Times: Princess Kate’s next event will likely be Remembrance Day in November

The Sunday Times had a new exclusive about the Princess of Wales. The piece was written by Roya Nikkhah, one of Prince William’s “favorite” reporters and someone who tends to write authentically from William’s perspective, even when she’s supposedly writing about Prince Harry. It’s just funny to me that three weeks ago, Roya’s big exclusive was “Harry at 40” and it was exclusively sourced from William’s incandescent rage at his brother. So this piece should absolutely be read as “this is what William is saying about his wife.” What’s weird is that… Kate and the Middletons used to go out of their way to get their Middleton-centered narratives out there. There’s been precious little of that this year. Anyway, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. The big exclusive is that Kate probably won’t be seen in public until Remembrance Day in November.

Kate’s restorative summer: Friends say the uncertainty of her good days and bad days “still rings true”. However, after a restful summer spent with the Prince of Wales and their three children at Anmer Hall, their home in Norfolk, the princess is beginning to think about the months ahead.

No on Cape Town, but yes on Remembrance Day: There is no set date for her return to public life, nor any engagements inked into her diary, and Kate will not accompany William to Cape Town in early November for this year’s Earthshot Prize awards. But if she continues to have more “good days”, it is understood she has set her sights on “potentially” joining the King and the royal family at the Cenotaph for the National Service of Remembrance on November 10.

They’re already planning Kate’s Christmas piano recital too: Royal aides are also understood to have started planning for the princess’s annual televised “Together at Christmas” carol service at Westminster Abbey in December. Continuing with some work from home at Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, Kate has been holding more regular meetings with her private secretary, Tom White, her assistant private secretary, Natalie Burrows, and the Waleses’ communications secretary, Lee Thompson, to plan for the future.

Kate’s long road to recovery: While future plans are under consideration, those close to the princess continue to echo the Kensington Palace mood music that there is “no expectation for her to rush back” to public life. “People know and understand it is a long journey to recovery,” said a friend last week. Any return to official duties for the princess will be “gradual” and will not replicate the King’s busy schedule since he resumed public engagements in April after revealing his cancer diagnosis in February.

William is thankfully more relaxed these days, you guys: Those close to the Waleses point to another hopeful sign of Kate’s progress: William, 42, is noticeably more relaxed of late and has decided to resume a fuller diary of engagements after their summer break. In early March, at the height of frenzied speculation around the princess’s health, a friend spoke of the pressure William felt as he reduced his public duties to support his wife and family. “Privately, he’s dealing with more than he has for a long time in his life and it’s tough to see. He is OK, but it is hard.”

William still hates his brother: Close friends say his mood has now lifted. While tensions with Prince Harry remained at the memorial service for their uncle, Lord Fellowes, in Norfolk last month — where the brothers did not exchange a word — William was all smiles among his allies at the service. “He was in very good form,” said a friend.

William’s beard: After being photographed clean-shaven while driving to church with Kate last month during their stay at Balmoral, some royal watchers have even pointed to the reappearance of William’s facial hair last week, seen during an engagement at the Saatchi Gallery in London, as another sign of his more relaxed demeanour.

Nanny Maria is still around? Since Kate’s diagnosis, the Waleses’ priority has been to protect their children and maintain as normal a home and school life as possible for Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, with the help of their long-standing Norland nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

[From The Times]

There have been some rumors flying around online that Nanny Maria left the family’s employ, as did Lee Thompson, so it’s interesting that they both got name-checked by Roya’s “sources.” Obviously, the point of this story was to lavish sympathy on William, not Kate. Poor William has been going through it, William and his bender scruff will see better days. The fact that we’re sitting here in early September and they’re updating us that Kate won’t be seen until November… well, it’s what I expected. The events of this year proved that a princess can’t go completely missing for months with no explanation, but a princess can go missing for months at a time if you give the public just enough proof of life.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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123 Responses to “Times: Princess Kate’s next event will likely be Remembrance Day in November”

  1. Tessa says:

    I doubt William and Kate spend much time together under the same roof. So William was in very good form at the funeral. What an odd thing to say. Also William seeing allies at a funeral

    • Lady Digby says:

      Yes @Tessa who is visibly having a great time at a funeral, someone over refreshed and inappropriate?? Allies at the funeral is this another bad taste gotcha as in the Spencers are MINE!

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, the word allies stood out. But then again, William’s perspective seems to be you’re either with him or against him. It’s possible he feels betrayed by the Spencers for continuing to support Harry. Which would be ridiculous.

      • Lorelei says:

        The word “allies” jumped out at me. At a family member’s memorial service? Seriously? There’s no rock bottom to William’s pettiness.

        Imagine Harry EVER saying that, in this context.

