Princess Kate: ‘Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus’

Historically, this is the time of the year where we traditionally received an update on the current Princess of Wales. The kids were back in school and Kate would newly commit herself to promising to be keen at some point. I thought that’s what this weekend’s Times story was all about – a replacement of “a promise to be keen” with “a promise to do one appearance in November.” Sources close to Prince William heavily indicated that we should only expect to see Kate once or twice more this year, and that she would absolutely not go to Cape Town for Earthshot with William. But I was not expecting this – yet another “personal statement” from Kate, with a specially-made video. Kate is announcing that she is cancer-free, but everything else still stands – her health remains fragile, too fragile to make many commitments. Kate’s statement:

As the summer comes to an end, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have finally completed my chemotherapy treatment.

The last nine months have been incredibly tough for us as a family. Life as you know it can change in an instant and we have had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters and road unknown.

The cancer journey is complex, scary and unpredictable for everyone, especially those closest to you. With humility, it also brings you face to face with your own vulnerabilities in a way you have never considered before, and with that, a new perspective on everything.

This time has above all reminded William and me to reflect and be grateful for the simple yet important things in life, which so many of us often take for granted. Of simply loving and being loved.

Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus. Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes. I am however looking forward to being back at work and undertaking a few more public engagements in the coming months when I can.

Despite all that has gone before I enter this new phase of recovery with a renewed sense of hope and appreciation of life. William and I are so grateful for the support we have received and have drawn great strength from all those who are helping us at this time. Everyone’s kindness, empathy and compassion has been truly humbling.

To all those who are continuing their own cancer journey – I remain with you, side by side, hand in hand. Out of darkness, can come light, so let that light shine bright.

[From Kensington Royal]

At some point, I hope we’ll learn what really happened over the past year. That being said, I don’t doubt that Kate was and perhaps is physically depleted and that she had some significant health struggles. I also genuinely hope she’s feeling better and that she gets to raise her children. All of this does feel like a phase-out though.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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376 Responses to “Princess Kate: ‘Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus’”

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  1. molly says:

    A shocking amount of affection between Kate and William in the video. (Most of it natural, some of it very much NOT.)

    I’ll be interested to see if that level of softness and touch continues publicly going forward. It looks good on them.

    • First comment says:

      We all know how much the Rota was fuming about the boring left behind after Harry’s and Meghan’s visit to Colombia with their usual affection…the wails had to respond somehow to finish any sort of questions, discussions and doubts that were emerging lately and to give something to the Rota to talk about….and they made this video where everything was controlled and directed like a advertisement….

      • Jais says:

        And yet they released it so close to the anniversary of the queen’s passing…🙄. Obv, I don’t really care when they release their vid but it’s more about the performative outrage that Meghan dares to breathe and smile at a bookstore.

      • Lau says:

        The number of times the British media lost their minds because the Sussexes were looking at each other wrong (in their opinion) or each time we got a photo of their children and now the DM’s front page is plastered with the very same sh*t but reversed for the Wales. And the whole mess about Meghan talking semi-publicly on the eve of the anniversary of QEII’s death. It’s more insane than I can comprehend. The lack of shame for these people.

      • Convict says:

        On a personal level, overt affection may look good on them, but, in their lofty positions, in their 40s, it’s vastly inappropriate. Not to mention, manipulative. It is very tacky and obvious.

      • Jais says:

        Eh, overt affection is fine. Whether peeps are in their 40s or not. The bigger issue is that overt affection doesn’t feel genuine when there are countless videos showing that they are not a very physically tactile couple in public. Or a couple that even looks at each other very much in public. But here in this production they are touching and looking at each other. I think we’re supposed to presume this is how they interact in private and they are now choosing to share that with the public. Through this video that they made for the public. With the public’s money.

      • Convict says:

        Not referring to average folks, couldn’t care less. William is my future head of state and I find this public display of affection (he’s got his hands on her leg, she practically touching his crouch) vulgar, inappropriate, disrespectful and manipulative. The late Queen would never have behaved like this.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Was this made on the anniversary of the late Queen’s death?

      • sunnyside up says:

        Was this made on the anniversary of the late Queen’s death.

      • sunnyside up says:


    • LRB says:

      Interested to hear which bits you think are natural… it all looks totally contrived to me.

      • Nic919 says:

        Most of the stuff I have seen is Kate touching William and he’s tolerating it. It is not reciprocated.

        The video is a joke though. Just send the statement we already saw you in person.

      • sunnyside up says:

        At one point Kate is snuggling into William and he is looking away from her, it seemed odd.

      • Nic919 says:

        The parts with the kids seem natural, which makes the W and K alone parts look weird. And it’s mostly Kate as aggressor which against isn’t balanced.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        ‘Kate as aggressor’

        You know, I didn’t twig on to that watching it but now that you mentioned this, yes, that is the vibe it’s giving, that William has to do what she wants. In movement that isn’t so obvious but stills of them make him look like he’s dying inside while he’s performing a task.

      • Matilda says:

        This video is so cringey to watch because it looks so performative. I would have believed it more if it was snippets of real videos of their family life like we have seen before in the past from the royal family. Not a commercial of their “perfect family”. It comes off so phony especially when they are not an affection couple in public. Who green lighted this?? Also we didn’t need this video, a statement with photo or short video from her would have sufficed. The privilege of not having to go back to REAL work like the vast majority of cancer patients I think is insensitive to those who don’t share that luxury.

    • Gee I wish I could spend my life staying cancer free. Wonder what that looks like. As it stands I have had cancer and to keep cancer at bay I must take a pill that will only reduce my chance of it re-occurring. She should share just how that is done… oh wait I forgot she didn’t have cancer just some form of preventing it.

      • I’m American, so truthfully I have no skin in this game.

        That said, I watched the video on a news site before coming here to see what this community thinks.

        I found this video INCREDIBLY OFFENSIVE.

        A heavily produced mini-movie, including emotive soundtrack and beauty shots of performative marital affection, carefree children, and a few light-filled shots of the “fragile Princess” (I loved the early one that was just her mane of hair) soulfully looking at trees and releasing a white butterfly.

        Meanwhile, a voiceover assures us that she’s overcome chemo, she is cancer free but still frail, and will be doing a tiny bit of “work” IF medically advised to.

        She hasn’t done ONE SINGLE THING in this whole long-drawn-out spectacle to reach out to cancer patients. She hasn’t even stated she’ll be taking on any relevant patronage, let alone visiting patients, making PSAs, even acknowledging her own incredible amount of privilege in any way.

        I don’t wish illness, let alone cancer, on anyone.

        But to see someone use their reported cancer in such a flagrantly self-serving, tone deaf manner is deeply offensive and frankly upsetting.

        My sympathies to the British public, who are paying for this sideshow while their own struggles continue to deepen, unaddressed by their government or their royal family.

      • therese says:

        @Susan Collins. My very best wishes and prayers for you and your brave continuing fight against cancer. God bless you.

      • Thank you Therese. My fight is over now I just take the pill for 5 years before I can say I’m cancer free. The hard part is over I’m on year three of the pill. I don’t understand her being cancer free when she said it was for preventative cancer. I don’t believe her story. It doesn’t math.

      • BQM says:

        The cancer was found during the operation but they removed. The chemo was then used to prevent a recurrence.

        I hope she does start to interact more with cancer patients.

        @susan collins best wishes for your cancer battle.

    • shellinaya says:

      I don’t think anyone knows their relationship but them. And I’m glad she’s cancer free. But my gawd, millions of people get cancer every year and what if everyone released a slow-mo video set to music when they were done with chemo? Lots of eye rolling at minimum. This elitist production and the dreamy gazing at trees was crazy.

      • Convict says:

        We know facts and evidence we have seen. We can draw inferences. They have been in the public eye for decades. It is a toxic relationship, she wasn’t his first choice to marry, but his convenient option, though, he can’t divorce her now.

    • Tessa says:

      It looks very forced.

    • CM says:

      Shocking is right

  2. Becks1 says:

    Well, I’m glad she seems to have beaten cancer and seems to be out of the woods (to use her language from June.)

    But agree with Kaiser, nothing is as it seems – this part – “Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long” – that feels like she’s basically saying she’s still not going to do any public appearances until the end of the year. So Remembrance, Christmas concert, and Christmas walk?

    So she had preventative chemotherapy that meant she could do zero work for 6 months and now needs months to recover from the chemo? What the hell kind of cancer did she have??

    As for the video….the kids are cute, but someone on twitter called it a pharmaceutical ad and now I can’t unsee that lol.

    • First comment says:

      After the article in times, something had to be fed to the Rota and the public because everyone was wondering about her treatment.

      • Megan says:

        She’s in the waiting period to see if the chemo worked. My guess is she has ovarian cancer because it often requires a lot of chemo.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      As for the video, looks like the kinda ad Carole would do for Party Pieces autumn catalogue. I have suspected for a while that Ma has been ‘helping’ with PR around Kate – we known KP is all about William.

      If she’s on the mend good for her but I will never buy what they are selling – something big happened that had an effect on her health but lets face it, from now on her public ‘duties’ will be whatever she wants to do and with a lot of fanfare (i.e. the Trooping photoshoot) that promote HER and not the cause. Someone is desperate to rebrand to get away from being outed as a bully and racist.

      • Convict says:

        DU: I agree. I’ve never bought what they are trying to sell.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Emotional distress from William wanting divorce. The battle was long, but she won. Although I think they’ll continue living separately and get together for photo ops. Marriage on paper only.

      • maisie says:

        looked to me like the parts where she’s posing by the tree were shot at the same time that her last proof of life came out, not the late summer of the meadow with all the dry grass and Queen Anne’s Lace

    • Erinn says:

      I ran over here to see what was going on during my break lol.

      This was kind of weird. And I agree – it sounds like MAYBE Remembrance Day and Christmas will be all we see this year. I’d be surprised if it was more than that based on this statement.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Erinn! Good to see you around here, I feel like it’s been ages.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I came rushing over here as well after seeing this news on another blog which didn’t have the video, but I knew would be on here. It’s a very glossy production with a surprising amount of affection between the two of them, but I don’t trust anything anymore coming from KP. The kids certainly are cute though. I feel Kate is still shying away from increasing her public appearances because she knows she still has this aura of racism around her. And she just doesn’t want to work.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I came rushing over here as well after seeing this news on another blog, which didn’t have the video, but I knew would be here. It’s a very glossy production with a surprising amount of affection between the two of them, but I don’t trust anything anymore coming from KP. It certainly put Harry and Meghan’s affection for each other in the shade. I feel Kate is still shying away from increasing her public appearances because she knows she still has this aura of racism around her.

      • jemmy says:

        @Feeshalori ” It certainly put Harry and Meghan’s affection for each other in the shade. ” – No it doesn’t . While the display of affection b/w H&M is spontaneous , this ad seems contrived
        1st it was William and the new beard , now it is the display of affection b/w WanK – I don’t buy any of it . It was only 3 months ago that Willnot was seen snapping at Kate & Charles while they were on the Balcony at TOC. So what has changed since then
        This video by the way was probably shot in August during the summer holiday . AS far as I am concerned , this is just a PR stunt.

