The Sussexes’ Colombian tour only cost the country $59K in expenses

One of the funniest parts of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s successful private tours of Nigeria and Colombia is that the British media cannot make up their minds about what they’re mad about. They’re still crying about how it was a “quasi-royal tour” and Buckingham Palace is still sending out talking points to marginalize the multiple purposes of the tours. It’s also funny because the left-behind Windsors are refusing to travel for the most part. The Princess of Wales hasn’t been on a tour since she and William flopped in the Caribbean and Boston in 2022. William needs to be stage-managed and carefully controlled by staff whenever he leaves the country. Charles and Camilla have only traveled a few times since QEII died and none of those tours were hugely successful. So instead of focusing on the left-behinds, the British media now wants to pretend that the Sussexes’ tours should be judged by the same criteria. As such, we’re now getting stories about the “cost” of Harry and Meghan’s visit to Colombia last month.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussexes’ four-day visit to Colombia cost the country almost £45,000, according to figures released by the vice-president’s office. They were requested by Maria Fernanda Cabal, a Right-wing senator and political opponent of Francia Marquez, Colombia’s vice-president, who orchestrated the trip and hosted Harry and Meghan.

Ms Cabal, who has previously dismissed the quasi-royal tour as “showmanship”, branded it “wasteful spending”. The costs were released in response to a “derecho de petición”, or right to petition.

“Did you know that the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex cost Colombians a total of $244,245,305 (£44,419.26)?” Ms Cabal’s office said.

The cost included internal transport throughout the visit and security. Prince Harry and Meghan paid for their own flights, their accommodation in Bogota and general expenses, according to the vice president’s office. The security costs for the engagements held in San Basilio de Palenque, the first African Freetown in the Americas, founded by escaped slaves, was almost £7,500. In Cali, where the couple attended a music and culture festival, a forum and a meeting with young people, the security bill was just under £4,500.

The total cost covers an eight-day period as it includes four days of advance visits from staff including security and logistics teams who organised “transport, sound, refreshments and everything involved” for each engagement, sources said.

[From The Telegraph]

I’m sorry, all of these blaring headlines in Britain over a royal tour (lmao) which didn’t even cost $60K in expenses for Colombia? While I know there are many Colombians who live in poverty, $60K is negligible when it comes to federal spending. It’s an accounting error, a blip. It’s also what any country would spend for a visiting VIP, especially if that VIP provided the country with millions of dollars’ worth of “free media” and positive press. Media outlets around the world ran photos and stories from the Sussexes’ tour. It reminds me a bit about how often the British media cried about the cost of the Sussexes’ 2018 wedding, while never mentioning the fact that the wedding provided tens of millions of dollars worth of positive media for “Brand Britain” and “Brand Windsor.” If we’re doing cost-benefit analyses, do the whole thing.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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39 Responses to “The Sussexes’ Colombian tour only cost the country $59K in expenses”

  1. lanne says:

    I’ll bet that Wales Carribbean Disastour cost a hell of a lot more than that. Katie Scarlett O’Hara’s plantation chic dress likely cost more than that, and the cost of the White Savior Colonialist Parade cost multiples of that on its own.

    • Sarahb says:

      The unnecessary helicopter travel for el huevo and buttons in the last month probably cost more. Here’s the other difference- the Sussexes were invited, did their job, shined a positive light on the country and worthy causes. When’s the last time W&K did a tour and I ended up researching the country/ causes they were spotlighting?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        When was the last time the Wales were actually invited anywhere, instead of just announcing they’re showing up and ordering the host nation to take on the costs of hosting them?

    • Unblinkered says:

      Lane’s comment “White Savior Colonialist Parade” made me shudder just thinking of how truly dreadful it was. Looking back at it now it’s unbelievable W&K were so offensive.

      • kirk says:

        Would love to see the cost-benefit analysis of shipping the old Ranger Rover from UK to Jamaica for the “White Savior Colonialist Parade.” Including the presumed benefit to Willy’s eco-conscious global stature.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think they just need to translate it into buttons so they’d understand

    • PC says:

      Why doesn’t the BM tell us what their news organizations spent stalking the Sussexes all the way to Colombia, only to be denied any to access and having to pay for pictures. That’s what they are really mad about.

