Travis Kelce’s PR firm denies that Travis & Taylor Swift have a contractual showmance

When I saw the headline yesterday at the Daily Mail, my immediate reaction was “wow, what a stupid fake story” and then I immediately forgot about it. Now that we have some kind of denial, at least we can talk about it with the full disgust it deserves. According to the Daily Mail and TMZ, there were documents circulating from a PR contract involving Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. As in, Travis and Taylor have been in a contractual relationship this whole time and their relationship was always faked from the start. Here’s a tweet with some of the “leaked documents.”

Here’s my thing… there have been many moments during TNT’s relationship where I smelled a whiff of bullsh-t and detected a layer of manipulation. It’s more than possible that Taylor and Travis are both intelligent businesspeople who maximized their joint slay all the way to the bank. But just because there are contrived aspects to their relationship, doesn’t mean the whole thing is a fraud. Here’s another thing: why would Taylor do that? She’s close to 35 years old, with billions in the bank and her bread and butter is milking her very real love dramas. She needs to feel something, she needs that endorphin rush, she needs the material. Why would she enter into some cold, emotionless arrangement of convenience? Just to make more money? Please. On Travis’s side, I absolutely believe he saw his chance and took it. That makes him an opportunist, not a gigolo with a publicist. Anyway, here’s the denial:

Travis Kelce’s reps are on the ball when it comes to shutting down this viral Taylor Swift breakup rumor … even enlisting legal help to tackle the drama head-on.

Here’s the skinny … an alleged “Comprehensive Media Plan” from the NFL star’s reps at Full Scope Public Relations made the rounds online Tuesday night, seemingly suggesting Travis and Taylor’s “Love Story” was all fabricated for press — and that there was even a plan to break up on September 28.

It didn’t take long for the one-sheet to go viral online … especially since so many Swifties believe the pop star has finally found “The One” with the Kansas City Chiefs tight end.

Now, a spokesman from Full Scope categorically denies the alleged plan … telling TMZ the document is “entirely false and fabricated and [was] not created, issued or authorized by this agency.”

The spokesman added … “We have engaged our legal team to initiate proceedings against the individuals or entities responsible for the unlawful and injurious forgery of documents.”

[From TMZ]

A breakup plan? For the end of September? GMAFB. Any publicist would want the TNT show to continue through football season. They would ensure that Taylor would get an eight-figure bonus if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl again. And if it was a contractual arrangement, it wouldn’t just be between Travis and Taylor, the NFL would be involved because they were doing the MOST to court the Swifties last year. This year, TNT will probably have their own joint endorsement deals, promoted within Chiefs games. No, this is not a contractual relationship. This is a real relationship between two capitalists.

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55 Responses to “Travis Kelce’s PR firm denies that Travis & Taylor Swift have a contractual showmance”

  1. Josephine says:

    Could be a bit of both. Mostly I find myself not caring at all, but I guess I’m not the right age to be invested in a pop star’s relationship.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      These days they draw up contracts for everything, I’m sure there is a contract somewhere about something defining what they can and cant do during their time together and if they wish to part ways, or get married, it has to be done publicly after a certain date, since it could involve and negatively or positively impact other lucrative agreement with 3rd parties and may it may not already be agreed upon yet. Im writing this and I feel weird with my words

    • DK says:

      I don’t think it’s contractual, but even if it were,

      1) so what?; and

      2) Have none of these haters ever read a fake-to-real romance book/seen a movie? It’s a classic trope. So even if it started that way, I would buy it’s moved into real (or real enough) territory.
      Heck, if that were true I’d even wonder if that weren’t Taylor’s plan all along: think of the song inspo this would generate!

  2. Inge says:

    Don’t really care about this, but I do care about her silence on the elections and how she didn’t react to the fake AI endorsement that Trump posted.

    So many artists complained yet nothing from her yet.

    Though Swifties For Harris was succesful, but Taylor wasn’t involved.

    • Ms single malt says:

      I’m going to cut her some slack. She just had to cancel a concert where terrorists plotted to kill her fans. And some of her fans were killed at a Taylor Swift dance party. Sigh …
      Let her listen to her legal counsel/advisors. I believe she will speak up when she is ready.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Totally with you @inge

    • Justjj says:

      100% inge! I’m not buying the security thing. She has every resource in the world at her disposal to keep herself and her fans safe. There’s really no excuse at this point unless she’s just been a Traytor in disguise!

      • Ms single malt says:

        So how can you explain the murdered children at the Taylor Swift dance party? SMH.

