Jennifer Lopez still has ‘some bitterness’ after her split from Ben Affleck

When did we, as a society, decide that September 1st marks the beginning of fall? I saw so many “end of summer” stories and social media posts, and I read all of them in 80-degree heat as my AC blasted. Autumn doesn’t really begin until mid-September, in my opinion. That’s when mornings and evenings are cooler and everything feels crisp. Anyway, Jennifer Lopez was one of those people marking the end of summer. J.Lo did a photo-dump with the message “Oh, it was a summer” on her social media. I love all of the photos, especially the t-shirt reading “she’s in bloom and unbothered out of reach and at peace.” J.Lo said: I’m washing that man right out of my hair. Which is the right way to play it publicly, especially after Jennifer spent a full week ensuring that she got her side out there and everyone knows that Ben Affleck is a douchebag. Speaking of:

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are both focusing on the good amid their split. Nearly two weeks after the Atlas actress, 55, filed for divorce from the Air actor-director, 52, an Affleck source tells PEOPLE that he is “doing well” and “slowly moving into his new home.”

“He’s where he wants to be: close to his kids and in a neighborhood that he loves,” the source adds. “He enjoys working too, and is very focused on the positives.”

Meanwhile, a Lopez source tells PEOPLE that “she still feels very fortunate” with how her life is now despite feeling “some bitterness” about the split. “She tried so hard to make things work and it didn’t matter to Ben.”

“She’s surrounded by family, friends and her kids,” the source close to Lopez says. “She always manages to have a positive outlook. The divorce is difficult for her, but she always finds a way to move forward.”

[From People]

Yeah, I’m still dying to know what went down in early spring, because that’s when everything seemed to fall apart for good. But I appreciate how Jennifer has handled this in recent weeks. It feels like she got some things out of her system too, and I hope she’s really done with all things Ben Affleck.

Photos courtesy of J.Lo’s social media.

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60 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez still has ‘some bitterness’ after her split from Ben Affleck”

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  1. Mimi says:

    Good for her. That’s all I can say. The man was never worth it. Now now and not 20 years ago. Now she got him out of her system. It was always him, sis; it wasn’t you. The narrative about the one that got away can be flushed down the toilet now.

    • Libra says:

      Repeat this louder, please. It’s not you, it’s him.

    • yupyup says:

      Did you see that 3 part project? She didn’t come off as stable, healed or the “better one” either. They both messed up a good thing. I’m a fan of both but neither of them acted maturely and kindly to one another briefing left and right like children. I’m glad these two people in their 50s are going their separate ways.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    I understand the bitterness but she got the answers to some long held questions. I’m glad she’s moving on.

  3. UpIn Toronto says:

    I hope she’s at peace, but I’m not too confident on that…

    • eos says:

      All this “she’s moved on” “he’s moved on” “he’s happy”, “she’s happy” is crap.
      No one is happy so soon after a divorce. Add the fantasy love story and illusion they both nurtured thru other relationships and marriages, I would imagine they’ll need more than being busy and PR to quiet their minds. The battle will be mostly with themselves. Lots of therapy and inner work needed for sure.

  4. Jane B says:

    I’m so disturbed by how she’s been bullied this year. The pile on of disgust is awful. I hope there are people who genuinely care about her and support her.

  5. yupyup says:

    The right way to play it is to release a statement that is mature and gives you closure. To live her life and keep strong and dignified. She is still trying to get this attention. But he did really pour the salt when he knew she was dealing with “emotional neglect as a child” then proceeds to emotionally neglect her again. Not cool Ben. All I saw in this post is her being J.Lo while Jennifer Lopez is not ok right now. Posting this and someone “catching” her dancing at the mall. No Jen no you are better then this, remember who you are.

  6. Mireille says:

    If I was her, I would take a long, 8-week vacation traveling the world’s most exotic places, posting pics of myself on Instagram living my best life. That’s how I would deal with a divorce.

  7. crogirl says:

    It was good to see this

    Delola was developed in 2020 and he produced that documentary

    • Oakley says:

      He still asked her not to show it but she did anyway and she taunted him. Yes, he could have edited out, but my take on that is he tried to please her. She can be a difficult woman when her demands are not satisfied. I see a man who’d grown up in a toxic house trying to say yes to avoid confrontation in his entire life. He never really deal with his childhood demons and she didn’t do her own either. And in order to cope, he would resort to passive aggressive tactics.

