Here are some photos of Queen Camilla opening the Dyson Cancer Centre this week in Bath, England. I’m shocked that she left Balmoral for this, but I assume she took a private jet back to Scotland immediately following this. It’s interesting that we’re getting this Camilla sighting this week, because she’s involved in a minor-ish controversy. Back in 2020, during the pandemic, Prince Harry filmed his wife reading a book to baby Archie. The video was around Archie’s first birthday, and it was the first time he had been seen in months. He looked like an especially happy baby, and the whole thing was done for charity (Save the Children). Well, that one video caused a flood of salty white tears from many deranged individuals. One notable hater: Emily Giffin, the author of Something Borrowed. Giffin had a vitriolic meltdown about Meghan and Archie online. Within days, Giffin faux-apologized and promised to be “more careful” about being such a nasty-ass Karen. Well, funny story – Camilla just sent her a personal thank-you letter.
Queen Camilla has penned a personal letter to bestselling American author Emily Giffin, who has previously made controversial comments about Meghan Markle. Giffin, known for her 2005 novel ‘Something Borrowed’, revealed on social media that she received the letter from Camilla in July, following their meeting at a literary event earlier this year.
Giffin had faced widespread backlash in 2020 after she criticised Meghan Markle in a series of Instagram posts. In response to a video of Meghan reading to her son, Archie, on his first birthday, Giffin labelled the Duchess of Sussex as “unmaternal” and “phoney”. These comments sparked outrage, leading Giffin to issue an apology, to which Meghan Markle never replied publicly.
Despite Giffin’s controversial past, Queen Camilla expressed her pleasure in meeting the author during the Queen’s Reading Room literary festival at Hampton Court Palace earlier this summer. In the letter, shared by Giffin on Instagram, Camilla wrote that she “much looked forward to reading [Giffin’s new novel] in the peace and quiet of Scotland,” and added, “It was a great pleasure to meet you”, hoping their paths would cross again soon.
The Queen’s correspondence with Giffin has raised eyebrows, as it is unclear whether Camilla was aware of Giffin’s previous remarks about Meghan Markle when she wrote the letter. When the intial backlash broke, Giffin posted on her social media: “To be clear, I absolutely loved that a biracial, American woman was marrying into the Royal Family. It seemed a wonderful, happy thing for everyone. I celebrated their wedding by hosting a gathering here at my home and posting many, many photos. Further, I was appalled by any signs of racism against her.”
Not only was Camilla well aware of Emily Giffin’s past comments, I’m absolutely sure that those comments were the whole reason why Giffin was invited to Camilla’s July event. Camilla has a nasty habit of doing this – she sends letters of support to anyone who harasses, belittles, denigrates and stalks Meghan. She’s shown an enormous amount of support for Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan, etc. She’s not slick, nor is she oblivious to the history. She knows exactly what she’s doing and she’s sending a message, that she 100% approves of the attacks on the Sussexes. Which is one of the many reasons why the whole “Charles will never forgive Harry for what Harry said about Camilla” argument falls flat. Camilla is a whole-ass villain.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Queen Camilla officially opens the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust at the Dyson Centre, Royal United Hospital Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Queen Camilla officially opens the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust at the Dyson Centre, Royal United Hospital Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Queen Camilla officially opens the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust at the Dyson Centre, Royal United Hospital Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Queen Camilla during a visit to open the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, in Combe Park, Bath. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla meets members of the public and staff as she leaves following a visit to open the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, in Combe Park, Bath. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla officially opens the new Dyson Cancer Centre at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust at the Dyson Centre, Royal United Hospital Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Bath, United Kingdom When: 03 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
Are we surprised ? These people are now actively doing 💩 like this to keep their names in the papers and generate news for the haters. It’s their job to hate on Meghan and Harry.
Exactly. I think that Camilla is the most well-connected one in the family when it comes to the British media, she just has to keep them happy so that they do her bullying in return. Charles really needs to stop trying to make her the victim because this is not the case and stories like this one just prove it.
Not surprised at all this woman had a very active roll and fully participated in all the events that led to Princess Diana’s murder. She is and always has been pure evil imo. Nothing is to evil where she is concerned, she is enjoying her destruction openly.
After Diana died she cooperated with penny on her books. Penny said so. Penny wrote books that trashed diana.
