Tominey: Princess Kate & William’s video PDAs will save the monarchy

Real ones remember how the British press has spent the past seven years complaining about Prince Harry and Meghan’s affection towards one another. Harry and Meghan’s love language is touch and physical closeness. When they lived in the UK, they would hold hands during events. Meghan would rub Harry’s back in public, and Harry looked for any excuse to touch Meghan’s hair or grab her for a quick kiss. Remember the headlines? Remember how the British media hated all of that affection? Remember how Meghan was called tacky and a gauche, tactile American who didn’t understand the rules, the rules being: marry your cousin and never be affectionate. Well, if you would believe it, it seems like those rules don’t exist anymore. Especially now that Prince William and Kate produced a Will Warr-directed video in which they are touching each other in completely awkward ways, ways which we are being told is completely acceptable. From Camilla Tominey’s latest column in the Telegraph:

For a couple unaccustomed to PDAs (Public Displays of Affection), it is the most remarkable royal video, showing the Prince and Princess of Wales as we have never seen them before…The Princess was seemingly not content with expressing her love for her husband and their three children, Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Prince Louis, six, in words alone. After everything she has gone through, the once guarded Catherine clearly decided to throw caution to the wind – and the candour caught on camera is as heartwarming as it is revealing.

We always suspected that the Waleses, both 42, had a solid marriage, based on the fact they have never felt the need to fawn over each other in public or declare their undying love in the 23 years they have been together (13 as husband and wife). Even on their wedding day, they were reluctant to go overboard, only kissing on the Buckingham Palace balcony after the groom tentatively asked the bride: “Shall we?”

The touching scenes filmed last month by Will Warr in Norfolk, however, reflect a deliberate attempt to finally lay bare the love and affection at the heart of one of the most high profile – and well documented – relationships in the world. Viewers will be forgiven for pinching themselves as they see the typically shy and introverted pair holding hands, Kate’s head on William’s shoulder, smiling and laughing together, and even lying on the ground, smooching.

The sepia-esque nature of the footage is reminiscent of the royal home videos of yesteryear, showing the late Elizabeth II and her beloved husband the Duke of Edinburgh, larking about on holidays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland and on the Royal Yacht Britannia. Dressed in a £299 blue and white boho frock from US brand Veronica Beard, teamed with a pair of classic “mum” Veja trainers, this is behind-closed-doors Catherine, unbuttoned and unburdened by royal duty.

The video intended to symbolise the strength Catherine has drawn from her family and loved ones from spending time on the things which bring her joy such as family card games with her parents Carole and Michael Middleton to the sanctuary she has sought in the great outdoors.

But beyond the obvious signals of recovery and hope lies a deeper message for the public to absorb. The last four years have proved to be one of the most difficult periods in House of Windsor history, with “Megxit”, the deaths of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the Duke of York saga and the cancer diagnoses of both King and future Queen. On more than one occasion over the past four years, the future existence of “The Firm” has been called into question as the Royal family has been forced to contend with one crisis after another.

Yes, those foundations may have been shaken in recent times, not least by the acrimonious departure of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from royal life. But the future is finally beginning to look brighter. This extraordinary display of devotedness between the couple who will one day wear the crown suggests that it is built on something stronger than mere duty.

[From The Telegraph]

I can smell the Kensington Palace talking point memo from here. Or were these bullet points provided by Middleton Manor, with Carole Middleton suddenly finding her voice after more than a year of deeply ashamed silence following the collapse of her house of cards? The thing is, even if you were open to the positive side of this story – Kate is doing better, she and William are not getting a divorce – the way Tominey and other commentators are laying it on thick really shows the play. This reminds me of the bizarre photo and statement released the day before Trooping the Colour as well – what is the point of all of this extravagant look-at-me media? Yes, it’s proof of life, but that could have been achieved in other ways, less awkward ways, less expensive ways. Kate and William basically filmed a proof-of-life video for their MARRIAGE.

Screencaps courtesy of Kensington Palace video.

