Queen Camilla did her first event for Diana’s old National Ballet patronage

One of Princess Diana’s favorite patronages was the English National Ballet. Diana had been a dancer since she was a kid, and she loved going to the ballet and supporting all kinds of dancers. She had a natural grace as a dancer and other dancers loved her. Nowadays, the English National Ballet patronage has been handed to Queen Camilla. I guess we’re not supposed to make the connection, or perhaps we are supposed to connect the two and declare that Camilla “won.” The optics are pretty terrible, and not just because Camilla is apparently a vampire who doesn’t cast a reflection in the mirror.

Camilla wore a blue shirtdress by Anna Valentine, and a ballerina brooch by Van Cleef & Arpels. Camilla owns a lot of Van Cleef pieces in her personal collection, so I don’t know if the brooch is one of her own pieces or if it’s part of the Royal Collection. The shirtdress is blah – it’s Camilla’s favorite silhouette, and she believes that this style is flattering. She basically looks like she’s doing all of these events in old-fashioned “housedresses” though.

This wasn’t Camilla’s only event on Thursday. In the evening, she attended the launch party for Tom Parker Bowles’ new book. She reunited with her ex-husband Andrew Parker Bowles at the party too. This horsey harridan might have done the most to destroy King Charles’s relationships with his sons, but she’s always super-supportive when it comes to her ex and their two kids.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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31 Responses to “Queen Camilla did her first event for Diana’s old National Ballet patronage”

  1. lanne says:

    She’s becoming a caricature of a Wicked Stepmother at this point. I can imagine she spends a lot of times cackling into mirrors saying “I’ve won, I’ve finally won!”

    • GoldenMom says:

      But since she doesn’t seem to have a reflection – it really is bizarre, isn’t it? – how can she see herself being victorious while cackling?

  2. Interested Gawker says:


  3. Nanea says:

    The poor dancers deserve better! How can anyone take Queen Side Piece seriously? Especially after having had Diana as a patron. Who instigates these things?

    I could have sworn though that the ballet was handed to Mumbles, as the Rottweiler got the theater after Meghan was bullied out. Not only that, the few times Buttons went, she always looked like she owned that place when she was shown around backstage.

    That said, how great of TPB getting support from the whole family. I believe “merching” and “grifting” are the terms the delulu Derangedeers would use in similar situations. Fingers crossed no one cares for this, and it doesn’t become a bestseller.

  4. LolaB says:

    Lol at Camilla not having a reflection

  5. Andy Dufresne says:

    This ugly witch has zero shame. Urgh 🤮

  6. Proud Mary says:

    The words I have for this gutter sniped, wench, CB will not allow me to say. That’s all.

  7. Eurydice says:

    What a depressing lump she is – the whole picture reads “dying institution.” And how is it possible that the two men on either side of her have reflections but she doesn’t? It could be vampire, but it could also be photoshop.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    Why anyone would want this vile woman as a patron is beyond me, but we all know the 🐮 mistress/wife only took it because she has to destroy everything Princess Diana loved.. being the cause of her unhappiness and death weren’t enough for her.

  9. Tessa says:

    Just shows Camilla wanted what Diana had. This should have been given to Sophie . I thought Kate liked the ballet. Is Kate permanently sidelined.

    • Chrissy says:

      Camilla’s appointment to this patronage just shows how utterly shameless and tone deaf the RF is. Where is the uproar that this soused slug is associated with one of Diana’s favourite appointments? Shameless!

  10. Tessa says:

    I hope Camilla doesn’t try to dance on stage.

  11. Carrie says:

    It’s ok to have your hands in your pockets now eh? The protocol re pockets was only for the bi racial wife.
    These ugly cult fkrs.

    • Beverley says:

      Black women are frequently criticized and marginalized for doing exactly what white women are free to do.

      Tale as old as time…

    • Gill says:

      My first thoughts exactly!!! Definitely her patronage to get one over Diana but looking at these pics of a slovenly mess with birdnest hair, bad posture and hands in pockets shows how far down the glamour stakes the RF has fallen (Meghans silhouette in her fitted shirt dress and pockets was business sophistication personified compared to this trash)

    • Magdalena says:

      Yep, that’s the first thing I saw. It’s deliberate. I can’t recall ever having seen her posing with her hands in her pockets before. They are all copying M hoping to get some publicity from being linked to her in some way or other.

  12. LeonsMomma says:

    She looks happier with Andrew than she ever does with Charles. Still think Andrew is the love of her life and they would still be together if the affair wasn’t leaked, then Charles pushed for marriage (I suspect he was behind that leak.)

  13. Lau says:

    Who thought that giving her any of Diana’s patronages would be in any way a good idea ? It just looks terribly bad.

  14. Barbara says:

    Ugh, she’s so dumpy, frumpy and unattractive. The only style of clothing she should be wearing are like what QE2 wore the last ten years – floral shift dresses mostly covered by long coats and black orthopedic shoes. Ol’ Horsey has the ugliest footwear and it never matches her dresses.

  15. Lavendel says:

    For me, everything she shows remains in direct memory of what this woman did to the young marriage of her future king and the disasters that resulted from her actions. If she had renounced, as would have been necessary, Charles and Diana would have found each other. But this woman did everything she could to prevent that from happening and no amount of hypocritical writing in the tabloid media will ever convince me of this woman’s character.

    • Lavendel says:

      And another thing: has anyone ever seen a crowned queen officially promote a cookbook written by a son from her first marriage about the royals’ eating habits with her ex-husband, the author’s father? A cookbook in which “Camilla’s favorite porridge” is featured prominently? This woman forgets that there are many more people out there with honor and conscience than anywhere else.

  16. Milkshake says:

    Diana will never be overshadowed or replaced by this heinous hag.

  17. wow says:

    Camilla dear, do us all a favour and buy a girdle.
    Honestly, her dresser must despise her (took Harry’s side), that dress seriously emphasizes the boozehound belly like no tomorrow.

  18. BeanieBean says:

    That’s a pretty deep hem on that housedress; did they provide extra fabric they could let out for some unanticipated growth spurt or something?

  19. Sarita says:

    I saw my favorite ballerina in the sky tonight and she was beautiful as ever, a delicate crescent balanced in the heavens as opposed to whatever the living hell this is.

    I then retouched my red nail polish.

    YER a wizard, ‘arry!

  20. Tessa says:

    She and Andrew Parker Bowles seem very much in tune with each other.too bad Charles had to name her publicly in that interview

    • Chrissy says:

      He forced her hand by naming her. If he had any honour he should have removed himself from the line is succession, like his Uncle David was forced to do when involved with divorced lover, Wallis Simpson. Also, the fact that his actions put a target on Diana’s back is not spoken about enough IMO! Both, were and are, evil!

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Cloppy and her ex… it very much feels like they’re still a married couple. They act like they are still married when they are together.

      It’s giving “I wed Cluck for appearances, for power, and to shut his whinging b-tcha$$ up”.

      She sees the ruin of the BRF as a game to be won. She has done her utmost to drive wedges between spouses, siblings, and also between Prince and Crown. William’s dysfunction has many sources, but one of them, can be traced directly back to Camilla and the trauma of his parents’ divorce, and the hounding to death of his mother that was instigated by Camilla’s flying monkeys in the media.

      Will she finally feel like she has “won” the game when the monarchy falls?

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