Prince William’s friend: Harry would ‘love to be given a part-time royal role’

Over the weekend, the Mail on Sunday ran a huge front-page story about Prince Harry’s “desperation” to come back to the royal fold. Sources told the Mail that Harry wants to come back ALONE to do William’s work and be William’s scapegoat, and that Harry’s friends are begging the institution to give Harry a ribbon-cutting job. I feel strongly that this whole thing came from Kensington Palace and Prince William, likely because William, KP and the British media were all stunned that Harry quietly flew into England for Robert Fellowes’ funeral. The big “tell” that everything came from Huevo is that within the fantasist storyline, sources kept insisting that William was still furious with Harry and William would never allow Harry to come back. After the Mail got the ball rolling, “sources close to Harry” came out and said: that Mail story is bullsh-t and of course Harry has no interest in coming back to the royal fold. Well, now egg-sources have run to the Daily Beast’s Royalist to put a bow on William’s pathetic attempt to create this storyline.

The fragile ceasefire between Prince William and Prince Harry which allowed both brothers to attend their uncle’s funeral last week, collapsed in spectacular style Tuesday, as the brothers camps returned to slinging insults and demands at each other.

Prince William’s office declined to comment but allies of the prince told The Daily Beast that Harry was “a broken record” who was “pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted” after Harry’s camp told U.K. paper the Mirror that the exiled prince would be “prepared” to undertake some royal duties if he was asked to do so by the king, but only if he received an “apology” from Prince William.

The report in the Mirror said Harry remained happy with his decision to leave the royal family but would be “open” to taking up a temporary role within the family to “help out” if he was asked to do so by the king, and William apologized.

Prince William’s office declined to comment but a friend of Prince William told The Daily Beast: “Harry is a broken record at this stage. We all know he would love to be given a part-time royal role, but Queen Elizabeth was very clear that he couldn’t be half in and half out. Nothing has changed. Whoever is promulgating these ludicrous theories on Harry’s behalf is simply pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted. They are either very thick or pretending to be.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“Harry is a broken record at this stage. We all know he would love to be given a part-time royal role.” Harry’s broken record is that he’s repeatedly been asked if he wants to go back to do royal work and he’s repeatedly said no, he’s happy in California. Harry’s stated goals are more nuanced: he would actually like to be able to return to the UK for visits with family and to do some charity work within the UK. He wants to be able to see his cancer-stricken father without layers of horsey bureaucracy. William and the British media have interpreted Harry’s stated goals as “Harry is desperate to come back!” Anyway, I’m starting to get the feeling that William is doing too much to push these narratives because some sh-t is going down in other areas. Like… WTF is happening with Kate these days? Notice that no one is talking about that. Notice how this storyline has overshadowed all things Buttons.

“Whoever is promulgating these ludicrous theories on Harry’s behalf is simply pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted. They are either very thick or pretending to be.” What a self-own by William, the thick one who is promulgating these ludicrous stories.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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80 Responses to “Prince William’s friend: Harry would ‘love to be given a part-time royal role’”

  1. Krista says:

    I just want the Sussexes to release a video of Harry laughing his ass off with a background of all of these ridiculous headlines behind him.

    • Wagiman says:

      Right? These people are freaking obsessed psychos. They have literally lost their collective minds!

      • goofpuff says:

        I mean they are playing both camps, pretending to be Harry at this point to keep the clicks going whenever they get something from Wills.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I want the Sussexes to continue to do what they are doing: not dignifying William’s garbage with the tiniest amount of attention. Harry releasing such a video would generate 2 thousand tabloid articles within 24 hours. Who wants that?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Yes. Grey Rock the Apoplectic Other Brother.

      • Christine says:

        If ever there was a point to be made that the monarchy should be abolished, surely it’s William being the next at bat. He has to have people around him telling him he looks like a fool, right? Someone, at some palace, has to have told him he looks like a toddler without an appropriate bedtime every time he opens his mouth to rage brief against Harry and Meghan, right?!