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136 Responses to “Tominey: Princess Kate & William’s video PDAs will save the monarchy”

  1. Tessa says:

    William has a weird expression when she puts her head on his shoulder. And no warmth with the kiss on the cheek. I guess William is going along with this p r but he can’t help himself and he will discourage pda if she makes appearances with him. The two of them go in for braying. Who is taking these pictures

    • sunnyside up says:

      A normal spontaneous family outing complete with camera and sound crew, oh yea!

    • Barrett says:

      I feel really bad ab Kate’s illness . I have a severe chronic illness and I get how how you feel can be unpredictable and you have a tough time w knowing if you will have a day w side effects of drugs. or disease symptoms. I, however am put off by the scripting of the video. I don’t need whimsical shots of her in a dress or by a tree w music. I feel like her other video talking directly to people from a bench were more direct to the people and real. Cancer or illness is experienced by many and we can not and should NOT make a whimsical video ab it. I truly believe that this has put life’s fragility in perspective and she knows love and time w her/kids is what is important. This misses the mark and the family being real w her being real from a bench talking directly to us would work so much better. Get real and shoot straight.

      The PR world they live in is so far removed from reality and sadly fails w us common people….

  2. Neeve says:

    Oh I wished you had used the other pic where Peg is looking at her like he wants to barf. Anyways I would love to know what Kate threatened to get William to not only do this but hold hands and be all lovey dovey.

  3. Cassie says:

    I almost feel sorry for William and the life he has , she won and he is stuck with his miserable life .with her ,
    But I actually think they deserve each other .

    I am so happy that Harry and Meghan and their children escaped this horrible existence and can live their life on their terms .

    • Tessa says:

      I don’t think she won. They probably still lead separate lives

    • s808 says:

      If you think about it, W made the cage he’s stuck in even smaller for himself. He’s now stuck with a wife he doesn’t want, a job he doesn’t want and is now doing alone with no chance of support because he drove away said support. And the brother whose shine he tried to snuff out is free from him and uncontrollable. Damn.

    • Chloe says:

      I actually think william doesn’t mind too much because he gets to keep his faux image of a devoted husband and father while he is dilly-dallying.

    • A says:

      Actually, after the way he so effortlessly threw her under the bus after the whole photo fiasco I think these two are the perfect match! She’ll force him into the position of lovey dovey husband in front of a camera crew and the world and he’ll continue to sleep around, drink, and be miserable when he thinks no one’s paying attention. It’s probably pretty toxic in reality, but it’s a reality that neither will escape.

    • Becks1 says:

      I do think she won because I think for the moment, he can’t have a divorce. But that doesnt mean its forever.

      This video feels like it would be more appropriate for an anniversary video or something than a “I’m done with chemo” announcement.

      • The Duchess says:

        I agree, she’s won this round. I also think Kitty is deluded enough to think she’s won forever, hence why she’s acting so brazen and smug. She also has Carole in her armoury and I think Carole has done a lot of the bidding for this new set up Keen is in right now. Baldy only has himself to blame for the predicament he finds himself in. He had a support network but he blew it. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.

        I can’t wait to see how long all of this happy family schtick lasts.

  4. Caitlin says:

    This sounds desperate. What does this “journalist” (using the term loosely) get out of this fawning description of their marriage?

    • Chloe says:

      Access. Briefings. Money. I think that is it.

      • ella says:

        But Tominey’s readers are mostly elderly British people who miss the 🤴 Queen.

        She’s not a real journalist, more of a supermarket recipe mag journalist. So lacking real talent I guess she has nowhere to go but to take palace instructions on writing about this seemingly last leg of the monarchy’s existence.

        She’s essentially a gopher following palace instructions.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        Money definately.

  5. Tessa says:

    So they have a solid marriage based on p r. Ben and j lo were said to be a happy couple and look how that turned out. If the wails have to do photo ops of how happy they are there is true desperation

  6. TheOriginalMia says:

    If the comments under the tweet are a barometer of the public’s sentiments towards the video, it’s not going to save the monarchy. Its so very polished and fake and Camilla is a hack, and most people know it.

  7. Dee says:

    Tominey is delusional. This video reeks of desperation and she knows it.

    • Jais says:

      That’s the real truth.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think its like Kaiser said – this seems like proof of life for their marriage. They’ve seen the social media chatter.

