JD Vance: America’s school shootings are a ‘fact of life’ & gun control won’t help

There was another school shooting this week, which was the first week of school for many American kids. A 14-year-old with an AR-style weapon murdered four people at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. Two students and two teachers are dead, the shooter is in custody, and the authorities have also arrested the shooter’s father. First and foremost, we need another ban on assault-weapons. There is no reason for anyone – especially a 14-year-old – to have access to an AR-15. The shooter’s father apparently gave the weapon to his son as a gift, terrifyingly enough (and an explanation for why the father has been arrested). All of this is a tragic backstory for JD Vance’s latest political masterstroke: telling an audience in Arizona that school shootings are a fact of life.

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance said Thursday that he lamented that school shootings are a “fact of life” and argued the U.S. needs to harden security to prevent more carnage like the shooting this week that left four dead in Georgia.

“If these psychos are going to go after our kids we’ve got to be prepared for it,” Vance said at a rally in Phoenix. “We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in. We’ve got to deal with it.”

The Ohio senator was asked by a journalist what can be done to stop school shootings. He said further restricting access to guns, as many Democrats advocate, won’t end them, noting they happen in states with both lax and strict gun laws. He touted efforts in Congress to give schools more money for security.

“I don’t like that this is a fact of life,” Vance said. “But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We’ve got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children they’re not able.”

Vance said he doesn’t like the idea of his own kids going to a school with hardened security, “but that’s increasingly the reality that we live in.”

[From AP]

“These psychos” = a 14-year-old who was on the authorities’ radar for months, who was gifted a weapon of war by his father. Instead of shrugging and saying what amounts to “it is what it is,” perhaps some common-sense gun laws would be more effective? It’s also pathetic because after that Republican shot up Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally in July, both Trump and Vance are doing their stump speeches behind walls of bulletproof plexiglass, like the late, great Hannibal Lector.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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94 Responses to “JD Vance: America’s school shootings are a ‘fact of life’ & gun control won’t help”

  1. Ciotog says:

    Mass shootings are in fact far more likely to occur in states with lax gun laws. I’m pretty sure that’s what the statistics show.

    • girl_ninja says:

      He and his ilk only believe in thoughts and prayers, not statistics or any actual studies that deter gun violence.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      “Strict” gun laws in the US is an oxymoron. SCOTUS has ensured that no states can actually enact strict gun laws. However, if you compare the US to countries that actually do have strict gun laws, you do indeed see that school shootings are not in fact a way of life. They are a way of life *in the United States.* Because the gun lobby has spent years lobbying Congress and making gun owners feel victimized, so that they will literally fight harder to protect their gun rights than they will to protect their own children.

      • Anna Nonymous says:

        Thank you! Well put! Why are guns more important than our children? How is unfettered Access to guns more important than the lives of kids? Guns are NOT more important than the lives of our children! Why is this a new concept in America? Why are we not shouting this from the rooftops? Your access to assault style weapons is not more important than the lives of our children in schools. It’s really very simple. The Republicans have been the handmaidens of the NRA, carrying out it’s evil bidding. Our country’s gun laws have wrought a twisted nightmare! This is wrong people! We accept the bodies of our dead school babies as a fair trade for anyone being able to own an assault style weapon. This is insanity. We must must must pass common sense gun laws!

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        THIS. New York had a strict concealed carry gun law for 100 years. The Supreme Court struck it down in 2022. ‘States rights’ apparently don’t apply when a state wants to limit gun use,

      • Ciotog says:

        That is absolutely the case. It’s also the case that gun laws still vary from state to state, and states with laxer laws have more shootings (including accidental and suicidal shootings as well as homicidal ones).

      • Megan says:

        It is a law in this country that children must be educated. If you can afford and are capable of home schooling, which very few families are, all children must attend school. The idea that children are not fully protected from gun violence in a place where they are legally required to be is an outrage.

        Guns are the problem. While hardening this school did save lives, it didn’t save every life and that just isn’t acceptable. How does JD Vance intend to get money to schools when Project 25 shuts down the Department of Education?

      • Becks1 says:

        It reminds me of the scene from West Wing, at the beginning of Season 2 – In the Shadow of Two Gunmen – when there is an assassination attempt – and CJ (the press secretary) mentions all the other people who were victims of gun violence in the same 24 hours and says something like “and if you think any of these people would be alive if they had a gun, I’ll remind you the President of the United States was shot while surrounded by the best armed guards the world has ever known” or something along those lines.

