JD Vance compared Kamala Harris to MAGA-supporting Miss Teen South Carolina

Kamala Harris sat for her first TV interview since becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. She not only did her first interview since late June, she folded it into the “first interview with her running mate.” MAGA dumbasses were trying to make that into a thing, like VP Harris couldn’t handle being interviewed solo, except that running-mate dual interviews happen every election cycle. They’re so common that Donald Trump and Mike Pence did a few back in 2016, years before Trump sent his cult members to hang Pence.

The interview itself was nothing special from CNN and Dana Bash. Bash used MAGA talking points as her guideline for questioning Harris and Walz, and Harris and Walz handled everything very well. The interview was conducted a few days ago, I think, and CNN hyped the f–k out of it. MAGA-ville hyped it too, so much so that JD Vance thought this tweet would land:

That’s the infamous “such as/the Iraq” clip from 2007, where Miss Teen South Carolina Caite Upton completely malfunctioned during the interview portion of the Miss Teen USA pageant. After that disaster, Upton was soon signed to Donald Trump’s modeling agency. These days, Upton is a MAGA Republican and an anti-vaxxer, at least according to online reports. Nevermind the fact that the Republican vice presidential nominee suggested that the sitting Democratic vice president was as dumb as a MAGA Republican pageant princess – this is simply how Trump and Vance see all women. They see women as jokes, as bimbos, as pieces of ass and as breeders. That’s it. It’s wildly misogynistic.

Here’s a long clip from Harris & Walz’s CNN interview:

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, screencap from CNN.

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74 Responses to “JD Vance compared Kamala Harris to MAGA-supporting Miss Teen South Carolina”

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  1. Clove says:

    This man really has no morals. He gets worse each day and I cannot wait for Tim Walz to debate him. I want to know how his wife can stomach him

    • Colleen says:

      I’m guessing that this campaign is showing her a new side of her “beloved.” She will divorce him – quietly after he crashes and burns. IMO. She’s complicit for staying quiet so I have no sympathy for her – but no way she sticks this out.

      • ArtFossil says:

        Usha has been married to JD Vance for ten years. She knows exactly who he is.

      • Emcee3 says:

        I suspect Usha is just another version of Heidi Cruz. I feel bad for the children of adults who adopt these trollish personas for fun & games or votes [or all 3]. Modeling the example of a truly authentic person is important in those early stages of development. Vance & Cruz truly believe the trappings of $$$ & power will make up for a lot of sins.
        I watched this play out in the civilian corporate environment w/ a male colleague raising a daughter. He was the generous Fun Dad® but also a low-fi troll during her early years & throughout adolescence just so he could have an amusing water cooler story on Monday morning. It was his social currency/power flex. I would gently caution him: “Go easy on that, Stan, this might backfire on you down the road.” … And it did.

    • Fabiola says:

      Vance is probably completely different with his wife. He preaches being a stay at home wife but his wife is the exact opposite of what he preaches.

  2. He has nothing so he resorts to name calling. It’s a shame he can’t think beyond name calling but what does one expect of lovers of screwing couches.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Maga are definitely trying to draw male votes with “look we have the pretty women”. Been noticing that for a while now.

      See all the fake endorsements/AI they use of female European influencers.

      Just a short search shows how ugly the women are voting MAGA, inside and out

  3. Louise177 says:

    Kind of wonder how Upton is feeling about this. Not only as a Trump supporter but also this has been forgotten years ago.

    • equality says:

      If she continues to be MAGA after this, it will be a sure indicator that she hasn’t learned anything since that point.

      • UpIn Toronto says:

        The former Miss teen South Carolina called Vance out for this awful post. Her twitter musk account (I refuse to call it anything else) has disappeared too

    • Carrie says:

      @Louise 177 It pops up on TikTok from time to time.

    • Lightpurple says:

      She also was signed with Trump’s model agency.

    • Jenepooh says:

      Queue up the “I didn’t know the leopards would eat my face” song.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Yep. It’s extremely cruel. She was a teenager FFS and who knows what could have happened in that moment – with your nerves and adrenalin going and add to it you aren’t prepared for the question. Anyone could have just blanked. What an a-hole to put her back into the spotlight like this. Also she’s MAGA, they can’t even stop being cruel towards their own. Not surprising from a lot that tried to murder their own VP cause he wouldn’t rig the election for them.

      JD Vance is about the furthest thing from Christian you could ever encounter. He sold his soul for White Supremacy. And Trump is the damn Anti-Christ. I hope Usha has a lawyer on speed dial ready to file when they get stomped in November.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Excellent post! Trump/Vance don’t even have the dignity to support their own in order to “make fun” of Kamala with their dumba$$ery. Mind boggled. Love it.

