JD Vance: Women who work instead of starting families are on ‘a path to misery’

J.D. Vance is just such an awful person. I don’t even have words at this point. One of the weirdest, grossest and funniest parts to Vance’s long history of saying disparaging sh-t about childless women is that even Donald Trump understands that his VP pick sounds like a f–king creep. Trump has had to come out and say: of course we don’t have a problem with childless women. Meanwhile, Vance is wailing in the background about how menopausal women should be fed into wood chippers. Anyway, fresh off the reveal that Vance can’t stand it when female teachers are childless, we’ve gotten a fresh reveal. In 2021, Vance gave a lengthy podcast interview in which he once again described in detail his disgust for childless women and how he used that disgust to formulate his political ideology.

JD Vance said professional women choose “a path to misery” by prioritizing their careers over having children—and argued that men and boys were “suppressed,” in a resurfaced podcast from 2021.

“You have women who think that truly the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle at McKinsey instead of starting a family and having children,” the GOP vice presidential nominee says in the audio clip. “What they don’t realize—and I think some of them do eventually realize that, thank God—is that that is actually a path to misery.”

Donald Trump’s running mate specifically referenced his female classmates at Yale Law School, who “are caught up in a rat race that… is making them really miserable.” Vance met his wife, Usha, while studying alongside her at the elite university.

The podcast, which was posted to YouTube on Sept. 20, 2021, was produced by American Moment, a right-wing non-profit whose mission is to “identify, educate, and credential young Americans who will implement public policy that supports strong families, a sovereign nation, and prosperity for all.” The group is also an organizational partner for Project 2025, an initiative tied to The Heritage Foundation. At the time of the episode’s release, Vance sat on the non-profit’s advisory board and was running for U.S. Senate. He is now listed as a “board members emeritus” on the American Moment website.

Vance also turned his attention to “suppressed” men and boys during the podcast, alleging that “we don’t talk enough about the fact that traditional masculine traits are now actively suppressed from childhood all the way through adulthood.”

The father of three said his son’s habit of fighting imaginary monsters was part of “something deeply cultural and biological, spiritual about this desire to defend his home and his family.”

“If the Chinese invade us in 10 years,” Vance mused, “they’re going to be beaten back by boys… who practice fighting the monsters who become proud men who defend their homes. They’re not going to be defended by the soy boys who want to feed the monsters,” he added, using an insult intended to emasculate others.

[From The Daily Beast]

It’s actually a lot worse than that but you can see and hear that in the clip below. What’s disturbing as well is that he doesn’t understand that so much of his ideology is projection, that he’s projecting his own misery as a man, husband and father onto “childless women.” He believes he has pity for those women, but really he envies their freedom and independence, and that envy makes him uncomfortable so he forces himself to hate them and create an ideology in which he can dismiss the cool ladies as miserable for having free time and wanting equality.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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79 Responses to “JD Vance: Women who work instead of starting families are on ‘a path to misery’”

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  1. pme says:

    But,but he is good friends with Don Jr. who recommended him for the job…..

  2. girl_ninja says:

    We all know that with that lot every judgement/accusation is a confession. James Donald is miserable in his own life and wishes that he could live his truth. He like so many of his rightwing MAG-Asses are closeted and hate it.

    • goofpuff says:

      I don’t think he’s closeted, more like he’s just willing to do anything to win. Morals, dignity, and anything else be damned.

      Very telling that JD’s wife immediately quit her law career to become the stay at home wife that JD is saying all women should be. How conveniently timed. She is all in on this with him. They will both do and say anything to court the right wing nutjobs to become Donald Trump 2.0.

      Political power and prestige is more important than morals or political beliefs. Suffering is ok as long as it betters their own lot in life.

      JD says what will trigger so the MAGA like Trump does. Usha does damage control to try make excuses for the non-MAGA republicans. They are playing both sides.

      Great article here about Usha.


      • Swara says:

        The Slate article was just a very long read to tell us Mrs. Vance – like her husband – is very, very power hungry

      • girl_ninja says:

        No doubt he craves the power but is so far in the closet he’s IN His Dark Materials.