      • L84Tea says:

        This. The talk and rumors of separations and divorce have been louder than ever this past year. This definitely looks and feels like a Hail Mary attempt.

    • Kingston says:


      #CamillaTomineyisaLiar is sooooooo desperate for this latest, high-stakes bamboozling of the hoi polloi to work, that she seems to have forgotten that theyve pushed the sanctity of “royal duty” down every sucker’s throat all these years and seems to have made a major slip by referring to it as “mere duty.” Sacrement! LMFAO

      As in: “This extraordinary display of devotedness between the couple who will one day wear the crown suggests that it is built on something stronger than mere duty.”

      So when we’re told that the revered betty, throughout her 70-year reign, sacrificed everything, including love and family and all human feeling, for “duty” was all for nought?

      The way these sycophantic Rats will be the ones to destroy the monarchy in the end! Hoo boy! I sincerely hope we’re all here to see the final denouement.

      • Lorelei says:

        Yeah, the “more than mere duty” comment was a real slap in the face to Liz. On the anniversary of her death, no less, ffs.

  8. Wagiman says:

    Thank God? I mean apart from laughing at the tragedy of it,, yay! You go and save the monarchy with awkward pda, trashy 1980s hair product commercial. Ouch.

  9. MY3CENTS says:

    This video is like an ad for celibacy. Ick.

    • Libra says:

      Ick is exactly my response to this whole over produced video. There must have been someone directing, “okay, now kiss her, pretend this is spontaneous and playful”. I wonder how many hours of filming was required to produce this? How many days? Would love to see the outtakes. Sorry for being a Debbie Downer but we’ve been fed so many lies over the years that it’s hard to believe that this is sincere.

  10. Tessa says:

    I wonder if he will now allow her to grab his rear end.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Tessa I was merely grateful that the video didn’t conclude with Benny Hill chase music playing as Katie chased Will with both hands outstretched to grab his ass!

    • Proud Mary says:

      IKR?? She seems to have gotten her way. He hates affection, especially the public kind. After years of resisting, he’s succumbed to pressure from people like camillatomineyisaliar about how PDA will safe the monarchy. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Kate has no sense of self-awareness when it comes to copying Meghan.

  11. CatMum says:

    I agree with one thing: the video is certainly as heartwarming as it is revealing.

    And ffs, get off of that log pile before someone breaks a leg!

    • Oh come on. says:

      Ikr! I sure hope those logs were nailed together somehow: that did not look safe.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      That was my first thought- you’re going to let your kids crawl around on these massively heavy, unsecured logs? It’s a scenario from r/whatcouldgowrong.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        There should be a notice saying don’t climb on the logpile or something like that because it is dangerous. They don’t secure them they expect people to be sensible.

  12. Miranda says:

    A dress by Veronica Beard? Gosh, I could swear that another, more stylish celebrity was recently seen wearing something from that brand. On an outing to a South American country, perhaps? Nah, it’s probably nothing. Ignore me.

    As for the video, holy f–k, that was cringe-inducing. I literally recoiled.

    • Chloe says:

      It was overproduced. The thing with william and kate is that they want to do things like harry and meghan and yet always slightly miss the mark. If they wanted to give us heartwarming candid moments they should off pulled straight from their iPhones or kate’s camera. Instead they have a director stage their “candid” moments. It takes away the authenticity and puts very personal news is a slightly tacky framework

      Of course, you can’t pull any heartwarming family moments from your own camera roll if you don’t have any..

    • Harla says:

      @Miranda, I too was shocked, shocked I tell you, that the Savior of the British Monarchy was wearing an American brand favored by her American, biracial sister in law! Where are my smelling salts?!

      • Unblinkered says:

        I wouldn’t like to think it was a spiteful ploy to try sell out a U.S. brand in Meghan’s backyard. Because that would mean KM was petty, calculating and competitive.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        But suuuuure, the Rota swore up and down that Meghan needed/wanted The Dry White Duchess’ “fashion contacts”…

        These “future leaders of the UK & Commonwealth” can’t lead a flea circus parade, they’re so busy following everyone else with *actual* clout and social cachet.