        Madeleine L’Engle, author, helped me so much when I was younger. It helped her main character shared a similar name with my own. The Wrinkle in Time series holds so true to this day. Fight the fight against these idiots and horrible people.

        In case you’r not familiar with Madelein L’Engle. A more recent book than the Wrinkle in Time series.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you Agreatreckoning for this reference!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        For those that don’t want to click on the link. P.S. It’s not BM clickbait.

        “This picture book encourages girls everywhere to proudly share their ideas and emotions, even if those traits will be met with resistance. Because being brave, sensitive, stubborn, curious, loud, kind, and playful helps them build strength and stay true to themselves.”.

        The Republican playbook is make fun of everyone. Even if it’s one of their own who has contemplated suicide. Not great people. At all. Make America Grotesque Again is their ideology.imo

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    He really is such a pathetic and disgusting misogynist. He hates women more than he likes supporters. His wife has made her choices but I feel very sorry for his children.

  5. Pretzel’s Servant says:

    This (and all his other blathering) makes me so sad for his daughter. Imagine growing up with a father who hates girls and women this much. I hope someone in her family is already saving for her therapy fund.

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Petulant children.

  7. Miranda says:

    Appalling misogyny aside, it’s WILD that Vance keeps coming for Kamala as his direct opponent, as if she were still just the incumbent VP candidate and the person he’ll be debating. They have not altered a single thing about their campaign since Biden passed the torch. “Biden is old” was all they had, and they’re too incompetent to improvise, so they’re sticking with that half-assed strategy. It’s like Vance already has a bunch of scheduled tweets lined up and posts them regardless of their relevance to the matter at hand.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Exactly, they can’t pivot or think on their feet or adjust. It’s astonishing. He really thinks these tweets are brilliant. Who the hell is advising these people? Hulk Hogan? Kid Rock? Wtf.

      Walz is going to crush him in a debate. It’s gonna be glorious.

    • bisynaptic says:


  8. Giddy says:

    Vance is a fool, an empty suit with no soul, empathy, or smarts, wearing guy-liner. I almost pity him; he actually thought that tweet was clever.

    • Kitten says:

      He’s so desperate to be Trump but he doesn’t understand that he’ll never be him because he’s devoid of charisma, conviction, humor and affability. He’s awkward and weird and nobody likes him.
      The only thing he really shares with Trump is an utter lack of humanity.

      • Miranda says:

        He really is such a weird, awkward charisma vacuum. Vance makes Ted Cruz look like Miss Congeniality.😂🤣

      • SussexWatcher says:

        I was sooooo happy to see him getting booed at the firemen’s union conference…the day after Tim Walz got cheers. JD is just so awkward and uncomfortable in everything he does and says and every stupid “joke” he tries to make.

        I’d love for him to be replaced by RFKJr, just to see whether he’d turn on the Orange Sh!t Stain. I want them to start eating each other!

      • bisynaptic says:

        Trump isn’t exactly endowed with these things, either. He just has a better schtick.

      • Anna Nonymous says:

        OMG Kitten! You nailed it completely on the head. Point well put. All Kamala needs to do is ask Trump about Mike Pence. Ask where is Mike Pence? Usually a past VP would have been campaigning for their friend and colleague that’s running for office. She should ask him what he thought would have happened to Mike Pence if the rioters had been able to corner him? Pence has been real quiet since he ran out of the vice presidency. Let’s talk about January 6th and Mike Pence in the debates.

  9. Jay says:

    I think this just shows that nothing the MAGA brain trust has thrown at Kamala thus far has been sticking – I don’t think anyone, even voters who are just getting to know her, thinks that she’s vapid or dumb. It’s like how they tried to say that President Biden was some kind of radical, and people scoffed because he’s so far from it. They are so desperate!

    Meanwhile, nobody has any trouble believing that JD is a creep who maybe had improper relations with a sofa cushion!

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    CNN covered this interview as if it were the State of the Union. They even had a countdown clock for days. Then I guess they had one of their “both sides” panels afterwards but I didn’t watch. The vice president was actually giving interviews during the convention to influencers and content providers but corporate media still thinks they are the only media that matters. It was a big disappointment to not only the right wing but mainstream media that the future president and vice president refused to make news in this interview. Instead, she revealed her strong character by refusing to throw Joe Biden under the 🚌 despite being presented with multiple invitations (demands?) to do so. Over at the Bulwark, AB Stoddard noted that Trump “barfs” his way through interviews and no one cares, but MVP is expected to achieve perfection at all times. Not to mention detailed policy plans when he provides none. Anyway, it was another perfect 10 by MVP.

