Donald Trump thanked ‘beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me’

In recent weeks, Brittany Mahomes has been doing a lot to show everyone that she’s a dumbass and a supporter of Donald Trump. She’s liked a few MAGA-themed posts and comments on Instagram, and she’s thrown a few tantrums about how she doesn’t give a f–k about the “haters.” While this could have been a story about a white supremacist a–hole married to a Black football player and choosing the politics of white nationalism and white privilege, the story has become more complicated. That’s because of Brittany and Patrick Mahomes’ friendship with Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. Swift was late in coming to her political activism, but she supported the Biden-Harris ticket and her fans hope that she will endorse Harris for president. Travis’s politics are murkier and he might even be a swing voter, although I’d like to think that Travis, a longtime fan of Black women, is going to vote for Kamala Harris.

Given that the Mahomes fam and the Kelce-Swift fam socialize together and Taylor even invited them to her Rhode Island estate last month, it’s become a larger story. How do these two couples maintain their friendships? Do they just not talk about politics whatsoever? Will Taylor begin to roll back her friendship with Brittany if Brittany goes full MAGA? I don’t know. But I know that Donald Trump believes he has the full support of the Mahomes family. Trump posted this on Truth Social on Wednesday:

“I want to thank beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me, and the fact that MAGA is the greatest and most powerful Political Movement in the History of our now Failing Country. With Crime and Illegal Immigration totally out of control, INFLATION Ravaging all Americans, and a World that is laughing at the stupidity of our hapless “leaders,” it is nice to see someone who loves our Country, and wants to save it from DOOM. What a great couple – See you both at the Super Bowl!”

[Trump’s post via Twitter]

From Trump’s perspective, he just clings to any celebrity, however minor, showing him any kind of support. Of course Trump has followed the Mahomes story in recent weeks, and I strongly suspect Trump and his people are worried about Taylor Swift and her potential endorsement too. From Brittany’s perspective though? How embarrassing. Like, if you get used/praised like this by an adjudicated rapist, a jingoist white nationalist and a senile piece of sh-t, how is it not your rock-bottom? How can you look at yourself in the mirror?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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102 Responses to “Donald Trump thanked ‘beautiful Brittany Mahomes for so strongly defending me’”

  1. Dre says:

    I look at Britney and automatically think she has a really nasally voice

    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      With a prolonged vocal fry.

      • Sass says:

        Uuuugh, I can hear it. I knew a woman who spoke like that. Full valley girl affectation to hide her jersey shore accent. It didn’t quite work and this was the effect. Worst voice I’ve ever heard. Nails on a chalkboard. It didn’t help that she regularly spouted stupid shit, too 🤣

        Seriously curious to see when and if Taylor dumps her. I imagine it’s tricky when you’re both with teammates who were buddies before you started dating one of them. Maybe she will just phase her out slowly. I don’t have a lot of faith in TS, but for some reason I am hopeful about this.

      • Polly says:

        Nice to see women doing the patriarchy’s dirty work for it.

  2. Walking the Walk says:

    She’s a clown and I hope she kicks rocks.

  3. Marie says:

    I would rethink ALL my life choices if I ever find myself getting written up like this by that man. Also, smart of them to post this a day before football season starts. The Chiefs play the Ravens today so let’s see what’s gonna happen next.

  4. Sue says:

    Seeing the pap photos of Taylor and Selena with Brittany is bizarre. It’s like caviar walking around with a package of Top Ramen. (My sincere apologies to Top Ramen.)

    • Miranda says:

      LOL, yeah. Taylor and Selena look gorgeous and chic…and then there’s Brittany wearing an ill-fitting jumpsuit, with hair and makeup looking like she got a makeover by a couple of 13-year-old girls in 2004. That was my immediate impression when the photos were first taken ages ago, but I didn’t want to say anything at the time because it felt mean-spirited. Now that I know what kind of person BM (apt initials!) really is? F–k that tacky, ignorant, clout-chasing brat.