      • Jais says:

        Right? Family= Allies v Enemies. The Windsors are something else.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        William’s ‘allies’ are his RPO’s.

        Kate & William have “supposedly” been at Balmoral whilst Kate having meetings at Adelaide with whoever imaginary person that resides/visits Adelaide. No one is living at Adelaide. Maybe a servant/employee or two. No PoW’s are.imo.

    • ML says:

      Allies is a really odd description, Tessa. Good job pointing it out. Normally you would think he’d be among family and friends at a funeral.

      We’re approaching almost 9 months since last Christmas, before the craziness of #Where’s Kate began. Purportedly, she had an abdominal issue (and surgery for it) and has undergone chemotherapy for cancer. She also has had seeming facial reconstruction and sports s nasty scar…the reporting on Kate remains weird.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is actually quite pathetic that William is trying to claim ownership of the Spencers. It’s pretty clear he is outside of the Spencers control when Harry managed to attend the funeral without detection until after the funeral took place. And this after weeks of stories of Harry being attacked for not planning to attend his uncle’s funeral. Add that to the fact that the Spencer aunts travelled to California for Lili’s christening, which was kept under wraps for months if not years.

      The Spencers know direclty how the Windsor machine works, with Charles having used it against Diana and Fellows directly being a part of it for some time. So they know that Harry is on his own and that William is the WIndsor machine as much as Charles was. This is what William can’t stand because he has control over the WIndsor side, but the Spencers aren’t the Middletons. They have their own base of power and will do what they want.

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘All smiles’ at a funeral got me. Talk about inappropriate affect.

      • Lorelei says:

        He’s so unbelievably clueless. Although you’d think that the professional he pays to handle his “communications” would be professional enough to not use that phrase when referring to his employers attendance at a freaking funeral, but here we are.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    They sure make it sound like she isn’t long for this world with whatever she has, so of course everyone should think about how this affects Peggy’s life. 🙄 I’m just waiting for Prince Harry’s NYC week, it has become obvious that WanK won’t be working for the rest of this year and probably next as well. Half in wasn’t acceptable but I guess if your the heir or his spouse 38 hours a year is considered full time.

    • Tessa says:

      It’s about poor peggy being under so much pressure and stress.

    • Megan says:

      The person not long for this world is Charles and he is clearly trying to rally the family and the grey men around William. It’s all about building allies at the moment because Charles is clearly worried about William’s competence.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Megan, I agree, that’s how it seems. I’ve never been able to stand Charles, but the more we learn about William, the longer I hope Chuck hangs in there. Charles absolutely sucks, but William is far worse. At least Charles is somewhat capable, and possesses a sense of duty. William is just a waste of oxygen.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      Maybe that’s why William is relaxed: he knows his marriage, and all the pretense, will soon be done, no distasteful divorce needed. I realize this is a cynical take, but given his personality, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  3. Eurydice says:

    So much brainstorming for the future when the future is just showing up for Remembrance Day and a Christmas concert. Slowly, but surely, Kate is being erased.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s actually rather late in the year to be planning that Christmas event. I would think planning for the next year would start shortly after the holidays. And Remembrance Day is a well-oiled machine by now, shouldn’t take much ‘planning’ on Kate’s part. Wear black. Show up. Stand on balcony. Try not to fiddle with your hair.

      • Jais says:

        Honestly, I can believe this event is usually planned rather late and haphazardly. As long as the church is booked, they can fill in the rest as it gets closer. It’s actually a good signature event for Kate. But like it’s Christmas and the holidays. Get some people singing carols. Decorate a dang tree. It’s hard to mess up is what I’m saying.

      • Kat says:

        She will turn into her own personal fashion show like she does with with every thing else.Her version of a “piano recital” is pathetic.But we are al expected t admire and praise her for her so called talent
        Shameless woman.

  4. lanne says:

    So…she’s benched. I agree Kaiser—she can disappear for months as long as she shows she’s still in the body a few times a year.

    She’s basically assuring that whenever anyone thinks about the Princess Of Wales in the future, Diana is who will be top of mind, not Kate. I think the title has completely overwhelmed her—to quote the Bard: now she feels the title hanging loose upon her, like a giants robes on a (miniature) thief

    If all you bring to a royal role is your looks and your fertility, in 2024 no less, you can be erased, if not replaced.

  5. Tessa says:

    Kate idled away the years waiting for the ring. All sorts of excuses made for her not working after the wedding. William is lazy and I doubt will ever change.

  6. Tina says:

    They are definitely setting up the new normal. We will see her at holidays like Christmas and Easter. And certain important royal events like trooping, Remembrance Day and likely the Commonwealth event. Sprinkle in a couple of tennis or soccer matches and that’s it.