        Increasing security at the schools is not the answer.

      • Blithe says:

        @Megan, laws can be challenged —and changed. “When” Project 2025 shuts down the Department of Education, States Rights will be emphasized. In some states, when public schools were legally desegregated, private “academies” were set up for the white students, leaving students of color to struggle with the little that was left. I can see this happening again. Private schools, religious schools, certain charter schools, and home schooling will be supported with tax dollars as safer options for some privileged kids.

        One of the things that terrifies me is that nothing that the MAGAts are doing and trying to accomplish is new.

        * Just typing “when” feels sickening. We can’t let these things continue to happen to our nation.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Becks quoted “ the President of the United States was shot while surrounded by the best armed guards the world has ever known”.

        Yes! When this happened to Trump they had snipers guarding him! People will never be safe from weapons like these that can fire so quickly, and with the element of surprise. It is impossible to guard from these kinds of events as long as those weapons remain easily available to people who want to hurt others.

        And when they say gun laws are ineffective, it’s because it’s piecemeal state-by-state. We do not have barriers that prevent people from traveling from one state to the other with their weapons. If we had national gun laws, that would restrict the kinds of weapons that are in the country and would actually make a difference.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      And it’s more likely to happen in the United States compared with other countries.

      He should’ve said “These events are fact of life IF YOU LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”

  2. OriginalMich says:

    I seriously despise this weirdo.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      I can’t wait for November 6 to vote this handmaid’s tale character back to where he came from. If I had a time machine, I would send him to the dark ages where he belongs.

    • Debbie says:

      All I could think of was that this is the response from a father?! The man has children of his own for God’s sake (even though any sensible person with or without children would feel the horror of innocent people being murdered at school). The other thing I thought of was that THIS was the bozo who is always up in women’s birth canals about having children? How can he then be so cavalier about human life once babies are born? I know any number of childless people who he has berated all these years who responded more humanely about this incident.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It amazes me that even after their Evil Overlord Demigod was targeted they still will not consider any sort of gun control.
    And who the heck needs an AR15 aside from a soldier, in a war?!

    What’s really scary too is the growing prevalence of ghost guns, made with 3d printers. A 7 year old in Providence was recently shot and killed and the 2 people who did were carrying ghost guns. Oh…and she was shot because a group of grownups got into a beef at 7-11 and 2 hotheads decided to follow the car her dad was driving and shoot it up when he stopped.

  4. equality says:

    The AR15 is the weapon of choice for mass shooters. Any idiot should be able to draw a line from point A to point B and figure out that there would be, at least, fewer events without a weapon that goes 60 rounds a minute and aims for “maximum wound effect”. I think we can also see that this style weapon makes the police more cautious about going in to rescue hostages like with Uvalde.

  5. Mirelle says:

    So according to the world of JD Vance, children are precious, life is precious, and women must give birth every chance, every minute of their childbearing years. But should those same kids get killed in a school shooting, oh well, what are you going to do? Oh yeah, let’s get more security in place — but let’s also underfund public schools so they can barely afford basic supplies let alone adequate security. But hey, they’ll figure it out!

    Apalachee High School underwent active shooting drills. The shooter was apprehended by the police but not before he KILLED 4 people and injured 9 more. There is not enough security or preparation that can justify even one death or injury. The school year has barely started and already we have a school shooting. His remarks are callous, stupid, and completely on base with the Republican agenda. Protect guns at all cost. Screw the kids.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Maybe the thinking goes, “School shootings are a fact of life, so women must be coerced to birth as many children as possible, so that some will survive?”

    • Smart&Messy says:

      From what I read, Apalachee was very well prepared for this kind of event plus the shooter gave up soon after he was engaged, and still people were killed and injured. In Sandy Hook the school building was locked and the shooter just shot through the gates and was inside in seconds. Until there are such powerful weapons so easily available to people no security measures will be enough. I know it’s a cultural difference, but it seems to me that Americans find it harder to accept when they are told what to do. I know it sounds unacceptable to a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum, but I think banning and confiscating these AR style weapons would help reduce the crazy number of these massacres. The presence of these weapons has zero benefit to society.