  5. Carol Mengel says:

    This is Brittany Mahomes. She’s loving the attention. She’s trash like Trump so they deserve each other. I’m concerned what is taking Taylor so long to endorse Kamala Harris though. That endorsement would bring in millions of young Swifie votes.

    • Mimi says:

      And in many republican led states, they have to register now to be able to vote in November. This delay is not good.

      • Really says:

        If you’re decision on how to vote/if you will vote is determined by who Taylor Swift endorses- you should not be voting. Period.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Taylor didn’t endorse Biden/Harris until October 2020. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did the same this year. Months ago she put out a call for everyone to register to vote. Sounds like she’s getting her ducks in a row.

    • Truthiness says:

      Great. What a get for the adjudicated rapist and convicted felon.

      Now Brittany can join Scott Baio, Kid Rock, and Hulk Hogan. How impressive.

  6. Kristen from MA says:

    Her kids’ names are Bronze and Sterling. What’s next, pewter? Copper? Steel?

    • lisa says:


    • Brassy Rebel says:

      No one in this family is gold. How about Tin?

    • Lau says:

      How about Plastic ? Just plain, boring and ugly Plastic.

    • KC says:

      You’re not the only one wondering when that endorsement is coming. My beloved, who pays zero attention to celebrity gossip in general and Taylor Swift specifically, shocked me the other day with his amateur analysis of when/if she’s going to endorse. I’m far from a Taylor Swift expert myself, but all y’all have given me quite an education in Taylor Swift studies over the last year. We need Swifties out on doors for the next 6 weeks and getting their fellow Swifties out for early voting so I hope she does something soon. You can’t be all, fuck the patriarchy on SM and then not actually use your power to fuck the patriarchy. Right? Please tell me I’m right…

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        KC, as I said above Taylor endorsed Biden/Harris in October 2020. She may wait and do it then again this year. Don’t forget that months ago she put out a call for everyone to register to vote.

        Also, her Swifties already got a Swifties for Harris campaign going. They’re not waiting around.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Ha! Probably Goldie if it’s a girl 🙄

    • Eliza says:

      What’s that kid Bronze gonna think when it realizes it was named for third place. And sterling? Flatware would have been better.

    • windyriver says:

      Sterling is their daughter’s real name. Their son is actually Patrick III, Bronze is his nickname. Their third will likely have a “regular” name, with who knows what comparable nickname…

    • Maria says:

      I have a niece named Sterling. She is 45. She is gorgeous and very intelligent. I include that so you know that not all names like a metal were oxygen deprived at birth.
      Hate Brittney Mahomes, she seems like she needs to be given constant attention and validation.

    • Lookatme says:

      I thought Bronze was a nickname and the child was named after his father.

  7. BlueSky says:

    TK sleeping with BW doesn’t automatically mean he will support Harris.Fetishizing BW isn’t new. BH has been showing who she is for years and don’t be surprised if her husband shares a lot of her same beliefs. There are a lot of self loathing BM out there that hate BW too.

    • Cait says:

      Why when it’s BW do some people jump to it being a fetish. Rather than Travis having a relationship with a BW he found attractive and had common ground with ?

      Patrick Mahomes’s mother is a Trump and so is his wife. WW voted majority for Trump in 2016 and 2020

      To that end I know it may sound like Blasphemy here but their are a fair amount of Black Trump supporters in existence.

      • BlueSky says:

        You are purposely missing the point. Did you read the story? “ Travis’s politics are murkier and he might even be a swing voter, although I’d like to think that Travis, a longtime fan of Black women, is going to vote for Kamala Harris.” my point is that this take is short sighted and quite frankly ignorant. Implying that just because he has a history with BW means he will support one when he did nothing when his ex girlfriend was being harassed by Swift fans. It is a fact that BW and BM are fetishized. He may or may not be one of those people but that sentence bothered. It goes along the lines with “I can’t be racist because I have black friends” Just because you sleep with us doesn’t mean you can’t be racist.