  8. girl_ninja says:

    “He enjoys working too and is very focused on the positives.”

    Listen, this man is shrouded in darkness, with occasional rays of sunshine. He’s not getting the proper therapy, and it shows.

    I understand what Jen is going through because I have that guy that I loved long ago. He came back into my life, and we were friendly and then flirty. I asked him if he was open and he said yes, and then he disappeared on me DURING our discussion. It can really f!ck with your confidence and heart when you get jerked around like that.

    • Agnes says:

      Yes I thought that too, what a PR whitewash. The statement should read: “He’s where he wants to be: close to a bunch of skanks and in a casino that he loves.”

  9. Keaton says:

    Damn I really feel for her. I think she legit loved that jerk and put her heart out there. WTF Affleck? I get that he needs to take care of himself but damn he never should have messed with her heart like that.
    That’s just wrong.

    • yupyup says:

      “Things that are private I had always felt are sacred and special in part because they’re private,” the actor told the cameras. “So, this was something of an adjustment for me.”

      The On the Floor hitmaker admitted as much herself, too. “I don’t think he’s very comfortable with me doing all of this,” she confessed in the documentary.

      “But he loves me, he knows I’m an artist, and he’s gonna support me in every way he can because he knows he can’t stop me.”

      He can’t stop her but he can leave. How would you feel if he said that about her?

      • Oakley says:

        Yes, by reading the comments, I conclude that Men really are from Mars and Women from Venus. If he said similar things about her publicly, women will be tearing him down. But because she is a woman, she is one of us, so she can get a free pass.

      • julia says:

        Thank you! If he said “I aired all of our secrets because I’m an artist” people would be LOSING THEIR MINDS. I’d leave too.

      • Kitten says:

        Thanks for your comments here. People feel an almost compulsive need to pick a victim and a villain in this situation but you’re absolutely right in that both of them acted recklessly and impulsively and neither seemed particularly careful or considerate with the other person’s feelings.

        The whole thing was doomed from the start–and I say that as someone who likes both of them.

      • C says:

        Yeah, like she cracked him on the head with a crowbar so he was unable to stand up for himself as a grown man. Please. Mr “Not Going Anywhere” is a mess and she might be one too but she’s at least not whining about him or others leading her into addiction etc.

  10. kelleybelle says:

    Still has an ego the size of Cincinnati too, apparently.

    • Jaded says:

      IKR? Enough with the photoshopped bare butt pics and “I’m too sexy for my shirt” pouts. Deal with your busted marriage privately instead of some performative posing.

  11. Shelby says:

    Enough with the social media posts and the leaks to the press. They’re thirsty and obvious. She should just move on with her life, like she doesn’t care. Never talk about him or make reference to him again. That’s the best revenge.

  12. Aerie says:

    Ben has made a few good movies and Jen’s put out some good music along with a couple of decent films so career wise, I like them both. But it’s obvious that they are two very different people. I agree with others that perhaps JLo would benefit from some down time removed from media attention.

  13. Proud Mary says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year; so, it never comes soon enough for me and never stays round long enough. But I can assure you, it doesn’t feel even remotely like fall in my neck of the woods. It’s going to be a balmy 92 today. As for JLO, why? I mean, you rush into marriage, ignoring all the signs that this guy is not exactly a jewel. The day he tried to blame his alcoholism on the mother of his children, should have been a red flag. I recall also that, after the first break up with JLO, he had it out there that their relationship had ruined his career. He blamed her. So, JLO, maybe take a break from the serial monogamy and public dating? (I’m I the only one who finds these Insta pics of hers to be a bit teenagery?)

    • Lens says:

      Not only was him blaming his (a problem since his twenties) alcoholism on his exwife not a red flag for her, she actually went herself without using a source or public relations professional and talked to people magazine HERSELF to say she wasn’t upset with anything Ben said because she couldn’t have more respect for him as a man ever. Delulu but she knew what kind of man he truly was before they got back together. So…I don’t feel sorry for either one of them. They both jumped into marriage without much thought.