      • Justjj says:

        @mightymolly Exactly.

        And as for the class, it’s tragic obviously, but it’s a freak example of a lone actor whose motivations still aren’t even clear and everyone latched onto the TSwift thing. Yes. Ok. It has her name attached. But the scary part is, it could have been any dance class. At the end of the day, he targeted little girls at a dance class. She’s the biggest pop star on earth right now. Tswift dances classes are popular throughout the world. It’s like if that monster had targeted a dance class based on a Disney character. Would they be personally responsible in any way, shape, or form or need to suddenly brief all the Ariels of Disneylands and Disneyworlds around the globe of their heightened security risk and personal responsibility to those girls? No. It’s tragic it happened. It also has nothing to do with Taylor Swift at the end of the day and it is not an excuse to not give her endorsement. Nor is a foiled plot-as it’s just an example of how hard her team works in cooperation with governments and local authorities no less, to keep her fans safe. I’m sure she gets hundreds of credible threats a day sadly from sad, desperate people from all over. That’s why she has a team to handle it. There’s no reason she hasn’t given her endorsement. Let’s be real. Unless this is who she is now, which I think is the case… I guess we will see.

    • SarahLee says:

      I’m sick of people saying Taylor has an obligation to go off on Trump and MAGA on the heels of a foiled terrorist plot to blow up her concert and her fans. She’s doing the right thing and doesn’t need a bunch of internet people telling her what to do. She’s got a team of security and PR experts to do that.

      • mightymolly says:

        History will judge whether she’s doing the right thing. There is nothing on this earth more important than fighting fascism and ethnic cleansing (Dumpf is using “deportation” as a euphemism, but let’s not be fools here, okay?) Swift has the ability to influence huge swaths of voters. Freedom and democracy may well triumph without one peep from Tay. But let’s not pretend that Tay doing nothing is the moral high ground.

  3. Abby says:

    Taylor is still actively touring with hundreds of thousands of people slated to attend her concerts this fall. She’s already had to cancel concerts due to actual terrorist threats, and she is already hated by MAGA.

    Despite her endorsing the Democratic candidates and speaking out against Trump in the past, I would be surprised if she endorses anyone before the election due to the safety concerns for her crew and concertgoers.

    Also those AI images were taken down almost immediately, which tells me someone sent a cease and desist.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      This right here. Thank you for saying this, and I am not even a Taylor Swift fan. Glad you said it, even though saying her lawyers obviously took care of the AI thing and understanding terrorist threats are a very real deal are just “reasons.”

    • Bumblebee says:

      She makes music. That is her job. That is her public life. End of. She’s not obligated to talk about anything else. I find all these people insisting she talk about politics to be annoying. And now it appears to be dangerous. So stop.

      • Thanks for clopping by!

      • mightymolly says:

        The political is personal except when it’s not. And it’s only not if you won’t be impacted by fascism (hint: everyone is impacted by fascism). It’s possible she’s staying quiet but giving huge donations behind the scenes. It’s possible she deputized all the celebrities involved in the Swifties for Harris movement. Tay might be doing quite a bit that we don’t know about. I’ve long since stopped considering Tay an ally, but I don’t agree, nor do I think she would agree, that a massive celebrity with deep pockets owes nothing to people who put them there. I’m not condemning Tay, because I do suspect she’s doing quite a bit behind the scenes and we’ll some day hear about it, but I don’t understand the idea that people are not responsible to society beyond their professional contributions.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t really care about whether or not they’re together for real or not. What’s more concerning to me is that a national newspaper posted a story that seems to have been gleaned from a tweet with 90 likes without apparently even 5 minutes of vetting about one of the most famous people in the world. We all know the Daily Mail is trash but this is the type of stuff that really should concern people. They post dozens of stories about certain people daily that whether people want to admit it or not is insidious in getting into people’s heads and shaping perceptions. This is a silly story about whether or not a couple is real, but they write about politics, race, gender, food insecurity, war. That should REALLY frighten people.

  5. Marie says:

    This was circulated, possibly created by the Gaylors. His PR firm had to step in because they used the firm’s logo. Also, anyone with a brain would read that doc and realize within less than a minute that the wording is crap and probably created via chatgpt

    • SarahCS says:

      Also, anyone with a brain would know that you do NOT mess with Swift and her lawyers.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      This. ⬆️ This is it. Probably the lack-of-brainchild Chat GPT product via collaboratioin with Charlie “Potatohead” Kirk and Jesse “Budget Ari Melber” Watters, in all their misogynistic frailty. They are bitter assholes with the ability to pay lawyers to clean it up.

