Eden: Prince William & Harry will never reconcile, which makes it worse than Oasis

There have been at least four major articles or columns in the British media comparing the Oasis reunion to the situation between Prince William and Prince Harry. It reminds me of something I’ve long believed: these people are idiots with no imagination, and they are extremely limited in every way, especially in how they strain to draw historical connections. They’ve been comparing Harry to King Edward VIII for years and now suddenly Harry is Liam Gallagher. Well, Richard Eden has jumped aboard the “f–k it, let’s compare them to Oasis” train. The Mail columnist was apparently tasked with reiterating the new talking point that Harry was absolutely the one leaking HIS comeback plans to the Mail (lol) and that William and Kate expect an apology from Harry and Meghan. Dear Maureen: are you not tired?

The much-heralded reunion of Oasis rock stars Noel and Liam Gallagher has led to numerous calls for an even more prominent pair of estranged brothers to ‘get the band back together’. While the Mancunian musicians are due to play for the money, Princes William and Harry would be performing together on the world stage for the good of the Monarchy, or so the argument goes.

Those calling for King Charles’s sons to use the Gallaghers as a model for fraternal reconciliation, have, however, conveniently overlooked two key factors that have been stressed to me during conversations over the past week with courtiers and royal pals. Firstly, the Gallagher rapprochement was agreed only, it is said, because of Noel’s separation from his second wife, Sara MacDonald. The PR executive was widely thought to have stood in the way of any Oasis reunion. She and irascible Liam had clashed repeatedly over the years, with Liam even comparing her and his brother, at one point, to being ‘like Fred and Rose West’.

Harry, by contrast, remains happily married to Meghan. Although the American former actress has not compared William and the Princess of Wales to serial killers, she has publicly claimed Catherine made her cry and accused unnamed royals of being racists. The accused were later identified by Meghan’s cheerleader Omid Scobie as Catherine and the King.

The second overlooked factor is that Noel publicly traded insults with his brother for years, calling him, for example, ‘the angriest man you’ll ever meet’. Noel added of the singer: ‘He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.’ By contrast, William, like his wife, has refused to be drawn into a slanging match with his brother that would be unbecoming of a future King. We have only caught glimpses of his anger at the insults to which he has been subjected from across the Atlantic.

Harry’s attendance at the memorial service in Norfolk for his uncle Lord (Robert) Fellowes last week, who died in July aged 82, was the first time that he has been at the same event as his brother since 2022. Although fellow mourners said the brothers did not speak to each other at St Mary’s Church in Snettisham, their attendance has provoked much speculation about a reconciliation between the pair. However, not one of the friends or courtiers I spoke to this week thought that would happen, at least not in the near future.

‘There will be no reunion until Harry and Meghan apologise to their Royal Highnesses for everything they have said,’ one former courtier told me. ‘And there is no sign that is likely.’

A friend of the royals told me: ‘It’s hard to see a reconciliation. How could there be when William and Catherine have the justifiable fear that anything they say could appear in a future book or be repeated in a TV programme.’

In a reference to Catherine, who has been undergoing treatment for an unnamed form of cancer, a pal of William told me: ‘There is one member of the family who William is keen to see returning to public engagements – and it’s not Harry.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“How could there be when William and Catherine have the justifiable fear that anything they say could appear in a future book or be repeated in a TV programme.” And how could Harry try to reach out to his brother without an angry egg screaming down the phone at multiple royal reporters about how he’s still furious at Harry? Again, William’s fingerprints are all over the years of lies, smears, slander and hate directed at the Sussexes across the British media (and even some American outlets). Just because William isn’t quoted directly, doesn’t mean he’s not the source. Harry made a quick dash to see Charles back in February and William briefed his hate far and wide even though Harry made zero move to see or speak to him. Anyway, long story short, this is all just KP-British media closed-loop communications.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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50 Responses to “Eden: Prince William & Harry will never reconcile, which makes it worse than Oasis”

  1. Jan says:

    OK! the brothers are not to reconcile, the END.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Fundamentally it’s between Harry & 🥚.
      Maureen is just the UK version of Gladys Kravitz. He should mind Tim Wolz’s admonition to


    • Agreatreckoning says:

      “A friend of the royals told me: ‘It’s hard to see a reconciliation. How could there be when William and Catherine have the justifiable fear that anything they say could appear in a future book or be repeated in a TV programme.’.”.