        People are generally more understanding and kinder when they have passed through a life changing event. As at AM today William’s minions were still briefing against Meghan going as far as twisting her words and lying. If Kate has really had a bout of cancer , shouldn’t William find it in his heart to be less cruel towards his brother?
        Not buying any of the lies!

      • Feeshalori says:

        @jemmy, which is why l stated that l didn’t trust anything coming from KP. Of course it’s contrived given the amount of disrespect and disassociation William has consistently given to Kate. Now they’re all lovey-dovey with their hands all over each other. I know all about the outrage given to H&M just for handholding, and this display is definitely OTT which is why I don’t trust it because I doubt that it’s genuine.

    • Lorelei says:

      LOL my first thought about the video is that whoever made it had definitively watched “Succession.” But pharmaceutical ad is even better.

      • Call_Me_AL says:

        I was thinking it was just like the style of “Outlander” in the first season. The voiceover of a “proper British” woman, pastoral scenes, and vaguely Scottish music with poetic language.
        Except Caitriona Balfe (who is not British) manages to nail a British accent much more elegantly than Kate, whose voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
        I am so glad she is not in need of any more chemo. She’s also telling us that she’s done with royal work forever.

      • Nic919 says:

        Someone has replaced the music with the theme from Succession.

      • Gabby says:

        You hit the nail on the head with pharma add, @Lorelei. Take out the kids and you have a boilerplate erectile disfunction drug commercial.

        I think this is a preview of William’s reign. Videos where he portrays himself performing royal duties without actually doing anything.

    • Advisor2U says:

      First “William and me”, than “William and I.”
      Please, be consistant in your communication.

      • Becks1 says:

        No, that’s grammatically correct.

      • ChiDawg says:

        She was grammatically correct in both cases.

      • Eurydice says:

        In the first case, one would use “me” because it’s the object of the sentence. In the second case, one would use “I” because it’s the subject of the sentence.

        The easiest way to figure it out is to remove the other name and see which word sounds right. “This time has above all reminded ‘me’ to reflect” – reminded “I” doesn’t sound right. And then, “I am (are) so grateful for the support” – you wouldn’t say “me am so glad…”

      • Convict says:

        It’s not correct as to British grammar. It’s always, William and I.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Convict – the British should know the difference between the subject of a sentence and the object, and if they don’t know it, they can just Google it. The things is that over the past several years people have gotten used to confusing the two. They don’t think “She went to the store with William and I” sounds weird, but they’d never say “She went to the store with I.”

      • Convict says:

        Our grammar is proper and we spell words differently. British English is not American English. I say, it is not I, whereas you might say, it is not me.

      • Convict says:

        Also, to state that the Brits ought to google to suit American standards is not right at all.

      • blueberry says:

        lol @convict I was curious and just watched a very proper British man from the BBC explain when to use me/I and there’s no difference. It’s “me” when you’re the object and “I” when you’re the subject regardless of if you include another person. There are many subtle grammatical/usage differences among the Englishes but this isn’t something that changes in formal language

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        I’m British, and a former English teacher, and I’ve never come across what Convict is claiming.

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, I had to turn that video off. The statement and sentiment are fine, but I don’t need a whole music video about it. It’s nice to see the interactions with the kids – that’s where I think the Wales are at their most natural.

      I hope that she does stay cancer-free. That said: Gee, are there any organizations or resources that have helped support you on this “scary” journey, that you might recommend to other families who are fighting cancer? Or, dare I say, name and raise funds for now that this announcement has gotten some views? I’ll bet other patients or people at risk might want to know how they, too, can avoid a re-occurance of cancer – anything to share on that? Or,
      I dunno, is there maybe a struggling national health service you might want to shout out? Anything?

      Or is this moment solely just for you?

      • Justjan says:

        Also can we talk about the Butterfly she released? Are we sure it wasn’t a wool eating white moth?

      • @Jay – Straight up!!

        I found this video incredibly offensive exactly for those reasons.

        She is clearly completely unaware of the staggering privilege she had been accorded in life, and it seems not to have occurred to her at all that she has even the opportunity, let alone the obligation, to give back our of that privilege to those who are suffering as she has purportedly suffered.

        I used to try to give her the benefit of the doubt. That was pretty well torched by the way she failed to support her sister in law in even the slightest of ways (even setting aside all the evidence of mistreatment, looking only at what she actually said and did, or didn’t, in public.)

        Then I was sympathetic to her struggle with cancer. No one deserves any part of that.

        Now I frankly doubt she’s had cancer at all. I can’t bring myself to imagine that anyone who is not a full-on sociopath could go through that experience and evidence ABSOLUTELY NO sympathy, let alone empathy and care, for HER OWN SUBJECTS who are fighting cancer as we speak.

        It’s disgusting.

    • Eurydice says:

      Oh, no! Now I can’t unsee it, either. But, you know, I don’t care if this video is contrived or if W&K were secretly stabbing each other in the back behind the scenes. They should do more of this, as glossy/splashy as possible. Maybe that will slow down the stupid stories about Harry returning to save the monarchy.

  3. B says:

    For her children’s sake I’m happy whatever was going on has been resolved.

    Sigh…a whole commercial to say she’s feeling better and that her priority is “staying cancer free”. No comment about resources that could help other suffering with cancer just a general platitude. Not even a written thank you to the medical team at the end just the KP logo.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      A very self serving commercial she was obviously well enough to have made and star in.. as for avoiding cancer maybe she should have considered her smoking, drinking and 🤮 habits that have been issues for decades.. I don’t believe what KP is trying to sell about some mystery cancer.

    • Anne says:

      100% self-serving. If she were truly serious about being “side by side” with other cancer patients (and if she had better people around her), this video would have included thanks to her doctors, medical staff, and acknowledgement that she has enormous privilege to get the best care in the world, in addition to what @B says — information about resources for the plebes with cancer. Not to mention the video looked/sounded like a good-bye video, not an uplifting “I’m healthy!” video. One last thing: She has the energy to romp around the countryside with her family making videos, but she can’t spend 1-2 hours shaking hands and chit-chatting with her subjects? Even a few video calls from one of her luxurious 5 homes? Give me a break.

      • Drama llama says:

        It’s kinda weird. No info about “these are the signs and symptoms, here the information on my cancer”

        Just “privacy” and “hand in hand”

        Weasel words. No actions behind them.

        I mean I’m happy enough she’s ok. But with her role and the benefits.. she should be doing something.

        But then I remember who it is.

      • Wagiman says:

        It’s not even 1 to 2 hours. It’s 30 mins. That’s how long a royal engagement is, generally.

        I understand she doesn’t want to shake hands but she could zoom or just visit a hospital. But no.

        I still don’t believe the cancer story.

        Plus they’ve all been on holiday somewhere very warm from the look of those tans, no wonder she couldn’t zoom.. Zooming from the Caribbean wouldn’t be a great look.

  4. Holly says:

    It’s nice to have some good news

    • Convict says:

      I couldn’t care less. It has nothing to do with me and I’m republican. It doesn’t make one scintilla of difference to my life.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        I also don’t care, based on her treatment of Meghan and the fact she has access to healthcare others don’t have, plus nannies, chauffeurs, cooks, cleaning crews, butler, all paid with taxpayer’s money.

  5. Otterton says:

    I hope she’s ok, cancer sucks. But also….what the fuck? There are so many people fighting it that must wish they had her resources and ability to just do nothing except focus on being cancer free. Just do a fundraiser or some zoom calls or something, for Pete’s sake.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have cancer but I don’t sit around whinging and feeling sorry for myself that I’m not richer or more privileged. She’s on her own journey and I do not begrudge her it . Good luck to her . We’re all dealt different hands and I would not compare myself to anyone else . Just a bit sick of hearing how we cancer sufferers should begrudge her because she’s more privileged . Get over it

      • Convict says:

        The point is, she’s in unelected public office and publicly funded. She is expected to do royal duties and not flaunt her privilege. There is no evidence that she even has cancer.

    • JenCF says:

      This was nicely done but aggressive af. If the comms tragedy around her illness was handled better, this video would be a welcome coda to a difficult period, but it seems, I dunno, a bit dissonant. I think this amount of pda between those two since the wedding was tripled in the video, even though he didn’t look particularly happy about providing it. I’m guessing we will get lots more videos of Kate, with speechwriters and soundtrack to emphasize her work from now on and maybe that isn’t a bad thing?

      • Becks1 says:

        It feels like they’ve brought someone new on board who is trying to right the ship PR wise, so to speak.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is an influencer guy behind the video. He’s also don’t stuff for Uber Eats. That’s probably why it feels like a commercial.

  6. Jais says:

    Kate being healthy for her three kids is a very good thing. It’s good that she says she is now cancer-free. But I’m baffled by her saying she is doing what she can now to stay cancer-free. Correct me if I’m being insensitive, but I don’t think cancer works that way? I wish it did. I wish everyone out there who has cancer or has friends and family who have cancer the best. Especially the ones who don’t have the financial support that Kate has. Or the ability to fully take off from work and heal.

    • IForget says:

      I agree 100% Jais. Though the only thing I can think of about preventing cancer, is maybe she finally quit smoking? If so, good for her.

      • Becks1 says:

        Smoking was the thing that come to my mind too – or sun damage. Those are the only two things that I can think of when it comes to “trying to stay cancer free” – not smoking cigarettes and minimizing sun exposure. But for the latter, Wimbledon would make zero sense.

      • ML says:

        Jais, I agree that it’s got to be a relief that she’s there for her kids, and good she’s cancer-free.

        My FIL has a nasty blood cancer, had Covid, pneumonia and whooping cough in the first half of this year (the latter two led to hospital stays), is in his late 70s, is finally above 70 kg again after shedding weight like crazy, and just walked the Airborne 15km last weekend. My MIL has less hairy Non-Hodgkins and bikes a lot.
        What friends and family eith cancer tend to do:
        No smoking, sun protection, cutting down/ eliminating alcohol, getting rid of plastic containers, some go vegetarian/ flexitarian, most go at least partly organic, my friends with GI cancers have added coffee to their diet, and all of them increase exercise. And often, they try to maintain their weight.

        I honestly don’t know what Kate means (like IForget and Becks1 above). It makes no sense for normal people—you have to continue living and working and of course you try to stay cancer free!

        Many here have or have had cancer themselves, and many of us have loved ones who are fighting/ have fought cancer, too. To those of you, wishing you all lots of strength and luck. Cancer sucks!

      • Chrissy says:

        Maybe, cutting back on the suntanning?

    • Ginger says:

      Agree, cancer doesn’t work that way so it was a weird thing to say. We still have no clue what kind she had and the symptoms she was experiencing, that would help a lot of people.

      • DK says:

        It didn’t even occur to me that she might mean literally taking steps to stay cancer-free. It read to me as “I have recovered but I’m still not going to do any work, and will continue to blame ‘cancer having been present’ as the reason I take tax payer money for doing nothing.”