      • Sandii says:

        These are his actual believes. At some point he clearly fell deep into the manosphere. He has the lingo. You don’t use “soyboy” if you are not “red pilled”.

    • acha says:

      His book description of his grandma asking nine-year-old him, “do you want to s*** d***? no? then you are not gay.” is just the worst.

      • equality says:

        I wonder how much of his memoir is really fiction.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        @equality he claims to have grown up in poverty but he really grew up in a solidly middle class neighborhood and his mother was a nurse (she stole drugs from her patients, so it’s not like her middle class income was being blown paying for drugs – they had enough for him to take golf lessons). His poor hillbilly, stock-owning, grandfather was extremely comfortable in retirement living off what even Vance has described as a lucrative pension. There’s a reason people in Appalachia call him out as liar and carpetbagger

    • EM says:

      *Everyone* working 90 hours a week at McKinsey is miserable. Why are we singling out childless women? The answer isn’t all women stay home, the answer is better work/life balance for all.

      • SarahCS says:

        That was my takeaway too, maybe look at how corporate culture and greed negatively impacts people and then you’d be onto something.

      • Fabiola says:

        Anyone working 90 hours a week is miserable and needs to figure out a way to balance work life. Sometimes you just can’t if you’re the sole provider of a big family.

      • LisaN says:

        The Ultimate path to misery is working 60+ hours a week, to pay for childcare, while netting 100-200 a month. it is soul sucking. that is where i was 27 years ago.

        I doubt the JDV wife had to worry about that. did they have Nannies? probably…..

      • Emcee3 says:

        @LisaN: Let’s not forget his bragging how Usha’s mother took a full year leave of absence from her career to help them with their first born.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Seriously. Meanwhile, miserable me, sits here on my sofa in Hawaii, windows wide open on the lanai, enjoying an extra day off after Labor Day. Me and my miserable life choices. 🌺

  3. equality says:

    And some women marry someone and start a family and that is their path to misery–being tied to someone who is abusive. If you are unhappy in a job it’s easier to change than cutting ties with someone you have children with.

    • Kitten says:

      And what about postpartum depression?
      Women have lived with this whitewashed image of what motherhood is/should be our whole damn lives, FAR before this dumbass started lecturing us about it. We are FINALLY getting to a stage where women feel a bit more comfortable talking about the trials and tribulations of raising kids–we are FINALLY beginning to shed that taboo–and this dick-lick wants to take us back.
      Just so sick of RWNJs ruining everything.

      • deering24 says:

        Kitten–motherhood and wifehood have been presented as happy-joy Kodak moments for centuries. 🙄 Vance not only wants to take us back, he wants to silence our voices about the realities of these situation.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Also, the role of men as “protector” is nonsense.

      More women get murdered and violently attacked by intimate partners than by stranger danger.

    • Anna says:

      That is the point here – to scare young women into marriage, fast, get the pregnant and once they are 23 with two small kids – you (a man) are able to do whatever, because he no longer has a choice and has to be compliant. It is so evil, and so toxic that it makes me scared, that some young women will listen to this, then look at some tradwives on insta and will think: this looks so nice and easy, why not?

      • Minnieder says:

        Yep. And I HATE his term “soy boys.” Like wtf dude, now consuming a plant based/soy protein diet is an insult?!? Okay tiny dick energy

  4. Old & Tired says:

    He also doesn’t get that even for us ladies who have had children, talking about women like this is so demeaning. Being a mother has been the thrill of my life, but that isn’t my sum total reason for existing!

    • Anna says:

      I completely agree. I had my daughter at 30 and now will have another one. As much as I cannot imagine my life without them, I was still happy and fulfilled before! And most of all – it was my choice, so I don’t feel the need to belittle the choices of others and justify mine. Live and let live.

