JD Vance: Kamala Harris ‘can go to hell’ for Trump’s grotesque Arlington stunt

JD Vance has chimed in about Donald Trump’s grotesque violation at Arlington National Cemetery this week. Two Gold Star families invited Trump to what was supposed to be a private wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington. That is their right – Gold Star families can invite whoever they want to private events at Arlington. The problem was that Trump brought campaign staffers, including a photographer and videographer, and they turned the wreath-laying into a campaign event. The Trump campaign even made and posted a TikTok using footage from Arlington (which is against federal law). Trump staffers also assaulted a woman who works at Arlington because she tried to stop them from filming there. Other Gold Star families are incredibly offended by all of this and it’s an awful story for the Trump-Vance campaign. Instead of apologizing, they sent JD Vance out to tell Kamala Harris to “go to hell.”

Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance said at a campaign event on Wednesday that he thinks Vice President Kamala Harris “can go to hell,” adding to the increasingly personal attacks former president Donald Trump’s campaign has lodged against the Democratic presidential nominee in recent days.

A reporter at the campaign event asked Vance about an altercation involving Trump campaign staff that took place at Arlington National Cemetery, which the former president visited Monday to mark the third anniversary of the Islamic State bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members during the evacuation from Afghanistan. Federal law prohibits election-related activities at military cemeteries and as The Washington Post previously reported, a cemetery employee tried to enforce the rules as provided to her by blocking Trump’s team from bringing cameras to the graves of U.S. service members killed in recent years, according to a senior defense official and another person briefed on the incident. A larger male campaign aide insisted the camera was allowed and pushed past the cemetery employee.

Vance said at his campaign stop in Erie, Pa., on Wednesday that the press was “creating a story where I really don’t think that there is one.” He said the family members of fallen service members in attendance “invited [Trump] to be there and to support them.” But the Ohio senator, a military veteran, then used the question to tie the Biden administration’s handling of the withdrawal to the Democratic presidential candidate.

“Kamala Harris is disgraceful. We’re going to talk about a story out of those 13 brave, innocent Americans who lost their lives? It’s that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened,” he asserted, though there have been extensive federal investigations into the Abbey Gate bombing.

Vance accused Harris of criticizing Trump’s visit to the cemetery, saying: “And she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up? She can — she can go to hell.”

Harris, who began a two-day bus tour in Georgia on Wednesday, did not bring up the issue on the campaign trail. In an interview with CNN that aired earlier Wednesday — before Vance’s campaign events — Harris campaign spokesperson Michael Tyler said the cemetery incident was “pretty sad” but “not surprising coming from the Trump team.”

[From WaPo]

Again, no one has said that Trump couldn’t or shouldn’t go to Arlington when specifically invited by families. The problem is not that Trump went to Arlington. The problem is that he turned it into a campaign event. The problem is that his team assaulted an Arlington employee (a servicewoman) when she tried to stop them from violating federal law. The problem is that Trump showed a massive amount of disrespect for the other fallen soldiers who are buried in Arlington. The problem is that the Trump campaign turned this horrible incident into a TikTok. Vance knows all of this and he’s desperately trying to make it all about Kamala Harris.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “JD Vance: Kamala Harris ‘can go to hell’ for Trump’s grotesque Arlington stunt”

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  1. Abby says:

    I didn’t realize I could get any madder about this Trump being inappropriate at Arlington story, but here we are. Here’s a whole new layer to get furious about. Thanks JD.

    • Mina_Esq says:

      Just when I think they couldn’t go any
      lower, they find a new bottom.

      • Megan says:

        Trump hired real campaign experts to run this campaign and it is an even hotter pile of sh*t that the last two.

      • orangeowl says:

        Oh, they keep going lower and lower, it never ends. Here in Chicago, a MAGA radio personality, who coaches high school volleyball, had mocked Gus Walz on air. Parents at the school where she coaches demanded that she step down, and thank goodness she did. A coach of kids mocking a kid? It made me see red.

        But even in her “apology” she crassly slammed Walz as “lying to the American people.” They’re all so disgusting and I cannot deal with their craven, ghoulish garbage anymore. And that includes JFK, Jr.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Im sure there will be another bottom to this bottom. I’m always surprised how low these clowns can go.

      • Gabby says:

        I think it’s safe to say they brought their own shovels.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      Something happens, and you think, well, they’ve hit rock bottom. It can’t get worse than this. But then they grab a shovel and just start digging.

      • Lady D says:

        Again and again and again I have thought that in the past eight years. He just keeps sinking lower and lower. When’s it going to bury him?