  3. Friendly Crow says:

    Harry and Meghan are doing such important work. I’m really happy and excited about everything that have accomplished so far and everything that is to come.

    Firstly regarding the cost – they traveled with the VP of the country so it was her protection detail that they were being umbrellaed under.

    And final note – I also love that they paid for their travel and accommodations. That’s a great way to also give back to the local economy not to mention an acknowledgment of the poverty some citizens are currently living in and a wish to not burden the citizens of the country in which they were guests. They brought a priceless amount of positive pr and media to the country and there will be a much deserved spike in tourism again.

    Just perfection all the way through.

  4. Inge says:

    someone I know is going on holiday on Colombia.

    Someone else we know was worried and going on about how he knew if it was safe, wasn’t it really dangerous, why did he go there etc.

    Me: “did you know that Harry&Meghan are in Colombia right now?”

    Suddenly everything was fine 🙂

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    Let’s compare that to what the so called “Working Royals” have cost other governments for their visits.. these people really need to focus on the left overs that they actually pay an astronomical income.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, I’d be curious to know how much was spent in Sophie when she went😂. I’m guessing less but it got next to no coverage.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Most of us didn’t even know she’d gone until after she was home!
        Dafuq did she highlight over there, if no one was paying attention?

        I learned more about Colombia from H&M’s visit.

    • LadyE says:

      So, I’ve commented this before and am trying to do so again without inadvertently identifying myself (let’s see!). The UK has within it’s Foreign Office a program called PSVI (Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative)- started about a decade ago by the FS William Hague and which Angelina Jolie was a big supporter. Duchess Sophie is a champion of PSVI. This is my area of work and I’m very familiar with her commitment and engagement on the issue of CRSV (conflict-related sexual violence) and gender-based violence and I’ve seen her on many occasions with CRSV survivors. I see her quite often at conferences and workshops. Colombia is a part of what’s called the International Alliance, a multi-state alliance started by the UK, that is specifically about addressing CRSV. Colombia currently holds the Alliance presidency. Duchess Sophie’s trip to Colombia was for PSVI and was about highlighting Colombia’s Alliance presidency, and the issues surrounding justice for victims of CRSV from Colombia’s long civil war.

      I understand this is a gossip site and people can have their views on Sophie as a royal and certainly her treatment of H&M. But, I really have to say, that as to her work on CSRV and GBV, she does the work, she is respected, she’s knowledgeable, and she’s not doing “tour” or tourism-boosting activities when she’s doing PSVI related events. These are not events that normally receive tabloid or even international press, and they aren’t necessarily meant to, particularly when they involve meetings with survivors of atrocity crimes. All to say that, whatever criticisms there are about royal tours, I would really caution against putting Sophie’s PSVI work in that because it is really something very different.

      • Eurydice says:

        Thanks so much for this insight

      • LadyE says:

        You’re welcome! I’m not British, nor do I work for any government (I’m in NGO land), so I can’t say for sure as I wasn’t in Colombia when she was there, but (again having seen her at many, many conferences, on panel discussions, and other events) I’ve never seen any rota people anywhere near her PSVI work. I don’t know if that’s because its work on behalf of a UK government agency and is treated differently than “royal” work or what, but these are settings where it would be incredibly inappropriate to have any tabloid or royal rota presence. As you can imagine, CRSV is a very heavy and serious topic and most of these events are very academic or policy maker oriented. They’re not galas or receptions, they’re days-long conferences with panels and discussion groups- no gowns or tiaras lol!

      • kirk says:

        Given rates of female violence worldwide, why wouldn’t international press be welcomed at conferences, panels and discussion groups about sexual violence? Sounds to me like the lack of news coverage just perpetuates existing systemic problems. How can justice be obtained for Rebecca Cheptegei, and women like her, without recognition of the size of the problem?

        As for royal rota not showing up to cover Sophie’s sexual violence work, Q-Con Cam has sure used her apparent interest in it to boost her own profile.

      • Nicky says:

        Thank you for providing such a detailed explanation of Duchess Sophie’s involvement with PSVI and her commitment to addressing CRSV and GBV. I appreciate your perspective and understand the importance of the work being done.

        However, if one of the roles of a public figure like Sophie is to bring visibility to these critical issues, it’s hard to say she has been entirely successful. Outside of her immediate circle and those directly involved in these initiatives, many people remain unaware of her contributions.

