Prince Harry made a secret visit to the UK this week for his uncle’s funeral

Robert Fellowes passed away one month ago. Fellowes was married to Lady Jane Spencer, one of Princess Diana’s older sisters. Prince Harry is very close to the Spencer side of his family, and there was a lot of talk in the British media about whether Harry would fly in for his uncle’s funeral. Two weeks ago, the Daily Beast reported exclusively that Harry would not go to the funeral, mostly because his security situation in the UK is still FUBAR. For what it’s worth, I believed the Daily Beast’s exclusive and I believed Harry would not make an attempt to go to his uncle’s funeral. I was wrong. Harry flew into England, stealth-mode, this week and the British media is only finding out now.

Harry and William were together yesterday to say goodbye to their uncle — but were not seen talking to each other. The princes both “discreetly” attended the funeral for Lord Robert Fellowes, who was their mother Diana’s brother-in-law.

They were said to have sat apart at the back of the church in Snettisham, Norfolk.

Sources close to US-based Harry, 39, had previously claimed he would not attend. But a close family friend said they were “very happy to confirm both princes were there”.

Another source told how they saw them only at the end of the service in St Mary’s Church.

They said: “I didn’t know they were there. They arrived very discreetly.”

One local added: “William and Harry were both there but we never saw them speak to each other and they were keeping their distance.”

The brothers have barely ­spoken to each other since Megxit, when Harry and wife Meghan quit royal duties for a new life in the States. Harry and William, 42, went on a walkabout at Windsor after the death of Queen Elizabeth in 2022 but have not been in the same room since the King’s Coronation more than a year ago.

[From The Sun]

It’s honestly just as big a surprise to me that William went to the funeral too. This seems like just the kind of Spencer family event which William would have skipped. I would also assume that Harry’s presence at the funeral was not a surprise to the Spencers, who likely helped facilitate his secret trip. Harry might have even stayed at Althorp (the Spencer estate) while he was there for all we know. Oh God… I bet he did just that and paid a visit to his mother’s gravesite ahead of the anniversary of her death. He hadn’t been to Diana’s grave since 2022, when he brought Meghan.

As for all of this… the family friend is William, correct? He must have been so surprised to see Harry there. It strikes me that there were several announcements this week about Harry – the Spare paperback and his upcoming trip to New York – which were probably timed out as a distraction to Harry’s secret trip. The Daily Mail was throwing tantrums about New York and the memoir, and they completely missed “stalking the Spencers at a family funeral.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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182 Responses to “Prince Harry made a secret visit to the UK this week for his uncle’s funeral”

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  1. Interested Gawker says:

    I’ll bet William was incandescent when he found out he didn’t have the funeral all to himself, he’s been itching to pay Harry back for having the Spencer side at the Invictus service and gleefully telling the BM Harry would not be there.


    • Emme says:

      Love, love, LOVE our stealth-mode Harry! LMAO at the crestfallen British press and the indignant/mortified/enraged second class other brother. 🤣🤣🤣

      • Moniquep says:

        Hahaha! Our Ginger Avenger in stealth mode is simply aaaausome!! Ooh I just looove it!🤣😂🤣

    • Julie says:

      Funny you mention Willie wanting the funeral all to himself. I too see William presence, in the context of the presumed absence of Harry, as a way for him to get good PR against his brother.

      • Monika says:

        I think Willy also attended the funeral of his uncle to show that he has a strong relationship with the Spencer family as well after they showed such a strong support for Harry in May at the 10th Invictus Games anniversary.

      • Feeshalori says:

        If William attended, he would have done so to get some of that Spencer shine on him as well. However, I doubt the family has the same close-knit relationship with him as they do with Harry. I feel that this is all show on William’s part.

    • Christine says:

      LMAO! He totally thought he was going to one-up Harry…with a funeral.

      • Gabby says:

        It’s Peg’s version of filming a campaign commercial at graves of the fallen. He’s just like Trump.

      • Jais says:

        So true! But you gotta add his wife too. Stunting like a dynasty soap star at Phillips funeral.

    • Lau says:

      Or maybe somebody tipped William that Harry was coming like two hours before the start of the funeral and he rushed to his helicopter wearing is pyjamas.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Egg prince william was trying to go incognito and be able to leak it that he was there and little bro wasnt. 😂 the Egg is BEATEN. There he is, little Harry supporting his family and scrapping a whole week of news about how prince william is closer to the spencers lol

    • Hypocrisy says:

      To bad there isn’t video of his face when he realized Prince Harry was sitting there..🤣

      • Karmaflower says:

        Just imagine it…he had egg on his face.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Honestly, I don’t care about how the egg felt. At all. If Harry showed up for his relatives. kudos. I’m more fascinated that the BM totally forgot the funeral. Like it was irrelevant?

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      I do not believe William was there.
      This has been put out by the Palace.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Tee hee, great disinformation ploy, Harry! The Rota must be absolutely engorged with impotent fury, like a pus-filled cyst (sorry for the gross imagery but they are rancid). This also shows that Diana’s family has his back which I absolutely love for him and his family.