    • Feeshalori says:

      And he’s a military veteran who should know better than this. He’s a disgrace. Shame, shame on him.

    • StellainNH says:

      I still don’t understand how military veterans and their families can support this guy. Don’t they get offended by the way he talks about them being losers. I honestly want to know why.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        Stellainnh – I think they convince themselves that they are the exception, and that he doesn’t mean them. I bet they look down on service people of color, or on those who are from blue states. They think their loved one was the exception because he fell due to something that President Biden did. I mean, it’s the classic case of people voting against their own interests. The working class does it all the time when they vote GOP.

    • Kat says:

      10000% this.

      I can’t wait for all these hate mongering clowns to fall into the dustbin of history.

  2. seaflower says:

    Speaking of lower than scum, I give you JD Vance.

  3. Miranda says:

    Complaining that Kamala won’t do an investigation? Does he really want to pull that thread? I’m pretty sure that any investigation would quickly reveal the full extent to which Trump’s own policies contributed to that fiasco.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Kamala is not president yet. Does a VP have the power to unilaterally order such an investigation?

      • Margaret A. Shannon says:


      • Miranda says:

        No, but these people have never had the firmest grasp on things like the line of succession or the distribution of power. Remember when a bunch of them seemed to think that, if they managed to impeach Biden, Trump would be next in line?

  4. JL says:

    If Kaiser allows this link (understand if not), you can purchase Postcards to mail for Defeating Project 2025 here: https://coffeeandsloths.etsy.com/listing/1757855393
    You can also right click the image and save for free and use it to print flyers or postcards on your own. Nothing is inevitable. Make a plan to vote!

  5. PunkyMomma says:

    I cannot wait for the debate between Vice President Harris and Hillbilly Vanilli. She is going to slice and dice him like a onion in a Ginzu knife infomercial.

    • Abby says:

      Do you mean between Walz and Vance? I do feel confident that Walz can deal with riffraff like Vance just fine.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Ah. My mistake. Yes, Walz will be in full Coach mode, as he kindly benches Vance for the remainder of the game.

        I’m still feeling Mango is going to find a reason to skip out of the debate. Much depends on how Harris/Walz fare tonight on CNN.

    • seaflower says:

      Kamala will be debating the Mango Mussolini (unless he forgets to put his make up on that day).

    • Becks1 says:

      She’s not debating him which is unfortunate in a way – I mean I love her at the top of the ticket but her destroying Vance in real time would have been a sight to see.

      I have no doubt Walz will deal with him efficiently and brutally, but you know Vance being challenged by a WOC would bother him in a way that being challenged by Walz will not (being challenged will still bother him, just in a different way.) Same thing with trump though. Being called out by Harris is going to really really get under his skin.

    • Chrissy says:

      Hillbilly Vanilli? OMG! I bet he will live to regret aligning himself with the Orange Stain.

    • SA says:

      Hillbilly Vanilli!! – absolute perfection and I’m using that going forward for that mouth breather, missing link of a candidate.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    The Trump-Vance atrocity just does whatever it wants. That’s part of the appeal to their aggrieved supporters. They can get away with things. They can stick it to the libs and the crooked media. No one ever holds them accountable although the law has tried. But we see how that is going. And Trump just keeps breaking more laws. This is how the rule of law dies. Morgan J. Freeman is correct. The campaign put that on the teleprompter. This candidate and his alleged campaign have just become one giant middle finger to an exhausted nation. And they’re daring us to stop them. We must bury them once and for all in November.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    The idea of this man being a heartbeat away from the Presidency scares me just as much as a Trump second chance.

  8. Kitten says:

    Didn’t he call it “Abby Road” at one point lol.

    It’s weird how often he brings up Kamala Harris…he’s still debating her in his head. Hope he keeps doing that while Walz preps for the debate…

  9. Aud says:

    Who is supposed to enforce the federal law about filming at (that section) of Arlington and why aren’t they going after Drumph?

    • Wanda says:

      The woman decided not to press charges against the staffer because she’s scared MAGA idiots would find out her identity and come after her and her family.

    • blueberry says:

      The assault charge would have had to be pressed by the victim, but I think you’re asking about the law against campaigning at a national cemetery. But as we’ve seen time and time and time again, rules and laws don’t apply to him.

  10. Lizzie Bathory says:

    Christ. It is revealing that he struggled to deliver the line. He knows it’s awful.

    That Peter Thiel cash must’ve been hard for Trump to turn down (plus Thiel is a drug addled sociopath, so he has a lot in common with the candidate). But that guy has the political instincts of a box of hair.

