The Telegraph’s ‘Prince Harry at 40’ piece says more about Britain than Harry

They devote 10,000 word diatribes on Prince Harry, trying to convince themselves that he is unhappy, that he misses the UK, that he has regrets about choosing his wife and children over being the Windsors’ scapegoat. Their obsession with Harry has long been a window into their own dysfunction and increasingly poor mental health. They project all of their rage, regret and racism onto him. How dare he choose his Black wife over US? How dare he land on his feet? How dare he find happiness away from us? How dare he live in a mansion, doesn’t he know he’s the spare? Why didn’t he come crawling back to us, broke and divorced? Those are the spoilers for this latest uncomfortable read in The Telegraph. The piece is “How Prince Harry fills his days away from the spotlight; Ahead of his 40th birthday, we explore the Duke of Sussex’s day-to-day life – and the rumours that he wants to come home.” It was written by Hannah Furness and it is a very sad piece. Sad for the Telegraph, sad for the British media, sad for the Windsors. They are so hopelessly obsessed with Harry and at no point did Furness or anyone else ask themselves “why do we have this all-consuming interest in and fury for a man who left us five years ago?” Some highlights:

Life in Montecito: Gone is the royal duty; the engagements shaking hands with volunteers on a wet Wednesday back in Britain. But gone too are the palaces, the honorary military titles, and many of the old friends who would drag him down the pub or reminisce over their schooldays and Army escapades. Instead, there is Montecito. Walks on the beach, bike rides, school runs and jellyfish kites flown on the lawn. Flanked by security on the rare occasions he is seen in public, Prince Harry is in demand but under the radar. He works out, occasionally goes out for dinner, hosts new friends at his nine-bedroom home (complete with 16 bathrooms and a swimming pool).

A future in his own hands: The future, for the first time in his life, is Harry’s alone to decide. No longer under the eye of his hated palace officials, his path is his own to choose. “There is so much good work happening,” a member of their team has said. Prince Harry’s new circle is small but “amazing”, insists an ally, and Harry is “doing great”. Others, quoted in different Sunday newspapers, claim he’s an “angry boy” feeling “more and more isolated in California”. “Does he look like a man who is unhappy?” counters a separate source, citing recent smiling photographs of Harry and Meghan in Colombia. Never has one man been described so differently depending on who you speak to and what you read.

Harry doesn’t take Foreign Office advice! Not entirely unlike his royal tours of old in content, [the Colombia tour] was low on official handshakes and diplomacy but high on hugs, and scrapped the advice of the Foreign Office in favour of being personally hosted by the country’s vice-president. It caused bemusement in some quarters back in Britain, with the recurring theme of “why?”. The Sussexes’ new style of overseas tours is “embarrassing”, says a long-term royal observer. But the sole reporter who covered the Colombia trip for Harper’s Bazaar was won over, saying their “warmth and compassion” showed the “intentionality they bring to the way they use their platform”.

Harry’s day-to-day life: There is meditation (a 30-40-minute session each day, scheduled in to make sure it happens) and exercise (formerly at Barry’s Bootcamp in LA, more recently with personal trainers). He chats with his staff, enjoys the garden, marvels at the local birds, does the school run, and walks the dogs. He and the Duchess have been seen occasionally at local steakhouse Lucky’s and upmarket Italian restaurant Tre Lune. The friends they are seen with are high-powered: millionaires, billionaires, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs, producers. Harry has video calls with his team and some of his old charities, sometimes wearing sheepskin slippers under his desk as he works in a shared office with his wife.

The Sussexes’ neighbors are dying to socialize with them: “It’s paradise living here,” says Richard Mineards, a well-connected society columnist for the Montecito Journal who lives, he jokes, a “tiara’s toss” from them in the exclusive area of Riven Rock. “They live rather splendidly, it couldn’t be a nicer place. It’s a very wealthy community, we have a lot of people giving a lot of money to our cultural organisations as well as charities, but we don’t see them.” The couple are conspicuous, he added, for their security, particularly after first moving there during the pandemic: “We have got a lot of very rich and very famous people here, and none of them have a security retinue like the Sussexes. The community is waiting for them – they’re gnashing at the bit. The cachet of a Duke and Duchess!”