      • Get Real says:

        💯. That was a gross comment. He dated a black woman so he would automatically vote for one?
        That’s like saying you’d vote for a woman because you share the same genitalia. Gross.

    • OriginalLeigh says:

      @Bluesky – 💯 Patrick Mahomes’ mother and wife both married Black men but they are clearly not “fans” of Black people….

      • Nikkik says:

        Patrick considers himself biracial/mixed race and that’s exactly wha the is. He has a whole ass white mother and married a woman who reminded him of his mom…….its insulting to keep calling him Black. He is not culturally Black nor does he identify as Black (unless he’s changed in recent years).

  8. Becks1 says:

    Trump clings to any semblance of celebrity endorsement, so this response from him is not surprising. But I’m sure there will be zero pushback from the Mahomes camp which says a lot.

    We have to watch the game tonight bc we’re Ravens fans but I may skip out after the first quarter or so.

  9. Jais says:

    Time for her to start booking some Fox News appearances. Lean all the way in. Gross.

    • ariel says:

      Have to book fox news when even your reputable endorsement deals- even on tiny consumer products start to dry up b/c you are nazi-adjascent.

      And i hope this hurts Mahones’ in her wallet.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Fox or ESPN. Someone will come calling! Or maybe there will be an opening on The View for the MAGA in bad fashion person.

  10. bitsycs says:

    She always gave me MAGA vibes plus Mahomes’ mom is a full on trumper. And they’re all from East Texas. But she hasn’t been vocal or obvious until recently and even so she deletes everything and throws tantrums lol. It’s possible that she’s not really out and proud with her beliefs considering she’s deleting everything.

    But I maintain the funniest thing about this fool is she had a horrible PR year, spent all of last year cleaning up her act with a magical bonus boost of Taylor Swift and then she does this. Good job. Great work. I hope she pays her PR people well.

  11. Get Real says:

    Methinks Mrs mahommes has just been backed into a corner by her magat hero.
    Should be interesting to see how she handles this one – and if TS remains silent. Silence in these times is complicit.

    • Ms single malt says:

      I’m not a Swiftie. I can say that I will cut her some slack. Taylor Swift canceled a concert because of a very real terrorist threat to her fans. Some of her fans were killed at a Taylor Swift dance party. Let the woman listen to her counsel/advisors. Give her the time to speak up when she is ready. She has a lot to consider. Her silence does not equal being complicit.

      • Becks1 says:

        I understand this defense of her, but if memory serves, she was very late to endorse Biden in 2020, right? And its not like she was actively supporting Biden or Harris before those events.

        If she doesn’t want to that’s obviously her choice, but its not just because of the threats in Austria and the attack in England.

      • Get Real says:

        Thanks, Becks. This is becoming an excuse at this point. She’s always late to the party because she doesn’t want to lose the almighty dollar. Period.

      • NotTheOne says:

        I’m not a Swiftie either but have read about her and her career/rise to fame and her family support. She really cares about and listens to what her family says and I remember one video of her dad expressing concern for her safety if she endorsed a political candidate and she did anyway. In light of the Vienna terrorist plan and the dance class murders, she might be re-thinking that. Those events had to be world shattering and she *might* be taking some sort of internal responsibility for all of that. None of us will ever know what that feels like.

      • Eliza says:

        Also. She (Taylor) is not responsible for the future of the country, which is what may be at stake here.

      • Nic919 says:

        What about the women who will die if there is a federal abortion ban? How hard is it to endorse the team that will ensure this does not happen? Taylor will always be fine and no one actually got injured. Her silence in this is about her only. It’s not because of others.

      • Ms single malt says:

        3 young girls died and 8 other children were injured in England at a Taylor Swift dance party in July 2024. Taylor Swift just visited these poor children/families 2 weeks ago. So perhaps revisit the ‘no one got hurt’ theory.

