George & Amal Clooney arrived in Venice ahead of the ‘Wolfs’ premiere

Here are some photos of George and Amal Clooney arriving in Venice, ahead of the world premiere of Wolfs at the film festival. Wolfs was produced by AppleTV+ and the original plan was to do a major theatrical rollout for the film. That plan was changed a month ago and now the movie will only get a limited theatrical release and then it’s getting dumped on streaming. Womp womp. Hilariously, the Clooneys just hosted Apple CEO Tim Cook in Como this week. I bet George tried to plead with Cook. Doesn’t look like it worked. Still, the promotional tour was already planned, so George and Amal are ready to wander around Venice like Italian royalty.

What’s also curious to me is that we heard last week that Brad Pitt flew into Como, Italy to vacation with the Clooneys ahead of Venice. So… why didn’t Pitt travel with the Clooneys TO Venice? By the looks of these photos, the Clooneys arrived without Pitt. I wonder what went down in Como. Whatever it was, the Clooneys will continue to do the most to cover up for Brad. To be fair, it’s also possible that Pitt took a later flight specifically to avoid Angelina Jolie as she exited the city today. Also: there are rumors that George and Amal’s marriage is struggling, but my vibe is more that Amal is in it until the bitter end. If they split, it’s because George wants it.

I’m also including photos of Nicole Kidman in Venice! She’s in town promoting the sexy thriller (??) called Babygirl. That hairpiece is a mess, Nic!! Her dress is Bottega Veneta. Also: I love Antonio Banderas.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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31 Responses to “George & Amal Clooney arrived in Venice ahead of the ‘Wolfs’ premiere”

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  1. Jaded says:

    I hate Amal’s dress and shoes, it’s time to drop the girly girl look. Nicole Kidman looks…weird, like her face suddenly gained weight, maybe it’s just bad photoshopping. Her dress looks suffocating — Venice is stinkin’ hot this time of year and I’m sweating just looking at it.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, the whole vibe is “chorus girl and her ancient millionaire.” The other day Amal wore a Chanel knitted dress with sequins and lace panels – she looked stunning in it.

    • equality says:

      Nicole looks puffy like she is maybe on steroids or having some medical issues.

  2. mel says:

    Why can’t people just age?

  3. dawnchild says:

    That’s a foolish look for a grown woman, Amal. Just because one can doesn’t mean that one should.

    • Ms single malt says:

      I think she looks fabulous. It’s not something I would wear. I salute women who wear whatever style they please.
      Her hair is so glamourous. It makes me want to buy that Dyson straightener. Sigh …

    • Nikki says:

      I like a very girly girl look, but this also struck me as just too baby doll-ish, lacking in sophistication.

    • paintybox says:

      It’s giving Zillionaire Trophy Bimbo Barbie – she doesn’t have to do that, she’s got a serious career, they have a real marriage and family and we all know she’s younger than he is but it seems to be an image she loves to cos-play.

  4. Jais says:

    Meh to George Clooney and his movie with Brad Pitt. I have more sympathy to newer actors in a pitt movie. For example, Simone Ashley is going to be in that car racing movie with Pitt. And I want to see her get a hit or at least for her performance to be appreciated. But there’s the Pitt factor🤢

  5. LeahTheFrench says:

    Oh… A rare miss for Amal, who usually looks flawless. This is a lovely, vibrant color on her, but the structure of the dress is not quite right – too short, too much fabric, waist too high… She looks boxy in it, and she certainly is not. Beautiful accessories, but she would have looked stunning if the dress had been more flowy.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Agreed. The proportions of that dress are very child star Shirley Temple which is not a great vibe. The fabric and color would work much better in a different cut.

    • Jan90067 says:

      If it didn’t have a waistline, just flowed straight down from the collar (like an A-line), even at a mini-length, it’d be cute. Even *with* this waistline, if it was knee length, it’d be cute (but not with those wedges!). But like this, esp. with those wedges, she looks like a little girl. Strappy flats would’ve looked much better with this outfit the way it is.

  6. Lauren says:

    I read that Pitt and Clooney gave back money so their movie would get a wide release, and Apple still said no. I wonder if test screenings were so bad that Apple didn’t want to risk another big theater flop. I can see why Clooney was banking on this movie his career as of late acting and producing has been a stream of flops or barely making a budget. The last successful movie he was in was the one with Julia Roberts in 2022.

    • CL says:

      Apparently Apple has already agreed to make a sequel, since the release didn’t go as planned (to make it up to the “stars” of the movie).

      • Lauren says:

        I don’t think a sequel is going to be made any time soon or at all. Apple has had a lot of their theater release movie flops with big-name celebrities attached outside of a few successes like Twister. I don’t see Pitt and Clooney beating those odds now or with possible “sequels”. I think Apple just said that to keep them happy, but the real defining moment will be how well it streams on Apple TV.

  7. Chaine says:

    Yikes, Amal looks cute in isolation, but do not wear this babydoll dress and heels when your accessory is a shriveled grumpy old man because you end up looking like his teen granddaughter.

    ITA that Nicole’s face looks swollen and I have been a Celebitchy reader long enough to suspect that a lot of that poofy hair is fake!

  8. Lisa says:

    Boo hiss. That’s it I got nothing else

  9. Ocho says:

    I love the Amal look. It’s bright. AND poofy. AND short. And there is a huge a-s hat on top. I will even forgive the wedges — perhaps they are functional — wedges only excuse. You do you, Amal.

  10. LeonsMomma says:

    Ok, I am going to dissent with Amal, I think she looks lovely and love the dress (and its color). She has the legs for it! The way George is holding her hand hard, I don’t think he’s the issue (maybe? who knows.)

    Dear Nicole: Please stop with the fillers. Signed, Your Fans (who know how beautiful you are and hate every time you do something like that to your face.)

  11. Mireille says:

    Amal looks so young and fresh compared to George. He looks like he’s pulling his granddaughter along. I wonder how are they doing financially? Does she work anymore as a lawyer? And outside his business ventures, George’s movies are not raking in any money. Just curious. I think Antonio and Nicole look good. I know people have an issue with Kidman’s face/hair, but Nicole is going to Nicole. This is just who she is and I think she is lovely.

    • Nanea says:

      I think the Clooneys are fine financially, including the next generation, no matter how badly his movies underperform.

      GC had all these “spokesperson” jobs for Nespresso, Omega, Armani, Martini. And he sold, together with Rande Gerber, his share in Casamigos tequila. So he must have earned several hundred millions outside of his movies. AFAIK, Amal mostly does Pro Bono work now.

      • Oakley says:

        Apple just paid him and Pitt $35 M each for Wolfs. That’s absurd really. Do they even have that kind of bankability when they were in their prime, let alone now when they probably will have diapers in a few years down the time.

  12. Nikki says:

    George got 35 MILLION for “Wolfs”.

  13. BeanieBean says:

    Sigh. Getting caught up with CB over the long weekend. I don’t understand wearing a shorty, floaty dress when you know you’re going to be walking up/down/across gangways to/from a boat. And when you’re near the water? It’s going to be windy, right? And Nicole, I hope she’s not ill & that’s steroid puffiness, but if it’s filler, smh. She’s a beautiful woman whom I’m sure Hollywood would be OK with aging.

  14. Ellie72 says:

    With Amal looking a bit Girlie and George looking old . The first thing that came to mind is it looks like Amal is walking with her Father and hanging on to him because he is unsteady on his feet .