    The Rota and 💩 british tabloids have no access and no control over Harry, even when he is on their turf.

    • Eating Popcorn says:

      The Spencers know the RR is a cesspool and I’m sure they are happy to have Harry’s back.

    • lanne says:

      Calling the ratchets pus-filled cysts is insulting to pus. Pus at least has a function. The ratchets operate on pure hate.

    • ella says:

      You would think alarm bells would go off for William since his own family’s rage resulted in life endangering health problems and by all appearances God’s apparent wrath and yet he still does not apologize and talk to his brother at a family funeral.

      But there is nothing inside these people. There is nothing there. There is a humanity gap and Harry should stay far away from these dangerous and seemingly endangered people.

      A famous spymaster recently said that the everyone should know that there are people in the world capable of absolutely anything because there is nothing inside them. There is absolutely nothing there.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Harry is buttoned up, efficient and effective while Will is not. Period. I’m sorry for the family and their loss.

    • GTWiecz says:

      And it’s a very long trip to the UK. Cross the whole USA then the whole Atlantic Ocean. In a commercial flight. I hope Harry bought first class so he could at least get some shut eye. I know I am half functioning after long international flights.

      • Isabelllap says:

        You can fly over the North Pole from West Coast on British Airlines. A pleasant flight to London.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        There are a number of direct LA to London commercial flights and they go polar but I do hope he got first class so he could get some rest and a more private boarding experience. (If he didn’t hire or borrow someone’s jet. If he did I am sure there will be hand-wringing about it.)

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      Every time Harry informs the Palace of his movements the British Press are made aware of them and risk to his life is increased.
      When they are not involved noone know of his movements or whereabouts.
      The Palace think this is a flex but it shows them to be a leaky sieve

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    Happy Harry was able to attend his aunt’s husband funeral. Also happy he was able to get into the UK undetected and leave safely.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      This is what makes me convinced that The Other Brother actually did not attend. I fully believe if Egg was there we would have gotten the info about Harry sooner. I can imagine Egg frantically texting his rota rat BFFs that Harry was there and then we would have gotten paparazzi pics of Harry at the airport or something. No way would Egg have been able to keep his mouth shut until Harry safely left the country.

      Whatever story were getting now (they were both there but didn’t speak) is to make it look like William didn’t just skip out on his uncle’s funeral like he’s done with so many other obligations.

      • Thank you SussexWatcher.

        It never ceases to amaze me how people still default believe a word that comes out of the BM mouth.

        If the truth is even tangentially involved with something the BM write, it is by accident, not design.

        If TOB was there the news would have been leaked to the BM seconds afterwards, not days.

      • s808 says:

        This is very plausible.

      • Eurydice says:

        I think William was there. This isn’t the kind of lie that can be hidden. People were there – they would know if he attended or not.

      • Magdalena says:

        I agree SussexWatcher. This is the first thing that crossed my mind. William did not attend. I’m firmly in the “pics or it didn’t happen” category for William. For Harry, if the Spencers have confirmed it, then yes, he was there. No point in claiming that he was if he had not been. And I absolutely believe, as well, that the tabloids would have been informed as soon as William realised that Harry was there and that they would have staked out airports to figure out how he travelled, when he was going home, and of course, try to find out where he stayed. They’ve still not managed to do the latter thus far.

      • kirk says:

        Sussexwatcher – Tend to agree re: Willy.
        Facts: Robert Fellowes funeral was August 28, time N/A. Howevuh, the US Sun’s “Exclusive” publish time is given as: “Published: 17:00 ET, Aug 29 2024.” Since the US east coast and UK both are on daylight savings time, that would mean the Sun didn’t publish this story until noon (17:00 – 5 hrs) on the day AFTER the funeral. From Harry’s court cases we know that the Sun gave William a LARGE SETTLEMENT for palace phone hacking. Although settlement speculations put the payment amount as high as £1M, the actual amount is not verified, only fact is Willy was paid a LARGE amount by Sun.

        Argument: Saw somebody on Xwitter saying Brittabloids are begging for pix of this holy nonalliance. Have we seen pix? Did the “close family friend” report to the Sun not include pix? Do we really believe that Willy or his unnamed “friend” would be able to hold off delivering this report to the Sun until the day after the funeral? Any other unnamed “sources” in the story cannot be confirmed. Saw DailyFail claim the “vicar” said he saw them, but I never click DailyFail. I’ve been willing to grant Sun their “exclusive” claim in the past when Harry snuck over to UK to visit QE2 burial site on death anniversary – the only people to see it were old people riding a bus (likely without cameras) to attend a special service. But not this story.

    • deering24 says:

      Harry and Meghan are _so_ good at stealth. Kudos.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Both the locals and the vicar have said that William was there, but I bet he was disappointed that Harry came as well, no Harry snubbed his uncle headlines.

  5. Nanea says:

    Good for Harry that he could be there for his aunt and the Spencer family and that the event wasn’t stalked.

    As to Harry’s brother — one can actively avoid talking to people one doesn’t want to acknowledge.