      How ’bout, Harry & Meghan could never trust W&K when they sent Jason Knauff out to smear them and Willy decided/allowed Christian Joneses partner to be paid by Dan Wootton to leak so many stories and untruths. The BRF/KP CHOSE to protect an aide over a Prince & his wife who served them well. H&M’s security was pulled, not due to financials, due to Harry moving forth with his lawsuits.

      We have an absolutely adorable couple that are customers. He’s from Scotland. She’s English with a Scot parent. An aside, they’re in the late 70’s and walk 2 miles every day. IN AWE. (We actually have a few customers in this combination)

      They are very eloquent and careful with words. Basically, they don’t care about the monarchy/BRF and don’t begrudge anyone improving their life. As Malcom said, we moved here for a reason. The nicest thing I can say is that Richard/Maureen/rotas need to take a slow walk in Death Valley.

  2. aquarius64 says:

    I’m sorry but William and Kate who are stuck and pathetic. KP knows the Waleses’ reputations took a massive hit thanks to Spare and mostly the BM. Churning out the Waleses are the victims angle makes them look more guilty.

  3. Nic919 says:

    Crygate was Kate heading to the media and lying about a private matter. No one could have possibly known about Kate yelling about bridesmaids dresses unless she or someone close to her would have said anything. It’s not like Harry or Meghan would have ever gone to the media to expose a story made to make Meghan look bad.

    • Jais says:

      That’s really the truth. Meghan would never have said a word about it except for the fact that Kate and her mom shared the story but in the reverse. The story that Meghan made Kate cry went on for two years. How dare Meghan correct it? /s

    • Becks1 says:

      They very conveniently forget that part of it, that the story was out there for years from Kate before Meghan corrected it.

  4. Jais says:

    I’m sorry. This is funny bc it doesn’t even make William and Kate sound good. So Meghan didn’t accuse them of being serial killers. As Eden says, all Meghan did was say that Kate made her cry and had concerns about the color of her baby. Ummm. That makes Meghan sound understandable and Kate sound like a deeply unpleasant person.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right?!!? Not serial killers, but Meghan said Kate made her cry and that’s pretty much the same thing!!!!

    • Nic919 says:

      Meghan corrected a story about a private matter that Kate made public and twisted for her own benefit. The same story that accelerated the angry black woman trope used against Meghan because she allegedly made a white Karen cry.

      If Kate doesn’t hit the media months after the incident happens to try and slag Meghan, does the media go as low as they did?

      That’s what Eden fails to address.

    • windyriver says:

      Just to clarify, Meghan did NOT say it was Kate who had concerns about the color of her baby. The names of whoever made that remark were connected with Kate and Charles via whatever went on with Omid’s Dutch version of Endgame.

      My recollection is, Meghan said there were “concerns” about the issue, but from what she said, I don’t believe those concerns were expressed directly to her, but instead to Harry. And didn’t he tell Oprah, he wasn’t going to give further details, because it would be damaging to the person (s) who made the comments?

      • sunnyside up says:

        Yes I agree, they didn’t name Kate it was Omid but what he said didn’t really tally with what Meghan and Harry said, making it look as if there was more than one incident, Someone asking Harry about the colour was what they talked about and the King and Kate having a discussion what what Omid talked about. The other bit that makes a mockery of Meghan making Kate cry is of course Kate giving flowers to Meghan to apologise. I read about that at the time of the incident, long before Oprah. The daft thing is, if the incident had been left alone at that stage it would all be long forgotten it was the later lie that will put it in the history books. I don’t know who changed the story but they did no favours to Kate by accusing Meghan.

      • Tessa says:

        Piers named names. The Dutch copies with the error should have been destroyed.