      • Becks1 says:

        I absolutely think banning and confiscating the weapons would make a difference. Can other types of guns still do a lot of damage, still kill people? Of course. But these are on a different level. Let’s start with these.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Merry Christmas! Here’s your AR-15 as a present.” Only in America can such a sick scenario play out. Btw, when the vice president delivered her far more pointed remarks in New Hampshire on Wednesday (”It doesn’t have to be this way!”), she too was behind a plexiglass barrier because the event was outside.

    • equality says:

      Actually it is illegal in the US for a minor to own one. Might explain why the dad is being charged. And hopefully more and more parents will be charged.

    • Kittenmom says:

      And only in America do our elected officials pose for family holiday photos with all family members sporting guns and ammo.

      • El says:

        No kidding. I live in the same congressional district as Winder and our congressman, Mike Collins, has an ad where he blows up something with his gun and wants no gun restrictions. Andrew Clyde, the congressman to the north, owns a gun shop and has an AR on his campaign signs. Our govenor, Brian Kemp, had a campaign ad with a shotgun pointed at young man who” wanted to date one of his daughters”. That coupled with one of the local Baptist churches posting God is good because they baptized 18 teeenagers on Wednesday night, just makes me want to scream. I am so sich of thoughts and prayers. There is also a lot of tension in the nearby school districts and threats through social media about impending attacks on our schools are being passed around on social media. In our school district we got an email this morning that there was an arrest for threats to our middle schools. I think it was more of a hoax than a plan to follow through, but this is just too much.

      • pottymoouth pup says:

        In 2018, Brian Kemp actually had a campaign ad that featured him pointing a rifle at a teenaged boy

  7. Josephine says:

    I personally think that there are plenty of politicians who are not the least bit sad to see school shootings because it fits their goal to villify and defund public schools. I could be wrong, but I don’t think you see these shootings at too many private schools, and peole like creepy-boy here who wants to track women’s menstrual cycles probably doesn’t believe in the public school system.

    • Ciotog says:

      There was a school shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, and they blamed trans people for it.

    • Gina says:

      You are correct – republicans, especially in southern states are doing everything they can to defund education. Project 2025 shows how extreme they are willing to go on the matter.

      Knowledge IS power. The GOP knows that which is why they are doing this.

      • Flowerlake says:

        I think it was Michael Moore who wrote about how Republicans were closing linbraries on purpose decades ago.

        Dumbing down the average American is a very long term plan.
        Learning and teaching is like a form of activism now.

      • Blithe says:

        @Flowerlake True. Closing libraries, restricting what teachers can teach, strengthening their grasp and influence dominating multiple media platforms, fostering the belief that any idea —no matter how repugnant, illogical, or unsubstantiated deserves to be heard… that’s been the Republican way for decades. It’s disgusting and terrifying.

        I think learning and teaching has always been a form of activism.
        Well-stated @Flowerlake!

        About 150 years ago, in many places in the US, it was illegal to teach someone who looked like me to write or read. 150 years is not that long ago. The recent change is how openly public the effort to control teachers and the curriculum they teach has grown.

        I was stunned, as a child, when I realized that many of the elders that my grandparents knew when they were young, would have been enslaved. Someone Trump’s age could conceivably have personally known enslavers. Many of the grandparents that Vance wants to step up to provide free childcare are the same teens and college students who boycotted their classes and screamed at the first Black American students integrating formerly all-white schools. Controlling curriculum content, controlling teachers — especially female teachers — is just a variation on a well-honed historically embedded theme.

    • bisynaptic says:


  8. girl_ninja says:

    This guy is disgusting. Make no mistake that HE is the one who they chose because he has no moral compass. DT is in full cognitive decline and this monster is ready to step in and do the bidding of Thiel, Musk and the Project 2025 scumbags. They are hoping to ride DT’s popularity, and we cannot allow it.

    • FYI says:

      This. If they somehow steal the election this time, they will sic the 25th amendment on Trump in a nanosecond. Then it’s showtime for this cretin, who may actually be more sinister than Trump.

  9. nmb says:

    I wonder what the background of the kid was in terms of if he is receiving special ed services or on a 504. I’m a teacher and one year we had a credible threat that a kid was going to shoot up the school the last week. He was assessed by a team of psychologists and it was determined he was a “moderate to severe threat.” Due to the fact the threat was a “manifestation of his disability” he was back in the class on the next day and no teachers were notified. I happened to work closely with his special ed case manager, and she told me, so that’s the only reason I found out. Oh, this kid also went to his special ed case manager’s house and let out all of the air of the tires parked in her driveway because she had made him mad that week. So…..the way the educational system responds to these threats is also problematic.