  5. Lili says:

    Yo! turnip, why must everyone live a narrow life as defined by you? My greatest wish for you is for you to have a daughter who doesnt give you grand kids


    JD making history as the first incel, Reddit-educated vice-presidential nominee in US history.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m so happy for Kamala who has found meaning even though she is past the period when she could have kids. She is showing all of us that great things are possible “unburdened by what has been.” She is an actual human rebuttal to all of Vance’s crazy 🐂💩. 🥥🏝️

    • Megan says:

      As a childless cat lady, I have a lot more disposable income than families burdened by outrageous child care costs and absolutely insane college tuition rates. I’ve been giving that disposable income to Democrats who actually want to make child care free and college affordable. So, I guess I actually care more about children than he does.

  8. Miranda says:

    Someday soon, someone’s going to discover a bunch of literal skeletons in Vance’s closet, and every single person in America is going to say, “yeah, sounds about right”. He genuinely sounds like a f–king serial killer at this point.

    Anyway, a lot of us are raising little girls to fight monsters these days, too. Monsters like Vance, and Trump, and the entire Republican party.

  9. Chantal1 says:

    He really is the gift that keeps on giving. He sounds like those red pill guys except his views truly represent an extremely regressive and oppressive ideology for everyone who isn’t a
    Christian white male. He also sounds like someone who is trapped and doesn’t know how to free himself from his “trappings” (marriage, kids or both) and still come out looking blameless, bc he can’t and/or won’t admit when he’s wrong or has made a mistake. So his projection likely means that he’s the one inflicting misery on everyone around him bc of the personal choices he made. We MUST NOT allow someone like this to be anywhere near the US presidency bc he and his “minders/financial backers” could and would do a lot of damage to this country.

    • Nuks says:

      This guy is a gift from God. Not only did Trump pick him, he has not dumped him. We should be sending him cookie baskets.

  10. Mireille says:

    So if I follow this douche’s philosophy on saving families, society, and shit, we should prepare the next generation of girls to sacrifice any life outside of becoming birthing vessels and mothers and the next generation of boys to fight a hypothetical Chinese invasion. Got it. I can’t even get mad anymore at what he says. He’s better than stupid. He’s a stupid, massively insecure little man about to self-implode in public, taking his candidacy down the drain. If one believes the rumors, he may get replaced on the R ticket for a Democrat douche (Kennedy) after all.

    • deering24 says:

      I’m still trying to figure why the Chinese would invade us. Did I miss something, or… 🙄

  11. blue says:

    Does Vance think his wife should have stayed home after having 3 kids instead of working? Who took care of the kids? Should she continue to procreate in order to have “value” in his eyes? But he does love her even though she’s not white.
    How can she stay with this lunatic? No spine.

  12. ML says:

    Not going to waste my time and worsen my day by watching this video, but JD Vance is definitely incel adjacent. Each time something like this video gets airtime, JD essentially doubles down on what he said. Trump must love this. These two are definitely not pandering to more than their base.

    I now know of TWO people who have had their voter registration discontinued…CHECK, especially if you live in the South, if you are registered to vote. The fact that the Republiscums are not worried about appealing to women or swing voters (or at least not if it means offending the core MAGAs) means that they feel they can win by other means. Including tossing voters registrations out.

    • Miranda says:

      My MIL and at least 3 of my husband’s family and friends in Alabama, and a couple more in Indiana, found that they were removed from the rolls. The Harris/Walz campaign absolutely NEEDS to get the word out about this, if they haven’t already.

  13. Kitten says:

    “My Traditional Male Traits are wearing eyeliner and f*cking couches.”

    It’s insane how unable to mind their own f*cking business these people are. Watching the GOP devlve into a bunch of screeching Karens who are obsessed with everyone else’s life choices has been really something to behold.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      If men want to wear eyeliner, I say, go for it! But it’s definitely not a traditional male trait in this culture. JD’s got some explaining to do.

  14. Nutella toast says:

    His obsession with women procreating is so insanely creepy at this point. He never mentions men who don’t have babies. What is their worth? Isn’t he Catholic? Does that mean nuns have no value? He’s just a seething bowl of hate. I know VP pics are supposed to be far less important than the presidential nominee but with Trump‘s health, we have to expect this idiot would be our president if Trump kicked the bucket. The thing is, people like my dad aren’t seeing these interviews. They have no idea how obsessed with fallopian tubes this man is.

