Kamala Harris has been working with semi-retired stylist Leslie Fremar

Kamala Harris is currently leading the national race in several post-DNC polls. It doesn’t really matter – Democrats should and will operate like they’re down in the polls and remind voters to stay agitated and eager. One of the most interesting minor storylines from the DNC was, to me, the fact that Kamala Harris is not centering her ethnicity, race or gender in her campaign. Her DNC speech was about policy, prosecution, hope and promise, not about how she’s the first Black and Indian woman to be a presidential nominee. She’s even been disappointing the fashionistas who hoped for a bold statement suit for her big DNC speech. Many thought that Kamala would wear suffragette white, or maybe go with an interesting color. Instead, she wore a very sedate navy Chloe suit with a pussybow blouse. This sends a message too and it’s part of Harris’s particular image-making as a candidate. Well, Puck recently had a feature on Harris’s stylist Leslie Fremar, and the piece is also about running-as-a-woman:

By Thursday morning [during the DNC], the news that Leslie Fremar has been styling Kamala Harris was out and about. “Word on the street in New York City…” one friend texted. I asked another person, and they quickly confirmed: “She’s been doing it for a while and no one seems to know.”

But by Friday, everyone seemed to know. It certainly wasn’t a secret that Fremar was at the Democratic National Convention, in Chicago, where she made her presence known on Instagram. The Washington Post’s fashion writer Rachel Tashjian put a bow on the situation when she mentioned Fremar’s name in a column about Harris’s acceptance speech look. I reached out to Fremar, The Wall Group (her agency), and the Harris team for comment. A rep for The Wall Group, a part of WME Fashion, did not comment.

Politicians and other public figures are notoriously discreet about hiring stylists and personal shoppers, even though it’s practically a prerequisite in these very online times. (Harris has worked in the past with stylists, including Karla Welch.) People are photographed more frequently than ever, and those photographs are more accessible than ever. Of course you need to look decent under the microscope, so why not outsource that time-consuming process to someone else, especially someone with taste? “She needs to get dressed, and Leslie offered to help,” is how one source described their relationship. “Do we think this is important information?”

I would infer that Harris chose Fremar—who was recommended to her—because she is the definition of low-key. In fact, she has virtually retired from styling. Yes, she still has a couple long-term clients—Charlize Theron, the face of Dior, and Jennifer Connelly, a Louis Vuitton ambassador…but she still has a good reputation in both fashion and Hollywood, and now, the time to devote to Harris’s campaign.

…All that said, it’s imperative that Harris not look too Hollywood, or too fashion, and perhaps Fremar, who appears to be healthily skeptical of both, is the best person to take what Harris needs from those worlds without getting caught up in them. The decision to work with Chloé on these custom suits seems purely practical. They fit her, they look good, and they keep the attention on her face, which is where it needs to be. “It’s important that we, as a group of people, don’t do anything that insinuates that Kamala is elite or trying to be elite,” is how one source put it. That may be true, but in order to come off as normal, Harris must resort to some elitist behavior—like hiring a stylist.

[From Puck]

Yeah, I had mixed feelings about even writing about this, but then I was like… this too is a pink tax, a tax on women alone. That a woman like Kamala Harris risks being called “elitist” because she cares about her presentation and wants help from someone knowledgeable and connected. Male politicians are never criticized for expensive suits or wearing expensive watches or caring about how they present themselves. I think it’s great that Harris is working with someone semi-retired and efficient at the job rather than a stylist who wants to make a name for themselves and do TV spots on the Today Show. The fashion story Candidate Kamala seems to be creating is that of boring but high-quality competence. And that’s fine! She will be president for everyone, the fashionistas and the girls who have a boring “uniform.” She’ll even look out for the citizens who eschew hard pants.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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36 Responses to “Kamala Harris has been working with semi-retired stylist Leslie Fremar”

  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    Women get judged on appearance and presentation far more than men and far more harshly. I think the vice president always looks spectacular and professional at the same time. And I really love the jeans, T-shirt, and Converse sneakers with a blazer look for rallies. She rocks everything.