        Obviously I’m a bit cynical towards her, and of course I realize that, while we don’t know when she finished chemotherapy, she will of course need some time for the side effects to wear off (so perhaps not committing to any public work events makes sense for a while longer).

        But that line just read to me like, “Don’t expect to see me in public much again. Ever.”

        [OK as I type this, the conspiracy theorist in me now wonders if that is some good-bye video and that’s why Wills was willing to be affectionate: is this the last we’ll see of Kate, for the most part, for the foreseeable future?! Now it’s giving ominous vibes…]

      • Nic919 says:

        She’s talking like there is more than just cancer. Outside of smoking and a few other things, a lot of cancer is either genetic or environmental and it isn’t something you can control.

        Once again dumb messaging.

      • Lily says:

        She got preventative treathment that was what she said in her first video. But that treathment only goes to people who does not have cancer but are high chance of getting it, they have the gene for it or have multiple family members that got sick. And as rsult you don’t look like someone who got fresh botox and you don’t grow a 10cm long scar in your eyebrow. Also the preventative treathment takes max 6 months. Charles is 75 years old and working still with a ongoing chemo treathment and active cancer

    • ArtFossil says:

      @SussexHenryVIII on Twitter posted: “I didn’t realize that spending 30 minutes a week cutting ribbons/shaking hands caused cancer.”

      • Interested Gawker says:


      • BeanieBean says:


      • Lorelei says:

        @DK, you nailed it with this: “It read to me as “I have recovered but I’m still not going to do any work, and will continue to blame ‘cancer having been present’ as the reason I take tax payer money for doing nothing.”

        That’s exactly how it read to me as well.

        If Kate had actually been working for the past decade, I’m sure we’d feel differently, but this is classic Keen BS. It’s just the newest excuse.

      • CherryBerry says:

        This is how I interpreted it. That she will try to stay cancer free by not over exhausting herself in doing more than 3-4 appearances per year. She’s setting the stage to work less by blaming her health aka “cancer”.

    • Eleonor says:

      Maybe doing regular healthchecks and trying to live in a more healthier way ?
      We don’t know what type of cancer she had.

    • Cee says:

      There are things you can do, like for example quit smoking, heavy drinking etc. That will not “save” you but it mitigates the chances of certain types of cancer.
      Other times there’s nothing to be done. I recently lost someone to bone cancer – he was gone in 6 months at the age of 43.

    • Anonymo says:

      Some cancers have extremely high recurrence rates, and a lot of people change their entire lives in an attempt to avoid that recurrence. Everyone in that family obviously has had an emotionally stressful life with significant family stressors. Environment/nutrition/lifestyle factors/approach to stress all contribute to disease processes.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I found that rather odd, too. How do you work at staying cancer free? If there’s a way, please share it! I’m sure lots of folks would like to know!

      • PinkOrchid says:

        Some of the things people might do to work at staying cancer free is clean up the diet, eliminate sugar and artificial additives, take antioxidants, drink vegetable juice, practice intermittent fasting, avoid contact with known carcinogens (tobacco, pesticides, etc), reduce stress via yoga and meditation, explore mind-body medicine modalities, to name a few.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @PinkOrchard: and if that’s already your lifestyle?

      • CherryBerry says:

        She means staying cancer free by working less.

    • Convict says:

      What is this repetition about her being there for her kids? They are raised by Nannies ffs. 🤦‍♀️

      • Nanny to the Rescue says:

        She’s still their mum.

        Nobody here would say Harry shouldn’t mourn the death of Diana because nannies helped raise him, wouldn’t we? So why would this be any different for Kate? Or any other “princess”, for that matter?

      • Convict says:

        Kate isn’t Diana, not even close. She’s too lazy and self-involved to mother those children. Most royal children are merely props and an ego trip. Diana was an exception.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It could be that those who have to work through chemo. have a lot less time to brood about it and that could actually be good for their mental health.

    • Lucky says:

      Who knows what is really happening? Nothing would surprise me with this family.

      However, there are any number of treatments she could be going through post-chemo. Immunotherapy is increasingly given following chemo. Radiation is another possibility. She could potentially still be receiving maintenance chemo.
      The fight’s not over just because chemo is done. I tend to suspect she had a very aggressive cancer, given the secrecy, abdominal surgery (which suggests she had been ill for a while) months of chemo and now … perhaps ongoing treatment? But again – who knows. Honestly any conspiracy theory is possible with this insane family.

  7. atlantababe says:

    good for them! can’t believe i’m saying this, but this vid is cute and so are their interactions. they look like a couple here.

    • Kingston says:

      Perception is a bitch, innit? All I could see was the staging.

      • Convict says:

        Me too, it’s a bit late in the day and they’re both a bit long in the tooth to carry on like this in public. I find it offensive because it is designed to manipulate and many have fallen for it.

      • Becks1 says:

        It is definitely designed to manipulate – isn’t that what PR is, trying to manipulate public opinion and perception? There’s a reason the kids are featured so heavily.

      • MsDoe says:

        Exactly @Convict and @Kingston; it is over-staged and feels fake. They are clearly trying to best Harry & Meghan’s efforts, but theirs lacks authenticity. The PDA made me cringe because much of it was forced. It feels as though they hired someone with commercial PR experience, who threw everything at this assignment. It’s cringeworthy.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Perception is a bitch, innit?”


        Definitely an ‘eye of the beholder’ situation.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Agree. After this propaganda video we’ll continue to see him alone and rarely see her. If she can run in a park she could do some ribbon cutting and visits to real cancer patients. But I doubt it will happen. There’s more to this story than meets the eye.

      • CherryBerry says:

        I don’t think they’ve showed this much affection to each other in their 20 years together combined. It’s damage control. They’ve already showed us in the last 20 years who they truly are, and I believe that over this.

    • Tessa says:

      Not so long ago, he pulled away when she tried to take his hand. And he seemed disgusted when she tried to show PDA. This seems all staged.

    • Vik says:

      Yes, I thought it’s a lovely video and I’m glad she’s better.
      Health struggles are the worst.

      Even Kate’s parents made an appearance…

      • Glossop says:

        Yes, I noticed that too. And that her parents are in the video, but not King Chuck and step mommy.

  8. IForget says:

    Glad to hear she’s been able to complete her chemo. I do not wish for harm to come to her. I do hope her reflection and new perspective made her think about her racism and petty nonsense against her sister in law.

    I weirdly don’t hate that overly fussy dress? Looks quite natural on her, I’d guess that was her comfortable style if I didn’t know her.

    Since she’s unable to work full time, who is going to fulfill her role? I am paying my taxes to have a full time Princess of wales. So, who’s it going to be?

    • Gabby says:

      Let’s face it, your not getting the full time Prince of Wales that you’re paying for either. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll send you a pro-rated tax refund…..

    • LRB says:

      We could have St Zara who seems to be the latest most adored ‘royal’…or the Yorkies!! As a tax payer I am furious and if anyone tells me the royal family only cost me £1.40 a year I will..***** This video makes me feel sick, and so disappointing in so many Brits who are taken in by the manipulation. I thought as a nation most people had more brain!!

      • Convict says:

        The Brits are funding their dreams of a “normal” family life, but one who lives off taxpayers and never has to work! Terrible role models.

  9. Trix says:

    This is hilariously over the top for them. Like EXTRA re: the touching and hand-holding; they make H&M look reserved. Completely out of character and as always William looks pained.

    But I thought her treatment was simply preventative and cancer cells HAD once been detected?

    The inside story of all this will one day be revealed and boy it’s going to be good.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      I can’t imagine how hard it was for him to let her touch him. Seems this was arranged by the Middletons. They have something on William.

    • kelleybelle says:

      That’s what I thought too, he looks pained to have to do it.

      • Convict says:

        They seem to differ as to her appearances. He said to her, “yes, you were right”, or something when she was in the Trooping balcony. Kate loves the attention. This is how she snagged him so he gets what he deserves.

  10. girl_ninja says:

    Wow! They really did the thing huh?!? Got Pegs and KKKate holding hands, with proper interlocking fingers and heads on shoulders and shit. I wonder how many takes it took or if they just powered through it? Anyway, good that she’s cancer free and their kids are cute, cute.

    • Jais says:

      I just read the text so far and haven’t watched the vid yet. I think I have to work up to it. I’m happy for anyone who is cancer-free but I’m gonna need time before I watch them really do the thing😂. Maybe with sound-off first?

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jais, you definitely have to work up to it. It’s…a bit much on every level. Obviously I’m glad she’s healthy but this video is ridiculous, imo.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Try it with the sound off.

      • Jais says:

        I watched half so far! And then stopped😂. Fr, I’m happy she says she’s cancer-free. Even if I think the video is cringey and an odd way to announce that she’s cancer-free. It’s a fair amount of money to spend on telling everybody the good news. I’m guessing the video is gonna get a lot of views though so I wonder if there’s a way for the money from the YT views to go to a cancer charity or something?

  11. ShazBot says:

    I kind of think they should have separated the video from the message. Just do a written release of the good news and then put some music over the video and post it as a thanks for all the well wishes. The voiceover feels like a weird documentary?
    Anyways, good news for her and the kids and her parents.

    • PinkOrchid says:

      The voice-over gives a vaguely eerie touch and is strangely unintelligible in spots. Odd choice.

  12. bitsycs says:

    They have new PR/comms people who are more modern AND more importantly they listened to them with this natural family ad lol.

    Statement & keen to do nothing is same old same old but it’s packaged with a significant amount of video and interaction with the kids/family. Affectionate behavior among all of them, this is def a shift. Maybe the days of super messy bad PR are over but I guess we’ll see.

    I think the truth is that the vast majority of people will be satisfied with content like this and don’t care if W/K work, esp K. But they’ve always been lazy and sloppy with that. If they release stuff like this every so often and she shows up here and there I think they won’t get much pushback.

    • First comment says:

      Exactly 💯 💯 💯

    • Bananie says:

      Exactly x 2. This is such a PR production its mindboggling… like Becks1 said (I think), someone behind the scenes in comms is absolutely trying to “right the ship” but like what happens when you swing too far the other way? The forehead kissing and hand holding? I don’t begrudge W&K affection but… come on. Its ZERO believable.

      Also wanted to say: Lainey’s coverage of this exact roll out is so FAWNING and full of praise for Kate and all the work she must have done to make this triumphant video message happen… is the on the KP payroll now? Yuck.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      Exactly. The coldness and zero touch between the couple for years which was normal for QE’s time, no longer fits nowadays. So the new PR came up with this. Also because Harry & Meghan showed public affection. Everything KP does is imitate Harry and Meghan, who even from a far shine more than they do.

      • Convict says:

        It depends on whether you view the monarchy as a system of government or as cheap celebrities. They are meant to be the former. W is next King. Harry will never be King, so I have no problem with him showing affection to M. But I don’t care to see my head of state groping at his wife as a PR trick; same as I would be disgusted if our PMs carried on like that. It’s offensive and unprofessional and I’m no pearl clutcher.