    • kirk says:

      CNN is really the absolute best at coming up with faux “undecided” voters, aren’t they? Remember the ‘red sweater guy’ from 2016 with a disturbing Reddit history? What I don’t understand is why Dana Bash squandered her few minutes of time by repeatedly asking Harris about what was going through Ddump’s head (if anything) when he said she “happened to turn black”

    • Mimi says:

      I loved her demeanor here. She never lost her smile, but stopped what I believe to be the nervous laughing. She addressed serious issues and gave substantive answers.

  11. SussexWatcher says:

    They’re losing and they know it. That’s why this ticket is in full meltdown mode. Everyday they’re either – literally – walking on the graves of dead soliders or finding ways to insult Kamala/women on social media. This tweet follows the one from the Orange Menace talking about Hillary and Kamala and BJs. They’re both vile, racist misogynists and they know they’re about to lose to Black woman and they can’t bear it.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I’m sure Upton will still vote for Trump. He’s on top of the ticket not Vance.

  13. Agnes says:

    He’s just too pudgy and dorky to be the edgelord he longs to be so he always devolves into gratuitous spite. Such a dumbass. I bet he gets voted out of the Senate after he and Trump lose bigly, even people in Ohio are waking up to how ick he is.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      It boggles the mind how he ever got elected in the first place.

      • Grandma Susan says:

        Republican gerrymandering and Big Money. That’s how he got elected. His too numerous-to-count campaign ads in Ohio were vomit inducing.

      • Agnes says:

        Peter Thiel, the German-born gay Opus Dei-influenced billionaire who allegedly got transfusions of blood from young people to slow aging, bought him a seat and made him convert to a strict form of Catholicism. Why is everything like a weird Bond movie these days?

  14. AmyB says:

    JD – keep showing women how much you despise us, and then enjoy your humiliating defeat in November as we ALL show up at the ballot box to kick your vile misogynistic ass to the curb!

  15. Mireille says:

    Kamala and Tim sitting together for the interview made them appear as buddies, relatable, they’re in this together. Didn’t see it as Kamala needing Tim to back her up. Aside from the fact that Vance may be a disturbed creep, this man is DESPERATE to be liked, so he’ll resort to these low tactics to get a meme, laughter, or some acknowledgement, adulation, or accolade from the MAGA base and independents. He doesn’t know how to communicate with…humans.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      It was just such a stupid attack (about her not being able to interview on her own) because within 2 seconds everyone was able to find pictures of every other single presidential candidate from the past 30 years doing their first interview alongside the VP candidate.

      They’re just so stupid and they have nothing real to attack her on. They’re losing and they know it.

    • LarkspurLM says:

      Agree! The MAGts can #FU all the way home. I’m so tired of the MAGA talking points seeping into everything.

      I almost threw the remote at the TV when Bash asked Walz about the IVF vs IUI. I mean, WTF? Who F’ing cares? Is this all the MAGAs have? Quibble over a reproductive procedure? Ok, I guess I answered by own question.


  16. Nanea says:

    After observing James Donald David Bowman Hamel Vance, aka Vancimir Shillbilly Guyliner Futon, ever since he became the chosen one, and, most of all, hearing him turn more misogynistic — with every single speech or interview —than he was known for previously, I don’t get how women still feel the need to defend him and the repugnant racist felon.

    And vote for these offensively obnoxious terrible two who stand against everything women had previously taken for granted, even the MAGAt ones.

    The way JDV attacks Kamala, without any arguments, shows they have nothing.

  17. kgeo says:

    I was scared to watch this, but she did great. I love the fracking part in particular. My values haven’t changed, but I got more information and saw that we can move to a green economy without banning fracking. This interviewer wanted a gotcha moment so bad and Kamala, in three different ways, said I got more information and changed my position. That’s what I want as a leader.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      The right wing has utilized character attacks to discredit their opponents for decades because they know they can’t defeat them on policy. This year they are insisting that policy favors them but since Kamala became the candidate and is infinitely better in explaining policy than President Biden has been, even that has begun to slip away. It’s why they are desperately flailing to find a character attack that will stick. Btw, speaking of policy, I highly recommend Brian Tyler Cohen’s YouTube video analyzing this interview. He completely destroys the Republican argument that voters were better off during the Trump regime. He cites things like nurses wearing garbage bags because of lack of protective equipment. It’s 💯🔥!

      • Feeshalori says:

        BR, I’ve been so hooked on both BTC and Meidastouch now. They’re among the two best channels on YouTube for this election. And I’ve been getting my multidoses of them on a daily basis. I also love watching the Lincoln Project commercials too. They all just bring the heat.

  18. samipup says:

    OK, I’m confused. Is JDork trying to insinuate MVP was this person stumbling thru the interview?

  19. Lau says:

    As a non-american I really can’t understand how anybody would seriously consider voting for the Trump/Vance ticket. They bring nothing to the table and they are literally a waste of time.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Many of us Americans can’t understand it either. You are not alone.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I still can’t understand how a foul, despicable, convicted felon can still run for office here, let alone be considered for the highest office in the land. I really hope a law can be passed prohibiting this.