  6. Stealth Harry strikes again. He made it to UK with none the wiser. I love that he was able to get here in his stealth mode lol. Happy he came for his Aunt!

  7. Inge says:

    I love how his love for the Spencers is mutual. His aunts in Archie’s christening pic(not in any of the Cambridge kids ones), them turning up to 10 years Invictus, and ofcourse them offering Meghan the use of the Spencer Tiara for the wedding(I so wish they’d accepted that offer)

    • Steph says:

      Didn’t at least one Spencer aunt fly to CA for Lili’s christening as well? And in Spare it was only a Spencer mentioned actually going to Harry’s boarding school to check on him after Diana died. The Spencer’s seem to treat him like family regardless of the institution. I’m guessing he really appreciates that.

      • Blubb says:

        It was his first birthday after Diana died, and one aunt brought him the present his mother had bought for him in Paris before she died…

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I’ve always wondered though if Earl Spencer apologized about the photo he posted at the time of the wedding of a Meghan doll next to a bunch of watermelon.

      • Mayp says:

        Probably not, @sussexwatcher, the man is a pig…. And a racist one to boot.

      • GTWiecz says:

        Oh my! That is horrible. I forgot about that. Charles Spencer did that? How did he show up for Invictus recently then? Certainly Harry is not pleased with him.

      • Mayp says:

        @gtwiecz, I would like to think that Harry is just being civil to his uncle Charles. It may be telling that since their wedding I don’t recall an instance of Charles Spencer and Meghan being at the same function together. Meghan was not at either the unveiling of the Diana memorial or the Invictus Games service, at which Charles Spencer appeared. Charles was also not at the christening of either Archie or Lilibet; and, someone correct me if I am wrong, I remember it being reported that Charles and his wife were not invited to the reception after the Sussex wedding. I could understand Meghan wanting to stay away from him.

      • Becks1 says:

        In Spare Harry made it sound like Charles was at Althorp when he and Meghan were in 2022, so there is some contact there. Charles is probably too busy getting divorced again to fly to California. But it was clear from seeing them at the Invictus service that Harry has affection for his uncle so I don’t think there is any longlasting bad blood there. They may not be super close but they seem to be fine.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ ITA @Becks1. We do not know bts details about any supposed bad blood between Harry and his uncle, Earl Spencer. Most of what we have heard is unverifiable speculation and rumor.

        Plus, I am not sure about the accuracy of the photo Earl Spencer is said to have posted around the time of H&M’s wedding. I have heard something about bride and groom figurines amidst a fruit cornucopia that included watermelon. I have never seen the post in question so I don’t know anything about it. I would have to see the actual post and the caption before condemning Earl Spencer. Plus, can we please get over undue sensitivities about watermelon. It is a healthy summer fruit that many people enjoy. I like the real thing with the black seeds, not the pale imitation with minimal white seeds sold in supermarkets.

        I did see a post by Earl Spencer circa Thanksgiving in November 2017. It was a bottle of red wine with a caption about having had dinner during the week of American Thanksgiving, and having enjoyed the gift of American wine. The caption was rather cryptic, but I took it to mean that Harry and Meghan were invited to dinner at Althorp during Thanksgiving week 2017. Perhaps Meghan gifted her Althorp hosts with American wine. 😊

      • Mayp says:

        Made a longer response to you @after shocks but it didn’t post. Essentially, it amazes me when people either deny that Charles Spencer would make the aforementioned post (watermelon picture) or otherwise try to explain away his behavior. Mind you he also warned Harry against marrying Meghan and banned her from the 2017 private memorial for Diana at Althorpe. Just because Harry is civil to him does not mean that they’re close or that Charles Spencer isn’t racist.

      • aftershocks says:

        It was William, not Earl Spencer, who prevented Harry from bringing Meghan to the 2017 Memorial for Diana. Remember too, at that point, despite H&M’s serious relationship, Meghan was still only a girlfriend, not a family member nor a fiancee. For all we know, Meghan may have felt awkward about going anyway, even if Harry had wanted to bring her, which I do not recall Harry ever confirming or denying.

        None of us have any explicit evidence of Harry’s relationship with Earl Spencer. From what we have seen publicly, it appears that Harry is closer to his Spencer aunts than to his uncle. But Harry has always acted friendly toward his Uncle Charles Spencer in public, and he appears to be very friendly with many of his Spencer cousins, including Louis Spencer, the heir to Althorp and to the Spencer earldom.

        Furthermore, it has always been gossiped, despite not being confirmed, that it was again William who purposely enlisted Earl Spencer to warn Harry against becoming deeply involved with Meghan. If this rumor is true, Willy probably said all kinds of negative things against Meghan to get Earl Spencer to intervene. In Spare, Harry even admits to having harbored unconscious biases himself. It is not surprising if many family members on the Spencer and Windsor sides held or still hold prejudiced attitudes (including Harry’s Spencer aunts). The important thing is whether or not those with racist leanings ever apologized to Harry privately if they were reluctant to initially accept his relationship with Meghan.

        There is no way for us to know definitively about H&M’s personal bts interactions with Harry’s family members, aside from the incidents Harry explicitly reveals in his memoir.