        WanK have had decades to level up, and this is as far as they can rise… this is as far as talent, interest, and the many sweaty hands of the UK media can raise them. Completely unimpressive.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Saying that that is how she dresses behind the scenes and in her everyday life just solidified the fact that she cosplays everything Meghan, from designers to tennis shoes. She can disappear from public life as long as she stops briefing her racist friends in the media, until then she is fair game to be called out.

      • AMB says:

        You know who else “dressed up” in costume? Marie Antoinette.

        “Hey, you guys, look at me, I’m TOTALLY a milkmaid!”

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        My money is on Kate pulling out a milkmaid costume for her next monstrous vlog.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Ha! No wonder I surprised myself by liking a dress K wore.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Hmm….a dress by Veronica Beard…”beard” being the operative word. Is that the hidden message here?

    • Sunnyside up says:

      I turned it off, couldn’t watch any more.

  13. KASalvy says:

    This video was SO awkward. Proof of life for their marriage/relationship? Choreographed walks through fields? Montage of “happy family” moments with the grandparents?

    It was like a commercial for prescription medication.

  14. Maxine Branch says:

    All I see from this video are two awkward people trying to appear in love. Desperate times call for desperate videos.. The inauthenticy leaps off the video.

    • SarahCS says:

      I will not be watching this (and owe a debt of gratitude to those of you who have). The still of them ‘laughing’ looks exactly like what you get when you fake laugh because someone you fancy walks in the room and you want to look great. So, so fake.

    • etso says:

      > Desperate times call for desperate videos.

      : )

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      LOL! “Desperate times calls for desperate videos.”. Epic.

      This video smells worse than teen spirit.

  15. Tessa says:

    All this lacks is keen strumming a guitar and singing a folk song to huevo.

  16. Nanea says:

    This video sounds, from all the descriptions I’ve read, plus the screenshots I’ve seen, completely cringeworthy.

    I won’t be watching, as I can’t stand *that* voice, and I can do without Harry’s brother giving me nightmares.

    But to say this apparently completely awkweird and unnecessary video — which will probably cost the taxpayers a six-figure sum — does anything other than show how tonedeaf, entitled and detached from reality these overpaid and underworked amateur civil servants are, proves how Tominey is nothing but a paid stooge for KP.

  17. Jais says:

    American designer Veronica Beard and Veja sneakers huh? Okaaay. So basically trying to be like Harry and Meghan and copying everything about them will save the monarchy. Despite the fact that it comes across as inauthentic and try-hard. Sure, good luck with that.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I hope these are some of the companies that Meghan has invested in so that she can at least get paid off of this woman constantly style stalking her.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The problem was always that William and Kate were jealous of Harry and Meghan. They still are.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        Harry and Meghan were too good with the public, too hard working, and Meghan was far too pretty, they had to go so they didn’t outshine the future King and Queen.

  18. equality says:

    So she knew they were devoted because they didn’t talk about it or do PDA and now she knows they are solid because they are talking and doing PDA? Logically follows? And this will impress people, because why should they be doing public appearances and mingling with the “peasants” for their keep when they can do a video? Maybe they can progress to outright porn or pegging and really entertain the commoners.

  19. Noor says:

    Who will buy the Kensington Palace’s glossy vision of perfect marital bliss ?

    • Eurydice says:

      Even if people buy this vision, what does that have to do with the monarchy? If anything, this is showing W&K happy with not being royal.

      • Convict says:

        Yes and that is the point I was making earlier. This is not how the monarchy at the highest echelons ought to be pushed to the public.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Your use of the word “glossy” harkens KP’s talking points that referred to H&M’s Colombia tour photos as glossy. They use strawman arguments to compete with the Sussexes. “Harry and Meghan released glossy videos and pictures from their tours, we can do better!!” I don’t recall anyone characterizing H&M’s photos and video’s as overproduced.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      DM readers are lapping it up. Mind you they are deleting the negative comments, I have been banned for now.

  20. Em says:

    So boring so vanilla

  21. Inge says:

    as they see the typically shy and introverted pair”

    Shy and introverted?

    What was William the Hooligan at the football game?

    Kate paraded on a catwalk in her undies.