  13. Ameerah M says:

    I find it weird to release a whole music video for something that could have just been a statement.

    • girl_ninja says:

      In their minds they have to compete with Harry and Meghan. That has been their only goal and many on that salty island will it this up.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        That’s exactly it. They copy H&M on everything. H&M will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agree the video is too fussily directed( what’s with posing solo against a tree all about?) and the mawkish music is intrusive and not needed. Sometimes less is more. Still I am relieved at how well she looks and that she’s completed chemo and acknowledged that treatment is long and complex not just for her but for others as well (who definitely don’t enjoy her privilege.)
      So I would like to commend anybody reading this blog who either has cancer or loves someone who is having treatment for cancer; remember you are loved and valued by family and friends to whom you are irreplaceable!

    • Becks1 says:

      Also….it was long. I know that sounds so nitpicky lol but I started watching it thinking it would be like a minute and then realized it was over 3 minutes long. It reminded me of their anniversary video from a few years ago.

    • SarahCS says:

      WanKs whole thing has always been look at MEEEEEEEE, don’t forget about MEEEEEEE so while the visuals are off (affection?? Who are they kidding?) the concept is right on brand for them.

      • BeanieBean says:

        We did get a loooong look at her hair from the back. I mean, really? 🤷‍♀️

      • Convict says:

        Kate and her parents, W has many faults, but he is not an attention-seeker, perhaps because there is no need for him.

    • Jais says:

      It does feel jarring to spend money and time on creating a video proclaiming oneself free from cancer. Maybe also put some of that effort into raising some money for cancer charities? If that was happening concurrently then maybe it would feel less jarring. It’s also a slick production which isn’t a bad thing per se but it’s coming from a couple who has bashed Meghan for being too Hollywood. And yet, here Kate is walking through a field like a scene from gladiator. Kind of Hollywood if you ask me.

      • DK says:

        It felt super weird and jarring to me, too. As some mentioned above, it ran SO long, and all that unnecessary time/footage (perhaps because I’d read the statement first, so I already knew what her voice over would say) ensured that I noticed things like wardrobe changes – did they spend multiple days filming this video? Or did they pause for everyone to get changed? Both of those feel weird for a “finished chemo!” video. It also mean noticing all the different scenes/locations/etc., which made me think about how much time would have also been spent on setting up the cameras, checking the lighting, etc….

        Basically, the video was so long all I could do was notice how staged it was, and wonder about the logistics of each scene, etc. – did they have to tell the kids “OK, now smile/laugh/act like this is the most fun you’ve ever had playing cards,” etc.

        If it had been shorter, or less slickly produced, I think I would have just thought, “Aww, they’ve been through a lot, and I’m glad they’re on the way to recovering” (because of course I am, and I’m sure this has been scary for the kids, especially). Which was presumably the goal of the video. But instead…the weirdness just came through. And the focus on Kate, Kate, Kate.

        What a better comms team would have done would be to focus instead on Kate sharing her good news and then turning to focus on thanking her medical team, sharing empathy with others fighting cancer, and identifying ways her adoring public (because a video like this assumes there is an adoring public as an audience) can support various UK cancer charities.

        Instead, this is just, as you say, jarring. Off.

      • Becks1 says:

        @DK yes exactly, that’s why I said it felt too long. It was obviously incredibly staged and not spontaneous at all; I kind of feel like a shorter video showing the family making cookies in the kitchen or the kids on the playset or something might have come off differently. I dont even know why they needed a video to be honest; the very fact that there is one is jarring to me. And then you add in the “lets all dress in coordinating outfits so we can film a video of us frolicking in the woods!” element and its just…..well, its a little extra, I guess.

      • DK says:

        @Becks1: yes! And sorry for not giving you proper credit – for some reason scrolling up on this site on my phone gets wonky, so I couldn’t go back to see who had said it!

      • Becks1 says:

        @DK lol I don’t think I was the only one! I dont care about credit 🤣🤣

  14. TheOriginalMia says:

    I actually didn’t see the video, but heard it on my dad’s phone. It sounded glossy and light. Things stood out to me as she talked about cancer and treatment and beating it. I’m in the midst of sorrow as my dog died this morning, but this just didn’t hit the way I think KP wanted it to. Still skeptical about her having cancer.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m still skeptical too. Couldn’t bring myself to watch it. I’m in the midst of chemo treatment and had to stop it because it’s made me horribly, HORRIBLY sick. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so sick. So save your sweet, gooey videos and stop rubbing your *so-called* 9-month recovery in everyone’s faces who are truly suffering from serious cancer and still have to work, cook, clean, shop and get on with life.

      I’m so sorry about your dog Mia, losing a beloved pet is devastating. Big hugs to you.

    • Sarah says:

      I am so sorry about your dog 🙁

    • PinkOrchid says:

      Oh Mia, I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. Sending you love. xx

    • Gabby says:

      I’m so sorry, Mia. Your sweet pup.

    • Jc says:

      So sorry to hear about your pup. It is always so difficult losing a beloved pet. The infomercial just gave me ‘Summer’s Eve” feminine product commercial vibes. The commercial even has the model standing next to a tree. Gross.

  15. LRB says:

    Unlike some I think this is totally cringe worthy and a complete lie. It looks like an 80s shampoo ad frankly. If she has been ill I wish her well as despite all the many things she is not ( like a hard working royal) she is a Mum and her children need her. When is she actually going to turn up and earn my hard earned tax money? If H&M did this they would be ridiculed, but this is getting adulation from the tabloids.

  16. Kateee says:

    I am glad she is well and hope she continues to recover.

    Did we need a heavily produced 3 min video to go along with it? I kept waiting for the voice over of “Ask your doctor about what Katetruda can do for you”. It’s so over the top manufactured.

  17. VilleRose says:

    This video gives me such weird commercial vibes, like a nostalgic ad for GAP or something. I guess the point was to show Kate is doing well and spending time with her family during her recovery but she looks fine in these videos. I’ve never had cancer so I suppose the path to recovery isn’t linear but if she’s done with chemo, what else would be impacting her recovery? And interesting how they specifically showed kind of lovey dovey shots of Will and Kate because I honestly can’t remember the last time they look so relaxed together or like they even liked each other in public.

    Just drawing from my personal experience, my mom had a major medical emergency back in May, not cancer related but it was very, very serious. I’m not going to go into details because it’s too upsetting to relive but she could have died. She was in the ICU for 11 days before coming home and that first week of recovery was the worst as my mom was in so much pain and couldn’t move or do anything or get comfortable. It was horrific to see her like that. It’s been 4 months now since my mom’s medical episode and she still fatigues more easily but she is back to driving, back to going to the gym, to socializing, and even doing some traveling. If I didn’t tell you she was in the ICU four months ago, you’d never know. I know everyone’s recovery is different but I can’t help but think there’s more to it than just chemo and cancer.

  18. Glamarazzi says:

    What a lovely video! The sentiments seemed sincere and the whole family looked happy & affectionate. Usually I’m pretty skeptical about this family but this was so well done.

  19. Amanda Bonanza says:

    I’m sorry, but this is just weird. The video and the voiceover feel like a tribute released after death. They even did the “running her fingers through the tall yellow grass” move from Gladiator, which has been memed recently as a “the wife died at the beginning of the movie” trope.

    All that said, I do hope she’s doing okay.

    • Convict says:

      Agreed, very strange.

    • Lorelei says:

      I’m so glad I’m not alone in my perception of this. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but something about this entire video is “off.” It was so unnecessary! All that was needed was her statement.

      • maisie says:

        Something off as in, I’ve known dozens of women who went through a year of chemo and not a single one came out of it looking mostly the same as they went in. Like weight gain of 40 pounds, or if they kept their hair it sure wasn’t the same long glossy color it was when they started, or puffy face, or something like that. it doesn’t make any sense.

    • Anna says:

      this is so… you fight cancer, finish treatment and this is what you do to tell the world? Self-promoting ad??

      How about a short video on cancer prevention? Available resources? Charity helping families of camcer sufferers? Million good ideas to do sth good while you say “I am now cancer free”. Or at least “I am so grateful for my medical team”??? Everyone going through cancer usually tell you about the doctor who saved their life. Here we have silence. She doesn’t have to reveal names or hospital. But this seems so strange. She looks absolutely the same as usual. All this put together makes me suspicious about what is really going on.

      • Lorelei says:

        Right? It’s like she missed having the cameras on her for so many months, and decided to make up for it all at once in this video

    • sunnyside up says:

      Judging by the way she was running and jumping she’s fine.

  20. K.W. says:

    Those photos make her look so small compared to her kids.

  21. Kelly says:

    No kidding. It’s soft core Hallmark.

  22. L4Frimaire says:

    Good for het that she’s recovering and done with chemo. Once you’ve had cancer, the fear it will reoccur is very real and staying healthy is priority one. As for the rest of it, who knows what they’ll do. They tend to go soft on the work and hard on the spin. There was so much weird stuff with frankenphotos and weird farm videos, so take what they say with a grain a salt. There’s always a caveat with those two.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Every time they present something to the public–including this video when I first heard about it–I think to myself, ‘North Korea levels of propaganda’. Every single time.

  23. Snuffles says:

    I mean…I’m glad she’s recovering. Especially for her children’s sake, but I’m not buying this ham handed forced “affection” between her and William. It’s probably the most action she’s gotten from him since Louis was conceived.

  24. Libra says:

    Cue the gushing DM comments about our beautiful Princess Kate and her handsome Prince. “Aren’t they adorable?” ” The monarchy is in good hands. ” “So grateful.”

  25. Amy Bee says:

    Notice Kate’s dropped “preventative”. If she’s cancer free why can’t she return to work? I don’t know what to say about the video except now we know why William shaved off his fledgling beard and is the press going to complain about this “slick” video? Meghan joining the family really did a number on William and Kate. We never seen this much affection between them and Kate’s discovered Veronica Beard. Kate’s says that she and William have learned the most important thing is loving each other so are tbeg going to stop briefing against and smearing Meghan and Harry?

  26. E.M. says:

    So much of this makes no sense to me. I am glad that she’s cancer free and hope for the sake of her family she stays well and on the mend. What is hard to wrap my head around is how delicately she has been treated throughout, and yet, whenever she is seen, she looks the shining picture of health. Certainly worlds better than Charles, and even her non-cancer stricken husband. I have known many people with cancer who have undergone chemo and no one came out the other end looking almost better than they did at the start. Which isn’t to say it can’t happen. I guess it’s just that contrasted with how much they’re telling us she needs to treat her delicate health – it feels like nothing adds up.

    • Lorelei says:

      Exactly! It’s so incongruous for her to be talking about how she’s still not healthy enough to do so much as a Zoom with one of her patronages, as we literally watch footage of her healthy enough to romp around in the woods?

    • StarWonderful says:

      If she stopped smoking perhaps this contributed to her healthier appearance.