  8. Afken says:

    The source is definitely closer to William. Every source in this article. lol “a local”. So did the source AND “the local” both contact the Sun after a funeral?? Of course not. Willyleaks strikes again

  9. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m wondering if the “sources close to Harry” that the DB used for their exclusive was BP/RAVEC because Harry didn’t tell them a month in advance that he was coming so they could leak it to the tabloids. Any of the attendees could have told the press he attended the service because at that point, he had already come and gone with no harm done. I don’t think either leak came from the Spencers though because they would know more about his movements, when he got there, when he left, etc. and not just that he sat in the back.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      I was just thinking what a wonderful way to test if BP/Ravec is leaking his movements thus increasing his danger levels. I’m so glad he was able to support the Spencers and his Aunt. They love him and aren’t afraid to piss off the Tantrum Toddlers with the HRH to show it

  10. Jais says:

    Ha! Yeah, I’m surprised William was actually there. Isn’t this the week of the balmoral summit when they all plot how to hurt Harry? Guess he helicoptered down. Was he wanting the story to be Willaim attends while Harry snubs the Spencers? He must have been SHOOK when Harry appeared in the church. Left that church a scrambled egg.

    • Chelsea says:

      I’m not sure I buy William was there but we will see in due time.

      • First comment says:

        I don’t think William was there either…would he interrupt his precious vacation for his uncle funeral? I doubt it.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        I just wrote something similar above. I don’t think William was there at all. There’s no way he could’ve kept his mouth shut until Harry left the country. No way.

      • Becks1 says:

        According to this article the funeral was “yesterday” (not sure if that means 8/29 or 28 depending on when it was written) so if was 829, then William did let someone at the Sun know in a hurry that Harry was there. Harry probably left and went straight to the airport so there was no chance for pictures.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate and William have never done a long visit to balmoral. They just make sure the press sees them once and then their court stenographers pretend they stay a long time. The church visit was likely the end of their stay.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      @JAIS Huevo left the church a scrambled egg
      Thanks for that

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Haha Jais yes… a bland bald egg with no spices except too much salt.

    • Becks1 says:

      LOL! I agree with Nic that their Balmoral stay is usually shorter than the press lets on, my guess is this was a stop before they go on their next vacation (together or separate) – but I think it would have been hilarious if the Spencers hadn’t told William beforehand that Harry was attending and William thought he could crow in the press about being so close to the Spencers and then bam, Harry popped up.

      I am 99% sure he didn’t know beforehand, but if he did, I imagine the Spencers told him to keep his trap shut or else he wouldn’t be allowed in the church (because if only the Spencers knew H was coming, and they told W and he leaked it, they would have known who leaked it, you know? Kind of like Wagatha Christie but with less intrigue because William leaks everything.) Either scenario is hilarious to me – they didn’t trust William enough to tell him beforehand, or they told him but in such a way that they also told him they know how much he leaks to the press. I figure either scenario is embarrassing for the future king, lol.

      • SarahCS says:

        ‘Wagatha Christie but with less intrigue’.

        I’m chuckling because it’s so harsh and so true. Since Harry pulled up the curtain and laid it all out we can see the workings of the machine and it really is very tawdry.

      • Ciotog says:

        William is awful but I’d guess that Balmoral holds really bad memories of Diana’s death for him as well. I was so struck by Harry’s account in Spare–the RF’s defense of their behavior after Diana’s death was that they were taking care of the boys. A total lie, they didn’t do anything for them.

    • Giddy says:

      Yes, scrambled, boiled, poached, and generally cracked! All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put huevo together again.

    • Jais says:

      Hmm. Maybe the Spencers told William at the very last minute with the caveat that it should not leak and that’s why he was there! Maybe he was not planning on going and then he heard Harry was going to be there so he had to go to. Although, I prefer the idea that he showed up, sat down, and then bam, there’s Harry a few pews down. His stomach would’ve dropped.

      • Becks1 says:

        especially with all the stories over the last few weeks about how the next and last time William sees Harry would be at Charles’ funeral. Harry and the Spencers were like SURPRISE!!!!!

      • Christine says:

        LOL! OMG, I am finding this entire scenario hysterical.

      • Jais says:

        William will never feel safe in a church again. Or anywhere. Sitting down for a memorial and bam, there’s Harry. Sitting down to dinner at one of those members only places in London and bam, there’s Harry.

      • GTWiecz says:

        Willyleaks better prep up because there will be other funerals among the Spencers (Diana’s siblings) that Harry will attend.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, yes, yes, I love that image of William finding himself next to Harry whenever he turns around. I can just see him trying to enter a room – slooowly opening the door, slooowly peeking around to see if the coast is clear…

      • Christine says:

        He’s going to start seeing phantom Harrys everywhere, if he doesn’t already.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Excellent point Becks 1, made me laugh.

  11. Lolo86lf says:

    Princess Diana would be so heartbroken if she was alive. She would be so sad to see what her eldest son has become: An uptight, lazy, arrogant, jealous of his younger brother Harry. The longer the two princes don’t work on mending their relationship the less likely it is that they ever will.