The royal status: There is no question that the Sussexes’ deals have come rolling in as a result of their former titles and status – one glance at their new website displays their full titles and a coat of arms, which looks remarkably regal to the untrained eye. But the site’s biography of Harry describes a “humanitarian, military veteran, mental health advocate, and environmental campaigner” with no mention of his birthright. “The people they work with and in the countries they seem to want to visit largely don’t know or care about the ins and outs of Harry leaving the working Royal family,” one source said. “They will always see him as the grandson of the Queen [Elizabeth II] or son of Diana. The technicalities of whether he’s an HRH… I don’t think it means much to ordinary people.”

The Windsors don’t even think about Harry! With Harry 5,000 miles away, the Royal family back home has been dealing with battles of its own. The illnesses of the King and Princess of Wales have focused minds in the palaces, with all energies – personal and professional – going towards keeping the show on the road and nursing the monarchy’s star players back to health. There is simply less time to ponder other dramas. While Prince William may once have dwelt on his relationship with his younger brother, one friend said, “his wife is the centre of his world. His father is ill. It brings things into focus”.

[From The Telegraph]

“The Sussexes’ new style of overseas tours is “embarrassing”, says a long-term royal observer.” As embarrassing as colonialist cosplay and getting fired live on television in Jamaica? As embarrassing as Camilla’s drunk ass not even getting out of the car in Kenya? What’s embarrassing the Windsors is that they were too jealous, short-sighted and petty to manage their brightest stars. Five years of trying to convince everyone that Harry is miserable, that he’ll come back eventually, that we don’t need Harry anyway. It’s all blown up in their faces.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “The Telegraph’s ‘Prince Harry at 40’ piece says more about Britain than Harry”

  1. swaz says:

    My husband hates it when I repeat myself 😜how can I get him a job with the British media, he would die 🤣🤣

  2. aquarius64 says:

    They left out Harry’s scheduled appearances in NYC, especially at the Clinton Global Initiative. It blows up the narrative.

  3. equality says:

    Palaces? What palace was he living in? They want him to be flat Harry. Most people have more than one emotion and more complex thought processes. I’m sure someone associated with so many initiatives and who has so many jobs is doing far more during the day. And notice there is no mention of spending time with his wife and children outside of school runs and going out? I like that people associate him with QE and Di with no mention of PW or KC. I bet the bigger association is Diana. Otherwise Ed would get far more admiration for QE association.

    • HeatherC says:

      Well, he lived near a palace so I’m sure that counts?

      Speaking of counting….back to the bathrooms again. Now, H&M have been in Montecito for years It is very possibly they’ve added or subtracted the number of bathrooms with any remodeling….what will the BM do with THAT potential information that I just made up?

    • curious says:

      How many bedrooms and bathrooms do W & K have . The BRF and BM seem to be obsessed with how many bathrooms there are supposed to be in Montecito. Do the BRF and the BM consider having bathrooms unusual ?

    • Eating Popcorn says:

      Let’s pretend he lived in a palace—did it have less than 16 bathrooms? If he goes out, he’s flanked by security—didn’t he have security when he went out to shake hands in the UK on rainy Wednesdays? I’m sure he misses hanging out with his friends in bar talking about the
      ‘good old days.’

  4. MsIam says:

    The only “embarrassment” is that felt by the Windsors in the UK. That and jealousy of course. If this article is trying to make the case for why Harry wants to or should come back, its once again failed miserably. Why would you want a person who admitted struggling with alcohol and substance abuse to go back to pub crawls and talking about the “good old days”? Freedom looks good on you Harry!