  27. tamsin says:

    And the Oscar goes to…. They want us to believe that William and Kate are madly in love with each other, and that they and the Middletons are one big happy family. But where are the scenes with Grandpa King? Wonderful to see the kids looking healthy and happy, but the whole thing strikes me as contrived. The scenes between Kate and William I found cringeworthy, and the whole things feels like a huge self-indulgence on Kate’s part- like her 40th birthday photos. I don’t normally comment on Kate except to query what she does, and this whole video has me querying about its intent, and the whole thing makes me feel manipulated.

    • Convict says:

      Best and most astute comment.

    • First comment says:

      The question we should all ask is who benefits of it. Firstly and mostly William whose pr as a family man is elevated through this video of their “happy”family which shows him showing affection for Kate after a long long time…and stops all kind of doubts about their marriage. Secondly, Kate and the Middletons who seem to have established their remaining into the royal fold without actually doing anything…and finally, the rota because at last they have something to write about apart from Harry and Meghan. The intent for once again is to gaslight the public about the lack of work and more questions about Kate’s “cancer”. I believe soon we will see Kate or William doing something about cancer charities. I actually, bet on this. Their communication team seems to read this site and takes the ideas…

      • AMB says:

        Oh, sweetie, don’t hold your breath on that.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, not bloody likely. Kate has the under fives to save & William has ‘Africa’.

      • Nic919 says:

        I won’t be surprised. Would have been better had they filmed some visits while taking the time to do this video as well. Not great that you have time to dance in the woods and the fields but not visit anyone suffering from cancer.

    • Lorelei says:

      I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall to see Camilla’s reaction to watching this 🙃

      • Nic919 says:

        I am waiting for the Camilla response. She’s not going to let this fly without doing something.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It seems strange to have a film crew at a family outing. Margarine advert.

  28. Gayle says:

    100% agree! Nothing else to say.

  29. QuiteContrary says:

    I really and truly am glad for her kids’ sake that she’s OK. But this video is weird as hell.

    And I wish everyone with cancer had the luxury to focus on staying cancer-free, to take each day as it comes … but ordinary people have to work, pay bills, take care of their children, with all that involves. Most people recovering from cancer don’t have video teams to capture images of them running through meadows or sitting atop hay bales in golden light, as they reflect on their mortality.

    • Lorelei says:

      “sitting atop hay bales in golden light, as they reflect on their mortality.”

      Omg I’m laughing so hard at this perfect description ☠️

    • BeanieBean says:

      The longer that video went on, the more I had time to think about things like walking through meadows bare-legged. Some of those plants probably scratch the skin & then of course there’s ticks! Don’t they have to worry about Lyme disease or anything in England?

  30. Julieta Penagos says:

    A heartfelt and human video, very much in the style of the Sussexes. 🙄

  31. Chelsea says:

    We’ve all known this for a while but it’s pretty clear she won’t be coming back as a full time working royal. I don’t like her for obvious reasons but I hope she’s okay. I do think she was sick but I also think something else is going on here; unfortunately for her I don’t think Brits care enough to ever dig into it. Oh well.

  32. Gabby says:

    How appalling to release this video just one day after the queen’s death anniversary.

    • Convict says:

      Good pick up, but what do you expect from a woman who basked in glory at Wimbledon just for showing up, making it all about her?

    • Dee(2) says:

      Lol, exactly. This video is interesting to say the least. And there will never be any questions as to why this is acceptable for them to do and no one else, and the costs will never be considered. A lot of commenters here though called it that they would have to say something this month because of how chemotherapy treatment works and how long a course is.

    • Amy Bee says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      Kate, seen for the first time since the second anniversary of The Queen’s death!

  33. Mads says:

    My take: she’s got an incurable type of cancer, hence the “try to stay cancer free” line.
    Morbid observation: obit material, especially the unrealistic portrayal of her and 🥚 as happily married.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Not necessarily. People don’t talk about this but most patients are put on a medication for 5 years after treatment to prevent the cancer from returning.

      • Renae says:

        Yeah, its called Taxol and you take the pill daily and that’s your “preventative chemo”. (Did I neglect to mention that after a few days you can just swallow it with your morning birth control or blood pressure drug and it effects you even less than those drugs?)

    • Newt says:

      @Mads – I agree about the type of cancer being incurable. I think the “staying cancer free” is code for “spend as much time as possible with my family” while I can. I’ve felt all along she had/has a female cancer (uterine/ovarian) hence the ‘abdominal surgery’ reference. Those types of cancers generally don’t have favorable outcomes unfortunately. Not always, but frequently.

      Either way, you can still work when you are cancer free. I had breast cancer 8 years ago and still worked throughout treatment and immediately afterward. Of course, I had to work. I’m not a “princess” so I don’t have that to fall back on. There’s no reason why she couldn’t do AT A MINIMUM one appearance a week and do Zoom appearances in between. And she absolutely should be supporting cancer causes and supporting those fighting cancer in their country and throughout the commonwealth. No excuse for that NOT to be happening.

      I’m glad that – for now – she’s cancer free. I know that’s a wonderful feeling. You never know if and when your cancer could return, but you keep living and working.

      • Claire says:

        Agree, I think the “try to stay cancer free” equals another way to say that whatever cancer she has almost always recurs and she has slim long term recovery odds. She’s going to spend her time with her family, at least until they see if the chemo has worked (they will probably do imaging/blood tests etc within certain intervals in the first year to see if there are recurrences)

  34. Beverley says:

    Looks like the Men in Gray had a come-to-Jesus meeting with Pegs about his need to stop publicly showing contempt for KKKhate and assigned him an acting coach. They finally convinced him that for this video (at the very least) he must show fondness and affection for his wife. Apparently they hold some sway over the Other Brother and forced him to play along.

    It’s all so cringy and definitely gives this is KKKhate’s last stand. I have no idea if she’s terminal or what her medical issues entail. But this is very obviously another phase of transitioning her out of public life. Perhaps part of negotiations between her and Pegs.

    I’m not buying it.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Not to worry, Sir, just close your eyes and think of Norfolk!

    • BeanieBean says:

      He at least tolerates her affection here, rather like he did at the beginning of their marriage when they published those photos of the two of them walking on the beach with Lupo. Kate was all over William, and he, well, didn’t resist. Same here.

  35. Kim says:

    It’s clear their staff studied The Sussexes’ years of footage to develop this video. Kate clearly didn’t write the script she read…Someone please explain how someone goes through chemotherapy and not lose hair?

    • Cee says:

      My father didn’t lose his hair, just his body hair and some of his lashes. He was in treatment for over a year, chemo and radiation.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Depending on the type of treatment she had it’s possible not to lose her hair. I think the bigger issue is she has taken so much time off. Most cancer patients don’t have that privilege. I wish she would acknowledge that.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m going through chemo and haven’t lost any hair — there are many types of chemo that don’t cause hair loss. Note her eyebrows are as thick and healthy looking as ever too. I’m still convinced this was, at least in part, a coverup for a completely different issue, one that involves her rage-monster husband.

      • Convict says:

        Her eyebrows are heavily pencilled these days. She likely has them professionally shaped, then uses heavy makeup.

    • Kay says:

      As a current Cancer patient (in remission), Chemo kicked my behind. No, I didn’t lose all of my hair, but a good amount of it. I wore clip in extensions to hide the bad areas. Some of my hair has grown back, and I no longer need them.

      Yes, every Chemo, radiation or other treatments vary with each patient and I can’t say as to whom should look like in any regard.

      Kate has issues. She is married to an ogre, has monsters for father and mother-in-law, and is a witch herself. The “movie production” is trying too hard to be “normal.” Is she trying to convince herself of one big happy family, or the public? What a major blunder.

  36. Cee says:

    This is the most self-centred video I have ever seen and I was big in the YT Beauty Community 6 years ago.

  37. Tessa says:

    I can’t help but wonder if there is some photoshopping going on. Also, she did not “show the love” to Harry and Meghan and their children. ANd neither did William to put it mildly

  38. Gwendolyn says:

    I’m happy she’s better, for her and the kids’ sake.

    But I compare this to other famous people who get cancer & use it as opportunity to educate the public. I get that everyone has a right to privacy. But when you’re out there saying you and your husband cannot fulfill your duties as heads of state in waiting then maybe don’t be so coy (same goes for Charles as head of state).

    Finally, William, there is zero reason for him not to have worked through all of this. I slept 3 hrs a night for 4 months while working full time and being a full time care giver as my father died from stage 4 cancer. I have no empathy for him only showing up for celebrities and football for a year.

    • Convict says:

      Kate can never be head of state. That is reserved for the monarch as sovereign.

      • Gwendolyn says:

        As the wife of the future head of state, is that more accurate?

        She still has a public facing role, that she could have used to raise empathy and awareness for fellow cancer sufferers like many celebrities do?

        William had no excuse for not working.

      • Convict says:

        Yes or Queen Consort. It is important because if W divorces her she won’t be either one. W’s rank, status and title is unconditional- by birthright.

  39. Tessa says:

    It reminds me of a movie I saw where the husband was running for president and he and his wife were estranged. The PR person told them to act like the couple on top of the wedding Kate. This business with the Wails reminds me of that.

  40. First comment says:

    And to complete the sentence mentioned above by several cb: the Oscar definitely goes to William!!! No doubt about that…

    • Lorelei says:

      I hope William wears a night guard, given all of the teeth-gritting he had to do to get through this video.

      (And I mean this as an indictment on *him*, not Kate. He just expects everyone to forget how disdainfully he’s treated her for years in public? It’s insulting.)

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Yep. William gets credit for being Sir Fakesalot. Kate & William do not have a loving union. It[s obvious. I believe they love their children. People might say, how they can’t behave this way publically. Except, there are a number of royal families that have been openly affectionate to their spouses for EVER. The 30 seconds of this video I could stand to watch/listen..blech.

      By chance, did it end with, “Live From New York, it’s a Kensington Palace shitshow videol”.

  41. Monika says:

    I am happy that Kate appears to do well and a wish her full recover.y

    However I found this video weird and sickening sweet. As people above said it looks more as an ad than a personal message. I cannot help to wonder what the reaction of the BM would have been if Harry and Meghan had published this kind of video. I am also wondering about the sudden display of PDA by Willi and Kate. Are they copying Harry and Meghan?

    After all the shenanigans of the last few months it is hard to take the video on face value, not to ask question if anything more sincere is behind it.

  42. DancingCorgi says:

    My first reaction was “get those kids off those logs”! They can roll and trap your leg in between risking a break.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes! Me, too! I come from the Pacific Northwest where the logging industry is big. You don’t climb on a stack of logs!!!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        It’s striking how the WanK often make implausible physical feats and ill considered actions that are deemed unwise/unsafe a highlight of their media offerings. If they were proper adverts they’d be made to have, ‘do not attempt’ superimposed on it.

      • Mayp says:

        Fellow Pacific Northwesterner here, and that was my first thought as well! Strangely enough, I had made a comment shortly after this post first appeared about how I was surprised they had the kids cavorting on stacked logs but it was deleted! Was it because I opined about how responsible or not I felt that was?