    • Amanda says:

      That’s what worries me. Trump is 78 years old, is overweight, and eats a terrible diet. If he wins, there’s a fairly significant chance that he could die in office, and Vance could become president. Honestly, I think that’s even scarier than Trump completing his 2nd term in office.

  15. Lau says:

    I don’t understand why JD didn’t become an actor, a part in The Handmaid’s Tale would have been the role of a lifetime for him.

  16. Flowerlake says:

    Women who lose financial independence and get dependent on men like this are in misery already.

    That is exactly what they want: women who can’t run away.

    Women who don’t get married live longer than married women. Men who get married live longer than men who don’t.

    Yes, there are good marriages, where this is not the case and both parties benefit. It does show however, how on average men benefit more and women lose more.

    • Mariana says:

      Research has shown women tend to be much happier after divorce whereas men tend to be much less happy.

      Can’t imagine why… 🙄

  17. Nanea says:

    Dear James Donald David Bowman Hamel Vance, you’re a man, last time I looked, guyliner and menscara notwithstanding.

    Shut up about women. You have no idea about us, and will never have.

    Some women can’t have kids, some don’t want to. Be it infertility, wrong or no partner (choosing bears over men), or just because.

    It doesn’t concern you, so stay out of our lives, and bedrooms, and…

    MSc, PhD — with grown-up twins and a loving, supportive husband, who nearly gave up after two failed attempts that wreaked havoc on body and mind

  18. Amy Bee says:

    With that scenario about a Chinese invasion, hes also telling us that he doesn’t believe that women should be in the military.

  19. fwiw says:

    Time for yet another name change:
    JD Butker.

  20. Arabella says:

    The leaps in logic! The stereotypes and assumptions of how the working women think! The false notion that all career oriented women have the exact same values! How can any intelligent person take this seriously?!

  21. Northernlala says:

    He’s a character from The Handmaid’s Tale. Gad I f**king hate this weirdo.
    This menopausal woman’s reaction to every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth is
    ‘How dare he?!’ 😡

  22. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I want to vomit. On him. On all of em. A prolonged, extensive and thorough dumping of mass vomit.

  23. JustStop says:

    I’ve never loathed someone the way I loath this man. I will be single to my dying day proud of the fact that I neither married nor birthed an absolute cretin who has the mental capacity of a maggot wallowing in a McDonalds trash bin. Either option would come with vomit-inducing shame and abhorrence.

  24. manda says:

    I also think it’s interesting that the only other option he seems to presuppose that women have, if they don’t have kids, is to work in a cubicle 90 hours a week. Yup, that does sound miserable, but it is not the only other thing there is to do

  25. Ann says:

    I have a slightly different interpretation of JD’s motives around his disdain for childless women. I think, based on observing my ex-husband, who has a similar personality to JD, that he is a tremendously insecure person who needs constant external validation to shore up his weak sense of self—but he’s no good at getting that validation because he’s a creep. So he sees the fact that he’s managed to sleep with a woman and father children as the ultimate source of validation that shows he is in fact a superior being. “Look,everyone, I’m a real boy!” is his affect. He doesn’t realize how pathetic it is to base his self-worth on performing a basic biological function. He’s just amazed that he’s not literally an incel, even though he truly is one in spirit.The toxicity of this type of man, who thinks he deserves everything to compensate for his low internal value, can’t be understated. He will do anything and kiss up to anyone to get into a position that makes him feel powerful.

    • dawnchild says:

      V good take on JD… he truly does think he’s ‘normal’ now that he’s married and procreated, and eager to point out how terrible/abnormal the single and childfree are.
      What a huge relief to him to have proved that he belongs, via his kids, and picket fence (and fake dog).
      Never mind that this is the lowest of low bars.

    • Snarkle says:

      So true Ann!