    Kate showed the world her lack of undies on consecutive royal tours.

    They were never shy nor introverted.

    Anyway those pics made me burst out laughing yesterday, so contrived, so overacted, and William is about to burst into laughter himself.

    • Avonan says:

      No. Not shy or introverted. There’s a screen capture from the production in the dunes, one where Wills is crouched atop a reclining Kate—only his egg dome is seen burrowed in her neck—with one of their kids (Louis?) shown playing in the sand. Just so unbelievably cringeworthy…and ick!

  22. Amy Bee says:

    When is the press going to apologize to Harry and Meghan for bashing them because they were more affectionate than the heir and his wife. As I said yesterday William and Kate better keep up the PDA on engagements.

  23. Whalesnark says:

    A video of my dog humping my leg would be more heartwarming than this.

    • Inge says:

      I’m so happy that I hadn’t taken a sip of water when I read this because I would have spit it out, lol

    • Stef says:

      Comment of the day! Hilarious!

    • Joanne says:

      Whalesnark, you are an evil person to make me laugh so much early in the morning. The visual with that is so funny.

    • Gabby says:

      Yes, for anyone who needs a mind cleanse after this, I recommend searching for videos of bears breaking into people’s swimming pools. It will put things right.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Lol @Whalesnark. Dead.

      And, @Whalesnark, your dog has genuine affection for your leg. Video/cameras not needed. Multiple takes not needed. Spontaneous behavior!

      Another mind cleanse. Larry the Cat twitter, recent piece in the Times? and right to reply to the BBC. Fun things.

  24. Kate says:

    The Daily Mail and Liz Jones actually agrees with you. She still manages to make it about Harry but is asking how we are supposed to take this seriously.

    “ a misfire from a family once so protective of their privacy. It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with: Hallmark, cringy, cliched. Not real or from the heart at all..”

    • Lady Digby says:

      Hallmark TV movie with the Blake Lively cut as in beautiful hair and long dresses and waves away anything conversation about abuse within marriage?

    • Lorelei says:

      Isn’t Liz Jones the one who wrote that embarrassingly overwrought piece right after Kate’s cancer announcement, saying she felt like it was one of her own family members who’d been “struck down” (or something equally ridiculous)?

  25. Eurydice says:

    “Unbuttoned and unburdened by royal duty.” If this wasn’t Tominey I’d say she was being sarcastic. No buttons, no burden of royal duty, Meghan’s designer, Meghan’s shoes, kissy-smoochy – Kate, as much as she’s capable, has become Meghan.

  26. Anonymous says:

    The PDA is stiff and ick. These are 2 people deeply uncomfortable with each other.

    The other thing I noticed is the focus on her ring. Its not big blue. It looks like a diamond ring? One moment of focus is when she is diving and puts the vehicle in gear and the other is at the end when her hand is grazing the wheat field.

  27. That is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. A movie short to announce you’re done with chemo? How weird.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      The Windsors are a weird bunch – as are the Middletons.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Michael Middleton should be ashamed of himself for appearing in the video. It’s always seemed like he’s the least of the worst of them – his wife and all three children are, let’s face it, scroungers – now here he is selling his soul.

    • L84Tea says:

      But it’s 100% Will & Kate’s MO. Pre-recorded, pre-edited, pre-touched up, stage lit, directed, filmed in privacy away from the poors, etc. Nothing authentic and nothing in real time, where it can be redone and fixed and poked and prodded till it’s “just right”.

  28. Kittenmom says:

    Willy looks like he’s smelling a fart in some of those “loved up” pictures

  29. Lau says:

    I wasn’t fond of PDAs (rolled my eyes at people on public transportation for sure) before but this video just makes me want to not see any PDA ever. It’s just too awkward.

  30. Constance says:

    I’ve never known anyone who had just finished chemo to have such thick healthy-looking hair…how did she do it? She should tells others her secret

    • Erin says:

      I was wondering that same thing. Her hair hasn’t changed one bit this year in anything we’ve seen her in. Am I missing something? For her to be doing chemo for that many months and still look the same?