      • Lookatme says:

        She didn’t cancel the concert – the authorities did, I think. I also don’t think there is a link between that threat and any election endorsement she may or may not provide. It’s a stretch to say otherwise. If she wants to endorse someone, good for her. If not, also good for her. Encouraging people to vote is enough. I am not sure people should base their vote on the opinions of a celebrity, anyhow. Make up your own minds, but just vote. Not that hard.

  12. Anonymous says:

    “although I’d like to think that Travis, a longtime fan of Black women, is going to vote for Kamala Harris.”

    Just because one likes to f!ck Black women does not mean they respect Black women. As for Brittney, she has shown herself to be an immature, lying little gremlin.

    • blue says:

      Travis’ business mgr is Black – long time close friend since childhood. Same with his financial advisor. They’re known to be close & spend non-business time together too. Pretty sure T stays quiet to avoid war with team leader Mahomes (probably Maga) & his tuls wife & a few Chiefs who may be also be Maga. Team management does not want the players fighting over politics. Animosity spills over onto the field & into locker rooms.
      Taylor was the first one I knew of who got the “Never Again” T-shirt. I bought mine after seeing a picture of her with it. And yes, I wear it in public places where T-shirts are appropriate.

      • Nikki says:

        @blue “Team management does not want the players fighting over politics. Animosity spills over onto the field & into locker rooms.”

        If that were the case they’d be having a word with their quarterback and his wife but they wouldn’t since there messaging is in line with their personal beliefs.

    • Beverley says:

      Word. A white man once told me that he’d be happy to f*ck me, but he would never dream of introducing me to his friends and family. Lust doesn’t equal respect.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    I think Trump is using Brittany to box in Taylor to not endorse Harris; and if Taylor cuts off Brittany and endorse Harris she risks alienating a swath of her fan base. I didn’t know the Chiefs play the Ravens tonight. If it’s in Maryland it’s in Democrat territory. A lesson about choosing your friends carefully.

    • megs283 says:

      Realistlcally, most Harris voters know someone who is voting for Trump, and is friends or family with them. Taylor can still endorse Harris and maintain a friendship with the Mahomes crew.

      • Nikki says:

        @megs283 Exactly! Let’s also not forget that Taylor is bigger than Brittany MAGAMahomes. Taylor is bigger than Patrick Mahomes. Taylor is bigger than the Chiefs. Taylor is bigger than all of them combined, she can do what she wants when she wants. I dare say she’s bigger than the whole NFL, that is why they NFL jumped at the opportunity to embrace her and defend her even when some of the knuckle dragging fans took offence to her attendance at games.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s in Kansas City. The SuperBowl champions almost always get the first game of the season at home.

      Guess which team didnt? The Ravens.

      • Alex655 says:

        @Megs283 Sure, we all know people voting for Trump. But, this is finally the straw that breaks the camels back. The LGBTQ population has put up with the friends & family nonsense for our entire lives. Project 2025 erases us. And as an advanced practice nurse, the amount of women running into trouble while pregnant is alarming. Now, we have red states with actual bodies. This notion that we can all still be friends is false.

  14. Nano says:

    I feel bad for Patrick Mahomes. She was prob some chick with no real political interest when he married her and now she’s this meathead. And he’s in love with her, has 2 kids with her, and is stuck. Unfortunately, love will excuse a lot of putrid behavior. Look at Cheryl Hines.

    • Bren says:

      Why feel bad for Patrick Mahomes? They have been together since high school and he knows exactly who he married. They most likely share the same political beliefs. She probably feels more comfortable being vocal about their beliefs because he’s the face of the NFL and knows he won’t be canceled.

      • Becks1 says:

        As bitsy said above, his mom is a full on Trumper.

      • pyritedigger says:

        All I can say about famous people with vocally shitty partners is that unless they publicly demonstrate otherwise, it should be assumed the hold the same beliefs.

    • goofpuff says:

      Isn’t Patrick’s mom MAGA? I would be surprised if he isn’t also MAGA like his wife.

    • blue says:

      Pat & Brit were high school sweethearts & had 2 kids before they got married. He knows what she is & if he didn’t like her trashy fame whoring, he’d probably tell her to show at least a little modesty instead of being about a half inch away from nip slips when she tries to glam up.