    • Agreatreckoning says:


      “Harry doesn’t take Foreign Office advice! Not entirely unlike his royal tours of old in content, [the Colombia tour] was low on official handshakes and diplomacy but high on hugs, and scrapped the advice of the Foreign Office in favour of being personally hosted by the country’s vice-president. It caused bemusement in some quarters back in Britain, with the recurring theme of “why?”. The Sussexes’ new style of overseas tours is “embarrassing”, says a long-term royal observer. But the sole reporter who covered the Colombia trip for Harper’s Bazaar was won over, saying their “warmth and compassion”.

      The Sussexes were welcomed and loved on their professional visits. When not so long ago, during the Wales Carribean Flop Tour, were fired live on video. I can’t even. It’s so funny. British Media media members are nutters.

  5. MrsCope says:

    That really is a sad (for them) piece. His life sounds amazing, balanced and rooted in what is important to him. And the article is right, no regular, schmegular person cares about the protocol and titles. My husband is 44 years old. He isn’t at the pubs and bars like he was in his 20s, but he finds adult, this stage in life appropriate for him ways to cut up and socialize. That’s not a knock on people who are still at the pub, it’s just to say that like @Snuffles was saying yesterday about frozen perception, the narrative of “loveable, aimless Harry and his blokes shutting down the pubs with shenanigans” persists as does the argument that the absence of that must mean he’s miserable. Which any maturing adult would tell you is nonsense. But go awf, British tabs.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Frozen perception is an absolutely astute observation. And because they are stenographers and not actually journalists they can’t change course. Harry is the slightly dim, party animal, who’s unlucky in love and William is the steady, intelligent, faithful older brother. That’s why they want to see Lili and Archie so badly. They want to create a persona that they attach to them and will refuse to change for the next 50 years regardless of the difference between a five-year-old and a 45 year old. Look at what they’ve already done to the Wales kids.

      • windyriver says:

        I’d say the complement to frozen perception, maybe the reason it exists, is because there are frozen people – William being exhibit A. Those who are so securely rooted in their elevated status, their financial position enabling a lifetime of worry free living with every comfort available. Without a central interest or passion discovered along the way, these are the people who really do end up stuck, looking wistfully back to a past life of fun “shutting down pubs with shenanigans.” Most likely a fair number of people in William and Harry’s “set”, and I’d include most all the other royals in this as well. What they do, ribbon cutting, making appearances, photo ops interspersed by vacations and free time at their discretion – isn’t work, it’s busywork. To all of them, Harry, who’s developing a focused, productive life dedicated to changing the world around him for the better – is a unicorn, and they don’t get it.

    • Angied says:

      People need to realize that you don’t mingle with these high powered people by being or acting like a college kid on a pub crawl. These are serious people who have mad the millions and billions by dedicated hard work. They have no use for light weights. If they are donating money to your charities they will make sure that your charity is sound. Prince Harry is soon to be 40 and is not a teenager. This man has children and wants to set an example for them as how to live your life with integrity and give back to society. Personally I feel he has outgrown his family and William in all his endeavors. They really need to accept that he is gone and get on with their lives. Unfortunately from the constant briefing to the media it sounds like they haven’t.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        If the BRF were an ordinary family without constant access to the UK press to use as a cudgel, to continue to triangulate their abuse of Harry… No contact would have been easier to achieve for Harry. He’s going to move on regardless; but if the BRF weren’t in the position they’re in, without the sycophantic parasocial relationship with the press to call upon, the BRF would have been forced to accept that there’s no going back, and that they need to move on as well.

        The press delights in keeping the wounds open on both sides, because their money is in continuing to foment conflict in the family and report on it. Cut them out of it and everything becomes much simpler. Which is why the Sussexes continue to pay the UK media circus nothing but dust.

      • Christine says:

        Harry and Meghan really have completely confounded these people. They cannot fathom why they aren’t getting a reaction, since the royal family historically has briefed them about every single thing. They are all reaction, no action.

        I have so much admiration for the Sussexes, they really have figured out how to make the rota and “royals” bonkers. They all look insane, it’s WILD that this is the modern British monarchy.