  14. Supersoft says:

    We already talked about it in the comments but after reading a book about ADD I think this applies to BA and JLo never had a chance.
    The book was actually thought to bring some light into what was wrong with ex hubbie who got officially diagnosed with ADD some years ago. After reading it I got pretty upset bc I never guessed that our issues with each other were so heavily and negatively influenced from it. He is still refusing to take some therapy seasons. So his relationships are always short lived. Even if he tells everyone that this time it will be different. Incredibly difficult topic. And though I don’t like JLo that much I feel for her in that regard.

  15. Elle says:

    I know it’s her brand, but as other commenters have said, this is too thirsty. Especially the ice cream cone one. It is unnecessarily suggestive I think. Maybe I just have the mind of a teenage boy, but you can guess where my mind went. She is so beautiful and glamorous, surely she has many more great photos than that one.

    • Jaded says:

      It’s actually a really childish response. Like “Oh yeah Affhole??? This is what you could have had and I’m doing just fine without you”. Hardly, girl needs therapy if she thinks some performative sexy posing on IG is going to solve everything.

    • loulou says:

      If you have to announce to the world that you’re unbothered, then you’re probably bothered. A 55 year old mother posting heavily filtered shots of her ass in an attempt to prove something to her ex is high school cringe. She’s about as evolved as an amoeba and I have secondhand embarrassment for her. Someone needs to tell her to stop. The more she tries to control the narrative the more she humiliates herself.

      • Carolnr says:

        @ LouLou
        My friend used to say, ” if you have to talk ( or sing, in JL’s case) about how much sex you are having with your BF/ husband, you are probably aren’t having any.”
        It came out in reports that Ben & JL hadn’t been intimate in a
        long time..

  16. Wls198 says:

    I think she should stop with the filtered pictures especially the butt ones. Go sit on a mountaintop and really assess your life completely and not starting with Afleck. He was not the beginning but the end of your youthful filled living. Take the hair off, the sexy cloths. Strip bare and start from there. You will probably kick and scream, throw a few things but cry for weeks at a time until you find yourself. Praying for success.

    • Gem says:

      Why does her butt bother you? Like she is a good looking woman who has been in good shape all her life, has a brand built off her image being sexy and she is not going to stop earning her money for a guy. Why does she need to change that? Ben’s gone, no matter how she deals with it, why is her body or clothes an issue?

      • Oakley says:

        But that isn’t her butt, is it? The photoshopping and the filtering is off the roof with her photo posting.

      • Kitten says:

        Her ass looks objectively fantastic but how many 55 year olds are out there posting thirst trap pics like this? Yes it’s her brand: she’s famously fit and gorgeous—nobody begrudges her for being proud of that. It’s more so a critique of behavior that we typically associate with people in their twenties and folks are rightfully pointing out that it’s a tad cringe at this stage.

      • Renee says:

        Of all the things to criticize, I find it hilarious that this comment section wants her to be modest because she is 55. She is 55 and she still has amazing body and feels good showing it off, there’s many things in this world that trigger people. But her confidence in her body is not one of them. Let her be people, she doesn’t need to hide anything because of her age. You all sound absolutely insane suggesting things like that.

      • monaisright says:

        she has a great body..Love her clothes
        ITS THE DESPERATION that’s the problem
        Its just pathetic AT HER AGE-BECAUSE: one would hope that we develop a little more confidence with wisdom at a certain point in life to NOT POST pix of a bare ass-like an insecure teenager or a self obsessed 20 something…To value things and not feel that if I don’t publicize -fill in the blank-it didn’t happen..
        When she did a video with another singer showing her ass-all I could think was -DOESNT JLO know that she is JLO and DOESNT HAVE TO DO THIS..It should be beneath her and it is sad to me that she still hasn’t grown enough to know her worth. She is a beautiful and savvy ambitious woman…

  17. Renee says:

    Daily mail retracted their BS with apology. Delola was in development since 2020, Ben financed the documentary in full, not the album movie, the documentary. I do think JLo loved Ben dearly. She is not perfect but between the two of them she wanted to make it work even if they hit a few bumps along the road and he left after the high of chasing her wore off and reality of making some compromise, understanding each other and working on the marriage phase started in full. At least, she knows her answers now even if she refused to see the truth years ago. Sometimes you need to take a nasty fall to see things clearly. Good luck to her. As for Ben, I don’t think he wants to change much. So I hope he can find some peace.