    • og bella says:

      Listen, my father and most of my family are MAGAs. One of my husband’s gifts (he not MAGA but has voted Republican in the past) to me when I was unexpectantly in the hospital pregnant over election day years ago was to not vote as we always cancel each other out.

      People may be surrounded by people with different beliefs. Don’t make assumptions.

  15. Dump her Taylor, do it publicly and do it now !

  16. SunnyDays says:

    Love this for her.

    She had automatic good PR being Swift adjacent and now that gets overshadowed by an orange fascist rapist claiming her for him?

    Again, love this for her.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol imagine being checkmated by Trump!

      If she walks it back, well, MAGA will be MAGA. We don’t need to go into how they react to anyone distancing themselves from their orange god.

      If she leans all in, she is the 2024 equivalent of the Karens who yelled at Ruby Bridges on her first day of school.

      FAFO season is in full swing. If I am her husband I am pissed at her right now she put him smack in the middle of controversy just before the season starts, affected his bottom line, and created a huge distraction which is all about her and her imagined victimhood.

    • molly says:

      *Brit, you had everything you ever wanted! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??*

      She was vacationing with the most famous woman in the world, being photographed on the arm of celebs, posing in the bikini on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and now she’s lighting it on fire for WHAT? Did she not have enough money and attention being Mrs. Mahomes?

      She’s flying way too close to the sun with this heel turn. Tree Paine is making calls, I guarantee it.

  17. Jay says:

    Lol, this puts Brittany on the spot, doesn’t it? She’s been pretty low key with her Trumpism – liking his posts and sub tweeting the so-called haters. Not exactly the behaviour of someone who*really* dgaf about what people think of her, wouldn’t you say?

    And now that genius lumbers in and puts her in a no-win situation. She won’t be able to play it semi-quietly anymore, she’ll have to either acknowledge that yes, she’s with trump or risk angering him and his cult with anything other than full-throated support.

    As for Taylor, she’ll be fine. If she decides to weigh in on this election, she’ll put out some “I have friends on both sides and we can agree to disagree!” type thing.

    • JanetDR says:

      Trump put her in a corner for sure!
      Many people have Trumpy friends. None of my close friends are, but people I have known my whole life. I didn’t know their views until I got on social media.
      It would not stop me from inviting them to a party.
      And politics wouldn’t come up because it doesn’t when you are laughing, dancing, and having a good time.

  18. Justjj says:

    Taylor’s silence just gets louder and weirder with every story like this one. I guess she’s not who we thought she was. Oh well(?)

  19. BanjoVino says:

    Brittany Mahomes just exudes trash vibes. She’s the type of person who, no matter how much money she has and puts into her appearance, she’ll always look like white trash because it’s just innate. The fact that she named her kids such grotesque names is more evidence. She’s just a gross person.

  20. girl_ninja says:

    Brittney is a hateful, lying little gremlin. I hope that DT and her support for him is forever tied to her neck like albatross.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I think the majority of TS circle is democratic, or at least not Trump endorsing, so that must have been one hella awkward 4th of july, just randomly thinking the Gigi was there…

  22. KBeth says:

    She looks as low class as the rest of the Trumpers.

  23. HeatherC says:

    I guess we’ll see who Taylor sits with at games.

  24. kelleybelle says:

    I guess she IS his type, right? Blonde and way over-surgeried.

  25. Monc says:

    But… her

  26. VilleRose says:

    My guess is she never thought anyone would pay attention to her social media behavior, liking political posts and what not. Nor did she ever expect to get personally name checked by Donald Trump thanking her. I don’t know if she would be embarrassed by his post or maybe she feels gratified and like omg Donald Trump noticed me! Good to know who she really is though, glad I’m not the one in Taylor’s shoes.