    • Becks1 says:

      I like how they’re trying to make his life sound like some sort of huge step down and instead….it sounds pretty great? He bikes, he goes to the beach, he is able to do the hallowed school run while also working, he’s in charge of his life and can do what he wants with his influence and organizations.

      Like…..the problem is for the royal family and the british media, because the rest of us think that sounds pretty amazing.

      • lanne says:

        A forty year old father falling out of nightclubs isn’t endearing and sweet–it’s sad and pathetic. It’s incredible to me that they want him to reject the amazing life he has to come back and act like a twenty something holligan into middle age. Who on earth would choose to leave a great life or a shitty one? I don’t think any of the writers of this drivel would do so themselves? “Degrade your life for my benefit”: no one would do this. Harry has never been a human being to them. The headlines should read: “British Media and royal family shocked that man wants to live an indepedent life on his own terms.”

      • Nic919 says:

        I think what the press wants to say but can’t is that William is still living that pub bro life but gets coverage from the court stenographers.

        William is the one who looks miserable and trying with his struggle beard.

  6. s808 says:

    This is really sad. Just an insane amount of coping in these words. They fumbled Harry and the full effects of that have yet to be seen.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    This just reads like I don’t know what this person is doing and they don’t have to tell me so I’m having a tantrum. I will agree with one point she made though
    ” Never has one man been described so differently depending on who you speak to and what you read.” I just don’t think she realized the actual point there. People that “knew” Harry 15 years ago, can’t provide insight into his life and happiness now, and basically saying the people that knew him over a decade ago are right and the people that know him right now don’t really have an accurate view of how he feels is just silly. Accept it, you never really knew this guy and for those who thought that they did he’s changed and grown up stop trying to make him the person he was 20 years ago.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    “The future, for the first time in his life, is Harry’s alone to decide…his path is his own to choose.” And this is a bad thing why? It’s bad for the Windsors that their most popular family member has escaped. But for Harry and the family he has made everything is truly coming up roses. That is what has them shook and why they can’t quit him. The British monarchy without Harry and his charismatic wife is shrinking into oblivion. The left behinds can’t save it and may even be hastening its demise. So the royals and their sycophants are obsessed with all things Harry.

  9. lanne says:

    All the Windsors think/talk about is Harry. All the media talks about is Harry. harry is the most important British man not living in the UK, according to media attention alone. He and Meghan ARE the royal family. That’s the problem–the Windsors hiding in their palaces are the left behind ones. Queen Elizabeth said she had to be seen to be believed. Which royals have been “seen” globally in any significant way in the past two years? The Sussexes!! And they even had the grace/the circumstances to disappear for a while due to the pandemic and to refocus themselves and heal. The fact that the Wales can’t get their act together (even if Kate’s intermittent cancer is real, William isn’t the first person to have a spouse with cancer and needing to carry on) has no standing on what the Sussexes do now. The royals want it both ways: the want the Sussexes out of the royal family, and they still want the Sussexes to be bound to their archaic rules.

    Why the hell won’t the media in the UK call this out? Why do they insist on acting as if Harry is some kind of Prodigal Son limping his way home in sackcloth and ashes? Why doesn’t the Guardian call this out, for heaven’s sake? Is no one minding Brand Britain over there? No one cares that the media insults countries that the government may need the royals to visit someday? That they keep insulting the Americans they need for their global standing? The British royal family and their media minions are a joke.

    • Christine says:

      It’s so crazy to me that there seems to be some sort of collective hysteria going on, and it’s about HARRY. Do none of these people see that Brand Britain has been irreparably damaged, especially in the last two years?

      It’s never going to be what it was when QEII was young and she and Philip could swan around on months-long tours, dazzling everyone. That is never coming back, no matter how much you idealized that time. Instead of facing the truth, they keep bleating about the most successful members of the family, by far. It’s not even close!