It’s going to be interesting when Cluck is finally “pining for the fjords” and she’s on her own w/ no royal power to wield by proxy.
Will the press back Huevo when he becomes King, or will they continue to back Camilla de Ville, and help her complete the takedown of Diana’s kids that she started w/ Cluck’s sanction back when Mark Boland was working for Cluck?
Or will the press continue to support the monarchy and the monarch at the expense of their “other connections” like Cloppy the King’s Favourite Old Nag, put out to pasture by Willy?
What’s it gonna be, Rota? Whom do you really serve, tabloids? Queen Sidepiece, or King and Country? Because the time to choose sides is now…
At the end of the day, I assume they’ll back William but they will always have time for her phone calls to tabloid editors and the gossip and info she’ll use to protect what’s hers. I don’t think William’s clean enough to be able to really bury her after Charles goes. She’ll be fine. Drinking gin or whatever as she calls the DM to drop some embarrassing detail about William. Then he’ll drop one back. And so on and so on as the tabloids turn.
@Jais it will be interesting to see whose pettiness and vindictive scorn will win out – hers or his.
Sidepiece has friends in the media, sure, but he’ll have the power of the Crown.
The media knows if they side with her over Huevo or try that tit-for-tat nonsense, Huevo will rage out… also, if they side w/ her to bring down the monarchy sooner, what will be left for them to report on? Sidepiece has no “royal mystique” and the public hates her…and the Sussexes are already paying them dust.
I am betting the tabloids back William.
Camilla might be more willing to play with them, but at the end of the day it will be William who has the power to banish them from the rota and replace them with people he likes better, and his kids can ensure they stay banished for generations.
Camilla can hold a soiree every day of the year to try to compete, but she still can’t replace with those gilded invitations, especially when it comes time for the Cambridge kids to marry and have kids of their own.
I had a dream a few days ago where Camilla was sad/upset/ envious over the fact that she doesn’t have a biological child with KC3 & would never have her son on throne. Strange though it seems the jealousy was directed at Harry
So assuming this true, I would say she has some thing in common with William
Both are envious – William , of Harry and his beautiful wife Meghan which William can never have ( hence the Harry should return alone nonsense) & Camilla envious of Harry / William
Women who have affairs with married men love the feeling of “one upping” the wife. It’s their own deep insecurity but also a bit of sociopathy. Of course, the married one is the biggest villain.
The ones who get to marry the cheater with money want to isolate their partner from his or her family as the next step. Especially the kids. So they have maximum power. Harry was able to see her true colors.
I 1000% agree with this. No notes.
I mean, her wardrobe is so Midwest grandma coded. Plotting evil in her housedresses as she chainsmokes VA Slims and pours another cup of Folgers from the percolator.
From the percolator into the thermos to stay warm until lunch at 11:00.
This is the Midwest grandma that ends up a suspect in a Midsomer Murders-style mystery because someone found out she’s been poisoning parishioners on the sly with her hot dish contributions to Church Supper Night. But everyone’s afraid to accuse her because she’s on every. parish. committee.
ohhhh that would be such a good episode.
It’s times like this when we need a “LIKE BUTTON” on here! 🙂
Yes! Find my finger instinctively trying to like some great comments on Celebitchy, which has smarter commentators than other sites…just sayin’.
I think Camilla is terrified from the trauma she had when she was enemy no. 1,the press and public dogged her everyday,she will kiss,be seen and support anyone as long as she is never at the wrath of the press again.
Are you having a laugh? Cowmilla’s trauma?
If she’s a trauma victim I’m a billionaire.
Lol let me rephrase, in her head she was traumatized by the years of unfavorable press,so now she will never let that happen again.
No, she’s just intent on not having her evil part to play in that media ecosystem, from the 1980s onward to the present day, come to light.
Camilla had an army of spin doctors from Charles. Diana was the one vilified by the media.
Well, she did have a bread roll thrown at her which must have been traumatizing😂. She’s never recovered. She was jealous of Diana. Now she’s jealous of diana’s memory, her son and her son’s wife. She knows she can’t measure up unless she games the system by befriending all the tabloids. Which is what she did and continues to do. Her jealousy has caused irreparable harm over the years.