    • jemmy says:

      All this noise to detract and take the shine from Harry’s 40th birthday , his attendance at the UN Climate Summit & whatever stuff going on b/w William & Kate

      I suspect they want Harry to fail so badly so that the news drowns out any pending separation & divorce b/w W&K

    • sunnyside up says:

      I like that idea.

  2. equality says:

    Maybe Kate is William’s “friend” and spends her days spreading lies about Harry wanting to return. Next up will be how much he loves Kate and is concerned for her.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry was happy according to derangers spending his time with William and Kate and how he adored kate and Meghan took him away. The usual drivel

      • Julia says:

        Why would anyone want to spend their life being a third wheel on royal engagements and then spend the rest of your time living alone in a tiny cottage? No wonder he was at the pub every weekend. What a miserable existence.

      • Convict says:

        No one in their right mind would want to be subservient to Kate Middleton.

    • Pork Belly says:

      @equality, I think that would require too much work on Kate’s part!

  3. Ohwell says:

    The stories are all so tiresome. It’s been 4-5 years of the same shit!!
    When will the rats and BRF move on??!?

    • Whyforthelove says:

      At this point we just need Will to send Harry his break up mix tape and beg him from underneath his window! It so creepy! Move on dude he isn’t into being your crutch anymore.

    • Noor says:

      They cannot move on as they are addicted to their make believe storylines. Otherwise, their carefully constructed world where William and Kate are blameless would collapse if Harry releases the full extent of William and Kate’s actual role leading to Sussexit

    • sunnyside up says:

      When will they move on, when their readers stop clicking on the stories and selling advertising space.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      The tabloids, William, and racist public cannot move on because they are obsessed with Harry. It eats away at them that Harry is happy in California, that he is a respected diplomat, that Megan is smart and beautiful. I think all of that consumes them and they cannot let go, like a deranged ex who won’t admit you dumped them.

    • Tiny says:


      That would require them to focus on Baldy and Bones whose failures are uninteresting at this point.

    • BQM says:

      Yeah the same stories day in and day out gets boring and repetitive. The numbers of comments, which seem to be decreasing, should show the diminishing returns. You’d think the editors would get the clue. Move on to other juicier stories before even your most loyal readers move on. But some people are just obsessed with all things Wales and Sussex. We’ve had the same predictions for years now and they’ve not come to pass.

  4. Tessa says:

    What ceasefire. Harry went to his uncle’s funeral and was entitled to do so. William keeps on and on about harry leaving his family to work part time. I think the queen would have allowed it had not Wiliam has a for at those 2020 talks

    • Tessa says:

      Edit Wil liam had a fit

    • Jais says:

      True. Attending a funeral is not a ceasefire. Especially since William likely had no advance warning. Otherwise there would have been made-up stories for days leading up the funeral. Coming from William.

      • SarahCS says:

        This, no way it would have played out as it did if Willileaks had known in advance.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. William’s rage briefing AFTER the funeral says it all. If he had any advance warning, the attacks on Harry and Meghan before the funeral would have been supercharged, not the ones after, like this one.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Neither Cluck or Huevo wanted to be outshone by Harry.

      The 2020 talks of half-in broke down b/c it was 2 against one, the Queen.

  5. Sandy8 says:

    Sure thing, William’s friend. Harry always calls you to confide in you, instead of his own friends.

  6. Miranda says:

    Does William have friends? I just assumed that he only has acquaintances who are cordial with him because he’s the future king. Who would want to hang out with a lazy, sulky, perpetually angry and agrieved, violent-tempered racist? And perhaps worst of all, he’s just SO. F–KING. DULL.

    • SarahCS says:

      For every one awful person there are sadly others just as bad so while I’m not sure it’s friendship in the sense that most of us probably view the concept I’m sure there are people who share his world view and choose to spend time with him.

      I’m also confident there are a lot more of view him with contempt but stay in his orbit because he’s going to be King and that matters to some people.

      • Convict says:

        I’ve met William and he can be very charming when he feels like it. He can also pull rank and let everyone know he’s future King too. That was said before he got married in an American tabloid, IIRC.