  2. ML says:

    Sorry for what I am about to write: Agent Orange wears orange makeup—there is no way he found this stuff on his own and thought, yeah I’m going to buy this great stuff and slather it all over my face myself. He’s had a hair transplant and he dyes what’s left. His effing (usually red) tie is ultralong so it can easily reach over his torso… someone has helped him with this. As long as we emphasize that KH’s opponent also has help with styling, then mentioning hers is fine. Otherwise it’s a distraction.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Yes! I have to think male politicians have stylists, too. Because most cishet men their age didn’t grow up paying close attention to fashion. They definitely didn’t grow up learning how to do their own makeup.

      The fact that a presidential candidate has a stylist is just par for the course, surely?

      In other breaking news, Kamala gets her hair styled by a hairdresser. (Oh wait they did try to make this an issue for AOC.)

  3. Ameerah M says:

    I’m glad she didn’t wear Suffragette white. And I hope she never does. It opens up the conversation around the Suffragette movement and Black and Indigenous women – who didn’t get the right to vote in 1920 like white women did. If she is trying to keep race out of the convo – avoiding white is a good choice. But considering that everything she wears will be dissected (see her Tiffany earrings), it’s a smart idea to hire a stylist. And I think it’s smart to not attempt to look like a fashionista on the campaign trail – in this case – boring is better.

    • DK says:

      @Ameerah, ITA.

    • Blithe says:

      I’m applauding your comment @Ameerah! Many people— sometimes conveniently— do overlook, and probably don’t want to have the conversations about the whiteness of feminism and the Suffragette movements in the US. Thank you for the reminders — and for your thoughts about how strategic Kamala has been as she presents herself as a Presidential figure.

      I’m continuing to be delighted by her (I’m sure it’s intentional) AKA pearls.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Absolutely, @Ameerah. That whole suffragette (Handmaid, etc) cosplay is a niche wealthy white woman thing. Those women are already voting for her, I hope. Pandering to them would be pointless, and alienating.

      Harris doesn’t want the focus on her clothes.

      Also, I love her blazers, jeans, and Chucks look. It’s so relatable.

    • tamsin says:

      I think not wearing a white suit, but a business-like blue suit sends the right message- she means business and will be professional and prepared. Besides, Hillary already broke the glass ceiling and wore the white suit. I don’t think her clothes stand out, and for that reason her face and presence stands out. She removes talk of fashion as a focus.

    • SIde Eye says:

      I love this comment Ameerah! Yes to everything you just said. Also, she’s an attorney. The profession is conservative – I’d have been ripped apart back in the day if I had worn a bright colored suit to court. That is changing somewhat but usually the rule is you can’t go wrong with navy, gray, black. I still think she accessorizes very nicely and makes those boring colors interesting. I like her style. Everything about her says I mean business.

      I didn’t realize she was only 5’4! She carries herself like she is much taller. I still love the boss move walking right up to Trump with the handshake pre-debate. You can tell he was startled not ready for it, and she sort of had him shook from that moment on.

      I really love Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. What an amazing ticket we have!

  4. Lala11_7 says:

    I think VP is so striking and her classic looks emphasizes that fact…plus the cut/colors/fit are SO IMPECCABLE that it’s a 😍 to see!

  5. Anna Nonymous says:

    I love Kamala Harris and Tim Walz! I think she’s dressing perfectly, speaking perfectly, acting perfectly. We women know how impossible it can be to pass the increasing tests and judgement that men never are subjected to. She has to be strong but not intimidating or bitchy. Soft but not weak. Smart but not too smart or policy wonky. It’s impossible to attain those standards when they’re really just a way to keep moving the goal posts farther away and gaslight us. I think Kamala is knocking it out of the park on every level. It’s high time a brilliant hardworking woman be recognized for those qualities and elevated. It’s high time that we have a Leader that’s not just a bought and paid for stooge posturing to be more powerful and actually attract more women. How much of the male calculus is aimed at achieving exactly that? They want our attention, our love, our adoration, our bodies and our babies. Women don’t seem to go into public office to attract mates. We do it to actually help people. I would usually not be so openly sexist. The male ego is incredibly fragile and sensitive after all. Which is strange if they really are the stronger sex.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    I like Madam Harris’ style. She always looks put together and pulled together but not too polished. I We have to remember that she’s gorgeous with a great figure and has to be wise with how she dresses. Imagine if she dressed like Veep’s Selina Meyer?!? All they would talk about is how she dresses. Kamala looks fantastic, but more importantly, she looks ready to lead our country.