Queen side chick strikes again.
Agree. This letter was by design not chance. This old woman is nasty and vindictive. Her appearance displays this every time she comes outside. . An old ugly woman who holds grudges
She’s just trash.
Who’s surprised by anything this Hoera, masquerading as a boil on the Azz of humanity will do? She is so vomit inducingly ugly, inside and out.
Meghan is the center of their world.
Meghan is regarded as Harry’s support system so want to totally isolate Harry from Meghan so as to have total control over Harry
She is also a “painful” reminder of how a Queen in waiting should support the heir apparent , attributes which are sadly lacking in the case of Kkhiate.
She is a painful reminder of what being in a loving relationship should look like but is sadly not the case b/w WandK
Khaite wants her gone because Meghan shows her up in terms of her inadequacies
Incandescent wants her gone because he cannot have her. ( judging from the fact that W has tried to recruit almost everyone who have previously worked with the Susexxes)
He also needs her gone as he sees Meghan as a threat to him having Harry fully subjugated to him.
He also wants her gone so that any divorce b/w H&M ( I pray it never happens) would be used as cover for WanKs divorce .
Griffin also had a weird meltdown about why H&M named their first-born Archie. You can find it out there on the interwebs, she shared a video of her being baffled and annoyed by their decision to name him Archie. Along with her egging on Gary Janetti and his trash Insta she proved to be a most disgusting creature.
Camillia is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Griffin has had so much work done, it doesn’t show up as much as it does on the old Queen Mistress.
I used to read her books way back when but I refuse to give that bitter woman another dime of my money. Saw the latest one in Costco the other day, hid it under the stack and moved on. 😆
I got a free copy of that book. It was so bad, got to maybe the third chapter and quit.
From one Costco shopper to another – thanks for figuratively ‘burying’ Emily Giffin, from whom I definitely never ever heard an apology about any crap she’s ever said about anybody. OTOH, a Squaddie recommended a book written by a friend. So I bought $3.99 Kindle version, ‘Fugitive Heart’ by Mathitu Wairimu – hope it’s good.
Emily Giffin’s kids attended the same school as mine and she is seen as very self-important and insufferable. I’m not saying this out of spite. My kids are older and were at the school for at least 10 years before she and her family descended but she really thinks she’s Atlanta royalty and a lot of people in the community dislike her. Let me be clear: they are not jealous.
she was all confused about why it was “just…..Archie” and not even “Archibald.”
Her racism when it came to Meghan was always hiding in plain sight. I stopped following her after she posted something hateful about what the pageboys wore at the Sussex wedding compared to Eugenie’s wedding even though she did have a cute golden retriever. Alas, not cute enough.
I have not read a single one of her books since, and I used to buy them all.
Oh no… I picked up a few books at costco last week and her new book was one of them. I completely forgot how problematic she is. I’m finding it difficult to keep track of all the a$$holes out there.
It’s not too late to return it!
Costco is very good about returns.
Also that green dress is terribly frumpy. And she’s standing way too close to the palace guard.
LOL Costco will accept all returns, even half-eaten cake returned because “it did not taste good”
They aren’t even going to ask why half of it is gone if it did not taste good.
It’s full on “a$$hole whack-a-mole” in palace circles, apparently.
Imagine living in the lap of luxury, having the wealth and privilege to do whatever you want, having a platform that would allow you to do real good in the world, and instead spending all your time on petty mean girl bullying schemes. How small and shriveled her soul must be.
Never have & never will read this bitter b*tch’s lousy crap. She has an older Blake Lively type aura.
Misery loves company.
It appears that Emily Giffin and her husband have filed for marital separation.
So yeah I can see why she got triggered by Meghan.
After all that ruckus he raised “defending” her rep. from bad online reviews?!!? Man, guess even he couldn’t take her awful high-maintenance self. 🤣🤣🤣
Camilla is a whole-ass villain. Kaiser is spot on with that. She follows all the tabloid stories about who trashed Meghan and then she signals her support for them. Signaling how she feels about Meghan. Camilla is the trashiest queen. A whiole-ass villain fr.
She’s single handedly destroyed the House of Windsor and not content ceasing her ire now that Diana, Prince Philip and QEII are dead (and Princess Anne bonked in the head under mysterious circumstances). She’s going to keep menacing Diana’s sons.