        Additionally, her credibility has been questioned by some due to her perceived actions within the royal family, particularly in regard to Meghan. The events at the Commonwealth Service and the broader treatment of Meghan have left a lasting impression, and for many, this has overshadowed her other work. This makes her involvement in these causes appear performative at best, and at worst, potentially exploitative.

        Public figures need to demonstrate consistency between their advocacy and actions. While her work may indeed be meaningful, how it is perceived by the wider public is also crucial for its overall impact.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @LadyE, Thank you, for this.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Nicky, 🎯

  6. Freddy says:

    The British taxpayers haven’t spent a quid on the Sussexes since they left, so it’s the height of insanity that The Telegraph/Daily Mail, etc, are spending any time on reporting on the costs of the Sussexes’ trips ANYWHERE! Also, why is BP sending out talking points when they haven’t been given any details from the Sussexes’ office regarding ANYTHING? It’s bizarre.

  7. L4Frimaire says:

    I saw some headline ( maybe Newsweek) that said the Sussexes Colombian tour cost less than Charles’ train ride. Of course opposition politicians are gonna gripe about costs but this tour showcased Colombia in such a positive way. They really were ready for the vultures this time.

    • Monika says:

      I saw it in Newsweek as well. Charles train ride in June 2023 cost the taxpayer $ 67000, not to talk about the other travel costs of the royal family.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      ““Did you know that the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex cost Colombians a total of $244,245,305 (£44,419.26)?” Ms Cabal’s office said.”

      This statement makes no sense???? The figures do not correlate with an exchange rate or add up.

  8. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Opposition politician? Okay. If they reap that and more from increased tourism, what will be the criticism then? The brf could learn something about paying for themselves when they go on tours.

    H&M went on a business trip. Of course, they paid for themselves.

  9. Lau says:

    French person here : who payed for Charles and Camilla’s last “let them eat cake” French tour ? And how much did it all cost ?

  10. Eurydice says:

    Weren’t there stories a few months ago about how it cost something like $80,000 for Charles’ train ride to and from Yorkshire? And over $40,000 for Kate to attend a rugby match in France?

  11. Mario says:

    That’s less than $7,500/day for only 8 days (including the advance work). It should go without saying that the trips C&C and W&K take cost far, far, FAR more per day, with those four doing far, far, FAR less to actively promote local designers, business, tourism, and engage on and amplify issues in an accessible way. I guarantee you H&M’s trip will generate $60K in tourism and revenue generation (what Meghan wears/promotes generally sells out, period, and elevates the designer instantly, globally) from American fans alone. This is pennies in global, governmental economic terms.
    And, let’s be real, the staff at/maintenance on the dozens of royal properties they AREN’T living in at any given time likely exceeds $7,500/day, so spare me the pearl clutching.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    These type of articles don’t do what the British press think that do and they still haven’t figured out how to cover Harry and Meghan. So much for Harry and Meghan being irrelevant.

  13. B says:

    Lol not watch the same British Press who didn’t bat an eye when Charles got a 45Million pay raise and William a 24Million pay raise while the government cut social services act like the Sussexes 59K is taking food out of babies mouths and bankrupting countries.

  14. Square2 says:

    We Bostonians really got the shortest stick: spending millions on security cost for “The Lazy & Lazier’s” unwanted & not-Royal, egotistical trip in Dec 2022. And there’s not a single benefit to Massachusetts.

    H&M’s wedding got a bloom in foreign visitors for the UK; Meghan’s wedding gown exhibitions also generated a lot of money & foreign visitors. She made way more money for the UK economy than what the Britians had spent on the Sussex.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t think it was millions. The reports at the time said about $170,000 for the 3 days they were here. Still that’s a lot more than $59,000 for 8 days.

      • Square2 says:

        Thanks for correcting my mistake on the cost. Wondering if that cost included Cambridge & Somerville? Still, that’s a waste of our money to spend on them. I very much doubted the Wails fans (eg. That fashion blogger woman Holms, who has bought the same coat that 3Kate wore) spent a lot of money in Boston.

  15. Becks1 says:

    Okay, And how much will Charles and Camilla’s trip to Australia and New Zealand cost??

  16. MsIam says:

    “Right wing opposition” man that cult is the same all over the world I guess. And as far as security costs, the VP was travelling with them so she required security as well.

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