  7. Shanta says:

    So…..Katie’s contract negotiations are finished and she’s living a lazy royals dream. Now because of the *coughs* cancer…..she’ll only have to work a couple of times a year….willie gets to roam unhindered and she still gets to be queen…..well done Carol.

    • Nic919 says:

      The negotiations finished when Mike and Carole resurfaced. There is silence though for next year. It will be interesting to see what they try to sell post Christmas holiday.

      • Chrissy says:

        Yes, appearing at Ascot (and even speaking to Willnot) was the big tell.

      • Convict says:

        They weren’t friendly. There was tension. Zara was holding onto Carole’s arm apparently trying to calm her down. There was an argument of sorts.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      You mean CarolE? haha I couldn’t help it, sorry.
      I feel like the truth is again very simple and somewhere in between Peg’s version and the craziest conspiracy theory.
      My take: I think she had been unwell since last fall. This could be the reason why she didn’t travel anywhere with William and they blamed it on George’s exam or something. She did have surgery and chemo. While she certainly needed privacy to recover, she could be more visible now. Why she is not is the part I have no theory about. I agree that they are separated as a couple at this point and it’s a possibility that the situation is so bad that they can’t stand to travel together at this point. It appears like Peg is actively trying to erase her but why??

      Option B: she is terminally ill and that is why Peg is so insane about trying to hide her and not talk about her at all. If this were the case, I can see Peg being affected by his kids losing their mother.

      • SURE says:

        I tend to think it’s OPTION B for the following reasons:
        1) K AVOIDING CANCER RELATED ENGAGEMENTS I think it would be difficult to put on a brave face and pretend all is well when it clearly isn’t.

        2) W NOT GOING TO NY FOR ES I’m assuming W would only miss this embiggening event so as to be there for the children in case K’s condition deteriorates significantly. It’ll be more telling if he skips the awards ceremony in South Africa.

        3) GEORGE DEFERRING MOVE TO ETON I’m assuming his parents think it’s unnecessary to expose him to a change of school (and all the possible issues that might arise from that) when he could be about to experience the most significant change of his young life.

        4) THE HIGH PROFILE RE-EMERGENCE OF THE MIDDLETONS This has to have been K’s ardent wish. It’s something she can finally do for them after all they’ve done for her over the years and continue to do for her and the children.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Thought: Huesa fighting Long COVID?

        Which would account for the reporting being vague and weird for so many months (there seeming to be an embargo on using the word “Covid” in reference to the BRF). It can cause strokes; it can lead to new or resurgent cancers. It can cause MFE. All these are consistent with the dribs and drabs of info coming from rr’s both in UK and on the Continent about her condition.

  8. equality says:

    I’ll believe the good and bad days stuff when the bad days fall on some time like the men’s finals at Wimbledon or a high-profile event like Trooping. How would they function if they were like the rest of the world and had to work during her treatment?

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, very convenient how the bad days coincide with an event that’s boring or needs work.

    • Lorelei says:

      Freaking EXACTLY. I have a chronic illness that also results in “good days” and “bad days,” but I cannot even list all the things I’ve desperately wanted to attend but couldn’t because it was a bad day. Kate’s bad days seem to be waaaaay too coincidental.

      Although I do think she’d want to go to the Earthshot event? So maybe that’s one instance of William benching her, which I assume William would have made part of the deal in negotiations: that he’d have the right to veto her attendance at any given engagement going forward. But no more bread & butter events at all anymore? That’s on Kate. What will all of the children under five in Britain do without her crusading on their behalf?? 🙄

      I wonder if she’ll be at the next state dinner…

  9. Amy Bee says:

    As expected Kate’s next appearance will be Remembrance Day. However if she had a restful summer does that mean that her “preventative” chemo has ended?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I am curious as to what kind of chemo she had. Maybe something in pill form? I mean, if she spent the whole summer at Anmer & didn’t need to be near a hospital or clinic with an infusion room. I just find it curious. Then again, I guess royals can have treatment brought to them.

      • Lorelei says:

        @BeanieBean, same, I’m so curious, but I doubt the public will ever know the full truth. They’ll keep being as vague as possible, so it will always remain the go-to excuse for Kate not working anymore.

        It’s so gross. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if my ridiculously luxurious lifestyle was funded by taxpayers and I was doing absolutely nothing whatsoever to even *attempt* to earn any of it.

      • Convict says:

        She didn’t have chemo. At all.

  10. Harla says:

    I’ve said from the beginning that we wouldn’t see Kate work all year and it looks like it’s true, showing up for a balcony appearance and a tennis match are not work. I still believe that being outed as a liar and a racist impacted Kate more than we think, she must know that many people still see her as such regardless of how the press tries to whitewash the truth.