    • lanne says:

      I’m a teacher and I’m horrified to hear that. Is that cause for legal action on the teacher’s part? That’s assault.

    • Sarah says:

      I am a school psychologist and I can assure that they screwed up, if this is what happened. Even if it is a manifestation of the disability, there should have been significant supports in place for the student to return to school – which probably should include hospitalization. And the case manager should definitely press charges for the tires.

      • Blithe says:

        @Sarah, how does this usually work in smaller school systems? I’ve worked with large urban systems that have access to alternative schools, hospital-based schools, inpatient and partial hospitalization programs, and even funding for private education for students whose needs can’t be accommodated within the available public school settings. Is this the norm for smaller school districts? Meaning — are these kinds of resources generally available, even if accessing them might, practically, be much more difficult?

        I also agree that the case manager should press charges. Sadly, sometimes resources for kids might only be available via the juvenile Justice system, so pressing charges will not only be in the best interests of the school community, it might also be this kid’s best chance to receive intensive services (depending upon the location.)

    • nmb says:

      The school is a bit of a mess. I had a student I didn’t teach come into my classroom another teacher left unlocked and steal my ipad. The resource officer recovered it and the kid was suspended but she never told me that I could press charges. The admin said that they hated to have to suspend the kid since they got my ipad back. They were more worried about the school to prison pipeline than their teacher who was a victim of theft. The kid took a paper clip and tried to engrave his girlfriend’s name in it, which was another lovely touch to this story. Ugh. I was too stupid to realize I could have pursued charges against this kid.

      • Ciotog says:

        The shooter’s father has been arrested. He bought his son an AR-15 for Christmas AFTER BEING CONTACTED BY THE FBI BECAUSE OF THREATS HIS SON MADE. Can you even imagine??? That is how sick our gun culture is.

      • nmb says:

        I hope the shooter and his dad rot in prison.

    • Listerino says:

      I’m an Australian who lived in the US for 6 years as my husband is American. I tried often to argue with Americans about gun laws and gave up. All I’m gonna say is I’m thankful to live in Australia where we have tough gun laws and no mass shootings since those gun laws were brought in. I know my kid is safe from gun violence when I send him to school. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for Americans to send their kids off to school worrying about their safety. And teachers? Couldn’t pay me enough to risk my life every day like that.
      I just don’t get why Americans are so obsessed with their guns. *Shrugs*

  10. Oh come on. says:

    School shootings are a “fact of life” for YOUR kids, says rich man speaking behind Plexiglas.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder if it would still be a “fact of life” if it were his children murdered at school. Would the shooter still be a “psycho” if it were his son who had shot up a school? The lack of empathy rings no alarms.

      • Guest says:

        Vance is a sad excuse for a parent. For all the nonsense Vance spouts, he better hope that his policies don’t affect his own children. Gun control only applies when the perpetrator’s last name is Biden. For Republicans, even accidentally shooting your friend is no big deal.

    • Anna says:

      Thank you for pointing that out. He is on another level in society, his kids surely attend very secure private school, they live in rich area and don’t even use public transportation. So no problem here, and others can just deal with that.

  11. Izzy says:

    “ “If these psychos are going to go after our kids…” in many cases they ARE the kids. WTF. Imagine saying this mere days after. Vance is not even living in the same timeline as the rest of us.

  12. INge says:

    Have you noticed that the democrats only have to show these clips to strenghten their campaign.

    Btw yet another reason why Tim Walz is such a great pick, he had an A rating from the NRA but changed his mind because of a school shooting if I’m not mistaken and he now has an f rating. He still hunts but has implemented stricter laws.

    • nmb says:

      That’s the thing! We can be pro-hunting and not completely anti-guns BUT pro laws and restrictions that keep kids safe. Banning assault rifles and strengthening background checks and all that doesn’t take away all guns. Also – do you, a private citizen, think with your arsenal of weapons you’re going to take down the US military if needed (the way the 2nd Amendment literally means). Come. On. My mom is an INSANE MAGA who has never once held a gun in her life but has three grandchild and a daughter (me) who is a teacher and is 100% this logic that JD Vance is spewing. Well, send your thoughts and prayers, mother, to me every day because that’s the only thing that will prevent your family from being a casualty of a school shooting. I’m actually at the point where I have no desire to speak to some of my MAGA family because they’re too illogical and disgusting.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        You can still go to shooting ranges and hunt without AR-style guns. And yeah, good luck with denying a SWAT team or even police officers entry to your home by being armed to the teeth. Since the 2nd amendment was written, technology and law enforcement have changed so drastically, it is unreasonable to keep sticking to it in its original form.