    • Jais says:

      This is true @windyriver. Meghan has never said it was Kate. Technically, Piers Morgan told everybody after the Dutch translation debacle. And now Eden makes it sound like Meghan said it when she didn’t.

  5. Eurydice says:

    I think these royal reporters get together in a pub every so often to invent what will be the next angle. Then they draw lots to see who gets to write the story first, second, third, and so on…

    • PC says:

      All Eden needs to do is change the date and add a few antidotes to his articles. It’s the same old story each and every time. Furthermore, I thought Jeremy Clarkson was the “Rose West” authority.

    • Magdalena says:

      They don’t need to go to a pub. It has already been reported that all these fake journalists are in a WhatsApp group with the spokesman at Kensington Palace and when HE pushes stories to them, they swallow the narratives without question, AND they don’t say “a Kensington Palace spokesman” or give the name of the spokesman, they use “royal source” or “source close to…”. A truly venal lot… including the cowardly spokesman.

  6. Interested Gawker says:

    “justifiable fear”

    They always telegraph the truth. Yes the behaviour they showed H&M reflects so badly upon WanK in their opinion even speaking in generalities about H&M’s point of view is akin to breaking Omertà. They know H&M could have said so much more and that any of it coming to light would be terrible for both KP and the groveling, lying propagandists in the BM like this Eden joker.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    William and Kate are the villains here not Harry and Meghan. All they did was respond to the many years of smears and abuse done by William, Kate and their staff.

  8. JMoney says:

    One thing that isn’t referenced enough on royal media coverage on either side of the pond is that the monarch never had/s good relationships with any of their sibling(s). Not Queen Elizabeth, not Charles or Billy bc of the unequal/unjust hierarchy. By default it fractures relationships I mean how can it not? Sure Charles gets along well with Anne but they aren’t close whatsoever. Therefore Harry and Billy not speaking isn’t too surprising, the only difference is Harry lives overseas which makes it easier to cut ppl out. I suspect had Harry married a British woman and lived in the UK they wouldn’t be close whatsoever (most likely estranged in all but name) bc of the inevitable leaks/hell they would’ve been put through.

  9. Tina says:

    Ok I’ve just skimmed the headlines today but honestly the last week of reporting out of the UK (and other right wing papers) is just bonkers. I cannot get over that 5 years later they are still doing this and don’t realize that all of this nonsense blows back on them as well. They look absolutely ridiculous and so petty. How the heck is the UK going to put on the Invictus Games when Harry stepping foot in the country (and not even being seen on camera) has set them all into this tizzy? We get it they all hate Harry. They won’t ever speak to Harry again. They hate Meghan even more. ARGH just stop!

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah I don’t understand how/how long they plan to keep this up. Are the really going to do this until they retire? The next 15 years? By the time the Invictus games in Birmingham happens that five month old baby that they left with will be a second grader and that little girl that didn’t exist will be a kindergartener and they still are going to be talking about who was snubbed, who’s humiliated, who’s unpopular? It’s just boring at this point and increasingly unhinged at the most miniscule things.

      • Christine says:

        I agree, this is just pathetic. Move on.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        They will attack the Sussex for as long as they live. They’ll attack teenage Archie and Lili and adult Archie and Lili. Meghan and Harry know that. They’ll follow all their steps and relationships. It’s heartbreaking for them. With Chuck gone, William will never stop his revenge. Revenge is his name.

  10. sueinorleans says:

    Another day another story that they think makes Harry and Meghan look bad but really, really doesn’t. Have they no one who can tell them that all these endless stories about how William will never forgive Harry make him look like a petulant child? Such a good look for a future monarch.

    • Chrissy says:

      Especially for someone in his Forties! It makes him look like an overgrown toddler: screaming, stamping his feet and throwing things!

  11. Nanea says:

    Why would H&M ever say they’re sorry for the abuse hurled at them by the Incandescent Bully and his racist wife.

    The people who continue to lie are the Left-Behinds. Meghan has mentioned she has receipts, which I think is the reason why the 3 Wicked Witches of Windsor and their useless husbands never said that H&M lied, only that they were hurt by the (truthful) revelations that made *them* look bad.