    William’s beard is not a sign of a more “relaxed demeanor”, it’s a sign that his obsession with his younger brother is getting more and more out of control. This man is in serious need of intervention and help.

    • lanne says:

      It’s why I think her royal tours are over. She can’t take the scrutiny. Or the comparison. I’m even wondering if she can get through a state dinner.

    • Nic919 says:

      There is a tweet from January, after the surgery was known, but before the cancer video, from Richard Palmer basically saying not to expect Kate and possibly even William, to attend the Earthshot event in cape town in November. So they were already lowering the expectations for Kate to do things, even though at the time it was abdominal surgery being discussed.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Nic, IMO it’s totally plausible that William will show up for that event via Zoom…it certainly fits with his stated plan to be a “work from home monarch.” Probably depends on how many celebrities will be there.

  11. Interested Gawker says:

    The late Hilary Mantel had been heavily criticized in some quarters for her comments about the royal family but look what has come to pass, Princess Catherine has become that jointed doll on which certain rags are hung, taken out of her box intermittently to be displayed on special occasions.

    • lanne says:

      Her criticism was for the media and their treatment of her, but not only is that criticism still valid for the media, it’s valid for her as well. She’s the most infantilized woman in the UK, and she’ll never exceed any expectations because no one has any for her. I hope she enjoys life as a jointed doll, but I don’t sense that she does. She looks miserable most of the time.

      • Nic919 says:

        I don’t even think royal women from the Victorian era were as infantilized as Kate has been and that was part of the culture back then. Kate is a regressive throwback for a time when other women have agency. Not sure how they think that is going to be something people want to keep supporting with their tax money.

  12. Does anybody really care if Can’t who is suffering from a disease , that’s not cancer, even care what she does or doesn’t do? I know I surely do t.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      People care more about the brand of flip-flops Megan wears than anything having to do with Kate or Peggington for that matter. Daily Fail included!

  13. Jais says:

    Post-sussexit, there was definitely a period of frenzied engagements where Kate and Will were really trying to compete and show how they can do it just as good or better. But they can’t. This feels like they just gave up on that. Not saying they did a normal amount of work but there was a certain pace…for them. Maybe once all the health is recuperated, and I do wish good health for them, they’ll be back to more weekly and regular engagements. Maybe next year? But this is really just giving the impression that that’s not going to be happening again ever. But who knows? It’s a royal reset. I’ll be happy when the papers stop writing about Harry and Meghan with the RF’s help. That’s the reset I’d like to see.

  14. Lady Digby says:

    Maximum latitude and only insensitive ask questions of courageous prince as he manfully copes without even the chance to shave as he is busy coping with sick bains and the return of the school run?

  15. Neeve says:

    If Nanny Maria left I would be shocked,dont these people keep their nannies for eternity,I think George initially had the same nanny as William. Is there actual growth in this position,like maybe Nanny Maria is now in charge of other nannies.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      The nanny was Barbara Branes and she worked for the Glenconner family for 20+ years. She went to work for Chucky & Diana after the last Tennant (Glenconner) children (twin girls) finish high school.

      • Lorelei says:

        I know this will never, ever happen, but I would pay A LOT if Maria ever wrote a memoir of her time with the Cambridges/Waleses.

      • equality says:

        I’m sure a nanny in their house has an ironclad NDA. She is likely very fond of the children and wouldn’t do it for that reason. She doesn’t get lied about and attacked in the media so she wouldn’t have anything to correct. (W&K reserve media attacks for family members.)

  16. Nic919 says:

    While everyone predicted this, it seems a bit crass to put out this story on the second anniversary of the death of the Queen, someone who has cancer herself and still managed to do things until a few days before her death.

    Like they couldn’t wait another week to tell us that Kate wont be doing much of anything?

    Also, I have to think Camilla isn’t a fan of this development. She won’t keep quiet for long.

    • Harla says:

      I forgot that today is the 2nd anniversary of QEIIs passing, thanks for the reminder. I’m not at all surprised that KP had this story come out today, WandK always have to attach themselves to somebody’s coattails or they wouldn’t get much coverage at all.

      • JT says:

        It just goes to show you how irrelevant the monarchy is. Elizabeth spent 75 years on the throne being a near perfect, dutiful monarch until the day she died. She was working with cancer right up until her death and now she’s barely a footnote. She’s only discussed in the context of using her memory to tear down H&M or build up the left behinds. Some legacy.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Nic, I didn’t even catch that! You’d think that Kate specifically would NOT want this story released on the anniversary of the death of a 96-year-old woman with bone cancer who worked up until the week before her death.

        And @JT, great point. It’s actually shocking to see how quickly Elizabeth has essentially been forgotten already.

      • Convict says:

        Actually, she’s not forgotten in Australian law, we haven’t removed her royal title and name from many of our laws, LOL.