      • Convict says:

        That’s because they don’t parent and have no idea what is dangerous. The kids are raised by Nannies yet people keep insisting they are hands-on parents.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Yes! That was my immediate reaction as well, why is George scrambling on a pile of logs?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Maybe KP’s SM posts should get community notes. I wasn’t aware of that practice being a danger, I have to think many others don’t either. They made it look like lighthearted fun and desperately want their video to ‘trend’ so I’m certain they are paying to get it algorithm priority. That’s a lot of eyeballs being shown specifically dangerous bad advice.

        They could recut it to remove that bit, it’s not like it isn’t already far too long a length anyway.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Someone should put the voiceover from Lonely Water over it.

    • StarWonderful says:

      My thoughts exactly! Kids on rolling logs looks dangerous to me.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      I’m in Wisconsin. Grew up with a cojoined land of 4 acres with our Grandpa. As kids, we were totally climbing on things we shouldn’t have been. Our properties had a lot of trees. Climbing on stacks of wood was not something that would have been filmed or considered cute. At all.

      I’ve watched videos of “expert” log rollers. Kids chasing up a log stack is not cool. To be videoed. Been there, done that and got yelled at along with my siblings.

  43. Laura D says:

    It’s great for her and the family that she’s cancer free but, somehow the message has become confused. The original narrative was Kate was receiving preventative treatment so, what changed? Don’t get me wrong I do believe she was ill and we weren’t being told everything BUT, it’s interesting we’re being told she’s now cancer free when the original statement was that she didn’t have cancer and was undergoing preventative treatment. So, to all intents and purposes she has always been cancer free!

    As for all the “love and affection” well it’s about time. It’s not only H&M who are affectionate towards each other in public. The Obamas, Starmers, Felipe and Letizia to name but a few of the high profile names who are happy to show the world they aren’t above holding hands. If this video means we get a new dawn where we see a much nicer W&K then great but, a leopard can’t change its spots and these two are a nasty lazy couple who will use anything (and anyone) to make themselves look better than what they are.

    This is big news and could have been released at any time but, I notice they didn’t dare release it when Harry will be making the rounds in NYC. Kate’s a draw and a lot of people will be relieved she’s feeling better but, she couldn’t risk being overshadowed in the same news cycle as her “irrelevant” BIL. 😉

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “The original narrative was Kate was receiving preventative treatment so, what changed? Don’t get me wrong I do believe she was ill and we weren’t being told everything BUT, it’s interesting we’re being told she’s now cancer free when the original statement was that she didn’t have cancer and was undergoing preventative treatment. So, to all intents and purposes she has always been cancer free!”

      Keep that in mind, and bear in mind the narrative about her surgery went back and forth before the ‘Cancer video’ too.

      The truth will out eventually.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Laura D, your first paragraph is exactly why I’m so freaking cynical about Kate and the people around her, and wary of anything KP tells us.

      For a minute after watching this, I felt guilty for being so critical of it, but you articulated why we should be critical of the propaganda from these people.

  44. Tessa says:

    Oh dear, the worst photo is the two of them braying sitting in front of the woods.

  45. smee says:

    These photos are hilarious!

  46. BeanieBean says:

    Wow. That was…a lot. Random thoughts as I watched this: stormy waters AND an unknown road?; they go hiking in the woods & frail Kate, who’s been through some things, has to carry the big ol’ backpack?; Kate wears dresses for hiking & playing in the fields & frolicking on the beach with her kids? maybe she did have abdominal surgery after all & this feels more comfortable; the kids seem to be having fun & good for them! love all the interest in bugs; nice card playing with the grandparents scene & cozy setting–which of the many homes was that? both she & William brought a change of clothes, but not the kids? and by golly, that must have been a long day of filming, too bad she never put that kind of effort into her ‘work’.

    The message seems to be, I’m done with chemo but don’t think you’re going to see me any time soon! Gah, I don’t know why I feel the need to be so hypercritical of all this right now. If she’s really gone through whatever it was, I’m glad she & the kids & the rest of her family are enjoying this time right now, although I’m unclear on how this is much different from her typical summer.

    • Lorelei says:

      @BeanieBean, “The message seems to be, I’m done with chemo but don’t think you’re going to see me any time soon!”


      Never change, Kate 😂

  47. Elilyan says:

    This video was recorded a long time ago. I’ve seen the locations in the Father’s Day photo, in the photo of Kate before the King’s birthday. In other words, Kate has been well for a long time and has only now decided to go to work.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The prairie dress feels a bit dated too but I get the sense the over the top PDA isn’t something William could have managed then. Maybe they merged new and old footage. The recent church photos seemed to have been mixed around to give the illusion they were all current when the WanK ones were earlier ones manipulated.

    • Becks1 says:

      Well, that doesnt mean a whole lot – if those photos and this video were all shot in Norfolk it would be the same locations. (I think they said the photo of her before Trooping was at Windsor but hey, they lie about lesser things.)

      • Lorelei says:

        @Becks, ITA. This area just seems to be their go-to spot when they want to shoot these types of “commercials” for their family, so of course it looks familiar to us, we’ve all seen it in their Gap ad video.

        I don’t believe much of what these people tell us, but I do think this video is definitely recent, based on how the kids look. You can literally see how much they’ve grown, and that’s not something they could have Photoshopped.

        I find it interesting that she doesn’t seem to be wearing Big Blue anymore!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Sure, being in the same area means mixing in earlier footage to look contemporaneous with that which might have been recently shot is an achievable gambit continuitywise.

        I feel the PDA has to be recent, post Kategate. William had physically recoiled from and ignored his wife in public consistently up to the point she went in hospital/clinic/whatever that was. William treated MaMids with kid gloves at Ascot. Whatever went down William had to cave in the end. Carole and Kate won, for sure.

  48. Tessa says:

    His kissing her on the cheek looks very awkward. Like he’s following directions from the “director” of the video.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The one where they all pounce on her at the ground feels very much like that as well as looking too much like a attack in a zombie or Aliens film.


    • Lady Digby says:

      @Tessa maybe an intimacy coordinator ?

      • Lorelei says:

        “an intimacy coordinator”

        omfg I howled at this! 😭

      • Interested Gawker says:

        ‘Intimacy coordinator’


      • Beverley says:

        Oh yeah, intimacy coordinators are often present on movie sets.
        Wouldn’t be surprised if Pegs needed extensive coaching prior to the shoot and several takes to make it look somewhat authentic. It must’ve been a learning moment for those kids, watching their parents pretend to be in love.

    • Proud Mary says:

      They had to compete with Harry and Meghan in Colombia and Nigeria. It’s the same ‘oll tired story. Each time Harry and Meghan are getting good coverage for doing something, a two-pronged response from KP ensue: Part 1 — sent their press minions out to scream and cry about it. Part 2 — sent blink and nod out to copy Harry and Meghan. If I cared about William, I would actually feel sorry for him. But being force to remain in a miserable marriage is exactly what a demon like him deserves. They fool only the sycophants.

    • Convict says:

      William was caught arguing with Carole at Ascot. I’m not fooled.

  49. Tashiro says:

    I’m glad she’s cancer free. Another good thing is the BM will be going on about this for at least a week or more I would think. Although I’m not naive, they will through crap at H and M just for the Hell of it.

  50. bisynaptic says:

    Wow, they’ve really turned on the treacle, haven’t they. What happened to the Stiff Upper Lip of the true Blue-bloods? Meanwhile, their “fans” are trying to attack Meghan for being insufficiently grieved by the Queen’s death.

    • Convict says:

      It’s entirely inappropriate behaviour. They have made a point of not engaging in a lot of PDA, following the late Queen. Now this cheap stunt?

  51. Dee says:

    Someone on Twitter called it the “Katetruda” ad and that is accurate. It’s getting quite the mixed reviews. The sycophants lapping it up and everyone else gagging.

  52. Lady Digby says:

    Dear Husband said the video reminded him of the 1970s style chocolate flake advert where a woman in long hair wearing a Laura Ashley dress , wanders around a flower strewn meadow eating the smoothest, crumbliest chocolate!

    • Interested Gawker says:


      I remember that one!🍫

      It’s a bit like an old Modess advert too, a woman striding through the fields in light coloured trousers.

    • LRB says:

      Oh yes! there were several versions of that one was of the girl sitting in an old style caravan… they were considered quite risquee at the time… the way she was eating the flake… yes this is exactly the right comparison!!!

  53. Proud Mary says:

    Here’s hoping that this feeds the rats enough that they can leave the Sussexes alone. Whom am I kidding? As long as the leftovers, including this one, remain useless, jan the beach whale Mohr will find yet another justification for a junket to sunny, beautiful Montecito.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Netflix just announced that Harry’s docuseries POLO is coming out in December. So look for the press to pivot to how dare Harry make this announcement after Kate’s statement outrage when the euphoria dies down.

  54. Brassy Rebel says:

    My phone didn’t like the video. It glitched out after thirty seconds. But she’s not wearing either her wedding ring or Big Blue. So I’m not buying whatever they’re trying to sell here.

    • Amy Bee says:

      She’s wearing her wedding ring and the new ring she wore last month. KP still hasn’t learned from the PR debacle of earlier in the year.

    • Lorelei says:

      Seriously. We NEVER saw her without Big Blue from the day she received it. (Didn’t she even wear it while scuba diving??)

      IMO, it means something that she no longer seems to wear it. I don’t know exactly what, but something. Maybe William demanded it back during negotiations since it was his mother’s?

      The members of the RF, and Kate in particular, are hyper aware of the fact that everything they wear is symbolic/sends a message/etc. Kate theme-dresses constantly, to the point were she frequently goes way too literal and over the top. Yet all of a sudden, Big Blue is MIA during the making of this “We’re such a happy couple, really!” video? It’s super strange.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I believe Kate wore a dupe. That said, I still suspect the Middletons caged jewels from the BRF. The repetitive nature of the ‘William fretting about M’s engagement ring’ story getting trotted out repeatedly seemed too intentional to not have some truth in it. Why should William care about Meghan’s ring?

      • Dee says:

        Agree that Kate’s ring was a dupe. Real jewelry, but not Diana’s ring. That’s deep in a vault somewhere, its value based on Diana wearing it. And I can see William treating it like his Precious.

        Meanwhile, Kate stuck her ring in dough with the Scouts, let it spin on her finger while shaking hands in crowds with no fear of loss, wore it yachting and ziplining in Borneo. Maybe they never told her it was a dupe, but she certainly treated it like one.

      • Convict says:

        I wonder if it’s too big now and W refused to get it altered?

      • Convict says:

        William is too stingy to buy Kate a dupe.

  55. Bobbie says:

    Okay, I don’t want to seem like a jerk, but every person I’ve ever known who goes through chemo looses their hair or at least their hair thins considerably. How does she still have that huge head of hair? Is it even possible that she went through chemo? Is it a wig? It feels like if it is, it would look different? I’m just very confused because I (like most of us) know a lot of people with cancer, and she just doesn’t look like she’s been through cancer, even with all the variability with cancer treatment.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m undergoing chemo and haven’t lost a hair. There are a number of chemo drugs that don’t cause hair loss or thinning, I’m on one of them.

