obsessed. Why would there be an interview. The book is not tawdry.

    • Barrett says:

      Also he did an interview w Gabor Mate. It was a zoom w tickets. Then Mate said he regretted doing anything for tickets and book sales. You got a copy of his and Harry’s books for 60 dollars. I thought the aftermath of Mate’s regrets were unnecessary and unfair.

      • MsIam says:

        The reason Gabor Mate regretted it was because of the torrent of abuse and lies from the UK media as a result. Let’s be clear on that point.

      • Anna says:

        I watched a couple of Gabor Mate’s interviews re Harry and Spare, and he said that he regretted doing it because yes, it required you buy the book, but added that he thought the interview with Harry was incredibly enlightening and interesting, and that both he and Harry had asked for the interview to be available publically but got told by the lawyers that they couldn’t.

        Still, he speaks very highly and very kindly about Harry, and he said in the same interview that Harry is really emotionally mature, but doesn’t realize how badly neglected he’d been before (I believe he was referencing Harry saying that he was a very privileged as a child, and Mate had shaken his head).


      • Henny Penny says:

        Gabor Mate also made it clear that the fault lay with the people putting on the event, and that he did not hold Prince Harry responsible for how it all went down.

  2. Krista says:

    Yeah, they thought there wasn’t even going to BE a paperback version, so I’m taking this with a bucketful of salt. These clowns don’t have the scoop on anything Sussex.

    • kelleybelle says:

      They just love to pretend that they do, though.

    • Kathleen says:

      They were hoping that Harry would amend or soften the things he said in the original to let the RF and the press off the hook. No such luck. He spoke the truth and it stands.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The UK Media must be crying 😢😢 we want our clicks 😢😢 show me the money !!

  4. Tessa says:

    If the royals had not treated the sussexes so badly there would have been no book. The royals caused the damage.

  5. Inge says:

    Is he throwing a tantrum? It sounds like Maureen is throwing a tantrum….

    • C-Shell says:

      And with a massive dose of wishful thinking. Mo knows nothing, but most especially not about Harry and Meghan.

      • Jais says:

        Yes, he knows nothing. I really want Harry to do an interview now😂. It was also fun to have Eden admit that the paperback took a while to come out bc the hardcover was selling so well.

    • Becks1 says:

      He sounds disappointed there wont be any interviews.

      And why would there be? Spare is one of the bestselling nonfiction books of all time. I’m sure the publisher feels confident that the paperback version will sell just fine. You know they have all sorts of metrics and models or whatever that they use to predict how a paperback will sell based on the hardcover. They’re not new at this.

  6. sunnyside up says:

    Wow! Eden admits that Spare sold extremely well, that must have hurt him.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The British press can no longer deny that it was a huge success.

    • Jais says:

      Yes! I loved that for him. But now it’s oh no! How dare Harry make so much money after trashing his family and revealing how terrible they are. Whereas as anyone who read it is more like yeah I would have said my peace too after having my fam throw me and my wife and child to the uk tabloids.

      • Christine says:

        They couldn’t have paid me to shut up, if I were Harry. The fact that they didn’t see this coming from miles away is always going to be the funniest part of all of this, for me. You did this to yourselves, you have to wake up and realize it at some point!

  7. Proud Mary says:

    Seriously, you guys are saying you don’t know if Maureen, who works for the Daily Fail, has the “inside dirt” on whether Harry will interview? Are you seriously kidding me???

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    Those gutter rats are so obsessed with all things Sussexes. Harry and Meghan have moved on. Those rats look for any reason to believe this couple wants to return to that mess they are so desperately supporting and we all know this is not true. That ship has sailed and the Sussexes are soaring supporting causes that are important to them. They have no inside sources to the Sussexes and are making guesses which as we see are hit or misses. When it misses, they contradict themselves by trying to suggest the Sussexes changed their minds when we know their guess was wrong. They have cut off their own noses by standing so hard for a family that has zero redeeming qualities and is falling apart in real time.

  9. Sunshine says:

    Whoever told him that is not “a friend of Harry’s.”

  10. Julia says:

    Wow big scoop, Harry won’t be giving any interviews to promote the paperback! Did we really think he was going to if there are no new chapters! I think he is done talking about the royals for now. His focus now is on his wife, kids and his charitable projects. Doesn’t take a genius to work this out!

  11. Nanea says:

    Message to Maureen:

    Harry’s busy. Like, frfr busy. He doesn’t need to consult the empty pages of his diary to find an excuse for not doing anything, unlike Harry’s brother Billy Idle.

    Because Harry will be involved, among other things, with celebrating the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Travalyst project, which is now a coalition of companies worth more than three trillion dollars.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I’m not even sure it’s necessary for Harry to do interviews for the paperback because the book was so huge. There would be a lot of people who were waiting for the paperback to buy it. But if he does an interview the most opportune time to do it would be when he’s in NY. I could see him popping up on one of the morning shows. It’s easy to forget that the same press was saying that Harry regretted writing the book and that’s why it wasn’t coming out in paperback.

    • Nic919 says:

      Spare is one of the top selling books of all time so he wasn’t going to have to do any further interviews. Besides people like Eden do promo for him by constantly talking about Harry.

  13. Jan says:

    Oops! Guys you forgot Stephen Colbert, chances are Harry may pop in to his show, when he is in NYC, and the appearance broadcast in October.

  14. cazzie says:

    Maureen is in the pay of James Middleton (for doggie treats LOL) So even if he WAS a credible journalist, and not just a KP/BP gossip monger, that fact alone makes all his comments both fatuous and patently untrue. Today he is saying he can “make a ‘significant’ revelation that proves what Palaces sources have been telling me, that Harry is desperate for a reconciliation” with the leftover RF. LOL … I almost gagged on my lunch when I read THAT!!! Also his grammar needs working on.

  15. Mel says:

    The book was released, he did the promo. There is no need for him to do promo for a best-seller that’s being released in paperback. They’re either hideously stupid or think everyone else is.

  16. ariel says:

    So i just rewatched the 60 minutes interview. Thank you for putting it with this piece.

    Anybody know where you can see the Oprah interview? i’ve looked on youtube, and nothing official, but even a sketchy version which says it is the whole interview won’t actually play properly.

    I would love to watch it again.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    How could any self-respecting journalist write a line like this? “My news will come as a relief to the Royal Family.”

    Your job as a journalist, Eden, is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      QuiteContrary, “to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable” is so true. I wish the msm would remember that.

  18. VilleRose says:

    I follow a bunch of authors on Instagram, at most they might send out a newsletter and promote the paperback release of a book on social media/email but I can’t think of any that do interviews for them. So a nothingburger story as usual.

  19. Lavendel says:

    Prince Harry will do exactly what he thinks is right.

  20. Isabella says:

    Social media has replaced the book tour for many authors. Few do tours for paperback release.

  21. Louise177 says:

    It’s annoying how the BP keeps writing about Harry and Meghan over non-news. Paperbacks, even with celebrities, don’t get much publicity or new interviews. I don’t think anybody would have expected. It’s especially bizarre since the BP were just saying a few weeks ago that there wouldn’t be a paperback release because Harry regrets it because of the damage it caused.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      If there’s one thing the palaces and the British media are consistent about, it’s lying on H&M.