      • Feeshalori says:

        It is shocking to see how the late queen has become so irrelevant. Even Diana decades after her death holds greater importance and impact for people than the late monarch.

  17. wolfmamma says:

    It really seems as if the monarchy is broken~ soon to be rarely seen, if ever.

    Charles is old and truly seems to have cancer. Camilla is…
    William isn’t and Kate .. no idea the truth of what is going on there although it seems to be icky and just plain weird.

    Ah well.. after such a long run the Windsors were bound to run out of steam and vitality.

  18. aquarius64 says:

    Kate has been benched. She’s only rolled out for high profile occasions (TOC, Wimbledon) to shut down any chatter of a divorce. Kate may get to be queen, but like many centuries before her she is expected to tolerate any of the king’s extramarital activities. She can never complain and she were to leave him she can never explain.
    Kate’s not Diana where she has the star
    power and charm or own accomplishments to survive and shine post divorce. She’s merely the
    current title holder of Princess of Wales. The Middletons are not a great family like the Spencers; they would lose social status if Kate did leave William. I wouldn’t be surprised if Carole is pressuring Kate to stay and put up with the Windsor mess. The thing is Kate can never try to upstage Meghan again because Kate is not going to be allowed to work on her other charities; that is, if she wanted to work on them. Kate is still in a glided prison.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate hiding away is already turning some of the segments of the royalist bunch against her and William. There are accounts that were formerly only critical of H and M now pointing out how little Kate does compared to H and M who aren’t even senior royals. I don’t think she can reasonably hide away like this for much longer than the end of this year before some kind of obvious announcement is made.

      No Queen consort has ever been hidden away at least not when the family changed their name to Windsor, so this is not going to be something that will work for the “royalists” and it also adds fuel to the republican movement because there won’t be a pay cut for the lack of work. Camilla isn’t killing the numbers, but she is still being seen and she’s never had numbers as low as Kate from her entrance to the family in 2005.

      If it was only this year that Kate did little, then it might be credible that the reasons we are being told are accurate, but she’s done bare minimum since 2011. And the years she did top 100, there were many meetings with staff in the court circular. She’s not even pretending to do that either.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Nic, I wonder when KP will think it’s time for an “update” on Kate’s cancer. If ever. But I do think there will be more and more pressure on them to give one as we move through the fall and get closer to Christmas. Even most royalists will likely want some more recent information, for all of the reasons you stated.

        This is unprecedented, and I don’t think people will accept Kate’s almost complete disappearance from public life without more of an explanation.

      • Convict says:

        Camilla is also an old lady, realistically. She’s nearly double Kate’s age.

  19. Libra says:

    Last March we were told about preventive chemo because cancer cells were found in previously extracted tissue and a stray cell could still be inside and undetected. The excuse for no work appearances is ” battling cancer” when in reality it’s the effects of chemo, which should be over by now, the 6 months having passed. Maybe someone can help me understand why she is being defined as ” like Charles, she is actively battling cancer ” when in fact it cannot compare to Charles who really does have an active cancer present. “Kate “and “cancer ” appear together in every article and she appears to be using it to her advantage.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I don’t think Chuck has cancer and never did think that.

      • Libra says:

        All signs and symptoms point to cancer, prostate? bladder? He did have surgery for enlarged prostate and something else was found requiring chemo. If not cancer, what else?

      • Lorelei says:

        @Libra, ITA. The audacity that Kate has shown this past year is astounding (even for Kate!). If we believe what we’ve been told about them both (obviously a big “if,”), Charles was/is far sicker than Kate ever was, so their activity levels since the announcements about their health were made do not add up at all. None of it makes any sense.

      • HeatherC says:

        Charles is the one that I believe has cancer, not Kate. (I said Kate. I said what I said lol). If his cancer was found during a prostate procedure as reported, it could be bladder or prostate (testicular is less likely in my mind due t o, it’s a younger man’s cancer generally). He is in the right age group for bladder and prostate (note:I am an outlier for bladder cancer,dx at 36 female, such an outlier, my doctor wrote a paper on differential diagnoses).

        Speaking as someone who is battling bladder cancer that is not metastatic and so far has kept her bladder….during treatment i have experienced rashes, hair thinning but not loss (easy to hide with careful styling), some weight loss, and other things not easily seen: fatigue, flu like symptoms, bladder spasms, etc.

        It’s easily conceivable that a man in his 70s who is very used to doing the busy work they count as actual work (he usually has high numbers) would be able to accomplish a lighter schedule but still a schedule with rest periods and patience.

      • CatMum says:

        I think Charles actually does have cancer.

        I think Kate’s health issues are psychological. She’s been in two abusive relationship (with her husband and the Firm) for many years. Plus the press/public scrutiny. That’s got to take a toll.