  56. jo says:

    Good grief. Some of y’all learned nothing from Diana. WE DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN’S LIFE. I don’t know why some of you feel the need to publicly judge someone you do not know. Remember how the media was terrible to not just Diana, but young Britney, Courtney Stoddard, Amanda Bynes, etc.? The list is very long! We do not have a window into any celebrity’s suffering, and I think we add to it when we’re sh-ts to them online.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The press protects Kate even when KP was lying to them so there’s nothing for you to worry about here.

    • Jaded says:

      We know when we’re being sold a false story. We know there’s been a mass coverup. It’s ridiculous to compare Diana to Kate, Diana was the real deal and Kate’s a cardboard cutout.

    • Convicto says:

      She holds unelected high public office. He is my future King, so I’ll criticise all I like without being rebuked by you or anyone. We are subjected to their gushing PR using public money, their story, without any critical oversight. So it’s normal and healthy for people to exercise their own critical thought.

    • Beverley says:

      We know Kate is a mean-girl racist who is envious of her SIL. We saw Kate run-up on Meghan after they got out of their care for the walkabout after QE2’s demise. We know Kate lied about Meghan making her cry…and Meghan has the receipts/personal note from Kate to prove it.

      And I strongly suspect Kate was one of many RF members who was so concerned about how dark Prince Archie’s skin tone would be. So yeah, I know more than enough about this Royal Racist to criticize her.

      I’m just glad that none of my tax money goes to feeding, dressing, and entertaining this welfare queen.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      We know her behaviour. We’ve witnessed it all this time.

      We know KP’s behaviour. Why was the farm video never retracted? They push out gauzy, glossy propaganda to persuade the public not to think of all the money they waste creating their media games or call them to account for the fraud they perpetrate. How much do they pay to amplify views and lard SM with bots? Why aren’t KP’s spending figures disclosed? When will there be accountability for their deceptions? There’s a reason they only use social media anymore, the news wires won’t go along with their con.

    • Jais says:

      Most of the commenters have said they are happy to hear Kate say that she is cancer-free. The video was paid for by public funds or from their duchy money and so mostly I’m seeing people critique the tone of the video. At the end of the day, it’s a produced video from an institution intent on selling the public in the fact that they are still important enough to receive funding for their existence. Most of us here are glad that Kate is well even if we think the video is somewhat cheesy, especially for a couple that has looked down upon anything that is too Hollywood. This was a cinematic production which again would be fine if they hadn’t continually leaked about how Harry and Meghan are so gauche etc.

    • Wagiman says:

      Likening her to Diana? That’s a leap. Diana was a teenager who was gaslighted by a much older man and his side piece.. Kate chased willy knowing all about the family post Diana, and dated him for nearly 10 years. He cheated all the way through and she knew. Kate lies easily, is a bully, is as self centred as they come, openly, publicly bullied/s her sil. We know plenty. That’s just what we’ve seen. She can leave, Diana did. Willy will be my king so I can have an opinion.

  57. Amy says:

    And yet, still no acknowledgement of her immense privilege.

    • Liz -L says:

      She’s been very secretive about what type of cancer so it’s hardly standing in solidarity with other sufferers.

      The time they put in to this video is the most work they’ve done in years.

      I don’t believe a word now that comes from the palace propaganda machine.

  58. Tashiro says:

    I’ve decided not to watch the video.

  59. equality says:

    I was cringing while they are all playing around on stacked logs. Not a bright move. Were those logs specially stacked and secured for them or are they that incautious?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That was mentioned further up by others in the know. Not for the first time are KP unwittingly normalizing an unsafe practice as a cute lark as they embiggen themselves. They pay to amplify it too. Not good.

  60. Blair Warner says:

    This video is ridiculous and offensive. Imagine the amount of time, money, and resources used for this useless PR? I’m truly shocked that William went along with the extensive video shoot and the PDA. The inclusion of the senior Middletons was done very deliberately and, after their appearance at Wimbledon this summer, shows that they were negotiated back into a public-facing role sometime earlier this year. Kate should be embarrassed that she didn’t thank her health care team or offer any concrete support for others whose lives are touched by cancer. I hate the whole thing.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      So many ‘royalty norms’ of dealing with an illness requiring medical treatment were broken by Kate’s disappearace and so much fraud heaped on top of it.

      The truth will out someday.

    • Dilettante says:

      Maybe she didn’t have a health care team to thank – aside from her plastic surgeon.

  61. Tessa says:

    It’s hilarious that the bots say the Wails don’t show PDA and praise them for it. And then complain when Meghan and Harry hold hands. Now it’s perfectly OK if the Wails show affection.

    • sunnyside up says:

      The Tabloids are allowed to have double standards. Everything Kate does is good and Meghan doing the same is bad.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The royalists used to say that Harry and Meghan shouldn’t show affection in public because the minute they don’t people will say that they’re heading for divorce. Well, after this video William and Kate better be hugging, kissing and holding hands on their engagements.

  62. JustBitchy says:

    CP mett marit has pulmonary fibrosis and that’s very serious and she never complains

    • Jaded says:

      Oh how sad. It’s a dreadful disease. We just lost a very good friend to it, he couldn’t get a lung transplant in time.

    • LRB says:

      And she works as hard as her health allows. It would be easy for her to hide away, but she doesn’t.

  63. Truthiness says:

    💯 looks like a pharmaceutical commercial. Except the slo mo and the faux ‘home movie’ parts make it look like a romantic tribute to someone who has passed. When it came to figure out the setting I think their PR people said “Can we make it look more like Days Of Heaven?” “More sun on fields of grain wistfully please.”

    Very weird to watch a romanticized commercial for a member of royalty. We’re a lifetime away already from Elizabeth’s reign.

  64. meredith says:

    She’s a mother to three young children so it’s especially good news if she’s cancer free. I don’t know what any of this means. I don’t know why she is too sick to do zooms.

    My best friend has two young kids and is battling stage 1 of the most aggressive type of breast cancer. She’s gone through 12 rounds of chemo and has continued to work part time. Her scans are now clean but she is receiving immunotherapy every three weeks as well as monthly injections into her ovaries. It’s horrific and painful. Her prognosis is good but guarded as the type she has almost always comes back. But, she caught it early at a routine mammogram and treated it aggressively. She got lucky.

    I do know that people with advanced staged cancer also go into phases where they are “cancer free,” before it unfortunately comes back. If Kate does have an advanced stage cancer it would explain her prolonged absence. My upstairs neighbor has stage 3 lung cancer. After brutal rounds of chemo and radiation all year his scans are currently “clean.” However, he will continue with immunotherapy infusions to keep it at bay.

    I wonder if even though Kate said she is done with chemo she is still doing immunotherapy and/or radiation.

    Kate’s health information is absolutely her right to share. But not sharing what type or stage will unfortunately lead to people calling her lazy when she goes missing for months. Like if god forbid she has stage 3 ovarian or bowel cancer I don’t think she’d be getting much crap online.

    The best case scenario is she heals completely from this and ultimately decides to share her story and bring awareness to the need for screenings and early detection. That could become her life’s work, and she’s uniquely positioned to not only raise awareness but to raise money to help people battling cancer. That’s what Diana would have done.

    • Convict says:

      Kate is not Diana in any way and the kids are raised by nannies. I’m not buying this hands on parents trope and mother of the year.

  65. Flower says:

    This is a classic case of making lemonade from lemons and a PR Agency seeing an opportunity for a Kate ‘rebrand’.

    Pre-Meghan Kate was very much a Canvas upon which the Rota and Ma Midd projected their hopes and fantasies.

    The reality is that failed horribly when she realised how one dimensional and wooden she came across. These two were somewhat affectionate pre-2013.

    I think this illness and possibly leaving young children behind has given them both, but especially Kate perspective.

    It will be interesting to see if that perspective extends to her BIL & SIL.

    The affection is reminiscent of the first time William dumped her, he seems like the sort of husband who thinks only of himself until there is a possibility he might lose her.

    Whether they love each other is another subject but they have three children together and I suspect like any husband who lost his mother so young, that he does not wish the same for his own children.

    I am not a Kate fan, but I think ironically her brush with ovarian cancer has given her a moment of pause.

    • Tessa says:

      Nobody else wanted William during the break ups. I think he settled for kate

      • Convict says:

        Agreed he settled, but what is this about ovarian cancer? I don’t agree that Kate will become more empathetic toward others. Her self-serving nature is baked in.

  66. StarWonderful says:

    How soon before their dance video drops? Will they dance Salsa too?

  67. Sharon says:

    Why don’t they simply do the work that’s expected of them instead of putting together this 3 minute fluff piece? Glad she’s better now, but there was no valid excuse for William to be doing nothing all year long. But let’s watch 3 minutes of frolicking in the woods.

  68. Athena says:

    I just realized I committed a faux pas. I failed to release a glossy video with music and happy family scenes when I graduated to survivorship. You must forgive me, I was busy working to pay the bills, while keeping the household functioning without the help of a cook, housekeeper, chauffeur, gardener, etc.

  69. chcb says:

    First off, I just want to say it’s good to get an update. And good to hear that Kate’s better.
    As for the affection in the video, it IMO wasn’t vulgar but it was a bit overdone like they felt they needed to prove something and in a way needed the public to know they’re not cold fish compared to Harry and Meghan. William does seem a bit awkward in some scenes. And why the focus on Kate’s hair? Yes we know she likes it long. As for the kids, nice to see them appearing happy and healthy, though I was alarmed to see George walking through in woods wearing flip flops. Umm, hello? Lyme disease! Please wear sneakers.
    As for Kate’s suspected phase out, why if true it seems to be true, is it happening? What’s really going on?

    • Convict says:

      It’s vulgar for their public status. Some of the shots were inappropriate. They are not normal people, though I wouldn’t want my significant other groping me in public like that.

  70. TheBayTea says:

    Good to hear her chemo is complete. I wish her nothing but good health moving forward.

    And for all the snark about her lack of appearances in the coming months: Chemo is ROUGH on the body and mind. You don’t stop one day and suddenly get back to your normal self the next day. It will take months, if not years, for her to feel normal again. It does lasting damage by killing good and bad cells in the pursuit of removing the bad ones. Bouncing back immediately was never realistic.

    • Athena says:

      It’s the disparity and what appears to be her lack of acknowledgment that not everyone gets the same treatment when sick is what bothers people. I went back to work two weeks after the end of my chemo. There was no choice to stay Home for a few weeks let alone months until I felt fully recovered. Good for her that she can do that, a simple statement would have been better than this tone deaf video

    • Wagiman says:

      I’m so glad she had a good day for the men’s tennis final 🙄🙄.

      Always nice to see the paid accounts turning up. Hope they get their money’s worth.

    • Convict says:

      We only gave her unreliable word and that of her PR, KP, that she has been on chemo. The problem is the lack of transparency, chicanery, and her being well enough for elite Wimbledon but not for actual work. She has made everything about herself, even one of the oldest and most prestigious sporting events, and despite being well enough to frolic with her family, has done nothing to help others less fortunate. None of it rings true.