  10. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan is gone and Harry chose his wife and child over them. Pretty obvious from each narrative written they wish he was there, they wish he would return. They refuse to accept his words he is building a life in the United Staes and will not be returning as a Royal for the UK.. it is embarrassing watching those rats try to go over his new life when they have zero clues, just speculations or tid bits from what was shared in their docudrama.

    From what can be seen, Harry and Meghan are busy , being invited to other countries, being invited as participants in conferences all while living their best lives and dreams far away from the chaos of his birth family. This is all too much for those gutter rats to bear. Therefore, they create scenarios featuring him begging to come back. I do not believe these rats will ever be at the acceptance stage of their grief/regret.

  11. Ariel says:

    The great thing is- and I can only judge from the excerpts shown here, is that in spite of itself, the article paints a picture of him as happy and successful.

    They want him to be miserable so badly.

    Love the missing context in the security quote from the “neighbor”
    You know, about both right wing violent threats against them and their children and the fact that some of the c/m security is specifically b/c the British press seemingly had no boundaries including safety and law.

    Yeah, we’ve all had a friend obsessed with a guy that left- and at the five year mark – you have to say / I can’t take you talking about this anymore- go to therapy !!!!

  12. B says:

    Sometimes I think of what Meghan said in the Harry and Meghan doc. She said there is space on a newspaper or website that has to be filled and if they can’t report on one royal they will fill it with another. Its partly to distract but also because they have to fill column inches.

    I think of that when I remember Harry is turning 40 and William probably wants to distract from the fact that Harry has become a power player and is more impressive than him. I think of that when I realize the firm probably want to district from Charles and William getting exorbitant pay raises while the government is cutting social services.

    Harry is turning 40 soon. His media lawsuits and the mental unwellness of the royals, courtiers and press pack have ensured that he remains the most high profile and consequential public figure of the UK.

  13. JENNIFER says:

    The biggest lie in that whole embarrassment of an article is that the windsors don’t think about him.
    The windsors whole existence is centred around him.
    Without him, they’re irrelevant and we would’ve have long forgotten that Kate allegedly has cancer.
    Or that Charles is king or alive.
    Their daily briefings against him, makes Hannah Furnes a liar and a hack.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Who was the so-called “Balmoral Summit” about? The Windsors entire existence, is what to do about the Sussexes. Every media meltdown on all things Harry and Meghan emanates directly from the Firm.

  14. Tessa says:

    They knock harry and Meghan having titles and using them. Yet long divorced ferg ie uses her title to plug her books and business promotions.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Let’s be clear on the facts. Neither Harry and Meghan, nor Fergie, are using their “Titles”. I placed titles in quotes because what most people believe to be the title is not it at all. “Duke and Duchess of Sussex” and “Duchess of York” is not the title. It’s their names. The title is “His or her Royal Highness.” Fergie lost hers upon divorcing from Andrew (more on this later), and Harry and Meghan retained theirs upon stepping back as working royals, but have adhered to the agreement not to use the title — presumably in business ventures.

      Now, more on Fergie’s title. I haven’t confirmed it, but it’s been said that she lost the title ONLY after Diana’s was removed, upon her divorce from Charles, as a form of punishment. But to avoid criticism, the Queen later removed Fergie’s. Also, because of the divorce, Fergie is referred to as “Fergie, Duchess of York,” and not “Fergie, THE Duchess of York.” Regardless, to locate the true double standard, take a gander at that R-cist, narcissist “Princess” Michael of Kent, who gets away with placing her “HRH” on her children books. Or Lord Snowden (Margarette’s son), who uses his to sell furniture.

  15. Jais says:

    Well, the part about most of the world not caring about the technicalities of whether or not he’s an HRH is correct.

  16. Ciotog says:

    A lot of emphasis on titles here.

  17. Jan says:

    So happy that they have their own friends, and that Society Journalist is not one of them, he is looking for scraps.
    Since they’re no leaks from Montecito, this tabloid writer is using the dogs and children as filler for this article.
    Security will be on high alert for the UN week, so the British Liars will be scrambling all over city.