      I also think he’s bitter that he was rejected by all those Yale Law women, or perhaps one in particular. His projections are very specific and his rants seem like wish fulfillment. He wants those women to be miserable because they didn’t choose him. Or babies. Or dogs.

    • uane1167@comcast.net says:

      Yeah, I think it’s also — “I will never be like my dysfunctional parents!” Usually people who say that are still caught in a dysfunctional response.

    • Minnieder says:

      I’d love for him to find out something like the kids aren’t actually his.

    • deering24 says:

      Ann–ITA. As well, Vance hates women because he blames the women in his life (mom and grandmother) for not giving him an ideal childhood. He feels deprived of “proper mothering,
      so every woman out there who isn’t his idea of a perfect mom is a target for his hate.

  26. Whalesnark says:

    Where is huge coconut falling from a tall tree at a high rate of speed when you need one?

  27. Renee' says:

    I truly believe he hates women. IMO I think a lot of it has to do with his relationship problems with his own mother.
    He has a real hang up about women bearing children. Guess what JD….I haven’t bore one child, and I don’t regret it a bit.

  28. Andrea says:

    I am quite happier childfree than a lot of women I know who settled for some not so good and sometimes awful men. I refuse to settle. He doesn’t want women thinking they have a choice!

  29. Mrs. Smith says:

    If possible, it would be great if Kaiser would post something about what Tim Walz is up to these days. I think he went to the MN state fair, ate pork chops on a stick (?) and served ice cream. He also delivered a successful speech about how no one is asking for Project 2025 and whatever bullsh*t JD is trying to sell.

    • BeanieBean says:

      All fair food is on a stick! That’s the beauty of fairs! And I agree, more of the uplifting Tim Walz would be a palate cleanser after this guy!

  30. Catherinski says:

    His creepy comments are directly related to the company he keeps. He’s a Catholic convert and a mouthpiece for tech bros, who are *big* into mysoginistic patriarchy and natalism.

    Leonard Leo (powerful ultra-conservative Catholic creep) has been working behind the scenes for decades to build hard right networks in DC. We can thank him for the 6 conservative Supreme Court justices.

    Thiel (billionaire creep who thinks democracy is passé and that women/minorities are problematic ) and Elon Musk (11 children) spend millions on conservative groups/politicians and want everyone to have *lots* of kids. Well, they’re mostly worried about the white, Christian demographic. wink, wink.

    What sounds weird/awful to us is perfectly normal in their circles. He’s been marinating in creepiness for years.

    • Ashley says:

      You’re right, but none of it makes sense. Thiel is gay and out. This is pure, unadulterated hate for women.

      • Catherinski says:

        💯 Yep. Both hate and fear (fear of both women *and* loss of status, which to me, is why they want control, and why a gay man (wtf?) is obsessed with patriarchy).

  31. Agnes says:

    The more he talks, the more I can’t wait unit that photo of him with a ball-gag in his mouth wearing a leather bustier leaks out.

  32. crazyoldlady says:

    the little straight closet he has trapped himself in is literally driving him insane.

  33. Libra says:

    A timely quote from Simone Beauvoir; No one is more arrogant towards women or more aggressive and scornful than the man who is anxious about his virility.

  34. Mina_Esq says:

    This whole line of discussion is just so insane. Obviously there are lots of men and women who are happy and those that are miserable, regardless of whether or not they have kids. Kids are not the variable. The variable is marriage, with single women being statistically more happy. Just saying.

  35. BeanieBean says:

    Sure hope his sons aren’t lactose-intolerant. He’s not gonna like them being ‘soy boys’. 🙄

  36. T says:

    And what does it say about the humans that believe in and support this moron??? I sincerely worry about our future.

  37. TN Democrat says:

    Every single day Vance (and the orange menace) make statements that would have ended anyone else’s political career. Vote blue!

  38. J.Mo says:

    I’m so unhappy with my career, donated adult child, doing whatever I want, all the time with people I love.

  39. The real queen says:

    Jimmy Bowman what a smuck!

  40. Sandii says:

    He is like a more aggressive Mike Pence. But exactly the same believe system.