  6. Lucy says:

    I don’t understand how anyone thinks it’s a show mance, unless they think he’s like an Oscar winning level method actor in addition to being really good at football. He actually lights up around her and talking about her, which is part of why people are loving this as much as they are. There’s for sure strategy in what gets released out discussed on the record, but there’s no way he’s that good of an actor.

    • Smalltowngirl says:

      Right? He is a specific “Taylor smile” whenever her name is mentioned that is actually pretty adorable. Also, she is a terrible actress. Love her as a signer/songwriter but her acting is not great.

    • Truthiness says:

      100% agreed and the same goes for Taylor. He’s good at things far outside her abilities and she looks at him like he just hung the moon. Other times it’s lust, looking at him head to toe, and she’s not that great of an actress. She has auditioned for acting roles like Fantine in Les Mis (she said of the audition “I was there for a good time, not a long time”) and if she had the chops she would’ve acted more.

      • Smalltowngirl says:

        Yes! Like in Dublin when he showed up halfway through her show and her face lit up when she saw him, breaking the mood of the song she was singing for a split second. I don’t think she is good enough to fake stuff like that.

        I do think they are maximizing the interest in their relationship and profiting off of it, but why shouldn’t they?

    • Becks1 says:

      To be honest, that was my thought when I saw this story yesterday – “nah, neither of them are that good of actors.” (and if they are, then Hollywood is really missing the boat there.)

      Do I think this relationship is mutually beneficial to both of their images? Yes. Do I think there may be some sort of contract written up? Yes (something about how to announce any major updates, such as an engagement or a breakup).

      Basically I think Kaiser hit it on the head – this isn’t a contractual relationship, but its certainly a capitalist one. And honestly that’s fine.

  7. Walking the Walk says:

    Shrug. I don’t care about either of them enough. I do care that everyone keeps screeching that Taylor can’t endorse cause reasons.

    • Mel says:

      You think apprehending several individuals, finding detailed plans, ammunitions and several children being murdered are just « reasons »? Seriously? Her shows are very high profile. A MAGA lunatic trying to make a splash would absolutely cause devastation.

      • Becks1 says:

        Was she actively supporting and endorsing Biden two months ago? Did she endorse Harris when she was put forth as the presumptive nominee?

        She may not want to endorse anyone or may just not care that much about politics. but its not like she was ride or die for biden and then Harris before the attacks.

      • C says:

        Mel – none of that stuff is forcing her to hang out publicly with MAGA people in her private time.

  8. Mimi says:

    Are we going to pretend that she wasn’t in that disastrous (PR wise) Matt Healy relationship right before Travis? And that she needed to cleanse the public palate from his racism and misogyny? Oh okay.

    • JoiLuv says:

      Yes this! I think she needed to get some heat off of her. Plus she had an album coming didn’t want attention on the last racist boyfriend. Travis has gained so much notoriety and brand deals this has been a dream for him and his team.

    • Ms single malt says:

      I can’t believe I am even engaging with you as you clearly have no ability to reason. The Matt Healy relationship showed that Taylor Swift did not let her fans opinion dictate her love life. It’s a wholly different situation from not vocally supporting Harris/Walz due to fears it will invite further violence/terrorism. Young children were murdered simply because they were at a Taylor Swift dance party. I believe Taylor Swift will speak up when she is ready.

    • Ange says:

      Absolutely. While the whole thing may not be fake, the roll-out was definitely stage managed to the nth degree as reputation rehab, I believe that wholeheartedly.

  9. Jais says:

    Okay. This is a real relationship between two capitalists took me out. 😂 Yeah, they are two people who are into each other and into capitalizing on their mutual hotness.

    • mightymolly says:

      This is so much my take. They make for fun gossip. OMG, when the NFL released a 28 second promo video with *five* cutaway shots of Tay, I laughed for 10 times the length of the video. Nothing sinister is happening here.

  10. girl_ninja says:

    Let’s be real, most of fans think that celebrity relationships are PR created. It’s a glib and pathetic way to view things.

  11. Amyb says:

    Professional PR person here!
    This “crisis” plan looks like an intern using AI.
    Any professional PR Team would be coordinating with the other persons team or if they weren’t be anticipating what that team would do – the other team is Tree Paine and I could write up her PR strategy in 5 minutes.
    And the date of 9/28 is key to knowing this is fake – it is the anniversary of her and Joe Alwyn. Come on.