      Agreed, there are odd accounts showing up to defend her.

    • Convict says:

      My best friend recently passed from metastatic breast cancer. She was wealthy and did not have to work, though she did so right until the end, about one week prior to the end. She had a work ethic. This, despite having a mastectomy, brain tumour, bowel removal and other catastrophic effects. So pleased, spare me the sob story about this infantilised, lazy woman.

  71. aquarius64 says:

    An announcement for an update for a statement and 1 picture was enough. This was giving Hollywood production damage control. The new KP comms team told William and Kate their reputations are bad: cheating allegations, skin color “concerns”, cry-gate , frankenphoto, Caribbean Car crash tour, mean girl and bully allegations thanks to Spare, court interference by Jason Knauf in Meghan’s lawsuit, bullying allegations cooked up by KP, Kate’s disappearance starred DV conspiracy theories. I may have left stone things out. This short film with the gauzy lighting and the poetry was meant to squash all of that. It’s try- hard and not convincing to stone.

  72. Cassie says:

    Ok , glad she is ok but I couldn’t put myself through watching that video .
    Saw a bit on our morning news and that was enough .

    Why anyone would make a video to announce they are free of cancer , it’s just nauseating .

    Hopefully now all the focus will be on them and they can leave the Sussexes alone for a while .

    The UK can fawn over the Wales now and all will be well in their world .

  73. Square2 says:

    No, just NO to this video & this couple. My father & sister, both ordinary people, fought hard & died of cancer; and here we have this woman & her husband use “cancer card” only to their selfish advantages. Where is their contribution to cancer patients & their families’ support? What about some donations to cancer research? How about providing some links to the resources of cancer prevention, cancer management, etc? Instead these two spend time & money ( this year) on self-promoting & attacking the Sussex.

    To me, she is forever KKKate Middleton. Role model to nobody. Here’s hoping her three kids turn out better than their parents, character-wise.

  74. Just me says:

    With anyone pretty much would be glad they are okay. But that was a very, very heavily produced production for a statement.

    • khaveman says:

      Gut check – this video was so cringe and awkward. William looks to be emotionally phoning it in, or is just uncomfortable with the idea of it. This seems as an outsider to be divorce driven vs. cancer, but I’m not a doctor. I hope good health for all.

  75. Andrea says:

    I felt like I was almost hoodwinked until I saw him pat her hands and give her an awkward cheek kiss—it doesn’t strike me as a “grand passion”.

  76. Lavendel says:

    I am really happy when the people in this family of heirs are doing well and feel and show affection for each other. After all the pain and humility they talk about, perhaps they can also better understand and empathize with the pain and hardship of the other people in their former family.

    • Kingston says:

      Fortunately, more & more folks hv come to the realization tht the reason this abominable institution has survived for 1000yrs – sometimes panicking for a bit when they fear that too many folks might hv caught a glimpse behind the curtain to see the rot therein, but PHEW! not nearly enough – is due to the fact that there will always be enough gullible folks in the population to be bamboozled by the stagecraft.

      And this, even after 2 whole members of the inner-circle of that benighted Family that has been parasitized by the Machivellians tht manage them, have, in very recent times, escaped & told the rest of us tht NOTHING IS AS IT APPEARS TO BE; that in fact, as H said in Spare: “It’s all stagecraft.”

  77. Elizabeth says:

    Well now Richard Palmer from the royal rota is on Twitter saying this:

    “A mixed message and some confusing headlines tonight. On the one hand, Kate says: “Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus.” Yet at the same time, we’ve been told it is incorrect to describe her as “cancer free” or in remission.l

    • Jais says:

      Huh. You know what? I had to go back and re-read the statement. For some reason, I kept thinking she said she was cancer-free. But yeah that’s not how she worded it. She said she hopes to stay cancer-free which would suggest she is cancer-free but I guess it’s not clear.

    • Wagiman says:

      She said she HAD cancer in the bench vid. The chemo was ‘preventative’. So now they’re trying to string it along? By the sounds of it Kate will never be ‘cancer free’ poor sausage. But she’ll go to the tennis, the balcony events, play pretend piano at Christmas and holiday in the Caribbean.

    • Becks1 says:

      Staying cancer free to me implies she’s currently cancer free. Maybe she’s talking about the 5 year mark? IDK. But it’s weird that they’re putting it out there that she’s not cancer free.

  78. Tessa says:

    I don’t think it is great for the children to have to be part of these pr video stunts. They may resent it when they become teens.

    • Call_Me_AL says:

      I was thinking that the kids could love it, because it’s the only time their parents are together

  79. RoyalBlue says:

    Interesting! the Middletons came out of hiding from their creditors to make this video too.

    • Call_Me_AL says:

      Yes, and Chucky and Cow were excluded

      • Bridgid says:

        Ugh, this is so awkward and contrived.
        He looks like he wants to run a mile…I can’t stop laughing especially at the bit where he pecks her on the cheek. So stilted!
        I just was thinking about how Meghan and Harry have used personal experiences to help others, and shine a light on important causes: for example having experienced terrible online bullying and trolling has made them determined to help others going through the same thing. They have set up that support group for parents of children affected badly by online bullying, to the extent that they have been lost to suicide.
        I would have more respect for Kate and William if they did the same: used this experience to help and support others.
        But of course, they won’t..

  80. Tessa says:

    Charles had the sense just to issue a statement. No or videos of Charles and Camilla walking through a field with him narrating and music in the background.

  81. therese says:

    With 300 plus comments, who needs mine. But I will not refrain. Why a commercial for an announcement? A commercial takes takes and energy. As opposed to an announcement. I’ll just say it again: I despise being manipulated. They use and manipulate people. If she has cancer, and I don’t believe she does, I wish her well. If she doesn’t and is using it to keep people off her back, which is what I believe, I despise her for my own sake, as I have cancer, and for the sake of the many other people on this site who also do.

    If this is part of their “brilliant” play for a separation, they need to get on with it. And I think they need to get rid of her. It is only kind to get rid of her before she looses what marbles she has left. She is not equipped to handle the life she married into.

    People always talk about Will brushing Kate off, but I distinctly remember two instances on film where he touches or reaches for her and she brushes him off.

  82. Athena says:

    That dress style is very popular among the women interior designers in Texas.

  83. AC says:

    Tbh, I didn’t see the video on my SM feeds until I read this blog. Is it breaking the internet(maybe in the UK) but around here they’re not even trending.
    If anything on SM, many are still upset/disappointed about TS association with the trumpet(Brittany).
    The only time K ever broke the internet was when she was missing- sad…I think for much of the world(meaning outside of the UK) are pretty much done with these 2.

  84. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Prepping to see her for rememberanxe and xmas recital only, but they will add one xtra event so that they can say 1. She doing so much more than planned, 2. She’ll need to be out with the kids to counter anything that might from the american riviera royals. Kate 2.0 has left Diana’s ring behind.

    • AC says:

      It’s interesting why they feel the need to counter HM and have this 1-way competition with HM- who are living thousands of miles away from the UK , having their own charities, businesses and associations.
      WK can now focus on their country, and MTOB when it comes to the American Riviera.

  85. TurbanMa says:

    They really know how to miss the mark. So overdone. No one asked for a mini movie. So odd. So over produced just wow. And it’s my understanding that this is not the current weather, they made this and sat on it and over produced it to the nines. Steps to remain cancer free is so oddly vague. Maybe it was lung cancer and she’s quit smoking? Otherwise I would have thought she would say steps towards healing like if she’s had surgeries and then chemo she needs to get her strength back type of thing.
    And yes they miss the mark for linking their tax funded lifestyle/duties with their actual lives.
    I sincerely do not know what they were aiming for, sympathy? Attention? A check in for their public? Idk
    I hope the kids are ok.

  86. wolfmamma says:

    That script gave me the heeves ….

  87. Anonymous says:

    Can I just say there is no such thing as “preventable Chemo?” Chemo is administered to rid your body of Cancer, already existing.
    Chemo is poison, poison to kill off Cancer cells. No sane person is going to poison their body for a, “just in case.”

    One of the Chemo drugs I took was, Bendemustine, a derivative of mustard gas. Can you imagine?
    No, Kate, something is off with your story.

  88. Shhelby says:

    I am trying to be kind but I sure am struggling. I would never wish cancer on ANYONE but the self-centredness is staggering. My Mom and husband both had cancer. They are thankfully in remission. My Dad was diagnosed and was gone in 10 weeks. I have been on chemotherapy for 7 years for autoimmune disorders. I need to start a new medication that side effects include causing cancer, stroke, or heart attack. (I am grateful to live in Canada so medical care is provided but it doesn’t mean that cancer doesn’t effing suck.) My husband and I are trying to avoid bankruptcy and not lose our house due to us having to miss so much work. I’ve now gone back to work and barely make it through the day, then come home to collapse into bed and hope I have the strength to do it again tomorrow. But so glad Kate has learned loving people is important. So glad she’s walking with us. Where? Where’s the f*cking light Kate because it’s pretty dark here right now? You have zero financial worries. You have the best health care teams. You have the freedom to take months to take care of yourself. You are planning to “work” maybe twice more this year. You could actually make a real difference in people’s lives with your platform and privilege. But you chose not to and instead focused on how YOUR life has been impacted. What a disappointment.

    • Convict says:

      Sorry for your trauma. I understand trying to keep your house whilst battling chronic illness. I can only wish you the best, and spot on re Kate.

  89. fe says:

    two things I am mad about, seing this video:

    First: They are trying to sell the story of being an affectionate couple in private, when they can barely stand to touch or look at each other, while in public??
    Are they serious? Not to forget, this video is MADE FOR THE PUBLIC and NOT a private video! This is staged and smells desperate, like they try to squish the rumors, that something is seriously amiss in their relationship.

    Second: So, Kate is basically telling every cancer patient, that she has the money to stay off from work and on vacation for almost a year, when NORMAL cancer patients have to work during their treatment.. but hey, she is holding the hands of each and every cancer patient, because she is one of them?!?!

    I REALLY hope, that people see this and react properly. This is so wrong on so many levels.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Oh no , they are holding hands, there is actual contact. It’s so orchestrated . Obviously there is a film crew calling the shots . Why is there still no transparency about what her abdominal surgery was , what kind of cancer did she have , who treated her and where . This sort of information would actually help someone struggling through a similar cancer especially since she has emerged bright eyed and bushy tailed with a mane of hair intact. And please thank the doctors and medical staff by name and hospital .

  90. Tessa says:

    I notice the children were shown with the middletons. No sign of them with grandpa Charles. And at Balmoral
    With all the cousins romping in the countryside. Anne would have a good laugh at the wails commercial.William

  91. Auroreg says:

    Th wig is showing at one point!
    And this wig discrédit all the « natural family walking in the forest » it seems so fake to me.

  92. GHope says:

    No Big Blue on her finger? Did Will take it back? Cause this looks like a separation video so the kids can remembering the good times?