        I also think she was hiding out while her face healed from whatever happened in December.

      • Convict says:

        Charles’ cancer statement affirmed that he did not have prostate cancer. The King would not lie about that. He can’t be caught in a bald-faced lie, so he omitted the type of cancer.

  20. Noor says:

    Does anyone find it strange that the nanny to the heir to the British throne is Spanish rather than English

    • BayTampaBay says:

      I do not find it weird at all. It is an excellent way for a child to become bilingual.

      Also, back when Germany, Italy and Russia had a monarchy, the nanny for the heir & spare were English.

      • Nic919 says:

        Many kids learn a second language at school which is when it is used every day if the parents don’t speak it. It is doubtful the kids know Spanish beyond what you can learn by watching Sesame Street simply by being near Maria., especially now when they are at school full time.

    • Mayp says:

      I didn’t until the kids wore a lot of Spanish-branded clothing. Aren’t the Royals supposed to tout UK industries, including clothing? I also thought it was weird that a Spanish reporter (Concha), early on in Cancer-gate, seem to have a lot of inside information. I think Nanny Maria left their service around the beginning of the year.

      • Unblinkered says:

        I’ve always thought it strange, it would be interesting to know if in her previous jobs she was known for coping well with ‘situations’. Or something.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Well at least he is supposed to have learnt some Spanish, but as the next but one king he should have had a French Nanny, the language of diplomacy.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @sunnyside up,

        Do not forget there was a BREXIT and the UK raised a finger and turned it’s back on the EU.

        If the future of the UK is the Commonwealth and to some degree South America then Spanish as a second language is the way to go.

      • Nic919 says:

        If George is to be head of state of countries where French is the official language then he should be taking it. But they don’t really care. Meanwhile in Canada, regular kids have access to French immersion or French language schools for free and they are currently more fluent than William.

        The Uk isn’t expanding to South America so once again William and Kate are not preparing their son for the job. Similar to how William hasn’t prepared.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Unblinkered, I’m not 100% positive, but I think (?) Maria went straight into her employment by W&K right after graduating from that famous “nanny school” (I’m blanking on the name)— I’m not sure that she had any experience before them? It could be that out of all of the candidates they met, they just liked Maria the most and thought she was the best fit? I agree with you that all things being equal, it would certainly *look* better for them to have a British nanny, but we know by now that both W&K are selfishAF and will always just do whatever they want without regard to considerations like that. And it does seem like Maria genuinely loves the kids and vice versa; she’s been the one stable thing in their short but chaotic lives. So I guess it turned out for the best.

        But I’m surprised that the agency wouldn’t just send only British applicants in the first place, when they’re filling the position for the next in line for the throne.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Looks like you’re correct, I’ve had a quick search previous employers for Maria and none appear.
        It’s just that I could have sworn when she was first employed there was something about her having been recommended by her current (British) employers who were friends of “…….”, can’t remember that bit. I’d felt certain, but nothing on the internet now.

      • CatMum says:

        If they were smart, they would have him learn Welsh… but they don’t do this because they’re smart!

    • Nic919 says:

      At this point Maria has witnessed a lot over the years and so they will want to keep her in the fold even if the kids don’t necessarily need a nanny.

    • Convict says:

      The Windsors are German. Windsor was a concocted name to remove any association with Nazi Germany.

    • anotherlily says:

      She’s a Norland Nanny. The Norland Nanny training college attracts students from everywhere. It’s regarded as the leader in its field. Graduates have continuing support through the Norland Agency and are guaranteed a well paid career. A Norland Nanny can be a status symbol for some families.

  21. Nanea says:

    So the very sick Kate — who, we were told, has good days and bad — is planning her future with private secretaries and that comms guy.

    Neither of whom have medical degrees.

    If she really is as sick as they say she is, the first people I’d mention, especially to the public, would be doctors and people specializing in all kinds of rehab strategies, like physiotherapists and nutritionists, so poor 🦴 could get her health and her strength back.

    That they don’t, especially when outlining her future without any kind of work, not even doing zooms with her patronages, proves that she’s afflicted with a severe case of *couldn’t care less, and don’t even bother me*.

    The peasants are beneath her, and she and the employees closest to her make KP’s team look like overpaid and underworked amateurs.

    What’s interesting too — no mention of family or friends supporting her, Baldy notwithstanding, because she doesn’t have anyone close to her.

    Abolish the monarchy.

  22. sueinorleans says:

    What an utterly irrelevant story for them to focus on on the anniversary of the Queens death. Any reputable paper might have used this moment to highlight the life of service evidenced by the Queen, even up to the last days of her life – as opposed to William who has huddled behind his wife’s cancer diagnosis to do as little as he possibly can. But nooooo it’s all about William the Spiteful, as usual.