      • nmb says:

        Smart&Messy, well said!

  13. Lau says:

    What a disgusting thing to say right after a school shooting. Can you imagine being the parent of a child who has been wounded or killed in a shooting or even just being a parent right now and hearing that buffoon say that kind of stuff ? Does he even have a team who tell him what to say and they are just as stupid as he is or is he just spitballing like that on his own ?

  14. Emily says:

    A fact of life in only one country

    What a callous, dumb man

  15. Bumblebee says:

    A politician’s job is to fix problems. But Vance just blames, blames, blames. He’s perfect for Trump, terrible for our country.

    • Deering24 says:

      MAGAts are chaos agents, pure and simple. They have no solutions, don’t care about the actual problems—and want to trash what they can’t control.

  16. TN Democrat says:

    Weirdo. Ick. Ick. Ick.

  17. Kath says:

    As an Australian, this is one of the issues that makes me feel like the US is a truly alien society. We had ONE mass shooting in the ’90s. A conservative prime minister changed our gun laws, and it’s never happened again.

    This is why right-wing Twitter and MAGA loons hate Australia and try to convince their fellow Americans that we live in some sort of draconian dystopia. Because Australia is the example that gun control laws actually work.

    Meanwhile, we’ll be scratching our heads that it is illegal to provide water to people queuing up to vote in some US states, but it’s fine for Trumpist loons to carry guns to intimidate people at polling stations.

    What the actual eff.

    • Emily says:

      Similar in Canada.

      But MAGA politics is trying to infiltrate and we have conservative politicians whining about guns being taken away. Thankfully it doesn’t resonate with the majority of people.

  18. TurbanMa says:

    GA has repeatedly tried to pass legislation for the most basic things, please secure your weapons, we can give you a tax credit to buy a safe… republicans say NO. It’s so disgusting that they refuse any sort of common sense measures. I will not feel bad when they lose their rights. They had so many chances to prove how important their guns are and their right to have them and will provide no responsibility and sensible solutions to keep them. Ban assault weapons now!

  19. Penelope says:

    I’m pretty sure mass shootings are a fact of life, only in the US. In the 45 years I’ve lived in Alberta, I can recall one – in 1999. The last one before that was 24 years prior. The US is averaging one a day and has been for years. Everyone but the US government can see what the problem is here

    • og bella says:

      There have been 12 mass shootings in Canada in the last 10 years

      Lists date province and # dead with [n1] denoting included the shooter dead
      December 29, 2014 Alberta 9[n 1]
      January 22, 2016 Saskatchewan 5
      April 16, 2016 Ontario 4[n 1]
      January 3, 2017 Nova Scotia 4[n 1]
      January 29, 2017 Quebec 6
      July 10, 2017 Calgary Alberta 4
      February 25, 2018 Ryerson Ontario 4[n 1]
      August 10, 2018 New Brunswick 4
      April 15, 2019 British Columbia 4 0 4
      April 18–19, 2020 Multiple Nova Scotia 23[n 1]
      August 2-4, 2022 Quebec 4[n 1] 0 4
      November 26, 2023 Manitoba 4 1 5

      • Gisby says:

        How many of these were random shootings, and not targeted at family/friends/workmates?

        Eliminate those and Canada has fewer to compare to US school shootings.

    • og bella says:

      And please, do not take it the wrong way. We have a problem. I am FOR a complete assault weapon ban and stricter gun laws and more background checks.

      We are by far the worst country with this.

      However, it is not ONLY here.

  20. Localady says:

    law enforcement wouldn’t even file the report I requested re missing/stolen firearms in my county and state here in America without me having the serial number

    They told me there was ‘no way’ for law enforcement to look up who owns what guns, no way for them to get information on citizen gun ownership

    How can that even be true

    Like I know law enforcement is allowed to lie in the process of an investigation but

    This is some kinda fuckery

    We don’t need AR style weapons and folks who struggle with mental health issues might be the first ones to say so

  21. Amy Bee says:

    There’s evidence that mass shooting declined when there was a ban on assault weapons. Vance is dumb.