        I was just telling my mother that I’m very disappointed in how William has turned out. I had high hopes for him (and Harry too). Harry has not disappointed, he’s his mother’s son.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think he does have friends – either childhood friends who have stuck around or friends who are there for the connections and prestige – but I saw this headline and my immediate thought was “prince william’s ‘friend’ is prince william himself.” He’s the one running to Tom Sykes.

  7. Jais says:

    How is Harry a broken record promulgating these stories when this whole thing started with William and KP in the first place? The Daily Mail’s stupid story that was sourced from William started this. At best, Harry maybe corrected the story. And now he’s being accused of starting the story? Cuz no, Harry did not talk to the Mirror. Bullshit. They’re really trying to make it seem like Harry’s people are leaking all this when they’re not. William apparently wants Harry to be seen as a planter and leaker of stories bc william doesn’t want to be the only one with that reputation. Harry has been clear about the security issue from the beginning and there’s nothing new except William creating storylines for the tabloids.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Whoever is promulgating these ludicrous theories…” Yeah, William is talking about himself. And it’s like Kate is just an afterthought these days. If anyone thinks about her at all. They’re both so boring.

  9. Inge says:

    Harry has said NOTHING. He’s probably preparing his upcoming New York city trip at the UN General Assembly week. Why on earth would he want to go back to that toxic family?

    Meanwhile eggsy who was incandescent with rage(his default setting) with Harry sharing his story in Spare and in interviews is hiding behind his friends as usual.

    • Christine says:

      I love so much that William had a, “okay, done that!” attitude after last year’s pitiful showing in NYC. It didn’t occur to him that this is going to be an annual thing for Harry, and per usual for the Sussex Way, it’s bigger than the year before. I love it so much.

  10. Inge says:

    Hmm… with everyone talking about Harry no-one is talking about the lack of royal engagements, what Buttons is up too or why no-one has attended the paralympics…

    • Amy Bee says:

      Sophie and Edward arrived in Paris yesterday. I don’t how long they’re staying.

    • Jais says:

      He does have that one day in Wales coming up😂. Has school not started back for the kids yet? Fr wondering bc usually there’d be cutesy stories about Kate and William getting them ready for the new year or something. Instead, we’re getting stories about a made-up return that Harry never asked for. Started by William.

      • Becks1 says:

        According to the school website, the kids went back yesterday. The lack of cutesy PR around the new school year is interesting.

  11. Eurydice says:

    So, in this article, where are the insults and demands Harry is supposedly slinging? Seems to me that the brothers are in perfect agreement- Harry doesn’t want to come back and William doesn’t want him back.

  12. JD says:

    Can someone not give Baldy something for his ongoing fever dream? It’s not going to happen. Finally learn to do the job you were born to do and let your brother live his best life. Or abdicate and find peace in some hermit’s cave chucking ayahuasca until you’re healed.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @JD maybe Willy self soothes with the fantasy that as part time Royal he is living the life life that his brother suggested 4 years? Willy really is fantasying that Harry will crawl back for more abuse at his hand and then rescue him from all that tiresome ribbon cutting! Friends of Fk need a word: get a grip, kinging is a solo gig but your wife is your consort and it is her that should be sharing the burden with

  13. Cassie says:

    Harry has just made complete fools of all the media and his paternal family and they can’t handle the fact that he doesn’t give a rats about any of them .

    I am so happy he has his mother’s family , who do truly care for him .

    He has made a new life and has his own loving family .
    Harry deserves to be happy and I am so glad he has made such a success of his life despite all the attempts to ruin it .

    What an amazing man he is .

  14. Jay says:

    Am I wrong to read into the fact that the daily beast ( which has consistently been a William- friendly outlet) is now blaming both brothers for this rift rather than just blaming Harry?

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Harry’s team doesn’t talk to the Mirror so the story is bogus. William and KP just need to move on. Harry’s not coming back and he doesn’t want to come back.

    • Becks1 says:

      You notice this story doesn’t mention the denial in the Telegraph from Harry’s team.