I do not get why people say that, KFC destroyed whatever good faith people had in the BRF.
As much as Cloppy collaborated with its demise, she was also collaterally damaged and deeply flawed individual.
Let us be clear, KFC is the only one responsible for his action
Kaiser’s photo choice remains on point…you can practically hear the ‘mwahahaha’ from the third photo. The evil on this horrible bag of snakes’s face is epic!
AND now she’s Queen. That’s going well, isn’t it?
Camilla is a terrible person and I have no doubt that she bullied Meghan.
Add Kate, William and Charles as co-bullies. Add Sophie as well. The whole nasty bunch
I think Camilla cannot stand kate.
I think Camilla hates Kate as well but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I think there was a lot of bonding in that family over their attempt to push M out.
Amy Bee, I am sure she let Charles and Diana’s marriage not one ounce of oxygen. Argh, Karma really should have a date with Camilla.
@Amy Bee, I want to apologize for challenging you on your words against C&C over the last few years here. I’ve apologized (a number of times) thinking C&C were better people. Yikes. Don’t know if I’ve ever personally apologized to you. I’m sorry. I was wrong. You were right. Thank you for being steadfast in your recognition/conviction that those effin people are a@@holes.
I’m sure Camilla met many authors at this book festival but this particular one gets the focus and spotlight, interesting isn’t it. Camilla sure does love her Meghan haters. Meanwhile while Giffin is busy hating on Meghan and calling her unmaternal, Giffin can see what joint custody is like since she’s recently divorced now. Not broadcasting that as much as her meeting the evil queen, been real quiet about that. Both her and Camilla terrible women but they’re privilege lets them get away with these nasty racist attacks.
She’s always been ugly spiritually and physically and I’m happy that history will remember her for the villain that she is….if she’s remembered. She’s the Queen to a placeholder King who will only be known as Diana’s husband. She hadn’t even crawled out of Diana’s shadow before she was eclipsed by the Sussexes. Like her husband her story begins and ends with Diana.
Love wins.
That f**kng feathered hair!!!!
Camilla is a POS. Nothing she does is by accident. She embarked on her path to wreck Diana’s life and won’t miss any chance to hurt Meghan and Harry, the real inheritors of Diana’s ability to shine and connect.
Camilla Parker Bowels is an absolute monster.
I hope King William absolutely humiliates her while she is on her way out. Like makes security check her handbag as she is leaving levels of humiliating. I’m talking the full Angela Kelly treatment, only more public.
Camilla may have her own money, and a rabid pack of loyal journalists, but she is not loved by the public, and she won’t have the palace PR machine at her beck and call once the crown is adorning William’s chrome dome.
If this had been a generic thank you note I wouldn’t have thought much of it. But including the line about reading her book in Scotland etc….this was definitely deliberate on Camilla’s part.
That said, Meghan’s good friend Lindsay Jill Roth has had some interactions with EG and I always wonder if she knows what EG said about Meghan.
Becks1, my immediate thought was that this was to advertise her new book and remind people about her last one.
What a hag whorse!!!
She joins Piers and Jeremy to become the trifecta of macbethian witch hunters who act on behalf of a very unroyal whorse.
Wait till will not takes over. This whorse will be put to pasture.
Exactly. She’s a scheming, malignant corpse. So just call her Camilla and not Queen Camilla. I wouldn’t give her that respect. She’s never done anything to deserve it, ever.
Camilla is the villain. Unfortunately, she’s been successful at making England believe Meghan and Harry are villains. One day they’ll wake up on that island. They’re losing this war and they know it.
Emily Giffin once sicced her fans on a reviewer who gave one of her books 3 stars. The woman was getting death threats.
Ooh yeah, Camz knew who she was inviting. Birds of feather and all. Sometimes the feathers will strike back. To what you were referencing, hope the link goes through. Love the open letter to Emily Giffin.,the%20reviewer%20some%20incendiary%20terms.
Emily apology is as weak and pathetic and as unreadable and unbelievable as i assume her books are. No , I never or will never be reading them so I can only assume. As for that horsey W. Well cams will forever be herself. An ugly, evil side piece who would sleep her way up the chain to get whatever she wants . Hope that both rot in hell together