  12. Flamingo says:

    It feels like this is in line with CNN having the end of the world video. Or PR statements prepped in the event of a world leader’s death. When they are in perfectly fine health. It’s just filed away for the day it eventually happens. To pull out of the metaphorical file cabinet at a moment’s notice.

    It’s not fake but at their levels of fame. You always have something prepared and ready to go. In the event the relationship abruptly ends.

    Everything with Taylor is a carefully constructed PR move.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    I’ve been disappointed by Taylor’s silence on the election so far, but understand why she might be hesitant. Learning that children were murdered at an event based on her music and image must have been devastating. Same goes for the terrorist threats.

    She faces more significant threats than other celebrities. She has to take them seriously.

    That said, I’m still hoping she says something before Nov. 5.

    • Flamingo says:

      Same I was really disappointed she stayed silent on Harrison Butker speech. He used her lyrics and referred to her as a ‘girlfriend’. For a narrative that promoted keeping women at home and pregnant and men in leadership.

      I know it’s not the same, but she went on some tirade against Scooter Braun for literally buying all her lyrics….And is pretty litigious when her name is invoked without her permission. She is more than happy to use her voice against others when it benefits her.

      And has been crickets about supporting Kamala Harris / Tim Walz ticket. When she supported Joe and Kamala in 2020.

      And I was one of the few dopes that actually defended her on these boards. She lost her luster to me.

      • Truthiness says:

        Logistically speaking, Taylor can’t become an issue separating Travis from the rest of the team and give that dumb Butker issue legs. Butker is the highest scoring member of the team and nobody else is close. Nobody. It’s far better to ignore the Duggar-adjacent idiot who doesn’t socially interact with the rest of the team.

        I’m not a Swifty, I’m someone who grew up with sports always being in the tapestry of life.

      • Flamingo says:

        @Truthines I would agree with you, but Travis said more against not agreeing with those statements. And Jason and Travis discussed how their mom worked and kept the family together. That is Travis’ own teammate. The story had legs with or without Taylor taking a stand. And may have shut it down having an actual opinion.

        Then you have the Trump AI poster, she stayed silent about. It’s just adding up to some ick for me. Which bums me out since I used to root for her. She just seems to be leaning back into her vanilla world.

      • Truthiness says:

        I hear you Flamingo, she really does seem to be leaning back into her vanilla world. It’s safe there, no stabbing deaths or terrorist plots. She can bake her homemade pop tarts and cinnamon rolls for the offensive line and it’s a comfy respite. She’s a songwriter, not a cultural warrior.

        Two intellectual Property firms were consulted the same day as the Trump AI post and it was gone, people HATE that it was silently dealt with. I’m a fan of the ninja like surgical precision that removed it because Trump folded immediately and took it down, that took legal action. If you’re not a cultural warrior or running for office the stealth makes sense. FFS I just wish she’d write some hate songs about that mofo!

  14. long time lurker first time commentator says:

    Not a football fan but I come from a family of them. They ignore the CTE, the encouragement of children to get started on that path early and love the whole “noble warrior” idiocy of it especially at a collegiate level. Most of my heckling involved in the past pointing out the scumbaggery of the New England Patriots to them. It isn’t fun with the Kansas City Chiefs. The Kansas City Chiefs have always had a reputation as being a place where someone could go if they were cut from their other teams for hideous acts of spousal abuse or domestic violence even towards children. Coach Reid was always a port in the storm for them. The head coach has a son who has crippled a little girl while inebriated on multiple substances in a traffic collision, and basically got off scott free as an employee of the team. Optics wise you can’t quite have a quarterback whose father periodically appears in the news due to new criminal charges. Whose brother also has a bit of a past of dismissed sexual assault charges as well. That’s a bit of a hard sell to most American football fans (Caucasian). The NFL has been manipulating the public and politicians into given them massive amounts of tax free money, destroying the neighborhoods around stadiums in the name of progress so they needed to call in the big guns. So she gets an even bigger fan base out of the deal, scrubs the Matty Healy stuff from her record as an “All American Girl”, Kelce becomes the next Rock, and people can forget that Coach Andy Reid has fostered a fairly monstrous culture even by NFL standards in Kansas City. And the NFL and their owners can keep hoovering up the public’s money tax free and continue to destroy the social fabric of most of the cities they claim to benefit. If anyone doubts this, try searching “Kansas City Chiefs” and “violence” and see how far back the editorials go.