  22. Justjj says:

    It is so bizarre to even begin to normalize this. What a weirdo. I wonder what he would have to say if it were couches that had been harmed since he clearly doesn’t value human life, despite his bloated rhetoric and clear lies to the contrary. These statements are absolutely bonkers. MAGA Republicans are truly the worst of humanity.

  23. Lizzie Bennett says:

    Vance is already labeled as the worst VP pick in modern history. He keeps doubling down like “I’m going to BE THE WORST EVER!!!” At this, he’s succeeding.

  24. Veronica S. says:

    I can’t believe the AP changed their headline after Republicans whined about it. That is exactly what he said. You can “lament” they’re a fact of life, but if you aren’t doing anything to improve gun safety and mental health access, then you are accepting it’s here to stay. The right benefits so much from mass media cowardice, and they don’t even realize it.

  25. Lala11_7 says:

    DDT & Asbestos used to be a fact of life too until the government banned them🤬…the GOP = the banality of societal evil…it’s as simple as that at this point.

  26. Nina says:

    The truly chilling thing is that I guarantee he’d say the same thing if a shooting happened at one of his kids’ schools.

    Given the frequency with which school shootings happen in the US, surely there must be some MAGA gun nuts whose lives have been affected by one, no? And still they disagree with gun regulation?

    • Sass says:

      They’re the ones who say things like “God needed another Angel.” Just relentless, inane platitudes.

      That one motherfcker showing up to this most recent horror show in a “grazed not fazed” hat. This is not the time to be showcasing cheeky campaign merch. It’s not cute or funny. It’s not heroic. It’s not relevant. People died and people are fazed. The lack of self awareness is astounding.

  27. Leesa says:

    It’s true that state gun laws matter, but national gun laws are required to really make a difference. I live in Chicago and many of the guns used in crimes here come across the Indiana border, for example. https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/

  28. tamsin says:

    All I can say is that Trump and Vance are well-matched. Trump is a racist misogynist narcissistic sociopath, but what word would describe the mentality of this Vance creature?

  29. Slippers4life says:

    School shootings are a fact of life? Just when you think this couch fucker can’t get any grosser, he shits this one out. You are running for vice president and you can’t say anything vice presidential to grieving families besides this is a fact of life? Mt gawd!

  30. CatMum says:

    How very “family minded” of him.

    I’ve heard a theory that the T—-p shooting incident was staged and planned and that his ear was manually cut in the chaos. Idk but I certainly wouldn’t put it past him.

    Yes, they care more about their guns than their kids. And they will do any mental gymnastics to justify it.

    Hopefully the Harris administration can get something done about all of this.

    • Gisby says:

      Is he still wearing the pad lightly taped to his ear to remind people?

      If so, his cuts must heal veeery slowly.

      He must be upset that his ‘attempted assassination’ didn’t cause much of a stir.

  31. Luna says:

    There is no bottom. Folks, this is “pro-life.”

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Yup. Who cares if people die? At least we can have whatever guns we want. And that’s the most ridiculous part. I think we all agree (aside from militia members) that weapons of war have no place in someone’s home, but the NRA is great at making people believe that we want their grandfather’s shotgun. JD is just doing the usual Repblican move of encouraging schools to load up on guns because that’s the only place this happens, right? Nevermind the theaters, grocery stores, concerts, malls, houses of worship, etc.

    • Anna says:

      This pro-life is in fact pro control. Once a child is born and a woman is stuck (in this weirdo’s mind – because if she has no help she cannot do much without her kid) nobody cares anymore. The kid can starve without school lunch or be shot.

  32. AC says:

    He’s disgusting. I feel sorry for his wife and kids.

  33. Gisby says:

    Republicans NEED the school shootings to counterbalance the abortions they are stopping.

    Why is stopping abortions more important than keeping children alive?

  34. bisynaptic says:

    He’s such a snot.

  35. khaveman says:

    Is he trying to normalize and have us accept that children are dying in school shootings? That’s what I’m getting. We’re supposed to give up and accept it as normal in American schools? I’m stunned.

  36. Cachina King says:

    He really does not care about being the Vice President, does he?

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