  18. kirk says:

    Isn’t Mineards that transplanted British journalist? The only named source in the piece is one of their own.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Yes. Richard Mineards used to cover the BRF for decades. He worked for the Mirror Group and the Fail. I don’t believe he’s ever written a positive piece about H&M. Which, throws out any objectivity. Dude is complaining about the privacy/security in SB/Montecito, yet, lives there. What made him decide to live there? Privacy?

      Quoting Richard Mineards is a choice. A dumbass one. That’s all Hannah Furness has to work

  19. Amy Bee says:

    This piece is embarrassing. Hannah Furness knows absolutely nothing about Harry’s life. She just referenced old articles, paparazzi photos, scenes from Harry’s documentaries to discuss Harry’s life now.

    • It’s cracking me up that she actually included that Harry “marvels at the local birds” while describing his supposed day to day life….it’s so obvious that she and her ilk are just mining info from H&M’s docuseries and interviews, while trying to pass it off as their own inside scoop. Also had to make sure to throw in the number of bathrooms, which miraculously seem to multiply with each article. What sad and pathetic people they are.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Even this detail: “Harry has video calls with his team and some of his old charities, sometimes wearing sheepskin slippers under his desk as he works in a shared office with his wife.”

      Yeah, we ALL saw that video.

      There is absolutely no new reporting here.

  20. maisie says:

    this is effing hilarious IMO. the way they describe the life he’d have in Britain isn’t a thing I’d wish on anyone. OTOH, the way the description of his life in Montecito-who wouldn’t want that. Holy hell.

  21. Lau says:

    Do they have somebody hidden in the bushes around the Sussexes’ home to know his daily schedule so well or what ?
    Also I just realize that one day Prince George is going to be a teenager and read an endless list of headlines talking about his father’s brother/spare talking as if he were higher than him in the line of succession. It will not be a boost for his confidence that’s for sure.

  22. Agnes says:

    We can all surmise that something bad is up with Kate and Egg again, they are never NOT going to default to talking smack about Harry when those two dimwits are reverting to form.

  23. Eurydice says:

    This piece seems to contain a lot of envy – a peaceful life with his family, a beautiful home and location, new friends, working with his wife, being loved by the public for who he is instead of his titles, super low contact with the RF.

    I don’t think this writer could possibly know the details of Harry’s life, but she could easily surmise all this from existing articles.

    • Nanea says:

      Hannah Furness could have done some *detailed* researching for that article of hers.

      Again trying to sell the fiction that somehow Montecito and LA are right next to each other — by name checking that LA gym, when it’s at least 2 hours in each direction.

      The funny thing for me is that they all never mention that Harry has a day job, Better Up — even if it’s not 9 to 5. Or all the work he does with projects like Invictus behind the scenes, plus having their own foundation, Archwell. And she also doesn’t mention all the initiatives that Archewell is coordinating, e.g. the new children’s mental health/internet safety project.

      • Eurydice says:

        This is RF propaganda. They’re paid to make Harry look bad, not highlight his projects and accomplishments. And the whole point is to keep up the fiction that being part of the RF is the pinnacle of success.

  24. Kelsey says:

    “The technicalities of whether he’s an HRH… I don’t think it means much to ordinary people.”

    Boom. It doesn’t. Now leave him and his beautiful wife and kids alone.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      This! I like Harry & Meghan. Individuals who want to make the world a better place-proactively. Kind of don’t care about titles. Love Madame Duchess.

      I’ll say, the one title they can’t strip from Harry, from Michael K., “Hot Harry on a Horse.”.