  31. Proud Mary says:

    I think they’re all telling on themselves. Bullyboy has been forced to give up the divorce. So pathetic. The same media bullies and racists who scream at the Successes for showing public affection are now convince that this little morsel from the fakers is going to save the monarchy. If that’s the case, then the monarchy is going to die soon. Thank the lord all mighty for that!

  32. lulu08 says:

    The best thing on twitter right now is this video with the succession theme playing on top.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Omg others had mentioned it upthread but I wouldn’t have googled to find it. Thank you so much for the link, the Succession cut is perfect!

  33. matthew says:

    looks like stills from a new A24 horror movie.

    weird stuff

  34. QuiteContrary says:

    I … I … I … William and I …. I …. William and I ….

    And not a word of thanks to the medical staff who treated her. Only a vague declaration of support for others going through cancer, but no specifics about how they might be helped.

    Just, look at me, running through a golden meadow and kissing my wayward husband, pretending we’re madly in love. We’re saving the monarchy!

  35. Jp says:

    The shot of her head bent over on his neck is so awkward. Maybe I just don’t have enough flexibility in my neck, because to me that looks ridiculously uncomfortable and unnatural.

  36. Convict says:

    This woman, Tominey (I refuse to call her a journalist) is delusional.

  37. Mslove says:

    Peg looks like a knobbly kneed dufus in this video, but sure, it will save the monarchy!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Well, I don’t know where all of the doubt about the veracity of this video is coming from! Why, I can’t tell you how many times me and my husband have found ourselves dressed nicely and sitting on a hummock in the woods, holding hands and laughing out into the void with no eye contact, while our kids run about in the trees in oddly cut scenes. All’s well!

    Seriously, put this to different music, and it’s an interesting horror short film.

    • ElizabethToo says:

      Have we already forgotten about the screaming matches and pillow throwing?

      This has K’s sugar coated fingerprints all over it. It’s a valentine to her kids, her public and herself. Her fantasy about how she should be remembered if the worst happens. She may have been humbled by a life altering medical dilemma, but she’s still an exhibitionist at heart.

  39. sunnyside up says:

    I was amused at the point in the video where Kate has her head on William’s shoulder and he looks up at the sky, he looks bored silly.

  40. Paisley says:

    That scene where William was walking through the woods bouncing a tennis ball off a racket was so bizarre. LOL
    The video as a whole had the morbid feel of pre-planning for death, like it’ll be reviewed by her children long after Kate’s gone.
    Either KP is aware Kate doesn’t have an excellent chance of survival or something else is being hidden from us.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Paisley, LOL. I have serious hikers/tennis players in my family. (I’m not one of them).lol

      Not EVER, have they’ve taken a tennis racket/ball into the woods while hiking. Cringe. Weird. Like Republicans.

  41. AC says:

    Whether they are separated or not, I think a lot of people esp outside the UK are literally done with these 2- meaning no one is going to care what these 2 are up to. . Even their donations are way down from Americans.

  42. JJ says:

    Why was this video made? It looks like it’s an ad for some drug that will have you traipsing through fields smiling amongst trees etc. Congratulations to Kate for being cancer free but this video looked like a “yes I’m alive but this kind of pr video is the only way you will see me for the most part because I have no intention of working regularly again” (not that she did work much at all before). She didn’t work long and hard hours, have a health scare, then take stock and realize she should spend time with her family. She has consistently worked the least of any senior working royal, three times less than the 70+-year-olds, and has not done anything of tangible help to her patronages in the decade-plus that she has been a senior royal. But ok Kate. Make ads for nothing, say f everyone and do even less, and throw Charles under the bus for trying to help you and your palace out after your multiple f-ups handling this situation.

  43. Kathalea says:

    No beard.

    The end 🙂

  44. Tashiro says:

    I don’t understand why they thought something this extravagant was even necessary 😳

  45. one of the marys says:

    This display of devotedness was built on greed and blackmail. They are only kicking the can down the road

  46. The real queen says:

    Wouldn’t hold my breath on that

  47. aquarius64 says:

    I don’t see where Kate had won. It’s now set up omfor the marriage to end as William as a widower. Given how the BRF has handled medical issues of members in the past (George 5) neither Kate or the Middletons should br comfortable.

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