The Minecraft Movie, featuring Jack Black and Jason Momoa, looks bizarre

The teaser trailer for The Minecraft Movie dropped on Wednesday. The long-awaited movie based on the popular sandbox-style video game stars Jack Black as “expert crafter” Steve. Jason Momoa, Danielle Brooks, Emma Myers (Enid from Wednesday), and Sebastian Eugene Hansen co-star in roles as “four misfits” from the real world that find themselves mysteriously transported into Minecraft’s Overworld. It will be out in theaters on April 4, 2025.

Much like Barbie’s lengthy journey to be made, the Minecraft movie has been in production since 2014, going through different actors, writers, etc. before filming finally began in early 2024. (You may recall that at one point, both Rob McElhenney and Steve Carell were attached to it.) The trailer, which you can watch below, gives us glimpses of these five main characters, as well as the boxy landscape and animals that inhabit the world. It’s all set to, of course, “Magical Mystery Tour” by the Beatles.

On Sept. 4, Warner Bros. Pictures debuted the first teaser trailer for A Minecraft Movie, showcasing Momoa, 45, as a man who is mysteriously brought to the world of the popular video game series alongside costars Emma Myers, Danielle Brooks and Sebastian Eugene Hansen.

Set to The Beatles’ “Magical Mystery Tour,” the teaser shows Minecraft’s trademark building blocks, monsters and villains — as well as Black’s character, who introduces himself to the group simply as Steve, much to the other character’s chagrin.

“This guy is such a toolbag,” Myers’ character Natalie says in the trailer.

Jennifer Coolidge is also set to appear in the film, though she does not make an appearance onscreen in the trailer.

“Four misfits — Garrett ‘The Garbage Man’ Garrison, Henry (Hansen), Natalie (Myers) and Dawn (Brooks) — find themselves struggling with ordinary problems when they are suddenly pulled through a mysterious portal into the Overworld: a bizarre, cubic wonderland that thrives on imagination,” reads a synopsis.

“To get back home, they’ll have to master this world (and protect it from evil things like Piglins and Zombies too) while embarking on a magical quest with an unexpected, expert crafter, Steve (Black).”

“Together, their adventure will challenge all five to be bold and to reconnect with the qualities that make each of them uniquely creative … the very skills they need to thrive back in the real world,” the synopsis teases.

Black, 55, first confirmed he would star in the adaptation of Minecraft back in January when he shared a photo of himself reading Minecraft Basics for Dummies on Instagram. Black recently starred in the video-game adaptations Borderlands and 2023’s The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and he further explore gaming world in the recent Jumanji films.

A Minecraft Movie is directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre). It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s Rob McElhenney is credited among a number of screenwriters for the film.

[From People]

The trailer looks, well, it looks exactly like you’d picture a Minecraft movie starring Jack Black to look like. My kids are 10 and six, and are definitely in the targeted age group to want to see this movie. They LOVE playing Minecraft. My older son was Steve for Halloween in 2022 and at night, he sleeps with a stuffed toy Creeper. My younger son only got into playing it this past year and he’s so into building everything that it reminds me of how much I loved playing the different Sims platforms when I was growing up (SimTown and SimTower were my go-tos!).

But back to the teaser. Casting JB as Steve was certainly a choice, lol, and Momoa’s wig, my goodness! The movie’s premise reminds me of Black’s two new Jumanji movies, which I unapologetically freaking love, but this trailer looks like Willy Wonka threw up all over a video game. I have no idea if this movie will be any good, but this bizarre teaser is not. That said, I’ll be nice and refrain from further judgment until we get a full-length trailer. My kids, however, watched it and are all in, so it’s safe to say I’ll be seeing this movie regardless.

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14 Responses to “The Minecraft Movie, featuring Jack Black and Jason Momoa, looks bizarre”

  1. Jillian says:

    You could power a city on the charisma of Jack Black and Danielle Brooks, they’ll carry this movie if they have to

  2. AlpineWitch says:

    OMG this thing is so weird that I don’t know how to feel 😅

    And Momoa’s wig should have been a character on its own 🤣

    • SarahCS says:

      Billy Ray Cyrus is frantically searching through his closet looking for it.

      • AlpineWitch says:

        🤣🤣🤣 I’d bet he has accused his ex wife Firehose of stealing it and she gave it to Jason Momoa in exchange for something else LMAO

    • Lauren says:

      My 12 year old son was going on and on about this last night. He wants to see it, but he’s also complaining that it doesn’t look blocky enough.

  3. Inge says:

    Looks fab! And I’ve never played Minecraft.

    Btw Emma Meyers was also in A Good Girls Guide To Murder

  4. SarahCS says:

    ‘Oh its Jumanji then’ was my first thought when I read the description. I was so impressed with how they rebooted it (even if the second one got a bit repetitive for my liking) and I wonder if the success there was part of what finally got his one made?

    The first new Jumanji is one of my go-to put something enjoyable on for a Sunday afternoon/evening or when I’m feeling poorly films. That, the first Thor and 90’s Godzilla with Matthew Broderick.

    • Becks1 says:

      I have a 10 and 12 year old and we watch Jumanji ALL THE TIME. We like the second one, but we love the first one. It’s one of our “its friday night and we have no clue what to watch” movies that we put on probably once a month.

      See also: Jungle Cruise.

    • BQM says:

      I will never apologize for tearing up during the Colin Hanks scene at the end.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    I normally wouldn’t watch these game adaptations but this looks too weird to miss and I do like a good JB movie – yeah Momoa’s wig needs its own internet handle.

  6. Mcali02 says:

    My 11 year old watched the preview yesterday and all he kept saying was “YES…YES!…”

  7. Kane says:

    I’m tired of jack black but after reading the comments I now see why he keeps getting picked. This trailer reminds me of Chris Pine’s Dungeons and Dragons which i liked. It was the groundbreaking but d&d was cute and the look was great.

  8. AngryJayne says:

    This looks like a mistake.

    Like I was sweating over whether or not to buy 2 $48 slipcovers for our aging oversized recliners for d a y s.
    I can only imagine what these producers are going through right now lol

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