  23. Talie says:

    It’s a shame no news outlet will report what is really going on with her and the King. I still maintain that if these two take a turn for the worse, it will be a huge shock to the public at large because the palace aren’t being transparent enough. Certain accounts on X will slip out things here and there that Charles, in particular, is not well…but who is actually following up on that? I also have long suspected that Kate is in a similar boat. As sad as that is to contemplate.

    • Rnot says:

      I agree. The big hole in the press coverage is the reason I don’t think she’s faking illness. The rota know what’s going on and they’re carefully not saying. I think she probably has cancer that’s spread, and they’re buying time with treatment. People can live for a few years in stage IV, but there’s little likelihood of a full recovery. “Good days and bad days” is usually used for chronic and terminal conditions.

      I’m getting the sense that the end may still be a ways off, but it’s in sight. She’ll be gone relatively soon, so they’re looking at a long-term future without her. Her death will retroactively excuse William’s recent fumbles and faux pas. A dead “Kate the mother/martyr” may be quite useful for both William and the Middletons.

      People used to joke that Kate would do no work until Louis graduated. William may have realized that he could have some of that arrangement for himself. He’ll have even greater latitude to do whatever he wants as a newly-orphaned, newly-widowed, single-father to three young children. People will write all the excuses for his low numbers and last-minute absences. It’ll just have to be a skeleton monarchy until the children are old enough.

      Philip’s private funeral will be the template for Kate’s. They’ll have to do a state funeral for Charles, but I’d bet it’ll be much more low key than QEII’s. If William then runs a scaled back coronation “out of both personal grief and sensitivity to the public purse” then I think he might manage to get the public to accept a part-time king.

      • Tessa says:

        If William wants a part time monarchy and using tax payer money he should realize the public would question why a monarchy is even needed.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I’d like to see William trying to blow off events like the opening of Parliament because of the school run. Really, I’d like to see that!

      • Lorelei says:

        @BeanieBean, you know it’s coming!!

        @RNOT, I hope you’re wrong about Kate’s diagnosis, but Kate’s actions really only make any sense if you are correct.

        But I sincerely hope that she isn’t that sick, and that those children won’t lose their mother at such early ages. (And be stuck with a perpetually rage-filled single parent.)

      • Convict says:

        I don’t agree re Kate’s prognosis. The royal reporters won’t report the truth because they are not real reporters in the sense of being objective. They are royal PR agents. They don’t want to be cut off from ruthless William.

        As for the children, I can’t think of a worse role model than Kate. Charlotte, in particular, could do without the perpetually dieting and weight-obsessed Middleton women in influencing her.

    • Nic919 says:

      This would mean kate lied in the video. Preventative chemotherapy is not provided for terminal cases. She was specific on the name of the treatment if not anything else.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Or William lied on her behalf…

        Something unsavoury about William is baked into that hole in press coverage even if Princess Catherine has legitimate health issues. The Sun specifically said, on the record, KP was onboard with that farm shop video. That was NOT Kate. Each new salvo of photo and video fakery was meant to suggest ‘Kate is fine and, by the way, she isn’t wearing Big Blue’, that’s 100% William, whatever is truly going on.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Talie, what certain accounts on X our you talking about? Curious? Even the rotten royal rotas aren’t saying ‘terminal’ regarding Kate. Who you believing?lol Kate isn’t terminal.

      Kate’s “cancer” is a myth. Unless, she had what I had, a mole removed. Do I believe she had a mental health crisis? Yes. Do I believe she & William have a volatile relationship? Yes.

      Kate may or may not return for Remembrance Day. It depends how her “preventive cancer treatment with a suntan has subsided”.imo

      Come at me! I know people going through cancer treatments/cancer. The Sun scares them and when venturing outside, big hats and sleeves are their friends. It
      s one of the things respect about my MIL. She took her cancer experience seriously. She’s 86 and looks like she’s 70.

      Like, William gives a shite about anyone other than himself.lol

  24. Blujfly says:

    So the “principal” of Thompson, her new private secretary, and her assistant private secretary has only now, after 9 months or more, “begun” “more regular meetings.” Regular could mean 1 every 2 months or 1 every other day. (LOL). That line about the staff resenting Meghan and Harry because they were only used to working once a month really rings true now doesn’t it? They truly do not work.

    • Libra says:

      I’ve come to believe that the RF definition of work is far different from my experience; 8-10 hour days 5 days a week at a minimum. They have far different expectations, it seems.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate put meetings with Jason Knauf in the Court Circular when he was in the comms position. There is nothing of the sort now which means they are simply lying.

      • Mayp says:

        Or Charles, unlike the Queen, put his foot down and said that it is ridiculous that phone calls with your staff are included in the Circular.