  7. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    I think taking the emphasis off her fashion was yet another smart choice Vice President Harris made. I was first surprised, then pleased that she chose a very tasteful but extremely low key suit to accept the nomination. My only quibble, if you can even call it that, is that her suit jackets don’t ever seem to fit her properly. In the picture here you can see again that her jackets seem slightly too big for her petite frame. She swims in them a bit. But then again, given the fashion expertise she has available to her, maybe she’s purposely trying to underplay her very nice figure? It bums me out that in 2024 a woman politician would still need to possibly consider this, but if that’s the case, I get it.

    • Jas says:

      I don’t know what sort of security arrangements she would have, but could it be possible that the jackets are also a bit roomy because she may need a bullet proof vest under them at some point in the campaign?

      • Diamond Rottweiler says:

        Oh. Duh. Of course that’s the issue. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that. lol. Ok. Mystery solved!

      • Blithe says:

        That’s what I’ve assumed. And it’s a huge tribute to her and her stylist that most people don’t immediately think /see that.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Oh wow, @Jas. Of course. Ugh. Depressing, but I’m sure you’re right.

  8. dogmom122 says:

    “… notoriously discreet” is an oxymoron, no?

    • kirk says:

      Yes, it is an oxymoron. And Kaiser is right zeroing in on whether women hire a stylist, while ignoring men’s shoppers is a form of pink tax. It’s getting better, but still. Recall all the fixation on Hillary’s hairstyle; she came out with elaborate policy papers on all kinds of subjects, and media reduced her down to her hairstyle. I will never forgive Robin Givhan for being “startled” and “unnerved” at Hillary’s “cleavage” when she wore a V-necked top on the Senate floor, comparing it to seeing a man with fly unzipped. Robin Givan has forgiven herself, but I haven’t.

  9. Blithe says:

    Linda Ronstadt shift: I’m not sure where to put this, but Awesome, AWESOME statement by Linda Ronstadt. Thanks MUCH for the link to the Buzzfeed piece.

  10. seraphina says:

    We humans judge first on sight and women even more so. I see no issue that she is working with stylist SHE CARES about how she looks and she knows it’s a game too. You have to look the part to play the part. A total package with brains too. I am sure this is ruffling feathers and I see nothing wrong here. Go get ’em VP Harris, we are all cheering you on.

  11. Linds says:

    She always looks great and appropriate. I imagine that other silhouettes look better on her, but she needs to stick to suits so we focus on her message, not her clothes. She’s the same height and build as me and I look awful in suit jackets because of my chest…
    Men never get disected about this because they are men. We all know Donald Trump looks awful in his huge suit and Joe always looks dapper, but the cost and fact they don’t shop for themselves is never mentioned.

  12. NJGR says:

    I think it’s not just a pink tax – as a POC I bet she’d also be scrutinized more harshly.

  13. CLOVE says:

    We as women have to do so many things to be taken seriously. It’s beyond ridiculous and appealing. There is always a double standard.
    I have a laundry list of things about Trump that could improve fashion, starting with those ridiculous long-arse ties!
    The only freak-out that I know of for a man was when Barrack Obama wore a tan suit. Why they drove them crazy is bananas to me.

  14. MaisiesMom says:

    I think Harris dresses very well for her purposes. She looks chic because the items she has are high quality, simple and classic. The neutral palate and clean lines keep the focus on her face, which is expressive as well as beautiful. I like how she elevates the look (and herself!) with heels for some events and keeps it casual with the sneakers for others. Her look is polished and professional but not too “buttoned up.”

  15. Jaded says:

    She doesn’t want her wardrobe choices to speak for her and I admire that. She always looks polished and well put together without a trace of ostentation so people aren’t focusing on her clothes, they’re focused on her message.

  16. Roo says:

    She strikes the perfect balance of beautiful, well-dressed, extremely smart, and warm. It’s not easy to do, but she’s mastered it.

    I would also love a copy of her Tahitian pearl necklace and the inside scoop on her skin care.

  17. Wendy says:

    Love her style. Last night at one of her rallies ( I think North Caroline ) she came out in a suit and runners…LOVES IT!! xo

  18. Luna says:

    She should have a stylist. Waste of her time to shop and select what to wear every day

  19. bisynaptic says:

    They’re trying to make her look more manly, with those enormous shoulder pads.

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