      • Barb Mill says:

        And he could actually win. It just boggles my mind that so many people will vote for him.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Lay 💯 many of us Americans are baffled as well.

  20. Bev says:

    He’s such an angry little boy.

  21. Mrs. Smith says:

    Imagine being this woman in the video and being used by her own party as the poster child for stupidity. JD is showcasing YOUR face as “look at this idiot.” WTF. Caite, please stand up for yourself!

  22. Kelly says:

    John German interviewed Vance and pointed out that Upton considered suicide after the fallout of the pageant. Vance could care less about her feelings, just said people needed to take a joke. Easy to say when it’s not at your expense. Vance doesn’t even need a shovel to dog his own political grave.
    Truly disgusting. I hope his wife divorces him the minute she can.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, that is terrible! That was his response? How…unChristianlike.

    • KateK says:

      I was STUNNED by how he replied when asked if he would apologize knowing what he knows now about Caitlin’s mental state after this clip aired. “We need to laugh if off” and “bring fun back into politics”. It is unreal someone could so casually dismiss a serious mental health crisis and even more so that they would also double down on it.
      There is no bottom for these disgusting creatures. I’m more ashamed of our country daily.

    • deering24 says:

      Vance’s wife clerked for Roberts and Kavanaugh, so she’s of like mind. No sympathy for her.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Damn that response is worse than the Tweet! It is amazing trying to figure out which person on the ticket is the stupidest and the biggest mysgnostic sociopath!

  23. Lindsay says:

    This scourge is exactly why I made a New Year’s resolution December 2022 to pull myself away from political articles and broadcasts.
    It’s overwhelmingly emotionally painful to realize I’m surrounded by other citizens who willingly support the MAGA platform.
    I don’t want to die a miserable, complainer of politics.
    I still cannot believe anyone would vote for DJT/Vance.
    It just kills me their platform is cheerful cruelty, racism and misogyny.
    That it is sport to them to vote in this capacity.

    A long lost love reached out to me and I was just thrilled.
    My heart sang with long held love for him.
    In a that conversation, he affirmed his Maga vote and mocked Beto.
    Herein lies an advantage of being older.
    I blocked him immediately, never to speak to him, again.
    As if.

  24. AmyB says:

    I was unaware of this, but it seems that in 2015, Caite Upton opened up about how the online bullying and backlash from her Miss Teen USA appearance led her to consider suicide. JD Vance was asked about this last night on CNN and was pressed for an apology, and he REFUSED:


    This is who the Trump/MAGA party is. Vote accordingly in November!!!

    • SIde Eye says:

      Omg. I hope she’s ok. I hope she has good people around her. I don’t know if she is MAGA (I think she is) and usually my sympathy for them is limited. But she was a teenager. Public speaking is extremely difficult. There are countless smart people who cannot effectively communicate ideas in a room full of people. It’s awful to use her as a punchline. He’s such a jerk. And then instead of having empathy and apologizing he doubles down. Imagine him making a faux pas on the world stage if this is how he handles things.

      Pride goeth before the fall.

      Mark my words. When Trump gets is ass kicked, he will blame Vance because Trump has NPD and cannot see his own failures/shortcomings. MAGA will turn on Vance, Usha, their entire family. They better be ready to run, leave the country, and hide forever. We know what happened when that rabid base turned on the last VP.

      Vance deserves this. His kids do not.

  25. Catherinski says:

    And … after being told that she’d been suicidal after that viral clip, he doubled down.

    BERMAN: Last night you posted a clip from Ms Teen US 2007 — Caitlin Upton. When you posted that, were you aware she thought about committing suicide for the attention that received?

    JD VANCE: No, certainly not.

    B: Would you like to apologize?

    V: I’m not going to apologize for posting a joke, but I wish the best for her.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      God he hates women more than he loves anything or anyone yikes. Poor lady, she was a kid and is being attacked by people running for national office. So gross

  26. Oh come on. says:

    Harris and Walz are both warm, funny, and charming. That’s not Trump’s style, so JD is supposed to bring the fun.

    Love watching Thiel’s adopted failson squirm and flail as he tries to joke like a human being, only to confirm he’s a humorless bully.

  27. Oh come on. says:

    I mean, I feel a tiny bit sorry for Upton having her life’s most embarrassing moment republished again. It’s a heartless move toward her.

    But since she’s a MAGA, I’m not losing any sleep over it.

  28. Melissa says:

    I Hope that I never make a mistake to the point is gets dragged out all over the internet for the next (checks watch) 17 years.

  29. Libra says:

    “No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious about his virility. ” Simone Beauvoir.