      • Amy Bee says:

        No I didn’t notice that. It should have been mentioned but these publications don’t want to accept that Harry doesn’t want to return to royal life.

      • Becks1 says:

        To be fair I just read this excerpt, maybe the whole article mentions it, but its just laughable that Sykes is going to cite Harry’s team going to the Mirror to insist he wants to come back but will ignore the more credible response in the Telegraph.

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    William is willing to burn down the Monarchy and his reputation (what little of one he had) down just to one up his brother with these consent hateful briefings. Time to restructure the monarchy starting with the income they get, if the heir is obsessed with his hate campaign and refuses to work because his wife and father are ill with whatever, I believe it is time to cut off the massive income they get and put it into public services that do actually help the people who need it. Pay the working Royals an honest hourly rate seem fair..(no more than a 100£ an hour, not the current 38,000£ per hour they current King receives) No British citizens should be paying to support a Monarchy obsessed with a hate campaign against one of their own, it’s just beyond sick at this point.

  17. s808 says:

    They’ve been repeating these stories every few months for almost 5 years and Harry is the broken record? Ok.

  18. Jan says:

    Harry said to Cain’s face in many interviews, that he is better at most things than his brother, who is jealous of him.
    Since Harry left the Klan, Cain has been spiraling in his obsessive behavior towards Harry.

  19. Nanea says:

    I’m sure the British taxpayers would love nothing more than for William to do the job he gets far too many millions for.

    And it seems that after all these decades of preparing for kingship, it still hasn’t entered Huevo’s head that there’s no role for a co-king, and that he’s on his own.

    Just as he wanted when he colluded with the misogynoir, toxic British media for the all-important purpose of getting rid of H&M in exchange for keeping his affairs and other shenanigans out of the papers.

    As to the Daily Beast: who was the friend who spilled the beans this time? Prince of Ales? Bulliam the Incandescent? Billy Idle? Bill Middleton? Or William Parker Bowles?

  20. EasternViolet says:

    The Media is completely psychopathic. The comment ” as the brothers camps returned to slinging insults and demands at each other…” WTF insult has Harry slung? WHAT DEMAND? After all the work he has done around Social media awareness and safety – he has a real life case study unfolding before his very eyes. Since Spare, he has SAID and demanded NOTHING…

  21. aquarius64 says:

    My take with these stupid atories is Charles is more sick that what is reported and a change of throne is coming sooner than expected. William, Kate and the BRF are panicking and needs Harry back to be the pack mule again. Everyone knows William is unfit for the job.

  22. Anna says:

    Jeez they are toxic family on steroids. In 10 years we will still see same headlines how Harry wants back and Willy will never let him or how severely he would first punish him. Wills seems so disturbed, I believe he’s been crashing and burning since many years now but so far they are able to cover it. Wonder if we’ll witness something spectacular from him one day, the man just cannot keep going like that.

  23. Agnes says:

    Sometimes I feel sorry for Tom Sykes, having to simper and scrape to Egg for a living. But then I read his turgid prose and the delight he takes in doling out nasty takes about H&M and realize he has exactly the life he deserves.

  24. Maxine Branch says:

    I think Harry would feel it is not beneath him to help his family out should they ask and it would have to be something he is interested in doing. But I also do not think this is something he would volunteer to do. Harry has a very beautiful full life away from the controls imposed on him since birth. I also think, he and his wife have a clearly defined purpose and agenda they have agreed upon which does not include volunteering to be of service to his birth family.

    Those gutter rats who support that monarchy tries to muddy the water re Harry wanting to come back and their refusal to let him to build that monarchy up. At this point I agree with everyone here, this is old recycled news. The Sussex ship has sailed, there is no going back. I also think Harry should address this publicly himself.

  25. Bean says:

    “As the brothers camps return to slinging insults and demands at each other”

    I’m so over the media and the false bothesiderism.

    • Lau says:

      At that point it’s just William slinging insults and sh*t over a wall and having all of it coming straight back into his own face.

  26. CLOVE says:

    This is William’s job to leak to the press. and you guys thought he wasn’t working! 😂😂😂😂

    Harry told us that his brother always wanted to compete with him, and we see this daily. He sounds like his father when he was doing things to Diana. Yep, you are truly Charle’s son!