  27. Nope says:

    They go to the same tanning salon .
    Orange you glad you’re not them

  28. Saucy&Sassy says:

    If Taylor waits until October like she did in 2020, I think Brittany is going to find out something. If she’s riding on Taylor’s coattails, she’ll discover she is a minnow in that big pond.

    • Ms single malt says:

      Interesting that BM and TS sat in different boxes last night at the KC season opener. TS sat with the Kelce family. BM attended the game with her daughter. Hmmm … Was there a little chill in the air last night?

  29. ML says:

    BM supports Trump. Now Trump is announcing that to the whole wide world. She got what she wanted, and so did tfg. If she now has to deal with differing opinions on everything in Project 2025 now that she’s on record supporting it, this is what she will have to do. Deservedly.

  30. Jaded says:

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my almost 72 years, it’s patience. Flying off the handle about stuff right away isn’t a good move because you’re reacting in the heat of the moment. The times I’ve sat back, sometimes for months or years, on something someone did or said to me that I found offensive or hurtful, worked in my favour. Eventually I was presented with the perfect opportunity to “clear the air” and speak lucidly and calmly about the issue. I think this is what TS is doing — giving BM enough time and rope to truly hang herself. And TS is showing remarkable restraint and consideration because Travis is a teammate and close friend of Patrick Mahomes and she’s not going to rock that boat.

    • wolfmamma says:


      And she’s prolly going to hold off on any endorsement because the right wing maggots have already come after her, two terrorists ( one successful) about hurting her fans and slimy Don trying to claim her alignment… ugh.
      She’s smart to follow advice of others and use her own good judgement as well.

  31. Walking the Walk says:

    Defending TS friendship with a racist white woman is a choice. Look, we all know WM do this mess, people acting like TS is being strategic and whatever are laughable at this point.

    • C says:

      This. Lol. Taylor is not being strategic. She doesn’t care.

      • AC says:

        Taylor has friends on both sides. Gracie has already 💯 endorsed Kamala on her SM. Ryan Reynolds has also donated previously to the democrats in Colorado against Boebert.
        Brittany was just Taylor’s friend recently after her relationship with Travis(which benefitted Brittany more than Taylor). But it’s not surprising to me that Brittany is a typical Trumpet. I don’t think Brittany really associates with Taylor’s friends who supports Democrats(I haven’t really seen it much anyways).

      • Nic919 says:

        Karlie Kloss is part of the grifting Kushner family and she’s never been cut off. Rich people have a different standard for friends. Now Brittany has been a loud mouth so if she is cut off it is because she was not quiet about her bigotry.

        Taylor isn’t the liberal hero people want her to be and that just needs to be accepted. All these excuses only serve to confirm she’s just a rich white woman looking to continue making money. And the fuck the patriarchy talk is simply talk.

      • equality says:

        Well, the down with the patriarchy thing was just after she made exception for PW and posted him on her SM.

  32. Aj says:

    Now Don knows Brittany is not beautiful lol.

  33. Nikkik says:

    On a completely shallow note, she’s like an ugly version of SMG. And she’s aging horribly. SMG, on the other hand, gets better with age.

  34. CiCi says:

    TS specifically stated on IG “Let me be perfectly clear: I am not going to speak about something publicly if I think doing so might provoke those who would want to harm the fans who come to my shows.”
    I don’t expect her to say a word about this election before the Eras tour is over. She has attorneys and advisors for advice. She does not need mine.

  35. Tpoe says:

    I’ll bet she has a really annoying, maniacal laugh

  36. bisynaptic says:

    “So strongly defending me”… LOL She’s done no such thing (yet). He’s cornering her. I hope she bucks.

  37. Jess says:

    If you go on Fox and read the comments it’s nothing but Trump supporters crying about how liberals/Dems/etc don’t want to be their friends because of their support of Trump. They truly sound so jealous that they don’t get to be friends with people who hate MAGA.

  38. Briamatia says:

    Birds of feather with that group. Honestly I have always ALWAYS thought TS was on the racist side of life. I feel MAGA goes beyond just politics, it cannot be uncoupled with a way of life.

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