    • Tessa says:

      William physically assaulted harry. I don’t blame harry for being cautious
      William also made trouble for meghan

      • sunnyside up says:

        Especially as William is bigger than Harry, but Harry has the most courage, taking on the tabloids. William took the bribe to keep quiet even though the hacking was a criminal offence and he should have done something about it as a responsible adult, let alone the next but one King.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Diana was becoming even wiser about people as she aged. I think she would understand Harry not working on his relationship with one of his main abusers and continued constant threats to his wife. William would need to do the heavy lifting in that resolution scenario and I have doubts that he has the bandwidth or desire to admit his flaws and try.

    • Yeah I know what you mean, I always “work on mending relationships” with people that are trying to get me unalived.

    • GTWiecz says:

      A part of me believes she’d have influence over William and not allow the royal rota to start their abuse of Meghan, or at least make William put our statements against it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Sorry, but I don’t think she would have been surprised at all. She lived long enough to see him taken away to be groomed by the monarchy. She herself is said to have proclaimed that “they would groom the heir and I the spare.” She lived long enough to witness the beginnings of William’s bratty behavior, when, in a now famous photo, she was photographed spanking him, when he was 5 or 6.

      • sunnyside up says:

        She certainly wouldn’t have sat back and said nothing when her grandchild was being racially abused in the press. And she was so popular, she might even have been able to stop it.

  12. Chelsea says:

    Are we sure Harry has left already? If no one saw him arrive and the press didn’t know he was there until after the funeral how would they know he’s already left the country? I doubt he wants to stay on that island long but it wouldn’t surprise me if he stayed through Saturday with Diana’s family. Either way I’m glad he was able to be there; the Spencers clearly mean a lot to him and I’m still so moved by how they showed up to support him and Invictus in May. That smile on his face that day still warms my heart.

    • anotherlily says:

      I was thinking the same. Also, Meghan and the children could be there. The Fellowes’ own Shotesham Park in Norfolk, a country estate with a large home surrounded by farmland. The Sussexes could have been there for a visit without the press knowing.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Anotherlily: It’s doubtful Meghan and children were there. Harry’s on record saying that Meghan won’t be returning to the UK without proper security.

      • Jaded says:

        Meghan won’t set foot in that blighted country without proper security, and certainly wouldn’t bring her kids, possibly exposing them to god knows what kind of dangerous harassment.

      • Moniquep says:

        Not to mention stealth mode would be that much more difficult to achieve.

  13. s808 says:

    Love that he was able to go and do so stealthily! Must’ve been a huge shock to everyone who believed he wouldn’t go. I’m sure his aunt really appreciated him making the trip. When it’s just him, he has his ways of getting in/out of the country undetected. I’m sure that prospect drives some people nuts.

  14. Nic919 says:

    Seeing as how the funeral was in Norfolk, it would have looked bad for William not to attend at all. But also no mention of Kate attending which few are questioning but she’s minutes away and it’s her husbands uncle.

    Great for Harry to spread able to attend without press interference. It’s clear William and KP have been the leakers here. Harry is in contact with his aunt and they knew his plans and didn’t say a thing.

    I was confused that the funeral happened Thursday because I thought it was supposed to have been when Harry was in Colombia. But the Uk press is so bad at their jobs they never even got that basic info correct.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, it would’ve looked bad but that hasn’t stopped him before😂. As to why Kate wasn’t there? Cancer, obviously /s.

      • GTWiecz says:

        One more sign they’re separated. A wife would go to support her husband in a family funeral. But the British press won’t even mention it. In Meghan’s case, it’s obvious why she couldn’t attend.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Kate was probably at Adelaide w/ the kids. Maybe it wasn’t William’s weekend…

    • Tessa says:

      Thankfully she did not show up with peacemaker spin.she tried this at Philips funeral and william told her to back off.

    • SarahCS says:

      I initially had the same thought with it being in Norfolk but as he missed the memorial (that he was due to speak at) that was walking distance from his house it was by no means guaranteed.

    • First comment says:

      Lol at the thought that Kate is with William at Norfolk! I doubt she was at Balmoral with him as well. Something big is happening behind the scenes since last December and the fact that nobody made a comment on Kate’s absence due to her cancer treatment is the evidence. W

  15. Eurydice says:

    This is so interesting. Who knew what and when? Is it possible for Harry to visit the UK without Charles knowing about it? And, if it is, that means the RF can keep their mouths shut if they want to.

    • Julia says:

      Charles would only know about it if Harry put in an official request for security. Since it was a secret visit he probably didn’t make a request. That way preventing the royals from leaking to the press.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, this makes sense. Harry can travel just like any private individual. I just feel like BP would get a call as soon as he got through Customs.

    • Jais says:

      I think it’s possible if he doesn’t request security through RAVEC. Then Charles would have no way of knowing. He doesn’t have to ask 28 days in advance. Maybe he just used his own security since it was so stealthy. Still a risk though. Or maybe he did request through RAVEC and they actually kept it a secret from William? Except I thought William had people on RAVEC too?