  25. L4Frimaire says:

    A lot of what’s in this article of their day to day life is lifted directly from the Harry and Meghan docuseries , the Cut article, and paparazzi sightings of them out in Montecito. Harry seems happy and is certainly busy and working with purpose. If he isn’t happy, that’s on him too. I don’t think reminiscing about school and the army seems like something that describes a content and purposeful life. It’s backwards looking. As for palaces, he didn’t live in them like the court of Versailles, but was adjacent to them and there for working royal duties.Harry’s happiness or misery isn’t their concern, as much as they try to influence it.They wanted Meghan miserable in England, made sure of it. They didn’t care that his wife miscarried in the states either and that they continually attack them. Being monitored and viciously gossiped by them daily in the UK while cutting ribbons isn’t exactly the path to a purpose driven life.

  26. Saucy&Sassy says:

    ” Richard Mineards, a well-connected society columnist for the Montecito Journal”. Isn’t he British and has lived in Montecito for years now? Is he well-connected? And this: “none of them have a security retinue like the Sussexes”. Ah, they can’t sneak up on their home, huh? Instead, they continue to complain, lie and engender hate. Of course, the Sussexes have a strong security force. Between the brf and bm, they need all of the security they can get.

    • kirk says:

      He’s “well connected” to the Brittabloids from which he sprang doing the Holy Royal Highhats beat. Now gossips in US for a living. Tries to resurrect his former royal rota life by reporting on BRFCo for SoCal. Obviously outed himself as a Sussex stalker here.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Went to NOrthampton Grammar school.

  27. Thelma says:

    This is such a pathetic article. I can’t get over how obsessed the royal family and British media is with Harry. It’s crazy. If Harry and Meghan are as unimportant as they claim, WHY ARE THEY CONSTANTLY WRITING ABOUT THEM AND FOLLOWING THEIR EVERY MOVEMENT???!!! Harry has done so much with his life at 40. The comparison with lazy William who is the heir is striking and not favorable to William at all.

  28. EvaW says:

    These fools have NO idea what Harry’s day to day is like. He has rightfully shut the door to their access. The article, their fascination/obsession with him is absolutely psychotic. It has been FIVE YEARS since Harry was forced to leave the UK, yet by far, he is the most written about Royal. Tells you something. Im enjoying watching the Monarchy burn. Just today, “Kate” tweeted and the Daily Mail wrote “KATE IS BACK!” They wish! Watching the Monarchy and the Brit media thrash about is amazing to watch.

    • Christine says:

      That’s actually the huge problem for them, that they are ignoring. We are to the point where no one cares if Kate comes back or not.

  29. AC says:

    Thanks for summarizing Kaiser as I didn’t want to read their bullsh$&t in their own words.
    It goes back to what I said yesterday, they’re in denial that Harry is Very successful and Very happy outside the UK, and they need to justify to themselves that he’s miserable because in reality they’re the ones who are miserable. They’re the ones that are stagnant and on the cusp of being obsoleted.
    You don’t even need words , their own actions prove they’re miserable in that salty island. The fact these people keep whining and complaining about it shows they’re the ones Venting about themselves 😆.

  30. blunt talker says:

    Harry and Meghan have done fairly well considering the situation they left in the UK over 4 years-I admire their courage. their strength, and their encouraging demeanors-Harry has grown in leaps and bounds to become the human being he is today-he is setting an example for his children-what children would not be filled with glee to have strong and mannerable parents as Harry and Meghan-God has shown them a more positive pathway and may God continue to show them and protect them from evil and hateful persons-God bless and keep the Sussex family safe.

  31. Bad Janet says:

    Tell me the author is a status seeking social climber without telling me. The cache of a duke and duchess…. GMAFB. It seems to blow their minds that we don’t care and aren’t impressed by birth titles. I don’t believe they can conceive that Harry doesn’t really care either, except that the push to take his title symbolizes the royal family’s rejection of HIS family. This reeks of “Meghan would die to see the inside of Grosvenor estate!” …. Only if she was impressed by titles and aristocracy, like the author.

  32. Normades says:

    Even when trying to neg him the article pretty much says he has an awesome life. Oh so sad for Harry bird watching in a gorgeous Californian mansion with his wife and kids who he adores.

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