      • Nic919 says:

        If Charles had any control over William and Kate the disappearance of months with fake photos would never have happened. And William is still barely working.

        KP is doing what they want when they want and Charles isn’t stopping them.

      • Mayp says:

        Yes but BP controls the Circular, so maybe Kate & William won’t be able to pad their engagement numbers like they did under the old Queen.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is no evidence that BP has removed any entries submitted by KP relating to kate meeting with her staff.

      • Lady D says:

        I sense Camilla’s fingerprints all over this. She wants the masses to know how little the dynamic duo actually accomplish. I expect her to leak their expenses next. She knows her time is up when Charles passes and she has a lot of mayhem to enjoy first.

  25. Call_Me_AL says:

    I honestly love all of this for Chucky and Cow.
    They’re hideous people and now are surrounded by only people as hideous as they are (or the wreckage of them).

    • Gabby says:

      Yes and Camilla’s about to be put back to work at a pace she will not like. Cocktail break’s over!

      • Call_Me_AL says:

        They’ve all made their beds.

        Cow will do work here or there to look like she cares, to get kudos and people kissing her a$$, and to calm Chucky down. Nothing more. It must be horrible having to listen to Chucky spin out of control while all he’s worked for goes down the Wales drain, and I can’t think of a more deserving person to have to put up with the meltdowns he must be having.

  26. Lavendel says:

    I have to say this here urgently – of course Koenigs are more important 🙂 … but ….

    Hello dear Brits, lovers of democracy, lovers of workers’ rights and decent wages, lovers of a transparent, clean state and affordable, non-privatized healthcare, lovers of liberal politics and education for children and adults, lovers of a press that respects the fundamental right to real journalism and truthful information like its life, and so much more ❤️Europa hugs to you ❤️

  27. Brit says:

    A lot of us called it around Wimbledon and said that’d be it until Remembrance Day and the Carol Service, though I guess there may be another video or a photo at some point before then.

    After that, the next big thing the whole family does is the walk to church at Sandringham on Christmas Day. If she’s ‘not well enough’ to do that, it raises all sorts of questions.
    And making these announcements to ‘manage our expectations’ only makes us look further into the future and wonder why there’s no health update

    • Lorelei says:

      Instead of videos, I’ll bet both W&K will try and get away with those “personally signed” ~tweets~. They’ve already started.

      • Nic919 says:

        They probably need that new comms person for all the additional tweets they plan to “write”.

  28. aquarius64 says:

    I just had a side thought an out Kate’s standing in the BRF. Female members of the house of Windsor gets a family order. Charles got his commissioned but there is only one recipient: Camilla. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Family_Order_of_Charles_III No Kate, Anne or Sophie, the “working” royals, one being councillor of state. Curious.

    • Mayp says:

      I assumed they would just be parceled out slowly over time; however, I am curious to see the order in which they are given. Did Kate go to the last State dinner?. I am wondering if the more “active” royals, like Anne and Sophie receive theirs before Kate (which would make sense). You just know that Will and Kate would be super peeved if Sophie received hers first!

    • Nic919 says:

      I am not sure why it has taken so long for the orders to be made, but my guess is that Anne and Sophie will have theirs for the next diplomatic reception at the end of the year, usually November I think. If Kate attends she would get one too, but I think Charles wanted to make sure that Camilla had hers first. After that I don’t think he cares. And Anne really pulls her weight so I don’t see him making her wait until after Kate.

      Elizabeth gave the order to her adult female relatives in 1952 over Christmas all at once, although her mother, sister and grandmother were given a larger size than her aunts. Anne got hers once she started doing royal engagements in 1969.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Awarding themselves for attending a reception? No, not ridiculous at all. Harry being awarded for Invictus, now that’s really stupid.

  29. kirk says:

    This has been hilarious finding out that Lee Thompson, the Wails’s Communications Secretary and “PR Guru” has been on the job throughout the whole period of ‘Kate had surgery, not cancer’ followed by ‘oops, Kate’s having chemotherapy because cancer was found’, not to mention all the weird hacky photos, Kate-type sightings, and Willy not showing up at a funeral where he’s part of the service. Might be Thompson is actually doing a great job propping up the Hair through the usual media manipulation, but it’s hard to believe British taxpayers continue to be supportive of a hierarchical monarchy bent on corruption, deceit, willful nondisclosure and obfuscation.

    • Convict says:

      Like all of us in the Realms, we don’t have a choice. Most people have better things to worry about than rioting in the streets for a referendum. Governments like it that way, to keep us in our place and it keeps the Windsors in power.

  30. Lau says:

    I sure other people in the UK who are going through cancer right now would have loved to have had a “restful summer” like she did.

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