      • SarahCS says:

        I’m pretty confident RAVEC had no idea about this or of course it would have leaked.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Probably his best security is people not knowing he is here. if anyone does recognise him he just has to say that he looks like him.

      • Ham&Cheese says:

        According to court docs, the BRF had 3 reps on the 5 or 6 (?) person RAVEC-team: IIRC, One was Ed Young, one the Lord Chamberlain (who cursed out Harry to drop his cases in Feb 2020 and when H refused, Charles took his security away weeks later), and I think the last was Jason K?

      • Jais says:

        Hmm. I can’t 100% remember but I don’t think it was the scummy Jason Knauf. It was the other scum, Simon Case. The one who later infamously worked for Boris Johnson. I don’t think we know who is currently the KP rep on RAVEC or if there is one.

      • Ham&Cheese says:

        @Jais–CASE. That slimeball.

  16. Cassie says:

    I find this all a bit strange .for some reason .

    I guess it’s true , but amazing it was kept so quiet .

    I find it hard to believe William was there ,

    • Steph says:

      I commented below that I think Pegs showing was basically pr. Imagine your reputation being so shit that people are surprised about Harry’s stealth trip then you showing up even though it’s your home turf.

      • Eggington Jr. was not there, he is the one who leaked the whole thing to the press once he found out – days later – of course he had to clout chase and say he was there.

        Funerals are MY THING Harold!

  17. Steph says:

    I feel like Pegs only went so he could be like “The Spencer’s love me too!” or “Look, I’m Diana’s son too!” I doubt there was any genuine love or concern for his Aunt and Uncle in his decision.

    • HeatherC says:

      This is why I doubt he was there. Because he would want that world wide picture of his aunt leaning on his shoulder as they left the church. The media assumed Harry wouldn’t be there and they weren’t alerted that William would be there so no media.

  18. Laura D says:

    Camilla is going to be fuming that BOTH of Diana’s boys attended a Spencer gathering. It won’t matter to her that it was a funeral all she’ll be concerned about is that Diana’s family still command a great deal of respect and influence over the Princes.

    I would LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when William turned around and saw Harry entering the church! He must have been seething! Once again it’s clear to anyone with half a brain that there are NO leaks in Monticetio. As sure as eggs are eggs if KP or CH had received the slightest of hints that Harry would attend they would have notified the press and the funeral would have been a complete circus. I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing headlines “William snubbed Harry at Uncle’s Funeral”?

    • Becks1 says:

      Fellowes was a former private secretary of QEII. Honestly it would have been a bad look if no member of the royal family attended his funeral. So William attending checked that box, wonder if he’ll count it as a work event…..

      • Laura D says:

        @Becks – Good point! However, I’m still going to wager that if Harry hadn’t shown up the headlines wouldn’t have mentioned QEII but, rather how William showed up for the Spencers when Harry didn’t. Camilla and KCIII could have easily batted away the Spencer element, because as you say Fellowes was THE Queen’s private secretary. Harry showing up changed the narrative and the spotlight is firmly on “Diana’s Boys” especially, with the anniversary of her death so close. It doesn’t matter that they’re estranged what will rankle those in CH is that they both Princes attended and their attendance has put Diana firmly back in the spotlight.

  19. Gabby says:

    Well, well, well. Harry has become an expert at surgical strike visits to the UK. He really flummoxed the BTM this time! They are still trying to sell us on the fiction the Harry is “desperate” to reconcile with his shitty father. Put that to bed already, as he didn’t make any detours to Scotland.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The press will now bash Harry for not visiting his father in Scotland.

      • Tessa says:

        Oh and how Charles really really wanted to see the Sussex children.

      • Eating Popcorn says:

        Except – Harry & Meghan weren’t invited to Balmoral, and they are about to be stripped of their titles, and they broke royal protocol by not telling KCIII that Harry was in country, & yadda, yadda, yadda…oh yes & William was incandescent that Harry somehow disrespected Princess Catherine the ill.

      • Christine says:

        Pray tell, will no one think of what this has done to the king’s Annual Sussex Summit!

      • sunnyside up says:


  20. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, the family friend was more likely William himself or someone from his team. I’m surprised he went but he probably went thinking Harry wasn’t going to be there and that the press would bash Harry for not going. It’s good that Harry went. The Spencer’s have been very supportive of him and Meghan.

  21. Fairasara says:

    All I can think is how utterly exhausting Harry’s life must be. To have to go to such extremes – as well played as this whole situation was – to attend a family funeral.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      This is 💯 the truth. As draining as family visits can be for some, at least most don’t need a spymaster’s degree to arrange them

  22. Trix says:

    Daily Beast is Will’s favourite place to leak outside of the UK — he got played. LOL.

  23. Tennyson says:

    I’m having a hard time believing William was there. Balmoral is like 1 day-journey, hence he would have flied and can’t believe his chopper wasn’t noticed by some peasant or local journalist.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Could have been on their way back to Anmar, After all we wouldn’t want to cause him too much inconvenience. Or a convenient excuse to leave Balmoral.