  11. Mrs. Smith says:

    JD is saying Kamala can go to hell over the military withdrawal that TRUMP set into motion before leaving office? I hope Kamala will issue a statement to fact check this a**hole.

  12. Elena says:

    Has there ever been a more vulgar degenerate with mommy issues?! He repulses me even more than Trump, if that’s even possible.

    • Lady D says:

      It’s probably inevitable that those two would be drawn to one another. Like alcoholics or drug addicts, they know their own kind.

  13. Lindsay says:

    It won’t be in my lifetime that ‘unattractive in every way’ men like this are rejected and shunned.
    This man only loves mass attention, not the political process.
    He lives to rage bait and this is the only thing he’s good at.
    He’s been reduced to provocative sound bites that are repeated on right wing media.
    His supporters are some of the dumbest people you could ever come across.

  14. girl_ninja says:

    He was so happy when he got applause from his weak insult. Like a sad abused lap dog.

    One thing that I will say that has happened in the last 16 years is that I didn’t expect, my respect for Ivy league institutions. Excluding President Obama and a couple of Senators like Cory Booker, so many of these politicians are dumb as doorknobs and lacking morals.

  15. Oh no honey says:

    Get this piece of trash out of here with his Wet n Wild eyeliner and mascara. Tired of little boys dressing up as men and doing weird brown shirt cosolay in my country

  16. Ciotog says:

    Can you imagine being so far into the cult that you think Donald Trump would support you emotionally?

  17. CJW says:

    And this is why Brittany Mahomes can go F*@k herself. Trump/Vance are flaming a**holes.

  18. Anna Nonymous says:

    Good Lord Ladies….I knew this campaign season was going to be a wild ride but I didn’t think it would go here. The Drumpf campaigns sheer nerve and aggression to get their way, their perceived attack in simply saying” sorry you can’t film in a Military Cemetery for political reasons ” They made it about how someone is being unfair to them and they’re just trying to support the Gold Star Families! Was he supporting the families of the military when he very recently said that he doesn’t respect Medal of Honor winners because they’re bullet riddled and dead and don’t look so good. Instead of this beautiful lady here I gave a medal to! My anger, frustration, resentment and rage at Drumpf, his campaign and JD have all gone nuclear. It is not cute, it is not silly, it is not just nationalism. They are deranged fascists and they WILL lose. Just as they did last time. How is the climate any better for him or anywhere near what the fervor was when he ran against Hilary. Everyone said wow, his honesty is so refreshing. He says what alot of racists are thinking but afraid to say out loud. It was new, novel, shocking, swaggering bravado. Now? Doddering, rambling, insane, petty, personal attacks, no respect for the military or the American people period. Certainly not women. He couldn’t respect any of his own wives. He was having sex with a side piece while Melania was in labor. If that doesn’t cause resentment from her I don’t know what will. She’s no better than him though. His time is over. January 6th did happen. We have to vote, mobilize and celebrate Kamala Harris and Tim Walz winning in November!!!!

  19. pottymouth pup says:

    Another problem is not only did he film, and film in an area where it was specifically prohibited to film, the images Trump shared included the headstone and grave of a soldier whose family did not approve of this disrespectful display. Trump’s team didn’t even do them the courtesy of editing out the grave which essentially implies the deceased veteran and his family supports Trump.

  20. VilleRose says:

    I don’t want to blame the Gold Star families for this but… what did they think would happen when they invited him? They had to know he’s desperate and would change this event into making it all about him like he always does. I read that Arlington National Cemetery didn’t originally want Trump to attend and told the families who invited him no at first but there was a whole thing behind the scenes to get him allowed to attend. I know they’re Gold Star families but I don’t have to support their decision to have Trump attend since it was obvious his team would pull a stunt and misbehave.

  21. HuffnPuff says:

    He’s playing to the fearful white folks. The ones that cling to their tired old stereotypes of Black people. They think it’s okay to tell a Black woman to go to hell. These potential voters have no tangible reason to think what they do but their “news sources” (AKA tabloids) back it up. They lack introspection because they are either dim witted or afraid to learn that they have been misled. Unfortunately these people also vote while the people who will be impacted by their votes are too busy to vote, too intimidated or worse prevented from voting.

  22. lisa says:

    um yeah very comfortable in my stance not to associate with any republicans ever. these people and the people who enable them are straight up trash.

  23. Lau says:

    So this guy is dumb as hell (not that we didn’t know that already). Also weren’t they b*tching about Harris’ use of prompters a couple of weeks back ? Vance is hanging onto this prompter as if his life depended on it.

  24. bisynaptic says:

    They keep digging themselves in, deeper…