    Charles cut them off, Harry’s brother tossed his toys out of the pram and Harry too — but the 🐀🐀🐀 expect H&M to make a move? How delusional can they all (RF and BM) be?

  12. Lady Digby says:

    Amused by the reference to FK being keen to see the keenest return to front line duties! This is a big reach for someone as dumb as Maureen but really the Firm need FK and FQ to reconcile and “share” work duties to preserve the monarchy if KC’s reign is going to be short? But first FK needs to reconcile himself to being king on a FT basis. No one is expecting him to dance on hot coals just turn up to work regularly and be pleasant whilst thanking others for THEIR hard work. He’s spent 42 years hoovering up titles, medals, houses, duchy down, fawning press and best free seats to watch men’s sports and in return he has to reconcile to a little light kinging.

  13. Cali says:

    The only thing remotely legit thing about this story is that Harry and Liam are the better looking brothers.

    • Sandra says:

      Harry and Liam are also both the younger brothers to cantankerous men.
      But at least Noel Gallagher has an actual talent and job to have earned his fortune unlike Incandescent Will.

  14. Sue says:

    Team Liam and Team Harry

  15. Harla says:

    Oh my god, this is all so boring. I’m just looking forward to Meghan’s next appearance or Archewell’s next partnership.

  16. Jaded says:

    Jealousy thy name is William Wales. Ironic that this latest salvo of bile from Maureen comes sharp on the heels of Harry’s involvement with the very important 2024 Clinton Global Initiative Speech//MAN OF POWER event while Willbur can’t even show up for EarthShite. Give up while you’re behind baldy, you’ll never win this race.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It seems daft not to go when perhaps it is the best thing that William has ever done, even if he actually does nothing about it. He just throws it away. Mind you he looks like a real hypocrite, going everywhere in a helicopter.

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    Does Peggy do any thing besides brief the rags and rota about how much he hates his brother and will never forgive him? What a useless human being he is… maybe they should cut the Royal funds off when they do away with hereditary House of Lords. It would benefit the country more if they didn’t have to support this lazy entitled and ungrateful family with their tax money that would be better spent elsewhere like the NHS. It’s been five years and it nothing has changed with these people.

  18. Ocean Girl says:

    In my own life, I have had to end relationships with family members because of something they did to me. Yet, a sibling talks to me about forgiving them. I wonder if she talks to them about apologizing?

    So, those relationships are over–toxic people I don’t need in my life. Seems like Harry and Meghan have done the same. More power to them!

  19. therese says:

    Obviously, though, William’s estrangement and machinations against his brother have made him a happier man. You can see it in his face.

  20. Tessa says:

    Kate had a nerve to try to take over Meghan s wedding.

    • therese says:

      This is how a stupid girl goes along with everyone else. Now, what she should have done was study under the Camilla School of This Is How to be a Real Bitch.

  21. BeanieBean says:

    ??? “How could there be when William and Catherine have the justifiable fear that anything they say could appear in a future book or be repeated in a TV programme.” As written by gazillion of rota rats. Jeez Louise, do these people have no self-awareness?

  22. bisynaptic says:

    “By contrast, William, like his wife, has refused to be drawn into a slanging match with his brother that would be unbecoming of a future King.”

  23. TheOriginalMia says:

    Harry isn’t apologizing to W&K and he would never ask Meghan to either. Since Harry’s complete submission is the price for William’s forgiveness, there will never be a reconciliation.

  24. Lavendel says:

    It’s just a manipulative, old-fashioned and primitive attempt to place these words “two rock stars” to tell their cult that both brothers have the charisma of stars. Nobody would find it necessary to call the King of Spain or the King of the Netherlands “rock stars”. They are kings, that’s enough. And – having a whole huge apparatus of officials behind them, not having to lift a finger themselves, makes fame easy for heirs. Even without any real personal achievement, even without any connection to work and people. How would he convince a group of young people – credibly and without jokes – who ask him what is so great about the monarchy in contrast to other modern forms of government and what he loves about his inherited role?

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