    • Jais says:

      Commenters above made the point that William prob doesn’t actually stay that long at balmoral. And there was that article about how ghastly the grouse hunting has been this year so no point in staying then😂.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      I can believe he was there. At the very least, one of the helicopters was there leading up his uncle’s funeral.

      One of the royal helicopters made a trip from its base to Norfolk (between Anmer and Sandringham) and then to Kensington n Aug. 26. The very next day, it went from Kensington back to Norfolk. So at some point, W seems to have left Balmoral and made it back to Norfolk, as the Aug. 26 trip appears to have picked someone up from Norfolk and ferried them to London, turning around the next day to bring them back. He could have driven or used the other royal copter (whose history this past month is curiously empty).

      FWIW, the planes the royals use have been back and forth from London to Balmoral and Edinburgh several times over the past month (one of the 23rd, 24th, and 25th, the other on the 23rd and 25th).

  24. SURE says:

    I haven’t seen any photos from the memorial service. It’s hard to believe that the tabloids/paparazzi didn’t bother to cover the service given the Diana connection and the possibility that W (and maybe even K?) would be in attendance.

    • Magdalena says:

      It really does go to show that the tabloids who champion William and Kate don’t actually care about them or think that they are that important or relevant, despite what they claim. They would only have rushed to cover the funeral if they thought Harry would be there – and there were no leaks, so they missed out on a pay day. So now they will all be furiously crafting think pieces pretending to have been in the know all along. The minute their other colleagues reported that Harry would not be attending, they lost interest, regardless of the possible attendance of the other two. Shows you who they REALLY think is “irrelevant”. I’m cackling.

      • SURE says:

        I thought given the lack of royal of stories this month due to the summer holidays, the tabloids/paparazzi would cover the service in order to boost their royals coverage.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Sure: It’s likely that William didn’t tell the press that he was going. The press never talked about William attending they were only focused on whether Harry would be there.

    • Jaded says:

      The tabloid rats wouldn’t have been allowed on the property, or if they managed to sneak in they wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near the main house. Althorp does open to the public for tours, special events, etc., but security would have been massive for the funeral with no-fly zones, etc.

  25. Magdalena says:

    This is funny as hell, because you just know that the rota rats and other assorted UK media experts didn’t deem the funeral to be newsworthy enough to send their usual stalking mouthpieces to stake out the funeral even when they thought William would attend – but they would definitely have done so had they thought that Harry would be there in person. They’ll be furious and kicking themselves and (if they had any sense of self-reflection) second-guessing their “palace sources” on all things related to the Sussexes from now on, but they won’t.

    Good on Harry – I love the way the Sussexes have fine-tuned the art of moving in stealth mode, like Ninjas, as a Sussex Squad member once said, and I absolutely agree!

  26. sunnyside up says:

    I’m just glad that he was able to go.

  27. Libra says:

    It’s possible that RAVEC can now say ” see, he can travel safely without our security “.

    • equality says:

      But not to publicized events that are covered by the press and not with his wife and children (who I’m sure he would love to bring to see his relatives and visit their estates).

      • sunnyside up says:

        Exactly, he will need protection for his father’s funeral because we all know he will come for that.

    • Yes, and as any competent security expert will tell you, if you were ever in a country, and no one managed to kill you, you are safe forever.

      It is proof that you are in a giant fluffy safety cloud!

      May as well do the Mambo wearing a budgie smuggler down every high street in the land!


      • HeatherC says:

        I had to look up what a budgy smuggler was….and now that image will never leave my mind…

    • sunnyside up says:

      Someone has just said it in the comments in the Wail.

    • Lavendel says:

      He has to move through this country almost like a soldier in enemy territory – secretly, invisibly and always in danger of being made visible by these evil tabloids plotting against him and then being exposed to terrorist attacks without sufficient security. What does this country, this London family, do to a king’s son? It is perfectly understandable that Prince Harry does not want to take his wife and children on such a mission.

  28. ContraryMary says:

    Shots fired! Clean up on Aisle 3!

    Harry just reminded them he is a private citizen, owes them sweet FA, can do what he wants in his home country, and can come and go as he pleases. He’s done with their BS and he just showed that he is a Spencer first, a Windsor last.

    Also cue the violins for “he didn’t visit Charles/Kate/check in with Queen Side Piece”. He just negged the power of the tabloids AND the Palace in one fell swoop by showing he DGAF what they say about him because he knows who he is and isn’t an insecure little wus.

    • Nic919 says:

      Had Kate attended the funeral he would have seen her. The media is silent on how rude it is for her to have skipped a service 10 minutes away from Anmer.

  29. Ameerah M says:

    I LOVE how he went to funeral and the BP didn’t find out until after the fact when he was probably already back in California. LMAO.

  30. Kathalea says:

    Nothing leaked, untill Harry wanted it to. Interesting

    Ginger T’Challa in stealth mode 🧡

    • Amy Bee says:

      I’m sure Harry would have preferred that this wasn’t leaked but he probably knew it would be when he realised that William was at the funeral too.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Could have been someone at the funeral or in the area.