    • Oakley says:

      If she wanted to make it work, she shouldn’t have made that film and perhaps Affleck wouldn’t have suggested the documentary as her album/movie concept companion. And she would have been more private. Not like hermit private, but I did think she was more private when she was with A Rod. But ever since she started to hang out with Affleck, it seems he had something that could stir the worse side from her and she couldn’t help but pursue more and more publicity.

  18. Flamingo says:

    I just hope this gave her the final closure she needed. And snapped out of it and realized. This man never was the love of her life. The real love of her life should be herself and her kids.

  19. JDLS says:

    She literally just filed for divorce! Of course she’s going to feel feelings, and bitterness is naturally one of them. I hope she takes the time to actually get over him this time and do the inner work to help her get back on her feet. No more weddings for a few years, girl! You love you for awhile. And Ben Affleck can just go kick rocks. I think both of them are having a midlife crisis, but he really let her down. Not going anywhere?!? Pbbbbt.

  20. February Pisces says:

    Break ups are hard, divorce is even harder. But one thing jlo is good at is bouncing back after a break up. But I think theres a part of jlo that clung onto Ben for the last 20 years and always dreamt of living happily ever after with him during their years apart. They tried but it wasn’t meant to be, and now it can finally be laid to rest.

    Hopefully she can get some closure, and he can work on whatever problems he has.

  21. Anonymous says:

    What Suge Knight said.

  22. Hello Kitty says:

    I’m sure she does have bitterness to a man who lovebombed her, hooked her and then dumped her TWICE. He was all in until she caught some flak in February and that’s when he got bored and his eyes started wandering. He is a LOSER and a narcissist. Jlo is foolish in love but she didn’t deserve for a man to disappoint her in this way.

  23. therese says:

    I want to know what happened in early spring too. I’m wondering if we will ever know.

    • Lens says:

      Nothing more than what was already apparent by summer of ‘23. In other words they were living separate lives. And as far as something not happening until spring Why didn’t she take him and/or his kids on the Japan trip? That was in winter.

    • BarbieDoll says:

      @therese: The P.Diddy tapes

  24. ElleE says:

    “Halftime” doc showed JLo the way she sees herself: hard-working, serious, hurt when she doesn’t win, glamorous, good mom, etc.

    The documentary with Affleck running the show was…kind of not flattering. It was an unflattering vanity piece – which I didn’t think was possible!

    Ben’s production co. sücks and/or he did that on purpose.

  25. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I hate this narrative that Ben just kinda wandered out for a Dunkin’, got lost and found himself standing at the front of a chapel saying I Do and then just wandered out again in a haze, like Jen dragged him down the altar and he went along with it to be passive. Then the narrative that Jen was parading Ben around like a new puppy: the documentary, the album, when Ben was the one who came up with the idea for the documentary in the first place.

    If anyone’s read the Jeeves and Wooster books, Wooster is constantly accidentally getting engaged to dreadful girls without his consent or any impetus on his part. Ben Affleck is not Bertie Wooster!

    Having said that, posting a photo of your naked rear end next to massive letters saying “unbothered” doesn’t really scream unbothered but that’s fair enough.

  26. Pisces Rising says:

    Why would j.l. Waste 20 years on a man who dumped her? It boggles my mind & heart! I am a female and it is just beyond me.

    • Oakley says:

      I reckon it’s the competitiveness of her that made her do these things. Based on what her sources said in tabloids, there is a natural conclusion I get that she lost him to Garner and she was determined to win him back from Garner. That’s why she had been sniffing around him since at least 2010 (there are archive articles on this blog in 2010 and the documentary) and publishing baiting songs and anonymous source articles about him at least since then.

      • monaisright says:

        yes @Oakley! Her narcissism would not ALLOW her to lose…She needed to win this one and the marriage was the proof.(not enough proof, hence the doc, the film, the album, the tour) He’s no prize but she is exhausting

  27. Lilly says:

    I hope her next movies are super successful and she gets another “Hustler” like role, gets nominated for an Oscar and Ben’s “Accountant 2” flops.