  15. Gem says:

    They are adults, both aren’t limelight shy. Both want same things, maximize the conversation around their relationship all the way to the bank. This is what might work long term for Taylor. She has been in many relationships but I think Travis truly gets her personality both in personal space and business wise. You need more than love to make a marriage work long term and Travis and Taylor have those common goals if they make it all the way. Yes, that makes it look a bit calculated from outside but its not an indication that they aren’t in love or fond of each other. And that contract was some school project by an overzealous fan….apparently it had a letter head for a school somewhere.

    • mightymolly says:

      “aren’t limelight shy.” Deceased! I actually think this is one reason they might end up being the real thing. There sadly aren’t that many men who will absolutely bask in the glow of Tay’s sun without being creepy gold diggers. Travis really does seem to be that guy. He loves her fame, isn’t threatened by it, and honestly since he will retire long before she does, just a fact of the game, he might really enjoy being Mr. Swift.

  16. MsDarcy says:

    I agree these documents are fake, but to answer Kaiser’s question in the article, Taylor *did* have something to gain by this relationship. Right before she hooked up with Travis, she had the Matty Healy relationship which was a PR disaster for her because he is such a racist, misogynistic skank. Travis helped her become “wholesome” again, more apple pie American good girl. She is definitely benefitting from the good PR he brings.

    That being said, I really need her and (now) Travis to endorse Harris and put this Mahomes Trump crap to bed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think her “endorsement” of Harris will be her wearing a friendship bracelet with one out of place blue bead on it in a photograph with Kelce while both of them are holding kittens.

      • mightymolly says:

        This would be enough. This would be a huge message to her fans. That’s all we’re asking. No one expects Tay to jump on the debate stage and argue policy.

      • Jais says:

        I still just want some cat-shaped Harris/walz cookies 😸

  17. AC says:

    Agree with Kaiser . I think it’s 1/2 1/2. Taylor is definitely a PR machine. I think the bracelet story was PR (in which she innocently ignored him etc and he came out telling everyone on his brothers podcast etc). Also their relationship benefited Travis the most, as outside the US no one knows him(or much of the NFL), until he dated Taylor. I’m in the US, and I didn’t even know he he was.

    I think she still wants that long term/stable relationship. But at the same time, sometimes I wonder if in the back of her head she would have rather dated a more famous actor. I’m looking at the up and coming GenZ female singers right now and the international attention they are getting with their relationships, they’re breaking the internet/SM for having a power couple status.
    Taylor has a lot of international attention already, even pumping billions to economies of countries, but she’s also competitive and wants to stay on top, that can include having that international power couple status- Travis isn’t really it imo(not internationally anyways). Prob one of the reasons why I sometimes see some of her fans still mad at Joe A on SM.

    • Renee says:

      Joe Alwyn absolutely isn’t an A lister of any kind nor internationally famous on his own credit. He is talented sure, but his biggest accomplishment still is him writing lyrics for Taylor. He picks roles as he likes but none of them ever make much noise. Like Guy Pearce is making noise for The Brutalist and Jesse Plemons took the glory in Kinds of Kindness. He is there but never outshines anybody. At least Travis is professionally well known in NFL and will make Hall of Fame for sure as a tight end. Look, not saying Joe can’t make it to the big leagues, he can and I am sure he is a nice, sweet guy. But if he wasn’t British, you all wouldn’t waste oxygen on him, he doesn’t ever stand out for his work ever.

  18. Alaqaday says:

    If this was some showmance, it would have been done long ago – a rebound with a handsome sports star that regretfully ended when she had to go out on tour due to competing schedules. Like… a second year spending that much time in Kansas City when you could literally be in luxury anywhere else on the planet… I can’t see anyone signing up for that…

    Possibly oddly, from the outside, it seems like it’s the athlete, not another artist, who gets and likes the whole of what makes her her – the superstar stadium performer, the ambitious businesswoman, the writer and the slightly dorky, somewhat conventional middle class Pennsylvania girl. Like – the sense from some of the others was they liked bits and pieces but not the whole lot together. He certainly loves the spotlight but he also seems very secure in being a star in a field she can’t possibly outshine him in. So I get why it works. And wouldn’t be surprised if they settle down after the end of the tour – a husband and baby are pretty much the only things she hasn’t ticked off as a conventional success marker.

    Pretty telling today at the game she was only seen with his mother and father and some other lower-profile WAGS – no Mrs Mahomes in sight even though she was there. I hope she will endorse the Harris-Walz campaign – all the MAGA types think she’s a pinko commie anyway.

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