      • Proud Mary says:

        It was not someone at the funeral. It was William. You know why it was him?1M pounds that the owner of the Sun landed in William’s bank account.

  31. tamsin says:

    The funeral was private. Was there ever notice of the date of the funeral? After the first week of the announcement of Lord Fellowes death and rampant speculation of whether Harry would attend the funeral and whether there would be a meeting between the brother, one of their main plot lines in the soap opera, the press never reported that a funeral actually took place. It seems the Rota forgot about the whole thing. I believe the extended family live all over the world, and I think this is the first death in the family since Diana, so the funeral taking a place a month later is not surprising at all. It gives everyone a chance to get back to England. It’s good to see Harry able to be among family at a family gathering without the Rota defiling the occasion. If only Diana’s siblings knew Harry was coming, it would also give him the opportunity to visit Diana’s grave. So one does wonder how the press found out finally about the funeral.

    • Murphy says:

      Diana’s mother died in 2004.

      • GTWiecz says:

        The third generation: Frances Shane’s grandchildren, who are all adults, we don’t know where they all live. There could be someone in another European country or Argentina or U.S.

    • Princessk says:

      I think the family knew that at least one brother would be there and so for that reason did not make the date public.

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, plus who would have thought his funeral hadn’t already happened by now? Is it normal in the U.K. to wait a month?

  32. Chrissie T says:

    I’m not surprised William attended. He was his uncle and someone who had worked for the monarchy in a very senior position. Protocol says they would send someone and William would be the one who would go.

    • Murphy says:

      Since when does William care about any of that?

      • Chrissie T says:

        Probably more than you think. Particularly given the trouble he got into when he missed the memorial service earlier in the year.

    • Anonymous says:

      William doesn’t care how he looks to the public. He’s too arrogant and entitled. He does what he pleases and doesn’t care about keeping up appearances.

  33. Murphy says:

    Yeah I’m more surprised that William was there than Harry.

  34. Libra says:

    The Daily Fail comments were all pro William who is right to cut off” toxic spoiled brat Harry who said terrible things”. Not one person pointed out that everything Harry said was true. Classic abusers; don’t tell family secrets as you will be excommunicated and destroyed. Been there.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Libra enjoyed the desperation of the Fail at the top of their article begging anybody with photographs to contact them by email!! Was Willy too busy acting as usher to film his brother for his mates at the Fail??

    • Julia says:

      Harry went for his aunt not William. William is irrelevant when it comes to the motivation for Harry’s trip. Typical of monarchists to keep trying to centre William in Harry’s life. That ship has sailed…

  35. VilleRose says:

    I can only imagine William leaked this himself. Harry would not leak this about himself and neither would the Spencers. They probably didn’t tell William ahead of time Harry was coming because otherwise he wouldn’t have come and he would have leaked it beforehand. And this is “punishment” for not telling him. If William hadn’t attended the funeral, I bet we never would have known that Harry attended the funeral.

  36. Latine says:

    I’ve always assumed they all communicate more than we would think. It’s just in their own way. We know they keep tabs on each other.

    I can’t believe that William hasn’t sent Harry an angry text in all this time!! I just can’t see that. The only other options is William tells someone to tell Harry his feelings, lol. Only way.

  37. wolfmamma says:

    Well done, Harry. You are a class act again and again. Quietly do what is right, and living your best life ~ With so much dignity.

    Proud for you.
    And so very sure your Mum is as well.

  38. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’m glad that Harry was able to attend the funeral. I’m sure his Aunt was glad he was there.

  39. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry is such a badass.

    And he’s my favorite kind of badass — someone who truly loves his family.

  40. vpd4 says:

    If Princess Diana was alive, I’m almost sure none of these problems would exist.

    • Kingston says:

      Well…..consider: when Diana was alive and throughout the entirety of her life within the confines of the institution, she had problems with them.

      Rmbr she said that when she was a girlfriend, they were very welcoming to her (by ‘they’ is meant both the senior windsors as well as their overlords who run the institution) but that after she became a wife it all changed.

  41. aquarius64 says:

    Was William even there? Dollar bet the Spencers told him he better not leak to the press beforehand and then the service into a side show. I don’t think the Spencers get on with William; hr’s Diana’s son too they have never publicly supported him outside of the Diana memorial. I’m not sure George, Charlotte and Louis know their Spencer kin.

  42. Kkat says:

    How do we think Harry goes over there, fly into Scotland and drive or helicopter down?
    Fly into France and helicopter, drive, private plane , ferry? over
    If people aren’t expecting him no one would be looking any of those places.
    I’m doubtful he flys commercial into the big england airports on these super stealth missions

    • Nic919 says:

      Someone in the deranger crowd spotted him at LAX a few days before his attendance at the funeral was news. (It’s the one whose American and MAGA and who took a photo with kate)

      The tweet was sent on the 27th. So it seems there are people at LAX watching his movements.

      No wonder why he wants security.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        That is extremely creepy.

        There are disturbing overlaps between KP and these Maga types, the Heritage Foundation and the Murdoch press.