  27. Ramona says:

    Meanwhile – it would be a vast improvement to get Willy to work part-time hours……

  28. Lau says:

    What happened to the headlines of William claiming that he is a work-from-home Prince of Wales and that he will be a work-from-home King ? I know they are from a few months ago already but William really needs to stop begging the institution to let him be even more lazy than he already is.

  29. Lady Digby says:

    Sounds like FK is spiralling: why doesn’t he just accept he is going to be king much sooner than he expected and get to grips with working more? What is the Firm’s Plan B if FK refuses to do the role as monarch so that even the tabs can’t cover for him? What if he just keels over once KC passes? Do they plan to send for Harry to stand in for William while he recovers? Or will they scale back the job so it is just a 2 day slot for Willy and everybody pretends it is okay because of all that embedded BS about elite bloodlines. Is all this frantic briefing from William a sign of his sense of impending doom as having to be a solo king without a deputy to do the heavy lifting for him?

    • Lady D says:

      (said in a singsong voice) …all he has to do is apologize. Personally, I think Charles will die before he ever offers an apology to Meghan or his “darling boy.” William will be king without wife or brother to prop him up. I think Willie will be a very lonely king.

  30. JJ says:

    Yeah. It baffles me that because Kate attended two events in 2024, people no longer wonder what’s up. It’s as though everyone pretends not to know that most people with cancer still work. I know someone right now who is working through cancer and their work isn’t coming onto a balcony for a few minutes or going to see a tennis game. Also, Will and Charles just got huge pay raises this year while UK residents are being told water and electricity are going up 50% when last year heating prices went through the roof and will stay there. If you like the monarchy, that’s up to you but to reconcile them getting pay raises when they have done minimal work this year AND having the cost of living crisis go up another level…

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed @JJ as a UK taxpayer I am not happy about RF getting whacking great pay rise for doing very little of merit AND new PM is talking about austerity for us. Why is labour government targeting the poorest eg pensioners instead of looking at RF family finances?? Willy certainly isn’t earning his keep is he and has the gall to look down upon the bread and butter engagements which involve thanking others for THEIR hard work, not his!! FK is on dodgy ground and really needs to put his own shoulder to the wheel. No one is asking him to go down a mine or risk his life as a fire fighter just show up regularly to do his cushy job!

  31. Saucy&Sassy says:

    With the announcement of what Harry will be doing in NY, I don’t understand why the bm continues to push this. It’s a choice they are making to write this drivel. They do know that they look incompetent, right?

  32. kelleybelle says:

    A more pathetic man there was never. Ever. What a loser.

  33. Dee says:

    From the looks of things, it’s Will who wants to be part-time, hardly ever work-time. Projection.

  34. Alexandria says:

    You know what’s insane? The funeral has nothing to do with being royal. H attended a relative’s funeral. Why would anyone be mad at that? I therefore conclude Pegs is genuinely insane.

  35. tamsin says:

    If not being outshone was the be all and end all of their now seemingly pointless lives, a lot of the Sussex shine could be reflected back on them even. Even if they had said no to the half in proposal, wishing the Sussexes well in their new life would have made the Windsors so much more worthy of a smidgen of respect for how they operate in the world.

  36. Trei says:

    “We all know he would love to be given a part-time royal role, but Queen Elizabeth was very clear that he couldn’t be half in and half out. Nothing has changed.”

    QEII is no longer of this world. She has no say over what can or cannot be done. If KCIII wished it, it would be done. It’s as simple as that. At this point, Harry had given no indications if would even entertain an offer. He seems more inclined to let them burn the monarchy down themselves.

  37. Slippers4life says:

    “Promulgating” eh? This narrative is getting so repetitive the BM is now actually having to use a thesaurus to just replace words from other articles and call it newsworthy. No way they knew that word existed before.

  38. Gisby says:

    I’m sure it’s been said, bit WILL would like to be given a part-time Royal Role. Not that he’d show up.

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